/* * Copyright 2011, Oliver Tappe * Copyright 2013, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PackageInfoParser.h" #include "PackageInfoStringBuilder.h" namespace BPackageKit { const char* const BPackageInfo::kElementNames[B_PACKAGE_INFO_ENUM_COUNT] = { "name", "summary", "description", "vendor", "packager", "architecture", "version", "copyrights", "licenses", "provides", "requires", "supplements", "conflicts", "freshens", "replaces", "flags", "urls", "source-urls", "checksum", // not being parsed, computed externally NULL, // install-path -- not settable via .PackageInfo "base-package", "global-writable-files", "user-settings-files", "users", "groups", "post-install-scripts" }; const char* const BPackageInfo::kArchitectureNames[B_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENUM_COUNT] = { "any", "x86", "x86_gcc2", "source", "x86_64", }; const char* const BPackageInfo::kWritableFileUpdateTypes[ B_WRITABLE_FILE_UPDATE_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT] = { "keep-old", "manual", "auto-merge", }; // #pragma mark - FieldName struct BPackageInfo::FieldName { FieldName(const char* prefix, const char* suffix) { size_t prefixLength = strlen(prefix); size_t suffixLength = strlen(suffix); if (prefixLength + suffixLength >= sizeof(fFieldName)) { fFieldName[0] = '\0'; return; } memcpy(fFieldName, prefix, prefixLength); memcpy(fFieldName + prefixLength, suffix, suffixLength); fFieldName[prefixLength + suffixLength] = '\0'; } bool ReplaceSuffix(size_t prefixLength, const char* suffix) { size_t suffixLength = strlen(suffix); if (prefixLength + suffixLength >= sizeof(fFieldName)) { fFieldName[0] = '\0'; return false; } memcpy(fFieldName + prefixLength, suffix, suffixLength); fFieldName[prefixLength + suffixLength] = '\0'; return true; } bool IsValid() const { return fFieldName[0] != '\0'; } operator const char*() { return fFieldName; } private: char fFieldName[64]; }; // #pragma mark - PackageFileLocation struct BPackageInfo::PackageFileLocation { PackageFileLocation(const char* path) : fPath(path), fFD(-1) { } PackageFileLocation(int fd) : fPath(NULL), fFD(fd) { } const char* Path() const { return fPath; } int FD() const { return fFD; } private: const char* fPath; int fFD; }; // #pragma mark - BPackageInfo BPackageInfo::BPackageInfo() : BArchivable(), fFlags(0), fArchitecture(B_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENUM_COUNT), fCopyrightList(4), fLicenseList(4), fURLList(4), fSourceURLList(4), fGlobalWritableFileInfos(4, true), fUserSettingsFileInfos(4, true), fUsers(4, true), fGroups(4), fPostInstallScripts(4), fProvidesList(20, true), fRequiresList(20, true), fSupplementsList(20, true), fConflictsList(4, true), fFreshensList(4, true), fReplacesList(4) { } BPackageInfo::BPackageInfo(BMessage* archive, status_t* _error) : BArchivable(archive), fFlags(0), fArchitecture(B_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENUM_COUNT), fCopyrightList(4), fLicenseList(4), fURLList(4), fSourceURLList(4), fGlobalWritableFileInfos(4, true), fUserSettingsFileInfos(4, true), fUsers(4, true), fGroups(4), fPostInstallScripts(4), fProvidesList(20, true), fRequiresList(20, true), fSupplementsList(20, true), fConflictsList(4, true), fFreshensList(4, true), fReplacesList(4) { status_t error; int32 architecture; if ((error = archive->FindString("name", &fName)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindString("summary", &fSummary)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindString("description", &fDescription)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindString("vendor", &fVendor)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindString("packager", &fPackager)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindString("basePackage", &fBasePackage)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindUInt32("flags", &fFlags)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindInt32("architecture", &architecture)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractVersion(archive, "version", 