/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ #include "ContainerWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Attributes.h" #include "AttributeStream.h" #include "AutoDeleter.h" #include "AutoLock.h" #include "BackgroundImage.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "CountView.h" #include "DeskWindow.h" #include "FavoritesMenu.h" #include "FindPanel.h" #include "FSClipboard.h" #include "FSUndoRedo.h" #include "FSUtils.h" #include "IconMenuItem.h" #include "OpenWithWindow.h" #include "MimeTypes.h" #include "MountMenu.h" #include "Navigator.h" #include "NavMenu.h" #include "PoseView.h" #include "QueryContainerWindow.h" #include "SelectionWindow.h" #include "TitleView.h" #include "Tracker.h" #include "TrackerSettings.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "TemplatesMenu.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "ContainerWindow" #ifdef _IMPEXP_BE _IMPEXP_BE #endif void do_minimize_team(BRect zoomRect, team_id team, bool zoom); // Amount you have to move the mouse before a drag starts const float kDragSlop = 3.0f; namespace BPrivate { class DraggableContainerIcon : public BView { public: DraggableContainerIcon(); virtual void MouseDown(BPoint where); virtual void MouseUp(BPoint); virtual void MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32, const BMessage*); virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect); private: uint32 fDragButton; BPoint fClickPoint; bool fDragStarted; }; } // namespace BPrivate struct AddOneAddonParams { BObjectList* primaryList; BObjectList* secondaryList; }; struct StaggerOneParams { bool rectFromParent; }; const int32 kWindowStaggerBy = 17; BRect BContainerWindow::sNewWindRect(85, 50, 548, 280); LockingList* BContainerWindow::fAddonsList = new LockingList(10, true); namespace BPrivate { filter_result ActivateWindowFilter(BMessage*, BHandler** target, BMessageFilter*) { BView* view = dynamic_cast(*target); // activate the window if no PoseView or DraggableContainerIcon had been // pressed (those will activate the window themselves, if necessary) if (view != NULL && dynamic_cast(view) == NULL && dynamic_cast(view) == NULL && view->Window() != NULL) { view->Window()->Activate(true); } return B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; } int CompareLabels(const BMenuItem* item1, const BMenuItem* item2) { return strcasecmp(item1->Label(), item2->Label()); } } // namespace BPrivate static int32 AddOnMenuGenerate(const entry_ref* addonRef, BMenu* menu, BContainerWindow* window) { BEntry entry(addonRef); BPath path; status_t result = entry.InitCheck(); if (result != B_OK) return result; result = entry.GetPath(&path); if (result != B_OK) return result; image_id addonImage = load_add_on(path.Path()); if (addonImage < 0) return addonImage; void (*populateMenu)(BMessage*, BMenu*, BHandler*); result = get_image_symbol(addonImage, "populate_menu", 2, (void**)&populateMenu); if (result < 0) { PRINT(("Couldn't find populate_menu\n")); unload_add_on(addonImage); return result; } BMessage* message = window->AddOnMessage(B_TRACKER_ADDON_MESSAGE); message->AddRef("addon_ref", addonRef); // call add-on code (*populateMenu)(message, menu, window->PoseView()); unload_add_on(addonImage); return B_OK; } static status_t RunAddOnMessageThread(BMessage *message, void *) { entry_ref addonRef; BEntry entry; BPath path; status_t result = message->FindRef("addon_ref", &addonRef); image_id addonImage; if (result != B_OK) goto end; entry = BEntry(&addonRef); result = entry.InitCheck(); if (result != B_OK) goto end; result = entry.GetPath(&path); if (result != B_OK) goto end; addonImage = load_add_on(path.Path()); if (addonImage < 0) { result = addonImage; goto end; } void (*messageReceived)(BMessage*); result = get_image_symbol(addonImage, "message_received", 2, (void**)&messageReceived); if (result < 0) { PRINT(("Couldn't find message_received\n")); unload_add_on(addonImage); goto end; } // call add-on code (*messageReceived)(message); unload_add_on(addonImage); return B_OK; end: BString buffer(B_TRANSLATE("Error %error loading add-On %name.")); buffer.ReplaceFirst("%error", strerror(result)); buffer.ReplaceFirst("%name", addonRef.name); BAlert* alert = new BAlert("", buffer.String(), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), 0, 0, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); return result; } static bool AddOneAddon(const Model* model, const char* name, uint32 shortcut, uint32 modifiers, bool primary, void* context, BContainerWindow* window, BMenu* menu) { AddOneAddonParams* params = (AddOneAddonParams*)context; BMessage* message = new BMessage(kLoadAddOn); message->AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); ModelMenuItem* item = new ModelMenuItem(model, name, message, (char)shortcut, modifiers); const entry_ref* addonRef = model->EntryRef(); AddOnMenuGenerate(addonRef, menu, window); if (primary) params->primaryList->AddItem(item); else params->secondaryList->AddItem(item); return false; } static int32 AddOnThread(BMessage* refsMessage, entry_ref addonRef, entry_ref directoryRef) { ObjectDeleter _(refsMessage); BEntry entry(&addonRef); BPath path; status_t result = entry.InitCheck(); if (result == B_OK) result = entry.GetPath(&path); if (result == B_OK) { image_id addonImage = load_add_on(path.Path()); if (addonImage >= 0) { void (*processRefs)(entry_ref, BMessage*, void*); result = get_image_symbol(addonImage, "process_refs", 2, (void**)&processRefs); if (result >= 0) { // call add-on code (*processRefs)(directoryRef, refsMessage, NULL); unload_add_on(addonImage); return B_OK; } else PRINT(("couldn't find process_refs\n")); unload_add_on(addonImage); } else result = addonImage; } BString buffer(B_TRANSLATE("Error %error loading Add-On %name.")); buffer.ReplaceFirst("%error", strerror(result)); buffer.ReplaceFirst("%name", addonRef.name); BAlert* alert = new BAlert("", buffer.String(), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), 0, 0, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); return result; } static bool NodeHasSavedState(const BNode* node) { attr_info info; return node->GetAttrInfo(kAttrWindowFrame, &info) == B_OK; } static bool OffsetFrameOne(const char* DEBUG_ONLY(name), uint32, off_t, void* castToRect, void* castToParams) { ASSERT(strcmp(name, kAttrWindowFrame) == 0); StaggerOneParams* params = (StaggerOneParams*)castToParams; if (!params->rectFromParent) return false; if (!castToRect) return false; ((BRect*)castToRect)->OffsetBy(kWindowStaggerBy, kWindowStaggerBy); return true; } static void AddMimeTypeString(BStringList& list, Model* model) { if (model == NULL) return; const char* modelMimeType = model->MimeType(); if (modelMimeType == NULL || *modelMimeType == '\0') return; BString type = BString(modelMimeType); if (list.HasString(type, true)) return; list.Add(type); } // #pragma mark - DraggableContainerIcon DraggableContainerIcon::DraggableContainerIcon() : BView("DraggableContainerIcon", B_WILL_DRAW), fDragButton(0), fDragStarted(false) { } void DraggableContainerIcon::MouseDown(BPoint where) { // we only like container windows BContainerWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window()); ThrowOnAssert(window != NULL); // we don't like the Trash icon (because it cannot be moved) if (window->IsTrash() || window->IsPrintersDir()) return; uint32 buttons; window->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", (int32*)&buttons); if (IconCache::sIconCache->IconHitTest(where, window->TargetModel(), kNormalIcon, B_MINI_ICON)) { // The click hit the icon, initiate a drag fDragButton = buttons & (B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON | B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON); fDragStarted = false; fClickPoint = where; } else fDragButton = 0; if (!fDragButton) Window()->Activate(true); } void DraggableContainerIcon::MouseUp(BPoint) { if (!fDragStarted) Window()->Activate(true); fDragButton = 0; fDragStarted = false; } void DraggableContainerIcon::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32, const BMessage*) { if (fDragButton == 0 || fDragStarted || (abs((int32)(where.x - fClickPoint.x)) <= kDragSlop && abs((int32)(where.y - fClickPoint.y)) <= kDragSlop)) return; BContainerWindow* window = static_cast(Window()); // we can only get here in a BContainerWindow Model* model = window->TargetModel(); // Find the required height BFont font; GetFont(&font); font_height fontHeight; font.GetHeight(&fontHeight); float height = ceilf(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading + 2 + Bounds().Height() + 8); BRect rect(0, 0, std::max(Bounds().Width(), font.StringWidth(model->Name()) + 4), height); BBitmap* dragBitmap = new BBitmap(rect, B_RGBA32, true); dragBitmap->Lock(); BView* view = new BView(dragBitmap->Bounds(), "", B_FOLLOW_NONE, 0); dragBitmap->AddChild(view); view->SetOrigin(0, 0); BRect clipRect(view->Bounds()); BRegion newClip; newClip.Set(clipRect); view->ConstrainClippingRegion(&newClip); // Transparent draw magic view->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0, 0); view->FillRect(view->Bounds()); view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); rgb_color textColor = ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR); textColor.alpha = 128; // set the level of transparency by value view->SetHighColor(textColor); view->SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_COMPOSITE); // Draw the icon float hIconOffset = (rect.Width() - Bounds().Width()) / 2; IconCache::sIconCache->Draw(model, view, BPoint(hIconOffset, 0), kNormalIcon, B_MINI_ICON, true); // See if we need to truncate the string BString nameString = model->Name(); if (view->StringWidth(model->Name()) > rect.Width()) view->TruncateString(&nameString, B_TRUNCATE_END, rect.Width() - 5); // Draw the label float leftText = (view->StringWidth(nameString.String()) - Bounds().Width()) / 2; view->MovePenTo(BPoint(hIconOffset - leftText + 2, Bounds().Height() + (fontHeight.ascent + 2))); view->DrawString(nameString.String()); view->Sync(); dragBitmap->Unlock(); BMessage message(B_SIMPLE_DATA); message.AddRef("refs", model->EntryRef()); message.AddPoint("click_pt", fClickPoint); BPoint tmpLoc; uint32 button; GetMouse(&tmpLoc, &button); if (button) message.AddInt32("buttons", (int32)button); if ((button & B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) != 0) { // add an action specifier to the message, so that it is not copied message.AddInt32("be:actions", (modifiers() & B_OPTION_KEY) != 0 ? B_COPY_TARGET : B_MOVE_TARGET); } fDragStarted = true; fDragButton = 0; DragMessage(&message, dragBitmap, B_OP_ALPHA, BPoint(fClickPoint.x + hIconOffset, fClickPoint.y), this); } void DraggableContainerIcon::Draw(BRect updateRect) { BContainerWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window()); ThrowOnAssert(window != NULL); BRect rect(Bounds()); rgb_color base = ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR); be_control_look->DrawBorder(this, rect, updateRect, base, B_PLAIN_BORDER, 0, BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER); be_control_look->DrawMenuBarBackground(this, rect, updateRect, base, 0, BControlLook::B_ALL_BORDERS & ~BControlLook::B_LEFT_BORDER); // Draw the icon, straddling the border SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); float iconOffsetX = (Bounds().Width() - B_MINI_ICON) / 2; float iconOffsetY = (Bounds().Height() - B_MINI_ICON) / 2; IconCache::sIconCache->Draw(window->TargetModel(), this, BPoint(iconOffsetX, iconOffsetY), kNormalIcon, B_MINI_ICON, true); } // #pragma mark - BContainerWindow BContainerWindow::BContainerWindow(LockingList* list, uint32 containerWindowFlags, window_look look, window_feel feel, uint32 flags, uint32 workspace, bool useLayouts, bool isDeskWindow) : BWindow(InitialWindowRect(feel), "TrackerWindow", look, feel, flags, workspace), fUseLayouts(useLayouts), fMenuContainer(NULL), fPoseContainer(NULL), fBorderedView(NULL), fVScrollBarContainer(NULL), fCountContainer(NULL), fFileContextMenu(NULL), fWindowContextMenu(NULL), fDropContextMenu(NULL), fVolumeContextMenu(NULL), fTrashContextMenu(NULL), fDragContextMenu(NULL), fMoveToItem(NULL), fCopyToItem(NULL), fCreateLinkItem(NULL), fOpenWithItem(NULL), fNavigationItem(NULL), fMenuBar(NULL), fDraggableIcon(NULL), fNavigator(NULL), fPoseView(NULL), fWindowList(list), fAttrMenu(NULL), fWindowMenu(NULL), fFileMenu(NULL), fArrangeByMenu(NULL), fSelectionWindow(NULL), fTaskLoop(NULL), fIsTrash(false), fInTrash(false), fIsPrinters(false), fIsDesktop(isDeskWindow), fContainerWindowFlags(containerWindowFlags), fBackgroundImage(NULL), fSavedZoomRect(0, 0, -1, -1), fContextMenu(NULL), fDragMessage(NULL), fCachedTypesList(NULL), fStateNeedsSaving(false), fSaveStateIsEnabled(true), fIsWatchingPath(false) { InitIconPreloader(); if (list != NULL) { ASSERT(list->IsLocked()); list->AddItem(this); } if (useLayouts) { SetFlags(Flags() | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS); fRootLayout = new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL, 0); fRootLayout->SetInsets(0); SetLayout(fRootLayout); fRootLayout->Owner()->AdoptSystemColors(); if (!fIsDesktop) { fMenuContainer = new BGroupView(B_HORIZONTAL, 0); fRootLayout->AddView(fMenuContainer); fPoseContainer = new BGridView(0.0, 0.0); fRootLayout->AddView(fPoseContainer); fBorderedView = new BorderedView; fPoseContainer->GridLayout()->AddView(fBorderedView, 0, 1); fCountContainer = new BGroupView(B_HORIZONTAL, 0); fPoseContainer->GridLayout()->AddView(fCountContainer, 0, 2); } } AddCommonFilter(new BMessageFilter(B_MOUSE_DOWN, ActivateWindowFilter)); Run(); // watch out for settings changes TTracker* tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); if (tracker != NULL && tracker->Lock()) { tracker->StartWatching(this, kWindowsShowFullPathChanged); tracker->StartWatching(this, kSingleWindowBrowseChanged); tracker->StartWatching(this, kShowNavigatorChanged); tracker->StartWatching(this, kDontMoveFilesToTrashChanged); tracker->Unlock(); } // ToDo: remove me once we have undo/redo menu items // (that is, move them to