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Menu items with small icons. #include "IconMenuItem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "IconCache.h" static void DimmedIconBlitter(BView* view, BPoint where, BBitmap* bitmap, void*) { if (bitmap->ColorSpace() == B_RGBA32) { rgb_color oldHighColor = view->HighColor(); view->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0, 128); view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); view->SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); view->DrawBitmap(bitmap, where); view->SetHighColor(oldHighColor); } else { view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_BLEND); view->DrawBitmap(bitmap, where); } view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); } // #pragma mark - ModelMenuItem ModelMenuItem::ModelMenuItem(const Model* model, const char* title, BMessage* message, char shortcut, uint32 modifiers, bool drawText, bool extraPad) : BMenuItem(title, message, shortcut, modifiers), fModel(*model), fHeightDelta(0), fDrawText(drawText), fExtraPad(extraPad) { ThrowOnInitCheckError(&fModel); // The 'fExtraPad' field is used to when this menu item is added to // a menubar instead of a menu. Menus and MenuBars space out items // differently (more space around items in a menu). This class wants // to be able to space item the same, no matter where they are. The // fExtraPad field allows for that. if (model->IsRoot()) SetLabel(model->Name()); // ModelMenuItem is used in synchronously invoked menus, make sure // we invoke with a timeout SetTimeout(kSynchMenuInvokeTimeout); } ModelMenuItem::ModelMenuItem(const Model* model, BMenu* menu, bool drawText, bool extraPad) : BMenuItem(menu), fModel(*model), fHeightDelta(0), fDrawText(drawText), fExtraPad(extraPad) { ThrowOnInitCheckError(&fModel); // ModelMenuItem is used in synchronously invoked menus, make sure // we invoke with a timeout SetTimeout(kSynchMenuInvokeTimeout); } ModelMenuItem::~ModelMenuItem() { } status_t ModelMenuItem::SetEntry(const BEntry* entry) { return fModel.SetTo(entry); } void ModelMenuItem::DrawContent() { if (fDrawText) { BPoint drawPoint(ContentLocation()); drawPoint.x += ListIconSize() + (ListIconSize() / 4) + (fExtraPad ? 6 : 0); if (fHeightDelta > 0) drawPoint.y += ceil(fHeightDelta / 2); Menu()->MovePenTo(drawPoint); _inherited::DrawContent(); } DrawIcon(); } void ModelMenuItem::Highlight(bool hilited) { _inherited::Highlight(hilited); DrawIcon(); } void ModelMenuItem::DrawIcon() { Menu()->PushState(); BPoint where(ContentLocation()); // center icon with text. float deltaHeight = fHeightDelta < 0 ? -fHeightDelta : 0; where.y += ceil(deltaHeight / 2); if (fExtraPad) where.x += 6; Menu()->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); Menu()->SetLowColor(B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT); // draw small icon, synchronously if (IsEnabled()) { IconCache::sIconCache->Draw(fModel.ResolveIfLink(), Menu(), where, kNormalIcon, BSize(ListIconSize() - 1, ListIconSize() - 1)); } else { // dimmed, for now use a special blitter; icon cache should // know how to blit one eventually IconCache::sIconCache->SyncDraw(fModel.ResolveIfLink(), Menu(), where, kNormalIcon, BSize(ListIconSize() - 1, ListIconSize() - 1), DimmedIconBlitter); } Menu()->PopState(); } void ModelMenuItem::GetContentSize(float* width, float* height) { _inherited::GetContentSize(width, height); const float iconSize = ListIconSize(); fHeightDelta = iconSize - *height; if (*height < iconSize) *height = iconSize; *width += iconSize / 4 + iconSize + (fExtraPad ? 