/* * Copyright 2003-2007, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PartitionDelegate.h" using std::nothrow; /*! \class BPartition \brief A BPartition object represent a partition and provides a lot of methods to retrieve information about it and some to manipulate it. Not all BPartitions represent actual on-disk partitions. Some exist only to make all devices fit smoothly into the framework (e.g. for floppies, \see IsVirtual()), others represents merely partition slots (\see IsEmpty()). */ // compare_string /*! \brief \c NULL aware strcmp(). \c NULL is considered the least of all strings. \c NULL equals \c NULL. \param str1 First string. \param str2 Second string. \return A value less than 0, if \a str1 is less than \a str2, 0, if they are equal, or a value greater than 0, if \a str1 is greater \a str2. */ static inline int compare_string(const char* str1, const char* str2) { if (str1 == NULL) { if (str2 == NULL) return 0; return 1; } else if (str2 == NULL) return -1; return strcmp(str1, str2); } // constructor BPartition::BPartition() : fDevice(NULL), fParent(NULL), fPartitionData(NULL), fDelegate(NULL) { } // destructor /*! \brief Frees all resources associated with this object. */ BPartition::~BPartition() { _Unset(); } // Offset /*! \brief Returns the partition's offset relative to the beginning of the device it resides on. \return The partition's offset in bytes relative to the beginning of the device it resides on. */ off_t BPartition::Offset() const { return _PartitionData()->offset; } // Size /*! \brief Returns the size of the partition. \return The size of the partition in bytes. */ off_t BPartition::Size() const { return _PartitionData()->size; } // ContentSize off_t BPartition::ContentSize() const { return _PartitionData()->content_size; } // BlockSize /*! \brief Returns the block size of the device. \return The block size of the device in bytes. */ uint32 BPartition::BlockSize() const { return _PartitionData()->block_size; } // Index /*! \brief Returns the index of the partition in its session's list of partitions. \return The index of the partition in its session's list of partitions. */ int32 BPartition::Index() const { return _PartitionData()->index; } // Status uint32 BPartition::Status() const { return _PartitionData()->status; } // ContainsFileSystem bool BPartition::ContainsFileSystem() const { return _PartitionData()->flags & B_PARTITION_FILE_SYSTEM; } // ContainsPartitioningSystem bool BPartition::ContainsPartitioningSystem() const { return _PartitionData()->flags & B_PARTITION_PARTITIONING_SYSTEM; } // IsDevice bool BPartition::IsDevice() const { return _PartitionData()->flags & B_PARTITION_IS_DEVICE; } // IsReadOnly bool BPartition::IsReadOnly() const { return _PartitionData()->flags & B_PARTITION_READ_ONLY; } // IsMounted /*! \brief Returns whether the volume is mounted. \return \c true, if the volume is mounted, \c false otherwise. */ bool BPartition::IsMounted() const { return _PartitionData()->flags & B_PARTITION_MOUNTED; // alternatively: // return _PartitionData()->volume >= 0; } // IsBusy bool BPartition::IsBusy() const { return _PartitionData()->flags & B_PARTITION_BUSY; } // Flags /*! \brief Returns the flags for this partitions. The partition flags are a bitwise combination of: - \c B_HIDDEN_PARTITION: The partition can not contain a file system. - \c B_VIRTUAL_PARTITION: There exists no on-disk partition this object represents. E.g. for floppies there will be a BPartition object spanning the whole floppy disk. - \c B_EMPTY_PARTITION: The partition represents no physical partition, but merely an empty slot. This mainly used to keep the indexing of partitions more persistent. This flag implies also \c B_HIDDEN_PARTITION. \return The flags for this partition. */ uint32 BPartition::Flags() const { return _PartitionData()->flags; } // Name /*! \brief Returns the name of the partition. Note, that not all partitioning system support names. The method returns \c NULL, if the partition doesn't have a name. \return The name of the partition, or \c NULL, if the partitioning system does not support names. */ const char* BPartition::Name() const { return _PartitionData()->name; } // ContentName const char* BPartition::ContentName() const { return _PartitionData()->content_name; } // Type /*! \brief Returns a human readable string for the type of the partition. \return A human readable string for the type of the partition. */ const char* BPartition::Type() const { return _PartitionData()->type; } // ContentType const char* BPartition::ContentType() const { return _PartitionData()->content_type; } // ID /*! \brief Returns a unique identifier for this partition. The ID is not