/* * Copyright 2004-2007, Ingo Weinhold, bonefish@users.sf.net. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include "HashString.h" /*! \class HashString \brief A very simple string class. */ // constructor HashString::HashString() : fLength(0), fString(NULL) { } // copy constructor HashString::HashString(const HashString &string) : fLength(0), fString(NULL) { *this = string; } // constructor HashString::HashString(const char *string, int32 length) : fLength(0), fString(NULL) { SetTo(string, length); } // destructor HashString::~HashString() { Unset(); } // SetTo bool HashString::SetTo(const char *string, int32 maxLength) { if (string) { if (maxLength > 0) maxLength = strnlen(string, maxLength); else if (maxLength < 0) maxLength = strlen(string); } return _SetTo(string, maxLength); } // Unset void HashString::Unset() { if (fString) { delete[] fString; fString = NULL; } fLength = 0; } // Truncate void HashString::Truncate(int32 newLength) { if (newLength < 0) newLength = 0; if (newLength < fLength) { char *string = fString; int32 len = fLength; fString = NULL; len = 0; if (!_SetTo(string, newLength)) { fString = string; fLength = newLength; fString[fLength] = '\0'; } else delete[] string; } } // GetString const char * HashString::GetString() const { if (fString) return fString; return ""; } // = HashString & HashString::operator=(const HashString &string) { if (&string != this) _SetTo(string.fString, string.fLength); return *this; } // == bool HashString::operator==(const HashString &string) const { return (fLength == string.fLength && (fLength == 0 || !strcmp(fString, string.fString))); } // _SetTo bool HashString::_SetTo(const char *string, int32 length) { bool result = true; Unset(); if (string && length > 0) { fString = new(nothrow) char[length + 1]; if (fString) { memcpy(fString, string, length); fString[length] = '\0'; fLength = length; } else result = false; } return result; }