/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include "FilePanelPriv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Attributes.h" #include "AttributeStream.h" #include "AutoLock.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "DesktopPoseView.h" #include "DirMenu.h" #include "FavoritesMenu.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "FSClipboard.h" #include "IconMenuItem.h" #include "MimeTypes.h" #include "NavMenu.h" #include "PoseView.h" #include "Tracker.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "tracker_private.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "FilePanelPriv" const char* kDefaultFilePanelTemplate = "FilePanelSettings"; static uint32 GetLinkFlavor(const Model* model, bool resolve = true) { if (model && model->IsSymLink()) { if (!resolve) return B_SYMLINK_NODE; model = model->LinkTo(); } if (!model) return 0; if (model->IsDirectory()) return B_DIRECTORY_NODE; return B_FILE_NODE; } static filter_result key_down_filter(BMessage* message, BHandler** handler, BMessageFilter* filter) { ASSERT(filter != NULL); if (filter == NULL) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; TFilePanel* panel = dynamic_cast(filter->Looper()); ASSERT(panel != NULL); if (panel == NULL) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; BPoseView* view = panel->PoseView(); if (panel->TrackingMenu()) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; uchar key; if (message->FindInt8("byte", (int8*)&key) != B_OK) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; int32 modifier = 0; message->FindInt32("modifiers", &modifier); if (!modifier && key == B_ESCAPE) { if (view->ActivePose()) view->CommitActivePose(false); else if (view->IsFiltering()) filter->Looper()->PostMessage(B_CANCEL, *handler); else filter->Looper()->PostMessage(kCancelButton); return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } if (key == B_RETURN && view->ActivePose()) { view->CommitActivePose(); return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; } // #pragma mark - TFilePanel TFilePanel::TFilePanel(file_panel_mode mode, BMessenger* target, const BEntry* startDir, uint32 nodeFlavors, bool multipleSelection, BMessage* message, BRefFilter* filter, uint32 containerWindowFlags, window_look look, window_feel feel, bool hideWhenDone) : BContainerWindow(0, containerWindowFlags, look, feel, 0, B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE), fDirMenu(NULL), fDirMenuField(NULL), fTextControl(NULL), fClientObject(NULL), fSelectionIterator(0), fMessage(NULL), fHideWhenDone(hideWhenDone), fIsTrackingMenu(false) { InitIconPreloader(); fIsSavePanel = (mode == B_SAVE_PANEL); BRect windRect(85, 50, 568, 296); MoveTo(windRect.LeftTop()); ResizeTo(windRect.Width(), windRect.Height()); fNodeFlavors = (nodeFlavors == 0) ? B_FILE_NODE : nodeFlavors; if (target) fTarget = *target; else fTarget = BMessenger(be_app); if (message) SetMessage(message); else if (fIsSavePanel) fMessage = new BMessage(B_SAVE_REQUESTED); else fMessage = new BMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED); gLocalizedNamePreferred = BLocaleRoster::Default()->IsFilesystemTranslationPreferred(); // check for legal starting directory Model* model = new Model(); bool useRoot = true; if (startDir) { if (model->SetTo(startDir) == B_OK && model->IsDirectory()) useRoot = false; else { delete model; model = new Model(); } } if (useRoot) { BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK) { BEntry entry(path.Path(), true); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK && model->SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) useRoot = false; } } if (useRoot) { BVolume volume; BDirectory root; BVolumeRoster volumeRoster; volumeRoster.GetBootVolume(&volume); volume.GetRootDirectory(&root); BEntry entry; root.GetEntry(&entry); model->SetTo(&entry); } fTaskLoop = new PiggybackTaskLoop; AutoLock lock(this); CreatePoseView(model); fPoseView->SetRefFilter(filter); if (!fIsSavePanel) fPoseView->SetMultipleSelection(multipleSelection); fPoseView->SetFlags(fPoseView->Flags() | B_NAVIGABLE); fPoseView->SetPoseEditing(false); AddCommonFilter(new BMessageFilter(B_KEY_DOWN, key_down_filter)); AddCommonFilter(new BMessageFilter(B_SIMPLE_DATA, TFilePanel::MessageDropFilter)); AddCommonFilter(new BMessageFilter(B_NODE_MONITOR, TFilePanel::FSFilter)); // inter-application observing BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); BHandler::StartWatching(tracker, kDesktopFilePanelRootChanged); Init(); } TFilePanel::~TFilePanel() { BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); BHandler::StopWatching(tracker, kDesktopFilePanelRootChanged); delete fMessage; } filter_result TFilePanel::MessageDropFilter(BMessage* message, BHandler**, BMessageFilter* filter) { if (message == NULL || !message->WasDropped()) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; ASSERT(filter != NULL); if (filter == NULL) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; TFilePanel* panel = dynamic_cast(filter->Looper()); ASSERT(panel != NULL); if (panel == NULL) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; uint32 type; int32 count; if (message->GetInfo("refs", &type, &count) != B_OK) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; if (count != 1) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) != B_OK) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; BEntry entry(&ref); if (entry.InitCheck() != B_OK) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; // if the entry is a symlink // resolve it and see if it is a directory // pass it on if it is if (entry.IsSymLink()) { entry_ref resolvedRef; entry.GetRef(&resolvedRef); BEntry resolvedEntry(&resolvedRef, true); if (resolvedEntry.IsDirectory()) { // both entry and ref need to be the correct locations // for the last setto resolvedEntry.GetRef(&ref); entry.SetTo(&ref); } } // if not a directory, set to the parent, and select the child if (!entry.IsDirectory()) { node_ref child; if (entry.GetNodeRef(&child) != B_OK) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; BPath path(&entry); if (entry.GetParent(&entry) != B_OK) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; entry.GetRef(&ref); panel->fTaskLoop->RunLater(NewMemberFunctionObjectWithResult (&TFilePanel::SelectChildInParent, panel, const_cast(&ref), const_cast(&child)), ref == *panel->TargetModel()->EntryRef() ? 0 : 100000, 200000, 5000000); // if the target directory is already current, we won't // delay the initial selection try // also set the save name to the dragged in entry if (panel->IsSavePanel()) panel->SetSaveText(path.Leaf()); } panel->SetTo(&ref); return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } filter_result TFilePanel::FSFilter(BMessage* message, BHandler**, BMessageFilter* filter) { if (message == NULL) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; ASSERT(filter != NULL); if (filter == NULL) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; TFilePanel* panel = dynamic_cast(filter->Looper()); ASSERT(panel != NULL); if (panel == NULL) return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; switch (message->FindInt32("opcode")) { case B_ENTRY_MOVED: { node_ref itemNode; message->FindInt64("node", (int64*)&itemNode.node); node_ref dirNode; message->FindInt32("device", &dirNode.device); itemNode.device = dirNode.device; message->FindInt64("to directory", (int64*)&dirNode.node); const char* name; if (message->FindString("name", &name) != B_OK) break; // if current directory moved, update entry ref and menu // but not wind title if (*(panel->TargetModel()->NodeRef()) == itemNode) { panel->TargetModel()->UpdateEntryRef(&dirNode, name); panel->SetTo(panel->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } break; } case B_ENTRY_REMOVED: { node_ref itemNode; message->FindInt32("device", &itemNode.device); message->FindInt64("node", (int64*)&itemNode.node); // if folder we're watching is deleted, switch to root // or Desktop if (*(panel->TargetModel()->NodeRef()) == itemNode) { BVolumeRoster volumeRoster; BVolume volume; volumeRoster.GetBootVolume(&volume); BDirectory root; volume.GetRootDirectory(&root); BEntry entry; entry_ref ref; root.GetEntry(&entry); entry.GetRef(&ref); panel->SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded(ref); panel->SetTo(&ref); return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } break; } } return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; } void TFilePanel::DispatchMessage(BMessage* message, BHandler* handler) { _inherited::DispatchMessage(message, handler); if (message->what == B_KEY_DOWN || message->what == B_MOUSE_DOWN) AdjustButton(); } BFilePanelPoseView* TFilePanel::PoseView() const { ASSERT(dynamic_cast(fPoseView) != NULL); return static_cast(fPoseView); } bool TFilePanel::QuitRequested() { // If we have a client object then this window will simply hide // itself, to be closed later when the client object itself is // destroyed. If we have no client then we must have been started // from the "easy" functions which simply instantiate a TFilePanel // and expect it to go away by itself if (fClientObject != NULL) { Hide(); if (fClientObject != NULL) fClientObject->WasHidden(); BMessage message(*fMessage); message.what = B_CANCEL; message.AddInt32("old_what", (int32)fMessage->what); message.AddPointer("source", fClientObject); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); return false; } return _inherited::QuitRequested(); } BRefFilter* TFilePanel::Filter() const { return fPoseView->RefFilter(); } void TFilePanel::SetTarget(BMessenger target) { fTarget = target; } void TFilePanel::SetMessage(BMessage* message) { delete fMessage; fMessage = new BMessage(*message); } void TFilePanel::SetRefFilter(BRefFilter* filter) { ASSERT(filter != NULL); if (filter == NULL) return; fPoseView->SetRefFilter(filter); fPoseView->CommitActivePose(); fPoseView->Refresh(); if (fMenuBar == NULL) return; BMenuItem* favoritesItem = fMenuBar->FindItem(B_TRANSLATE("Favorites")); if (favoritesItem == NULL) return; FavoritesMenu* favoritesSubMenu = dynamic_cast(favoritesItem->Submenu()); if (favoritesSubMenu != NULL) favoritesSubMenu->SetRefFilter(filter); } void TFilePanel::SetTo(const entry_ref* ref) { if (ref == NULL) return; entry_ref setToRef(*ref); bool isDesktop = SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded(setToRef); BEntry entry(&setToRef); if (entry.InitCheck() != B_OK || !entry.IsDirectory()) return; SwitchDirMenuTo(&setToRef); PoseView()->SetIsDesktop(isDesktop); fPoseView->SwitchDir(&setToRef); AddShortcut('H', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kSwitchToHome)); // our shortcut got possibly removed because the home // menu item got removed - we shouldn't really have to do // this - this is a workaround for a kit bug. } void TFilePanel::Rewind() { fSelectionIterator = 0; } void TFilePanel::SetClientObject(BFilePanel* panel) { fClientObject = panel; } void TFilePanel::AdjustButton() { // adjust button state BButton* button = dynamic_cast(FindView("default button")); if (button == NULL) return; BTextControl* textControl = dynamic_cast(FindView("text view")); BObjectList* selectionList = fPoseView->SelectionList(); BString buttonText = fButtonText; bool enabled = false; if (fIsSavePanel && textControl != NULL) { enabled = textControl->Text()[0] != '\0'; if (fPoseView->IsFocus()) { fPoseView->ShowSelection(true); if (selectionList->CountItems() == 1) { Model* model = selectionList->FirstItem()->TargetModel(); if (model->ResolveIfLink()->IsDirectory()) { enabled = true; buttonText = B_TRANSLATE("Open"); } else { // insert the name of the selected model into // the text field textControl->SetText(model->Name()); textControl->MakeFocus(true); } } } else fPoseView->ShowSelection(false); } else { int32 count = selectionList->CountItems(); if (count) { enabled = true; // go through selection list looking at content for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { Model* model = selectionList->ItemAt(index)->TargetModel(); uint32 modelFlavor = GetLinkFlavor(model, false); uint32 linkFlavor = GetLinkFlavor(model, true); // if only one item is selected and we're not in dir // selection mode then we don't disable button ever if ((modelFlavor == B_DIRECTORY_NODE || linkFlavor == B_DIRECTORY_NODE) && count == 1) break; if ((fNodeFlavors & modelFlavor) == 0 && (fNodeFlavors & linkFlavor) == 0) { enabled = false; break; } } } } button->SetLabel(buttonText.String()); button->SetEnabled(enabled); } void TFilePanel::SelectionChanged() { AdjustButton(); if (fClientObject) fClientObject->SelectionChanged(); } status_t TFilePanel::GetNextEntryRef(entry_ref* ref) { if (!ref) return B_ERROR; BPose* pose = fPoseView->SelectionList()->ItemAt(fSelectionIterator++); if (!pose) return B_ERROR; *ref = *pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(); return B_OK; } BPoseView* TFilePanel::NewPoseView(Model* model, BRect rect, uint32) { return new BFilePanelPoseView(model, rect); } void TFilePanel::Init(const BMessage*) { BRect windRect(Bounds()); AddChild(fBackView = new BackgroundView(windRect)); // add poseview menu bar fMenuBar = new BMenuBar(BRect(0, 0, windRect.Width(), 1), "MenuBar"); fMenuBar->SetBorder(B_BORDER_FRAME); fBackView->AddChild(fMenuBar); AddMenus(); AddContextMenus(); FavoritesMenu* favorites = new FavoritesMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Favorites"), new BMessage(kSwitchDirectory), new BMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED), BMessenger(this), IsSavePanel(), fPoseView->RefFilter()); favorites->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Add current folder"), new BMessage(kAddCurrentDir))); favorites->AddItem(new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Edit favorites" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kEditFavorites))); fMenuBar->AddItem(favorites); // configure menus BMenuItem* item = fMenuBar->FindItem(B_TRANSLATE("Window")); if (item) { fMenuBar->RemoveItem(item); delete item; } item = fMenuBar->FindItem(B_TRANSLATE("File")); if (item) { BMenu* menu = item->Submenu(); if (menu) { item = menu->FindItem(kOpenSelection); if (item && menu->RemoveItem(item)) delete item; item = menu->FindItem(kDuplicateSelection); if (item && menu->RemoveItem(item)) delete item; // remove add-ons menu, identifier menu, separator item = menu->FindItem(B_TRANSLATE("Add-ons")); if (item) { int32 index = menu->IndexOf(item); delete menu->RemoveItem(index); delete menu->RemoveItem(--index); delete menu->RemoveItem(--index); } // remove separator item = menu->FindItem(B_CUT); if (item) { item = menu->ItemAt(menu->IndexOf(item)-1); if (item && menu->RemoveItem(item)) delete item; } } } // add directory menu and menufield fDirMenu = new BDirMenu(0, this, kSwitchDirectory, "refs"); font_height ht; be_plain_font->GetHeight(&ht); float f_height = ht.ascent + ht.descent + ht.leading; BRect rect; rect.top = fMenuBar->Bounds().Height() + 8; rect.left = windRect.left + 8; rect.right = rect.left + 300; rect.bottom = rect.top + (f_height > 22 ? f_height : 22); fDirMenuField = new BMenuField(rect, "DirMenuField", "", fDirMenu); fDirMenuField->MenuBar()->SetFont(be_plain_font); fDirMenuField->SetDivider(0); fDirMenuField->MenuBar()->SetMaxContentWidth(rect.Width() - 26.0f); // Make room for the icon fDirMenuField->MenuBar()->RemoveItem((int32)0); fDirMenu->SetMenuBar(fDirMenuField->MenuBar()); // the above is a weird call from BDirMenu // ToDo: clean up BEntry entry(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) fDirMenu->Populate(&entry, 0, true, true, false, true); else