/* * Copyright 2009-2011, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Copyright 2011, Oliver Tappe * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using BPrivate::FileDescriptorCloser; static const char* const kPublicDomainLicenseName = "Public Domain"; #include namespace BPackageKit { namespace BHPKG { namespace BPrivate { // minimum length of data we require before trying to zlib compress them static const size_t kZlibCompressionSizeThreshold = 64; // #pragma mark - Attributes struct PackageWriterImpl::Attribute : public DoublyLinkedListLinkImpl { BHPKGAttributeID id; AttributeValue value; DoublyLinkedList children; Attribute(BHPKGAttributeID id_ = B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_ENUM_COUNT) : id(id_) { } ~Attribute() { DeleteChildren(); } void AddChild(Attribute* child) { children.Add(child); } void RemoveChild(Attribute* child) { children.Remove(child); } void DeleteChildren() { while (Attribute* child = children.RemoveHead()) delete child; } Attribute* FindEntryChild(const char* fileName) const { for (DoublyLinkedList::ConstIterator it = children.GetIterator(); Attribute* child = it.Next();) { if (child->id != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DIRECTORY_ENTRY) continue; if (child->value.type != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING) continue; const char* childName = child->value.string->string; if (strcmp(fileName, childName) == 0) return child; } return NULL; } Attribute* FindEntryChild(const char* fileName, size_t nameLength) const { BString name(fileName, nameLength); return (size_t)name.Length() == nameLength ? FindEntryChild(name) : NULL; } Attribute* FindNodeAttributeChild(const char* attributeName) const { for (DoublyLinkedList::ConstIterator it = children.GetIterator(); Attribute* child = it.Next();) { if (child->id != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_ATTRIBUTE) continue; if (child->value.type != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING) continue; const char* childName = child->value.string->string; if (strcmp(attributeName, childName) == 0) return child; } return NULL; } Attribute* ChildWithID(BHPKGAttributeID id) const { for (DoublyLinkedList::ConstIterator it = children.GetIterator(); Attribute* child = it.Next();) { if (child->id == id) return child; } return NULL; } }; // #pragma mark - PackageContentHandler struct PackageWriterImpl::PackageContentHandler : BLowLevelPackageContentHandler { PackageContentHandler(Attribute* rootAttribute, BErrorOutput* errorOutput, StringCache& stringCache, uint64 heapOffset) : fErrorOutput(errorOutput), fStringCache(stringCache), fRootAttribute(rootAttribute), fHeapOffset(heapOffset), fErrorOccurred(false) { } virtual status_t HandleSectionStart(BHPKGPackageSectionID sectionID, bool& _handleSection) { // we're only interested in the TOC _handleSection = sectionID == B_HPKG_SECTION_PACKAGE_TOC; return B_OK; } virtual status_t HandleSectionEnd(BHPKGPackageSectionID sectionID) { return B_OK; } virtual status_t HandleAttribute(BHPKGAttributeID attributeID, const BPackageAttributeValue& value, void* parentToken, void*& _token) { if (fErrorOccurred) return B_OK; Attribute* parentAttribute = parentToken != NULL ? (Attribute*)parentToken : fRootAttribute; Attribute* attribute = new Attribute(attributeID); parentAttribute->AddChild(attribute); switch (value.type) { case B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT: attribute->value.SetTo(value.signedInt); break; case B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT: attribute->value.SetTo(value.unsignedInt); break; case B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING: { CachedString* string = fStringCache.Get(value.string); if (string == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); attribute->value.SetTo(string); break; } case B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_RAW: if (value.encoding == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_RAW_HEAP) { attribute->value.SetToData(value.data.size, value.data.offset - fHeapOffset); } else if (value.encoding == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_RAW_INLINE) { attribute->value.SetToData(value.data.size, value.data.raw); } else { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Invalid attribute value encoding " "%d (attribute %d)\n", value.encoding, attributeID); return B_BAD_DATA; } break; case B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID: default: fErrorOutput->PrintError("Invalid attribute value type %d " "(attribute %d)\n", value.type, attributeID); return B_BAD_DATA; } _token = attribute; return B_OK; } virtual status_t HandleAttributeDone(BHPKGAttributeID attributeID, const BPackageAttributeValue& value, void* parentToken, void* token) { return B_OK; } virtual void HandleErrorOccurred() { fErrorOccurred = true; } private: BErrorOutput* fErrorOutput; StringCache& fStringCache; Attribute* fRootAttribute; uint64 fHeapOffset; bool fErrorOccurred; }; // #pragma mark - Entry struct PackageWriterImpl::Entry : DoublyLinkedListLinkImpl { Entry(char* name, size_t nameLength, int fd, bool isImplicit) : fName(name), fNameLength(nameLength), fFD(fd), fIsImplicit(isImplicit) { } ~Entry() { DeleteChildren(); free(fName); } static Entry* Create(const char* name, size_t nameLength, int fd, bool isImplicit) { char* clonedName = (char*)malloc(nameLength + 1); if (clonedName == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); memcpy(clonedName, name, nameLength); clonedName[nameLength] = '\0'; Entry* entry = new(std::nothrow) Entry(clonedName, nameLength, fd, isImplicit); if (entry == NULL) { free(clonedName); throw std::bad_alloc(); } return entry; } const char* Name() const { return fName; } int FD() const { return fFD; } void SetFD(int fd) { fFD = fd; } bool IsImplicit() const { return fIsImplicit; } void SetImplicit(bool isImplicit) { fIsImplicit = isImplicit; } bool HasName(const char* name, size_t nameLength) { return nameLength == fNameLength && strncmp(name, fName, nameLength) == 0; } void AddChild(Entry* child) { fChildren.Add(child); } void DeleteChildren() { while (Entry* child = fChildren.RemoveHead()) delete child; } Entry* GetChild(const char* name, size_t nameLength) const { EntryList::ConstIterator it = fChildren.GetIterator(); while (Entry* child = it.Next()) { if (child->HasName(name, nameLength)) return child; } return NULL; } EntryList::ConstIterator ChildIterator() const { return fChildren.GetIterator(); } private: char* fName; size_t fNameLength; int fFD; bool fIsImplicit; EntryList fChildren; }; // #pragma mark - SubPathAdder struct PackageWriterImpl::SubPathAdder { SubPathAdder(BErrorOutput* errorOutput, char* pathBuffer, const char* subPath) : fOriginalPathEnd(pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer)) { if (fOriginalPathEnd != pathBuffer) strlcat(pathBuffer, "/", B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH); if (strlcat(pathBuffer, subPath, B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH) >= B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH) { *fOriginalPathEnd = '\0'; errorOutput->PrintError("Path too long: \"%s/%s\"\n", pathBuffer, subPath); throw status_t(B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); } } ~SubPathAdder() { *fOriginalPathEnd = '\0'; } private: char* fOriginalPathEnd; }; struct PackageWriterImpl::HeapAttributeOffsetter { HeapAttributeOffsetter(const RangeArray& ranges, const Array& deltas) : fRanges(ranges), fDeltas(deltas) { } void ProcessAttribute(Attribute* attribute) { // If the attribute refers to a heap value, adjust it AttributeValue& value = attribute->value; if (value.type == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_RAW && value.encoding == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_RAW_HEAP) { off_t delta = fDeltas[fRanges.InsertionIndex(value.data.offset)]; value.data.offset -= delta; } // recurse for (DoublyLinkedList::Iterator it = attribute->children.GetIterator(); Attribute* child = it.Next();) { ProcessAttribute(child); } } private: const RangeArray& fRanges; const Array& fDeltas; }; // #pragma mark - PackageWriterImpl (Inline Methods) template inline PackageWriterImpl::Attribute* PackageWriterImpl::_AddAttribute(BHPKGAttributeID attributeID, Type value) { AttributeValue attributeValue; attributeValue.SetTo(value); return _AddAttribute(attributeID, attributeValue); } // #pragma mark - PackageWriterImpl PackageWriterImpl::PackageWriterImpl(BPackageWriterListener* listener) : inherited(listener), fListener(listener), fHeapRangesToRemove(NULL), fDataBuffer(NULL), fDataBufferSize(2 * B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE_ZLIB), fRootEntry(NULL), fRootAttribute(NULL), fTopAttribute(NULL), fCheckLicenses(true) { } PackageWriterImpl::~PackageWriterImpl() { delete fRootAttribute; delete fRootEntry; free(fDataBuffer); } status_t PackageWriterImpl::Init(const char* fileName, uint32 flags) { try { return _Init(fileName, flags); } catch (status_t error) { return error; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { fListener->PrintError("Out of memory!\n"); return B_NO_MEMORY; } } status_t PackageWriterImpl::SetInstallPath(const char* installPath) { fInstallPath = installPath; return installPath == NULL || (size_t)fInstallPath.Length() == strlen(installPath) ? B_OK : B_NO_MEMORY; } void PackageWriterImpl::SetCheckLicenses(bool checkLicenses) { fCheckLicenses = checkLicenses; } status_t PackageWriterImpl::AddEntry(const char* fileName, int fd) { try { // if it's ".PackageInfo", parse it if (strcmp(fileName, B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME) == 0) { struct ErrorListener : public BPackageInfo::ParseErrorListener { ErrorListener(BPackageWriterListener* _listener) : listener(_listener) {} virtual void OnError(const BString& msg, int line, int col) { listener->PrintError("Parse error in %s(%d:%d) -> %s\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME, line, col, msg.String()); } BPackageWriterListener* listener; } errorListener(fListener); if (fd >= 0) { // a file descriptor is given -- read the config from there // stat the file to get the file size struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) return errno; BString packageInfoString; char* buffer = packageInfoString.LockBuffer(st.st_size); if (buffer == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ssize_t result = read_pos(fd, 0, buffer, st.st_size); if (result < 0) { packageInfoString.UnlockBuffer(0); return errno; } buffer[st.st_size] = '\0'; packageInfoString.UnlockBuffer(st.st_size); result = fPackageInfo.ReadFromConfigString(packageInfoString, &errorListener); if (result != B_OK) return result; } else { // use the file name BEntry packageInfoEntry(fileName); status_t result = fPackageInfo.ReadFromConfigFile( packageInfoEntry, &errorListener); if (result != B_OK || (result = fPackageInfo.InitCheck()) != B_OK) { return result; } } } return _RegisterEntry(fileName, fd); } catch (status_t error) { return error; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { fListener->PrintError("Out of memory!\n"); return B_NO_MEMORY; } } status_t PackageWriterImpl::Finish() { try { RangeArray heapRangesToRemove; fHeapRangesToRemove = &heapRangesToRemove; if ((Flags() & B_HPKG_WRITER_UPDATE_PACKAGE) != 0) { _UpdateCheckEntryCollisions(); if (fPackageInfo.InitCheck() != B_OK) _UpdateReadPackageInfo(); } if (fPackageInfo.InitCheck() != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("No package-info file found (%s)!\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); return B_BAD_DATA; } fPackageInfo.SetInstallPath(fInstallPath); RegisterPackageInfo(PackageAttributes(), fPackageInfo); if (fCheckLicenses) { status_t result = _CheckLicenses(); if (result != B_OK) return result; } if ((Flags() & B_HPKG_WRITER_UPDATE_PACKAGE) != 0) _CompactHeap(); fHeapRangesToRemove = NULL; return _Finish(); } catch (status_t error) { return error; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { fListener->PrintError("Out of memory!\n"); return B_NO_MEMORY; } } status_t PackageWriterImpl::_Init(const char* fileName, uint32 flags) { status_t result = inherited::Init(fileName, "package", flags); if (result != B_OK) return result; // allocate data buffer fDataBuffer = malloc(fDataBufferSize); if (fDataBuffer == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); if (fStringCache.Init() != B_OK) throw std::bad_alloc(); // create entry list fRootEntry = new Entry(NULL, 0, -1, true); fRootAttribute = new Attribute(); fHeapOffset = fHeapEnd = sizeof(hpkg_header); fTopAttribute = fRootAttribute; // in update mode, parse the TOC if ((Flags() & B_HPKG_WRITER_UPDATE_PACKAGE) != 0) { PackageReaderImpl packageReader(fListener); result = packageReader.Init(FD(), false); if (result != B_OK) return result; fHeapOffset = packageReader.HeapOffset(); fHeapEnd = fHeapOffset + packageReader.HeapSize(); PackageContentHandler handler(fRootAttribute, fListener, fStringCache, fHeapOffset); result = packageReader.ParseContent(&handler); if (result != B_OK) return result; if ((uint64)fHeapOffset > packageReader.HeapOffset()) { fListener->PrintError("Unexpected heap offset in package file.