/* * Copyright 2014 Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include "CertificatePrivate.h" #ifdef OPENSSL_ENABLED #include static time_t parse_ASN1(ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *asn1) { // Get the raw string data out of the ASN1 container. It looks like this: // "YYMMDDHHMMSSZ" struct tm time; if (sscanf((char*)asn1->data, "%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d", &time.tm_year, &time.tm_mon, &time.tm_mday, &time.tm_hour, &time.tm_min, &time.tm_sec) == 6) { // Month is 0 based, and year is 1900-based for mktime. time.tm_year += 100; time.tm_mon -= 1; return mktime(&time); } return B_BAD_DATA; } static BString decode_X509_NAME(X509_NAME* name) { char* buffer = X509_NAME_oneline(name, NULL, 0); BString result(buffer); OPENSSL_free(buffer); return result; } // #pragma mark - BCertificate BCertificate::BCertificate(Private* data) { fPrivate = data; } BCertificate::BCertificate(const BCertificate& other) { fPrivate = new(std::nothrow) BCertificate::Private(other.fPrivate->fX509); } BCertificate::~BCertificate() { delete fPrivate; } int BCertificate::Version() const { return X509_get_version(fPrivate->fX509) + 1; } time_t BCertificate::StartDate() const { return parse_ASN1(X509_get_notBefore(fPrivate->fX509)); } time_t BCertificate::ExpirationDate() const { return parse_ASN1(X509_get_notAfter(fPrivate->fX509)); } bool BCertificate::IsValidAuthority() const { return X509_check_ca(fPrivate->fX509) > 0; } bool BCertificate::IsSelfSigned() const { return X509_check_issued(fPrivate->fX509, fPrivate->fX509) == X509_V_OK; } BString BCertificate::Issuer() const { X509_NAME* name = X509_get_issuer_name(fPrivate->fX509); return decode_X509_NAME(name); } BString BCertificate::Subject() const { X509_NAME* name = X509_get_subject_name(fPrivate->fX509); return decode_X509_NAME(name); } BString BCertificate::SignatureAlgorithm() const { int algorithmIdentifier = OBJ_obj2nid( fPrivate->fX509->cert_info->key->algor->algorithm); if (algorithmIdentifier == NID_undef) return BString("undefined"); const char* buffer = OBJ_nid2ln(algorithmIdentifier); return BString(buffer); } BString BCertificate::String() const { BIO *buffer = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); X509_print_ex(buffer, fPrivate->fX509, XN_FLAG_COMPAT, X509_FLAG_COMPAT); char* pointer; long length = BIO_get_mem_data(buffer, &pointer); BString result(pointer, length); BIO_free(buffer); return result; } bool BCertificate::operator==(const BCertificate& other) const { return X509_cmp(fPrivate->fX509, other.fPrivate->fX509) == 0; } // #pragma mark - BCertificate::Private BCertificate::Private::Private(X509* data) : fX509(X509_dup(data)) { } BCertificate::Private::~Private() { X509_free(fX509); } #else BCertificate::BCertificate(const BCertificate& other) { } BCertificate::BCertificate(Private* data) { } BCertificate::~BCertificate() { } time_t BCertificate::StartDate() const { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } time_t BCertificate::ExpirationDate() const { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } bool BCertificate::IsValidAuthority() const { return false; } int BCertificate::Version() const { return B_NOT_SUPPORTED; } BString BCertificate::Issuer() const { return BString(); } BString BCertificate::Subject() const { return BString(); } BString BCertificate::SignatureAlgorithm() const { return BString(); } BString BCertificate::String() const { return BString(); } bool BCertificate::operator==(const BCertificate& other) const { return false; } #endif