/* * Copyright 2013-2014, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // minimum length of data we require before trying to compress them static const size_t kCompressionSizeThreshold = 64; namespace BPackageKit { namespace BHPKG { namespace BPrivate { struct PackageFileHeapWriter::Chunk { uint64 offset; uint32 compressedSize; uint32 uncompressedSize; void* buffer; }; struct PackageFileHeapWriter::ChunkSegment { ssize_t chunkIndex; uint32 toKeepOffset; uint32 toKeepSize; }; struct PackageFileHeapWriter::ChunkBuffer { ChunkBuffer(PackageFileHeapWriter* writer, size_t bufferSize) : fWriter(writer), fChunks(), fCurrentChunkIndex(0), fNextReadIndex(0), fSegments(), fCurrentSegmentIndex(0), fBuffers(), fUnusedBuffers(), fBufferSize(bufferSize) { } ~ChunkBuffer() { for (int32 i = 0; void* buffer = fBuffers.ItemAt(i); i++) free(buffer); } bool PushChunkSegment(uint64 chunkOffset, uint32 compressedSize, uint32 uncompressedSize, uint32 toKeepOffset, uint32 toKeepSize) { ChunkSegment segment; segment.toKeepOffset = toKeepOffset; segment.toKeepSize = toKeepSize; // might refer to the last chunk segment.chunkIndex = fChunks.Count() - 1; if (segment.chunkIndex < 0 || fChunks.ElementAt(segment.chunkIndex).offset != chunkOffset) { // no, need to push a new chunk segment.chunkIndex++; Chunk chunk; chunk.offset = chunkOffset; chunk.compressedSize = compressedSize; chunk.uncompressedSize = uncompressedSize; chunk.buffer = NULL; if (!fChunks.Add(chunk)) return false; } return fSegments.Add(segment); } bool IsEmpty() const { return fSegments.IsEmpty(); } bool HasMoreSegments() const { return fCurrentSegmentIndex < fSegments.Count(); } const ChunkSegment& CurrentSegment() const { return fSegments[fCurrentSegmentIndex]; } const Chunk& ChunkAt(ssize_t index) const { return fChunks[index]; } bool HasMoreChunksToRead() const { return fNextReadIndex < fChunks.Count(); } bool HasBufferedChunk() const { return fCurrentChunkIndex < fNextReadIndex; } uint64 NextReadOffset() const { return fChunks[fNextReadIndex].offset; } void ReadNextChunk() { if (!HasMoreChunksToRead()) throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); Chunk& chunk = fChunks[fNextReadIndex++]; chunk.buffer = _GetBuffer(); status_t error = fWriter->ReadFileData(chunk.offset, chunk.buffer, chunk.compressedSize); if (error != B_OK) throw error; } void CurrentSegmentDone() { // Unless the next segment refers to the same chunk, advance to the next // chunk. const ChunkSegment& segment = fSegments[fCurrentSegmentIndex++]; if (!HasMoreSegments() || segment.chunkIndex != CurrentSegment().chunkIndex) { _PutBuffer(fChunks[fCurrentChunkIndex++].buffer); } } private: void* _GetBuffer() { if (!fUnusedBuffers.IsEmpty()) return fUnusedBuffers.RemoveItem(fUnusedBuffers.CountItems() - 1); void* buffer = malloc(fBufferSize); if (buffer == NULL || !fBuffers.AddItem(buffer)) { free(buffer); throw std::bad_alloc(); } return buffer; } void _PutBuffer(void* buffer) { if (buffer != NULL && !fUnusedBuffers.AddItem(buffer)) { fBuffers.RemoveItem(buffer); free(buffer); } } private: PackageFileHeapWriter* fWriter; Array fChunks; ssize_t fCurrentChunkIndex; ssize_t fNextReadIndex; Array fSegments; ssize_t fCurrentSegmentIndex; BList fBuffers; BList fUnusedBuffers; size_t fBufferSize; }; PackageFileHeapWriter::PackageFileHeapWriter(BErrorOutput* errorOutput, BPositionIO* file, off_t heapOffset, CompressionAlgorithmOwner* compressionAlgorithm, DecompressionAlgorithmOwner* decompressionAlgorithm) : PackageFileHeapAccessorBase(errorOutput, file, heapOffset, decompressionAlgorithm), fPendingDataBuffer(NULL), fCompressedDataBuffer(NULL), fPendingDataSize(0), fOffsets(), fCompressionAlgorithm(compressionAlgorithm) { if (fCompressionAlgorithm != NULL) fCompressionAlgorithm->AcquireReference(); } PackageFileHeapWriter::~PackageFileHeapWriter() { _Uninit(); if (fCompressionAlgorithm != NULL) fCompressionAlgorithm->ReleaseReference(); } void PackageFileHeapWriter::Init() { // allocate data buffers fPendingDataBuffer = malloc(kChunkSize); fCompressedDataBuffer = malloc(kChunkSize); if (fPendingDataBuffer == NULL || fCompressedDataBuffer == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); } void PackageFileHeapWriter::Reinit(PackageFileHeapReader* heapReader) { fHeapOffset = heapReader->HeapOffset(); fCompressedHeapSize = heapReader->CompressedHeapSize(); fUncompressedHeapSize = heapReader->UncompressedHeapSize(); fPendingDataSize = 0; // copy the offsets array size_t chunkCount = (fUncompressedHeapSize + kChunkSize - 1) / kChunkSize; if (chunkCount > 0) { if (!fOffsets.AddUninitialized(chunkCount)) throw std::bad_alloc(); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) fOffsets[i] = heapReader->Offsets()[i]; } _UnwriteLastPartialChunk(); } status_t PackageFileHeapWriter::AddData(BDataReader& dataReader, off_t size, uint64& _offset) { _offset = fUncompressedHeapSize; // copy the data to the heap off_t readOffset = 0; off_t remainingSize = size; while (remainingSize > 0) { // read data into pending data buffer size_t toCopy = std::min(remainingSize, off_t(kChunkSize - fPendingDataSize)); status_t error = dataReader.ReadData(readOffset, (uint8*)fPendingDataBuffer + fPendingDataSize, toCopy); if (error != B_OK) { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Failed to read data: %s\n", strerror(error)); return error; } fPendingDataSize += toCopy; fUncompressedHeapSize += toCopy; remainingSize -= toCopy; readOffset += toCopy; if (fPendingDataSize == kChunkSize) { error = _FlushPendingData(); if (error != B_OK) return error; } } return B_OK; } void PackageFileHeapWriter::AddDataThrows(const void* buffer, size_t size) { BBufferDataReader reader(buffer, size); uint64 dummyOffset; status_t error = AddData(reader, size, dummyOffset); if (error != B_OK) throw status_t(error); } void PackageFileHeapWriter::RemoveDataRanges( const ::BPrivate::RangeArray& ranges) { ssize_t rangeCount = ranges.CountRanges(); if (rangeCount == 0) return; if (fUncompressedHeapSize == 0) { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Can't remove ranges from empty heap\n"); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } // Before we begin flush any pending data, so we don't need any special // handling and also can use the pending data buffer. _FlushPendingData(); // We potentially have to recompress all data from the first affected chunk // to the end (minus the removed ranges, of course). As a basic algorithm we // can use our usual data writing strategy, i.e. read a chunk, decompress it // to a temporary buffer, and write the data to keep via AddData(). There // are a few complications/optimizations, though: // * As data moves to other chunks, it may actually compress worse than // before. While unlikely, we still have to take care of this case by // making sure our reading end is at least a complete uncompressed chunk // ahead of the writing end. // * When we run into the situation that we have to move complete aligned // chunks, we want to avoid uncompressing and recompressing them // needlessly. // Build a list of (possibly partial) chunks we want to keep. // the first partial chunk (if any) and all chunks between ranges ChunkBuffer chunkBuffer(this, kChunkSize); uint64 writeOffset = ranges[0].offset - ranges[0].offset % kChunkSize; uint64 readOffset = writeOffset; for (ssize_t i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) { const Range& range = ranges[i]; if (range.size > 0) { _PushChunks(chunkBuffer, readOffset, range.offset); readOffset = range.offset + range.size; } } if (readOffset == writeOffset) { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Only empty ranges to remove from heap\n"); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } // all chunks after the last range _PushChunks(chunkBuffer, readOffset, fUncompressedHeapSize); // Reset our state to look like all chunks from the first affected one have // been removed and re-add all data we want to keep. // truncate the offsets array and reset the heap sizes ssize_t firstChunkIndex = ssize_t(writeOffset / kChunkSize); fCompressedHeapSize = fOffsets[firstChunkIndex]; fUncompressedHeapSize = (uint64)firstChunkIndex * kChunkSize; fOffsets.Remove(firstChunkIndex, fOffsets.Count() - firstChunkIndex); // we need a decompression buffer void* decompressionBuffer = malloc(kChunkSize); if (decompressionBuffer == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); MemoryDeleter decompressionBufferDeleter(decompressionBuffer); const Chunk* decompressedChunk = NULL; while (chunkBuffer.HasMoreSegments()) { const ChunkSegment& segment = chunkBuffer.CurrentSegment(); // If we have an aligned, complete chunk, copy its compressed data. bool copyCompressed = fPendingDataSize == 0 && segment.toKeepOffset == 0 && segment.toKeepSize == kChunkSize; // Read more chunks. We need at least one buffered one to do anything // and we want to buffer as many as necessary to ensure we don't // overwrite one we haven't buffered yet. while (chunkBuffer.HasMoreChunksToRead() && (!chunkBuffer.HasBufferedChunk() || (!copyCompressed && chunkBuffer.NextReadOffset() < fCompressedHeapSize + kChunkSize))) { // read chunk chunkBuffer.ReadNextChunk(); } // copy compressed chunk data, if possible const Chunk& chunk = chunkBuffer.ChunkAt(segment.chunkIndex); if (copyCompressed) { status_t error = _WriteChunk(chunk.buffer, chunk.compressedSize, false); if (error != B_OK) throw error; continue; } // decompress chunk, if compressed void* uncompressedData; if (chunk.uncompressedSize == chunk.compressedSize) { uncompressedData = chunk.buffer; } else if (decompressedChunk == &chunk) { uncompressedData = decompressionBuffer; } else { status_t error = DecompressChunkData(chunk.buffer, chunk.compressedSize, decompressionBuffer, chunk.uncompressedSize); if (error != B_OK) throw error; decompressedChunk = &chunk; uncompressedData = decompressionBuffer; } // add chunk data AddDataThrows((uint8*)uncompressedData + segment.toKeepOffset, segment.toKeepSize); chunkBuffer.CurrentSegmentDone(); } // Make sure a last partial chunk ends up in the pending data buffer. This // is only necessary when we didn't have to move any chunk segments, since // the loop would otherwise have read it in and left it in the pending data // buffer. if (chunkBuffer.IsEmpty()) _UnwriteLastPartialChunk(); } status_t PackageFileHeapWriter::Finish() { // flush pending data, if any status_t error = _FlushPendingData(); if (error != B_OK) return error; // write chunk sizes table // We don't need to do that, if we don't use any compression. if (fCompressionAlgorithm == NULL) return B_OK; // We don't need to write the last chunk size, since it is implied by the // total size minus the sum of all other chunk sizes. ssize_t offsetCount = fOffsets.Count(); if (offsetCount < 2) return B_OK; // Convert the offsets to 16 bit sizes and write them. We use the (no longer // used) pending data buffer for the conversion. uint16* buffer = (uint16*)fPendingDataBuffer; for (ssize_t offsetIndex = 1; offsetIndex < offsetCount;) { ssize_t toWrite = std::min(offsetCount - offsetIndex, ssize_t(kChunkSize / 2)); for (ssize_t i = 0; i < toWrite; i++, offsetIndex++) { // store chunkSize - 1, so it fits 16 bit (chunks cannot be empty) buffer[i] = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT16( uint16(fOffsets[offsetIndex] - fOffsets[offsetIndex - 1] - 1)); } error = _WriteDataUncompressed(buffer, toWrite * 2); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } status_t PackageFileHeapWriter::ReadAndDecompressChunk(size_t chunkIndex, void* compressedDataBuffer, void* uncompressedDataBuffer) { if (uint64(chunkIndex + 1) * kChunkSize > fUncompressedHeapSize) { // The chunk has not been written to disk yet. Its data are still in the // pending data buffer. memcpy(uncompressedDataBuffer, fPendingDataBuffer, fPendingDataSize); // TODO: This can be optimized. Since we write to a BDataIO anyway, // there's no need to copy the data. return B_OK; } uint64 offset = fOffsets[chunkIndex]; size_t compressedSize = chunkIndex + 1 == (size_t)fOffsets.Count() ? fCompressedHeapSize - offset : fOffsets[chunkIndex + 1] - offset; return ReadAndDecompressChunkData(offset, compressedSize, kChunkSize, compressedDataBuffer, uncompressedDataBuffer); } void PackageFileHeapWriter::_Uninit() { free(fPendingDataBuffer); free(fCompressedDataBuffer); fPendingDataBuffer = NULL; fCompressedDataBuffer = NULL; } status_t PackageFileHeapWriter::_FlushPendingData() { if (fPendingDataSize == 0) return B_OK; status_t error = _WriteChunk(fPendingDataBuffer, fPendingDataSize, true); if (error == B_OK) fPendingDataSize = 0; return error; } status_t PackageFileHeapWriter::_WriteChunk(const void* data, size_t size, bool mayCompress) { // add offset if (!fOffsets.Add(fCompressedHeapSize)) { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Out of memory!