\n"); return B_BAD_DATA; } } return B_OK; } status_t PackageWriterImpl::_CheckLicenses() { BPath systemLicensePath; status_t result #ifdef HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU = find_directory(B_SYSTEM_DATA_DIRECTORY, &systemLicensePath); #else = systemLicensePath.SetTo(HAIKU_BUILD_SYSTEM_DATA_DIRECTORY); #endif if (result != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("unable to find system data path!\n"); return result; } if ((result = systemLicensePath.Append("licenses")) != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("unable to append to system data path!\n"); return result; } BDirectory systemLicenseDir(systemLicensePath.Path()); const BStringList& licenseList = fPackageInfo.LicenseList(); for (int i = 0; i < licenseList.CountStrings(); ++i) { const BString& licenseName = licenseList.StringAt(i); if (licenseName == kPublicDomainLicenseName) continue; BEntry license; if (systemLicenseDir.FindEntry(licenseName.String(), &license) == B_OK) continue; // license is not a system license, so it must be contained in package BString licensePath("data/licenses/"); licensePath << licenseName; if (!_IsEntryInPackage(licensePath)) { fListener->PrintError("License '%s' isn't contained in package!\n", licenseName.String()); return B_BAD_DATA; } } return B_OK; } bool PackageWriterImpl::_IsEntryInPackage(const char* fileName) { const char* originalFileName = fileName; // find the closest ancestor of the entry that is in the added entries bool added = false; Entry* entry = fRootEntry; while (entry != NULL) { if (!entry->IsImplicit()) { added = true; break; } if (*fileName == '\0') break; const char* nextSlash = strchr(fileName, '/'); if (nextSlash == NULL) { // no slash, just the file name size_t length = strlen(fileName); entry = entry->GetChild(fileName, length); fileName += length; continue; } // find the start of the next component, skipping slashes const char* nextComponent = nextSlash + 1; while (*nextComponent == '/') nextComponent++; entry = entry->GetChild(fileName, nextSlash - fileName); fileName = nextComponent; } if (added) { // the entry itself or one of its ancestors has been added to the // package explicitly -- stat it, to see, if it exists struct stat st; if (entry->FD() >= 0) { if (fstatat(entry->FD(), *fileName != '\0' ? fileName : NULL, &st, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) == 0) { return true; } } else { if (lstat(originalFileName, &st) == 0) return true; } } // In update mode the entry might already be in the package. Attribute* attribute = fRootAttribute; fileName = originalFileName; while (attribute != NULL) { if (*fileName == '\0') return true; const char* nextSlash = strchr(fileName, '/'); if (nextSlash == NULL) { // no slash, just the file name return attribute->FindEntryChild(fileName) != NULL; } // find the start of the next component, skipping slashes const char* nextComponent = nextSlash + 1; while (*nextComponent == '/') nextComponent++; attribute = attribute->FindEntryChild(fileName, nextSlash - fileName); fileName = nextComponent; } return false; } void PackageWriterImpl::_UpdateReadPackageInfo() { // get the .PackageInfo entry attribute Attribute* attribute = fRootAttribute->FindEntryChild( B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); if (attribute == NULL) { fListener->PrintError("No %s in package file.\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); throw status_t(B_BAD_DATA); } // get the data attribute Attribute* dataAttribute = attribute->ChildWithID(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA); if (dataAttribute == NULL) { fListener->PrintError("%s entry in package file doesn't have data.\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); throw status_t(B_BAD_DATA); } AttributeValue& value = dataAttribute->value; if (value.type != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_RAW) { fListener->PrintError("%s entry in package file has an invalid data " "attribute (not of type raw).\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); throw status_t(B_BAD_DATA); } BPackageData data; if (value.encoding == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_RAW_INLINE) data.SetData(value.data.size, value.data.raw); else data.SetData(value.data.size, value.data.offset + fHeapOffset); // get the compression uint8 compression = B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DATA_COMPRESSION; if (Attribute* compressionAttribute = dataAttribute->ChildWithID( B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA_COMPRESSION)) { if (compressionAttribute->value.type != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT) { fListener->PrintError("%s entry in package file has an invalid " "data compression attribute (not of type uint).\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); throw status_t(B_BAD_DATA); } compression = compressionAttribute->value.unsignedInt; } data.SetCompression(compression); // get the size uint64 size; Attribute* sizeAttribute = dataAttribute->ChildWithID( B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA_SIZE); if (sizeAttribute == NULL) { size = value.data.size; } else if (sizeAttribute->value.type != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT) { fListener->PrintError("%s entry in package file has an invalid data " "size attribute (not of type uint).\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); throw status_t(B_BAD_DATA); } else size = sizeAttribute->value.unsignedInt; data.SetUncompressedSize(size); // get the chunk size uint64 chunkSize = compression == B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_ZLIB ? B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE_ZLIB : 0; if (Attribute* chunkSizeAttribute = dataAttribute->ChildWithID( B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)) { if (chunkSizeAttribute->value.type != B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT) { fListener->PrintError("%s entry in package file has an invalid " "data chunk size attribute (not of type uint).