0, fVersion)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractStringList(archive, "copyrights", fCopyrightList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractStringList(archive, "licenses", fLicenseList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractStringList(archive, "urls", fURLList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractStringList(archive, "source-urls", fSourceURLList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractGlobalWritableFileInfos(archive, "global-writable-files", fGlobalWritableFileInfos)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractUserSettingsFileInfos(archive, "user-settings-files", fUserSettingsFileInfos)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractUsers(archive, "users", fUsers)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractStringList(archive, "groups", fGroups)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractStringList(archive, "post-install-scripts", fPostInstallScripts)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractResolvables(archive, "provides", fProvidesList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractResolvableExpressions(archive, "requires", fRequiresList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractResolvableExpressions(archive, "supplements", fSupplementsList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractResolvableExpressions(archive, "conflicts", fConflictsList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractResolvableExpressions(archive, "freshens", fFreshensList)) == B_OK && (error = _ExtractStringList(archive, "replaces", fReplacesList)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindString("checksum", &fChecksum)) == B_OK && (error = archive->FindString("install-path", &fInstallPath)) == B_OK) { if (architecture >= 0 && architecture <= B_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENUM_COUNT) { fArchitecture = (BPackageArchitecture)architecture; } else error = B_BAD_DATA; } if (_error != NULL) *_error = error; } BPackageInfo::~BPackageInfo() { } status_t BPackageInfo::ReadFromConfigFile(const BEntry& packageInfoEntry, ParseErrorListener* listener) { status_t result = packageInfoEntry.InitCheck(); if (result != B_OK) return result; BFile file(&packageInfoEntry, B_READ_ONLY); if ((result = file.InitCheck()) != B_OK) return result; return ReadFromConfigFile(file, listener); } status_t BPackageInfo::ReadFromConfigFile(BFile& packageInfoFile, ParseErrorListener* listener) { off_t size; status_t result = packageInfoFile.GetSize(&size); if (result != B_OK) return result; BString packageInfoString; char* buffer = packageInfoString.LockBuffer(size); if (buffer == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; if ((result = packageInfoFile.Read(buffer, size)) < size) { packageInfoString.UnlockBuffer(0); return result >= 0 ? B_IO_ERROR : result; } buffer[size] = '\0'; packageInfoString.UnlockBuffer(size); return ReadFromConfigString(packageInfoString, listener); } status_t BPackageInfo::ReadFromConfigString(const BString& packageInfoString, ParseErrorListener* listener) { Clear(); Parser parser(listener); return parser.Parse(packageInfoString, this); } status_t BPackageInfo::ReadFromPackageFile(const char* path) { return _ReadFromPackageFile(PackageFileLocation(path)); } status_t BPackageInfo::ReadFromPackageFile(int fd) { return _ReadFromPackageFile(PackageFileLocation(fd)); } status_t BPackageInfo::InitCheck() const { if (fName.Length() == 0 || fSummary.Length() == 0 || fDescription.Length() == 0 || fVendor.Length() == 0 || fPackager.Length() == 0 || fArchitecture == B_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENUM_COUNT || fVersion.InitCheck() != B_OK || fCopyrightList.IsEmpty() || fLicenseList.IsEmpty() || fProvidesList.IsEmpty()) return B_NO_INIT; // check global writable files int32 globalWritableFileCount = fGlobalWritableFileInfos.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < globalWritableFileCount; i++) { const BGlobalWritableFileInfo* info = fGlobalWritableFileInfos.ItemAt(i); status_t error = info->InitCheck(); if (error != B_OK) return error; } // check user settings files int32 userSettingsFileCount = fUserSettingsFileInfos.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < userSettingsFileCount; i++) { const BUserSettingsFileInfo* info = fUserSettingsFileInfos.ItemAt(i); status_t error = info->InitCheck(); if (error != B_OK) return error; } // check users int32 userCount = fUsers.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < userCount; i++) { const BUser* user = fUsers.ItemAt(i); status_t error = user->InitCheck(); if (error != B_OK) return B_NO_INIT; // make sure the user's groups are specified as groups const BStringList& userGroups = user->Groups(); int32 groupCount = userGroups.CountStrings(); for (int32 k = 0; k < groupCount; k++) { const BString& group = userGroups.StringAt(k); if (!fGroups.HasString(group)) return B_BAD_VALUE; } } // check groups int32 groupCount = fGroups.CountStrings(); for (int32 i = 0; i< groupCount; i++) { if (!BUser::IsValidUserName(fGroups.StringAt(i))) return B_BAD_VALUE; } return B_OK; } const BString& BPackageInfo::Name() const { return fName; } const BString& BPackageInfo::Summary() const { return fSummary; } const BString& BPackageInfo::Description() const { return fDescription; } const