/* * Copyright 2001-2012, Haiku Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Frans van Nispen (xlr8@tref.nl) * Stephan Aßmus * Ingo Weinhold */ /*! BTextControl displays text that can act like a control. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TextInput.h" //#define TRACE_TEXT_CONTROL #ifdef TRACE_TEXT_CONTROL # include # include static int32 sFunctionDepth = -1; # define CALLED(x...) FunctionTracer _ft("BTextControl", __FUNCTION__, \ sFunctionDepth) # define TRACE(x...) { BString _to; \ _to.Append(' ', (sFunctionDepth + 1) * 2); \ printf("%s", _to.String()); printf(x); } #else # define CALLED(x...) # define TRACE(x...) #endif namespace { const char* const kFrameField = "BTextControl:layoutitem:frame"; const char* const kTextViewItemField = "BTextControl:textViewItem"; const char* const kLabelItemField = "BMenuField:labelItem"; } static property_info sPropertyList[] = { { "Value", { B_GET_PROPERTY, B_SET_PROPERTY }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER }, NULL, 0, { B_STRING_TYPE } }, {} }; class BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem : public BAbstractLayoutItem { public: LabelLayoutItem(BTextControl* parent); LabelLayoutItem(BMessage* from); virtual bool IsVisible(); virtual void SetVisible(bool visible); virtual BRect Frame(); virtual void SetFrame(BRect frame); void SetParent(BTextControl* parent); virtual BView* View(); virtual BSize BaseMinSize(); virtual BSize BaseMaxSize(); virtual BSize BasePreferredSize(); virtual BAlignment BaseAlignment(); BRect FrameInParent() const; virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep = true) const; static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* from); private: BTextControl* fParent; BRect fFrame; }; class BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem : public BAbstractLayoutItem { public: TextViewLayoutItem(BTextControl* parent); TextViewLayoutItem(BMessage* from); virtual bool IsVisible(); virtual void SetVisible(bool visible); virtual BRect Frame(); virtual void SetFrame(BRect frame); void SetParent(BTextControl* parent); virtual BView* View(); virtual BSize BaseMinSize(); virtual BSize BaseMaxSize(); virtual BSize BasePreferredSize(); virtual BAlignment BaseAlignment(); BRect FrameInParent() const; virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep = true) const; static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* from); private: BTextControl* fParent; BRect fFrame; }; struct BTextControl::LayoutData { LayoutData(float width, float height) : label_layout_item(NULL), text_view_layout_item(NULL), previous_width(width), previous_height(height), valid(false) { } LabelLayoutItem* label_layout_item; TextViewLayoutItem* text_view_layout_item; float previous_width; // used in FrameResized() for float previous_height; // invalidation font_height font_info; float label_width; float label_height; BSize min; BSize text_view_min; bool valid; }; static const int32 kFrameMargin = 2; static const int32 kLabelInputSpacing = 3; // #pragma mark - BTextControl BTextControl::BTextControl(BRect frame, const char* name, const char* label, const char* text, BMessage* message, uint32 mask, uint32 flags) : BControl(frame, name, label, message, mask, flags | B_FRAME_EVENTS) { _InitData(label); _InitText(text); _ValidateLayout(); } BTextControl::BTextControl(const char* name, const char* label, const char* text, BMessage* message, uint32 flags) : BControl(name, label, message, flags | B_FRAME_EVENTS) { _InitData(label); _InitText(text); _ValidateLayout(); } BTextControl::BTextControl(const char* label, const char* text, BMessage* message) : BControl(NULL, label, message, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_FRAME_EVENTS) { _InitData(label); _InitText(text); _ValidateLayout(); } BTextControl::~BTextControl() { SetModificationMessage(NULL); delete fLayoutData; } BTextControl::BTextControl(BMessage* archive) : BControl(BUnarchiver::PrepareArchive(archive)) { BUnarchiver