\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); throw status_t(B_BAD_DATA); } chunkSize = chunkSizeAttribute->value.unsignedInt; } data.SetChunkSize(chunkSize); // read the value into a string BString valueString; char* valueBuffer = valueString.LockBuffer(size); if (valueBuffer == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); if (value.encoding == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_RAW_INLINE) { // data encoded inline -- just copy to buffer if (size != value.data.size) { fListener->PrintError("%s entry in package file has an invalid " "data attribute (mismatching size).\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME); throw status_t(B_BAD_DATA); } memcpy(valueBuffer, value.data.raw, value.data.size); } else { // data on heap -- read from there BBlockBufferCacheNoLock bufferCache(16 * 1024, 1); status_t error = bufferCache.Init(); if (error != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to initialize buffer cache: %s\n", strerror(error)); throw status_t(error); } // create a BPackageDataReader BFDDataReader packageFileReader(FD()); BPackageDataReader* reader; error = BPackageDataReaderFactory(&bufferCache) .CreatePackageDataReader(&packageFileReader, data, reader); if (error != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to create package data reader: %s\n", strerror(error)); throw status_t(error); } ObjectDeleter readerDeleter(reader); // read the data error = reader->ReadData(0, valueBuffer, size); if (error != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to read data of %s entry in package " "file: %s\n", B_HPKG_PACKAGE_INFO_FILE_NAME, strerror(error)); throw status_t(error); } } valueString.UnlockBuffer(); // parse the package info status_t error = fPackageInfo.ReadFromConfigString(valueString); if (error != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to parse package info data from package " "file: %s\n", strerror(error)); throw status_t(error); } } void PackageWriterImpl::_UpdateCheckEntryCollisions() { for (EntryList::ConstIterator it = fRootEntry->ChildIterator(); Entry* entry = it.Next();) { char pathBuffer[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; pathBuffer[0] = '\0'; _UpdateCheckEntryCollisions(fRootAttribute, AT_FDCWD, entry, entry->Name(), pathBuffer); } } void PackageWriterImpl::_UpdateCheckEntryCollisions(Attribute* parentAttribute, int dirFD, Entry* entry, const char* fileName, char* pathBuffer) { bool isImplicitEntry = entry != NULL && entry->IsImplicit(); SubPathAdder pathAdder(fListener, pathBuffer, fileName); // Check wether there's an entry attribute for this entry. If not, we can // ignore this entry. Attribute* entryAttribute = parentAttribute->FindEntryChild(fileName); if (entryAttribute == NULL) return; // open the node int fd; FileDescriptorCloser fdCloser; if (entry != NULL && entry->FD() >= 0) { // a file descriptor is already given -- use that fd = entry->FD(); } else { fd = openat(dirFD, fileName, O_RDONLY | (isImplicitEntry ? 0 : O_NOTRAVERSE)); if (fd < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to open entry \"%s\": %s\n", pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } fdCloser.SetTo(fd); } // stat the node struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to fstat() file \"%s\": %s\n", pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } // implicit entries must be directories if (isImplicitEntry && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { fListener->PrintError("Non-leaf path component \"%s\" is not a " "directory.\n", pathBuffer); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } // get the pre-existing node's file type uint32 preExistingFileType = B_HPKG_DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE; if (Attribute* fileTypeAttribute = entryAttribute->ChildWithID(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_TYPE)) { if (fileTypeAttribute->value.type == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT) preExistingFileType = fileTypeAttribute->value.unsignedInt; } // Compare the node type with that of the pre-existing one. if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { // the pre-existing must not a directory either -- we'll remove it if (preExistingFileType == B_HPKG_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { fListener->PrintError("Specified file \"%s\" clashes with an " "archived directory.\n", pathBuffer); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } if ((Flags() & B_HPKG_WRITER_FORCE_ADD) == 0) { fListener->PrintError("Specified file \"%s\" clashes with an " "archived file.\n", pathBuffer); throw status_t(B_FILE_EXISTS); } parentAttribute->RemoveChild(entryAttribute); _AttributeRemoved(entryAttribute); return; } // the pre-existing entry needs to be a directory too -- we will merge if (preExistingFileType != B_HPKG_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { fListener->PrintError("Specified directory \"%s\" clashes with an " "archived non-directory.\n", pathBuffer); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } // directory -- recursively add children if (isImplicitEntry) { // this is an implicit entry -- just check the child entries for (EntryList::ConstIterator it = entry->ChildIterator(); Entry* child = it.Next();) { _UpdateCheckEntryCollisions(entryAttribute, fd, child, child->Name(), pathBuffer); } } else { // explicitly specified directory -- we need to read the directory // first we check for colliding node attributes, though if (DIR* attrDir = fs_fopen_attr_dir(fd)) { CObjectDeleter attrDirCloser(attrDir, fs_close_attr_dir); while (dirent* entry = fs_read_attr_dir(attrDir)) { attr_info attrInfo; if (fs_stat_attr(fd, entry->d_name, &attrInfo) < 0) { fListener->PrintError( "Failed to stat attribute \"%s\" of directory \"%s\": " "%s\n", entry->d_name, pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } // check whether the attribute exists Attribute* attributeAttribute = entryAttribute->FindNodeAttributeChild(entry->d_name); if (attributeAttribute == NULL) continue; if ((Flags() & B_HPKG_WRITER_FORCE_ADD) == 0) { fListener->PrintError("Attribute \"%s\" of specified " "directory \"%s\" clashes with an archived " "attribute.