/* * Copyright 2013-2015, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Ingo Weinhold * Rene Gollent */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PackageManagerUtils.h" using BPackageKit::BPrivate::FetchFileJob; using BPackageKit::BPrivate::ValidateChecksumJob; namespace BPackageKit { namespace BManager { namespace BPrivate { // #pragma mark - BPackageManager BPackageManager::BPackageManager(BPackageInstallationLocation location, InstallationInterface* installationInterface, UserInteractionHandler* userInteractionHandler) : fDebugLevel(0), fLocation(location), fSolver(NULL), fSystemRepository(new (std::nothrow) InstalledRepository("system", B_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_LOCATION_SYSTEM, -1)), fHomeRepository(new (std::nothrow) InstalledRepository("home", B_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_LOCATION_HOME, -3)), fInstalledRepositories(10), fOtherRepositories(10, true), fLocalRepository(new (std::nothrow) MiscLocalRepository), fTransactions(5, true), fInstallationInterface(installationInterface), fUserInteractionHandler(userInteractionHandler) { } BPackageManager::~BPackageManager() { delete fSolver; delete fSystemRepository; delete fHomeRepository; delete fLocalRepository; } void BPackageManager::Init(uint32 flags) { if (fSolver != NULL) return; // create the solver status_t error = BSolver::Create(fSolver); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to create solver"); if (fSystemRepository == NULL || fHomeRepository == NULL || fLocalRepository == NULL) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } fSolver->SetDebugLevel(fDebugLevel); BRepositoryBuilder(*fLocalRepository).AddToSolver(fSolver, false); // add installation location repositories if ((flags & B_ADD_INSTALLED_REPOSITORIES) != 0) { // We add only the repository of our actual installation location as the // "installed" repository. The repositories for the more general // installation locations are added as regular repositories, but with // better priorities than the actual (remote) repositories. This // prevents the solver from showing conflicts when a package in a more // specific installation location overrides a package in a more general // one. Instead any requirement that is already installed in a more // general installation location will turn up as to be installed as // well. But we can easily filter those out. _AddInstalledRepository(fSystemRepository); if (!fSystemRepository->IsInstalled()) _AddInstalledRepository(fHomeRepository); } // add other repositories if ((flags & B_ADD_REMOTE_REPOSITORIES) != 0) { BPackageRoster roster; BStringList repositoryNames; error = roster.GetRepositoryNames(repositoryNames); if (error != B_OK) { fUserInteractionHandler->Warn(error, "failed to get repository names"); } int32 repositoryNameCount = repositoryNames.CountStrings(); for (int32 i = 0; i < repositoryNameCount; i++) { _AddRemoteRepository(roster, repositoryNames.StringAt(i), (flags & B_REFRESH_REPOSITORIES) != 0); } } } void BPackageManager::SetDebugLevel(int32 level) { fDebugLevel = level; if (fSolver != NULL) fSolver->SetDebugLevel(fDebugLevel); } void BPackageManager::Install(const char* const* packages, int packageCount) { BSolverPackageSpecifierList packagesToInstall; _AddPackageSpecifiers(packages, packageCount, packagesToInstall); Install(packagesToInstall); } void BPackageManager::Install(const BSolverPackageSpecifierList& packages) { Init(B_ADD_INSTALLED_REPOSITORIES | B_ADD_REMOTE_REPOSITORIES | B_REFRESH_REPOSITORIES); // solve const BSolverPackageSpecifier* unmatchedSpecifier; status_t error = fSolver->Install(packages, &unmatchedSpecifier); if (error != B_OK) { if (unmatchedSpecifier != NULL) { DIE(error, "failed to find a match for \"%s\"", unmatchedSpecifier->SelectString().String()); } else DIE(error, "failed to compute packages to install"); } _HandleProblems(); // install/uninstall packages _AnalyzeResult(); _ConfirmChanges(); _ApplyPackageChanges(); } void BPackageManager::Uninstall(const char* const* packages, int packageCount) { BSolverPackageSpecifierList packagesToUninstall; if (!packagesToUninstall.AppendSpecifiers(packages, packageCount)) throw std::bad_alloc(); Uninstall(packagesToUninstall); } void BPackageManager::Uninstall(const BSolverPackageSpecifierList& packages) { Init(B_ADD_INSTALLED_REPOSITORIES); // find the packages that match the specification const BSolverPackageSpecifier* unmatchedSpecifier; PackageList foundPackages; status_t error = fSolver->FindPackages(packages, BSolver::B_FIND_INSTALLED_ONLY, foundPackages, &unmatchedSpecifier); if (error != B_OK) { if (unmatchedSpecifier != NULL) { DIE(error, "failed to find a match for \"%s\"", unmatchedSpecifier->SelectString().String()); } else DIE(error, "failed to compute packages to uninstall"); } // determine the inverse base package closure for the found packages // TODO: Optimize! InstalledRepository& installationRepository = InstallationRepository(); bool foundAnotherPackage; do { foundAnotherPackage = false; int32 count = installationRepository.CountPackages(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BSolverPackage* package = installationRepository.PackageAt(i); if (foundPackages.HasItem(package)) continue; if (_FindBasePackage(foundPackages, package->Info()) >= 0) { foundPackages.AddItem(package); foundAnotherPackage = true; } } } while (foundAnotherPackage); // remove the packages from the repository for (int32 i = 0; BSolverPackage* package = foundPackages.ItemAt(i); i++) installationRepository.DisablePackage(package); for (;;) { error = fSolver->VerifyInstallation(BSolver::B_VERIFY_ALLOW_UNINSTALL); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to compute packages to uninstall"); _HandleProblems(); // (virtually) apply the result to this repository _AnalyzeResult(); for (int32 i = foundPackages.CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!installationRepository.PackagesToDeactivate() .AddItem(foundPackages.ItemAt(i))) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } } installationRepository.ApplyChanges(); // verify the next specific respository if (!_NextSpecificInstallationLocation()) break; foundPackages.MakeEmpty(); // NOTE: In theory, after verifying a more specific location, it would // be more correct to compute the inverse base package closure for the // packages we need to uninstall and (if anything changed) verify again. // In practice, however, base packages are always required with an exact // version (ATM). If that base package still exist in a more general // location (the only reason why the package requiring the base package // wouldn't be marked to be uninstalled as well) there shouldn't have // been any reason to remove it from the more specific location in the // first place. } _ConfirmChanges(true); _ApplyPackageChanges(true); } void BPackageManager::Update(const char* const* packages, int packageCount) { BSolverPackageSpecifierList packagesToUpdate; _AddPackageSpecifiers(packages, packageCount, packagesToUpdate); Update(packagesToUpdate); } void BPackageManager::Update(const BSolverPackageSpecifierList& packages) { Init(B_ADD_INSTALLED_REPOSITORIES | B_ADD_REMOTE_REPOSITORIES | B_REFRESH_REPOSITORIES); // solve const BSolverPackageSpecifier* unmatchedSpecifier; status_t error = fSolver->Update(packages, true, &unmatchedSpecifier); if (error != B_OK) { if (unmatchedSpecifier != NULL) { DIE(error, "failed to find a match for \"%s\"", unmatchedSpecifier->SelectString().String()); } else DIE(error, "failed to compute packages to update"); } _HandleProblems(); // install/uninstall packages _AnalyzeResult(); _ConfirmChanges(); _ApplyPackageChanges(); } void BPackageManager::FullSync() { Init(B_ADD_INSTALLED_REPOSITORIES | B_ADD_REMOTE_REPOSITORIES | B_REFRESH_REPOSITORIES); // solve status_t error = fSolver->FullSync(); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to compute packages to synchronize"); _HandleProblems(); // install/uninstall packages _AnalyzeResult(); _ConfirmChanges(); _ApplyPackageChanges(); } void BPackageManager::VerifyInstallation() { Init(B_ADD_INSTALLED_REPOSITORIES | B_ADD_REMOTE_REPOSITORIES | B_REFRESH_REPOSITORIES); for (;;) { status_t error = fSolver->VerifyInstallation(); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to compute package dependencies"); _HandleProblems(); // (virtually) apply the result to this repository _AnalyzeResult(); InstallationRepository().ApplyChanges(); // verify the next specific respository if (!