/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef _CONTAINER_WINDOW_H #define _CONTAINER_WINDOW_H #include #include #include #include "LockingList.h" #include "Model.h" #include "SlowContextPopup.h" #include "TaskLoop.h" class BGridView; class BGroupLayout; class BGroupView; class BPopUpMenu; class BMenuBar; namespace BPrivate { class BNavigator; class BPoseView; class DraggableContainerIcon; class ModelMenuItem; class AttributeStreamNode; class BackgroundImage; class Model; class ModelNodeLazyOpener; class BorderedView; class SelectionWindow; #define kDefaultFolderTemplate "DefaultFolderTemplate" extern const char* kAddOnsMenuName; enum { // flags that describe opening of the window kRestoreWorkspace = 0x1, kIsHidden = 0x2, // set when opening a window during initial Tracker start kRestoreDecor = 0x4 }; struct AddonShortcut { Model* model; char key; char defaultKey; uint32 modifiers; }; class BContainerWindow : public BWindow { public: BContainerWindow(LockingList* windowList, uint32 containerWindowFlags, window_look look = B_DOCUMENT_WINDOW_LOOK, window_feel feel = B_NORMAL_WINDOW_FEEL, uint32 flags = B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK | B_NO_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATION, uint32 workspace = B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE, bool useLayouts = true, bool isDeskWindow = false); virtual ~BContainerWindow(); virtual void Init(const BMessage* message = NULL); virtual void InitLayout(); static BRect InitialWindowRect(window_feel); virtual void Minimize(bool minimize); virtual void Quit(); virtual bool QuitRequested(); virtual void UpdateIfTrash(Model*); virtual void CreatePoseView(Model*); virtual void ShowContextMenu(BPoint, const entry_ref*, BView*); virtual uint32 ShowDropContextMenu(BPoint); virtual void MenusBeginning(); virtual void MenusEnded(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage*); virtual void FrameResized(float, float); virtual void FrameMoved(BPoint); virtual void Zoom(BPoint, float, float); virtual void WorkspacesChanged(uint32, uint32); // virtuals that control setup of window virtual bool ShouldAddMenus() const; virtual bool ShouldAddScrollBars() const; virtual void CheckScreenIntersect(); bool IsTrash() const; bool InTrash() const; bool IsPrintersDir() const; virtual bool IsShowing(const node_ref*) const; virtual bool IsShowing(const entry_ref*) const; void ResizeToFit(); Model* TargetModel() const; BPoseView* PoseView() const; BNavigator* Navigator() const; virtual void SelectionChanged(); virtual void ViewModeChanged(uint32 oldMode, uint32 newMode); virtual void RestoreState(); virtual void RestoreState(const BMessage &); void RestoreStateCommon(); virtual void SaveState(bool hide = true); virtual void SaveState(BMessage &) const; void UpdateTitle(); bool StateNeedsSaving() const; bool SaveStateIsEnabled() const; void SetSaveStateEnabled(bool); void UpdateBackgroundImage(); static status_t GetLayoutState(BNode*, BMessage*); static status_t SetLayoutState(BNode*, const BMessage*); // calls for inheriting window size, attribute layout, etc. // deprecated virtual void AddMimeTypesToMenu(BMenu*); void AddMimeTypesToMenu(); virtual void MarkAttributeMenu(BMenu*); void MarkAttributeMenu(); void MarkArrangeByMenu(BMenu*); BMenuItem* NewAttributeMenuItem(const char* label, const char* name, int32 type, float width, int32 align, bool editable, bool statField); BMenuItem* NewAttributeMenuItem(const char* label, const char* name, int32 type, const char* displayAs, float width, int32 align, bool editable, bool statField); virtual void NewAttributeMenu(BMenu*); void HideAttributeMenu(); void ShowAttributeMenu(); PiggybackTaskLoop* DelayedTaskLoop(); // use for RunLater queueing void PulseTaskLoop(); // called by some view that has pulse, either BackgroundView // or BPoseView static bool DefaultStateSourceNode(const char* name, BNode* result, bool createNew = false, bool createFolder = true); // add-on iteration void EachAddon(bool (*)(const Model*, const char*, uint32 shortcut, uint32 modifiers, bool primary, void*, BContainerWindow*, BMenu*), void*, BStringList&, BMenu*); BMessage* AddOnMessage(int32); entry_ref GetCurrentDirRef(); BPopUpMenu* ContextMenu(); // drag&drop support status_t DragStart(const BMessage*); void DragStop(); bool Dragging() const; BMessage* DragMessage() const; void ShowSelectionWindow(); void ShowNavigator(bool); void SetSingleWindowBrowseShortcuts(bool); void SetPathWatchingEnabled(bool); bool IsPathWatchingEnabled(void) const; protected: virtual BPoseView* NewPoseView(Model*, uint32); // instantiate a different flavor of BPoseView for different // ContainerWindows virtual void RestoreWindowState(AttributeStreamNode*); virtual void RestoreWindowState(const BMessage &); virtual void SaveWindowState(AttributeStreamNode*); virtual void SaveWindowState(BMessage&) const; virtual bool NeedsDefaultStateSetup(); virtual void SetUpDefaultState(); // these two virtuals control setting up a new folder that // does not have any state settings yet with the default virtual void AddMenus(); virtual void