BString& BPackageInfo::Vendor() const { return fVendor; } const BString& BPackageInfo::Packager() const { return fPackager; } const BString& BPackageInfo::BasePackage() const { return fBasePackage; } const BString& BPackageInfo::Checksum() const { return fChecksum; } const BString& BPackageInfo::InstallPath() const { return fInstallPath; } uint32 BPackageInfo::Flags() const { return fFlags; } BPackageArchitecture BPackageInfo::Architecture() const { return fArchitecture; } const BPackageVersion& BPackageInfo::Version() const { return fVersion; } const BStringList& BPackageInfo::CopyrightList() const { return fCopyrightList; } const BStringList& BPackageInfo::LicenseList() const { return fLicenseList; } const BStringList& BPackageInfo::URLList() const { return fURLList; } const BStringList& BPackageInfo::SourceURLList() const { return fSourceURLList; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::GlobalWritableFileInfos() const { return fGlobalWritableFileInfos; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::UserSettingsFileInfos() const { return fUserSettingsFileInfos; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::Users() const { return fUsers; } const BStringList& BPackageInfo::Groups() const { return fGroups; } const BStringList& BPackageInfo::PostInstallScripts() const { return fPostInstallScripts; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::ProvidesList() const { return fProvidesList; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::RequiresList() const { return fRequiresList; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::SupplementsList() const { return fSupplementsList; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::ConflictsList() const { return fConflictsList; } const BObjectList& BPackageInfo::FreshensList() const { return fFreshensList; } const BStringList& BPackageInfo::ReplacesList() const { return fReplacesList; } BString BPackageInfo::CanonicalFileName() const { if (InitCheck() != B_OK) return BString(); return BString().SetToFormat("%s-%s-%s.hpkg", fName.String(), fVersion.ToString().String(), kArchitectureNames[fArchitecture]); } void BPackageInfo::SetName(const BString& name) { fName = name; fName.ToLower(); } void BPackageInfo::SetSummary(const BString& summary) { fSummary = summary; } void BPackageInfo::SetDescription(const BString& description) { fDescription = description; } void BPackageInfo::SetVendor(const BString& vendor) { fVendor = vendor; } void BPackageInfo::SetPackager(const BString& packager) { fPackager = packager; } void BPackageInfo::SetBasePackage(const BString& basePackage) { fBasePackage = basePackage; } void BPackageInfo::SetChecksum(const BString& checksum) { fChecksum = checksum; } void BPackageInfo::SetInstallPath(const BString& installPath) { fInstallPath = installPath; } void BPackageInfo::SetVersion(const BPackageVersion& version) { fVersion = version; } void BPackageInfo::SetFlags(uint32 flags) { fFlags = flags; } void BPackageInfo::SetArchitecture(BPackageArchitecture architecture) { fArchitecture = architecture; } void BPackageInfo::ClearCopyrightList() { fCopyrightList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddCopyright(const BString& copyright) { return fCopyrightList.Add(copyright) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::ClearLicenseList() { fLicenseList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddLicense(const BString& license) { return fLicenseList.Add(license) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::ClearURLList() { fURLList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddURL(const BString& url) { return fURLList.Add(url) ? B_OK : B_NO_MEMORY; } void BPackageInfo::ClearSourceURLList() { fSourceURLList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddSourceURL(const BString& url) { return fSourceURLList.Add(url) ? B_OK : B_NO_MEMORY; } void BPackageInfo::ClearGlobalWritableFileInfos() { fGlobalWritableFileInfos.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddGlobalWritableFileInfo(const BGlobalWritableFileInfo& info) { BGlobalWritableFileInfo* newInfo = new (std::nothrow) BGlobalWritableFileInfo(info); if (newInfo == NULL || !fGlobalWritableFileInfos.AddItem(newInfo)) { delete newInfo; return B_NO_MEMORY; } return B_OK; } void BPackageInfo::ClearUserSettingsFileInfos() { fUserSettingsFileInfos.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddUserSettingsFileInfo(const BUserSettingsFileInfo& info) { BUserSettingsFileInfo* newInfo = new (std::nothrow) BUserSettingsFileInfo(info); if (newInfo == NULL || !fUserSettingsFileInfos.AddItem(newInfo)) { delete newInfo; return B_NO_MEMORY; } return B_OK; } void BPackageInfo::ClearUsers() { fUsers.