/* * This file contains library initialization code. * The required mimetypes and attribute-indices are created here. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace BPrivate { BCatalog gSystemCatalog; } using BPrivate::DefaultCatalog; using BPrivate::MutableLocaleRoster; using BPrivate::gSystemCatalog; // helper function that makes sure an attribute-index exists: static void EnsureIndexExists(const char *attrName) { BVolume bootVol; BVolumeRoster volRoster; if (volRoster.GetBootVolume(&bootVol) != B_OK) return; struct index_info idxInfo; if (fs_stat_index(bootVol.Device(), attrName, &idxInfo) != 0) { status_t res = fs_create_index(bootVol.Device(), attrName, B_STRING_TYPE, 0); if (res == 0) { log_team(LOG_INFO, "successfully created the required index for attribute %s", attrName); } else { log_team(LOG_ERR, "failed to create the required index for attribute %s (%s)", attrName, strerror(res)); } } } /* * prepares the system for use by the Locale Kit catalogs, * it makes sure that the required indices and mimetype exist: */ static void SetupCatalogBasics() { // make sure the indices required for catalog-traversal are there: EnsureIndexExists(BLocaleRoster::kCatLangAttr); EnsureIndexExists(BLocaleRoster::kCatSigAttr); // install mimetype for default-catalog: BMimeType mt; status_t res = mt.SetTo(DefaultCatalog::kCatMimeType); if (res == B_OK && !mt.IsInstalled()) { // install supertype, if it isn't available BMimeType supertype; res = mt.GetSupertype(&supertype); if (res == B_OK && !supertype.IsInstalled()) { res = supertype.Install(); } if (res == B_OK) { // info about the attributes of a catalog... BMessage attrMsg; // ...the catalog signature... attrMsg.AddString("attr:public_name", "Signature"); attrMsg.AddString("attr:name", BLocaleRoster::kCatSigAttr); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:type", B_STRING_TYPE); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:editable", false); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:viewable", true); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:extra", false); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:alignment", 0); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:width", 140); // ...the catalog language... attrMsg.AddString("attr:public_name", "Language"); attrMsg.AddString("attr:name", BLocaleRoster::kCatLangAttr); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:type", B_STRING_TYPE); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:editable", false); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:viewable", true); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:extra", false); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:alignment", 0); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:width", 60); // ...and the catalog fingerprint... attrMsg.AddString("attr:public_name", "Fingerprint"); attrMsg.AddString("attr:name", BLocaleRoster::kCatFingerprintAttr); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:type", B_INT32_TYPE); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:editable", false); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:viewable", true); attrMsg.AddBool("attr:extra", false); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:alignment", 0); attrMsg.AddInt32("attr:width", 70); res = mt.SetAttrInfo(&attrMsg); } if (res == B_OK) { // file extensions (.catalog): BMessage extMsg; extMsg.AddString("extensions", "catalog"); res = mt.SetFileExtensions(&extMsg); } if (res == B_OK) { // short and long descriptions: mt.SetShortDescription("Translation Catalog"); res = mt.SetLongDescription("Catalog with translated application resources"); } if (res == B_OK) res = mt.Install(); } if (res != B_OK) { log_team(LOG_ERR, "Could not install mimetype %s (%s)", DefaultCatalog::kCatMimeType, strerror(res)); } } void __initialize_locale_kit() { SetupCatalogBasics(); MutableLocaleRoster::Default()->LoadSystemCatalog(&gSystemCatalog); }