unarchiver(archive); _InitData(Label(), archive); if (!BUnarchiver::IsArchiveManaged(archive)) _InitText(NULL, archive); status_t err = B_OK; if (archive->HasFloat("_divide")) err = archive->FindFloat("_divide", &fDivider); if (err == B_OK && archive->HasMessage("_mod_msg")) { BMessage* message = new BMessage; err = archive->FindMessage("_mod_msg", message); SetModificationMessage(message); } unarchiver.Finish(err); } BArchivable* BTextControl::Instantiate(BMessage* archive) { if (validate_instantiation(archive, "BTextControl")) return new BTextControl(archive); return NULL; } status_t BTextControl::Archive(BMessage *data, bool deep) const { BArchiver archiver(data); status_t ret = BControl::Archive(data, deep); alignment labelAlignment, textAlignment; GetAlignment(&labelAlignment, &textAlignment); if (ret == B_OK) ret = data->AddInt32("_a_label", labelAlignment); if (ret == B_OK) ret = data->AddInt32("_a_text", textAlignment); if (ret == B_OK) ret = data->AddFloat("_divide", Divider()); if (ModificationMessage() && (ret == B_OK)) ret = data->AddMessage("_mod_msg", ModificationMessage()); return archiver.Finish(ret); } status_t BTextControl::AllArchived(BMessage* into) const { BArchiver archiver(into); status_t err = B_OK; if (archiver.IsArchived(fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item)) { err = archiver.AddArchivable(kTextViewItemField, fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item); } if (err == B_OK && archiver.IsArchived(fLayoutData->label_layout_item)) { err = archiver.AddArchivable(kLabelItemField, fLayoutData->label_layout_item); } return err; } status_t BTextControl::AllUnarchived(const BMessage* from) { status_t err; if ((err = BControl::AllUnarchived(from)) != B_OK) return err; _InitText(NULL, from); BUnarchiver unarchiver(from); if (unarchiver.IsInstantiated(kTextViewItemField)) { err = unarchiver.FindObject(kTextViewItemField, BUnarchiver::B_DONT_ASSUME_OWNERSHIP, fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item); if (err == B_OK) fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item->SetParent(this); else return err; } if (unarchiver.IsInstantiated(kLabelItemField)) { err = unarchiver.FindObject(kLabelItemField, BUnarchiver::B_DONT_ASSUME_OWNERSHIP, fLayoutData->label_layout_item); if (err == B_OK) fLayoutData->label_layout_item->SetParent(this); } return err; } void BTextControl::SetText(const char *text) { if (InvokeKind() != B_CONTROL_INVOKED) return; CALLED(); fText->SetText(text); if (fText->IsFocus()) { fText->SetInitialText(); fText->SelectAll(); } fText->Invalidate(); } const char * BTextControl::Text() const { return fText->Text(); } void BTextControl::MarkAsInvalid(bool invalid) { uint32 look = fLook; if (invalid) fLook |= BControlLook::B_INVALID; else fLook &= ~BControlLook::B_INVALID; if (look != fLook) Invalidate(); } void BTextControl::SetValue(int32 value) { BControl::SetValue(value); } status_t BTextControl::Invoke(BMessage *message) { return BControl::Invoke(message); } BTextView* BTextControl::TextView() const { return fText; } void BTextControl::SetModificationMessage(BMessage *message) { delete fModificationMessage; fModificationMessage = message; } BMessage * BTextControl::ModificationMessage() const { return fModificationMessage; } void BTextControl::SetAlignment(alignment labelAlignment, alignment textAlignment) { fText->SetAlignment(textAlignment); fText->AlignTextRect(); if (fLabelAlign != labelAlignment) { fLabelAlign = labelAlignment; Invalidate(); } } void BTextControl::GetAlignment(alignment* _label, alignment* _text) const { if (_label != NULL) *_label = fLabelAlign; if (_text != NULL) *_text = fText->Alignment(); } void BTextControl::SetDivider(float dividingLine) { fDivider = floorf(dividingLine + 0.5); _LayoutTextView(); if (Window()) { fText->Invalidate(); Invalidate(); } } float BTextControl::Divider() const { return fDivider; } void BTextControl::Draw(BRect updateRect) { bool enabled = IsEnabled(); bool active = fText->IsFocus() && Window()->IsActive(); BRect rect = fText->Frame(); rect.InsetBy(-2, -2); if (be_control_look != NULL) { rgb_color base = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); uint32 flags = fLook; if (!enabled) flags |= BControlLook::B_DISABLED; if (active) flags |= BControlLook::B_FOCUSED; be_control_look->DrawTextControlBorder(this, rect, updateRect, base, flags); if (Label() != NULL) { if (fLayoutData->label_layout_item != NULL) { rect = fLayoutData->label_layout_item->FrameInParent(); } else { rect = Bounds(); rect.right = fDivider - kLabelInputSpacing; } be_control_look->DrawLabel(this, Label(), rect, updateRect, base, flags, BAlignment(fLabelAlign, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); } return; } // outer bevel rgb_color noTint = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color lighten1 = tint_color(noTint, B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT); rgb_color lighten2 = tint_color(noTint, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT); rgb_color darken1 = tint_color(noTint, B_DARKEN_1_TINT); rgb_color darken2 = tint_color(noTint, B_DARKEN_2_TINT); rgb_color darken4 = tint_color(noTint, B_DARKEN_4_TINT); rgb_color navigationColor = ui_color(B_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION_COLOR); if (enabled) SetHighColor(darken1); else SetHighColor(noTint); StrokeLine(rect.LeftBottom(), rect.LeftTop()); StrokeLine(rect.RightTop()); if (enabled) SetHighColor(lighten2); else SetHighColor(lighten1); StrokeLine(BPoint(rect.left + 1.0f, rect.bottom), rect.RightBottom()); StrokeLine(BPoint(rect.right, rect.top + 1.0f), rect.RightBottom()); // inner bevel rect.InsetBy(1.0f, 1.0f); if (active) { SetHighColor(navigationColor); StrokeRect(rect); } else { if (enabled) SetHighColor(darken4); else SetHighColor(darken2); StrokeLine(rect.LeftTop(), rect.LeftBottom()); StrokeLine(rect.LeftTop(), rect.RightTop()); SetHighColor(noTint); StrokeLine(BPoint(rect.left + 1.0f, rect.bottom), rect.RightBottom()); StrokeLine(BPoint(rect.right, rect.top + 1.0f)); } // label if (Label()) { _ValidateLayoutData(); font_height& fontHeight = fLayoutData->font_info; float y = Bounds().top + (Bounds().Height() + 1 - fontHeight.ascent - fontHeight.descent) / 2 + fontHeight.ascent; float x; float labelWidth = StringWidth(Label()); switch (fLabelAlign) { case B_ALIGN_RIGHT: x = fDivider - labelWidth - kLabelInputSpacing; break; case B_ALIGN_CENTER: x = fDivider - labelWidth / 2.0; break; default: x = 0.0; break; } BRect labelArea(x, Bounds().top, x + labelWidth, Bounds().bottom); if (x < fDivider && updateRect.Intersects(labelArea)) { labelArea.right = fText->Frame().left - kLabelInputSpacing; BRegion clipRegion(labelArea); ConstrainClippingRegion(&clipRegion); SetHighColor(IsEnabled() ? ui_color(B_CONTROL_TEXT_COLOR) : tint_color(noTint, B_DISABLED_LABEL_TINT)); DrawString(Label(), BPoint(x, y)); } } } void BTextControl::MouseDown(BPoint where) { if (!fText->IsFocus()) fText->MakeFocus(true); } void BTextControl::AttachedToWindow() { BControl::AttachedToWindow(); _UpdateTextViewColors(IsEnabled()); fText->MakeEditable(IsEnabled()); } void BTextControl::MakeFocus(bool state) { if (state != fText->IsFocus()) { fText->MakeFocus(state); if (state) fText->SelectAll(); } } void BTextControl::SetEnabled(bool enabled) { if (IsEnabled() == enabled) return; if (Window()) { fText->MakeEditable(enabled); if (enabled) fText->SetFlags(fText->Flags() | B_NAVIGABLE); else fText->SetFlags(fText->Flags() & ~B_NAVIGABLE); _UpdateTextViewColors(enabled); fText->Invalidate(); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); } BControl::SetEnabled(enabled); } void BTextControl::GetPreferredSize(float *_width, float *_height) { CALLED(); _ValidateLayoutData(); if (_width) { float minWidth = fLayoutData->min.width; if (Label() == NULL && !