/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef _FIND_PANEL_H #define _FIND_PANEL_H #include #include #include #include #include "DialogPane.h" #include "MimeTypeList.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "NodeWalker.h" class BFilePanel; class BQuery; class BBox; class BTextControl; class BCheckBox; class BMenuField; class BFile; class BPopUpMenu; class BGridLayout; namespace BPrivate { class FindPanel; class Model; class DraggableIcon; class TAttrView; const uint32 kVolumeItem = 'Fvol'; const uint32 kAttributeItemMain = 'Fatr'; const uint32 kByNameItem = 'Fbyn'; const uint32 kByAttributeItem = 'Fbya'; const uint32 kByFormulaItem = 'Fbyq'; const uint32 kAddItem = 'Fadd'; const uint32 kRemoveItem = 'Frem'; #ifdef _IMPEXP_TRACKER _IMPEXP_TRACKER #endif BMenu* TrackerBuildRecentFindItemsMenu(const char* title); struct MoreOptionsStruct { // Some options used to be in a collapsable part of the window, but // this was removed. Now the options are always visible. bool showMoreOptions; bool searchTrash; // reserve a bunch of fields so that we can add stuff later but not // make old queries incompatible. Reserved fields are set to 0 when // saved int32 reserved1; bool temporary; bool reserved9; bool reserved10; bool reserved11; int32 reserved3; int32 reserved4; int32 reserved5; int32 reserved6; int32 reserved7; int32 reserved8; MoreOptionsStruct() : showMoreOptions(true), searchTrash(false), reserved1(0), temporary(true), reserved9(false), reserved10(false), reserved11(false), reserved3(0), reserved4(0), reserved5(0), reserved6(0), reserved7(0), reserved8(0) {} static void EndianSwap(void* castToThis); static void SetQueryTemporary(BNode*, bool on); static bool QueryTemporary(const BNode*); }; class FindWindow : public BWindow { public: FindWindow(const entry_ref* ref = NULL, bool editIfTemplateOnly = false); virtual ~FindWindow(); FindPanel* BackgroundView() const { return fBackground; } BNode* QueryNode() const { return fFile; } // reads in the query name from either a saved name in a template // or form a saved query name const char* QueryName() const; static bool IsQueryTemplate(BNode* file); protected: virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); private: static BFile* TryOpening(const entry_ref* ref); // when opening an empty panel, use the default query to set the panel up static void GetDefaultQuery(BEntry& entry); void SaveQueryAttributes(BNode* file, bool templateQuery); // retrieve the results void Find(); // save the contents of the find window into the query file void Save(); void SwitchToTemplate(const entry_ref*); bool FindSaveCommon(bool find); status_t SaveQueryAsAttributes(BNode*, BEntry*, bool queryTemplate, const BMessage* oldAttributes = 0, const BPoint* oldLocation = 0); void GetDefaultName(BString&); // dynamic date is a date such as 'today' void GetPredicateString(BString&, bool& dynamicDate); private: BFile* fFile; entry_ref fRef; bool fFromTemplate; bool fEditTemplateOnly; FindPanel* fBackground; mutable BString fQueryNameFromTemplate; BFilePanel* fSaveAsTemplatePanel; typedef BWindow _inherited; }; class FindPanel : public BView { public: FindPanel(BFile*, FindWindow* parent, bool fromTemplate, bool editTemplateOnly); virtual ~FindPanel(); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage*); void BuildAttrQuery(BQuery*, bool& dynamicDate) const; BPopUpMenu* MimeTypeMenu() const { return fMimeTypeMenu; } BMenuItem* CurrentMimeType(const char** type = NULL) const; status_t SetCurrentMimeType(BMenuItem* item); status_t SetCurrentMimeType(const char* label); BPopUpMenu* VolMenu() const { return fVolMenu; } uint32 Mode() const { return fMode; } static uint32 InitialMode(const BNode* entry); void SaveWindowState(BNode*, bool