\n", pathBuffer); throw status_t(B_FILE_EXISTS); } // remove it entryAttribute->RemoveChild(attributeAttribute); _AttributeRemoved(attributeAttribute); } } // we need to clone the directory FD for fdopendir() int clonedFD = dup(fd); if (clonedFD < 0) { fListener->PrintError( "Failed to dup() directory FD: %s\n", strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } DIR* dir = fdopendir(clonedFD); if (dir == NULL) { fListener->PrintError( "Failed to open directory \"%s\": %s\n", pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); close(clonedFD); throw status_t(errno); } CObjectDeleter dirCloser(dir, closedir); while (dirent* entry = readdir(dir)) { // skip "." and ".." if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } _UpdateCheckEntryCollisions(entryAttribute, fd, NULL, entry->d_name, pathBuffer); } } } void PackageWriterImpl::_CompactHeap() { int32 count = fHeapRangesToRemove->CountRanges(); if (count == 0) return; // compute the move deltas for the ranges Array deltas; off_t delta = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!deltas.Add(delta)) throw std::bad_alloc(); delta += fHeapRangesToRemove->RangeAt(i).size; } if (!deltas.Add(delta)) throw std::bad_alloc(); // offset the attributes HeapAttributeOffsetter(*fHeapRangesToRemove, deltas).ProcessAttribute( fRootAttribute); // move the heap chunks in the file around off_t chunkOffset = fHeapOffset; delta = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const Range& range = fHeapRangesToRemove->RangeAt(i); if (delta > 0 && chunkOffset < range.offset) { // move chunk _MoveHeapChunk(chunkOffset, chunkOffset - delta, range.offset - chunkOffset); } chunkOffset = range.EndOffset(); delta += range.size; } // move the final chunk off_t heapSize = fHeapEnd - fHeapOffset; if (delta > 0 && chunkOffset < heapSize) { _MoveHeapChunk(chunkOffset, chunkOffset - delta, heapSize - chunkOffset); } fHeapEnd -= delta; } void PackageWriterImpl::_MoveHeapChunk(off_t fromOffset, off_t toOffset, off_t size) { // convert heap offsets to file offsets fromOffset += fHeapOffset; toOffset += fHeapOffset; while (size > 0) { size_t toCopy = std::min(size, (off_t)fDataBufferSize); // read data into buffer ssize_t bytesRead = read_pos(FD(), fromOffset, fDataBuffer, toCopy); if (bytesRead < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to read from package file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } if ((size_t)bytesRead < toCopy) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to read from package file (wanted " "%zu bytes, got %zd).\n", toCopy, bytesRead); throw status_t(B_IO_ERROR); } // write data to target offset ssize_t bytesWritten = write_pos(FD(), toOffset, fDataBuffer, toCopy); if (bytesWritten < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write to package file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } if ((size_t)bytesWritten < toCopy) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write to package file.\n"); throw status_t(B_IO_ERROR); } fromOffset += toCopy; toOffset += toCopy; size -= toCopy; } } void PackageWriterImpl::_AttributeRemoved(Attribute* attribute) { AttributeValue& value = attribute->value; if (value.type == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_RAW && value.encoding == B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_RAW_HEAP) { if (!fHeapRangesToRemove->AddRange(value.data.offset, value.data.size)) throw std::bad_alloc(); } for (DoublyLinkedList::Iterator it = attribute->children.GetIterator(); Attribute* child = it.Next();) { _AttributeRemoved(child); } } status_t PackageWriterImpl::_Finish() { // write entries for (EntryList::ConstIterator it = fRootEntry->ChildIterator(); Entry* entry = it.Next();) { char pathBuffer[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; pathBuffer[0] = '\0'; _AddEntry(AT_FDCWD, entry, entry->Name(), pathBuffer); } off_t heapSize = fHeapEnd - fHeapOffset; hpkg_header header; // write the TOC and package attributes _WriteTOC(header); _WritePackageAttributes(header); off_t totalSize = fHeapEnd; // Truncate the file to the size it is supposed to have. In update mode, it // can be greater when one or more files are shrunk. In creation mode, when // writing compressed TOC or package attributes yields a larger size than // uncompressed, the file size may also be greater than it should be. if (ftruncate(FD(), totalSize) != 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to truncate package file to new " "size: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } fListener->OnPackageSizeInfo(fHeapOffset, heapSize, B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT64(header.toc_length_compressed), B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(header.attributes_length_compressed), totalSize); // prepare the header // general header.magic = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(B_HPKG_MAGIC); header.header_size = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT16((uint16)fHeapOffset); header.version = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT16(B_HPKG_VERSION); header.total_size = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT64(totalSize); // write the header WriteBuffer(&header, sizeof(hpkg_header), 0); SetFinished(true); return B_OK; } status_t PackageWriterImpl::_RegisterEntry(const char* fileName, int fd) { if (*fileName == '\0') { fListener->PrintError("Invalid empty file name\n"); return B_BAD_VALUE; } // add all components of the path Entry* entry = fRootEntry; while (*fileName != 0) { const char* nextSlash = strchr(fileName, '/'); // no slash, just add the file name if (nextSlash == NULL) { entry = _RegisterEntry(entry, fileName, strlen(fileName), fd, false); break; } // find the start of the next component, skipping slashes const char* nextComponent = nextSlash + 1; while (*nextComponent == '/') nextComponent++; bool lastComponent = *nextComponent != '\0'; if (nextSlash == fileName) { // the FS root entry = _RegisterEntry(entry, fileName, 1, lastComponent ? fd : -1, lastComponent); } else { entry = _RegisterEntry(entry, fileName, nextSlash - fileName, lastComponent ? fd : -1, lastComponent); } fileName = nextComponent; } return B_OK; } PackageWriterImpl::Entry* PackageWriterImpl::_RegisterEntry(Entry* parent, const char* name, size_t nameLength, int fd, bool isImplicit) { // check the component name -- don't allow "." or ".." if (name[0] == '.' && (nameLength == 1 || (nameLength == 2 && name[1] == '.'))) { fListener->PrintError("Invalid file name: \".\" and \"..