/* * Copyright 2001-2013 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Marc Flerackers (mflerackers@androme.be) * Jérôme Duval (korli@users.berlios.de) * Stephan Aßmus * Artur Wyszynski * Rene Gollent (rene@gollent.com) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::nothrow; static property_info sPropertyList[] = { { "Selection", { B_GET_PROPERTY, B_SET_PROPERTY }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER }, NULL, 0, { B_INT32_TYPE } }, {} }; BTab::BTab(BView* tabView) : fEnabled(true), fSelected(false), fFocus(false), fView(tabView) { } BTab::BTab(BMessage* archive) : BArchivable(archive), fSelected(false), fFocus(false), fView(NULL) { bool disable; if (archive->FindBool("_disable", &disable) != B_OK) SetEnabled(true); else SetEnabled(!disable); } BTab::~BTab() { if (!fView) return; if (fSelected) fView->RemoveSelf(); delete fView; } BArchivable* BTab::Instantiate(BMessage* archive) { if (validate_instantiation(archive, "BTab")) return new BTab(archive); return NULL; } status_t BTab::Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep) const { status_t result = BArchivable::Archive(data, deep); if (result != B_OK) return result; if (!fEnabled) result = data->AddBool("_disable", false); return result; } status_t BTab::Perform(uint32 d, void* arg) { return BArchivable::Perform(d, arg); } const char* BTab::Label() const { if (fView) return fView->Name(); else return NULL; } void BTab::SetLabel(const char* label) { if (!label || !fView) return; fView->SetName(label); } bool BTab::IsSelected() const { return fSelected; } void BTab::Select(BView* owner) { // TODO: Shouldn't we still maintain fSelected like in Deselect()? if (!owner || !View() || !owner->Window()) return; // NOTE: Views are not added/removed, if there is layout, // they are made visible/invisible in that case. if (!owner->GetLayout() && View()->Parent() == NULL) owner->AddChild(fView); fSelected = true; } void BTab::Deselect() { if (View()) { // NOTE: Views are not added/removed, if there is layout, // they are made visible/invisible in that case. bool removeView = false; BView* container = View()->Parent(); if (container) removeView = dynamic_cast(container->GetLayout()) == NULL; if (removeView) View()->RemoveSelf(); } fSelected = false; } void BTab::SetEnabled(bool enable) { fEnabled = enable; } bool BTab::IsEnabled() const { return fEnabled; } void BTab::MakeFocus(bool focus) { fFocus = focus; } bool BTab::IsFocus() const { return fFocus; } void BTab::SetView(BView* view) { if (!view || fView == view) return; if (fView != NULL) { fView->RemoveSelf(); delete fView; } fView = view; } BView* BTab::View() const { return fView; } void BTab::DrawFocusMark(BView* owner, BRect frame) { float width = owner->StringWidth(Label()); owner->SetHighColor(ui_color(B_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION_COLOR)); float offset = IsSelected() ? 3 : 2; owner->StrokeLine(BPoint((frame.left + frame.right - width) / 2.0, frame.bottom - offset), BPoint((frame.left + frame.right + width) / 2.0, frame.bottom - offset)); } void BTab::DrawLabel(BView* owner, BRect frame) { be_control_look->DrawLabel(owner, Label(), frame, frame, ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR), IsEnabled() ? 0 : BPrivate::BControlLook::B_DISABLED, BAlignment(B_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER)); } void BTab::DrawTab(BView* owner, BRect frame, tab_position position, bool full) { rgb_color no_tint = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER | BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER; if (frame.left == owner->Bounds().left) borders |= BControlLook::B_LEFT_BORDER; if (frame.right == owner->Bounds().right) borders |= BControlLook::B_RIGHT_BORDER; if (position == B_TAB_FRONT) { frame.bottom += 1; be_control_look->DrawActiveTab(owner, frame, frame, no_tint, 0, borders); } else { be_control_look->DrawInactiveTab(owner, frame, frame, no_tint, 0, borders); } DrawLabel(owner, frame); } // #pragma mark - FBC padding and private methods void