\n"); return B_NO_MEMORY; } // Try to use compression only for data large enough. bool compress = mayCompress && size >= (off_t)kCompressionSizeThreshold; if (compress) { status_t error = _WriteDataCompressed(data, size); if (error != B_OK) { if (error != B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) return error; compress = false; } } // Write uncompressed, if necessary. if (!compress) { status_t error = _WriteDataUncompressed(data, size); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } status_t PackageFileHeapWriter::_WriteDataCompressed(const void* data, size_t size) { if (fCompressionAlgorithm == NULL) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; size_t compressedSize; status_t error = fCompressionAlgorithm->algorithm->CompressBuffer(data, size, fCompressedDataBuffer, size, compressedSize, fCompressionAlgorithm->parameters); if (error != B_OK) { if (error != B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Failed to compress chunk data: %s\n", strerror(error)); } return error; } // only use compressed data when we've actually saved space if (compressedSize == size) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return _WriteDataUncompressed(fCompressedDataBuffer, compressedSize); } status_t PackageFileHeapWriter::_WriteDataUncompressed(const void* data, size_t size) { status_t error = fFile->WriteAtExactly( fHeapOffset + (off_t)fCompressedHeapSize, data, size); if (error != B_OK) { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Failed to write data: %s\n", strerror(error)); return error; } fCompressedHeapSize += size; return B_OK; } void PackageFileHeapWriter::_PushChunks(ChunkBuffer& chunkBuffer, uint64 startOffset, uint64 endOffset) { if (endOffset > fUncompressedHeapSize) { fErrorOutput->PrintError("Invalid range to remove from heap\n"); throw status_t(B_BAD_VALUE); } ssize_t chunkIndex = startOffset / kChunkSize; uint64 uncompressedChunkOffset = (uint64)chunkIndex * kChunkSize; while (startOffset < endOffset) { bool isLastChunk = fUncompressedHeapSize - uncompressedChunkOffset <= kChunkSize; uint32 inChunkOffset = uint32(startOffset - uncompressedChunkOffset); uint32 uncompressedChunkSize = isLastChunk ? fUncompressedHeapSize - uncompressedChunkOffset : kChunkSize; uint64 compressedChunkOffset = fOffsets[chunkIndex]; uint32 compressedChunkSize = isLastChunk ? fCompressedHeapSize - compressedChunkOffset : fOffsets[chunkIndex + 1] - compressedChunkOffset; uint32 toKeepSize = uint32(std::min( (uint64)uncompressedChunkSize - inChunkOffset, endOffset - startOffset)); if (!chunkBuffer.PushChunkSegment(compressedChunkOffset, compressedChunkSize, uncompressedChunkSize, inChunkOffset, toKeepSize)) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } startOffset += toKeepSize; chunkIndex++; uncompressedChunkOffset += uncompressedChunkSize; } } void PackageFileHeapWriter::_UnwriteLastPartialChunk() { // If the last chunk is partial, read it in and remove it from the offsets. size_t lastChunkSize = fUncompressedHeapSize % kChunkSize; if (lastChunkSize != 0) { uint64 lastChunkOffset = fOffsets[fOffsets.Count() - 1]; size_t compressedSize = fCompressedHeapSize - lastChunkOffset; status_t error = ReadAndDecompressChunkData(lastChunkOffset, compressedSize, lastChunkSize, fCompressedDataBuffer, fPendingDataBuffer); if (error != B_OK) throw error; fPendingDataSize = lastChunkSize; fCompressedHeapSize = lastChunkOffset; fOffsets.Remove(fOffsets.Count() - 1); } } } // namespace BPrivate } // namespace BHPKG } // namespace BPackageKit