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddUser(const BUser& user) { BUser* newUser = new (std::nothrow) BUser(user); if (newUser == NULL || !fUsers.AddItem(newUser)) { delete newUser; return B_NO_MEMORY; } return B_OK; } void BPackageInfo::ClearGroups() { fGroups.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddGroup(const BString& group) { return fGroups.Add(group) ? B_OK : B_NO_MEMORY; } void BPackageInfo::ClearPostInstallScripts() { fPostInstallScripts.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddPostInstallScript(const BString& path) { return fPostInstallScripts.Add(path) ? B_OK : B_NO_MEMORY; } void BPackageInfo::ClearProvidesList() { fProvidesList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddProvides(const BPackageResolvable& provides) { BPackageResolvable* newProvides = new (std::nothrow) BPackageResolvable(provides); if (newProvides == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; return fProvidesList.AddItem(newProvides) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::ClearRequiresList() { fRequiresList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddRequires(const BPackageResolvableExpression& requires) { BPackageResolvableExpression* newRequires = new (std::nothrow) BPackageResolvableExpression(requires); if (newRequires == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; return fRequiresList.AddItem(newRequires) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::ClearSupplementsList() { fSupplementsList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddSupplements(const BPackageResolvableExpression& supplements) { BPackageResolvableExpression* newSupplements = new (std::nothrow) BPackageResolvableExpression(supplements); if (newSupplements == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; return fSupplementsList.AddItem(newSupplements) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::ClearConflictsList() { fConflictsList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddConflicts(const BPackageResolvableExpression& conflicts) { BPackageResolvableExpression* newConflicts = new (std::nothrow) BPackageResolvableExpression(conflicts); if (newConflicts == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; return fConflictsList.AddItem(newConflicts) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::ClearFreshensList() { fFreshensList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddFreshens(const BPackageResolvableExpression& freshens) { BPackageResolvableExpression* newFreshens = new (std::nothrow) BPackageResolvableExpression(freshens); if (newFreshens == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; return fFreshensList.AddItem(newFreshens) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::ClearReplacesList() { fReplacesList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::AddReplaces(const BString& replaces) { return fReplacesList.Add(BString(replaces).ToLower()) ? B_OK : B_ERROR; } void BPackageInfo::Clear() { fName.Truncate(0); fSummary.Truncate(0); fDescription.Truncate(0); fVendor.Truncate(0); fPackager.Truncate(0); fBasePackage.Truncate(0); fChecksum.Truncate(0); fInstallPath.Truncate(0); fFlags = 0; fArchitecture = B_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENUM_COUNT; fVersion.Clear(); fCopyrightList.MakeEmpty(); fLicenseList.MakeEmpty(); fURLList.MakeEmpty(); fSourceURLList.MakeEmpty(); fGlobalWritableFileInfos.MakeEmpty(); fUserSettingsFileInfos.MakeEmpty(); fUsers.MakeEmpty(); fGroups.MakeEmpty(); fPostInstallScripts.MakeEmpty(); fRequiresList.MakeEmpty(); fProvidesList.MakeEmpty(); fSupplementsList.MakeEmpty(); fConflictsList.MakeEmpty(); fFreshensList.MakeEmpty(); fReplacesList.MakeEmpty(); } status_t BPackageInfo::Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep) const { status_t error = BArchivable::Archive(archive, deep); if (error != B_OK) return error; if ((error = archive->AddString("name", fName)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString("summary", fSummary)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString("description", fDescription)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString("vendor", fVendor)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString("packager", fPackager)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString("basePackage", fBasePackage)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddUInt32("flags", fFlags)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddInt32("architecture", fArchitecture)) != B_OK || (error = _AddVersion(archive, "version", fVersion)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddStrings("copyrights", fCopyrightList)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddStrings("licenses", fLicenseList)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddStrings("urls", fURLList)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddStrings("source-urls", fSourceURLList)) != B_OK || (error = _AddGlobalWritableFileInfos(archive, "global-writable-files", fGlobalWritableFileInfos)) != B_OK || (error = _AddUserSettingsFileInfos(archive, "user-settings-files", fUserSettingsFileInfos)) != B_OK || (error = _AddUsers(archive, "users", fUsers)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddStrings("groups", fGroups)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddStrings("post-install-scripts", fPostInstallScripts)) != B_OK || (error = _AddResolvables(archive, "provides", fProvidesList)) != B_OK || (error = _AddResolvableExpressions(archive, "requires", fRequiresList)) != B_OK || (error = _AddResolvableExpressions(archive, "supplements", fSupplementsList)) != B_OK || (error = _AddResolvableExpressions(archive, "conflicts", fConflictsList)) != B_OK || (error = _AddResolvableExpressions(archive, "freshens", fFreshensList)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddStrings("replaces", fReplacesList)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString("checksum", fChecksum)) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString("install-path", fInstallPath)) != B_OK) { return error; } return B_OK; } /*static*/ BArchivable* BPackageInfo::Instantiate(BMessage* archive) { if (validate_instantiation(archive, "BPackageInfo")) return new(std::nothrow) BPackageInfo(archive); return NULL; } status_t BPackageInfo::GetConfigString(BString& _string) const { return StringBuilder() .Write("name", fName) .Write("version", fVersion) .Write("summary", fSummary) .Write("description", fDescription) .Write("vendor", fVendor) .Write("packager", fPackager) .Write("architecture", kArchitectureNames[fArchitecture]) .Write("copyrights", fCopyrightList) .Write("licenses", fLicenseList) .Write("urls", fURLList) .Write("source-urls", fSourceURLList) .Write("global-writable-files", fGlobalWritableFileInfos) .Write("user-settings-files", fUserSettingsFileInfos) .Write("users", fUsers) .Write("groups", fGroups) .Write("post-install-scripts", fPostInstallScripts) .Write("provides", fProvidesList) .BeginRequires(fBasePackage) .Write("requires", fRequiresList) .EndRequires() .Write("supplements", fSupplementsList) .Write("conflicts", fConflictsList) .Write("freshens", fFreshensList) .Write("replaces", fReplacesList) .WriteFlags("flags", fFlags) .Write("checksum", fChecksum) .GetString(_string); // Note: fInstallPath can not be specified via .PackageInfo. } BString BPackageInfo::ToString() const { BString string; GetConfigString(string); return string; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::GetArchitectureByName(const BString& name, BPackageArchitecture& _architecture) { for (int i = 0; i < B_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENUM_COUNT; ++i) { if (name.ICompare(kArchitectureNames[i]) == 0) { _architecture = (BPackageArchitecture)i; return B_OK; } } return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::ParseVersionString(const BString& string, bool revisionIsOptional, BPackageVersion& _version, ParseErrorListener* listener) { return Parser(listener).ParseVersion(string, revisionIsOptional, _version); } status_t BPackageInfo::_ReadFromPackageFile(const PackageFileLocation& fileLocation) { BHPKG::BNoErrorOutput errorOutput; // try current package file format version { BHPKG::BPackageReader packageReader(&errorOutput); status_t error = fileLocation.Path() != NULL ? packageReader.Init(fileLocation.Path()) : packageReader.Init(fileLocation.FD(), false); if (error == B_OK) { BPackageInfoContentHandler handler(*this); return packageReader.ParseContent(&handler); } if (error != B_MISMATCHED_VALUES) return error; } // try package file format version 1 BHPKG::V1::BPackageReader packageReader(&errorOutput); status_t error = fileLocation.Path() != NULL ? packageReader.Init(fileLocation.Path()) : packageReader.Init(fileLocation.FD(), false); if (error != B_OK) return error; BHPKG::V1::BPackageInfoContentHandler handler(*this); return packageReader.ParseContent(&handler); } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_AddVersion(BMessage* archive, const char* field, const BPackageVersion& version) { // Storing BPackageVersion::ToString() would be nice, but the corresponding // constructor only works for valid versions and we might want to store // invalid versions as well. // major size_t fieldLength = strlen(field); FieldName fieldName(field, ":major"); if (!fieldName.IsValid()) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t