\" " "are not allowed as path components\n"); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } // the entry might already exist Entry* entry = parent->GetChild(name, nameLength); if (entry != NULL) { // If the entry was implicit and is no longer, we mark it non-implicit // and delete all of it's children. if (entry->IsImplicit() && !isImplicit) { entry->DeleteChildren(); entry->SetImplicit(false); entry->SetFD(fd); } } else { // nope -- create it entry = Entry::Create(name, nameLength, fd, isImplicit); parent->AddChild(entry); } return entry; } void PackageWriterImpl::_WriteTOC(hpkg_header& header) { // prepare the writer (zlib writer on top of a file writer) off_t startOffset = fHeapEnd; // write the sections uint32 compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_ZLIB; uint64 uncompressedStringsSize; uint64 uncompressedMainSize; uint64 tocUncompressedSize; int32 cachedStringsWritten = _WriteTOCCompressed(uncompressedStringsSize, uncompressedMainSize, tocUncompressedSize); off_t endOffset = fHeapEnd; if (endOffset - startOffset >= (off_t)tocUncompressedSize) { // the compressed section isn't shorter -- write uncompressed fHeapEnd = startOffset; compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_NONE; cachedStringsWritten = _WriteTOCUncompressed(uncompressedStringsSize, uncompressedMainSize, tocUncompressedSize); endOffset = fHeapEnd; } fListener->OnTOCSizeInfo(uncompressedStringsSize, uncompressedMainSize, tocUncompressedSize); // update the header // TOC header.toc_compression = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(compression); header.toc_length_compressed = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT64( endOffset - startOffset); header.toc_length_uncompressed = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT64( tocUncompressedSize); // TOC subsections header.toc_strings_length = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT64( uncompressedStringsSize); header.toc_strings_count = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT64(cachedStringsWritten); } int32 PackageWriterImpl::_WriteTOCCompressed(uint64& _uncompressedStringsSize, uint64& _uncompressedMainSize, uint64& _tocUncompressedSize) { FDDataWriter realWriter(FD(), fHeapEnd, fListener); ZlibDataWriter zlibWriter(&realWriter); SetDataWriter(&zlibWriter); zlibWriter.Init(); // write the sections int32 cachedStringsWritten = _WriteTOCSections(_uncompressedStringsSize, _uncompressedMainSize); // finish the writer zlibWriter.Finish(); fHeapEnd = realWriter.Offset(); SetDataWriter(NULL); _tocUncompressedSize = zlibWriter.BytesWritten(); return cachedStringsWritten; } int32 PackageWriterImpl::_WriteTOCUncompressed(uint64& _uncompressedStringsSize, uint64& _uncompressedMainSize, uint64& _tocUncompressedSize) { FDDataWriter realWriter(FD(), fHeapEnd, fListener); SetDataWriter(&realWriter); // write the sections int32 cachedStringsWritten = _WriteTOCSections(_uncompressedStringsSize, _uncompressedMainSize); fHeapEnd = realWriter.Offset(); SetDataWriter(NULL); _tocUncompressedSize = realWriter.BytesWritten(); return cachedStringsWritten; } int32 PackageWriterImpl::_WriteTOCSections(uint64& _stringsSize, uint64& _mainSize) { // write the cached strings uint64 cachedStringsOffset = DataWriter()->BytesWritten(); int32 cachedStringsWritten = WriteCachedStrings(fStringCache, 2); // write the main TOC section uint64 mainOffset = DataWriter()->BytesWritten(); _WriteAttributeChildren(fRootAttribute); _stringsSize = mainOffset - cachedStringsOffset; _mainSize = DataWriter()->BytesWritten() - mainOffset; return cachedStringsWritten; } void PackageWriterImpl::_WriteAttributeChildren(Attribute* attribute) { DoublyLinkedList::Iterator it = attribute->children.GetIterator(); while (Attribute* child = it.Next()) { // write tag uint8 encoding = child->value.ApplicableEncoding(); WriteUnsignedLEB128(HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_COMPOSE(child->id, child->value.type, encoding, !child->children.IsEmpty())); // write value WriteAttributeValue(child->value, encoding); if (!child->children.IsEmpty()) _WriteAttributeChildren(child); } WriteUnsignedLEB128(0); } void PackageWriterImpl::_WritePackageAttributes(hpkg_header& header) { // write the package attributes (zlib writer on top of a file writer) off_t startOffset = fHeapEnd; uint32 compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_ZLIB; uint32 stringsLengthUncompressed; uint32 attributesLengthUncompressed; uint32 stringsCount = _WritePackageAttributesCompressed( stringsLengthUncompressed, attributesLengthUncompressed); off_t endOffset = fHeapEnd; if ((off_t)attributesLengthUncompressed <= endOffset - startOffset) { // the compressed section isn't shorter -- write uncompressed fHeapEnd = startOffset; compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_NONE; stringsCount = _WritePackageAttributesUncompressed( stringsLengthUncompressed, attributesLengthUncompressed); endOffset = fHeapEnd; } fListener->OnPackageAttributesSizeInfo(stringsCount, attributesLengthUncompressed); // update the header header.attributes_compression = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(compression); header.attributes_length_compressed = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(endOffset - startOffset); header.attributes_length_uncompressed = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(attributesLengthUncompressed); header.attributes_strings_count = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(stringsCount); header.attributes_strings_length = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(stringsLengthUncompressed); } uint32 PackageWriterImpl::_WritePackageAttributesCompressed( uint32& _stringsLengthUncompressed, uint32& _attributesLengthUncompressed) { off_t startOffset = fHeapEnd; FDDataWriter realWriter(FD(), startOffset, fListener); ZlibDataWriter zlibWriter(&realWriter); SetDataWriter(&zlibWriter); zlibWriter.Init(); // write cached strings and package attributes tree uint32 stringsCount = WritePackageAttributes(PackageAttributes(), _stringsLengthUncompressed); zlibWriter.Finish(); fHeapEnd = realWriter.Offset(); SetDataWriter(NULL); _attributesLengthUncompressed = zlibWriter.BytesWritten(); return stringsCount; } uint32 PackageWriterImpl::_WritePackageAttributesUncompressed( uint32& _stringsLengthUncompressed, uint32& _attributesLengthUncompressed) { off_t startOffset = fHeapEnd; FDDataWriter realWriter(FD(), startOffset, fListener); SetDataWriter(&realWriter); // write cached strings and package attributes tree uint32 stringsCount = WritePackageAttributes(PackageAttributes(), _stringsLengthUncompressed); fHeapEnd = realWriter.Offset(); SetDataWriter(NULL); _attributesLengthUncompressed = realWriter.BytesWritten(); return stringsCount; } void PackageWriterImpl::_AddEntry(int dirFD, Entry* entry, const char* fileName, char* pathBuffer) { bool isImplicitEntry = entry != NULL && entry->IsImplicit(); SubPathAdder pathAdder(fListener, pathBuffer, fileName); if (!isImplicitEntry) fListener->OnEntryAdded(pathBuffer); // open the node int fd; FileDescriptorCloser fdCloser; if (entry != NULL && entry->FD() >= 0) { // a file descriptor is already given -- use that fd = entry->FD(); } else { fd = openat(dirFD, fileName, O_RDONLY | (isImplicitEntry ? 