fDirMenu->Populate(0, 0, true, true, false, true); fBackView->AddChild(fDirMenuField); // add file name text view if (fIsSavePanel) { BRect rect(windRect); rect.top = rect.bottom - 35; rect.left = 8; rect.right = rect.left + 170; rect.bottom = rect.top + 13; fTextControl = new BTextControl(rect, "text view", B_TRANSLATE("save text"), "", NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); DisallowMetaKeys(fTextControl->TextView()); DisallowFilenameKeys(fTextControl->TextView()); fBackView->AddChild(fTextControl); fTextControl->SetDivider(0.0f); fTextControl->TextView()->SetMaxBytes(B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH - 1); fButtonText.SetTo(B_TRANSLATE("Save")); } else fButtonText.SetTo(B_TRANSLATE("Open")); rect = windRect; rect.OffsetTo(10, fDirMenuField->Frame().bottom + 10); rect.bottom = windRect.bottom - 60; rect.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH + 20; // re-parent the poseview to our backview // ToDo: // This is terrible, fix it up PoseView()->RemoveSelf(); if (fIsSavePanel) fBackView->AddChild(PoseView(), fTextControl); else fBackView->AddChild(PoseView()); PoseView()->MoveTo(rect.LeftTop()); PoseView()->ResizeTo(rect.Width(), rect.Height()); PoseView()->AddScrollBars(); PoseView()->SetDragEnabled(false); PoseView()->SetDropEnabled(false); PoseView()->SetSelectionHandler(this); PoseView()->SetSelectionChangedHook(true); PoseView()->DisableSaveLocation(); PoseView()->VScrollBar()->MoveBy(0, -1); PoseView()->VScrollBar()->ResizeBy(0, 1); AddShortcut('W', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kCancelButton)); AddShortcut('H', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kSwitchToHome)); AddShortcut('A', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(kShowSelectionWindow)); AddShortcut('A', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(B_SELECT_ALL), PoseView()); AddShortcut('S', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kInvertSelection), PoseView()); AddShortcut('Y', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kResizeToFit), PoseView()); AddShortcut(B_DOWN_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenDir)); AddShortcut(B_DOWN_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenDir)); AddShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenParentDir)); AddShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenParentDir)); // New code to make buttons font sensitive rect = windRect; rect.top = rect.bottom - 35; rect.bottom -= 10; rect.right -= 25; float default_width = be_plain_font->StringWidth(fButtonText.String()) + 20; rect.left = default_width > 75 ? rect.right - default_width : rect.right - 75; BButton* default_button = new BButton(rect, "default button", fButtonText.String(), new BMessage(kDefaultButton), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT + B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); fBackView->AddChild(default_button); rect.right = rect.left -= 10; float cancel_width = be_plain_font->StringWidth(B_TRANSLATE("Cancel")) + 20; rect.left = cancel_width > 75 ? rect.right - cancel_width : rect.right - 75; BButton* cancel_button = new BButton(rect, "cancel button", B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), new BMessage(kCancelButton), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT + B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); fBackView->AddChild(cancel_button); if (!fIsSavePanel) default_button->SetEnabled(false); default_button->MakeDefault(true); RestoreState(); PoseView()->ScrollTo(B_ORIGIN); PoseView()->UpdateScrollRange(); PoseView()->ScrollTo(B_ORIGIN); if (fTextControl) { fTextControl->MakeFocus(); fTextControl->TextView()->SelectAll(); } else PoseView()->MakeFocus(); app_info info; BString title; if (be_app->GetAppInfo(&info) == B_OK) { if (!gLocalizedNamePreferred || BLocaleRoster::Default()->GetLocalizedFileName( title, info.ref, false) != B_OK) title = info.ref.name; title << ": "; } title << fButtonText; // Open or Save SetTitle(title.String()); SetSizeLimits(370, 10000, 200, 10000); } void TFilePanel::RestoreState() { BNode defaultingNode; if (DefaultStateSourceNode(kDefaultFilePanelTemplate, &defaultingNode, false)) { AttributeStreamFileNode streamNodeSource(&defaultingNode); RestoreWindowState(&streamNodeSource); PoseView()->Init(&streamNodeSource); } else { RestoreWindowState(NULL); PoseView()->Init(NULL); } } void TFilePanel::SaveState(bool) { BNode defaultingNode; if (DefaultStateSourceNode(kDefaultFilePanelTemplate, &defaultingNode, true, false)) { AttributeStreamFileNode streamNodeDestination(&defaultingNode); SaveWindowState(&streamNodeDestination); PoseView()->SaveState(&streamNodeDestination); } } void TFilePanel::SaveState(BMessage &message) const { _inherited::SaveState(message); } void TFilePanel::RestoreWindowState(AttributeStreamNode* node) { SetSizeLimits(360, 10000, 200, 10000); if (!node) return; const char* rectAttributeName = kAttrWindowFrame; BRect frame(Frame()); if (node->Read(rectAttributeName, 0, B_RECT_TYPE, sizeof(BRect), &frame) == sizeof(BRect)) { MoveTo(frame.LeftTop()); ResizeTo(frame.Width(), frame.Height()); } } void TFilePanel::RestoreState(const BMessage &message) { _inherited::RestoreState(message); } void TFilePanel::RestoreWindowState(const BMessage &message) { _inherited::RestoreWindowState(message); } void TFilePanel::AddFileContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Get info"), new BMessage(kGetInfo), 'I')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Edit name"), new BMessage(kEditItem), 'E')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(TrackerSettings().DontMoveFilesToTrash() ? B_TRANSLATE("Delete") : B_TRANSLATE("Move to Trash"), new BMessage(kMoveToTrash), 'T')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Cut"), new BMessage(B_CUT), 'X')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Copy"), new BMessage(B_COPY), 'C')); //menu->AddItem(pasteItem = new BMenuItem("Paste", new BMessage(B_PASTE), // 'V')); menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); } void TFilePanel::AddVolumeContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Open"), new BMessage(kOpenSelection), 'O')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Get info"), new BMessage(kGetInfo), 'I')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Edit name"), new BMessage(kEditItem), 'E')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Cut"), new BMessage(B_CUT), 'X')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Copy"), new BMessage(B_COPY), 'C')); //menu->AddItem(pasteItem = new BMenuItem("Paste", new BMessage(B_PASTE), // 'V')); menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); } void TFilePanel::AddWindowContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("New folder"), new BMessage(kNewFolder), 'N'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Paste"), new BMessage(B_PASTE), 'V'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Select" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kShowSelectionWindow), 'A', B_SHIFT_KEY); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Select all"), new BMessage(B_SELECT_ALL), 'A'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Invert selection"), new BMessage(kInvertSelection), 'S'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Go to parent"), new BMessage(kOpenParentDir), B_UP_ARROW); item->SetTarget(this); menu->AddItem(item); } void TFilePanel::AddDropContextMenus(BMenu*) { } void TFilePanel::MenusBeginning() { int32 count = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); EnableNamedMenuItem(fMenuBar, kNewFolder, !TargetModel()->IsRoot()); EnableNamedMenuItem(fMenuBar, kMoveToTrash, !TargetModel()->IsRoot() && count); EnableNamedMenuItem(fMenuBar, kGetInfo, count != 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(fMenuBar, kEditItem, count == 1); SetCutItem(fMenuBar); SetCopyItem(fMenuBar); SetPasteItem(fMenuBar); fIsTrackingMenu = true; } void TFilePanel::MenusEnded() { fIsTrackingMenu = false; } void TFilePanel::ShowContextMenu(BPoint point, const entry_ref* ref, BView* view) { EnableNamedMenuItem(fWindowContextMenu, kNewFolder, !TargetModel()->IsRoot()); EnableNamedMenuItem(fWindowContextMenu, kOpenParentDir, !TargetModel()->IsRoot()); EnableNamedMenuItem(fWindowContextMenu, kMoveToTrash, !TargetModel()->IsRoot()); _inherited::ShowContextMenu(point, ref, view); } void TFilePanel::SetupNavigationMenu(const entry_ref*, BMenu*) { // do nothing here so nav menu doesn't get added } void TFilePanel::SetButtonLabel(file_panel_button selector, const char* text) { switch (selector) { case B_CANCEL_BUTTON: { BButton* button = dynamic_cast(FindView("cancel button")); if (button == NULL) break; float old_width = button->StringWidth(button->Label()); button->SetLabel(text); float delta = old_width - button->StringWidth(text); if (delta) { button->MoveBy(delta, 0); button->ResizeBy(-delta, 0); } } break; case B_DEFAULT_BUTTON: { fButtonText = text; float delta = 0; BButton* button = dynamic_cast(FindView("default button")); if (button != NULL) { float old_width = button->StringWidth(button->Label()); button->SetLabel(text); delta = old_width - button->StringWidth(text); if (delta) { button->MoveBy(delta, 0); button->ResizeBy(-delta, 0); } } // now must move cancel button button = dynamic_cast(FindView("cancel button")); if (button != NULL) button->MoveBy(delta, 0); } break; } } void TFilePanel::SetSaveText(const char* text) { if (text == NULL) return; BTextControl* textControl = dynamic_cast(FindView("text view")); if (textControl != NULL) { textControl->SetText(text); if (textControl->TextView() != NULL) textControl->TextView()->SelectAll(); } } void TFilePanel::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { entry_ref ref; switch (message->what) { case B_REFS_RECEIVED: // item was double clicked in file panel (PoseView) if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK) { BEntry entry(&ref, true); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { // Double-click on dir or link-to-dir ALWAYS opens the // dir. If more than one dir is selected, the first is // entered. if (entry.IsDirectory()) { entry.GetRef(&ref); bool isDesktop = SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded(ref); PoseView()->SetIsDesktop(isDesktop); entry.SetTo(&ref); PoseView()->SwitchDir(&ref); SwitchDirMenuTo(&ref); } else { // Otherwise, we have a file or a link to a file. // AdjustButton has already tested the flavor; // all we have to do is see if the button is enabled. BButton* button = dynamic_cast( FindView("default button")); if (button == NULL) break; if (IsSavePanel()) { int32 count = 0; type_code type; message->GetInfo("refs", &type, &count); // Don't allow saves of multiple files if (count > 1) { ShowCenteredAlert( B_TRANSLATE( "Sorry, saving more than one " "item is not allowed."), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel")); } else { // if we are a savepanel, set up the // filepanel correctly then pass control // so we follow the same path as if the user // clicked the save button // set the 'name' fld to the current ref's // name notify the panel that the default // button should be enabled SetSaveText(ref.name); SelectionChanged(); HandleSaveButton(); } break; } // send handler a message and close BMessage openMessage(*fMessage); for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { if (message->FindRef("refs", index, &ref) != B_OK) break; openMessage.AddRef("refs", &ref); } OpenSelectionCommon(&openMessage); } } } break; case kSwitchDirectory: { entry_ref ref; // this comes from dir menu or nav menu, so switch directories if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK) { BEntry entry(&ref, true); if (entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK) SetTo(&ref); } break; } case kSwitchToHome: { BPath homePath; entry_ref ref; if (find_directory(B_USER_DIRECTORY, &homePath) != B_OK || get_ref_for_path(homePath.Path(), &ref) != B_OK) { break; } SetTo(&ref); break; } case kAddCurrentDir: { BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path, true) != B_OK) { break; } path.Append(kGoDirectory); BDirectory goDirectory(path.Path()); if (goDirectory.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BEntry entry(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); entry.GetPath(&path); BSymLink link; goDirectory.CreateSymLink(TargetModel()->Name(), path.Path(), &link); } break; } case kEditFavorites: { BPath path; if (find_directory (B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path, true) != B_OK) { break; } path.Append(kGoDirectory); BMessenger msgr(kTrackerSignature); if (msgr.IsValid()) { BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); entry_ref ref; if (get_ref_for_path(path.Path(), &ref) == B_OK) { message.AddRef("refs", &ref); msgr.SendMessage(&message); } } break; } case kCancelButton: PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case kResizeToFit: ResizeToFit(); break; case kOpenDir: OpenDirectory(); break; case kOpenParentDir: OpenParent(); break; case kDefaultButton: if (fIsSavePanel) { if (PoseView()->IsFocus() && PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems() == 1) { Model* model = (PoseView()->SelectionList()-> FirstItem())->TargetModel(); if (model->ResolveIfLink()->IsDirectory()) { PoseView()->CommitActivePose(); PoseView()->OpenSelection(); break; } } HandleSaveButton(); } else HandleOpenButton(); break; case B_OBSERVER_NOTICE_CHANGE: { int32 observerWhat; if (message->FindInt32("be:observe_change_what", &observerWhat) == B_OK) { switch (observerWhat) { case kDesktopFilePanelRootChanged: { bool desktopIsRoot = true; if (message->FindBool("DesktopFilePanelRoot", &desktopIsRoot) == B_OK) { TrackerSettings(). SetDesktopFilePanelRoot(desktopIsRoot); } SetTo(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); break; } } } break; } default: _inherited::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void TFilePanel::OpenDirectory() { BObjectList* list = PoseView()->SelectionList(); if (list->CountItems() != 1) return; Model* model = list->FirstItem()->TargetModel(); if (model->ResolveIfLink()->IsDirectory()) { BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); message.AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); PostMessage(&message); } } void TFilePanel::OpenParent() { if (!CanOpenParent()) return; BEntry parentEntry; BDirectory dir; Model oldModel(*PoseView()->TargetModel()); BEntry entry(oldModel.EntryRef()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK && entry.GetParent(&dir) == B_OK && dir.GetEntry(&parentEntry) == B_OK && entry != parentEntry) { entry_ref ref; parentEntry.GetRef(&ref); PoseView()->SetIsDesktop(SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded(ref)); PoseView()->SwitchDir(&ref); SwitchDirMenuTo(&ref); // make sure the child get's selected in the new view once it // shows up fTaskLoop->RunLater(NewMemberFunctionObjectWithResult (&TFilePanel::SelectChildInParent, this, const_cast(&ref), oldModel.NodeRef()), 100000, 200000, 5000000); } } bool TFilePanel::CanOpenParent() const { if (TrackerSettings().DesktopFilePanelRoot()) { // don't allow opening Desktop folder's parent if (TargetModel()->IsDesktop()) return false; } // block on "/" BEntry root("/"); node_ref rootRef; root.GetNodeRef(&rootRef); return rootRef != *TargetModel()->NodeRef(); } bool TFilePanel::SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded(entry_ref &ref) { // support showing Desktop as root of everything // This call implements the worm hole that maps Desktop as // a root