error = archive->AddString(fieldName, version.Major()); if (error != B_OK) return error; // minor if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":minor")) return B_BAD_VALUE; error = archive->AddString(fieldName, version.Minor()); if (error != B_OK) return error; // micro if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":micro")) return B_BAD_VALUE; error = archive->AddString(fieldName, version.Micro()); if (error != B_OK) return error; // pre-release if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":pre")) return B_BAD_VALUE; error = archive->AddString(fieldName, version.PreRelease()); if (error != B_OK) return error; // revision if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":revision")) return B_BAD_VALUE; return archive->AddUInt32(fieldName, version.Revision()); } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_AddResolvables(BMessage* archive, const char* field, const ResolvableList& resolvables) { // construct the field names we need FieldName nameField(field, ":name"); FieldName typeField(field, ":type"); FieldName versionField(field, ":version"); FieldName compatibleVersionField(field, ":compat"); if (!nameField.IsValid() || !typeField.IsValid() || !versionField.IsValid() || !compatibleVersionField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // add fields int32 count = resolvables.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const BPackageResolvable* resolvable = resolvables.ItemAt(i); status_t error; if ((error = archive->AddString(nameField, resolvable->Name())) != B_OK || (error = _AddVersion(archive, versionField, resolvable->Version())) != B_OK || (error = _AddVersion(archive, compatibleVersionField, resolvable->CompatibleVersion())) != B_OK) { return error; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_AddResolvableExpressions(BMessage* archive, const char* field, const ResolvableExpressionList& expressions) { // construct the field names we need FieldName nameField(field, ":name"); FieldName operatorField(field, ":operator"); FieldName versionField(field, ":version"); if (!nameField.IsValid() || !operatorField.IsValid() || !versionField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // add fields int32 count = expressions.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const BPackageResolvableExpression* expression = expressions.ItemAt(i); status_t error; if ((error = archive->AddString(nameField, expression->Name())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddInt32(operatorField, expression->Operator())) != B_OK || (error = _AddVersion(archive, versionField, expression->Version())) != B_OK) { return error; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_AddGlobalWritableFileInfos(BMessage* archive, const char* field, const GlobalWritableFileInfoList& infos) { // construct the field names we need FieldName pathField(field, ":path"); FieldName updateTypeField(field, ":updateType"); FieldName isDirectoryField(field, ":isDirectory"); if (!pathField.IsValid() || !updateTypeField.IsValid() || !isDirectoryField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // add fields int32 count = infos.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const BGlobalWritableFileInfo* info = infos.ItemAt(i); status_t error; if ((error = archive->AddString(pathField, info->Path())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddInt32(updateTypeField, info->UpdateType())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddBool(isDirectoryField, info->IsDirectory())) != B_OK) { return error; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_AddUserSettingsFileInfos(BMessage* archive, const char* field, const UserSettingsFileInfoList& infos) { // construct the field names we need FieldName pathField(field, ":path"); FieldName templatePathField(field, ":templatePath"); FieldName isDirectoryField(field, ":isDirectory"); if (!pathField.IsValid() || !templatePathField.IsValid() || !isDirectoryField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // add fields int32 count = infos.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const BUserSettingsFileInfo* info = infos.ItemAt(i); status_t error; if ((error = archive->AddString(pathField, info->Path())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString(templatePathField, info->TemplatePath())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddBool(isDirectoryField, info->IsDirectory())) != B_OK) { return error; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_AddUsers(BMessage* archive, const char* field, const UserList& users) { // construct the field names we need FieldName nameField(field, ":name"); FieldName realNameField(field, ":realName"); FieldName homeField(field, ":home"); FieldName shellField(field, ":shell"); FieldName groupsField(field, ":groups"); if (!nameField.IsValid() || !realNameField.IsValid() || !homeField.IsValid() || !shellField.IsValid() || !groupsField.IsValid()) return B_BAD_VALUE; // add fields int32 count = users.