0 : O_NOTRAVERSE)); if (fd < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to open entry \"%s\": %s\n", pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } fdCloser.SetTo(fd); } // stat the node struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to fstat() file \"%s\": %s\n", pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } // implicit entries must be directories if (isImplicitEntry && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { fListener->PrintError("Non-leaf path component \"%s\" is not a " "directory\n", pathBuffer); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } // In update mode we don't need to add an entry attribute for an implicit // directory, if there already is one. Attribute* entryAttribute = NULL; if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && (Flags() & B_HPKG_WRITER_UPDATE_PACKAGE) != 0) { entryAttribute = fTopAttribute->FindEntryChild(fileName); if (entryAttribute != NULL && isImplicitEntry) { Stacker entryAttributeStacker(fTopAttribute, entryAttribute); _AddDirectoryChildren(entry, fd, pathBuffer); return; } } // check/translate the node type uint8 fileType; uint32 defaultPermissions; if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { fileType = B_HPKG_FILE_TYPE_FILE; defaultPermissions = B_HPKG_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS; } else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { fileType = B_HPKG_FILE_TYPE_SYMLINK; defaultPermissions = B_HPKG_DEFAULT_SYMLINK_PERMISSIONS; } else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { fileType = B_HPKG_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY; defaultPermissions = B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS; } else { // unsupported node type fListener->PrintError("Unsupported node type, entry: \"%s\"\n", pathBuffer); throw status_t(B_UNSUPPORTED); } // add attribute entry, if it doesn't already exist (update mode, directory) bool isNewEntry = entryAttribute == NULL; if (entryAttribute == NULL) { entryAttribute = _AddStringAttribute( B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DIRECTORY_ENTRY, fileName); } Stacker entryAttributeStacker(fTopAttribute, entryAttribute); if (isNewEntry) { // add stat data if (fileType != B_HPKG_DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE) _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_TYPE, fileType); if (defaultPermissions != uint32(st.st_mode & ALLPERMS)) { _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_PERMISSIONS, uint32(st.st_mode & ALLPERMS)); } _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_ATIME, uint32(st.st_atime)); _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_MTIME, uint32(st.st_mtime)); #ifdef __HAIKU__ _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_CRTIME, uint32(st.st_crtime)); #else _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_CRTIME, uint32(st.st_mtime)); #endif // TODO: File user/group! // add file data/symlink path if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { // regular file -- add data if (st.st_size > 0) { BFDDataReader dataReader(fd); status_t error = _AddData(dataReader, st.st_size); if (error != B_OK) throw status_t(error); } } else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { // symlink -- add link address char path[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; ssize_t bytesRead = readlinkat(dirFD, fileName, path, B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH); if (bytesRead < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to read symlink \"%s\": %s\n", pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } path[bytesRead] = '\0'; _AddStringAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_SYMLINK_PATH, path); } } // add attributes if (DIR* attrDir = fs_fopen_attr_dir(fd)) { CObjectDeleter attrDirCloser(attrDir, fs_close_attr_dir); while (dirent* entry = fs_read_attr_dir(attrDir)) { attr_info attrInfo; if (fs_stat_attr(fd, entry->d_name, &attrInfo) < 0) { fListener->PrintError( "Failed to stat attribute \"%s\" of file \"%s\": %s\n", entry->d_name, pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } // create attribute entry Attribute* attributeAttribute = _AddStringAttribute( B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_ATTRIBUTE, entry->d_name); Stacker attributeAttributeStacker(fTopAttribute, attributeAttribute); // add type _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, (uint32)attrInfo.type); // add data BAttributeDataReader dataReader(fd, entry->d_name, attrInfo.type); status_t error = _AddData(dataReader, attrInfo.size); if (error != B_OK) throw status_t(error); } } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) _AddDirectoryChildren(entry, fd, pathBuffer); } void PackageWriterImpl::_AddDirectoryChildren(Entry* entry, int fd, char* pathBuffer) { // directory -- recursively add children if (entry != NULL && entry->IsImplicit()) { // this is an implicit entry -- just add it's children for (EntryList::ConstIterator it = entry->ChildIterator(); Entry* child = it.Next();) { _AddEntry(fd, child, child->Name(), pathBuffer); } } else { // we need to clone the directory FD for fdopendir() int clonedFD = dup(fd); if (clonedFD < 0) { fListener->PrintError( "Failed to dup() directory FD: %s\n", strerror(errno)); throw status_t(errno); } DIR* dir = fdopendir(clonedFD); if (dir == NULL) { fListener->PrintError( "Failed to open directory \"%s\": %s\n", pathBuffer, strerror(errno)); close(clonedFD); throw status_t(errno); } CObjectDeleter dirCloser(dir, closedir); while (dirent* entry = readdir(dir)) { // skip "." and ".." if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } _AddEntry(fd, NULL, entry->d_name, pathBuffer); } } } PackageWriterImpl::Attribute* PackageWriterImpl::_AddAttribute(BHPKGAttributeID id, const AttributeValue& value) { Attribute* attribute = new Attribute(id); attribute->value = value; fTopAttribute->AddChild(attribute); return attribute; } PackageWriterImpl::Attribute* PackageWriterImpl::_AddStringAttribute(BHPKGAttributeID attributeID, const char* value) { AttributeValue attributeValue; attributeValue.SetTo(fStringCache.Get(value)); return _AddAttribute(attributeID, attributeValue); } PackageWriterImpl::Attribute* PackageWriterImpl::_AddDataAttribute(BHPKGAttributeID attributeID, uint64 dataSize, uint64 dataOffset) { AttributeValue attributeValue; attributeValue.SetToData(dataSize, dataOffset); return _AddAttribute(attributeID, attributeValue); } PackageWriterImpl::Attribute* PackageWriterImpl::_AddDataAttribute(BHPKGAttributeID attributeID, uint64 dataSize, const uint8* data) { AttributeValue attributeValue; attributeValue.SetToData(dataSize, data); return _AddAttribute(attributeID, attributeValue); } status_t PackageWriterImpl::_AddData(BDataReader& dataReader, off_t size) { // add short data inline if (size <= B_HPKG_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE) { uint8 buffer[B_HPKG_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE]; status_t error = dataReader.ReadData(0, buffer, size); if (error != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to read data: %s\n", strerror(error)); return error; } _AddDataAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA, size, buffer); return B_OK; } // longer data -- try to compress uint64 dataOffset = fHeapEnd; uint64 compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_NONE; uint64 compressedSize; status_t error = _WriteZlibCompressedData(dataReader, size, dataOffset, compressedSize); if (error == B_OK) { compression = B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_ZLIB; } else { error = _WriteUncompressedData(dataReader, size, dataOffset); compressedSize = size; } if (error != B_OK) return error; fHeapEnd = dataOffset + compressedSize; // add data attribute Attribute* dataAttribute = _AddDataAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA, compressedSize, dataOffset - fHeapOffset); Stacker attributeAttributeStacker(fTopAttribute, dataAttribute); // if compressed, add compression attributes if (compression != B_HPKG_COMPRESSION_NONE) { _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA_COMPRESSION, compression); _AddAttribute(B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATA_SIZE, (uint64)size); // uncompressed size } return B_OK; } status_t PackageWriterImpl::_WriteUncompressedData(BDataReader& dataReader, off_t size, uint64 writeOffset) { // copy the data to the heap off_t readOffset = 0; off_t remainingSize = size; while (remainingSize > 0) { // read data size_t toCopy = std::min(remainingSize, (off_t)fDataBufferSize); status_t error = dataReader.ReadData(readOffset, fDataBuffer, toCopy); if (error != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to read data: %s\n", strerror(error)); return error; } // write to heap ssize_t bytesWritten = pwrite(FD(), fDataBuffer, toCopy, writeOffset); if (bytesWritten < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write data: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if ((size_t)bytesWritten != toCopy) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write all data\n"); return B_ERROR; } remainingSize -= toCopy; readOffset += toCopy; writeOffset += toCopy; } return B_OK; } status_t PackageWriterImpl::_WriteZlibCompressedData(BDataReader& dataReader, off_t size, uint64 writeOffset, uint64& _compressedSize) { // Use zlib compression only for data large enough. if (size < (off_t)kZlibCompressionSizeThreshold) return B_BAD_VALUE; // fDataBuffer is 2 * B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE_ZLIB, so split it into // two halves we can use for reading and compressing const size_t chunkSize = B_HPKG_DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE_ZLIB; uint8* inputBuffer = (uint8*)fDataBuffer; uint8* outputBuffer = (uint8*)fDataBuffer + chunkSize; // account for the offset table uint64 chunkCount = (size + (chunkSize - 1)) / chunkSize; off_t offsetTableOffset = writeOffset; uint64* offsetTable = NULL; if (chunkCount > 1) { offsetTable = new uint64[chunkCount - 1]; writeOffset = offsetTableOffset + (chunkCount - 1) * sizeof(uint64); } ArrayDeleter offsetTableDeleter(offsetTable); const uint64 dataOffset = writeOffset; const uint64 dataEndLimit = offsetTableOffset + size; // read the data, compress them and write them to the heap off_t readOffset = 0; off_t remainingSize = size; uint64 chunkIndex = 0; while (remainingSize > 0) { // read data size_t toCopy = std::min(remainingSize, (off_t)chunkSize); status_t error = dataReader.ReadData(readOffset, inputBuffer, toCopy); if (error != B_OK) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to read data: %s\n", strerror(error)); return error; } // compress size_t compressedSize; error = ZlibCompressor::CompressSingleBuffer(inputBuffer, toCopy, outputBuffer, toCopy, compressedSize); const void* writeBuffer; size_t bytesToWrite; if (error == B_OK) { writeBuffer = outputBuffer; bytesToWrite = compressedSize; } else { if (error != B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) return error; writeBuffer = inputBuffer; bytesToWrite = toCopy; } // check the total compressed data size if (writeOffset + bytesToWrite >= dataEndLimit) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; if (chunkIndex > 0) offsetTable[chunkIndex - 1] = writeOffset - dataOffset; // write to heap ssize_t bytesWritten = pwrite(FD(), writeBuffer, bytesToWrite, writeOffset); if (bytesWritten < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write data: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if ((size_t)bytesWritten != bytesToWrite) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write all data\n"); return B_ERROR; } remainingSize -= toCopy; readOffset += toCopy; writeOffset += bytesToWrite; chunkIndex++; } // write the offset table if (chunkCount > 1) { size_t bytesToWrite = (chunkCount - 1) * sizeof(uint64); ssize_t bytesWritten = pwrite(FD(), offsetTable, bytesToWrite, offsetTableOffset); if (bytesWritten < 0) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write data: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if ((size_t)bytesWritten != bytesToWrite) { fListener->PrintError("Failed to write all data\n"); return B_ERROR; } } _compressedSize = writeOffset - offsetTableOffset; return B_OK; } } // namespace BPrivate } // namespace BHPKG } // namespace BPackageKit