_NextSpecificInstallationLocation()) break; } _ConfirmChanges(); _ApplyPackageChanges(); } BPackageManager::InstalledRepository& BPackageManager::InstallationRepository() { if (fInstalledRepositories.IsEmpty()) DIE("no installation repository"); return *fInstalledRepositories.LastItem(); } void BPackageManager::JobStarted(BSupportKit::BJob* job) { if (dynamic_cast(job) != NULL) { FetchFileJob* fetchJob = (FetchFileJob*)job; fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressPackageDownloadStarted( fetchJob->DownloadFileName()); } else if (dynamic_cast(job) != NULL) { fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressPackageChecksumStarted( job->Title().String()); } } void BPackageManager::JobProgress(BSupportKit::BJob* job) { if (dynamic_cast(job) != NULL) { FetchFileJob* fetchJob = (FetchFileJob*)job; fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressPackageDownloadActive( fetchJob->DownloadFileName(), fetchJob->DownloadProgress(), fetchJob->DownloadBytes(), fetchJob->DownloadTotalBytes()); } } void BPackageManager::JobSucceeded(BSupportKit::BJob* job) { if (dynamic_cast(job) != NULL) { FetchFileJob* fetchJob = (FetchFileJob*)job; fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressPackageDownloadComplete( fetchJob->DownloadFileName()); } else if (dynamic_cast(job) != NULL) { fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressPackageChecksumComplete( job->Title().String()); } } void BPackageManager::_HandleProblems() { while (fSolver->HasProblems()) { fUserInteractionHandler->HandleProblems(); status_t error = fSolver->SolveAgain(); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to recompute packages to un/-install"); } } void BPackageManager::_AnalyzeResult() { BSolverResult result; status_t error = fSolver->GetResult(result); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to compute packages to un/-install"); InstalledRepository& installationRepository = InstallationRepository(); PackageList& packagesToActivate = installationRepository.PackagesToActivate(); PackageList& packagesToDeactivate = installationRepository.PackagesToDeactivate(); PackageList potentialBasePackages; for (int32 i = 0; const BSolverResultElement* element = result.ElementAt(i); i++) { BSolverPackage* package = element->Package(); switch (element->Type()) { case BSolverResultElement::B_TYPE_INSTALL: { PackageList& packageList = dynamic_cast(package->Repository()) != NULL ? potentialBasePackages : packagesToActivate; if (!packageList.AddItem(package)) throw std::bad_alloc(); break; } case BSolverResultElement::B_TYPE_UNINSTALL: if (!packagesToDeactivate.AddItem(package)) throw std::bad_alloc(); break; } } // Make sure base packages are installed in the same location. for (int32 i = 0; i < packagesToActivate.CountItems(); i++) { BSolverPackage* package = packagesToActivate.ItemAt(i); int32 index = _FindBasePackage(potentialBasePackages, package->Info()); if (index < 0) continue; BSolverPackage* basePackage = potentialBasePackages.RemoveItemAt(index); if (!packagesToActivate.AddItem(basePackage)) throw std::bad_alloc(); } fInstallationInterface->ResultComputed(installationRepository); } void BPackageManager::_ConfirmChanges(bool fromMostSpecific) { // check, if there are any changes at all int32 count = fInstalledRepositories.CountItems(); bool hasChanges = false; for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (fInstalledRepositories.ItemAt(i)->HasChanges()) { hasChanges = true; break; } } if (!hasChanges) throw BNothingToDoException(); fUserInteractionHandler->ConfirmChanges(fromMostSpecific); } void BPackageManager::_ApplyPackageChanges(bool fromMostSpecific) { int32 count = fInstalledRepositories.CountItems(); if (fromMostSpecific) { for (int32 i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) _PreparePackageChanges(*fInstalledRepositories.ItemAt(i)); } else { for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) _PreparePackageChanges(*fInstalledRepositories.ItemAt(i)); } for (int32 i = 0; Transaction* transaction = fTransactions.ItemAt(i); i++) _CommitPackageChanges(*transaction); // TODO: Clean up the transaction directories on error! } void BPackageManager::_PreparePackageChanges( InstalledRepository& installationRepository) { if (!installationRepository.HasChanges()) return; PackageList& packagesToActivate = installationRepository.PackagesToActivate(); PackageList& packagesToDeactivate = installationRepository.PackagesToDeactivate(); // create the transaction Transaction* transaction = new Transaction(installationRepository); if (!fTransactions.AddItem(transaction)) { delete transaction; throw std::bad_alloc(); } status_t error = fInstallationInterface->PrepareTransaction(*transaction); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to create transaction"); // download the new packages and prepare the transaction for (int32 i = 0; BSolverPackage* package = packagesToActivate.ItemAt(i); i++) { // get package URL and target entry BString fileName(package->Info().FileName()); if (fileName.IsEmpty()) throw std::bad_alloc(); BEntry entry; error = entry.SetTo(&transaction->TransactionDirectory(), fileName); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to create package entry"); RemoteRepository* remoteRepository = dynamic_cast(package->Repository()); if (remoteRepository != NULL) { // download the package BString url = remoteRepository->Config().PackagesURL(); url << '/' << fileName; status_t error = DownloadPackage(url, entry, package->Info().Checksum()); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to download package"); } else if (package->Repository() != &installationRepository) { // clone the existing package LocalRepository* localRepository = dynamic_cast(package->Repository()); if (localRepository == NULL) { DIE("internal error: repository %s is not a local repository", package->Repository()->Name().String()); } _ClonePackageFile(localRepository, package, entry); } // add package to transaction if (!transaction->ActivationTransaction().AddPackageToActivate( fileName)) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } } for (int32 i = 0; BSolverPackage* package = packagesToDeactivate.ItemAt(i); i++) { // add package to transaction if (!transaction->ActivationTransaction().AddPackageToDeactivate( package->Info().FileName())) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } } } void BPackageManager::_CommitPackageChanges(Transaction& transaction) { InstalledRepository& installationRepository = transaction.Repository(); fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressStartApplyingChanges( installationRepository); // commit the transaction BCommitTransactionResult transactionResult; status_t error = fInstallationInterface->CommitTransaction(transaction, transactionResult); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to commit transaction"); if (transactionResult.Error() != B_TRANSACTION_OK) DIE(transactionResult); fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressTransactionCommitted( installationRepository, transactionResult); BEntry transactionDirectoryEntry; if ((error = transaction.TransactionDirectory() .GetEntry(&transactionDirectoryEntry)) != B_OK || (error = transactionDirectoryEntry.Remove()) != B_OK) { fUserInteractionHandler->Warn(error, "failed to remove transaction directory"); } fUserInteractionHandler->ProgressApplyingChangesDone( installationRepository); } void BPackageManager::_ClonePackageFile(LocalRepository* repository, BSolverPackage* package, const BEntry& entry) { // get source and destination path BPath sourcePath; repository->GetPackagePath(package, sourcePath); BPath destinationPath; status_t error = entry.GetPath(&destinationPath); if (error != B_OK) { DIE(error, "failed to entry path of package file to install \"%s\"", package->Info().FileName().String()); } // Copy the package. Ideally we would just hard-link it, but BFS doesn't // support that. error = BCopyEngine().CopyEntry(sourcePath.Path(), destinationPath.Path()); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to copy package file \"%s\"", sourcePath.Path()); } int32 BPackageManager::_FindBasePackage(const PackageList& packages, const BPackageInfo& info) { if (info.BasePackage().IsEmpty()) return -1; // find the requirement matching the base package BPackageResolvableExpression* basePackage = NULL; int32 count = info.RequiresList().CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BPackageResolvableExpression* requires = info.RequiresList().ItemAt(i); if (requires->Name() == info.BasePackage()) { basePackage = requires; break; } } if (basePackage == NULL) { fUserInteractionHandler->Warn(B_OK, "package %s-%s doesn't have a " "matching requires for its base package \"%s\"", info.Name().String(), info.Version().ToString().String(), info.BasePackage().String()); return -1; } // find the first package matching the base package requires count = packages.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BSolverPackage* package = packages.ItemAt(i); if (package->Name() == basePackage->Name() && package->Info().Matches(*basePackage)) { return i; } } return -1; } void BPackageManager::_AddInstalledRepository(InstalledRepository* repository) { fInstallationInterface->InitInstalledRepository(*repository); BRepositoryBuilder(*repository) .AddToSolver(fSolver, repository->Location() == fLocation); repository->SetPriority(repository->InitialPriority()); if (!fInstalledRepositories.AddItem(repository)) throw std::bad_alloc(); } void BPackageManager::_AddRemoteRepository(BPackageRoster& roster, const char* name, bool refresh) { BRepositoryConfig config; status_t error = roster.GetRepositoryConfig(name, &config); if (error != B_OK) { fUserInteractionHandler->Warn(error, "failed to get config for repository \"%s\". Skipping.", name); return; } BRepositoryCache cache; error = _GetRepositoryCache(roster, config, refresh, cache); if (error != B_OK) { fUserInteractionHandler->Warn(error, "failed to get cache for repository \"%s\". Skipping.", name); return; } RemoteRepository* repository = new RemoteRepository(config); if (!fOtherRepositories.AddItem(repository)) { delete repository; throw std::bad_alloc(); } BRepositoryBuilder(*repository, cache, config.Name()) .AddToSolver(fSolver, false); } status_t BPackageManager::_GetRepositoryCache(BPackageRoster& roster, const BRepositoryConfig& config, bool refresh, BRepositoryCache& _cache) { if (!refresh && roster.GetRepositoryCache(config.Name(), &_cache) == B_OK) return B_OK; status_t error = RefreshRepository(config); if (error != B_OK) { fUserInteractionHandler->Warn(error, "refreshing repository \"%s\" failed", config.Name().String()); } return roster.GetRepositoryCache(config.Name(), &_cache); } void BPackageManager::_AddPackageSpecifiers(const char* const* searchStrings, int searchStringCount, BSolverPackageSpecifierList& specifierList) { for (int i = 0; i < searchStringCount; i++) { const char* searchString = searchStrings[i]; if (_IsLocalPackage(searchString)) { BSolverPackage* package = _AddLocalPackage(searchString); if (!specifierList.AppendSpecifier(package)) throw std::bad_alloc(); } else { if (!specifierList.AppendSpecifier(searchString)) throw std::bad_alloc(); } } } bool BPackageManager::_IsLocalPackage(const char* fileName) { // Simple heuristic: fileName contains ".hpkg" and there's actually a file // it refers to. struct stat st; return strstr(fileName, ".hpkg") != NULL && stat(fileName, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode); } BSolverPackage* BPackageManager::_AddLocalPackage(const char* fileName) { if (fLocalRepository == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); return fLocalRepository->AddLocalPackage(fileName); } bool BPackageManager::_NextSpecificInstallationLocation() { if (fLocation == B_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_LOCATION_SYSTEM) { fLocation = B_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_LOCATION_HOME; fSystemRepository->SetInstalled(false); _AddInstalledRepository(fHomeRepository); return true; } return false; } status_t BPackageManager::DownloadPackage(const BString& fileURL, const BEntry& targetEntry, const BString& checksum) { BDecisionProvider provider; BContext context(provider, *this); return DownloadFileRequest(context, fileURL, targetEntry, checksum) .Process(); } status_t BPackageManager::RefreshRepository(const BRepositoryConfig& repoConfig) { BDecisionProvider provider; BContext context(provider, *this); return BRefreshRepositoryRequest(context, repoConfig).Process(); } // #pragma mark - RemoteRepository BPackageManager::RemoteRepository::RemoteRepository( const BRepositoryConfig& config) : BSolverRepository(), fConfig(config) { } const BRepositoryConfig& BPackageManager::RemoteRepository::Config() const { return fConfig; } // #pragma mark - LocalRepository BPackageManager::LocalRepository::LocalRepository() : BSolverRepository() { } BPackageManager::LocalRepository::LocalRepository(const BString& name) : BSolverRepository(name) { } // #pragma mark - MiscLocalRepository BPackageManager::MiscLocalRepository::MiscLocalRepository() : LocalRepository("local"), fPackagePaths() { SetPriority(-127); } BSolverPackage* BPackageManager::MiscLocalRepository::AddLocalPackage(const char* fileName) { BSolverPackage* package; BRepositoryBuilder(*this).AddPackage(fileName, &package); fPackagePaths[package] = fileName; return package; } void BPackageManager::MiscLocalRepository::GetPackagePath(BSolverPackage* package, BPath& _path) { PackagePathMap::const_iterator it = fPackagePaths.find(package); if (it == fPackagePaths.end()) { DIE("package %s not in local repository", package->VersionedName().String()); } status_t error = _path.SetTo(it->second.c_str()); if (error != B_OK) DIE(error, "failed to init package path %s", it->second.c_str()); } // #pragma mark - InstalledRepository BPackageManager::InstalledRepository::InstalledRepository(const char* name, BPackageInstallationLocation location, int32 priority) : LocalRepository(), fDisabledPackages(10, true), fPackagesToActivate(), fPackagesToDeactivate(), fInitialName(name), fLocation(location), fInitialPriority(priority) { } void BPackageManager::InstalledRepository::GetPackagePath(BSolverPackage* package, BPath& _path) { directory_which packagesWhich; switch (fLocation) { case B_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_LOCATION_SYSTEM: packagesWhich = B_SYSTEM_PACKAGES_DIRECTORY; break; case B_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_LOCATION_HOME: packagesWhich = B_USER_PACKAGES_DIRECTORY; break; default: DIE("don't know packages directory path for installation location " "\"%s\"", Name().String()); } BString fileName(package->Info().FileName()); status_t error = find_directory(packagesWhich, &_path); if (error != B_OK || (error = _path.Append(fileName)) != B_OK) { DIE(error, "failed to get path of package file \"%s\" in installation " "location \"%s\"", fileName.String(), Name().String()); } } void BPackageManager::InstalledRepository::DisablePackage(BSolverPackage* package) { if (fDisabledPackages.HasItem(package)) DIE("package %s already disabled", package->VersionedName().String()); if (package->Repository() != this) { DIE("package %s not in repository %s", package->VersionedName().String(), Name().String()); } // move to disabled list if (!fDisabledPackages.AddItem(package)) throw std::bad_alloc(); RemovePackage(package); } bool BPackageManager::InstalledRepository::EnablePackage(BSolverPackage* package) { return fDisabledPackages.RemoveItem(package); } bool BPackageManager::InstalledRepository::HasChanges() const { return !fPackagesToActivate.IsEmpty() || !fPackagesToDeactivate.IsEmpty(); } void BPackageManager::InstalledRepository::ApplyChanges() { // disable packages to deactivate for (int32 i = 0; BSolverPackage* package = fPackagesToDeactivate.ItemAt(i); i++) { if (!fDisabledPackages.HasItem(package)) DisablePackage(package); } // add packages to activate for (int32 i = 0; BSolverPackage* package = fPackagesToActivate.ItemAt(i); i++) { status_t error = AddPackage(package->Info()); if (error != B_OK) { DIE(error, "failed to add package %s to %s repository", package->Name().String(), Name().String()); } } } // #pragma mark - Transaction BPackageManager::Transaction::Transaction(InstalledRepository& repository) : fRepository(repository), fTransaction(), fTransactionDirectory() { } BPackageManager::Transaction::~Transaction() { } // #pragma mark - InstallationInterface BPackageManager::InstallationInterface::~InstallationInterface() { } void BPackageManager::InstallationInterface::ResultComputed( InstalledRepository& repository) { } // #pragma mark - ClientInstallationInterface BPackageManager::ClientInstallationInterface::ClientInstallationInterface() : fDaemonClient() { } BPackageManager::ClientInstallationInterface::~ClientInstallationInterface() { } void BPackageManager::ClientInstallationInterface::InitInstalledRepository( InstalledRepository& repository) { const char* name = repository.InitialName(); BRepositoryBuilder(repository, name) .AddPackages(repository.Location(), name); } status_t BPackageManager::ClientInstallationInterface::PrepareTransaction( Transaction& transaction) { return fDaemonClient.CreateTransaction(transaction.Repository().Location(), transaction.ActivationTransaction(), transaction.TransactionDirectory()); } status_t BPackageManager::ClientInstallationInterface::CommitTransaction( Transaction& transaction, BCommitTransactionResult& _result) { return fDaemonClient.CommitTransaction(transaction.ActivationTransaction(), _result); } // #pragma mark - UserInteractionHandler BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::~UserInteractionHandler() { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::HandleProblems() { throw BAbortedByUserException(); } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ConfirmChanges(bool fromMostSpecific) { throw BAbortedByUserException(); } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::Warn(status_t error, const char* format, ...) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressPackageDownloadStarted( const char* packageName) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressPackageDownloadActive( const char* packageName, float completionPercentage, off_t bytes, off_t totalBytes) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressPackageDownloadComplete( const char* packageName) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressPackageChecksumStarted( const char* title) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressPackageChecksumComplete( const char* title) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressStartApplyingChanges( InstalledRepository& repository) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressTransactionCommitted( InstalledRepository& repository, const BCommitTransactionResult& result) { } void BPackageManager::UserInteractionHandler::ProgressApplyingChangesDone( InstalledRepository& repository) { } } // namespace BPrivate } // namespace BManager } // namespace BPackageKit