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const BUser* user = users.ItemAt(i); BString groups = user->Groups().Join(" "); if (groups.IsEmpty() && !user->Groups().IsEmpty()) return B_NO_MEMORY; status_t error; if ((error = archive->AddString(nameField, user->Name())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString(realNameField, user->RealName())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString(homeField, user->Home())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString(shellField, user->Shell())) != B_OK || (error = archive->AddString(groupsField, groups)) != B_OK) { return error; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_ExtractVersion(BMessage* archive, const char* field, int32 index, BPackageVersion& _version) { // major size_t fieldLength = strlen(field); FieldName fieldName(field, ":major"); if (!fieldName.IsValid()) return B_BAD_VALUE; BString major; status_t error = archive->FindString(fieldName, index, &major); if (error != B_OK) return error; // minor if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":minor")) return B_BAD_VALUE; BString minor; error = archive->FindString(fieldName, index, &minor); if (error != B_OK) return error; // micro if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":micro")) return B_BAD_VALUE; BString micro; error = archive->FindString(fieldName, index, µ); if (error != B_OK) return error; // pre-release if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":pre")) return B_BAD_VALUE; BString preRelease; error = archive->FindString(fieldName, index, &preRelease); if (error != B_OK) return error; // revision if (!fieldName.ReplaceSuffix(fieldLength, ":revision")) return B_BAD_VALUE; uint32 revision; error = archive->FindUInt32(fieldName, index, &revision); if (error != B_OK) return error; _version.SetTo(major, minor, micro, preRelease, revision); return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_ExtractStringList(BMessage* archive, const char* field, BStringList& _list) { status_t error = archive->FindStrings(field, &_list); return error == B_NAME_NOT_FOUND ? B_OK : error; // If the field doesn't exist, that's OK. } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_ExtractResolvables(BMessage* archive, const char* field, ResolvableList& _resolvables) { // construct the field names we need FieldName nameField(field, ":name"); FieldName typeField(field, ":type"); FieldName versionField(field, ":version"); FieldName compatibleVersionField(field, ":compat"); if (!nameField.IsValid() || !typeField.IsValid() || !versionField.IsValid() || !compatibleVersionField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // get the number of items type_code type; int32 count; if (archive->GetInfo(nameField, &type, &count) != B_OK) { // the field is missing return B_OK; } // extract fields for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BString name; status_t error = archive->FindString(nameField, i, &name); if (error != B_OK) return error; BPackageVersion version; error = _ExtractVersion(archive, versionField, i, version); if (error != B_OK) return error; BPackageVersion compatibleVersion; error = _ExtractVersion(archive, compatibleVersionField, i, compatibleVersion); if (error != B_OK) return error; BPackageResolvable* resolvable = new(std::nothrow) BPackageResolvable( name, version, compatibleVersion); if (resolvable == NULL || !_resolvables.AddItem(resolvable)) { delete resolvable; return B_NO_MEMORY; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_ExtractResolvableExpressions(BMessage* archive, const char* field, ResolvableExpressionList& _expressions) { // construct the field names we need FieldName nameField(field, ":name"); FieldName operatorField(field, ":operator"); FieldName versionField(field, ":version"); if (!nameField.IsValid() || !operatorField.IsValid() || !versionField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // get the number of items type_code type; int32 count; if (archive->GetInfo(nameField, &type, &count) != B_OK) { // the field is missing return B_OK; } // extract fields for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BString name; status_t error = archive->FindString(nameField, i, &name); if (error != B_OK) return error; int32 operatorType; error = archive->FindInt32(operatorField, i, &operatorType); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (operatorType < 0 || operatorType > B_PACKAGE_RESOLVABLE_OP_ENUM_COUNT) { return B_BAD_DATA; } BPackageVersion version; error = _ExtractVersion(archive, versionField, i, version); if (error != B_OK) return error; BPackageResolvableExpression* expression = new(std::nothrow) BPackageResolvableExpression(name, (BPackageResolvableOperator)operatorType, version); if (expression == NULL || !