above the disks TrackerSettings settings; if (!settings.DesktopFilePanelRoot()) // Tracker isn't set up that way, just let Disks show return false; BEntry entry(&ref); BEntry root("/"); BDirectory desktopDir; FSGetDeskDir(&desktopDir); if (FSIsDeskDir(&entry) // navigated into non-boot desktop, switch to boot desktop || (entry == root && !settings.ShowDisksIcon())) { // hit "/" level, map to desktop desktopDir.GetEntry(&entry); entry.GetRef(&ref); return true; } return FSIsDeskDir(&entry); } bool TFilePanel::SelectChildInParent(const entry_ref*, const node_ref* child) { AutoLock lock(this); if (!IsLocked()) return false; int32 index; BPose* pose = PoseView()->FindPose(child, &index); if (!pose) return false; PoseView()->UpdateScrollRange(); // ToDo: Scroll range should be updated by now, for some // reason sometimes it is not right, force it here PoseView()->SelectPose(pose, index, true); return true; } int32 TFilePanel::ShowCenteredAlert(const char* text, const char* button1, const char* button2, const char* button3) { BAlert* alert = new BAlert("", text, button1, button2, button3, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->MoveTo(Frame().left + 10, Frame().top + 10); #if 0 if (button1 != NULL && !strncmp(button1, "Cancel", 7)) alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); else if (button2 != NULL && !strncmp(button2, "Cancel", 7)) alert->SetShortcut(1, B_ESCAPE); else if (button3 != NULL && !strncmp(button3, "Cancel", 7)) alert->SetShortcut(2, B_ESCAPE); #endif return alert->Go(); } void TFilePanel::HandleSaveButton() { BDirectory dir; if (TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { ShowCenteredAlert( B_TRANSLATE("Sorry, you can't save things at the root of " "your system."), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel")); return; } // check for some illegal file names if (strcmp(fTextControl->Text(), ".") == 0 || strcmp(fTextControl->Text(), "..") == 0) { ShowCenteredAlert( B_TRANSLATE("The specified name is illegal. Please choose " "another name."), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel")); fTextControl->TextView()->SelectAll(); return; } if (dir.SetTo(TargetModel()->EntryRef()) != B_OK) { ShowCenteredAlert( B_TRANSLATE("There was a problem trying to save in the folder " "you specified. Please try another one."), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel")); return; } if (dir.Contains(fTextControl->Text())) { if (dir.Contains(fTextControl->Text(), B_DIRECTORY_NODE)) { ShowCenteredAlert( B_TRANSLATE("The specified name is already used as the name " "of a folder. Please choose another name."), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel")); fTextControl->TextView()->SelectAll(); return; } else { // if this was invoked by a dbl click, it is an explicit // replacement of the file. BString str(B_TRANSLATE("The file \"%name\" already exists in " "the specified folder. Do you want to replace it?")); str.ReplaceFirst("%name", fTextControl->Text()); if (ShowCenteredAlert(str.String(), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), B_TRANSLATE("Replace")) == 0) { // user canceled fTextControl->TextView()->SelectAll(); return; } // user selected "Replace" - let app deal with it } } BMessage message(*fMessage); message.AddRef("directory", TargetModel()->EntryRef()); message.AddString("name", fTextControl->Text()); if (fClientObject) fClientObject->SendMessage(&fTarget, &message); else fTarget.SendMessage(&message); // close window if we're dealing with standard message if (fHideWhenDone) PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); } void TFilePanel::OpenSelectionCommon(BMessage* openMessage) { if (!openMessage->HasRef("refs")) return; for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { entry_ref ref; if (openMessage->FindRef("refs", index, &ref) != B_OK) break; BEntry entry(&ref, true); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { if (entry.IsDirectory()) BRoster().AddToRecentFolders(&ref); else BRoster().AddToRecentDocuments(&ref); } } BRoster().AddToRecentFolders(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); if (fClientObject) fClientObject->SendMessage(&fTarget, openMessage); else fTarget.SendMessage(openMessage); // close window if we're dealing with standard message if (fHideWhenDone) PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); } void TFilePanel::HandleOpenButton() { PoseView()->CommitActivePose(); BObjectList* selection = PoseView()->SelectionList(); // if we have only one directory and we're not opening dirs, enter. if ((fNodeFlavors & B_DIRECTORY_NODE) == 0 && selection->CountItems() == 1) { Model* model = selection->FirstItem()->TargetModel(); if (model->IsDirectory() || (model->IsSymLink() && !