(Flags() & B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT)) { // Indeed, only if there is no label! BeOS backwards compatible // behavior: minWidth = max_c(minWidth, Bounds().Width()); } *_width = minWidth; } if (_height) *_height = fLayoutData->min.height; } void BTextControl::ResizeToPreferred() { BView::ResizeToPreferred(); fDivider = 0.0; const char* label = Label(); if (label) fDivider = ceil(StringWidth(label)) + 2.0; _LayoutTextView(); } void BTextControl::SetFlags(uint32 flags) { // If the textview is navigable, set it to not navigable if needed // Else if it is not navigable, set it to navigable if needed if (fText->Flags() & B_NAVIGABLE) { if (!(flags & B_NAVIGABLE)) fText->SetFlags(fText->Flags() & ~B_NAVIGABLE); } else { if (flags & B_NAVIGABLE) fText->SetFlags(fText->Flags() | B_NAVIGABLE); } // Don't make this one navigable flags &= ~B_NAVIGABLE; BView::SetFlags(flags); } void BTextControl::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { if (message->what == B_GET_PROPERTY || message->what == B_SET_PROPERTY) { BMessage reply(B_REPLY); bool handled = false; BMessage specifier; int32 index; int32 form; const char *property; if (message->GetCurrentSpecifier(&index, &specifier, &form, &property) == B_OK) { if (strcmp(property, "Value") == 0) { if (message->what == B_GET_PROPERTY) { reply.AddString("result", fText->Text()); handled = true; } else { const char* value = NULL; // B_SET_PROPERTY if (message->FindString("data", &value) == B_OK) { fText->SetText(value); reply.AddInt32("error", B_OK); handled = true; } } } } if (handled) { message->SendReply(&reply); return; } } BControl::MessageReceived(message); } BHandler* BTextControl::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index, BMessage* specifier, int32 what, const char* property) { BPropertyInfo propInfo(sPropertyList); if (propInfo.FindMatch(message, 0, specifier, what, property) >= B_OK) return this; return BControl::ResolveSpecifier(message, index, specifier, what, property); } status_t BTextControl::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data) { return BControl::GetSupportedSuites(data); } void BTextControl::MouseUp(BPoint point) { BControl::MouseUp(point); } void BTextControl::MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 transit, const BMessage* dragMessage) { BControl::MouseMoved(point, transit, dragMessage); } void BTextControl::DetachedFromWindow() { BControl::DetachedFromWindow(); } void BTextControl::AllAttached() { BControl::AllAttached(); } void BTextControl::AllDetached() { BControl::AllDetached(); } void BTextControl::FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition) { BControl::FrameMoved(newPosition); } void BTextControl::FrameResized(float width, float height) { CALLED(); BControl::FrameResized(width, height); // TODO: this causes flickering still... // changes in width BRect bounds = Bounds(); if (bounds.Width() > fLayoutData->previous_width) { // invalidate the region between the old and the new right border BRect rect = bounds; rect.left += fLayoutData->previous_width - kFrameMargin; rect.right--; Invalidate(rect); } else if (bounds.Width() < fLayoutData->previous_width) { // invalidate the region of the new right border BRect rect = bounds; rect.left = rect.right - kFrameMargin; Invalidate(rect); } // changes in height if (bounds.Height() > fLayoutData->previous_height) { // invalidate the region between the old and the new bottom border BRect rect = bounds; rect.top += fLayoutData->previous_height - kFrameMargin; rect.bottom--; Invalidate(rect); // invalidate label area rect = bounds; rect.right = fDivider; Invalidate(rect); } else if (bounds.Height() < fLayoutData->previous_height) { // invalidate the region of the new bottom border BRect rect = bounds; rect.top = rect.bottom - kFrameMargin; Invalidate(rect); // invalidate label area rect = bounds; rect.right = fDivider; Invalidate(rect); } fLayoutData->previous_width = bounds.Width(); fLayoutData->previous_height = bounds.Height(); TRACE("width: %.2f, height: %.2f\n", bounds.Width(), bounds.Height()); } void BTextControl::WindowActivated(bool active) { if (fText->IsFocus()) { // invalidate