_expressions.AddItem(expression)) { delete expression; return B_NO_MEMORY; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_ExtractGlobalWritableFileInfos(BMessage* archive, const char* field, GlobalWritableFileInfoList& _infos) { // construct the field names we need FieldName pathField(field, ":path"); FieldName updateTypeField(field, ":updateType"); FieldName isDirectoryField(field, ":isDirectory"); if (!pathField.IsValid() || !updateTypeField.IsValid() || !isDirectoryField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // get the number of items type_code type; int32 count; if (archive->GetInfo(pathField, &type, &count) != B_OK) { // the field is missing return B_OK; } // extract fields for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BString path; status_t error = archive->FindString(pathField, i, &path); if (error != B_OK) return error; int32 updateType; error = archive->FindInt32(updateTypeField, i, &updateType); if (error != B_OK) return error; if (updateType < 0 || updateType > B_WRITABLE_FILE_UPDATE_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT) { return B_BAD_DATA; } bool isDirectory; error = archive->FindBool(isDirectoryField, i, &isDirectory); if (error != B_OK) return error; BGlobalWritableFileInfo* info = new(std::nothrow) BGlobalWritableFileInfo(path, (BWritableFileUpdateType)updateType, isDirectory); if (info == NULL || !_infos.AddItem(info)) { delete info; return B_NO_MEMORY; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_ExtractUserSettingsFileInfos(BMessage* archive, const char* field, UserSettingsFileInfoList& _infos) { // construct the field names we need FieldName pathField(field, ":path"); FieldName templatePathField(field, ":templatePath"); FieldName isDirectoryField(field, ":isDirectory"); if (!pathField.IsValid() || !templatePathField.IsValid() || !isDirectoryField.IsValid()) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } // get the number of items type_code type; int32 count; if (archive->GetInfo(pathField, &type, &count) != B_OK) { // the field is missing return B_OK; } // extract fields for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BString path; status_t error = archive->FindString(pathField, i, &path); if (error != B_OK) return error; BString templatePath; error = archive->FindString(templatePathField, i, &templatePath); if (error != B_OK) return error; bool isDirectory; error = archive->FindBool(isDirectoryField, i, &isDirectory); if (error != B_OK) return error; BUserSettingsFileInfo* info = isDirectory ? new(std::nothrow) BUserSettingsFileInfo(path, true) : new(std::nothrow) BUserSettingsFileInfo(path, templatePath); if (info == NULL || !_infos.AddItem(info)) { delete info; return B_NO_MEMORY; } } return B_OK; } /*static*/ status_t BPackageInfo::_ExtractUsers(BMessage* archive, const char* field, UserList& _users) { // construct the field names we need FieldName nameField(field, ":name"); FieldName realNameField(field, ":realName"); FieldName homeField(field, ":home"); FieldName shellField(field, ":shell"); FieldName groupsField(field, ":groups"); if (!nameField.IsValid() || !realNameField.IsValid() || !homeField.IsValid() || !shellField.IsValid() || !groupsField.IsValid()) return B_BAD_VALUE; // get the number of items type_code type; int32 count; if (archive->GetInfo(nameField, &type, &count) != B_OK) { // the field is missing return B_OK; } // extract fields for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BString name; status_t error = archive->FindString(nameField, i, &name); if (error != B_OK) return error; BString realName; error = archive->FindString(realNameField, i, &realName); if (error != B_OK) return error; BString home; error = archive->FindString(homeField, i, &home); if (error != B_OK) return error; BString shell; error = archive->FindString(shellField, i, &shell); if (error != B_OK) return error; BString groupsString; error = archive->FindString(groupsField, i, &groupsString); if (error != B_OK) return error; BStringList groups; if (!groupsString.IsEmpty() && !groupsString.Split(" ", false, groups)) return B_NO_MEMORY; BUser* user = new(std::nothrow) BUser(name, realName, home, shell, groups); if (user == NULL || !_users.AddItem(user)) { delete user; return B_NO_MEMORY; } } return B_OK; } } // namespace BPackageKit