SubDir HAIKU_TOP src kits network libnetapi ; UsePrivateHeaders net shared ; UseHeaders [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src libs compat freebsd_network compat ] : true ; UseHeaders [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src libs compat freebsd_wlan ] : true ; local architectureObject ; for architectureObject in [ MultiArchSubDirSetup ] { on $(architectureObject) { local sslSources ; local md5Sources ; if [ FIsBuildFeatureEnabled openssl ] { SubDirC++Flags -DOPENSSL_ENABLED ; UseBuildFeatureHeaders openssl ; sslSources = SSL.cpp ; md5Sources = ; Includes [ FGristFiles $(sslSources) SecureSocket.cpp HttpAuthentication.cpp ] : [ BuildFeatureAttribute openssl : headers ] ; # Dependency needed to trigger downloading/unzipping the package before # compiling the files. SetupFeatureObjectsDir ssl ; } else { # As we don't have md5 from ssl, use our own md5Sources = md5.c ; SetupFeatureObjectsDir no-ssl ; } SharedLibrary [ MultiArchDefaultGristFiles ] : init.cpp DynamicBuffer.cpp NetEndpoint.cpp NetAddress.cpp NetBuffer.cpp NetDebug.cpp $(sslSources) NetworkAddress.cpp NetworkAddressResolver.cpp NetworkCookie.cpp NetworkCookieJar.cpp NetworkDevice.cpp NetworkInterface.cpp NetworkRoster.cpp AbstractSocket.cpp DatagramSocket.cpp Socket.cpp SecureSocket.cpp # TODO: The HTTP stuff should all go into an add-on. It needs # linking against and only the add-on should link # against it. HttpAuthentication.cpp HttpHeaders.cpp HttpForm.cpp HttpRequest.cpp HttpResult.cpp HttpTime.cpp # TODO: another add-on for file:// (a much simpler one) FileRequest.cpp $(md5Sources) Url.cpp UrlContext.cpp UrlProtocolAsynchronousListener.cpp UrlProtocolDispatchingListener.cpp UrlProtocolListener.cpp UrlProtocolRoster.cpp UrlRequest.cpp UrlSynchronousRequest.cpp : be $(TARGET_NETWORK_LIBS) $(TARGET_LIBSTDC++) $(TARGET_LIBSUPC++) [ BuildFeatureAttribute openssl : libraries ] [ MultiArchDefaultGristFiles libshared.a ] ; } }