to remove/show focus indication BRect rect = fText->Frame(); rect.InsetBy(-1, -1); Invalidate(rect); // help out embedded text view which doesn't // get notified of this fText->Invalidate(); } } BSize BTextControl::MinSize() { CALLED(); _ValidateLayoutData(); return BLayoutUtils::ComposeSize(ExplicitMinSize(), fLayoutData->min); } BSize BTextControl::MaxSize() { CALLED(); _ValidateLayoutData(); BSize max = fLayoutData->min; max.width = B_SIZE_UNLIMITED; return BLayoutUtils::ComposeSize(ExplicitMaxSize(), max); } BSize BTextControl::PreferredSize() { CALLED(); _ValidateLayoutData(); return BLayoutUtils::ComposeSize(ExplicitPreferredSize(), fLayoutData->min); } BAlignment BTextControl::LayoutAlignment() { CALLED(); _ValidateLayoutData(); return BLayoutUtils::ComposeAlignment(ExplicitAlignment(), BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER)); } BLayoutItem* BTextControl::CreateLabelLayoutItem() { if (!fLayoutData->label_layout_item) fLayoutData->label_layout_item = new LabelLayoutItem(this); return fLayoutData->label_layout_item; } BLayoutItem* BTextControl::CreateTextViewLayoutItem() { if (!fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item) fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item = new TextViewLayoutItem(this); return fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item; } void BTextControl::LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants) { CALLED(); fLayoutData->valid = false; } void BTextControl::DoLayout() { // Bail out, if we shan't do layout. if (!(Flags() & B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT)) return; CALLED(); // If the user set a layout, we let the base class version call its // hook. if (GetLayout()) { BView::DoLayout(); return; } _ValidateLayoutData(); // validate current size BSize size(Bounds().Size()); if (size.width < fLayoutData->min.width) size.width = fLayoutData->min.width; if (size.height < fLayoutData->min.height) size.height = fLayoutData->min.height; BRect dirty(fText->Frame()); BRect textFrame; // divider float divider = 0; if (fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item != NULL) { if (fLayoutData->label_layout_item != NULL) { // We have layout items. They define the divider location. divider = fabs(fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item->Frame().left - fLayoutData->label_layout_item->Frame().left); } textFrame = fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item->FrameInParent(); } else { if (fLayoutData->label_width > 0) { divider = fLayoutData->label_width + be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing(); } textFrame.Set(divider, 0, size.width, size.height); } // place the text view and set the divider textFrame.InsetBy(kFrameMargin, kFrameMargin); BLayoutUtils::AlignInFrame(fText, textFrame); fDivider = divider; // invalidate dirty region dirty = dirty | fText->Frame(); dirty.InsetBy(-kFrameMargin, -kFrameMargin); Invalidate(dirty); } status_t BTextControl::SetIcon(const BBitmap* icon, uint32 flags) { return BControl::SetIcon(icon, flags); } // #pragma mark - BTextControl private methods status_t BTextControl::Perform(perform_code code, void* _data) { switch (code) { case PERFORM_CODE_MIN_SIZE: ((perform_data_min_size*)_data)->return_value = BTextControl::MinSize(); return B_OK; case PERFORM_CODE_MAX_SIZE: ((perform_data_max_size*)_data)->return_value = BTextControl::MaxSize(); return B_OK; case PERFORM_CODE_PREFERRED_SIZE: ((perform_data_preferred_size*)_data)->return_value = BTextControl::PreferredSize(); return B_OK; case PERFORM_CODE_LAYOUT_ALIGNMENT: ((perform_data_layout_alignment*)_data)->return_value = BTextControl::LayoutAlignment(); return B_OK; case PERFORM_CODE_HAS_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH: ((perform_data_has_height_for_width*)_data)->return_value = BTextControl::HasHeightForWidth(); return B_OK; case PERFORM_CODE_GET_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH: { perform_data_get_height_for_width* data = (perform_data_get_height_for_width*)_data; BTextControl::GetHeightForWidth(data->width, &data->min, &data->max, &data->preferred); return B_OK; } case PERFORM_CODE_SET_LAYOUT: { perform_data_set_layout* data = (perform_data_set_layout*)_data; BTextControl::SetLayout(data->layout); return B_OK; } case PERFORM_CODE_LAYOUT_INVALIDATED: { perform_data_layout_invalidated* data = (perform_data_layout_invalidated*)_data; BTextControl::LayoutInvalidated(data->descendants); return B_OK; } case PERFORM_CODE_DO_LAYOUT: { BTextControl::DoLayout(); return B_OK; } case PERFORM_CODE_SET_ICON: { perform_data_set_icon* data = (perform_data_set_icon*)_data; return BTextControl::SetIcon(data->icon, data->flags); } case PERFORM_CODE_ALL_UNARCHIVED: { perform_data_all_unarchived* data = (perform_data_all_unarchived*)_data; data->return_value = BTextControl::AllUnarchived(data->archive); return B_OK; } case PERFORM_CODE_ALL_ARCHIVED: { perform_data_all_archived* data = (perform_data_all_archived*)_data; data->return_value = BTextControl::AllArchived(data->archive); return B_OK; } } return BControl::Perform(code, _data); } void BTextControl::_ReservedTextControl1() {} void BTextControl::_ReservedTextControl2() {} void BTextControl::_ReservedTextControl3() {} void BTextControl::_ReservedTextControl4() {} BTextControl& BTextControl::operator=(const BTextControl&) { return *this; } void BTextControl::_UpdateTextViewColors(bool enabled) { rgb_color textColor; rgb_color color; BFont font; fText->GetFontAndColor(0, &font); if (enabled) textColor = ui_color(B_DOCUMENT_TEXT_COLOR); else { textColor = tint_color(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DISABLED_LABEL_TINT); } fText->SetFontAndColor(&font, B_FONT_ALL, &textColor); if (enabled) color = ui_color(B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); else { color = tint_color(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT); } fText->SetViewColor(color); fText->SetLowColor(color); } void BTextControl::_CommitValue() { } void BTextControl::_InitData(const char* label, const BMessage* archive) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); fText = NULL; fModificationMessage = NULL; fLabelAlign = B_ALIGN_LEFT; fDivider = 0.0f; fLayoutData = new LayoutData(bounds.Width(), bounds.Height()); int32 flags = 0; BFont font(be_plain_font); if (!archive || !archive->HasString("_fname")) flags |= B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE; if (!archive || !archive->HasFloat("_fflt")) flags |= B_FONT_SIZE; if (flags != 0) SetFont(&font, flags); if (label) fDivider = floorf(bounds.Width() / 2.0f); fLook = 0; } void BTextControl::_InitText(const char* initialText, const BMessage* archive) { if (archive) fText = static_cast(FindView("_input_")); if (fText == NULL) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); BRect frame(fDivider, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); // we are stroking the frame around the text view, which // is 2 pixels wide frame.InsetBy(kFrameMargin, kFrameMargin); BRect textRect(frame.OffsetToCopy(B_ORIGIN)); fText = new BPrivate::_BTextInput_(frame, textRect, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | (Flags() & B_NAVIGABLE)); AddChild(fText); SetText(initialText); fText->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT); fText->AlignTextRect(); } // Although this is not strictly initializing the text view, // it cannot be done while fText is NULL, so it resides here. if (archive) { int32 labelAlignment = B_ALIGN_LEFT; int32 textAlignment = B_ALIGN_LEFT; status_t err = B_OK; if (archive->HasInt32("_a_label")) err = archive->FindInt32("_a_label", &labelAlignment); if (err == B_OK && archive->HasInt32("_a_text")) err = archive->FindInt32("_a_text", &textAlignment); SetAlignment((alignment)labelAlignment, (alignment)textAlignment); } uint32 navigableFlags = Flags() & B_NAVIGABLE; if (navigableFlags != 0) BView::SetFlags(Flags() & ~B_NAVIGABLE); } void