AddShortcuts()) AddShortcut('Z', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(B_UNDO), this); AddShortcut('Z', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(B_REDO), this); } BContainerWindow::~BContainerWindow() { ASSERT(IsLocked()); // stop the watchers TTracker* tracker = dynamic_cast(be_app); if (tracker != NULL && tracker->Lock()) { tracker->StopWatching(this, kWindowsShowFullPathChanged); tracker->StopWatching(this, kSingleWindowBrowseChanged); tracker->StopWatching(this, kShowNavigatorChanged); tracker->StopWatching(this, kDontMoveFilesToTrashChanged); tracker->Unlock(); } delete fTaskLoop; delete fBackgroundImage; delete fDragMessage; delete fCachedTypesList; if (fSelectionWindow != NULL && fSelectionWindow->Lock()) fSelectionWindow->Quit(); } BRect BContainerWindow::InitialWindowRect(window_feel feel) { if (feel != kDesktopWindowFeel) return sNewWindRect; // do not offset desktop window BRect result = sNewWindRect; result.OffsetTo(0, 0); return result; } void BContainerWindow::Minimize(bool minimize) { if (minimize && (modifiers() & B_OPTION_KEY) != 0) do_minimize_team(BRect(0, 0, 0, 0), be_app->Team(), true); else _inherited::Minimize(minimize); } bool BContainerWindow::QuitRequested() { // this is a response to the DeskBar sending us a B_QUIT, when it really // means to say close all your windows. It might be better to have it // send a kCloseAllWindows message and have windowless apps stay running, // which is what we will do for the Tracker if (CurrentMessage() != NULL && ((CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("modifiers") & B_CONTROL_KEY)) != 0) { be_app->PostMessage(kCloseAllWindows); } Hide(); // this will close the window instantly, even if // the file system is very busy right now return true; } void BContainerWindow::Quit() { // get rid of context menus if (fNavigationItem) { BMenu* menu = fNavigationItem->Menu(); if (menu != NULL) menu->RemoveItem(fNavigationItem); delete fNavigationItem; fNavigationItem = NULL; } if (fOpenWithItem != NULL && fOpenWithItem->Menu() == NULL) { delete fOpenWithItem; fOpenWithItem = NULL; } if (fMoveToItem != NULL && fMoveToItem->Menu() == NULL) { delete fMoveToItem; fMoveToItem = NULL; } if (fCopyToItem != NULL && fCopyToItem->Menu() == NULL) { delete fCopyToItem; fCopyToItem = NULL; } if (fCreateLinkItem != NULL && fCreateLinkItem->Menu() == NULL) { delete fCreateLinkItem; fCreateLinkItem = NULL; } if (fAttrMenu != NULL && fAttrMenu->Supermenu() == NULL) { delete fAttrMenu; fAttrMenu = NULL; } delete fFileContextMenu; fFileContextMenu = NULL; delete fWindowContextMenu; fWindowContextMenu = NULL; delete fDropContextMenu; fDropContextMenu = NULL; delete fVolumeContextMenu; fVolumeContextMenu = NULL; delete fDragContextMenu; fDragContextMenu = NULL; int32 windowCount = 0; // This is a deadlock code sequence - need to change this // to acquire the window list while this container window is unlocked if (fWindowList != NULL) { AutoLock > lock(fWindowList); if (lock.IsLocked()) { fWindowList->RemoveItem(this, false); windowCount = fWindowList->CountItems(); } } if (StateNeedsSaving()) SaveState(); if (fWindowList != NULL && windowCount == 0) be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); _inherited::Quit(); } BPoseView* BContainerWindow::NewPoseView(Model* model, uint32 viewMode) { return new BPoseView(model, viewMode); } void BContainerWindow::UpdateIfTrash(Model* model) { BEntry entry(model->EntryRef()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { fIsTrash = model->IsTrash(); fInTrash = FSInTrashDir(model->EntryRef()); fIsPrinters = FSIsPrintersDir(&entry); } } void BContainerWindow::CreatePoseView(Model* model) { UpdateIfTrash(model); fPoseView = NewPoseView(model, kListMode); fBorderedView->GroupLayout()->AddView(fPoseView); fBorderedView->GroupLayout()->SetInsets(1, 0, 1, 1); fBorderedView->EnableBorderHighlight(false); TrackerSettings settings; if (settings.SingleWindowBrowse() && model->IsDirectory() && !fPoseView->IsFilePanel()) { fNavigator = new BNavigator(model); fPoseContainer->GridLayout()->AddView(fNavigator, 0, 0, 2); if (!settings.ShowNavigator()) fNavigator->Hide(); } SetPathWatchingEnabled(settings.ShowNavigator() || settings.ShowFullPathInTitleBar()); } void BContainerWindow::AddContextMenus() { // create context sensitive menus fFileContextMenu = new BPopUpMenu("FileContext", false, false); fFileContextMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); AddFileContextMenus(fFileContextMenu); fVolumeContextMenu = new BPopUpMenu("VolumeContext", false, false); fVolumeContextMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); AddVolumeContextMenus(fVolumeContextMenu); fWindowContextMenu = new BPopUpMenu("WindowContext", false, false); fWindowContextMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); AddWindowContextMenus(fWindowContextMenu); fDropContextMenu = new BPopUpMenu("DropContext", false, false); fDropContextMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); AddDropContextMenus(fDropContextMenu); fDragContextMenu = new BSlowContextMenu("DragContext"); // will get added and built dynamically in ShowContextMenu fTrashContextMenu = new BPopUpMenu("TrashContext", false, false); fTrashContextMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); AddTrashContextMenus(fTrashContextMenu); } void BContainerWindow::RepopulateMenus() { // Avoid these menus to be destroyed: if (fMoveToItem && fMoveToItem->Menu()) fMoveToItem->Menu()->RemoveItem(fMoveToItem); if (fCopyToItem && fCopyToItem->Menu()) fCopyToItem->Menu()->RemoveItem(fCopyToItem); if (fCreateLinkItem && fCreateLinkItem->Menu()) fCreateLinkItem->Menu()->RemoveItem(fCreateLinkItem); if (fOpenWithItem && fOpenWithItem->Menu()) { fOpenWithItem->Menu()->RemoveItem(fOpenWithItem); delete fOpenWithItem; fOpenWithItem = NULL; } if (fNavigationItem) { BMenu* menu = fNavigationItem->Menu(); if (menu) { menu->RemoveItem(fNavigationItem); BMenuItem* item = menu->RemoveItem((int32)0); ASSERT(item != fNavigationItem); delete item; } } delete fFileContextMenu; fFileContextMenu = new BPopUpMenu("FileContext", false, false); fFileContextMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); AddFileContextMenus(fFileContextMenu); delete fWindowContextMenu; fWindowContextMenu = new BPopUpMenu("WindowContext", false, false); fWindowContextMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); AddWindowContextMenus(fWindowContextMenu); if (fMenuBar != NULL) { fMenuBar->RemoveItem(fFileMenu); delete fFileMenu; fFileMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("File")); AddFileMenu(fFileMenu); fMenuBar->AddItem(fFileMenu); fMenuBar->RemoveItem(fWindowMenu); delete fWindowMenu; fWindowMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Window")); fMenuBar->AddItem(fWindowMenu); AddWindowMenu(fWindowMenu); // just create the attribute, decide to add it later fMenuBar->RemoveItem(fAttrMenu); delete fAttrMenu; fAttrMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Attributes")); NewAttributeMenu(fAttrMenu); if (PoseView()->ViewMode() == kListMode) ShowAttributeMenu(); PopulateArrangeByMenu(fArrangeByMenu); int32 selectCount = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); SetupOpenWithMenu(fFileMenu); SetupMoveCopyMenus(selectCount ? PoseView()->SelectionList() ->FirstItem()->TargetModel()->EntryRef() : NULL, fFileMenu); } } void BContainerWindow::Init(const BMessage* message) { BEntry entry; ASSERT(fPoseView != NULL); if (fPoseView == NULL) return; // deal with new unconfigured folders if (NeedsDefaultStateSetup()) SetUpDefaultState(); if (ShouldAddScrollBars()) fPoseView->AddScrollBars(); fMoveToItem = new BMenuItem(new BNavMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Move to"), kMoveSelectionTo, this)); fCopyToItem = new BMenuItem(new BNavMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Copy to"), kCopySelectionTo, this)); fCreateLinkItem = new BMenuItem(new BNavMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Create link"), kCreateLink, this), new BMessage(kCreateLink)); TrackerSettings settings; if (ShouldAddMenus()) { fMenuBar = new BMenuBar("MenuBar"); fMenuContainer->GroupLayout()->AddView(fMenuBar); AddMenus(); if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot() && !IsTrash()) _AddFolderIcon(); } else { // add equivalents of the menu shortcuts to the menuless // desktop window AddShortcuts(); } AddContextMenus(); AddShortcut('T', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(kDelete), PoseView()); AddShortcut('K', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(kCleanupAll), PoseView()); AddShortcut('Q', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY, new BMessage(kQuitTracker)); AddShortcut(B_DOWN_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenSelection), PoseView()); SetSingleWindowBrowseShortcuts(settings.SingleWindowBrowse()); #if DEBUG // add some debugging shortcuts AddShortcut('D', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY, new BMessage('dbug'), PoseView()); AddShortcut('C', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY, new BMessage('dpcc'), PoseView()); AddShortcut('F', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY, new BMessage('dpfl'), PoseView()); AddShortcut('F', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY, new BMessage('dpfL'), PoseView()); #endif BKeymap keymap; keymap.SetToCurrent(); BObjectList unmodified(3, true); if (keymap.GetModifiedCharacters("+", B_SHIFT_KEY, 0, &unmodified) == B_OK) { int32 count = unmodified.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint32 key = BUnicodeChar::FromUTF8(unmodified.ItemAt(i)); if (!HasShortcut(key, 0)) { // Add semantic zoom in shortcut, bug #6692 BMessage* increaseSize = new BMessage(kIconMode); increaseSize->AddInt32("scale", 1); AddShortcut(key, B_COMMAND_KEY, increaseSize, PoseView()); } } } unmodified.MakeEmpty(); if (message != NULL) RestoreState(*message); else RestoreState(); if (ShouldAddMenus() && PoseView()->ViewMode() == kListMode) { // for now only show attributes in list view // eventually enable attribute menu to allow users to select // using different attributes as titles in icon view modes ShowAttributeMenu(); } MarkAttributeMenu(fAttrMenu); CheckScreenIntersect(); if (fBackgroundImage != NULL && !fIsDesktop && PoseView()->ViewMode() != kListMode) { fBackgroundImage->Show(PoseView(), current_workspace()); } Show(); // done showing, turn the B_NO_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATION flag off; // it was on to prevent workspace jerking during boot SetFlags(Flags() & ~B_NO_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATION); } void BContainerWindow::InitLayout() { fBorderedView->GroupLayout()->AddView(0, fPoseView->TitleView()); BLayoutItem* item = fCountContainer->GroupLayout()->AddView( fPoseView->CountView()); item->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(kCountViewWidth, B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT)); item->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(kCountViewWidth, B_SIZE_UNSET)); // Eliminate the extra borders fPoseContainer->GridLayout()->SetInsets(-1, 0, -1, -1); fCountContainer->GroupLayout()->SetInsets(0, -1, 0, 0); if (fPoseView->VScrollBar() != NULL) { fVScrollBarContainer = new BGroupView(B_VERTICAL, 0); fVScrollBarContainer->GroupLayout()->AddView(fPoseView->VScrollBar()); fVScrollBarContainer->GroupLayout()->SetInsets(-1, -1, 0, 0); fPoseContainer->GridLayout()->AddView(fVScrollBarContainer, 1, 1); } if (fPoseView->HScrollBar() != NULL) { BGroupView* hScrollBarContainer = new BGroupView(B_VERTICAL, 0); hScrollBarContainer->GroupLayout()->AddView(fPoseView->HScrollBar()); hScrollBarContainer->GroupLayout()->SetInsets(0, -1, 0, -1); fCountContainer->GroupLayout()->AddView(hScrollBarContainer); } } void BContainerWindow::RestoreState() { UpdateTitle(); WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, false); RestoreWindowState(opener.StreamNode()); fPoseView->Init(opener.StreamNode()); RestoreStateCommon(); } void BContainerWindow::RestoreState(const BMessage &message) { UpdateTitle(); RestoreWindowState(message); fPoseView->Init(message); RestoreStateCommon(); } void BContainerWindow::RestoreStateCommon() { if (!fIsDesktop && fUseLayouts) InitLayout(); if (BootedInSafeMode()) // don't pick up backgrounds in safe mode return; WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, false); if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot() && opener.Node() != NULL) { // don't pick up background image for root disks // to do this, would have to have a unique attribute for the // disks window that doesn't collide with the desktop // for R4 this was not done to make things simpler // the default image will still work though fBackgroundImage = BackgroundImage::GetBackgroundImage( opener.Node(), fIsDesktop); // look for background image info in the window's node } BNode defaultingNode; if (fBackgroundImage == NULL && !fIsDesktop && DefaultStateSourceNode(kDefaultFolderTemplate, &defaultingNode)) { // look for background image info in the source for defaults fBackgroundImage = BackgroundImage::GetBackgroundImage(&defaultingNode, fIsDesktop); } } void BContainerWindow::UpdateTitle() { // set title to full path, if necessary if (TrackerSettings().ShowFullPathInTitleBar()) { // use the Entry's full path BPath path; TargetModel()->GetPath(&path); SetTitle(path.Path()); } else { // use the default look SetTitle(TargetModel()->Name()); } if (Navigator() != NULL) { Navigator()->UpdateLocation(PoseView()->TargetModel(), kActionUpdatePath); } } void BContainerWindow::UpdateBackgroundImage() { if (BootedInSafeMode()) return; WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, false); if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot() && opener.Node() != NULL) { fBackgroundImage = BackgroundImage::Refresh(fBackgroundImage, opener.Node(), fIsDesktop, PoseView()); } // look for background image info in the window's node BNode defaultingNode; if (!fBackgroundImage && !fIsDesktop && DefaultStateSourceNode(kDefaultFolderTemplate, &defaultingNode)) { // look for background image info in the source for defaults fBackgroundImage = BackgroundImage::Refresh(fBackgroundImage, &defaultingNode, fIsDesktop, PoseView()); } } void BContainerWindow::FrameResized(float, float) { if (PoseView() != NULL && !fIsDesktop) { BRect extent = PoseView()->Extent(); float offsetX = extent.left - PoseView()->Bounds().left; float offsetY = extent.top - PoseView()->Bounds().top; // scroll when the size augmented, there is a negative offset // and we have resized over the bottom right corner of the extent BPoint scroll(B_ORIGIN); if (offsetX < 0 && PoseView()->Bounds().right > extent.right && Bounds().Width() > fPreviousBounds.Width()) { scroll.x = std::max(fPreviousBounds.Width() - Bounds().Width(), offsetX); } if (offsetY < 0 && PoseView()->Bounds().bottom > extent.bottom && Bounds().Height() > fPreviousBounds.Height()) { scroll.y = std::max(fPreviousBounds.Height() - Bounds().Height(), offsetY); } if (scroll != B_ORIGIN) PoseView()->ScrollBy(scroll.x, scroll.y); PoseView()->UpdateScrollRange(); PoseView()->ResetPosePlacementHint(); } fPreviousBounds = Bounds(); fStateNeedsSaving = true; } void BContainerWindow::FrameMoved(BPoint) { fStateNeedsSaving = true; } void BContainerWindow::WorkspacesChanged(uint32, uint32) { fStateNeedsSaving = true; } void BContainerWindow::ViewModeChanged(uint32 oldMode, uint32 newMode) { if (fBackgroundImage == NULL) return; if (newMode == kListMode) fBackgroundImage->Remove(); else if (oldMode == kListMode) fBackgroundImage->Show(PoseView(), current_workspace()); } void BContainerWindow::CheckScreenIntersect() { BScreen screen(this); BRect screenFrame(screen.Frame()); BRect frame(Frame()); if (sNewWindRect.bottom > screenFrame.bottom) sNewWindRect.OffsetTo(85, 50); if (sNewWindRect.right > screenFrame.right) sNewWindRect.OffsetTo(85, 50); if (!frame.Intersects(screenFrame)) MoveTo(sNewWindRect.LeftTop()); } void BContainerWindow::SaveState(bool hide) { if (SaveStateIsEnabled()) { WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, true); if (opener.StreamNode() != NULL) SaveWindowState(opener.StreamNode()); if (hide) Hide(); if (opener.StreamNode()) fPoseView->SaveState(opener.StreamNode()); fStateNeedsSaving = false; } } void BContainerWindow::SaveState(BMessage& message) const { if (SaveStateIsEnabled()) { SaveWindowState(message); fPoseView->SaveState(message); } } bool BContainerWindow::StateNeedsSaving() const { return fPoseView != NULL && (fStateNeedsSaving || fPoseView->StateNeedsSaving()); } status_t BContainerWindow::GetLayoutState(BNode* node, BMessage* message) { if (node == NULL || message == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t result = node->InitCheck(); if (result != B_OK) return result; // ToDo: get rid of this, use AttrStream instead node->RewindAttrs(); char attrName[256]; while (node->GetNextAttrName(attrName) == B_OK) { attr_info info; if (node->GetAttrInfo(attrName, &info) != B_OK) continue; // filter out attributes that are not related to window position // and column resizing // more can be added as needed if (strcmp(attrName, kAttrWindowFrame) != 0 && strcmp(attrName, kAttrColumns) != 0 && strcmp(attrName, kAttrViewState) != 0 && strcmp(attrName, kAttrColumnsForeign) != 0 && strcmp(attrName, kAttrViewStateForeign) != 0) { continue; } char* buffer = new char[info.size]; if (node->ReadAttr(attrName, info.type, 0, buffer, (size_t)info.size) == info.size) { message->AddData(attrName, info.type, buffer, (ssize_t)info.size); } delete[] buffer; } return B_OK; } status_t BContainerWindow::SetLayoutState(BNode* node, const BMessage* message) { status_t result = node->InitCheck(); if (result != B_OK) return result; for (int32 globalIndex = 0; ;) { #if B_BEOS_VERSION_DANO const char* name; #else char* name; #endif type_code type; int32 count; status_t result = message->GetInfo(B_ANY_TYPE, globalIndex, &name, &type, &count); if (result != B_OK) break; for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { const void* buffer; ssize_t size; result = message->FindData(name, type, index, &buffer, &size); if (result != B_OK) { PRINT(("error reading %s \n", name)); return result; } if (node->WriteAttr(name, type, 0, buffer, (size_t)size) != size) { PRINT(("error writing %s \n", name)); return result; } globalIndex++; } } return B_OK; } bool BContainerWindow::ShouldAddMenus() const { return true; } bool BContainerWindow::ShouldAddScrollBars() const { return true; } Model* BContainerWindow::TargetModel() const { return fPoseView->TargetModel(); } void BContainerWindow::SelectionChanged() { } void BContainerWindow::Zoom(BPoint, float, float) { BRect oldZoomRect(fSavedZoomRect); fSavedZoomRect = Frame(); ResizeToFit(); if (fSavedZoomRect == Frame() && oldZoomRect.IsValid()) ResizeTo(oldZoomRect.Width(), oldZoomRect.Height()); } void BContainerWindow::ResizeToFit() { BScreen screen(this); BRect screenFrame(screen.Frame()); screenFrame.InsetBy(5, 5); BMessage decoratorSettings; GetDecoratorSettings(&decoratorSettings); float tabHeight = 15; BRect tabRect; if (decoratorSettings.FindRect("tab frame", &tabRect) == B_OK) tabHeight = tabRect.Height(); screenFrame.top += tabHeight; BRect frame(Frame()); float widthDiff = frame.Width() - PoseView()->Frame().Width(); float heightDiff = frame.Height() - PoseView()->Frame().Height(); // move frame left top on screen BPoint leftTop(frame.LeftTop()); leftTop.ConstrainTo(screenFrame); frame.OffsetTo(leftTop); // resize to extent size BRect extent(PoseView()->Extent()); frame.right = frame.left + extent.Width() + widthDiff; frame.bottom = frame.top + extent.Height() + heightDiff; // make sure entire window fits on screen frame = frame & screenFrame; ResizeTo(frame.Width(), frame.Height()); MoveTo(frame.LeftTop()); PoseView()->DisableScrollBars(); // scroll if there is an offset PoseView()->ScrollBy( extent.left - PoseView()->Bounds().left, extent.top - PoseView()->Bounds().top); PoseView()->UpdateScrollRange(); PoseView()->EnableScrollBars(); } void BContainerWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case B_CUT: case B_COPY: case B_PASTE: case kCutMoreSelectionToClipboard: case kCopyMoreSelectionToClipboard: case kPasteLinksFromClipboard: { BView* view = CurrentFocus(); if (dynamic_cast(view) == NULL) { // The selected item is not a BTextView, so forward the // message to the PoseView. if (fPoseView != NULL) fPoseView->MessageReceived(message); } else { // Since we catch the generic clipboard shortcuts in a way that // means the BTextView will never get them, we must // manually forward them ourselves. // // However, we have to take care to not forward the custom // clipboard messages, else we would wind up in infinite // recursion. if (message->what == B_CUT || message->what == B_COPY || message->what == B_PASTE) { view->MessageReceived(message); } } break; } case B_UNDO: { BView* view = CurrentFocus(); if (dynamic_cast(view) == NULL) { FSUndo(); } else { view->MessageReceived(message); } break; } case B_REDO: { BView* view = CurrentFocus(); if (dynamic_cast(view) == NULL) { FSRedo(); } else { view->MessageReceived(message); } break; } case kNewFolder: PostMessage(message, PoseView()); break; case kRestoreState: if (message->HasMessage("state")) { BMessage state; message->FindMessage("state", &state); Init(&state); } else Init(); break; case kResizeToFit: ResizeToFit(); break; case kLoadAddOn: LoadAddOn(message); break; case kCopySelectionTo: { entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) != B_OK) break; BRoster().AddToRecentFolders(&ref); Model model(&ref); if (model.InitCheck() != B_OK) break; if (*model.NodeRef() == *TargetModel()->NodeRef()) PoseView()->DuplicateSelection(); else PoseView()->MoveSelectionInto(&model, this, true); break; } case kMoveSelectionTo: { entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) != B_OK) break; BRoster().AddToRecentFolders(&ref); Model model(&ref); if (model.InitCheck() != B_OK) break; PoseView()->MoveSelectionInto(&model, this, false, true); break; } case kCreateLink: case kCreateRelativeLink: { entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK) { BRoster().AddToRecentFolders(&ref); Model model(&ref); if (model.InitCheck() != B_OK) break; PoseView()->MoveSelectionInto(&model, this, false, false, message->what == kCreateLink, message->what == kCreateRelativeLink); } else if (!TargetModel()->IsQuery() && !TargetModel()->IsVirtualDirectory()) { // no destination specified, create link in same dir as item PoseView()->MoveSelectionInto(TargetModel(), this, false, false, message->what == kCreateLink, message->what == kCreateRelativeLink); } break; } case kShowSelectionWindow: ShowSelectionWindow(); break; case kSelectMatchingEntries: PoseView()->SelectMatchingEntries(message); break; case kFindButton: (new FindWindow())->Show(); break; case kQuitTracker: be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case kRestoreBackgroundImage: UpdateBackgroundImage(); break; case kSwitchDirectory: { entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK) { BEntry entry; if (entry.SetTo(&ref) == B_OK) { if (StateNeedsSaving()) SaveState(false); bool wasInTrash = IsTrash() || InTrash(); bool isRoot = PoseView()->TargetModel()->IsRoot(); // Switch dir and apply new state WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, false); opener.SetTo(&entry, false); // Update PoseView PoseView()->SwitchDir(&ref, opener.StreamNode()); fIsTrash = FSIsTrashDir(&entry); fInTrash = FSInTrashDir(&ref); if (wasInTrash ^ (IsTrash() || InTrash()) || isRoot != PoseView()->TargetModel()->IsRoot()) RepopulateMenus(); if (Navigator() != NULL) { // update Navigation bar int32 action = kActionSet; if (message->FindInt32("action", &action) != B_OK) { // Design problem? Why does FindInt32 touch // 'action' at all if he can't find it?? action = kActionSet; } Navigator()->UpdateLocation(PoseView()->TargetModel(), action); } TrackerSettings settings; if (settings.ShowNavigator() || settings.ShowFullPathInTitleBar()) { SetPathWatchingEnabled(true); } SetSingleWindowBrowseShortcuts( settings.SingleWindowBrowse()); // Update draggable folder icon if (fMenuBar != NULL) { if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot() && !IsTrash()) { // Folder icon should be visible, but in single // window navigation, it might not be. if (fDraggableIcon != NULL) { IconCache::sIconCache->IconChanged( TargetModel()); fDraggableIcon->Invalidate(); } else _AddFolderIcon(); } else if (fDraggableIcon != NULL) fDraggableIcon->RemoveSelf(); } // Update window title UpdateTitle(); } } break; } case B_REFS_RECEIVED: if (Dragging()) { // ref in this message is the target, // the end point of the drag entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK) { fWaitingForRefs = false; BEntry entry(&ref, true); // don't copy to printers dir if (!FSIsPrintersDir(&entry)) { if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK && entry.IsDirectory()) { Model targetModel(&entry, true, false); BPoint dropPoint; uint32 buttons; PoseView()->GetMouse(&dropPoint, &buttons, true); PoseView()->HandleDropCommon(fDragMessage, &targetModel, NULL, PoseView(), dropPoint); } } } DragStop(); } break; case B_TRACKER_ADDON_MESSAGE: { _PassMessageToAddOn(message); break; } case B_OBSERVER_NOTICE_CHANGE: { int32 observerWhat; if (message->FindInt32("be:observe_change_what", &observerWhat) == B_OK) { TrackerSettings settings; switch (observerWhat) { case kWindowsShowFullPathChanged: UpdateTitle(); if (!IsPathWatchingEnabled() && settings.ShowFullPathInTitleBar()) { SetPathWatchingEnabled(true); } if (IsPathWatchingEnabled() && !(settings.ShowNavigator() || settings.ShowFullPathInTitleBar())) { SetPathWatchingEnabled(false); } break; case kSingleWindowBrowseChanged: if (settings.SingleWindowBrowse() && !Navigator() && TargetModel()->IsDirectory() && !PoseView()->IsFilePanel() && !PoseView()->IsDesktopWindow()) { fNavigator = new BNavigator(TargetModel()); fPoseContainer->GridLayout()->AddView(fNavigator, 0, 0, 2); fNavigator->Hide(); SetPathWatchingEnabled(settings.ShowNavigator() || settings.ShowFullPathInTitleBar()); } if (!settings.SingleWindowBrowse() && !fIsDesktop && TargetModel()->IsDesktop()) { // Close the "Desktop" window, but not the Desktop this->Quit(); } SetSingleWindowBrowseShortcuts( settings.SingleWindowBrowse()); break; case kShowNavigatorChanged: ShowNavigator(settings.ShowNavigator()); if (!IsPathWatchingEnabled() && settings.ShowNavigator()) { SetPathWatchingEnabled(true); } if (IsPathWatchingEnabled() && !