/* * Copyright 2003-2009, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Ingo Weinhold, bonefish@cs.tu-berlin.de * Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*! \class BDiskDeviceRoster \brief An interface for iterating through the disk devices known to the system and for a notification mechanism provided to listen to their changes. */ /*! \brief find_directory constants of the add-on dirs to be searched. */ static const directory_which kAddOnDirs[] = { B_USER_ADDONS_DIRECTORY, B_COMMON_ADDONS_DIRECTORY, B_SYSTEM_ADDONS_DIRECTORY, }; /*! \brief Size of the kAddOnDirs array. */ static const int32 kAddOnDirCount = sizeof(kAddOnDirs) / sizeof(directory_which); /*! \brief Creates a BDiskDeviceRoster object. The object is ready to be used after construction. */ BDiskDeviceRoster::BDiskDeviceRoster() : fDeviceCookie(0), fDiskSystemCookie(0), fJobCookie(0) // fPartitionAddOnDir(NULL), // fFSAddOnDir(NULL), // fPartitionAddOnDirIndex(0), // fFSAddOnDirIndex(0) { } /*! \brief Frees all resources associated with the object. */ BDiskDeviceRoster::~BDiskDeviceRoster() { // if (fPartitionAddOnDir) // delete fPartitionAddOnDir; // if (fFSAddOnDir) // delete fFSAddOnDir; } /*! \brief Returns the next BDiskDevice. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to represent the next device. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: The end of the list of devices had already been reached. - another error code */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetNextDevice(BDiskDevice* device) { if (!device) return B_BAD_VALUE; size_t neededSize = 0; partition_id id = _kern_get_next_disk_device_id(&fDeviceCookie, &neededSize); if (id < 0) return id; return device->_SetTo(id, true, neededSize); } /*! \brief Rewinds the device list iterator. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::RewindDevices() { fDeviceCookie = 0; return B_OK; } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetNextDiskSystem(BDiskSystem* system) { if (!system) return B_BAD_VALUE; user_disk_system_info info; status_t error = _kern_get_next_disk_system_info(&fDiskSystemCookie, &info); if (error == B_OK) error = system->_SetTo(&info); return error; } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::RewindDiskSystems() { fDiskSystemCookie = 0; return B_OK; } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetDiskSystem(BDiskSystem* system, const char* name) { if (!system) return B_BAD_VALUE; int32 cookie = 0; user_disk_system_info info; while (_kern_get_next_disk_system_info(&cookie, &info) == B_OK) { if (!strcmp(name, info.name) || !strcmp(name, info.short_name) || !strcmp(name, info.pretty_name)) return system->_SetTo(&info); } return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } partition_id BDiskDeviceRoster::RegisterFileDevice(const char* filename) { if (!filename) return B_BAD_VALUE; return _kern_register_file_device(filename); } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::UnregisterFileDevice(const char* filename) { if (!filename) return B_BAD_VALUE; return _kern_unregister_file_device(-1, filename); } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::UnregisterFileDevice(partition_id device) { if (device < 0) return B_BAD_VALUE; return _kern_unregister_file_device(device, NULL); } /*! \brief Iterates through the all devices. The supplied visitor's Visit(BDiskDevice*) is invoked for each device. If Visit() returns \c true, the iteration is terminated and this method returns \c true. If supplied, \a device is set to the concerned device. \param visitor The visitor. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to the device at which the iteration was terminated. May be \c NULL. \return \c true, if the iteration was terminated, \c false otherwise. */ bool BDiskDeviceRoster::VisitEachDevice(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor, BDiskDevice* device) { bool terminatedEarly = false; if (visitor) { int32 oldCookie = fDeviceCookie; fDeviceCookie = 0; BDiskDevice deviceOnStack; BDiskDevice* useDevice = device ? device : &deviceOnStack; while (!terminatedEarly && GetNextDevice(useDevice) == B_OK) terminatedEarly = visitor->Visit(useDevice); fDeviceCookie = oldCookie; if (!terminatedEarly) useDevice->Unset(); } return terminatedEarly; } /*! \brief Pre-order traverses the trees spanned by the BDiskDevices and their subobjects. The supplied visitor's Visit(BDiskDevice*) method is invoked for each disk device and Visit(BPartition*) for each (non-disk device) partition. If Visit() returns \c true, the iteration is terminated and this method returns \c true. If supplied, \a device is set to the concerned device and in \a partition the pointer to the partition object is returned. \param visitor The visitor. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to the device at which the iteration was terminated. May be \c NULL. \param partition Pointer to a pre-allocated BPartition pointer to be set to the partition at which the iteration was terminated. May be \c NULL. \return \c true, if the iteration was terminated, \c false otherwise. */ bool BDiskDeviceRoster::VisitEachPartition(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor, BDiskDevice* device, BPartition** partition) { bool terminatedEarly = false; if (visitor) { int32 oldCookie = fDeviceCookie; fDeviceCookie = 0; BDiskDevice deviceOnStack; BDiskDevice* useDevice = device ? device : &deviceOnStack; BPartition* foundPartition = NULL; while (GetNextDevice(useDevice) == B_OK) { foundPartition = useDevice->VisitEachDescendant(visitor); if (foundPartition) { terminatedEarly = true; break; } } fDeviceCookie = oldCookie; if (!terminatedEarly) useDevice->Unset(); else if (device && partition) *partition = foundPartition; } return terminatedEarly; } /*! \brief Iterates through the all devices' partitions that are mounted. The supplied visitor's Visit(BPartition*) is invoked for each mounted partition. If Visit() returns \c true, the iteration is terminated and this method returns \c true. If supplied, \a device is set to the concerned device and in \a partition the pointer to the partition object is returned. \param visitor The visitor. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to the device at which the iteration was terminated. May be \c NULL. \param partition Pointer to a pre-allocated BPartition pointer to be set to the partition at which the iteration was terminated. May be \c NULL. \return \c true, if the iteration was terminated, \c false otherwise. */ bool BDiskDeviceRoster::VisitEachMountedPartition(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor, BDiskDevice* device, BPartition** partition) { bool terminatedEarly = false; if (visitor) { struct MountedPartitionFilter : public PartitionFilter { virtual bool Filter(BPartition *partition, int32) { return partition->IsMounted(); } } filter; PartitionFilterVisitor filterVisitor(visitor, &filter); terminatedEarly = VisitEachPartition(&filterVisitor, device, partition); } return terminatedEarly; } /*! \brief Iterates through the all devices' partitions that are mountable. The supplied visitor's Visit(BPartition*) is invoked for each mountable partition. If Visit() returns \c true, the iteration is terminated and this method returns \c true. If supplied, \a device is set to the concerned device and in \a partition the pointer to the partition object is returned. \param visitor The visitor. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to the device at which the iteration was terminated. May be \c NULL. \param partition Pointer to a pre-allocated BPartition pointer to be set to the partition at which the iteration was terminated. May be \c NULL. \return \c true, if the iteration was terminated, \c false otherwise. */ bool BDiskDeviceRoster::VisitEachMountablePartition(BDiskDeviceVisitor* visitor, BDiskDevice* device, BPartition** partition) { bool terminatedEarly = false; if (visitor) { struct MountablePartitionFilter : public PartitionFilter { virtual bool Filter(BPartition *partition, int32) { return partition->ContainsFileSystem(); } } filter; PartitionFilterVisitor filterVisitor(visitor, &filter); terminatedEarly = VisitEachPartition(&filterVisitor, device, partition); } return terminatedEarly; } /*! \brief Finds a BPartition by BVolume. */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::FindPartitionByVolume(const BVolume& volume, BDiskDevice* device, BPartition** _partition) { class FindPartitionVisitor : public BDiskDeviceVisitor { public: FindPartitionVisitor(dev_t volume) : fVolume(volume) { } virtual bool Visit(BDiskDevice* device) { return Visit(device, 0); } virtual bool Visit(BPartition* partition, int32 level) { BVolume volume; return partition->GetVolume(&volume) == B_OK && volume.Device() == fVolume; } private: dev_t fVolume; } visitor(volume.Device()); if (VisitEachMountedPartition(&visitor, device, _partition)) return B_OK; return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } /*! \brief Finds a BPartition by mount path. */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::FindPartitionByMountPoint(const char* mountPoint, BDiskDevice* device, BPartition** _partition) { BVolume volume(dev_for_path(mountPoint)); if (volume.InitCheck() == B_OK && FindPartitionByVolume(volume, device, _partition)) return B_OK; return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } /*! \brief Returns a BDiskDevice for a given ID. The supplied \a device is initialized to the device identified by \a id. \param id The ID of the device to be retrieved. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to the device identified by \a id. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: A device with ID \a id could not be found. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetDeviceWithID(int32 id, BDiskDevice* device) const { if (!device) return B_BAD_VALUE; return device->_SetTo(id, true, 0); } /*! \brief Returns a BPartition for a given ID. The supplied \a device is initialized to the device the partition identified by \a id resides on, and \a partition is set to point to the respective BPartition. \param id The ID of the partition to be retrieved. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to the device the partition identified by \a id resides on. \param partition Pointer to a pre-allocated BPartition pointer to be set to the partition identified by \a id. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: A partition with ID \a id could not be found. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetPartitionWithID(int32 id, BDiskDevice* device, BPartition** partition) const { if (!device || !partition) return B_BAD_VALUE; // retrieve the device data status_t error = device->_SetTo(id, false, 0); if (error != B_OK) return error; // find the partition object *partition = device->FindDescendant(id); if (!*partition) // should never happen! return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; return B_OK; } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetDeviceForPath(const char* filename, BDiskDevice* device) { if (!filename || !device) return B_BAD_VALUE; // get the device ID size_t neededSize = 0; partition_id id = _kern_find_disk_device(filename, &neededSize); if (id < 0) return id; // retrieve the device data return device->_SetTo(id, true, neededSize); } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetPartitionForPath(const char* filename, BDiskDevice* device, BPartition** partition) { if (!filename || !device || !partition) return B_BAD_VALUE; // get the partition ID size_t neededSize = 0; partition_id id = _kern_find_partition(filename, &neededSize); if (id < 0) return id; // retrieve the device data status_t error = device->_SetTo(id, false, neededSize); if (error != B_OK) return error; // find the partition object *partition = device->FindDescendant(id); if (!*partition) // should never happen! return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; return B_OK; } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetFileDeviceForPath(const char* filename, BDiskDevice* device) { if (!filename || !device) return B_BAD_VALUE; // get the device ID size_t neededSize = 0; partition_id id = _kern_find_file_disk_device(filename, &neededSize); if (id < 0) return id; // retrieve the device data return device->_SetTo(id, true, neededSize); } /*! \brief Adds a target to the list of targets to be notified on disk device events. \todo List the event mask flags, the events and describe the layout of the notification message. If \a target is already listening to events, this method replaces the former event mask with \a eventMask. \param target A BMessenger identifying the target to which the events shall be sent. \param eventMask A mask specifying on which events the target shall be notified. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::StartWatching(BMessenger target, uint32 eventMask) { if (eventMask == 0) return B_BAD_VALUE; BMessenger::Private messengerPrivate(target); port_id port = messengerPrivate.Port(); int32 token = messengerPrivate.Token(); return _kern_start_watching_disks(eventMask, port, token); } /*! \brief Remove a target from the list of targets to be notified on disk device events. \param target A BMessenger identifying the target to which notfication message shall not longer be sent. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::StopWatching(BMessenger target) { BMessenger::Private messengerPrivate(target); port_id port = messengerPrivate.Port(); int32 token = messengerPrivate.Token(); return _kern_stop_watching_disks(port, token); } #if 0 /*! \brief Returns the next partitioning system capable of partitioning. The returned \a shortName can be passed to BSession::Partition(). \param shortName Pointer to a pre-allocation char buffer, of size \c B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH or larger into which the short name of the partitioning system shall be written. \param longName Pointer to a pre-allocation char buffer, of size \c B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH or larger into which the long name of the partitioning system shall be written. May be \c NULL. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_BAD_VALUE: \c NULL \a shortName. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: End of the list has been reached. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetNextPartitioningSystem(char *shortName, char *longName) { status_t error = (shortName ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE); if (error == B_OK) { // search until an add-on has been found or the end of all directories // has been reached bool found = false; do { // get the next add-on in the current dir AddOnImage image; error = _GetNextAddOn(fPartitionAddOnDir, &image); if (error == B_OK) { // add-on loaded: get the function that creates an add-on // object BDiskScannerPartitionAddOn *(*create_add_on)(); if (get_image_symbol(image.ID(), "create_ds_partition_add_on", B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void**)&create_add_on) == B_OK) { // create the add-on object and copy the requested data if (BDiskScannerPartitionAddOn *addOn = (*create_add_on)()) { const char *addOnShortName = addOn->ShortName(); const char *addOnLongName = addOn->LongName(); if (addOnShortName && addOnLongName) { strcpy(shortName, addOnShortName); if (longName) strcpy(longName, addOnLongName); found = true; } delete addOn; } } } else if (error == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { // end of the current directory has been reached, try next dir error = _GetNextAddOnDir(&fPartitionAddOnDir, &fPartitionAddOnDirIndex, "partition"); } } while (error == B_OK && !found); } return error; } /*! \brief Returns the next file system capable of initializing. The returned \a shortName can be passed to BPartition::Initialize(). \param shortName Pointer to a pre-allocation char buffer, of size \c B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH or larger into which the short name of the file system shall be written. \param longName Pointer to a pre-allocation char buffer, of size \c B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH or larger into which the long name of the file system shall be written. May be \c NULL. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_BAD_VALUE: \c NULL \a shortName. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: End of the list has been reached. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::GetNextFileSystem(char *shortName, char *longName) { status_t error = (shortName ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE); if (error == B_OK) { // search until an add-on has been found or the end of all directories // has been reached bool found = false; do { // get the next add-on in the current dir AddOnImage image; error = _GetNextAddOn(fFSAddOnDir, &image); if (error == B_OK) { // add-on loaded: get the function that creates an add-on // object BDiskScannerFSAddOn *(*create_add_on)(); if (get_image_symbol(image.ID(), "create_ds_fs_add_on", B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void**)&create_add_on) == B_OK) { // create the add-on object and copy the requested data if (BDiskScannerFSAddOn *addOn = (*create_add_on)()) { const char *addOnShortName = addOn->ShortName(); const char *addOnLongName = addOn->LongName(); if (addOnShortName && addOnLongName) { strcpy(shortName, addOnShortName); if (longName) strcpy(longName, addOnLongName); found = true; } delete addOn; } } } else if (error == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { // end of the current directory has been reached, try next dir error = _GetNextAddOnDir(&fFSAddOnDir, &fFSAddOnDirIndex, "fs"); } } while (error == B_OK && !found); } return error; } /*! \brief Rewinds the partitioning system list iterator. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::RewindPartitiningSystems() { if (fPartitionAddOnDir) { delete fPartitionAddOnDir; fPartitionAddOnDir = NULL; } fPartitionAddOnDirIndex = 0; return B_OK; } /*! \brief Rewinds the file system list iterator. \return \c B_OK, if everything went fine, another error code otherwise. */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::RewindFileSystems() { if (fFSAddOnDir) { delete fFSAddOnDir; fFSAddOnDir = NULL; } fFSAddOnDirIndex = 0; return B_OK; } /*! \brief Returns a BDiskDevice for a given device, session or partition ID. The supplied \a device is initialized to the device the object identified by \a id belongs to. \param fieldName "device_id", "sesison_id" or "partition_id" according to the type of object the device shall be retrieved for. \param id The ID of the device, session or partition to be retrieved. \param device Pointer to a pre-allocated BDiskDevice to be initialized to the device to be retrieved. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: A device, session or partition respectively with ID \a id could not be found. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::_GetObjectWithID(const char *fieldName, int32 id, BDiskDevice *device) const { status_t error = (device ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE); // compose request message BMessage request(B_REG_GET_DISK_DEVICE); if (error == B_OK) error = request.AddInt32(fieldName, id); // send request BMessage reply; if (error == B_OK) error = fManager.SendMessage(&request, &reply); // analyze reply if (error == B_OK) { // result status_t result = B_OK; error = reply.FindInt32("result", &result); if (error == B_OK) error = result; // device BMessage archive; if (error == B_OK) error = reply.FindMessage("device", &archive); if (error == B_OK) error = device->_Unarchive(&archive); } return error; } /*! \brief Finds and loads the next add-on of an add-on subdirectory. \param directory The add-on directory. \param image Pointer to an image_id into which the image ID of the loaded add-on shall be written. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: End of directory. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::_GetNextAddOn(BDirectory **directory, int32 *index, const char *subdir, AddOnImage *image) { status_t error = (directory && index && subdir && image ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE); if (error == B_OK) { // search until an add-on has been found or the end of all directories // has been reached bool found = false; do { // get the next add-on in the current dir error = _GetNextAddOn(*directory, image); if (error == B_OK) { found = true; } else if (error == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { // end of the current directory has been reached, try next dir error = _GetNextAddOnDir(directory, index, subdir); } } while (error == B_OK && !found); } return error; } /*! \brief Finds and loads the next add-on of an add-on subdirectory. \param directory The add-on directory. \param image Pointer to an image_id into which the image ID of the loaded add-on shall be written. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: End of directory. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::_GetNextAddOn(BDirectory *directory, AddOnImage *image) { status_t error = (directory ? B_OK : B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); if (error == B_OK) { // iterate through the entry list and try to load the entries bool found = false; while (error == B_OK && !found) { BEntry entry; error = directory->GetNextEntry(&entry); BPath path; if (error == B_OK && entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK) found = (image->Load(path.Path()) == B_OK); } } return error; } /*! \brief Gets the next add-on directory path. \param path Pointer to a BPath to be set to the found directory. \param index Pointer to an index into the kAddOnDirs array indicating which add-on dir shall be retrieved next. \param subdir Name of the subdirectory (in the "disk_scanner" subdirectory of the add-on directory) \a directory shall be set to. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: End of directory list. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::_GetNextAddOnDir(BPath *path, int32 *index, const char *subdir) { status_t error = (*index < kAddOnDirCount ? B_OK : B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); // get the add-on dir path if (error == B_OK) { error = find_directory(kAddOnDirs[*index], path); (*index)++; } // construct the subdirectory path if (error == B_OK) { error = path->Append("disk_scanner"); if (error == B_OK) error = path->Append(subdir); } if (error == B_OK) printf(" next add-on dir: `%s'\n", path->Path()); return error; } /*! \brief Gets the next add-on directory. \param directory Pointer to a BDirectory* to be set to the found directory. \param index Pointer to an index into the kAddOnDirs array indicating which add-on dir shall be retrieved next. \param subdir Name of the subdirectory (in the "disk_scanner" subdirectory of the add-on directory) \a directory shall be set to. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: End of directory list. - other error codes */ status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::_GetNextAddOnDir(BDirectory **directory, int32 *index, const char *subdir) { BPath path; status_t error = _GetNextAddOnDir(&path, index, subdir); // create a BDirectory object, if there is none yet. if (error == B_OK && !*directory) { *directory = new BDirectory; if (!*directory) error = B_NO_MEMORY; } // init the directory if (error == B_OK) error = (*directory)->SetTo(path.Path()); // cleanup on error if (error != B_OK && *directory) { delete *directory; *directory = NULL; } return error; } status_t BDiskDeviceRoster::_LoadPartitionAddOn(const char *partitioningSystem, AddOnImage *image, BDiskScannerPartitionAddOn **_addOn) { status_t error = partitioningSystem && image && _addOn ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE; // load the image bool found = false; BPath path; BDirectory *directory = NULL; int32 index = 0; while (error == B_OK && !found) { error = _GetNextAddOn(&directory, &index, "partition", image); if (error == B_OK) { // add-on loaded: get the function that creates an add-on // object BDiskScannerPartitionAddOn *(*create_add_on)(); if (get_image_symbol(image->ID(), "create_ds_partition_add_on", B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void**)&create_add_on) == B_OK) { // create the add-on object and copy the requested data if (BDiskScannerPartitionAddOn *addOn = (*create_add_on)()) { if (!strcmp(addOn->ShortName(), partitioningSystem)) { *_addOn = addOn; found = true; } else delete addOn; } } } } // cleanup if (directory) delete directory; if (error != B_OK && image) image->Unload(); return error; } #endif // 0