BTextControl::_ValidateLayout() { CALLED(); _ValidateLayoutData(); ResizeTo(Bounds().Width(), fLayoutData->min.height); _LayoutTextView(); } void BTextControl::_LayoutTextView() { CALLED(); BRect frame; if (fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item != NULL) { frame = fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item->FrameInParent(); } else { frame = Bounds(); frame.left = fDivider; } // we are stroking the frame around the text view, which // is 2 pixels wide frame.InsetBy(kFrameMargin, kFrameMargin); fText->MoveTo(frame.left, frame.top); fText->ResizeTo(frame.Width(), frame.Height()); fText->AlignTextRect(); TRACE("width: %.2f, height: %.2f\n", Frame().Width(), Frame().Height()); TRACE("fDivider: %.2f\n", fDivider); TRACE("fText frame: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", frame.left, frame.top, frame.right, frame.bottom); } void BTextControl::_UpdateFrame() { CALLED(); if (fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item != NULL) { BRect textFrame = fLayoutData->text_view_layout_item->Frame(); BRect labelFrame; if (fLayoutData->label_layout_item != NULL) labelFrame = fLayoutData->label_layout_item->Frame(); BRect frame; if (labelFrame.IsValid()) { frame = textFrame | labelFrame; // update divider fDivider = fabs(textFrame.left - labelFrame.left); } else { frame = textFrame; fDivider = 0; } // update our frame MoveTo(frame.left, frame.top); BSize oldSize(Bounds().Size()); ResizeTo(frame.Width(), frame.Height()); BSize newSize(Bounds().Size()); // If the size changes, ResizeTo() will trigger a relayout, otherwise // we need to do that explicitly. if (newSize != oldSize) Relayout(); } } void BTextControl::_ValidateLayoutData() { CALLED(); if (fLayoutData->valid) return; // cache font height font_height& fh = fLayoutData->font_info; GetFontHeight(&fh); const char* label = Label(); if (label != NULL) { fLayoutData->label_width = ceilf(StringWidth(label)); fLayoutData->label_height = ceilf(fh.ascent) + ceilf(fh.descent); } else { fLayoutData->label_width = 0; fLayoutData->label_height = 0; } // compute the minimal divider float divider = 0; if (fLayoutData->label_width > 0) { divider = fLayoutData->label_width + be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing(); } // If we shan't do real layout, we let the current divider take influence. if (!(Flags() & B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT)) divider = max_c(divider, fDivider); // get the minimal (== preferred) text view size fLayoutData->text_view_min = fText->MinSize(); TRACE("text view min width: %.2f\n", fLayoutData->text_view_min.width); // compute our minimal (== preferred) size BSize min(fLayoutData->text_view_min); min.width += 2 * kFrameMargin; min.height += 2 * kFrameMargin; if (divider > 0) min.width += divider; if (fLayoutData->label_height > min.height) min.height = fLayoutData->label_height; fLayoutData->min = min; fLayoutData->valid = true; ResetLayoutInvalidation(); TRACE("width: %.2f, height: %.2f\n", min.width, min.height); } // #pragma mark - BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::LabelLayoutItem(BTextControl* parent) : fParent(parent), fFrame() { } BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::LabelLayoutItem(BMessage* from) : BAbstractLayoutItem(from), fParent(NULL), fFrame() { from->FindRect(kFrameField, &fFrame); } bool BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::IsVisible() { return !fParent->IsHidden(fParent); } void BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::SetVisible(bool visible) { // not allowed } BRect BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::Frame() { return fFrame; } void BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::SetFrame(BRect frame) { fFrame = frame; fParent->_UpdateFrame(); } void BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::SetParent(BTextControl* parent) { fParent = parent; } BView* BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::View() { return fParent; } BSize BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::BaseMinSize() { fParent->_ValidateLayoutData(); if (!fParent->Label()) return BSize(-1, -1); return BSize(fParent->fLayoutData->label_width + be_control_look->DefaultLabelSpacing(), fParent->fLayoutData->label_height); } BSize BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::BaseMaxSize() { return BaseMinSize(); } BSize BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::BasePreferredSize() { return BaseMinSize(); } BAlignment BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::BaseAlignment() { return BAlignment(B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT); } BRect BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::FrameInParent() const { return fFrame.OffsetByCopy(-fParent->Frame().left, -fParent->Frame().top); } status_t BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep) const { BArchiver archiver(into); status_t err = BAbstractLayoutItem::Archive(into, deep); if (err == B_OK) err = into->AddRect(kFrameField, fFrame); return archiver.Finish(err); } BArchivable* BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem::Instantiate(BMessage* from) { if (validate_instantiation(from, "BTextControl::LabelLayoutItem")) return new LabelLayoutItem(from); return NULL; } // #pragma mark - BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::TextViewLayoutItem(BTextControl* parent) : fParent(parent), fFrame() { // by default the part right of the divider shall have an unlimited maximum // width SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNSET)); } BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::TextViewLayoutItem(BMessage* from) : BAbstractLayoutItem(from), fParent(NULL), fFrame() { from->FindRect(kFrameField, &fFrame); } bool BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::IsVisible() { return !fParent->IsHidden(fParent); } void BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::SetVisible(bool visible) { // not allowed } BRect BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::Frame() { return fFrame; } void BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::SetFrame(BRect frame) { fFrame = frame; fParent->_UpdateFrame(); } void BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::SetParent(BTextControl* parent) { fParent = parent; } BView* BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::View() { return fParent; } BSize BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::BaseMinSize() { fParent->_ValidateLayoutData(); BSize size = fParent->fLayoutData->text_view_min; size.width += 2 * kFrameMargin; size.height += 2 * kFrameMargin; return size; } BSize BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::BaseMaxSize() { BSize size(BaseMinSize()); size.width = B_SIZE_UNLIMITED; return size; } BSize BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::BasePreferredSize() { BSize size(BaseMinSize()); // puh, no idea... size.width = 100; return size; } BAlignment BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::BaseAlignment() { return BAlignment(B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT); } BRect BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::FrameInParent() const { return fFrame.OffsetByCopy(-fParent->Frame().left, -fParent->Frame().top); } status_t BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep) const { BArchiver archiver(into); status_t err = BAbstractLayoutItem::Archive(into, deep); if (err == B_OK) err = into->AddRect(kFrameField, fFrame); return archiver.Finish(err); } BArchivable* BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem::Instantiate(BMessage* from) { if (validate_instantiation(from, "BTextControl::TextViewLayoutItem")) return new TextViewLayoutItem(from); return NULL; } extern "C" void B_IF_GCC_2(InvalidateLayout__12BTextControlb, _ZN12BTextControl16InvalidateLayoutEb)(BView* view, bool descendants) { perform_data_layout_invalidated data; data.descendants = descendants; view->Perform(PERFORM_CODE_LAYOUT_INVALIDATED, &data); }