(settings.ShowNavigator() || settings.ShowFullPathInTitleBar())) { SetPathWatchingEnabled(false); } SetSingleWindowBrowseShortcuts( settings.SingleWindowBrowse()); break; case kDontMoveFilesToTrashChanged: { bool dontMoveToTrash = settings.DontMoveFilesToTrash(); BMenuItem* item = fFileContextMenu->FindItem(kMoveToTrash); if (item != NULL) { item->SetLabel(dontMoveToTrash ? B_TRANSLATE("Delete") : B_TRANSLATE("Move to Trash")); } // Deskbar doesn't have a menu bar, so check if // there is fMenuBar if (fMenuBar && fFileMenu) { item = fFileMenu->FindItem(kMoveToTrash); if (item != NULL) { item->SetLabel(dontMoveToTrash ? B_TRANSLATE("Delete") : B_TRANSLATE("Move to Trash")); } } UpdateIfNeeded(); break; } default: _inherited::MessageReceived(message); break; } } break; } case B_NODE_MONITOR: UpdateTitle(); break; default: _inherited::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void BContainerWindow::SetCutItem(BMenu* menu) { BMenuItem* item; if ((item = menu->FindItem(B_CUT)) == NULL && (item = menu->FindItem(kCutMoreSelectionToClipboard)) == NULL) return; item->SetEnabled(PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems() > 0 || PoseView() != CurrentFocus()); if (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Cut more")); item->SetShortcut('X', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCutMoreSelectionToClipboard)); } else { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Cut")); item->SetShortcut('X', B_COMMAND_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(B_CUT)); } } void BContainerWindow::SetCopyItem(BMenu* menu) { BMenuItem* item; if ((item = menu->FindItem(B_COPY)) == NULL && (item = menu->FindItem(kCopyMoreSelectionToClipboard)) == NULL) { return; } item->SetEnabled(PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems() > 0 || PoseView() != CurrentFocus()); if (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Copy more")); item->SetShortcut('C', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCopyMoreSelectionToClipboard)); } else { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Copy")); item->SetShortcut('C', B_COMMAND_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(B_COPY)); } } void BContainerWindow::SetPasteItem(BMenu* menu) { BMenuItem* item; if ((item = menu->FindItem(B_PASTE)) == NULL && (item = menu->FindItem(kPasteLinksFromClipboard)) == NULL) { return; } item->SetEnabled(FSClipboardHasRefs() || PoseView() != CurrentFocus()); if (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Paste links")); item->SetShortcut('V', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kPasteLinksFromClipboard)); } else { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Paste")); item->SetShortcut('V', B_COMMAND_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(B_PASTE)); } } void BContainerWindow::SetArrangeMenu(BMenu* menu) { BMenuItem* item; if ((item = menu->FindItem(kCleanup)) == NULL && (item = menu->FindItem(kCleanupAll)) == NULL) { return; } item->Menu()->SetEnabled(PoseView()->CountItems() > 0 && (PoseView()->ViewMode() != kListMode)); BMenu* arrangeMenu; if (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Clean up all")); item->SetShortcut('K', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCleanupAll)); arrangeMenu = item->Menu(); } else { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Clean up")); item->SetShortcut('K', B_COMMAND_KEY); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCleanup)); arrangeMenu = item->Menu(); } MarkArrangeByMenu(arrangeMenu); } void BContainerWindow::SetCloseItem(BMenu* menu) { BMenuItem* item; if ((item = menu->FindItem(B_QUIT_REQUESTED)) == NULL && (item = menu->FindItem(kCloseAllWindows)) == NULL) { return; } if (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY) { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Close all")); item->SetShortcut('W', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY); item->SetTarget(be_app); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCloseAllWindows)); } else { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Close")); item->SetShortcut('W', B_COMMAND_KEY); item->SetTarget(this); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED)); } } bool BContainerWindow::IsShowing(const node_ref* node) const { return PoseView()->Represents(node); } bool BContainerWindow::IsShowing(const entry_ref* entry) const { return PoseView()->Represents(entry); } void BContainerWindow::AddMenus() { fFileMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("File")); AddFileMenu(fFileMenu); fMenuBar->AddItem(fFileMenu); fWindowMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Window")); fMenuBar->AddItem(fWindowMenu); AddWindowMenu(fWindowMenu); // just create the attribute, decide to add it later fAttrMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Attributes")); NewAttributeMenu(fAttrMenu); PopulateArrangeByMenu(fArrangeByMenu); } void BContainerWindow::AddFileMenu(BMenu* menu) { if (!PoseView()->IsFilePanel()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Find" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kFindButton), 'F')); } if (!TargetModel()->IsQuery() && !TargetModel()->IsVirtualDirectory() && !IsTrash() && !IsPrintersDir() && !TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { if (!PoseView()->IsFilePanel()) { TemplatesMenu* templatesMenu = new TemplatesMenu(PoseView(), B_TRANSLATE("New")); menu->AddItem(templatesMenu); templatesMenu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); } else { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("New folder"), new BMessage(kNewFolder), 'N')); } } menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Open"), new BMessage(kOpenSelection), 'O')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Get info"), new BMessage(kGetInfo), 'I')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Edit name"), new BMessage(kEditItem), 'E')); if (IsTrash() || InTrash()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Restore"), new BMessage(kRestoreFromTrash))); if (IsTrash()) { // add as first item in menu menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Empty Trash"), new BMessage(kEmptyTrash)), 0); menu->AddItem(new BSeparatorItem(), 1); } } else if (IsPrintersDir()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Add printer" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kAddPrinter), 'N'), 0); menu->AddItem(new BSeparatorItem(), 1); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Make active printer"), new BMessage(kMakeActivePrinter))); } else if (TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Unmount"), new BMessage(kUnmountVolume), 'U'); item->SetEnabled(false); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Mount settings" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kRunAutomounterSettings))); } else { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Duplicate"), new BMessage(kDuplicateSelection), 'D')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(TrackerSettings().DontMoveFilesToTrash() ? B_TRANSLATE("Delete") : B_TRANSLATE("Move to Trash"), new BMessage(kMoveToTrash), 'T')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); // The "Move To", "Copy To", "Create Link" menus are inserted // at this place, have a look at: // BContainerWindow::SetupMoveCopyMenus() } BMenuItem* cutItem = NULL; BMenuItem* copyItem = NULL; BMenuItem* pasteItem = NULL; if (!IsPrintersDir()) { menu->AddSeparatorItem(); if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { cutItem = new(std::nothrow) BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Cut"), new BMessage(B_CUT), 'X'); menu->AddItem(cutItem); copyItem = new(std::nothrow) BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Copy"), new BMessage(B_COPY), 'C'); menu->AddItem(copyItem); pasteItem = new(std::nothrow) BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Paste"), new BMessage(B_PASTE), 'V'); menu->AddItem(pasteItem); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Identify"), new BMessage(kIdentifyEntry))); } BMenu* addOnMenuItem = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Add-ons")); addOnMenuItem->SetFont(be_plain_font); menu->AddItem(addOnMenuItem); } menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); if (cutItem != NULL) cutItem->SetTarget(this); if (copyItem != NULL) copyItem->SetTarget(this); if (pasteItem != NULL) pasteItem->SetTarget(this); } void BContainerWindow::AddWindowMenu(BMenu* menu) { BMenuItem* item; BMenu* iconSizeMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Icon view")); BMessage* message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 32); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("32 x 32"), message); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 40); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("40 x 40"), message); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 48); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("48 x 48"), message); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 64); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("64 x 64"), message); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 96); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("96 x 96"), message); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("size", 128); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("128 x 128"), message); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); iconSizeMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("scale", 0); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Decrease size"), message, '-'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); message = new BMessage(kIconMode); message->AddInt32("scale", 1); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Increase size"), message, '+'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); iconSizeMenu->AddItem(item); // A sub menu where the super item can be invoked. menu->AddItem(iconSizeMenu); iconSizeMenu->Superitem()->SetShortcut('1', B_COMMAND_KEY); iconSizeMenu->Superitem()->SetMessage(new BMessage(kIconMode)); iconSizeMenu->Superitem()->SetTarget(PoseView()); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Mini icon view"), new BMessage(kMiniIconMode), '2'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("List view"), new BMessage(kListMode), '3'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Resize to fit"), new BMessage(kResizeToFit), 'Y'); item->SetTarget(this); menu->AddItem(item); fArrangeByMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Arrange by")); menu->AddItem(fArrangeByMenu); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Select" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kShowSelectionWindow), 'A', B_SHIFT_KEY); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Select all"), new BMessage(B_SELECT_ALL), 'A'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Invert selection"), new BMessage(kInvertSelection), 'S'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); if (!IsTrash()) { item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Open parent"), new BMessage(kOpenParentDir), B_UP_ARROW); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); } item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Close"), new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'W'); item->SetTarget(this); menu->AddItem(item); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Close all in workspace"), new BMessage(kCloseAllInWorkspace), 'Q'); item->SetTarget(be_app); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Preferences" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kShowSettingsWindow)); item->SetTarget(be_app); menu->AddItem(item); } void BContainerWindow::AddShortcuts() { // add equivalents of the menu shortcuts to the menuless desktop window ASSERT(!IsTrash()); ASSERT(!PoseView()->IsFilePanel()); ASSERT(!TargetModel()->IsQuery()); ASSERT(!TargetModel()->IsVirtualDirectory()); AddShortcut('X', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(kCutMoreSelectionToClipboard), this); AddShortcut('C', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(kCopyMoreSelectionToClipboard), this); AddShortcut('F', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kFindButton), PoseView()); AddShortcut('N', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNewFolder), PoseView()); AddShortcut('O', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenSelection), PoseView()); AddShortcut('I', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kGetInfo), PoseView()); AddShortcut('E', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kEditItem), PoseView()); AddShortcut('D', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kDuplicateSelection), PoseView()); AddShortcut('T', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kMoveToTrash), PoseView()); AddShortcut('K', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kCleanup), PoseView()); AddShortcut('A', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(B_SELECT_ALL), PoseView()); AddShortcut('S', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kInvertSelection), PoseView()); AddShortcut('A', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY, new BMessage(kShowSelectionWindow), PoseView()); AddShortcut('G', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kEditQuery), PoseView()); // it is ok to add a global Edit query shortcut here, PoseView will // filter out cases where selected pose is not a query AddShortcut('U', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kUnmountVolume), PoseView()); AddShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenParentDir), PoseView()); AddShortcut('O', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenSelectionWith), PoseView()); BMessage* decreaseSize = new BMessage(kIconMode); decreaseSize->AddInt32("scale", 0); AddShortcut('-', B_COMMAND_KEY, decreaseSize, PoseView()); BMessage* increaseSize = new BMessage(kIconMode); increaseSize->AddInt32("scale", 1); AddShortcut('+', B_COMMAND_KEY, increaseSize, PoseView()); } void BContainerWindow::MenusBeginning() { if (fMenuBar == NULL) return; if (CurrentMessage() != NULL && CurrentMessage()->what == B_MOUSE_DOWN) { // don't commit active pose if only a keyboard shortcut is // invoked - this would prevent Cut/Copy/Paste from working fPoseView->CommitActivePose(); } // File menu int32 selectCount = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); SetupOpenWithMenu(fFileMenu); SetupMoveCopyMenus(selectCount ? PoseView()->SelectionList()->FirstItem()->TargetModel()->EntryRef() : NULL, fFileMenu); if (TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { BVolume boot; BVolumeRoster().GetBootVolume(&boot); bool ejectableVolumeSelected = false; int32 count = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { Model* model = PoseView()->SelectionList()->ItemAt(index)->TargetModel(); if (model->IsVolume()) { BVolume volume; volume.SetTo(model->NodeRef()->device); if (volume != boot) { ejectableVolumeSelected = true; break; } } } BMenuItem* item = fMenuBar->FindItem(kUnmountVolume); if (item != NULL) item->SetEnabled(ejectableVolumeSelected); } UpdateMenu(fMenuBar, kMenuBarContext); AddMimeTypesToMenu(fAttrMenu); if (IsPrintersDir()) { EnableNamedMenuItem(fFileMenu, B_TRANSLATE("Make active printer"), selectCount == 1); } } void BContainerWindow::MenusEnded() { // when we're done we want to clear nav menus for next time DeleteSubmenu(fNavigationItem); DeleteSubmenu(fMoveToItem); DeleteSubmenu(fCopyToItem); DeleteSubmenu(fCreateLinkItem); DeleteSubmenu(fOpenWithItem); } void BContainerWindow::SetupNavigationMenu(const entry_ref* ref, BMenu* parent) { // start by removing nav item (and separator) from old menu if (fNavigationItem != NULL) { BMenu* menu = fNavigationItem->Menu(); if (menu != NULL) { menu->RemoveItem(fNavigationItem); BMenuItem* item = menu->RemoveItem((int32)0); ASSERT(item != fNavigationItem); delete item; } } // if we weren't passed a ref then we're navigating this window if (ref == NULL) ref = TargetModel()->EntryRef(); BEntry entry; if (entry.SetTo(ref) != B_OK) return; // only navigate directories and queries (check for symlink here) Model model(&entry); entry_ref resolvedRef; if (model.InitCheck() != B_OK || (!model.IsContainer() && !model.IsSymLink())) { return; } if (model.IsSymLink()) { if (entry.SetTo(model.EntryRef(), true) != B_OK) return; Model resolvedModel(&entry); if (resolvedModel.InitCheck() != B_OK || !resolvedModel.IsContainer()) return; entry.GetRef(&resolvedRef); ref = &resolvedRef; } if (fNavigationItem == NULL) { fNavigationItem = new ModelMenuItem(&model, new BNavMenu(model.Name(), B_REFS_RECEIVED, be_app, this)); } // setup a navigation menu item which will dynamically load items // as menu items are traversed BNavMenu* navMenu = dynamic_cast(fNavigationItem->Submenu()); navMenu->SetNavDir(ref); fNavigationItem->SetLabel(model.Name()); fNavigationItem->SetEntry(&entry); parent->AddItem(fNavigationItem, 0); parent->AddItem(new BSeparatorItem(), 1); BMessage* message = new BMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED); message->AddRef("refs", ref); fNavigationItem->SetMessage(message); fNavigationItem->SetTarget(be_app); if (!Dragging()) parent->SetTrackingHook(NULL, NULL); } void BContainerWindow::SetUpEditQueryItem(BMenu* menu) { ASSERT(menu); // File menu int32 selectCount = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); // add Edit query if appropriate bool queryInSelection = false; if (selectCount && selectCount < 100) { // only do this for a limited number of selected poses // if any queries selected, add an edit query menu item for (int32 index = 0; index < selectCount; index++) { BPose* pose = PoseView()->SelectionList()->ItemAt(index); Model model(pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), true); if (model.InitCheck() != B_OK) continue; if (model.IsQuery() || model.IsQueryTemplate()) { queryInSelection = true; break; } } } bool poseViewIsQuery = TargetModel()->IsQuery(); // if the view is a query pose view, add edit query menu item BMenuItem* item = menu->FindItem(kEditQuery); if (!poseViewIsQuery && !queryInSelection && item != NULL) item->Menu()->RemoveItem(item); else if ((poseViewIsQuery || queryInSelection) && item == NULL) { // add edit query item after Open item = menu->FindItem(kOpenSelection); if (item) { int32 itemIndex = item->Menu()->IndexOf(item); BMenuItem* query = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Edit query"), new BMessage(kEditQuery), 'G'); item->Menu()->AddItem(query, itemIndex + 1); query->SetTarget(PoseView()); } } } void BContainerWindow::SetupOpenWithMenu(BMenu* parent) { // start by removing nav item (and separator) from old menu if (fOpenWithItem) { BMenu* menu = fOpenWithItem->Menu(); if (menu != NULL) menu->RemoveItem(fOpenWithItem); delete fOpenWithItem; fOpenWithItem = 0; } if (PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems() == 0) { // no selection, nothing to open return; } if (TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { // don't add ourselves if we are root return; } // ToDo: // check if only item in selection list is the root // and do not add if true // add after "Open" BMenuItem* item = parent->FindItem(kOpenSelection); int32 count = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); if (count == 0) return; // build a list of all refs to open BMessage message(B_REFS_RECEIVED); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose* pose = PoseView()->SelectionList()->ItemAt(index); message.AddRef("refs", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } // add Tracker token so that refs received recipients can script us message.AddMessenger("TrackerViewToken", BMessenger(PoseView())); int32 index = item->Menu()->IndexOf(item); fOpenWithItem = new BMenuItem( new OpenWithMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Open with" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), &message, this, be_app), new BMessage(kOpenSelectionWith)); fOpenWithItem->SetTarget(PoseView()); fOpenWithItem->SetShortcut('O', B_COMMAND_KEY | B_CONTROL_KEY); item->Menu()->AddItem(fOpenWithItem, index + 1); } void BContainerWindow::PopulateMoveCopyNavMenu(BNavMenu* navMenu, uint32 what, const entry_ref* ref, bool addLocalOnly) { BVolume volume; BVolumeRoster volumeRoster; BDirectory directory; BEntry entry; BPath path; Model model; dev_t device = ref->device; int32 volumeCount = 0; navMenu->RemoveItems(0, navMenu->CountItems(), true); // count persistent writable volumes volumeRoster.Rewind(); while (volumeRoster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) if (!volume.IsReadOnly() && volume.IsPersistent()) volumeCount++; // add the current folder if (entry.SetTo(ref) == B_OK && entry.GetParent(&entry) == B_OK && model.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) { BNavMenu* menu = new BNavMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Current folder"), what, this); menu->SetNavDir(model.EntryRef()); menu->SetShowParent(true); BMenuItem* item = new SpecialModelMenuItem(&model,menu); item->SetMessage(new BMessage((uint32)what)); navMenu->AddItem(item); } // add the recent folder menu // the "Tracker" settings directory is only used to get its icon if (find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK) { path.Append("Tracker"); if (entry.SetTo(path.Path()) == B_OK && model.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) { BMenu* menu = new RecentsMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Recent folders"), kRecentFolders, what, this); BMenuItem* item = new SpecialModelMenuItem(&model,menu); item->SetMessage(new BMessage((uint32)what)); navMenu->AddItem(item); } } // add Desktop FSGetBootDeskDir(&directory); if (directory.InitCheck() == B_OK && directory.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK && model.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) navMenu->AddNavDir(&model, what, this, true); // ask NavMenu to populate submenu for us // add the home dir if (find_directory(B_USER_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK && entry.SetTo(path.Path()) == B_OK && model.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) navMenu->AddNavDir(&model, what, this, true); navMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); // either add all mounted volumes (for copy), or all the top-level // directories from the same device (for move) // ToDo: can be changed if cross-device moves are implemented if (addLocalOnly || volumeCount < 2) { // add volume this item lives on if (volume.SetTo(device) == B_OK && volume.GetRootDirectory(&directory) == B_OK && directory.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK && model.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) { navMenu->AddNavDir(&model, what, this, false); // do not have submenu populated navMenu->SetNavDir(model.EntryRef()); } } else { // add all persistent writable volumes volumeRoster.Rewind(); while (volumeRoster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { if (volume.IsReadOnly() || !volume.IsPersistent()) continue; // add root dir if (volume.GetRootDirectory(&directory) == B_OK && directory.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK && model.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) { navMenu->AddNavDir(&model, what, this, true); // ask NavMenu to populate submenu for us } } } } void BContainerWindow::SetupMoveCopyMenus(const entry_ref* item_ref, BMenu* parent) { if (IsTrash() || InTrash() || IsPrintersDir() || !fMoveToItem || !fCopyToItem || !fCreateLinkItem || TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { return; } // Grab the modifiers state since we use it twice uint32 modifierKeys = modifiers(); // re-parent items to this menu since they're shared int32 index; BMenuItem* trash = parent->FindItem(kMoveToTrash); if (trash) index = parent->IndexOf(trash) + 2; else index = 0; if (fMoveToItem->Menu() != parent) { if (fMoveToItem->Menu()) fMoveToItem->Menu()->RemoveItem(fMoveToItem); parent->AddItem(fMoveToItem, index++); } if (fCopyToItem->Menu() != parent) { if (fCopyToItem->Menu()) fCopyToItem->Menu()->RemoveItem(fCopyToItem); parent->AddItem(fCopyToItem, index++); } if (fCreateLinkItem->Menu() != parent) { if (fCreateLinkItem->Menu()) fCreateLinkItem->Menu()->RemoveItem(fCreateLinkItem); parent->AddItem(fCreateLinkItem, index); } // Set the "Create Link" item label here so it // appears correctly when menus are disabled, too. if (modifierKeys & B_SHIFT_KEY) fCreateLinkItem->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Create relative link")); else fCreateLinkItem->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Create link")); // only enable once the menus are built fMoveToItem->SetEnabled(false); fCopyToItem->SetEnabled(false); fCreateLinkItem->SetEnabled(false); // get ref for item which is selected BEntry entry; if (entry.SetTo(item_ref) != B_OK) return; Model tempModel(&entry); if (tempModel.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; if (tempModel.IsRoot() || tempModel.IsVolume()) return; // configure "Move to" menu item PopulateMoveCopyNavMenu(dynamic_cast(fMoveToItem->Submenu()), kMoveSelectionTo, item_ref, true); // configure "Copy to" menu item // add all mounted volumes (except the one this item lives on) PopulateMoveCopyNavMenu(dynamic_cast(fCopyToItem->Submenu()), kCopySelectionTo, item_ref, false); // Set "Create Link" menu item message and // add all mounted volumes (except the one this item lives on) if (modifierKeys & B_SHIFT_KEY) { fCreateLinkItem->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCreateRelativeLink)); PopulateMoveCopyNavMenu(dynamic_cast (fCreateLinkItem->Submenu()), kCreateRelativeLink, item_ref, false); } else { fCreateLinkItem->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCreateLink)); PopulateMoveCopyNavMenu(dynamic_cast (fCreateLinkItem->Submenu()), kCreateLink, item_ref, false); } fMoveToItem->SetEnabled(true); fCopyToItem->SetEnabled(true); fCreateLinkItem->SetEnabled(true); // Set the "Identify" item label BMenuItem* identifyItem = parent->FindItem(kIdentifyEntry); if (identifyItem != NULL) { if (modifierKeys & B_SHIFT_KEY) { identifyItem->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Force identify")); identifyItem->Message()->ReplaceBool("force", true); } else { identifyItem->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Identify")); identifyItem->Message()->ReplaceBool("force", false); } } } uint32 BContainerWindow::ShowDropContextMenu(BPoint loc) { BPoint global(loc); PoseView()->ConvertToScreen(&global); PoseView()->CommitActivePose(); // Change the "Create Link" item - allow user to // create relative links with the Shift key down. BMenuItem* item = fDropContextMenu->FindItem(kCreateLink); if (item == NULL) item = fDropContextMenu->FindItem(kCreateRelativeLink); if (item && (modifiers() & B_SHIFT_KEY)) { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Create relative link here")); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCreateRelativeLink)); } else if (item) { item->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Create link here")); item->SetMessage(new BMessage(kCreateLink)); } item = fDropContextMenu->Go(global, true, true); if (item) return item->Command(); return 0; } void BContainerWindow::ShowContextMenu(BPoint loc, const entry_ref* ref, BView*) { ASSERT(IsLocked()); BPoint global(loc); PoseView()->ConvertToScreen(&global); PoseView()->CommitActivePose(); if (ref != NULL) { // clicked on a pose, show file or volume context menu Model model(ref); if (model.IsTrash()) { if (fTrashContextMenu->Window() || Dragging()) return; DeleteSubmenu(fNavigationItem); // selected item was trash, show the trash context menu instead EnableNamedMenuItem(fTrashContextMenu, kEmptyTrash, static_cast(be_app)->TrashFull()); SetupNavigationMenu(ref, fTrashContextMenu); fTrashContextMenu->Go(global, true, true, true); } else { bool showAsVolume = false; bool filePanel = PoseView()->IsFilePanel(); if (Dragging()) { fContextMenu = NULL; BEntry entry; model.GetEntry(&entry); // only show for directories (directory, volume, root) // // don't show a popup for the trash or printers // trash is handled in DeskWindow // // since this menu is opened asynchronously // we need to make sure we don't open it more // than once, the IsShowing flag is set in // SlowContextPopup::AttachedToWindow and // reset in DetachedFromWindow // see the notes in SlowContextPopup::AttachedToWindow if (!FSIsPrintersDir(&entry) && !fDragContextMenu->IsShowing()) { //printf("ShowContextMenu - target is %s %i\n", // ref->name, IsShowing(ref)); fDragContextMenu->ClearMenu(); // in case the ref is a symlink, resolve it // only pop open for directories BEntry resolvedEntry(ref, true); if (!resolvedEntry.IsDirectory()) return; entry_ref resolvedRef; resolvedEntry.GetRef(&resolvedRef); // use the resolved ref for the menu fDragContextMenu->SetNavDir(&resolvedRef); fDragContextMenu->SetTypesList(fCachedTypesList); fDragContextMenu->SetTarget(BMessenger(this)); BPoseView* poseView = PoseView(); if (poseView != NULL) { BMessenger target(poseView); fDragContextMenu->InitTrackingHook( &BPoseView::MenuTrackingHook, &target, fDragMessage); } // this is now asynchronous so that we don't // deadlock in Window::Quit, fDragContextMenu->Go(global, true, false, true); } return; } else if (TargetModel()->IsRoot() || model.IsVolume()) { fContextMenu = fVolumeContextMenu; showAsVolume = true; } else fContextMenu = fFileContextMenu; // clean up items from last context menu if (fContextMenu != NULL) { if (fContextMenu->Window()) return; else MenusEnded(); if (model.InitCheck() == B_OK) { // ??? Do I need this ??? if (showAsVolume) { // non-volume enable/disable copy, move, identify EnableNamedMenuItem(fContextMenu, kDuplicateSelection, false); EnableNamedMenuItem(fContextMenu, kMoveToTrash, false); EnableNamedMenuItem(fContextMenu, kIdentifyEntry, false); // volume model, enable/disable the Unmount item bool ejectableVolumeSelected = false; BVolume boot; BVolumeRoster().GetBootVolume(&boot); BVolume volume; volume.SetTo(model.NodeRef()->device); if (volume != boot) ejectableVolumeSelected = true; EnableNamedMenuItem(fContextMenu, B_TRANSLATE("Unmount"), ejectableVolumeSelected); } } SetupNavigationMenu(ref, fContextMenu); if (!showAsVolume && !filePanel) { SetupMoveCopyMenus(ref, fContextMenu); SetupOpenWithMenu(fContextMenu); } UpdateMenu(fContextMenu, kPosePopUpContext); fContextMenu->Go(global, true, true, true); } } } else if (fWindowContextMenu != NULL) { if (fWindowContextMenu->Window()) return; // Repopulate desktop menu if IsDesktop if (fIsDesktop) RepopulateMenus(); MenusEnded(); // clicked on a window, show window context menu SetupNavigationMenu(ref, fWindowContextMenu); UpdateMenu(fWindowContextMenu, kWindowPopUpContext); fWindowContextMenu->Go(global, true, true, true); } fContextMenu = NULL; } void BContainerWindow::AddFileContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Open"), new BMessage(kOpenSelection), 'O')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Get info"), new BMessage(kGetInfo), 'I')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Edit name"), new BMessage(kEditItem), 'E')); if (!IsTrash() && !InTrash() && !IsPrintersDir()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Duplicate"), new BMessage(kDuplicateSelection), 'D')); } if (!IsTrash() && !InTrash()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(TrackerSettings().DontMoveFilesToTrash() ? B_TRANSLATE("Delete") : B_TRANSLATE("Move to Trash"), new BMessage(kMoveToTrash), 'T')); if (!IsPrintersDir()) { // add separator for copy to/move to items (navigation items) menu->AddSeparatorItem(); } } else { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Delete"), new BMessage(kDelete), 0)); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Restore"), new BMessage(kRestoreFromTrash), 0)); } #ifdef CUT_COPY_PASTE_IN_CONTEXT_MENU menu->AddSeparatorItem(); BMenuItem* cutItem = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Cut"), new BMessage(B_CUT), 'X'); menu->AddItem(cutItem); BMenuItem* copyItem = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Copy"), new BMessage(B_COPY), 'C'); menu->AddItem(copyItem); #endif menu->AddSeparatorItem(); BMessage* message = new BMessage(kIdentifyEntry); message->AddBool("force", false); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Identify"), message)); BMenu* addOnMenuItem = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Add-ons")); addOnMenuItem->SetFont(be_plain_font); menu->AddItem(addOnMenuItem); // set targets as needed menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); #ifdef CUT_COPY_PASTE_IN_CONTEXT_MENU cutItem->SetTarget(this); copyItem->SetTarget(this); #endif } void BContainerWindow::AddVolumeContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Open"), new BMessage(kOpenSelection), 'O')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Get info"), new BMessage(kGetInfo), 'I')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Edit name"), new BMessage(kEditItem), 'E')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new MountMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Mount"))); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Unmount"), new BMessage(kUnmountVolume), 'U'); item->SetEnabled(false); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Add-ons"))); menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); } void BContainerWindow::AddWindowContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { // create context sensitive menu for empty area of window // since we check view mode before display, this should be a radio // mode menu Model* targetModel = TargetModel(); ASSERT(targetModel != NULL); bool needSeparator = true; if (IsTrash()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Empty Trash"), new BMessage(kEmptyTrash))); } else if (IsPrintersDir()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Add printer" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kAddPrinter), 'N')); } else if (InTrash() || targetModel->IsRoot()) { needSeparator = false; } else { TemplatesMenu* templatesMenu = new TemplatesMenu(PoseView(), B_TRANSLATE("New")); menu->AddItem(templatesMenu); templatesMenu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); templatesMenu->SetFont(be_plain_font); } if (needSeparator) menu->AddSeparatorItem(); #ifdef CUT_COPY_PASTE_IN_CONTEXT_MENU BMenuItem* pasteItem = new BMenuItem("Paste", new BMessage(B_PASTE), 'V'); menu->AddItem(pasteItem); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); #endif BMenu* arrangeBy = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Arrange by")); PopulateArrangeByMenu(arrangeBy); menu->AddItem(arrangeBy); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Select" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(kShowSelectionWindow), 'A', B_SHIFT_KEY)); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Select all"), new BMessage(B_SELECT_ALL), 'A')); if (!IsTrash()) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Open parent"), new BMessage(kOpenParentDir), B_UP_ARROW)); } if (targetModel->IsRoot()) { menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new MountMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Mount"))); } menu->AddSeparatorItem(); BMenu* addOnMenuItem = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Add-ons")); addOnMenuItem->SetFont(be_plain_font); menu->AddItem(addOnMenuItem); #if DEBUG menu->AddSeparatorItem(); BMenuItem* testing = new BMenuItem("Test icon cache", new BMessage(kTestIconCache)); menu->AddItem(testing); #endif // target items as needed menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); #ifdef CUT_COPY_PASTE_IN_CONTEXT_MENU pasteItem->SetTarget(this); #endif } void BContainerWindow::AddDropContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Create link here"), new BMessage(kCreateLink))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Move here"), new BMessage(kMoveSelectionTo))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Copy here"), new BMessage(kCopySelectionTo))); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), new BMessage(kCancelButton))); } void BContainerWindow::AddTrashContextMenus(BMenu* menu) { // setup special trash context menu menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Empty Trash"), new BMessage(kEmptyTrash))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Open"), new BMessage(kOpenSelection), 'O')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Get info"), new BMessage(kGetInfo), 'I')); menu->SetTargetForItems(PoseView()); } void BContainerWindow::EachAddon(bool (*eachAddon)(const Model*, const char*, uint32 shortcut, uint32 modifiers, bool primary, void* context, BContainerWindow* window, BMenu* menu), void* passThru, BStringList& mimeTypes, BMenu* menu) { AutoLock > lock(fAddonsList); if (lock.IsLocked()) { for (int i = fAddonsList->CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { struct AddonShortcut* item = fAddonsList->ItemAt(i); bool primary = false; if (mimeTypes.CountStrings() > 0) { BFile file(item->model->EntryRef(), B_READ_ONLY); if (file.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BAppFileInfo info(&file); if (info.InitCheck() == B_OK) { bool secondary = true; // does this add-on has types set at all? BMessage message; if (info.GetSupportedTypes(&message) == B_OK) { type_code typeCode; int32 count; if (message.GetInfo("types", &typeCode, &count) == B_OK) { secondary = false; } } // check all supported types if it has some set if (!secondary) { for (int32 i = mimeTypes.CountStrings(); !primary && i-- > 0;) { BString type = mimeTypes.StringAt(i); if (info.IsSupportedType(type.String())) { BMimeType mimeType(type.String()); if (info.Supports(&mimeType)) primary = true; else secondary = true; } } } if (!secondary && !primary) continue; } } } ((eachAddon)(item->model, item->model->Name(), item->key, item->modifiers, primary, passThru, this, menu)); } } } void BContainerWindow::BuildMimeTypeList(BStringList& mimeTypes) { int32 count = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); if (count <= 0) { // just add the type of the current directory AddMimeTypeString(mimeTypes, TargetModel()); } else { _UpdateSelectionMIMEInfo(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BPose* pose = PoseView()->SelectionList()->ItemAt(index); AddMimeTypeString(mimeTypes, pose->TargetModel()); // If it's a symlink, resolves it and add the Target's MimeType if (pose->TargetModel()->IsSymLink()) { Model* resolved = new Model( pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), true, true); if (resolved->InitCheck() == B_OK) AddMimeTypeString(mimeTypes, resolved); delete resolved; } } } } void BContainerWindow::BuildAddOnMenu(BMenu* parentMenu) { BMenuItem* item = parentMenu->FindItem(B_TRANSLATE("Add-ons")); if (parentMenu->IndexOf(item) == 0) { // the folder of the context menu seems to be named "Add-Ons" // so we just take the last menu item, which is correct if not // build with debug option item = parentMenu->ItemAt(parentMenu->CountItems() - 1); } if (item == NULL) return; BFont font; parentMenu->GetFont(&font); BMenu* menu = item->Submenu(); if (menu == NULL) return; menu->SetFont(&font); // found the addons menu, empty it first for (;;) { item = menu->RemoveItem((int32)0); if (!item) break; delete item; } BObjectList primaryList; BObjectList secondaryList; BStringList mimeTypes(10); BuildMimeTypeList(mimeTypes); AddOneAddonParams params; params.primaryList = &primaryList; params.secondaryList = &secondaryList; // build a list of the MIME types of the selected items EachAddon(AddOneAddon, ¶ms, mimeTypes, parentMenu); primaryList.SortItems(CompareLabels); secondaryList.SortItems(CompareLabels); int32 count = primaryList.CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) menu->AddItem(primaryList.ItemAt(index)); if (count > 0) menu->AddSeparatorItem(); count = secondaryList.CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) menu->AddItem(secondaryList.ItemAt(index)); menu->SetTargetForItems(this); } void BContainerWindow::UpdateMenu(BMenu* menu, UpdateMenuContext context) { const int32 selectCount = PoseView()->SelectionList()->CountItems(); const int32 count = PoseView()->CountItems(); if (context == kMenuBarContext) { EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kOpenSelection, selectCount > 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kGetInfo, selectCount > 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kIdentifyEntry, selectCount > 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kMoveToTrash, selectCount > 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kRestoreFromTrash, selectCount > 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kDelete, selectCount > 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kDuplicateSelection, selectCount > 0); } Model* selectedModel = NULL; if (selectCount == 1) { selectedModel = PoseView()->SelectionList()->FirstItem()-> TargetModel(); } if (context == kMenuBarContext || context == kPosePopUpContext) { SetUpEditQueryItem(menu); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kEditItem, selectCount == 1 && (context == kPosePopUpContext || !PoseView()->ActivePose()) && selectedModel != NULL && !selectedModel->IsDesktop() && !selectedModel->IsRoot() && !selectedModel->IsTrash() && !selectedModel->HasLocalizedName()); SetCutItem(menu); SetCopyItem(menu); SetPasteItem(menu); } if (context == kMenuBarContext || context == kWindowPopUpContext) { uint32 viewMode = PoseView()->ViewMode(); BMenu* iconSizeMenu = NULL; if (BMenuItem* item = menu->FindItem(kIconMode)) iconSizeMenu = item->Submenu(); if (iconSizeMenu != NULL) { if (viewMode == kIconMode) { int32 iconSize = PoseView()->IconSizeInt(); BMenuItem* item = iconSizeMenu->ItemAt(0); for (int32 i = 0; (item = iconSizeMenu->ItemAt(i)) != NULL; i++) { BMessage* message = item->Message(); if (message == NULL) { item->SetMarked(false); continue; } int32 size; if (message->FindInt32("size", &size) != B_OK) size = -1; item->SetMarked(iconSize == size); } } else { BMenuItem* item; for (int32 i = 0; (item = iconSizeMenu->ItemAt(i)) != NULL; i++) item->SetMarked(false); } } MarkNamedMenuItem(menu, kIconMode, viewMode == kIconMode); MarkNamedMenuItem(menu, kListMode, viewMode == kListMode); MarkNamedMenuItem(menu, kMiniIconMode, viewMode == kMiniIconMode); SetCloseItem(menu); SetArrangeMenu(menu); SetPasteItem(menu); BEntry entry(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); BDirectory parent; entry_ref ref; BEntry root("/"); bool parentIsRoot = (entry.GetParent(&parent) == B_OK && parent.GetEntry(&entry) == B_OK && entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK && entry == root); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kOpenParentDir, !TargetModel()->IsDesktop() && !TargetModel()->IsRoot() && (!parentIsRoot || TrackerSettings().SingleWindowBrowse() || TrackerSettings().ShowDisksIcon() || (modifiers() & B_CONTROL_KEY) != 0)); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, kEmptyTrash, count > 0); EnableNamedMenuItem(menu, B_SELECT_ALL, count > 0); BMenuItem* item = menu->FindItem(B_TRANSLATE("New")); if (item != NULL) { TemplatesMenu* templatesMenu = dynamic_cast( item->Submenu()); if (templatesMenu != NULL) templatesMenu->UpdateMenuState(); } } BuildAddOnMenu(menu); } BMessage* BContainerWindow::AddOnMessage(int32 what) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(what); // add selected refs to message BObjectList* selectionList = PoseView()->SelectionList(); int32 index = 0; BPose* pose; while ((pose = selectionList->ItemAt(index++)) != NULL) message->AddRef("refs", pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef()); message->AddRef("dir_ref", TargetModel()->EntryRef()); message->AddMessenger("TrackerViewToken", BMessenger(PoseView())); return message; } void BContainerWindow::LoadAddOn(BMessage* message) { UpdateIfNeeded(); entry_ref addonRef; status_t result = message->FindRef("refs", &addonRef); if (result != B_OK) { BString buffer(B_TRANSLATE("Error %error loading add-On %name.")); buffer.ReplaceFirst("%error", strerror(result)); buffer.ReplaceFirst("%name", addonRef.name); BAlert* alert = new BAlert("", buffer.String(), B_TRANSLATE("Cancel"), 0, 0, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); return; } // add selected refs to message BMessage* refs = AddOnMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED); LaunchInNewThread("Add-on", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, &AddOnThread, refs, addonRef, *TargetModel()->EntryRef()); } void BContainerWindow::_UpdateSelectionMIMEInfo() { BPose* pose; int32 index = 0; while ((pose = PoseView()->SelectionList()->ItemAt(index++)) != NULL) { BString mimeType(pose->TargetModel()->MimeType()); if (!mimeType.Length() || mimeType.ICompare(B_FILE_MIMETYPE) == 0) { pose->TargetModel()->Mimeset(true); if (pose->TargetModel()->IsSymLink()) { Model* resolved = new Model(pose->TargetModel()->EntryRef(), true, true); if (resolved->InitCheck() == B_OK) { mimeType.SetTo(resolved->MimeType()); if (!mimeType.Length() || mimeType.ICompare(B_FILE_MIMETYPE) == 0) { resolved->Mimeset(true); } } delete resolved; } } } } void BContainerWindow::_AddFolderIcon() { if (fMenuBar == NULL) { // We don't want to add the icon if there's no menubar return; } float iconSize = fMenuBar->Bounds().Height() - 2; if (iconSize < 16) iconSize = 16; fDraggableIcon = new(std::nothrow) DraggableContainerIcon(); if (fDraggableIcon != NULL) { BLayoutItem* item = fMenuContainer->GroupLayout()->AddView( fDraggableIcon); item->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(iconSize + 5, iconSize)); item->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(iconSize + 5, item->MaxSize().Height())); fMenuBar->SetBorders( BControlLook::B_ALL_BORDERS & ~BControlLook::B_RIGHT_BORDER); } } void BContainerWindow::_PassMessageToAddOn(BMessage* message) { LaunchInNewThread("Add-on-Pass-Message", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, &RunAddOnMessageThread, new BMessage(*message), (void*)NULL); } BMenuItem* BContainerWindow::NewAttributeMenuItem(const char* label, const char* name, int32 type, float width, int32 align, bool editable, bool statField) { return NewAttributeMenuItem(label, name, type, NULL, width, align, editable, statField); } BMenuItem* BContainerWindow::NewAttributeMenuItem(const char* label, const char* name, int32 type, const char* displayAs, float width, int32 align, bool editable, bool statField) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(kAttributeItem); message->AddString("attr_name", name); message->AddInt32("attr_type", type); message->AddInt32("attr_hash", (int32)AttrHashString(name, (uint32)type)); message->AddFloat("attr_width", width); message->AddInt32("attr_align", align); if (displayAs != NULL) message->AddString("attr_display_as", displayAs); message->AddBool("attr_editable", editable); message->AddBool("attr_statfield", statField); BMenuItem* menuItem = new BMenuItem(label, message); menuItem->SetTarget(PoseView()); return menuItem; } void BContainerWindow::NewAttributeMenu(BMenu* menu) { ASSERT(PoseView()); BMenuItem* item; menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Copy layout"), new BMessage(kCopyAttributes))); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Paste layout"), new BMessage(kPasteAttributes))); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Name"), kAttrStatName, B_STRING_TYPE, 145, B_ALIGN_LEFT, true, true)); if (gLocalizedNamePreferred) { menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Real name"), kAttrRealName, B_STRING_TYPE, 145, B_ALIGN_LEFT, true, true)); } menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem (B_TRANSLATE("Size"), kAttrStatSize, B_OFF_T_TYPE, 80, B_ALIGN_RIGHT, false, true)); menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Modified"), kAttrStatModified, B_TIME_TYPE, 150, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, true)); menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Created"), kAttrStatCreated, B_TIME_TYPE, 150, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, true)); menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Kind"), kAttrMIMEType, B_MIME_STRING_TYPE, 145, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, false)); if (IsTrash() || InTrash()) { menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Original name"), kAttrOriginalPath, B_STRING_TYPE, 225, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, false)); } else { menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Location"), kAttrPath, B_STRING_TYPE, 225, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, false)); } #ifdef OWNER_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Owner"), kAttrStatOwner, B_STRING_TYPE, 60, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, true)); menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Group"), kAttrStatGroup, B_STRING_TYPE, 60, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, true)); #endif menu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Permissions"), kAttrStatMode, B_STRING_TYPE, 80, B_ALIGN_LEFT, false, true)); } void BContainerWindow::ShowAttributeMenu() { ASSERT(fAttrMenu); fMenuBar->AddItem(fAttrMenu); } void BContainerWindow::HideAttributeMenu() { ASSERT(fAttrMenu); fMenuBar->RemoveItem(fAttrMenu); } void BContainerWindow::MarkAttributeMenu() { MarkAttributeMenu(fAttrMenu); } void BContainerWindow::MarkAttributeMenu(BMenu* menu) { if (!menu) return; int32 count = menu->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BMenuItem* item = menu->ItemAt(index); int32 attrHash; if (item->Message()) { if (item->Message()->FindInt32("attr_hash", &attrHash) == B_OK) item->SetMarked(PoseView()->ColumnFor((uint32)attrHash) != 0); else item->SetMarked(false); } BMenu* submenu = item->Submenu(); if (submenu) { int32 count2 = submenu->CountItems(); for (int32 subindex = 0; subindex < count2; subindex++) { item = submenu->ItemAt(subindex); if (item->Message()) { if (item->Message()->FindInt32("attr_hash", &attrHash) == B_OK) { item->SetMarked(PoseView()->ColumnFor((uint32)attrHash) != 0); } else item->SetMarked(false); } } } } } void BContainerWindow::MarkArrangeByMenu(BMenu* menu) { if (!menu) return; int32 count = menu->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { BMenuItem* item = menu->ItemAt(index); if (item->Message()) { uint32 attrHash; if (item->Message()->FindInt32("attr_hash", (int32*)&attrHash) == B_OK) { item->SetMarked(PoseView()->PrimarySort() == attrHash); } else if (item->Command() == kArrangeReverseOrder) item->SetMarked(PoseView()->ReverseSort()); } } } void BContainerWindow::AddMimeTypesToMenu() { AddMimeTypesToMenu(fAttrMenu); } // Adds a menu for a specific MIME type if it doesn't exist already. // Returns the menu, if it existed or not. BMenu* BContainerWindow::AddMimeMenu(const BMimeType& mimeType, bool isSuperType, BMenu* menu, int32 start) { AutoLock _(menu->Looper()); if (!mimeType.IsValid()) return NULL; // Check if we already have an entry for this MIME type in the menu. for (int32 i = start; BMenuItem* item = menu->ItemAt(i); i++) { BMessage* message = item->Message(); if (message == NULL) continue; const char* type; if (message->FindString("mimetype", &type) == B_OK && !strcmp(mimeType.Type(), type)) { return item->Submenu(); } } BMessage attrInfo; char description[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH]; const char* label = mimeType.Type(); if (!mimeType.IsInstalled()) return NULL; // only add things to menu which have "user-visible" data if (mimeType.GetAttrInfo(&attrInfo) != B_OK) return NULL; if (mimeType.GetShortDescription(description) == B_OK && description[0]) label = description; // go through each field in meta mime and add it to a menu BMenu* mimeMenu = NULL; if (isSuperType) { // If it is a supertype, we create the menu anyway as it may have // submenus later on. mimeMenu = new BMenu(label); BFont font; menu->GetFont(&font); mimeMenu->SetFont(&font); } int32 index = -1; const char* publicName; while (attrInfo.FindString("attr:public_name", ++index, &publicName) == B_OK) { if (!attrInfo.FindBool("attr:viewable", index)) { // don't add if attribute not viewable continue; } int32 type; int32 align; int32 width; bool editable; const char* attrName; if (attrInfo.FindString("attr:name", index, &attrName) != B_OK || attrInfo.FindInt32("attr:type", index, &type) != B_OK || attrInfo.FindBool("attr:editable", index, &editable) != B_OK || attrInfo.FindInt32("attr:width", index, &width) != B_OK || attrInfo.FindInt32("attr:alignment", index, &align) != B_OK) continue; BString displayAs; attrInfo.FindString("attr:display_as", index, &displayAs); if (mimeMenu == NULL) { // do a lazy allocation of the menu mimeMenu = new BMenu(label); BFont font; menu->GetFont(&font); mimeMenu->SetFont(&font); } mimeMenu->AddItem(NewAttributeMenuItem(publicName, attrName, type, displayAs.String(), width, align, editable, false)); } if (mimeMenu == NULL) return NULL; BMessage* message = new BMessage(kMIMETypeItem); message->AddString("mimetype", mimeType.Type()); menu->AddItem(new IconMenuItem(mimeMenu, message, mimeType.Type())); return mimeMenu; } void BContainerWindow::AddMimeTypesToMenu(BMenu* menu) { if (!menu) return; // Remove old mime type menus int32 start = menu->CountItems(); while (start > 0 && menu->ItemAt(start - 1)->Submenu() != NULL) { delete menu->RemoveItem(start - 1); start--; } // Add a separator item if there is none yet if (start > 0 && dynamic_cast(menu->ItemAt(start - 1)) == NULL) menu->AddSeparatorItem(); // Add MIME type in case we're a default query type window BPath path; if (TargetModel() != NULL) { TargetModel()->GetPath(&path); if (path.InitCheck() == B_OK && strstr(path.Path(), "/" kQueryTemplates "/") != NULL) { // demangle MIME type name BString name(TargetModel()->Name()); name.ReplaceFirst('_', '/'); PoseView()->AddMimeType(name.String()); } } // Add MIME type menus int32 typeCount = PoseView()->CountMimeTypes(); for (int32 index = 0; index < typeCount; index++) { BMimeType mimeType(PoseView()->MimeTypeAt(index)); if (mimeType.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BMimeType superType; mimeType.GetSupertype(&superType); if (superType.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BMenu* superMenu = AddMimeMenu(superType, true, menu, start); if (superMenu != NULL) { // We have a supertype menu. AddMimeMenu(mimeType, false, superMenu, 0); } } } } // remove empty super menus, promote sub-types if needed for (int32 index = 0; index < typeCount; index++) { BMimeType mimeType(PoseView()->MimeTypeAt(index)); BMimeType superType; mimeType.GetSupertype(&superType); BMenu* superMenu = AddMimeMenu(superType, true, menu, start); if (superMenu == NULL) continue; int32 itemsFound = 0; int32 menusFound = 0; for (int32 i = 0; BMenuItem* item = superMenu->ItemAt(i); i++) { if (item->Submenu() != NULL) menusFound++; else itemsFound++; } if (itemsFound == 0) { if (menusFound != 0) { // promote types to the top level while (BMenuItem* item = superMenu->RemoveItem((int32)0)) { menu->AddItem(item); } } menu->RemoveItem(superMenu->Superitem()); delete superMenu->Superitem(); } } // remove separator if it's the only item in menu BMenuItem* item = menu->ItemAt(menu->CountItems() - 1); if (dynamic_cast(item) != NULL) { menu->RemoveItem(item); delete item; } MarkAttributeMenu(menu); } BHandler* BContainerWindow::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index, BMessage* specifier, int32 form, const char* property) { if (strcmp(property, "Poses") == 0) { // PRINT(("BContainerWindow::ResolveSpecifier %s\n", property)); message->PopSpecifier(); return PoseView(); } return _inherited::ResolveSpecifier(message, index, specifier, form, property); } PiggybackTaskLoop* BContainerWindow::DelayedTaskLoop() { if (!fTaskLoop) fTaskLoop = new PiggybackTaskLoop; return fTaskLoop; } bool BContainerWindow::NeedsDefaultStateSetup() { if (TargetModel() == NULL) return false; if (TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { // don't try to set up anything if we are root return false; } WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, false); if (opener.StreamNode() == NULL) { // can't read state, give up return false; } return !NodeHasSavedState(opener.Node()); } bool BContainerWindow::DefaultStateSourceNode(const char* name, BNode* result, bool createNew, bool createFolder) { //PRINT(("looking for default state in tracker settings dir\n")); BPath settingsPath; if (FSFindTrackerSettingsDir(&settingsPath) != B_OK) return false; BDirectory dir(settingsPath.Path()); BPath path(settingsPath); path.Append(name); if (!BEntry(path.Path()).Exists()) { if (!createNew) return false; BPath tmpPath(settingsPath); for (;;) { // deal with several levels of folders const char* nextSlash = strchr(name, '/'); if (!nextSlash) break; BString tmp; tmp.SetTo(name, nextSlash - name); tmpPath.Append(tmp.String()); mkdir(tmpPath.Path(), 0777); name = nextSlash + 1; if (!name[0]) { // can't deal with a slash at end return false; } } if (createFolder) { if (mkdir(path.Path(), 0777) < 0) return false; } else { BFile file; if (dir.CreateFile(name, &file) != B_OK) return false; } } //PRINT(("using default state from %s\n", path.Path())); result->SetTo(path.Path()); return result->InitCheck() == B_OK; } void BContainerWindow::SetUpDefaultState() { BNode defaultingNode; // this is where we'll ulitimately get the state from bool gotDefaultingNode = 0; bool shouldStagger = false; ASSERT(TargetModel() != NULL); PRINT(("folder %s does not have any saved state\n", TargetModel()->Name())); WindowStateNodeOpener opener(this, true); // this is our destination node, whatever it is for this window if (opener.StreamNode() == NULL) return; if (!TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { BDirectory deskDir; FSGetDeskDir(&deskDir); // try copying state from our parent directory, unless it is the // desktop folder BEntry entry(TargetModel()->EntryRef()); BNode parent; if (FSGetParentVirtualDirectoryAware(entry, parent) == B_OK && parent != deskDir) { PRINT(("looking at parent for state\n")); if (NodeHasSavedState(&parent)) { PRINT(("got state from parent\n")); defaultingNode = parent; gotDefaultingNode = true; // when getting state from parent, stagger the window shouldStagger = true; } } } if (!gotDefaultingNode // parent didn't have any state, use the template directory from // tracker settings folder for what our state should be // For simplicity we are not picking up the most recent // changes that didn't get