/* * Copyright 20011, Haiku Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2001 Dr. Zoidberg Enterprises. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ //! The standard config view for all protocols. #include "ProtocolConfigView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "ProtocolConfigView" const char* kPartialDownloadLimit = "partial_download_limit"; BodyDownloadConfig::BodyDownloadConfig() : BView(BRect(0,0,50,50), "body_config", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, 0) { const char *partial_text = B_TRANSLATE( "Partially download messages larger than"); BRect r(0, 0, 280, 15); fPartialBox = new BCheckBox(r, "size_if", partial_text, new BMessage('SIZF')); fPartialBox->ResizeToPreferred(); r = fPartialBox->Frame(); r.OffsetBy(17,r.Height() + 1); r.right = r.left + be_plain_font->StringWidth("0000") + 10; fSizeBox = new BTextControl(r, "size", "", "", NULL); r.OffsetBy(r.Width() + 5,0); fBytesLabel = new BStringView(r, "kb", "KB"); AddChild(fBytesLabel); fSizeBox->SetDivider(0); SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(fPartialBox); AddChild(fSizeBox); ResizeToPreferred(); } void BodyDownloadConfig::SetTo(MailAddonSettings& addonSettings) { const BMessage* settings = &addonSettings.Settings(); int32 limit = 0; if (settings->HasInt32(kPartialDownloadLimit)) limit = settings->FindInt32(kPartialDownloadLimit); if (limit < 0) { fPartialBox->SetValue(B_CONTROL_OFF); fSizeBox->SetText("0"); fSizeBox->SetEnabled(false); } else { limit = int32(limit / 1024); BString kb; kb << limit; fSizeBox->SetText(kb); fPartialBox->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); fSizeBox->SetEnabled(true); } } void BodyDownloadConfig::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { if (msg->what != 'SIZF') return BView::MessageReceived(msg); fSizeBox->SetEnabled(fPartialBox->Value()); } void BodyDownloadConfig::AttachedToWindow() { fPartialBox->SetTarget(this); fPartialBox->ResizeToPreferred(); } void BodyDownloadConfig::GetPreferredSize(float *width, float *height) { *height = fSizeBox->Frame().bottom + 5; *width = 200; } status_t BodyDownloadConfig::Archive(BMessage* into, bool) const { into->RemoveName(kPartialDownloadLimit); if (fPartialBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON) into->AddInt32(kPartialDownloadLimit, atoi(fSizeBox->Text()) * 1024); else into->AddInt32(kPartialDownloadLimit, -1); return B_OK; } namespace { //--------------------Support functions and #defines--------------- #define enable_control(name) if (FindView(name) != NULL) ((BControl *)(FindView(name)))->SetEnabled(true) #define disable_control(name) if (FindView(name) != NULL) ((BControl *)(FindView(name)))->SetEnabled(false) BTextControl *AddTextField (BRect &rect, const char *name, const char *label); BMenuField *AddMenuField (BRect &rect, const char *name, const char *label); float FindWidestLabel(BView *view); static float sItemHeight; inline const char * TextControl(BView *parent,const char *name) { BTextControl *control = (BTextControl *)(parent->FindView(name)); if (control != NULL) return control->Text(); return ""; } BTextControl * AddTextField(BRect &rect, const char *name, const char *label) { BTextControl *text_control = new BTextControl(rect,name,label,"",NULL,B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); // text_control->SetDivider(be_plain_font->StringWidth(label)); rect.OffsetBy(0,sItemHeight); return text_control; } BMenuField *AddMenuField (BRect &rect, const char *name, const char *label) { BPopUpMenu *menu = new BPopUpMenu("Select"); BMenuField *control = new BMenuField(rect,name,label,menu,B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); control->SetDivider(be_plain_font->StringWidth(label) + 6); rect.OffsetBy(0,sItemHeight); return control; } inline BCheckBox * AddCheckBox(BRect &rect, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *msg = NULL) { BCheckBox *control = new BCheckBox(rect,name,label,msg); rect.OffsetBy(0,sItemHeight); return control; } inline void SetTextControl(BView *parent, const char *name, const char *text) { BTextControl *control = (BTextControl *)(parent->FindView(name)); if (control != NULL) control->SetText(text); } float FindWidestLabel(BView *view) { float width = 0; for (int32 i = view->CountChildren();i-- > 0;) { if (BControl *control = dynamic_cast(view->ChildAt(i))) { float labelWidth = control->StringWidth(control->Label()); if (labelWidth > width) width = labelWidth; } } return width; } } // unnamed namspace //----------------Real code---------------------- BMailProtocolConfigView::BMailProtocolConfigView(uint32 options_mask) : BView (BRect(0,0,100,20), "protocol_config_view", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW), fBodyDownloadConfig(NULL) { BRect rect(5,5,245,25); SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); // determine font height font_height fontHeight; GetFontHeight(&fontHeight); sItemHeight = (int32)(fontHeight.ascent + fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading) + 13; rect.bottom = rect.top - 2 + sItemHeight; if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_HOSTNAME) AddChild(AddTextField(rect, "host", B_TRANSLATE("Mail server:"))); if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_USERNAME) AddChild(AddTextField(rect, "user", B_TRANSLATE("Username:"))); if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_PASSWORD) { BTextControl *control = AddTextField(rect, "pass", B_TRANSLATE("Password:")); control->TextView()->HideTyping(true); AddChild(control); } if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_FLAVORS) AddChild(AddMenuField(rect, "flavor", B_TRANSLATE("Connection type:"))); if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_HAS_AUTH_METHODS) AddChild(AddMenuField(rect, "auth_method", B_TRANSLATE("Login type:"))); // set divider float width = FindWidestLabel(this); for (int32 i = CountChildren();i-- > 0;) { if (BTextControl *text = dynamic_cast(ChildAt(i))) text->SetDivider(width + 6); } if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_CAN_LEAVE_MAIL_ON_SERVER) { AddChild(AddCheckBox(rect, "leave_mail_on_server", B_TRANSLATE("Leave mail on server"), new BMessage('lmos'))); BCheckBox* box = AddCheckBox(rect, "delete_remote_when_local", B_TRANSLATE("Remove mail from server when deleted")); box->SetEnabled(false); AddChild(box); } if (options_mask & B_MAIL_PROTOCOL_PARTIAL_DOWNLOAD) { fBodyDownloadConfig = new BodyDownloadConfig(); fBodyDownloadConfig->MoveBy(0, rect.bottom + 5); AddChild(fBodyDownloadConfig); } // resize views float height; GetPreferredSize(&width,&height); ResizeTo(width,height); for (int32 i = CountChildren();i-- > 0;) { // this doesn't work with BTextControl, does anyone know why? -- axeld. if (BView *view = ChildAt(i)) view->ResizeTo(width - 10,view->Bounds().Height()); } } BMailProtocolConfigView::~BMailProtocolConfigView() { } void BMailProtocolConfigView::SetTo(MailAddonSettings& settings) { const BMessage* archive = &settings.Settings(); BString host = archive->FindString("server"); if (archive->HasInt32("port")) host << ':' << archive->FindInt32("port"); SetTextControl(this,"host", host.String()); SetTextControl(this,"user", archive->FindString("username")); char *password = get_passwd(archive, "cpasswd"); if (password) { SetTextControl(this,"pass", password); delete[] password; } else SetTextControl(this,"pass", archive->FindString("password")); if (archive->HasInt32("flavor")) { BMenuField *menu = (BMenuField *)(FindView("flavor")); if (menu != NULL) { if (BMenuItem *item = menu->Menu()->ItemAt(archive->FindInt32("flavor"))) item->SetMarked(true); } } if (archive->HasInt32("auth_method")) { BMenuField *menu = (BMenuField *)(FindView("auth_method")); if (menu != NULL) { if (BMenuItem *item = menu->Menu()->ItemAt(archive->FindInt32("auth_method"))) { item->SetMarked(true); if (item->Command() != 'none') { enable_control("user"); enable_control("pass"); } } } } BCheckBox *box = (BCheckBox *)(FindView("leave_mail_on_server")); if (box != NULL) box->SetValue(archive->FindBool("leave_mail_on_server") ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); box = (BCheckBox *)(FindView("delete_remote_when_local")); if (box != NULL) { box->SetValue(archive->FindBool("delete_remote_when_local") ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); if (archive->FindBool("leave_mail_on_server")) box->SetEnabled(true); else box->SetEnabled(false); } if (fBodyDownloadConfig) fBodyDownloadConfig->SetTo(settings); } void BMailProtocolConfigView::AddFlavor(const char *label) { BMenuField *menu = (BMenuField *)(FindView("flavor")); if (menu != NULL) { menu->Menu()->AddItem(new BMenuItem(label,NULL)); if (menu->Menu()->FindMarked() == NULL) menu->Menu()->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked(true); } } void BMailProtocolConfigView::AddAuthMethod(const char *label,bool needUserPassword) { BMenuField *menu = (BMenuField *)(FindView("auth_method")); if (menu != NULL) { BMenuItem *item = new BMenuItem(label,new BMessage(needUserPassword ? 