/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Attributes.h" #include "AutoLock.h" #include "BackgroundImage.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "DesktopPoseView.h" #include "DeskWindow.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "IconMenuItem.h" #include "MountMenu.h" #include "PoseView.h" #include "Tracker.h" #include "TemplatesMenu.h" const char *kShelfPath = "tracker_shelf"; // replicant support static void WatchAddOnDir(directory_which dirName, BDeskWindow *window) { BPath path; if (find_directory(dirName, &path) == B_OK) { path.Append("Tracker"); BNode node(path.Path()); node_ref nodeRef; node.GetNodeRef(&nodeRef); TTracker::WatchNode(&nodeRef, B_WATCH_DIRECTORY, window); } } struct AddOneShortcutParams { BDeskWindow *window; std::set *currentAddonShortcuts; }; static bool AddOneShortcut(const Model *model, const char *, uint32 shortcut, bool /*primary*/, void *context) { if (!shortcut) // no shortcut, bail return false; AddOneShortcutParams *params = (AddOneShortcutParams *)context; BMessage *runAddon = new BMessage(kLoadAddOn); runAddon->AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); params->window->AddShortcut(shortcut, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY, runAddon); params->currentAddonShortcuts->insert(shortcut); PRINT(("adding new shortcut %c\n", (char)shortcut)); return false; } // #pragma mark - BDeskWindow::BDeskWindow(LockingList *windowList) : BContainerWindow(windowList, 0, kPrivateDesktopWindowLook, kPrivateDesktopWindowFeel, B_NOT_MOVABLE | B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_CLOSABLE | B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS, B_ALL_WORKSPACES), fDeskShelf(0), fTrashContextMenu(0), fShouldUpdateAddonShortcuts(true) { // Add icon view switching shortcuts. These are displayed in the context // menu, although they obviously don't work from those menu items. BMessage* message = new BMessage(kIconMode); AddShortcut('1', B_COMMAND_KEY, message, PoseView()); message = new BMessage(kMiniIconMode); AddShortcut('2', B_COMMAND_KEY, message, PoseView()); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("scale", 1); AddShortcut('+', B_COMMAND_KEY, message, PoseView()); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("scale", 0); AddShortcut('-', B_COMMAND_KEY, message, PoseView()); } BDeskWindow::~BDeskWindow() { SaveDesktopPoseLocations(); // explicit call to SavePoseLocations so that extended pose info // gets committed properly PoseView()->DisableSaveLocation(); // prevent double-saving, this would slow down quitting PoseView()->StopSettingsWatch(); stop_watching(this); } void BDeskWindow::Init(const BMessage *) { // // Set the size of the screen before calling the container window's // Init() because it will add volume poses to this window and // they will be clipped otherwise // BScreen screen(this); fOldFrame = screen.Frame(); PoseView()->SetShowHideSelection(false); ResizeTo(fOldFrame.Width(), fOldFrame.Height()); entry_ref ref; BPath path; if (!BootedInSafeMode() && FSFindTrackerSettingsDir(&path) == B_OK) { path.Append(kShelfPath); close(open(path.Path(), O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)); if (get_ref_for_path(path.Path(), &ref) == B_OK) fDeskShelf = new BShelf(&ref, fPoseView); if (fDeskShelf) fDeskShelf->SetDisplaysZombies(true); } // watch add-on directories so that we can track the addons with // corresponding shortcuts WatchAddOnDir(B_BEOS_ADDONS_DIRECTORY, this); WatchAddOnDir(B_USER_ADDONS_DIRECTORY, this); WatchAddOnDir(B_COMMON_ADDONS_DIRECTORY, this); _inherited::Init(); } void BDeskWindow::MenusBeginning() { _inherited::MenusBeginning(); if (fShouldUpdateAddonShortcuts) { PRINT(("updating addon shortcuts\n")); fShouldUpdateAddonShortcuts = false; // remove all current addon shortcuts for (std::set::iterator it= fCurrentAddonShortcuts.begin(); it != fCurrentAddonShortcuts.end(); it++) { PRINT(("removing shortcut %c\n", *it)); RemoveShortcut(*it, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY); } fCurrentAddonShortcuts.clear(); AddOneShortcutParams params; params.window = this; params.currentAddonShortcuts = &fCurrentAddonShortcuts; EachAddon(&AddOneShortcut, ¶ms); } } void BDeskWindow::Quit() { if (fNavigationItem) { // this duplicates BContainerWindow::Quit because // fNavigationItem can be part of fTrashContextMenu // and would get deleted with it BMenu *menu = fNavigationItem->Menu(); if (menu) menu->RemoveItem(fNavigationItem); delete fNavigationItem; fNavigationItem = 0; } delete fTrashContextMenu; fTrashContextMenu = NULL; delete fDeskShelf; _inherited::Quit(); } BPoseView * BDeskWindow::NewPoseView(Model *model, BRect rect, uint32 viewMode) { return new DesktopPoseView(model, rect, viewMode); } void BDeskWindow::CreatePoseView(Model *model) { fPoseView = NewPoseView(model, Bounds(), kIconMode); fPoseView->SetIconMapping(false); fPoseView->SetEnsurePosesVisible(true); fPoseView->SetAutoScroll(false); BScreen screen(this); rgb_color desktopColor = screen.DesktopColor(); if (desktopColor.alpha != 255) { desktopColor.alpha = 255; #if B_BEOS_VERSION > B_BEOS_VERSION_5 // This call seems to have the power to cause R5 to freeze! // Please report if commenting this out helped or helped not // on your system screen.SetDesktopColor(desktopColor); #endif } fPoseView->SetViewColor(desktopColor); fPoseView->SetLowColor(desktopColor); AddChild(fPoseView); PoseView()->StartSettingsWatch(); } void BDeskWindow::AddWindowContextMenus(BMenu *menu) { TemplatesMenu *tempateMenu = new TemplatesMenu(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(tempateMenu); tempateMenu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); tempateMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); BMenu* iconSizeMenu = new BMenu("Icon view"); BMessage* message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 32); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem("32 x 32", message); item->SetMarked(PoseView()->IconSizeInt() == 32); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 40); item = new BMenuItem("40 x 40", message); item->SetMarked(PoseView()->IconSizeInt() == 40); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 48); item = new BMenuItem("48 x 48", message); item->SetMarked(PoseView()->IconSizeInt() == 48); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 64); item = new BMenuItem("64 x 64", message); item->SetMarked(PoseView()->IconSizeInt() == 64); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); iconSizeMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("scale", 0); item = new BMenuItem("Decrease size", message, '-'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("scale", 1); item = new BMenuItem("Increase size", message, '+'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); // A sub menu where the super item can be invoked. menu->AddItem(iconSizeMenu); iconSizeMenu->Superitem()->SetShortcut('1', B_COMMAND_KEY); iconSizeMenu->Superitem()->SetMessage(new BMessage(kIconMode)); iconSizeMenu->Superitem()->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->Superitem()->SetMarked(PoseView()->ViewMode() == kIconMode); item = new BMenuItem("Mini icon view", new BMessage(kMiniIconMode), '2'); item->SetMarked(PoseView()->ViewMode() == kMiniIconMode); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); #ifdef CUT_COPY_PASTE_IN_CONTEXT_MENU BMenuItem *pasteItem; menu->AddItem(pasteItem = new BMenuItem("Paste", new BMessage(B_PASTE), 'V')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); #endif menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Clean up", new BMessage(kCleanup), 'K')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Select"B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kShowSelectionWindow), 'A', B_SHIFT_KEY)); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Select all", new BMessage(B_SELECT_ALL), 'A')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new MountMenu("Mount")); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenu(kAddOnsMenuName)); // target items as needed menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); #ifdef CUT_COPY_PASTE_IN_CONTEXT_MENU pasteItem->SetTarget(this); #endif } void BDeskWindow::WorkspaceActivated(int32 workspace, bool state) { if (fBackgroundImage) fBackgroundImage->WorkspaceActivated(PoseView(), workspace, state); } void BDeskWindow::SaveDesktopPoseLocations() { PoseView()->SavePoseLocations(&fOldFrame); } void BDeskWindow::ScreenChanged(BRect frame, color_space space) { bool frameChanged = (frame != fOldFrame); SaveDesktopPoseLocations(); fOldFrame = frame; ResizeTo(frame.Width(), frame.Height()); if (fBackgroundImage) fBackgroundImage->ScreenChanged(frame, space); PoseView()->CheckPoseVisibility(frameChanged ? &frame : 0); // if frame changed, pass new frame so that icons can // get rearranged based on old pose info for the frame } void BDeskWindow::UpdateDesktopBackgroundImages() { WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, false); fBackgroundImage = BackgroundImage::Refresh(fBackgroundImage, opener.Node(), true, PoseView()); } void BDeskWindow::Show() { if (fBackgroundImage) fBackgroundImage->Show(PoseView(), current_workspace()); PoseView()->CheckPoseVisibility(); _inherited::Show(); } bool BDeskWindow::ShouldAddScrollBars() const { return false; } bool BDeskWindow::ShouldAddMenus() const { return false; } bool BDeskWindow::ShouldAddContainerView() const { return false; } void BDeskWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { if (message->WasDropped()) { const rgb_color *color; int32 size; // handle "roColour"-style color drops if (message->FindData("RGBColor", 'RGBC', (const void **)&color, &size) == B_OK) { BScreen(this).SetDesktopColor(*color); fPoseView->SetViewColor(*color); fPoseView->SetLowColor(*color); return; } } switch (message->what) { case B_NODE_MONITOR: PRINT(("will update addon shortcuts\n")); fShouldUpdateAddonShortcuts = true; break; default: _inherited::MessageReceived(message); break; } }