persistent, i.e. in general won't be the same after rebooting. \see BDiskDeviceRoster::GetPartitionWithID(). \return A unique identifier for this partition. */ int32 BPartition::ID() const { return _PartitionData()->id; } // Parameters const char* BPartition::Parameters() const { return _PartitionData()->parameters; } // ContentParameters const char* BPartition::ContentParameters() const { return _PartitionData()->content_parameters; } // GetDiskSystem status_t BPartition::GetDiskSystem(BDiskSystem* diskSystem) const { const user_partition_data* data = _PartitionData(); if (!data || !diskSystem) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (data->disk_system < 0) return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; return diskSystem->_SetTo(data->disk_system); } // GetPath status_t BPartition::GetPath(BPath* path) const { // The path is constructed on the fly using our parent if (path == NULL || Parent() == NULL || Index() < 0) return B_BAD_VALUE; // get the parent's path status_t error = Parent()->GetPath(path); if (error != B_OK) return error; char indexBuffer[24]; if (Parent()->IsDevice()) { // Our parent is a device, so we replace `raw' by our index. const char* leaf = path->Leaf(); if (!leaf || strcmp(leaf, "raw") != B_OK) return B_ERROR; snprintf(indexBuffer, sizeof(indexBuffer), "%ld", Index()); } else { // Our parent is a normal partition, no device: Append our index. snprintf(indexBuffer, sizeof(indexBuffer), "%s_%ld", path->Leaf(), Index()); } error = path->GetParent(path); if (error == B_OK) error = path->Append(indexBuffer); return error; } // GetVolume /*! \brief Returns a BVolume for the partition. This can only succeed, if the partition is mounted. \param volume Pointer to a pre-allocated BVolume, to be initialized to represent the volume. \return \c B_OK, if the volume is mounted and the parameter could be set accordingly, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BPartition::GetVolume(BVolume* volume) const { if (!volume) return B_BAD_VALUE; return volume->SetTo(_PartitionData()->volume); } // GetIcon /*! \brief Returns an icon for this partition. Note, that currently there are only per-device icons, i.e. the method returns the same icon for each partition of a device. But this may change in the future. \param icon Pointer to a pre-allocated BBitmap to be set to the icon of the partition. \param which Size of the icon to be retrieved. Can be \c B_MINI_ICON or \c B_LARGE_ICON. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BPartition::GetIcon(BBitmap* icon, icon_size which) const { if (icon == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t error; if (IsMounted()) { // mounted: get the icon from the volume BVolume volume; error = GetVolume(&volume); if (error == B_OK) error = volume.GetIcon(icon, which); } else { // not mounted: retrieve the icon ourselves if (BDiskDevice* device = Device()) { BPath path; error = device->GetPath(&path); // get the icon if (error == B_OK) error = get_device_icon(path.Path(), icon, which); } else error = B_ERROR; } return error; } status_t BPartition::GetIcon(uint8** _data, size_t* _size, type_code* _type) const { if (_data == NULL || _size == NULL || _type == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t error; if (IsMounted()) { // mounted: get the icon from the volume BVolume volume; error = GetVolume(&volume); if (error == B_OK) error = volume.GetIcon(_data, _size, _type); } else { // not mounted: retrieve the icon ourselves if (BDiskDevice* device = Device()) { BPath path; error = device->GetPath(&path); // get the icon if (error == B_OK) error = get_device_icon(path.Path(), _data, _size, _type); } else error = B_ERROR; } return error; } // GetMountPoint /*! \brief Returns the mount point for the partition. If the partition is mounted this is the actual mount point. If it is not mounted, but contains a file system, derived from the partition name the name for a not yet existing directory in the root directory is constructed and the path to it returned. For partitions not containing a file system the method returns an error. \param mountPoint Pointer to the path to be set to refer the mount point (respectively potential mount point) of the partition. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, an error code otherwise. */ status_t BPartition::GetMountPoint(BPath* mountPoint) const { if (!mountPoint || !ContainsFileSystem()) return B_BAD_VALUE; // if the partition is mounted, return the actual mount point BVolume volume; if (GetVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { BDirectory dir; status_t error = volume.GetRootDirectory(&dir); if (error == B_OK) error = mountPoint->SetTo(&dir, NULL); return error; } // partition not mounted // get the volume name const char* volumeName = ContentName(); if (!volumeName || strlen(volumeName) == 0) volumeName = Name(); if (!volumeName || strlen(volumeName) == 0) volumeName = "unnamed volume"; // construct a path name from the volume name // replace '/'s and prepend a '/' BString mountPointPath(volumeName); mountPointPath.ReplaceAll('/', '-'); mountPointPath.Insert("/", 0); // make the name unique BString basePath(mountPointPath); int counter = 1; while (true) { BEntry entry; status_t error = entry.SetTo(mountPointPath.String()); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (!entry.Exists()) break; mountPointPath = basePath; mountPointPath << counter; counter++; } return mountPoint->SetTo(mountPointPath.String()); } // Mount /*! \brief Mounts the volume. The volume can only be mounted, if the partition contains a recognized file system (\see ContainsFileSystem()) and it is not already mounted. If no mount point is given, one will be created automatically under the root directory (derived from the volume name). If one is given, the directory must already exist. \param mountPoint The directory where to mount the file system. May be \c NULL, in which case a mount point in the root directory will be created automatically. \param mountFlags Currently only \c B_MOUNT_READ_ONLY is defined, which forces the volume to be mounted read-only. \param parameters File system specific mount parameters. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ dev_t BPartition::Mount(const char* mountPoint, uint32 mountFlags, const char* parameters) { if (IsMounted() || !ContainsFileSystem()) return B_BAD_VALUE; // get the partition path BPath partitionPath; status_t error = GetPath(&partitionPath); if (error != B_OK) return error; // create a mount point, if none is given bool deleteMountPoint = false; BPath mountPointPath; if (!mountPoint) { // get a unique mount point error = GetMountPoint(&mountPointPath); if (error != B_OK) return error; mountPoint = mountPointPath.Path(); // create the directory if (mkdir(mountPoint, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) < 0) return errno; deleteMountPoint = true; } // mount the partition dev_t device = fs_mount_volume(mountPoint, partitionPath.Path(), NULL, mountFlags, parameters); // delete the mount point on error, if we created it if (device < B_OK && deleteMountPoint) rmdir(mountPoint); // update object, if successful if (device >= 0) error = Device()->Update(); return device; } // Unmount /*! \brief Unmounts the volume. The volume can of course only be unmounted, if it currently is mounted. \param unmountFlags Currently only \c B_FORCE_UNMOUNT is defined, which forces the partition to be unmounted, even if there are still open FDs. Be careful using this flag -- you risk the user's data. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BPartition::Unmount(uint32 unmountFlags) { if (!IsMounted()) return B_BAD_VALUE; // get the partition path BPath path; status_t status = GetMountPoint(&path); if (status != B_OK) return status; // unmount status = fs_unmount_volume(path.Path(), unmountFlags); // update object, if successful if (status == B_OK) status = Device()->Update(); return status; } // Device /*! \brief Returns the device this partition resides on. \return The device this partition resides on. */ BDiskDevice* BPartition::Device() const { return fDevice; } // Parent BPartition* BPartition::Parent() const { return fParent; } // ChildAt BPartition* BPartition::ChildAt(int32 index) const { if (fDelegate) { Delegate* child = fDelegate->ChildAt(index); return child ? child->Partition() : NULL; } return _ChildAt(index); } // CountChildren int32 BPartition::CountChildren() const { if (fDelegate) return fDelegate->CountChildren(); return _CountChildren(); } // CountDescendants int32 BPartition::CountDescendants() const { int32 count = 1; for (int32 i = 0; BPartition* child = ChildAt(i); i++) count += child->CountDescendants(); return count; } // FindDescendant BPartition* BPartition::FindDescendant(partition_id id) const { IDFinderVisitor visitor(id); return VisitEachDescendant(&visitor); } // GetPartitioningInfo status_t BPartition::GetPartitioningInfo(BPartitioningInfo* info) const { if (!info) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->GetPartitioningInfo(info); } // VisitEachChild BPartition* BPartition::VisitEachChild(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor) const { if (visitor) { int32 level = _Level(); for (int32 i = 0; BPartition* child = ChildAt(i); i++) { if (child->_AcceptVisitor(visitor, level)) return child; } } return NULL; } // VisitEachDescendant