AddShortcuts(); // add equivalents of the menu shortcuts to the menuless // desktop window virtual void AddFileMenu(BMenu* menu); virtual void AddWindowMenu(BMenu* menu); virtual void AddContextMenus(); virtual void AddFileContextMenus(BMenu*); virtual void AddWindowContextMenus(BMenu*); virtual void AddVolumeContextMenus(BMenu*); virtual void AddDropContextMenus(BMenu*); virtual void AddTrashContextMenus(BMenu*); virtual void RepopulateMenus(); void PopulateArrangeByMenu(BMenu*); virtual void SetCutItem(BMenu*); virtual void SetCopyItem(BMenu*); virtual void SetPasteItem(BMenu*); virtual void SetArrangeMenu(BMenu*); virtual void SetCloseItem(BMenu*); virtual void SetupNavigationMenu(const entry_ref*, BMenu*); virtual void SetupMoveCopyMenus(const entry_ref*, BMenu*); virtual void PopulateMoveCopyNavMenu(BNavMenu*, uint32, const entry_ref*, bool); virtual void SetupOpenWithMenu(BMenu*); virtual void SetUpEditQueryItem(BMenu*); virtual void SetUpDiskMenu(BMenu*); virtual void BuildAddOnMenu(BMenu*); void BuildMimeTypeList(BStringList& mimeTypes); enum UpdateMenuContext { kMenuBarContext, kPosePopUpContext, kWindowPopUpContext }; virtual void UpdateMenu(BMenu* menu, UpdateMenuContext context); BMenu* AddMimeMenu(const BMimeType& mimeType, bool isSuperType, BMenu* menu, int32 start); BHandler* ResolveSpecifier(BMessage*, int32, BMessage*, int32, const char*); bool EachAddon(BPath &path, bool (*)(const Model*, const char*, uint32, bool, void*), BObjectList*, void*, BStringList&); void LoadAddOn(BMessage*); bool fUseLayouts; BGroupLayout* fRootLayout; BGroupView* fMenuContainer; BGridView* fPoseContainer; BorderedView* fBorderedView; BGroupView* fVScrollBarContainer; BGroupView* fCountContainer; BPopUpMenu* fFileContextMenu; BPopUpMenu* fWindowContextMenu; BPopUpMenu* fDropContextMenu; BPopUpMenu* fVolumeContextMenu; BPopUpMenu* fTrashContextMenu; BSlowContextMenu* fDragContextMenu; BMenuItem* fMoveToItem; BMenuItem* fCopyToItem; BMenuItem* fCreateLinkItem; BMenuItem* fOpenWithItem; ModelMenuItem* fNavigationItem; BMenuBar* fMenuBar; DraggableContainerIcon* fDraggableIcon; BNavigator* fNavigator; BPoseView* fPoseView; LockingList* fWindowList; BMenu* fAttrMenu; BMenu* fWindowMenu; BMenu* fFileMenu; BMenu* fArrangeByMenu; SelectionWindow* fSelectionWindow; PiggybackTaskLoop* fTaskLoop; bool fIsTrash; bool fInTrash; bool fIsPrinters; bool fIsDesktop; uint32 fContainerWindowFlags; BackgroundImage* fBackgroundImage; static LockingList* fAddonsList; private: BRect fSavedZoomRect; BRect fPreviousBounds; static BRect sNewWindRect; BPopUpMenu* fContextMenu; BMessage* fDragMessage; BObjectList* fCachedTypesList; bool fWaitingForRefs; bool fStateNeedsSaving; bool fSaveStateIsEnabled; bool fIsWatchingPath; typedef BWindow _inherited; friend int32 show_context_menu(void*); friend class BackgroundView; void _UpdateSelectionMIMEInfo(); void _AddFolderIcon(); void _PassMessageToAddOn(BMessage*); }; class WindowStateNodeOpener { // this class manages opening and closing the proper node for // state restoring / saving; the constructor knows how to decide whether // to use a special directory for root, etc. // setter calls used when no attributes can be read from a node and // defaults are to be substituted public: WindowStateNodeOpener(BContainerWindow* window, bool forWriting); virtual ~WindowStateNodeOpener(); void SetTo(const BDirectory*); void SetTo(const BEntry* entry, bool forWriting); void SetTo(Model*, bool forWriting); AttributeStreamNode* StreamNode() const; BNode* Node() const; private: ModelNodeLazyOpener* fModelOpener; BNode* fNode; AttributeStreamNode* fStreamNode; }; class BorderedView : public BGroupView { public: BorderedView(); void PoseViewFocused(bool); virtual void Pulse(); void EnableBorderHighlight(bool); protected: virtual void WindowActivated(bool); private: bool fEnableBorderHighlight; typedef BGroupView _inherited; }; int CompareLabels(const BMenuItem*, const BMenuItem*); // inlines --------- inline BNavigator* BContainerWindow::Navigator() const { return fNavigator; } inline BPoseView* BContainerWindow::PoseView() const { return fPoseView; } inline bool BContainerWindow::IsTrash() const { return fIsTrash; } inline bool BContainerWindow::InTrash() const { return fInTrash; } inline bool BContainerWindow::IsPrintersDir() const { return fIsPrinters; } inline void BContainerWindow::SetUpDiskMenu(BMenu*) { // nothing at this level } inline BPopUpMenu* BContainerWindow::ContextMenu() { return fContextMenu; } inline bool BContainerWindow::Dragging() const { return fDragMessage && fCachedTypesList; } inline BMessage* BContainerWindow::DragMessage() const { return fDragMessage; } inline bool BContainerWindow::SaveStateIsEnabled() const { return fSaveStateIsEnabled; } inline void BContainerWindow::SetSaveStateEnabled(bool value) { fSaveStateIsEnabled = value; } inline bool BContainerWindow::IsPathWatchingEnabled() const { return fIsWatchingPath; } filter_result ActivateWindowFilter(BMessage* message, BHandler** target, BMessageFilter* messageFilter); } // namespace BPrivate using namespace BPrivate; #endif // _CONTAINER_WINDOW_H