committed if home is still open in // a window, that's probably not a problem; would be OK if state // got committed after every change && !DefaultStateSourceNode(kDefaultFolderTemplate, &defaultingNode, true)) { return; } if (fIsDesktop) { // don't copy over the attributes if we are the Desktop return; } // copy over the attributes // set up a filter of the attributes we want copied const char* allowAttrs[] = { kAttrWindowFrame, kAttrWindowWorkspace, kAttrViewState, kAttrViewStateForeign, kAttrColumns, kAttrColumnsForeign, 0 }; // copy over attributes that apply; transform them properly, stripping // parts that do not apply, adding a window stagger, etc. StaggerOneParams params; params.rectFromParent = shouldStagger; SelectiveAttributeTransformer frameOffsetter(kAttrWindowFrame, OffsetFrameOne, ¶ms); SelectiveAttributeTransformer scrollOriginCleaner(kAttrViewState, ClearViewOriginOne, ¶ms); // do it AttributeStreamMemoryNode memoryNode; NamesToAcceptAttrFilter filter(allowAttrs); AttributeStreamFileNode fileNode(&defaultingNode); *opener.StreamNode() << scrollOriginCleaner << frameOffsetter << memoryNode << filter << fileNode; } void BContainerWindow::RestoreWindowState(AttributeStreamNode* node) { if (node == NULL || fIsDesktop) { // don't restore any window state if we are the Desktop return; } const char* rectAttributeName; const char* workspaceAttributeName; if (TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { rectAttributeName = kAttrDisksFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrDisksWorkspace; } else { rectAttributeName = kAttrWindowFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrWindowWorkspace; } BRect frame(Frame()); if (node->Read(rectAttributeName, 0, B_RECT_TYPE, sizeof(BRect), &frame) == sizeof(BRect)) { MoveTo(frame.LeftTop()); ResizeTo(frame.Width(), frame.Height()); } else sNewWindRect.OffsetBy(kWindowStaggerBy, kWindowStaggerBy); fPreviousBounds = Bounds(); uint32 workspace; if (((fContainerWindowFlags & kRestoreWorkspace) != 0) && node->Read(workspaceAttributeName, 0, B_INT32_TYPE, sizeof(uint32), &workspace) == sizeof(uint32)) SetWorkspaces(workspace); if ((fContainerWindowFlags & kIsHidden) != 0) Minimize(true); // restore window decor settings int32 size = node->Contains(kAttrWindowDecor, B_RAW_TYPE); if (size > 0) { char buffer[size]; if (((fContainerWindowFlags & kRestoreDecor) != 0) && node->Read(kAttrWindowDecor, 0, B_RAW_TYPE, size, buffer) == size) { BMessage decorSettings; if (decorSettings.Unflatten(buffer) == B_OK) SetDecoratorSettings(decorSettings); } } } void BContainerWindow::RestoreWindowState(const BMessage& message) { if (fIsDesktop) { // don't restore any window state if we are the Desktop return; } const char* rectAttributeName; const char* workspaceAttributeName; if (TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { rectAttributeName = kAttrDisksFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrDisksWorkspace; } else { rectAttributeName = kAttrWindowFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrWindowWorkspace; } BRect frame(Frame()); if (message.FindRect(rectAttributeName, &frame) == B_OK) { MoveTo(frame.LeftTop()); ResizeTo(frame.Width(), frame.Height()); } else sNewWindRect.OffsetBy(kWindowStaggerBy, kWindowStaggerBy); uint32 workspace; if ((fContainerWindowFlags & kRestoreWorkspace) && message.FindInt32(workspaceAttributeName, (int32*)&workspace) == B_OK) { SetWorkspaces(workspace); } if (fContainerWindowFlags & kIsHidden) Minimize(true); // restore window decor settings BMessage decorSettings; if ((fContainerWindowFlags & kRestoreDecor) && message.FindMessage(kAttrWindowDecor, &decorSettings) == B_OK) { SetDecoratorSettings(decorSettings); } } void BContainerWindow::SaveWindowState(AttributeStreamNode* node) { if (fIsDesktop) { // don't save window state if we are the Desktop return; } ASSERT(node != NULL); const char* rectAttributeName; const char* workspaceAttributeName; if (TargetModel() != NULL && TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { rectAttributeName = kAttrDisksFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrDisksWorkspace; } else { rectAttributeName = kAttrWindowFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrWindowWorkspace; } // node is null if it already got deleted BRect frame(Frame()); node->Write(rectAttributeName, 0, B_RECT_TYPE, sizeof(BRect), &frame); uint32 workspaces = Workspaces(); node->Write(workspaceAttributeName, 0, B_INT32_TYPE, sizeof(uint32), &workspaces); BMessage decorSettings; if (GetDecoratorSettings(&decorSettings) == B_OK) { int32 size = decorSettings.FlattenedSize(); char buffer[size]; if (decorSettings.Flatten(buffer, size) == B_OK) { node->Write(kAttrWindowDecor, 0, B_RAW_TYPE, size, buffer); } } } void BContainerWindow::SaveWindowState(BMessage& message) const { const char* rectAttributeName; const char* workspaceAttributeName; if (TargetModel() != NULL && TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { rectAttributeName = kAttrDisksFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrDisksWorkspace; } else { rectAttributeName = kAttrWindowFrame; workspaceAttributeName = kAttrWindowWorkspace; } // node is null if it already got deleted BRect frame(Frame()); message.AddRect(rectAttributeName, frame); message.AddInt32(workspaceAttributeName, (int32)Workspaces()); BMessage decorSettings; if (GetDecoratorSettings(&decorSettings) == B_OK) { message.AddMessage(kAttrWindowDecor, &decorSettings); } } status_t BContainerWindow::DragStart(const BMessage* dragMessage) { if (dragMessage == NULL) return B_ERROR; // if already dragging, or // if all the refs match if (Dragging() && SpringLoadedFolderCompareMessages(dragMessage, fDragMessage)) { return B_OK; } // cache the current drag message // build a list of the mimetypes in the message SpringLoadedFolderCacheDragData(dragMessage, &fDragMessage, &fCachedTypesList); fWaitingForRefs = true; return B_OK; } void BContainerWindow::DragStop() { delete fDragMessage; fDragMessage = NULL; delete fCachedTypesList; fCachedTypesList = NULL; fWaitingForRefs = false; } void BContainerWindow::ShowSelectionWindow() { if (fSelectionWindow == NULL) { fSelectionWindow = new SelectionWindow(this); fSelectionWindow->Show(); } else if (fSelectionWindow->Lock()) { // The window is already there, just bring it close fSelectionWindow->MoveCloseToMouse(); if (fSelectionWindow->IsHidden()) fSelectionWindow->Show(); fSelectionWindow->Unlock(); } } void BContainerWindow::ShowNavigator(bool show) { if (PoseView()->IsDesktopWindow() || !TargetModel()->IsDirectory() || fPoseView->IsFilePanel()) { return; } if (show) { if (Navigator() && !Navigator()->IsHidden()) return; if (Navigator() == NULL) { fNavigator = new BNavigator(TargetModel()); fPoseContainer->GridLayout()->AddView(fNavigator, 0, 0, 2); } if (Navigator()->IsHidden()) Navigator()->Show(); if (PoseView()->VScrollBar()) PoseView()->UpdateScrollRange(); } else { if (!Navigator() || Navigator()->IsHidden()) return; if (PoseView()->VScrollBar()) PoseView()->UpdateScrollRange(); fNavigator->Hide(); } } void BContainerWindow::SetSingleWindowBrowseShortcuts(bool enabled) { if (PoseView()->IsDesktopWindow()) return; if (enabled) { if (!Navigator()) return; RemoveShortcut(B_DOWN_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY); RemoveShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY); RemoveShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY); AddShortcut(B_LEFT_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNavigatorCommandBackward), Navigator()); AddShortcut(B_RIGHT_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNavigatorCommandForward), Navigator()); AddShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNavigatorCommandUp), Navigator()); AddShortcut(B_LEFT_ARROW, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNavigatorCommandBackward), Navigator()); AddShortcut(B_RIGHT_ARROW, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNavigatorCommandForward), Navigator()); AddShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNavigatorCommandUp), Navigator()); AddShortcut(B_DOWN_ARROW, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenSelection), PoseView()); AddShortcut('L', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kNavigatorCommandSetFocus), Navigator()); } else { RemoveShortcut(B_LEFT_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY); RemoveShortcut(B_RIGHT_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY); RemoveShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY); // This is added again, below, with a new meaning. RemoveShortcut(B_LEFT_ARROW, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY); RemoveShortcut(B_RIGHT_ARROW, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY); RemoveShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_OPTION_KEY | B_COMMAND_KEY); RemoveShortcut(B_DOWN_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY); // This also changes meaning, added again below. AddShortcut(B_DOWN_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenSelection), PoseView()); AddShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenParentDir), PoseView()); // We change the meaning from kNavigatorCommandUp // to kOpenParentDir. AddShortcut(B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY | B_OPTION_KEY, new BMessage(kOpenParentDir), PoseView()); // command + option results in closing the parent window RemoveShortcut('L', B_COMMAND_KEY); } } void BContainerWindow::SetPathWatchingEnabled(bool enable) { if (IsPathWatchingEnabled()) { stop_watching(this); fIsWatchingPath = false; } if (enable) { if (TargetModel() != NULL) { BEntry entry; TargetModel()->GetEntry(&entry); status_t err; do { err = entry.GetParent(&entry); if (err != B_OK) break; char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; entry.GetName(name); if (strcmp(name, "/") == 0) break; node_ref ref; entry.GetNodeRef(&ref); watch_node(&ref, B_WATCH_NAME, this); } while (err == B_OK); fIsWatchingPath = err == B_OK; } else fIsWatchingPath = false; } } void BContainerWindow::PulseTaskLoop() { if (fTaskLoop) fTaskLoop->PulseMe(); } void BContainerWindow::PopulateArrangeByMenu(BMenu* menu) { if (!fAttrMenu || !menu) return; // empty fArrangeByMenu... BMenuItem* item; while ((item = menu->RemoveItem((int32)0)) != NULL) delete item; int32 itemCount = fAttrMenu->CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { item = fAttrMenu->ItemAt(i); if (item->Command() == kAttributeItem) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(*(item->Message())); message->what = kArrangeBy; BMenuItem* newItem = new BMenuItem(item->Label(), message); newItem->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(newItem); } } menu->AddSeparatorItem(); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Reverse order"), new BMessage(kArrangeReverseOrder)); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Clean up"), new BMessage(kCleanup), 'K'); item->SetTarget(PoseView()); menu->AddItem(item); } // #pragma mark - WindowStateNodeOpener WindowStateNodeOpener::WindowStateNodeOpener(BContainerWindow* window, bool forWriting) : fModelOpener(NULL), fNode(NULL), fStreamNode(NULL) { if (window->TargetModel() && window->TargetModel()->IsRoot()) { BDirectory dir; if (FSGetDeskDir(&dir) == B_OK) { fNode = new BDirectory(dir); fStreamNode = new AttributeStreamFileNode(fNode); } } else if (window->TargetModel()){ fModelOpener = new ModelNodeLazyOpener(window->TargetModel(), forWriting, false); if (fModelOpener->IsOpen(forWriting)) { fStreamNode = new AttributeStreamFileNode( fModelOpener->TargetModel()->Node()); } } } WindowStateNodeOpener::~WindowStateNodeOpener() { delete fModelOpener; delete fNode; delete fStreamNode; } void WindowStateNodeOpener::SetTo(const BDirectory* node) { delete fModelOpener; delete fNode; delete fStreamNode; fModelOpener = NULL; fNode = new BDirectory(*node); fStreamNode = new AttributeStreamFileNode(fNode); } void WindowStateNodeOpener::SetTo(const BEntry* entry, bool forWriting) { delete fModelOpener; delete fNode; delete fStreamNode; fModelOpener = NULL; fNode = new BFile(entry, (uint32)(forWriting ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)); fStreamNode = new AttributeStreamFileNode(fNode); } void WindowStateNodeOpener::SetTo(Model* model, bool forWriting) { delete fModelOpener; delete fNode; delete fStreamNode; fNode = NULL; fStreamNode = NULL; fModelOpener = new ModelNodeLazyOpener(model, forWriting, false); if (fModelOpener->IsOpen(forWriting)) { fStreamNode = new AttributeStreamFileNode( fModelOpener->TargetModel()->Node()); } } AttributeStreamNode* WindowStateNodeOpener::StreamNode() const { return fStreamNode; } BNode* WindowStateNodeOpener::Node() const { if (!fStreamNode) return NULL; if (fNode) return fNode; return fModelOpener->TargetModel()->Node(); } // #pragma mark - BorderedView BorderedView::BorderedView() : BGroupView(B_VERTICAL, 0), fEnableBorderHighlight(true) { GroupLayout()->SetInsets(1); } void BorderedView::WindowActivated(bool active) { BContainerWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window()); if (window == NULL) return; if (window->PoseView()->IsFocus()) PoseViewFocused(active); // Update border color } void BorderedView::EnableBorderHighlight(bool enable) { fEnableBorderHighlight = enable; PoseViewFocused(false); } void BorderedView::PoseViewFocused(bool focused) { BContainerWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window()); if (window == NULL) return; color_which base = B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR; float tint = B_DARKEN_2_TINT; if (focused && window->IsActive() && fEnableBorderHighlight) { base = B_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION_COLOR; tint = B_NO_TINT; } BScrollBar* hScrollBar = window->PoseView()->HScrollBar(); if (hScrollBar != NULL) hScrollBar->SetBorderHighlighted(focused); BScrollBar* vScrollBar = window->PoseView()->VScrollBar(); if (vScrollBar != NULL) vScrollBar->SetBorderHighlighted(focused); SetViewUIColor(base, tint); Invalidate(); } void BorderedView::Pulse() { BContainerWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window()); if (window != NULL) window->PulseTaskLoop(); }