BPartition* BPartition::VisitEachDescendant(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor) const { if (visitor) return const_cast(this)->_VisitEachDescendant(visitor); return NULL; } // CanDefragment bool BPartition::CanDefragment(bool* whileMounted) const { return _SupportsOperation(B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_DEFRAGMENTING, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_DEFRAGMENTING_WHILE_MOUNTED, whileMounted); } // Defragment status_t BPartition::Defragment() const { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->Defragment(); } // CanRepair bool BPartition::CanRepair(bool checkOnly, bool* whileMounted) const { uint32 flag; uint32 whileMountedFlag; if (checkOnly) { flag = B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_CHECKING; whileMountedFlag = B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_CHECKING_WHILE_MOUNTED; } else { flag = B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_REPAIRING; whileMountedFlag = B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_REPAIRING_WHILE_MOUNTED; } return _SupportsOperation(flag, whileMountedFlag, whileMounted); } // Repair status_t BPartition::Repair(bool checkOnly) const { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->Repair(checkOnly); } // CanResize bool BPartition::CanResize(bool* canResizeContents, bool* whileMounted) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent) return false; if (!parent->_SupportsChildOperation(this, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_RESIZING_CHILD)) { return false; } if (!_HasContent()) return true; return _SupportsOperation(B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_RESIZING, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_RESIZING_WHILE_MOUNTED, whileMounted); } // ValidateResize status_t BPartition::ValidateResize(off_t* size) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; status_t error = parent->fDelegate->ValidateResizeChild(fDelegate, size); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (_HasContent()) { // TODO: We would actually need the parameter for the content size. off_t contentSize = *size; error = fDelegate->ValidateResize(&contentSize); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (contentSize > *size) return B_BAD_VALUE; } return B_OK; } // Resize status_t BPartition::Resize(off_t size) { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; status_t error; off_t contentSize = size; if (_HasContent()) { error = fDelegate->ValidateResize(&contentSize); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (contentSize > size) return B_BAD_VALUE; } // If shrinking the partition, resize content first, otherwise last. bool shrink = (Size() > size); if (shrink && ContentType() != NULL) { error = fDelegate->Resize(contentSize); if (error != B_OK) return error; } error = parent->fDelegate->ResizeChild(fDelegate, size); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (!shrink && ContentType() != NULL) { error = fDelegate->Resize(contentSize); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } // CanMove bool BPartition::CanMove(BObjectList* unmovableDescendants, BObjectList* movableOnlyIfUnmounted) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return false; if (!parent->_SupportsChildOperation(this, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_MOVING_CHILD)) { return false; } bool whileMounted; bool movable = _SupportsOperation(B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_MOVING, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_MOVING_WHILE_MOUNTED, &whileMounted); if (!movable) return false; if (!whileMounted) movableOnlyIfUnmounted->AddItem(const_cast(this)); // collect descendent partitions // TODO: ... // TODO: Currently there's no interface for asking descendents. They'll still // have the same offset (relative to their parent) after moving. The only thing // we really have to ask is whether they need to be unmounted. return true; } // ValidateMove status_t BPartition::ValidateMove(off_t* offset) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; status_t error = parent->fDelegate->ValidateMoveChild(fDelegate, offset); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (_HasContent()) { off_t contentOffset = *offset; error = fDelegate->ValidateMove(&contentOffset); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (contentOffset != *offset) return B_BAD_VALUE; } return B_OK; } // Move status_t BPartition::Move(off_t offset) { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; status_t error = parent->fDelegate->MoveChild(fDelegate, offset); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (_HasContent()) { error = fDelegate->Move(offset); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } // CanSetName