/* * Copyright 2014-2016, Dario Casalinuovo * Copyright 1999, Be Incorporated * All Rights Reserved. * This file may be used under the terms of the Be Sample Code License. */ #include "MediaRecorderNode.h" #include <Buffer.h> #include <scheduler.h> #include <MediaRoster.h> #include <MediaRosterEx.h> #include <TimedEventQueue.h> #include <TimeSource.h> #include "MediaDebug.h" BMediaRecorderNode::BMediaRecorderNode(const char* name, BMediaRecorder* recorder, media_type type) : BMediaNode(name), BMediaEventLooper(), BBufferConsumer(type), fRecorder(recorder), fConnectMode(true) { CALLED(); fInput.node = Node(); fInput.destination.id = 1; fInput.destination.port = ControlPort(); fName.SetTo(name); BString str(name); str << " Input"; strcpy(fInput.name, str.String()); } BMediaRecorderNode::~BMediaRecorderNode() { CALLED(); } BMediaAddOn* BMediaRecorderNode::AddOn(int32* id) const { CALLED(); if (id) *id = -1; return NULL; } void BMediaRecorderNode::NodeRegistered() { CALLED(); Run(); } void BMediaRecorderNode::SetRunMode(run_mode mode) { CALLED(); int32 priority; if (mode == BMediaNode::B_OFFLINE) priority = B_OFFLINE_PROCESSING; else { switch(ConsumerType()) { case B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO: case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_AUDIO: priority = B_AUDIO_RECORDING; break; case B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO: case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO: priority = B_VIDEO_RECORDING; break; default: priority = B_DEFAULT_MEDIA_PRIORITY; } } SetPriority(suggest_thread_priority(priority)); BMediaNode::SetRunMode(mode); } void BMediaRecorderNode::SetAcceptedFormat(const media_format& format) { CALLED(); fInput.format = format; fOKFormat = format; } const media_format& BMediaRecorderNode::AcceptedFormat() const { CALLED(); return fInput.format; } void BMediaRecorderNode::GetInput(media_input* outInput) { CALLED(); fInput.node = Node(); *outInput = fInput; } void BMediaRecorderNode::SetDataEnabled(bool enabled) { CALLED(); int32 tag; SetOutputEnabled(fInput.source, fInput.destination, enabled, NULL, &tag); } void BMediaRecorderNode::ActivateInternalConnect(bool connectMode) { fConnectMode = connectMode; } void BMediaRecorderNode::HandleEvent(const media_timed_event* event, bigtime_t lateness, bool realTimeEvent) { CALLED(); // we ignore them all! } void BMediaRecorderNode::Start(bigtime_t performanceTime) { CALLED(); if (fRecorder->fNotifyHook) (*fRecorder->fNotifyHook)(fRecorder->fBufferCookie, BMediaRecorder::B_WILL_START, performanceTime); fRecorder->fRunning = true; } void BMediaRecorderNode::Stop(bigtime_t performanceTime, bool immediate) { CALLED(); if (fRecorder->fNotifyHook) (*fRecorder->fNotifyHook)(fRecorder->fBufferCookie, BMediaRecorder::B_WILL_STOP, performanceTime, immediate); fRecorder->fRunning = false; } void BMediaRecorderNode::Seek(bigtime_t mediaTime, bigtime_t performanceTime) { CALLED(); if (fRecorder->fNotifyHook) (*fRecorder->fNotifyHook)(fRecorder->fBufferCookie, BMediaRecorder::B_WILL_SEEK, performanceTime, mediaTime); } void BMediaRecorderNode::TimeWarp(bigtime_t realTime, bigtime_t performanceTime) { CALLED(); // Since buffers will come pre-time-stamped, we only need to look // at them, so we can ignore the time warp as a consumer. if (fRecorder->fNotifyHook) (*fRecorder->fNotifyHook)(fRecorder->fBufferCookie, BMediaRecorder::B_WILL_TIMEWARP, realTime, performanceTime); } status_t BMediaRecorderNode::HandleMessage(int32 message, const void* data, size_t size) { CALLED(); if (BBufferConsumer::HandleMessage(message, data, size) < 0 && BMediaEventLooper::HandleMessage(message, data, size) < 0 && BMediaNode::HandleMessage(message, data, size) < 0) { HandleBadMessage(message, data, size); return B_ERROR; } return B_OK; } status_t BMediaRecorderNode::AcceptFormat(const media_destination& dest, media_format* format) { CALLED(); if (format_is_compatible(*format, fOKFormat)) return B_OK; *format = fOKFormat; return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; } status_t BMediaRecorderNode::GetNextInput(int32* cookie, media_input* outInput) { CALLED(); if (*cookie == 0) { *cookie = -1; *outInput = fInput; return B_OK; } return B_BAD_INDEX; } void BMediaRecorderNode::DisposeInputCookie(int32 cookie) { CALLED(); } void BMediaRecorderNode::BufferReceived(BBuffer* buffer) { CALLED(); fRecorder->BufferReceived(buffer->Data(), buffer->SizeUsed(), *buffer->Header()); buffer->Recycle(); } void BMediaRecorderNode::ProducerDataStatus( const media_destination& forWhom, int32 status, bigtime_t performanceTime) { CALLED(); } status_t BMediaRecorderNode::GetLatencyFor(const media_destination& forWhom, bigtime_t* outLatency, media_node_id* outTimesource) { CALLED(); *outLatency = 0; *outTimesource = TimeSource()->ID(); return B_OK; } status_t BMediaRecorderNode::Connected(const media_source &producer, const media_destination &where, const media_format &withFormat, media_input* outInput) { CALLED(); fInput.source = producer; fInput.format = withFormat; *outInput = fInput; if (fConnectMode == true) { // This is a workaround needed for us to get the node // so that our owner class can do it's operations. media_node node; BMediaRosterEx* roster = MediaRosterEx(BMediaRoster::CurrentRoster()); if (roster->GetNodeFor(roster->NodeIDFor(producer.port), &node) != B_OK) return B_MEDIA_BAD_NODE; fRecorder->fOutputNode = node; fRecorder->fReleaseOutputNode = true; } fRecorder->SetUpConnection(producer); fRecorder->fConnected = true; return B_OK; } void BMediaRecorderNode::Disconnected(const media_source& producer, const media_destination& where) { CALLED(); fInput.source = media_source::null; // Reset the connection mode fConnectMode = true; fRecorder->fConnected = false; fInput.format = fOKFormat; } status_t BMediaRecorderNode::FormatChanged(const media_source& producer, const media_destination& consumer, int32 tag, const media_format& format) { CALLED(); if (!format_is_compatible(format, fOKFormat)) return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; fInput.format = format; return B_OK; }