(fNodeFlavors & B_SYMLINK_NODE) && model->ResolveIfLink()->IsDirectory())) { BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); message.AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); PostMessage(&message); return; } } // don't do anything unless there are items selected // message->fMessage->message from here to end if (selection->CountItems()) { BMessage message(*fMessage); // go through selection and add appropriate items for (int32 index = 0; index < selection->CountItems(); index++) { Model* model = selection->ItemAt(index)->TargetModel(); if (((fNodeFlavors & B_DIRECTORY_NODE) != 0 && model->ResolveIfLink()->IsDirectory()) || ((fNodeFlavors & B_SYMLINK_NODE) != 0 && model->IsSymLink()) || ((fNodeFlavors & B_FILE_NODE) != 0 && model->ResolveIfLink()->IsFile())) { message.AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); } } OpenSelectionCommon(&message); } } void TFilePanel::SwitchDirMenuTo(const entry_ref* ref) { BEntry entry(ref); for (int32 index = fDirMenu->CountItems() - 1; index >= 0; index--) delete fDirMenu->RemoveItem(index); fDirMenuField->MenuBar()->RemoveItem((int32)0); fDirMenu->Populate(&entry, 0, true, true, false, true); ModelMenuItem* item = dynamic_cast( fDirMenuField->MenuBar()->ItemAt(0)); ASSERT(item != NULL); if (item != NULL) item->SetEntry(&entry); } void TFilePanel::WindowActivated(bool active) { // force focus to update properly fBackView->Invalidate(); _inherited::WindowActivated(active); } // #pragma mark - BFilePanelPoseView::BFilePanelPoseView(Model* model, BRect frame, uint32 resizeMask) : BPoseView(model, frame, kListMode, resizeMask), fIsDesktop(model->IsDesktop()) { } void BFilePanelPoseView::StartWatching() { TTracker::WatchNode(0, B_WATCH_MOUNT, this); // inter-application observing BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); BHandler::StartWatching(tracker, kVolumesOnDesktopChanged); } void BFilePanelPoseView::StopWatching() { stop_watching(this); // inter-application observing BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); BHandler::StopWatching(tracker, kVolumesOnDesktopChanged); } bool BFilePanelPoseView::FSNotification(const BMessage* message) { if (IsDesktopView()) { // Pretty much copied straight from DesktopPoseView. // Would be better if the code could be shared somehow. switch (message->FindInt32("opcode")) { case B_DEVICE_MOUNTED: { dev_t device; if (message->FindInt32("new device", &device) != B_OK) break; ASSERT(TargetModel() != NULL); TrackerSettings settings; BVolume volume(device); if (volume.InitCheck() != B_OK) break; if (settings.MountVolumesOntoDesktop() && (!volume.IsShared() || settings.MountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop())) { // place an icon for the volume onto the desktop CreateVolumePose(&volume, true); } } break; } } return _inherited::FSNotification(message); } void BFilePanelPoseView::RestoreState(AttributeStreamNode* node) { _inherited::RestoreState(node); fViewState->SetViewMode(kListMode); } void BFilePanelPoseView::RestoreState(const BMessage &message) { _inherited::RestoreState(message); } void BFilePanelPoseView::SavePoseLocations(BRect*) { } EntryListBase* BFilePanelPoseView::InitDirentIterator(const entry_ref* ref) { if (IsDesktopView()) return DesktopPoseView::InitDesktopDirentIterator(this, ref); return _inherited::InitDirentIterator(ref); } void BFilePanelPoseView::AddPosesCompleted() { _inherited::AddPosesCompleted(); if (IsDesktopView()) CreateTrashPose(); } void BFilePanelPoseView::SetIsDesktop(bool on) { fIsDesktop = on; } bool BFilePanelPoseView::IsDesktopView() const { return fIsDesktop; } void BFilePanelPoseView::ShowVolumes(bool visible, bool showShared) { if (IsDesktopView()) { if (!visible) RemoveRootPoses(); else AddRootPoses(true, showShared); } TFilePanel* filepanel = dynamic_cast(Window()); if (filepanel != NULL && TargetModel() != NULL) filepanel->SetTo(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } void BFilePanelPoseView::AdaptToVolumeChange(BMessage* message) { bool showDisksIcon; bool mountVolumesOnDesktop; bool mountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop; message->FindBool("ShowDisksIcon", &showDisksIcon); message->FindBool("MountVolumesOntoDesktop", &mountVolumesOnDesktop); message->FindBool("MountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop", &mountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop); BEntry entry("/"); Model model(&entry); if (model.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BMessage monitorMsg; monitorMsg.what = B_NODE_MONITOR; if (showDisksIcon) monitorMsg.AddInt32("opcode", B_ENTRY_CREATED); else monitorMsg.AddInt32("opcode", B_ENTRY_REMOVED); monitorMsg.AddInt32("device", model.NodeRef()->device); monitorMsg.AddInt64("node", model.NodeRef()->node); monitorMsg.AddInt64("directory", model.EntryRef()->directory); monitorMsg.AddString("name", model.EntryRef()->name); TrackerSettings().SetShowDisksIcon(showDisksIcon); if (Window()) Window()->PostMessage(&monitorMsg, this); } ShowVolumes(mountVolumesOnDesktop, mountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop); } void BFilePanelPoseView::AdaptToDesktopIntegrationChange(BMessage* message) { bool mountVolumesOnDesktop = true; bool mountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop = true; message->FindBool("MountVolumesOntoDesktop", &mountVolumesOnDesktop); message->FindBool("MountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop", &mountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop); ShowVolumes(false, mountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop); ShowVolumes(mountVolumesOnDesktop, mountSharedVolumesOntoDesktop); }