bool BPartition::CanSetName() const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return false; return parent->_SupportsChildOperation(this, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_SETTING_NAME); } // ValidateSetName status_t BPartition::ValidateSetName(BString* name) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return parent->fDelegate->ValidateSetName(fDelegate, name); } // SetName status_t BPartition::SetName(const char* name) { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return parent->fDelegate->SetName(fDelegate, name); } // CanSetContentName bool BPartition::CanSetContentName(bool* whileMounted) const { return _SupportsOperation(B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_SETTING_CONTENT_NAME, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_SETTING_CONTENT_NAME_WHILE_MOUNTED, whileMounted); } // ValidateSetContentName status_t BPartition::ValidateSetContentName(BString* name) const { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->ValidateSetContentName(name); } // SetContentName status_t BPartition::SetContentName(const char* name) { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->SetContentName(name); } // CanSetType bool BPartition::CanSetType() const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent) return false; return parent->_SupportsChildOperation(this, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_SETTING_TYPE); } // ValidateSetType status_t BPartition::ValidateSetType(const char* type) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return parent->fDelegate->ValidateSetType(fDelegate, type); } // SetType status_t BPartition::SetType(const char* type) { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return parent->fDelegate->SetType(fDelegate, type); } // CanEditParameters bool BPartition::CanEditParameters() const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent) return false; return parent->_SupportsChildOperation(this, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_SETTING_PARAMETERS); } // GetParameterEditor status_t BPartition::GetParameterEditor(BDiskDeviceParameterEditor** editor) { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return parent->fDelegate->GetParameterEditor(fDelegate, editor); } // SetParameters status_t BPartition::SetParameters(const char* parameters) { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return parent->fDelegate->SetParameters(fDelegate, parameters); } // CanEditContentParameters bool BPartition::CanEditContentParameters(bool* whileMounted) const { return _SupportsOperation(B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_SETTING_CONTENT_PARAMETERS, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_SETTING_CONTENT_PARAMETERS_WHILE_MOUNTED, whileMounted); } // GetContentParameterEditor status_t BPartition::GetContentParameterEditor(BDiskDeviceParameterEditor** editor) { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->GetContentParameterEditor(editor); } // SetContentParameters status_t BPartition::SetContentParameters(const char* parameters) { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->SetContentParameters(parameters); } // GetNextSupportedType status_t BPartition::GetNextSupportedType(int32 *cookie, BString* type) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return parent->fDelegate->GetNextSupportedChildType(fDelegate, cookie, type); } // GetNextSupportedChildType status_t BPartition::GetNextSupportedChildType(int32 *cookie, BString* type) const { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->GetNextSupportedChildType(NULL, cookie, type); } // IsSubSystem bool BPartition::BPartition::IsSubSystem(const char* diskSystem) const { BPartition* parent = Parent(); if (!parent || !fDelegate) return false; return parent->fDelegate->IsSubSystem(fDelegate, diskSystem); } // CanInitialize bool BPartition::CanInitialize(const char* diskSystem) const { return fDelegate && fDelegate->CanInitialize(diskSystem); } // GetInitializationParameterEditor status_t BPartition::GetInitializationParameterEditor(const char* diskSystem, BDiskDeviceParameterEditor** editor) const { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->GetInitializationParameterEditor(diskSystem, editor); } // ValidateInitialize status_t BPartition::ValidateInitialize(const char* diskSystem, BString* name, const char* parameters) { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->ValidateInitialize(diskSystem, name, parameters); } // Initialize status_t BPartition::Initialize(const char* diskSystem, const char* name, const char* parameters) { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->Initialize(diskSystem, name, parameters); } // Uninitialize