SubDir HAIKU_TOP src kits locale ; AddSubDirSupportedPlatforms libbe_test ; UsePrivateHeaders locale shared ; UsePublicHeaders locale storage ; local sources = cat.cpp Catalog.cpp CatalogData.cpp Collator.cpp Country.cpp DefaultCatalog.cpp EditableCatalog.cpp FormattingConventions.cpp HashMapCatalog.cpp InitLocaleKit.cpp Language.cpp Locale.cpp LocaleRoster.cpp LocaleRosterData.cpp MutableLocaleRoster.cpp TimeZone.cpp # in progress DateFormat.cpp DateTimeFormat.cpp DurationFormat.cpp TimeFormat.cpp TimeUnitFormat.cpp Format.cpp # Used by some of the above. UnicodeChar.cpp # Already used in ReadOnlyBootPrompt. # old, needs investigation # Currency.cpp # FloatFormat.cpp # FloatFormatImpl.cpp # FloatFormatParameters.cpp # FormatImpl.cpp # FormatParameters.cpp # GenericNumberFormat.cpp # IntegerFormat.cpp # IntegerFormatImpl.cpp # IntegerFormatParameters.cpp # NumberFormat.cpp # NumberFormatImpl.cpp # NumberFormatParameters.cpp ; SubDirSysHdrs $(HAIKU_ICU_HEADERS) ; Includes [ FGristFiles $(sources) ] : $(HAIKU_ICU_HEADERS_DEPENDENCY) ; # Dependency needed to trigger downloading/unzipping the package before # compiling the files. MergeObject locale_kit.o : $(sources) ; StaticLibrary liblocalestub.a : CatalogStub.cpp ;