editTemplate); void SwitchToTemplate(const BNode*); // build up a query from by-attribute items void GetByAttrPredicate(BQuery*, bool& dynamicDate) const; // build up a simple query from the name we are searching for void GetByNamePredicate(BQuery*) const; void GetDefaultName(BString&) const; void GetDefaultAttrName(BString&, int32) const; // name filled out in the query name text field const char* UserSpecifiedName() const; // populate the recent query menu with query templates and recent queries static void AddRecentQueries(BMenu*, bool addSaveAsItem, const BMessenger* target, uint32 what); private: // populates the type menu void AddMimeTypesToMenu(); static bool AddOneMimeTypeToMenu(const ShortMimeInfo*, void* castToMenu); // populates the volume menu void AddVolumes(BMenu*); void ShowVolumeMenuLabel(); // add one more attribute item to the attr view void AddAttrRow(); // remove the last attribute item void RemoveAttrRow(); void AddFirstAttr(); // panel building/restoring calls void RestoreWindowState(const BNode*); void RestoreMimeTypeMenuSelection(const BNode*); void AddByAttributeItems(const BNode*); void RemoveByAttributeItems(); void RemoveAttrViewItems(bool removeGrid = true); // MimeTypeWindow is only shown in kByNameItem and kByAttributeItem modes void ShowOrHideMimeTypeMenu(); void AddAttributeControls(int32); // fMode gets set by this and the call relies on it being up-to-date void ShowOrHideMoreOptions(bool show); static int32 InitialAttrCount(const BNode*); void FillCurrentQueryName(BTextControl*, FindWindow*); void AddByNameOrFormulaItems(); void SetUpAddRemoveButtons(); // go from search by name to search by attribute, etc. void SwitchMode(uint32); void PushMimeType(BQuery* query) const; void SaveAsQueryOrTemplate(const entry_ref*, const char*, bool queryTemplate); BView* FindAttrView(const char*, int row) const; void AddAttributes(BMenu* menu, const BMimeType& type); void AddMimeTypeAttrs(BMenu* menu); void RestoreAttrState(const BMessage&, int32); void SaveAttrState(BMessage*, int32); void AddLogicMenu(int32, bool selectAnd = true); void RemoveLogicMenu(int32); void ResizeMenuField(BMenuField*); private: uint32 fMode; BGridLayout* fAttrGrid; BPopUpMenu* fMimeTypeMenu; BMenuField* fMimeTypeField; BPopUpMenu* fVolMenu; BPopUpMenu* fSearchModeMenu; BPopUpMenu* fRecentQueries; BBox* fMoreOptions; BTextControl* fQueryName; BString fInitialQueryName; BCheckBox* fTemporaryCheck; BCheckBox* fSearchTrashCheck; DraggableIcon* fDraggableIcon; typedef BView _inherited; friend class RecentQueriesPopUp; }; // transient queries get deleted if they didn't get used in a while; // this is the task that takes care of it class DeleteTransientQueriesTask { public: virtual ~DeleteTransientQueriesTask(); static void StartUpTransientQueryCleaner(); // returns true when done bool DoSomeWork(); protected: DeleteTransientQueriesTask(); void Initialize(); bool GetSome(); bool ProcessOneRef(Model*); protected: enum State { kInitial, kAllocatedWalker, kTraversing, kError }; protected: State state; private: BTrackerPrivate::TNodeWalker* fWalker; }; class RecentFindItemsMenu : public BMenu { public: RecentFindItemsMenu(const char* title, const BMessenger* target, uint32 what); protected: virtual void AttachedToWindow(); private: BMessenger fTarget; uint32 fWhat; }; // query/query template drag&drop helper class DraggableQueryIcon : public DraggableIcon { public: DraggableQueryIcon(BRect frame, const char* name, const BMessage* message, BMessenger target, uint32 resizeFlags = B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, uint32 flags = B_WILL_DRAW); protected: virtual bool DragStarted(BMessage*); }; } // namespace BPrivate using namespace BPrivate; #endif // _FIND_PANEL_H