18 : 0); } status_t ModelMenuItem::Invoke(BMessage* message) { if (Menu() == NULL) return B_ERROR; if (!IsEnabled()) return B_ERROR; if (message == NULL) message = Message(); if (message == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; BMessage clone(*message); clone.AddInt32("index", Menu()->IndexOf(this)); clone.AddInt64("when", system_time()); clone.AddPointer("source", this); if ((modifiers() & B_OPTION_KEY) == 0) { // if option not held, remove refs to close to prevent closing // parent window clone.RemoveData("nodeRefsToClose"); } return BInvoker::Invoke(&clone); } // #pragma mark - SpecialModelMenuItem /*! A ModelMenuItem subclass that draws its label in italics. It's used for example in the "Copy To" menu to indicate some special folders like the parent folder. */ SpecialModelMenuItem::SpecialModelMenuItem(const Model* model, BMenu* menu) : ModelMenuItem(model, menu) { } void SpecialModelMenuItem::DrawContent() { Menu()->PushState(); BFont font; Menu()->GetFont(&font); font.SetFace(B_ITALIC_FACE); Menu()->SetFont(&font); _inherited::DrawContent(); Menu()->PopState(); } // #pragma mark - IconMenuItem /*! A menu item that draws an icon alongside the label. It's currently used in the mount and new file template menus. */ IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(const char* label, BMessage* message, BBitmap* icon, icon_size which) : PositionPassingMenuItem(label, message), fDeviceIcon(NULL), fHeightDelta(0), fWhich(which) { SetIcon(icon); // IconMenuItem is used in synchronously invoked menus, make sure // we invoke with a timeout SetTimeout(kSynchMenuInvokeTimeout); } IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(const char* label, BMessage* message, const BNodeInfo* nodeInfo, icon_size which) : PositionPassingMenuItem(label, message), fDeviceIcon(NULL), fHeightDelta(0), fWhich(which) { if (nodeInfo != NULL) { fDeviceIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(BPoint(0, 0), be_control_look->ComposeIconSize(which)), kDefaultIconDepth); if (nodeInfo->GetTrackerIcon(fDeviceIcon, (icon_size)-1) != B_OK) { delete fDeviceIcon; fDeviceIcon = NULL; } } // IconMenuItem is used in synchronously invoked menus, make sure // we invoke with a timeout SetTimeout(kSynchMenuInvokeTimeout); } IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(const char* label, BMessage* message, const char* iconType, icon_size which) : PositionPassingMenuItem(label, message), fDeviceIcon(NULL), fHeightDelta(0), fWhich(which) { BMimeType mime(iconType); fDeviceIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(BPoint(0, 0), be_control_look->ComposeIconSize(which)), kDefaultIconDepth); if (mime.GetIcon(fDeviceIcon, which) != B_OK) { BMimeType super; mime.GetSupertype(&super); if (super.GetIcon(fDeviceIcon, which) != B_OK) { delete fDeviceIcon; fDeviceIcon = NULL; } } // IconMenuItem is used in synchronously invoked menus, make sure // we invoke with a timeout SetTimeout(kSynchMenuInvokeTimeout); } IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(BMenu* submenu, BMessage* message, const char* iconType, icon_size which) : PositionPassingMenuItem(submenu, message), fDeviceIcon(NULL), fHeightDelta(0), fWhich(which) { BMimeType mime(iconType); fDeviceIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(BPoint(0, 0), be_control_look->ComposeIconSize(which)), kDefaultIconDepth); if (mime.GetIcon(fDeviceIcon, which) != B_OK) { BMimeType super; mime.GetSupertype(&super); if (super.GetIcon(fDeviceIcon, which) != B_OK) { delete fDeviceIcon; fDeviceIcon = NULL; } } // IconMenuItem is used in synchronously invoked menus, make sure // we invoke with a timeout SetTimeout(kSynchMenuInvokeTimeout); } IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(BMessage* data) : PositionPassingMenuItem(data), fDeviceIcon(NULL), fHeightDelta(0), fWhich(B_MINI_ICON) { if (data != NULL) { fWhich = (icon_size)data->GetInt32("_which", B_MINI_ICON); fDeviceIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(BPoint(0, 0), be_control_look->ComposeIconSize(fWhich)), kDefaultIconDepth); if (data->HasData("_deviceIconBits", B_RAW_TYPE)) { ssize_t numBytes; const void* bits; if (data->FindData("_deviceIconBits", B_RAW_TYPE, &bits, &numBytes) == B_OK) { fDeviceIcon->SetBits(bits, numBytes, (int32)0, kDefaultIconDepth); } } } // IconMenuItem is used in synchronously invoked menus, make sure // we invoke with a timeout SetTimeout(kSynchMenuInvokeTimeout); } BArchivable* IconMenuItem::Instantiate(BMessage* data) { //if (validate_instantiation(data, "IconMenuItem")) return new IconMenuItem(data); return NULL; } status_t IconMenuItem::Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep) const { status_t result = PositionPassingMenuItem::Archive(data, deep); if (result == B_OK) result = data->AddInt32("_which", (int32)fWhich); if (result == B_OK && fDeviceIcon != NULL) { result = data->AddData("_deviceIconBits", B_RAW_TYPE, fDeviceIcon->Bits(), fDeviceIcon->BitsLength()); } return result; } IconMenuItem::~IconMenuItem() { delete fDeviceIcon; } void IconMenuItem::GetContentSize(float* width, float* height) { _inherited::GetContentSize(width, height); int32 iconHeight = fWhich; if (fDeviceIcon != NULL) iconHeight = fDeviceIcon->Bounds().IntegerHeight() + 1; fHeightDelta = iconHeight - *height; if (*height < iconHeight) *height = iconHeight; if (fDeviceIcon != NULL) *width += fDeviceIcon->Bounds().Width() + be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing(); } void IconMenuItem::DrawContent() { BPoint drawPoint(ContentLocation()); if (fDeviceIcon != NULL) drawPoint.x += fDeviceIcon->Bounds().Width() + be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing(); if (fHeightDelta > 0) drawPoint.y += ceilf(fHeightDelta / 2); Menu()->MovePenTo(drawPoint); _inherited::DrawContent(); Menu()->PushState(); BPoint where(ContentLocation()); float deltaHeight = fHeightDelta < 0 ? -fHeightDelta : 0; where.y += ceilf(deltaHeight / 2); if (fDeviceIcon != NULL) { if (IsEnabled()) Menu()->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); else { Menu()->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); Menu()->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0, 64); Menu()->SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); } Menu()->DrawBitmapAsync(fDeviceIcon, where); } Menu()->PopState(); } void IconMenuItem::SetMarked(bool mark) { _inherited::SetMarked(mark); if (!mark) return; // we are marking the item BMenu* menu = Menu(); if (menu == NULL) return; // we have a parent menu BMenu* _menu = menu; while ((_menu = _menu->Supermenu()) != NULL) menu = _menu; // went up the hierarchy to found the topmost menu if (menu == NULL || menu->Parent() == NULL) return; // our topmost menu has a parent if (dynamic_cast(menu->Parent()) == NULL) return; // our topmost menu's parent is a BMenuField BMenuItem* topLevelItem = menu->ItemAt((int32)0); if (topLevelItem == NULL) return; // our topmost menu has a menu item IconMenuItem* topLevelMenuItem = dynamic_cast(topLevelItem); if (topLevelMenuItem == NULL) return; // our topmost menu's item is an IconMenuItem // update the icon topLevelMenuItem->SetIcon(fDeviceIcon); menu->Invalidate(); } void IconMenuItem::SetIcon(BBitmap* icon) { if (icon != NULL) { if (fDeviceIcon != NULL) delete fDeviceIcon; fDeviceIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(BPoint(0, 0), be_control_look->ComposeIconSize(fWhich)), icon->ColorSpace()); fDeviceIcon->ImportBits(icon); } else { delete fDeviceIcon; fDeviceIcon = NULL; } }