status_t BPartition::Uninitialize() { // TODO: Implement! return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // CanCreateChild bool BPartition::CanCreateChild() const { return _SupportsChildOperation(NULL, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_CREATING_CHILD); } // GetChildCreationParameterEditor status_t BPartition::GetChildCreationParameterEditor(const char* type, BDiskDeviceParameterEditor** editor) const { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->GetChildCreationParameterEditor(type, editor); } // ValidateCreateChild status_t BPartition::ValidateCreateChild(off_t* offset, off_t* size, const char* type, BString* name, const char* parameters) const { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->ValidateCreateChild(offset, size, type, name, parameters); } // CreateChild status_t BPartition::CreateChild(off_t offset, off_t size, const char* type, const char* name, const char* parameters, BPartition** child) { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; return fDelegate->CreateChild(offset, size, type, name, parameters, child); } // CanDeleteChild bool BPartition::CanDeleteChild(int32 index) const { BPartition* child = ChildAt(index); if (!fDelegate || !child) return false; return _SupportsChildOperation(child, B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_DELETING_CHILD); } // DeleteChild status_t BPartition::DeleteChild(int32 index) { if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_INIT; BPartition* child = ChildAt(index); if (!child || child->Parent() != this) return B_BAD_VALUE; return fDelegate->DeleteChild(child->fDelegate); } // constructor /*! \brief Privatized copy constructor to avoid usage. */ BPartition::BPartition(const BPartition &) { } // = /*! \brief Privatized assignment operator to avoid usage. */ BPartition & BPartition::operator=(const BPartition &) { return *this; } // _SetTo status_t BPartition::_SetTo(BDiskDevice* device, BPartition* parent, user_partition_data* data) { _Unset(); if (!device || !data) return B_BAD_VALUE; fPartitionData = data; fDevice = device; fParent = parent; fPartitionData->user_data = this; // create and init children status_t error = B_OK; for (int32 i = 0; error == B_OK && i < fPartitionData->child_count; i++) { BPartition* child = new(nothrow) BPartition; if (child) { error = child->_SetTo(fDevice, this, fPartitionData->children[i]); if (error != B_OK) delete child; } else error = B_NO_MEMORY; } // cleanup on error if (error != B_OK) _Unset(); return error; } // _Unset void BPartition::_Unset() { // delete children if (fPartitionData) { for (int32 i = 0; i < fPartitionData->child_count; i++) { if (BPartition* child = ChildAt(i)) delete child; } fPartitionData->user_data = NULL; } fDevice = NULL; fParent = NULL; fPartitionData = NULL; fDelegate = NULL; } // _RemoveObsoleteDescendants status_t BPartition::_RemoveObsoleteDescendants(user_partition_data* data, bool* updated) { // remove all children not longer persistent // Not exactly efficient: O(n^2), considering BList::RemoveItem() // O(1). We could do better (O(n*log(n))), when sorting the arrays before, // but then the list access is more random and we had to find the // BPartition to remove, which makes the list operation definitely O(n). int32 count = CountChildren(); for (int32 i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BPartition* child = ChildAt(i); bool found = false; for (int32 k = data->child_count - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (data->children[k]->id == child->ID()) { // found partition: ask it to remove its obsolete descendants found = true; status_t error = child->_RemoveObsoleteDescendants( data->children[k], updated); if (error != B_OK) return error; // set the user data to the BPartition object to find it // quicker later data->children[k]->user_data = child; break; } } // if partition is obsolete, remove it if (!found) { *updated = true; _RemoveChild(i); } } return B_OK; } // _Update status_t BPartition::_Update(user_partition_data* data, bool* updated) { user_partition_data* oldData = fPartitionData; fPartitionData = data; // check for changes if (data->offset != oldData->offset || data->size != oldData->size || data->block_size != oldData->block_size || data->status != oldData->status || data->flags != oldData->flags || data->volume != oldData->volume || data->disk_system != oldData->disk_system // not needed || compare_string(data->name, oldData->name) || compare_string(data->content_name, oldData->content_name) || compare_string(data->type, oldData->type) || compare_string(data->content_type, oldData->content_type) || compare_string(data->parameters, oldData->parameters) || compare_string(data->content_parameters, oldData->content_parameters)) { *updated = true; } // add new children and update existing ones status_t error = B_OK; for (int32 i = 0; i < data->child_count; i++) { user_partition_data* childData = data->children[i]; BPartition* child = (BPartition*)childData->user_data; if (child) { // old partition error = child->_Update(childData, updated); if (error != B_OK) return error; } else { // new partition *updated = true; child = new(nothrow) BPartition; if (!child) return B_NO_MEMORY; error = child->_SetTo(fDevice, this, childData); if (error != B_OK) { delete child; return error; } childData->user_data = child; } } return error; } // _RemoveChild void BPartition::_RemoveChild(int32 index) { int32 count = CountChildren(); if (!fPartitionData || index < 0 || index >= count) return; // delete the BPartition and its children delete ChildAt(index); // compact the children array for (int32 i = index + 1; i < count; i++) fPartitionData->children[i - 1] = fPartitionData->children[i]; fPartitionData->child_count--; } // _ChildAt BPartition* BPartition::_ChildAt(int32 index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= fPartitionData->child_count) return NULL; return (BPartition*)fPartitionData->children[index]->user_data; } // _CountChildren int32 BPartition::_CountChildren() const { return fPartitionData->child_count; } // _CountDescendants int32 BPartition::_CountDescendants() const { int32 count = 1; for (int32 i = 0; BPartition* child = _ChildAt(i); i++) count += child->_CountDescendants(); return count; } // _Level int32 BPartition::_Level() const { int32 level = 0; const BPartition* ancestor = this; while ((ancestor = ancestor->Parent())) level++; return level; } // _AcceptVisitor bool BPartition::_AcceptVisitor(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor, int32 level) { return visitor->Visit(this, level); } // _VisitEachDescendant BPartition* BPartition::_VisitEachDescendant(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor, int32 level) { if (level < 0) level = _Level(); if (_AcceptVisitor(visitor, level)) return this; for (int32 i = 0; BPartition* child = ChildAt(i); i++) { if (BPartition* result = child->_VisitEachDescendant(visitor, level + 1)) { return result; } } return NULL; } // _PartitionData const user_partition_data* BPartition::_PartitionData() const { return fDelegate ? fDelegate->PartitionData() : fPartitionData; } // _HasContent bool BPartition::_HasContent() const { return (ContentType() != NULL); } // _SupportsOperation bool BPartition::_SupportsOperation(uint32 flag, uint32 whileMountedFlag, bool* whileMounted) const { if (!fDelegate) return false; uint32 supported = fDelegate->SupportedOperations(flag | whileMountedFlag); if (whileMounted) *whileMounted = supported & whileMountedFlag; return supported & flag; } // _SupportsChildOperation bool BPartition::_SupportsChildOperation(const BPartition* child, uint32 flag) const { if (!fDelegate || child && !child->fDelegate) return false; uint32 supported = fDelegate->SupportedChildOperations( child ? child->fDelegate : NULL, flag); return supported & flag; } // _CreateDelegates status_t BPartition::_CreateDelegates() { if (fDelegate || !fPartitionData) return B_NO_INIT; // create and init delegate fDelegate = new(nothrow) Delegate(this); if (!fDelegate) return B_NO_MEMORY; status_t error = fDelegate->InitHierarchy(fPartitionData, fParent ? fParent->fDelegate : NULL); if (error != B_OK) return error; // create child delegates int32 count = _CountChildren(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BPartition* child = _ChildAt(i); error = child->_CreateDelegates(); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } // _InitDelegates status_t BPartition::_InitDelegates() { // init delegate status_t error = fDelegate->InitAfterHierarchy(); if (error != B_OK) return error; // recursively init child delegates int32 count = CountChildren(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { error = ChildAt(i)->_InitDelegates(); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } // _DeleteDelegates void BPartition::_DeleteDelegates() { // recursively delete child delegates int32 count = CountChildren(); for (int32 i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) ChildAt(i)->_DeleteDelegates(); // delete delegate delete fDelegate; fDelegate = NULL; // Commit suicide, if the delegate was our only link to reality (i.e. // there's no physically existing partition we represent). if (fPartitionData == NULL) delete this; } // _IsModified bool BPartition::_IsModified() const { if (!fDelegate) return false; return fDelegate->IsModified(); }