'some' : 'none')); menu->Menu()->AddItem(item); if (menu->Menu()->FindMarked() == NULL) { menu->Menu()->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked(true); MessageReceived(menu->Menu()->ItemAt(0)->Message()); } } } void BMailProtocolConfigView::AttachedToWindow() { BMenuField *menu = (BMenuField *)(FindView("auth_method")); if (menu != NULL) menu->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this); BCheckBox *box = (BCheckBox *)(FindView("leave_mail_on_server")); if (box != NULL) box->SetTarget(this); } void BMailProtocolConfigView::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch (msg->what) { case 'some': enable_control("user"); enable_control("pass"); break; case 'none': disable_control("user"); disable_control("pass"); break; case 'lmos': if (msg->FindInt32("be:value") == 1) { enable_control("delete_remote_when_local"); } else { disable_control("delete_remote_when_local"); } break; } } status_t BMailProtocolConfigView::Archive(BMessage *into, bool deep) const { const char *host = TextControl((BView *)this,"host"); int32 port = -1; BString host_name = host; if (host_name.FindFirst(':') > -1) { port = atol(host_name.String() + host_name.FindFirst(':') + 1); host_name.Truncate(host_name.FindFirst(':')); } if (into->ReplaceString("server",host_name.String()) != B_OK) into->AddString("server",host_name.String()); // since there is no need for the port option, remove it here into->RemoveName("port"); if (port != -1) into->AddInt32("port",port); if (into->ReplaceString("username",TextControl((BView *)this,"user")) != B_OK) into->AddString("username",TextControl((BView *)this,"user")); // remove old unencrypted passwords into->RemoveName("password"); set_passwd(into,"cpasswd",TextControl((BView *)this,"pass")); BMenuField *field; int32 index = -1; if ((field = (BMenuField *)(FindView("flavor"))) != NULL) { BMenuItem *item = field->Menu()->FindMarked(); if (item != NULL) index = field->Menu()->IndexOf(item); } if (into->ReplaceInt32("flavor",index) != B_OK) into->AddInt32("flavor",index); index = -1; if ((field = (BMenuField *)(FindView("auth_method"))) != NULL) { BMenuItem *item = field->Menu()->FindMarked(); if (item != NULL) index = field->Menu()->IndexOf(item); } if (into->ReplaceInt32("auth_method",index) != B_OK) into->AddInt32("auth_method",index); if (FindView("leave_mail_on_server") != NULL) { BControl* control = (BControl*)FindView("leave_mail_on_server"); bool on = (control->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); if (into->ReplaceBool("leave_mail_on_server", on) != B_OK) into->AddBool("leave_mail_on_server", on); control = (BControl*)FindView("delete_remote_when_local"); on = (control->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON); if (into->ReplaceBool("delete_remote_when_local", on)) { into->AddBool("delete_remote_when_local", on); } } else { if (into->ReplaceBool("leave_mail_on_server", false) != B_OK) into->AddBool("leave_mail_on_server", false); if (into->ReplaceBool("delete_remote_when_local", false) != B_OK) into->AddBool("delete_remote_when_local", false); } if (fBodyDownloadConfig) fBodyDownloadConfig->Archive(into, deep); return B_OK; } void BMailProtocolConfigView::GetPreferredSize(float *width, float *height) { float minWidth = 250; if (BView *view = FindView("delete_remote_when_local")) { float ignore; view->GetPreferredSize(&minWidth,&ignore); } if (minWidth < 250) minWidth = 250; *width = minWidth + 10; *height = (CountChildren() * sItemHeight) + 5; if (fBodyDownloadConfig) { float bodyW, bodyH; fBodyDownloadConfig->GetPreferredSize(&bodyW, &bodyH); *height+= bodyH; } }