BTab::_ReservedTab1() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab2() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab3() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab4() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab5() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab6() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab7() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab8() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab9() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab10() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab11() {} void BTab::_ReservedTab12() {} BTab &BTab::operator=(const BTab &) { // this is private and not functional, but exported return *this; } // #pragma mark - BTabView BTabView::BTabView(const char* name, button_width width, uint32 flags) : BView(name, flags) { _InitObject(true, width); } BTabView::BTabView(BRect frame, const char* name, button_width width, uint32 resizeMask, uint32 flags) : BView(frame, name, resizeMask, flags) { _InitObject(false, width); } BTabView::~BTabView() { for (int32 i = 0; i < CountTabs(); i++) delete TabAt(i); delete fTabList; } BTabView::BTabView(BMessage* archive) : BView(BUnarchiver::PrepareArchive(archive)), fTabList(new BList), fContainerView(NULL), fFocus(-1) { BUnarchiver unarchiver(archive); int16 width; if (archive->FindInt16("_but_width", &width) == B_OK) fTabWidthSetting = (button_width)width; else fTabWidthSetting = B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL; if (archive->FindFloat("_high", &fTabHeight) != B_OK) { font_height fh; GetFontHeight(&fh); fTabHeight = fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading + 8.0f; } if (archive->FindInt32("_sel", &fSelection) != B_OK) fSelection = -1; if (archive->FindInt32("_border_style", (int32*)&fBorderStyle) != B_OK) fBorderStyle = B_FANCY_BORDER; int32 i = 0; BMessage tabMsg; if (BUnarchiver::IsArchiveManaged(archive)) { int32 tabCount; archive->GetInfo("_l_items", NULL, &tabCount); for (int32 i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { unarchiver.EnsureUnarchived("_l_items", i); unarchiver.EnsureUnarchived("_view_list", i); } return; } fContainerView = ChildAt(0); _InitContainerView(Flags() & B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT); while (archive->FindMessage("_l_items", i, &tabMsg) == B_OK) { BArchivable* archivedTab = instantiate_object(&tabMsg); if (archivedTab) { BTab* tab = dynamic_cast(archivedTab); BMessage viewMsg; if (archive->FindMessage("_view_list", i, &viewMsg) == B_OK) { BArchivable* archivedView = instantiate_object(&viewMsg); if (archivedView) AddTab(dynamic_cast(archivedView), tab); } } tabMsg.MakeEmpty(); i++; } } BArchivable* BTabView::Instantiate(BMessage* archive) { if ( validate_instantiation(archive, "BTabView")) return new BTabView(archive); return NULL; } status_t BTabView::Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep) const { BArchiver archiver(archive); status_t result = BView::Archive(archive, deep); if (result == B_OK) result = archive->AddInt16("_but_width", fTabWidthSetting); if (result == B_OK) result = archive->AddFloat("_high", fTabHeight); if (result == B_OK) result = archive->AddInt32("_sel", fSelection); if (result == B_OK && fBorderStyle != B_FANCY_BORDER) result = archive->AddInt32("_border_style", fBorderStyle); if (result == B_OK && deep) { for (int32 i = 0; i < CountTabs(); i++) { BTab* tab = TabAt(i); if ((result = archiver.AddArchivable("_l_items", tab, deep)) != B_OK) break; result = archiver.AddArchivable("_view_list", tab->View(), deep); } } return archiver.Finish(result); } status_t BTabView::AllUnarchived(const BMessage* archive) { status_t err = BView::AllUnarchived(archive); if (err != B_OK) return err; fContainerView = ChildAt(0); _InitContainerView(Flags() & B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT); BUnarchiver unarchiver(archive); int32 tabCount; archive->GetInfo("_l_items", NULL, &tabCount); for (int32 i = 0; i < tabCount && err == B_OK; i++) { BTab* tab; err = unarchiver.FindObject("_l_items", i, tab); if (err == B_OK && tab) { BView* view; if ((err = unarchiver.FindObject("_view_list", i, BUnarchiver::B_DONT_ASSUME_OWNERSHIP, view)) != B_OK) break; tab->SetView(view); fTabList->AddItem(tab); } } if (err == B_OK) Select(fSelection); return err; } status_t BTabView::Perform(perform_code code, void* _data) { switch (code) { case PERFORM_CODE_ALL_UNARCHIVED: { perform_data_all_unarchived* data = (perform_data_all_unarchived*)_data; data->return_value = BTabView::AllUnarchived(data->archive); return B_OK; } } return BView::Perform(code, _data); } void BTabView::AttachedToWindow() { BView::AttachedToWindow(); if (fSelection < 0) Select(0); } void BTabView::DetachedFromWindow() { BView::DetachedFromWindow(); } void BTabView::AllAttached() { BView::AllAttached(); } void BTabView::AllDetached() { BView::AllDetached(); } // #pragma mark - void BTabView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case B_GET_PROPERTY: case B_SET_PROPERTY: { BMessage reply(B_REPLY); bool handled = false; BMessage specifier; int32 index; int32 form; const char* property; if (message->GetCurrentSpecifier(&index, &specifier, &form, &property) == B_OK) { if (strcmp(property, "Selection") == 0) { if (message->what == B_GET_PROPERTY) { reply.AddInt32("result", fSelection); handled = true; } else { // B_GET_PROPERTY int32 selection; if (message->FindInt32("data", &selection) == B_OK) { Select(selection); reply.AddInt32("error", B_OK); handled = true; } } } } if (handled) message->SendReply(&reply); else BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } #if 0 case B_MOUSE_WHEEL_CHANGED: { float deltaX = 0.0f; float deltaY = 0.0f; message->FindFloat("be:wheel_delta_x", &deltaX); message->FindFloat("be:wheel_delta_y", &deltaY); if (deltaX == 0.0f && deltaY == 0.0f) return; if (deltaY == 0.0f) deltaY = deltaX; int32 selection = Selection(); int32 numTabs = CountTabs(); if (deltaY > 0 && selection < numTabs - 1) { // move to the right tab. Select(Selection() + 1); } else if (deltaY < 0 && selection > 0 && numTabs > 1) { // move to the left tab. Select(selection - 1); } break; } #endif default: BView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void BTabView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { if (IsHidden()) return; switch (bytes[0]) { case B_DOWN_ARROW: case B_LEFT_ARROW: { int32 focus = fFocus - 1; if (focus < 0) focus = CountTabs() - 1; SetFocusTab(focus, true); break; } case B_UP_ARROW: case B_RIGHT_ARROW: { int32 focus = fFocus + 1; if (focus >= CountTabs()) focus = 0; SetFocusTab(focus, true); break; } case B_RETURN: case B_SPACE: Select(FocusTab()); break; default: BView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); } } void BTabView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { if (where.y > fTabHeight) return; for (int32 i = 0; i < CountTabs(); i++) { if (TabFrame(i).Contains(where) && i != Selection()) { Select(i); return; } } BView::MouseDown(where); } void BTabView::MouseUp(BPoint where) { BView::MouseUp(where); } void BTabView::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 transit, const BMessage* dragMessage) { BView::MouseMoved(where, transit, dragMessage); } void BTabView::Pulse() { BView::Pulse(); } void BTabView::Select(int32 index) { if (index == Selection()) return; if (index < 0 || index >= CountTabs()) index = Selection(); BTab* tab = TabAt(Selection()); if (tab) tab->Deselect(); tab = TabAt(index); if (tab && ContainerView()) { if (index == 0) fTabOffset = 0.0f; tab->Select(ContainerView()); fSelection = index; // make the view visible through the layout if there is one BCardLayout* layout = dynamic_cast(fContainerView->GetLayout()); if (layout) layout->SetVisibleItem(index); } Invalidate(); if (index != 0 && !Bounds().Contains(TabFrame(index))){ if (!Bounds().Contains(TabFrame(index).LeftTop())) fTabOffset += TabFrame(index).left - Bounds().left - 20.0f; else fTabOffset += TabFrame(index).right - Bounds().right + 20.0f; Invalidate(); } SetFocusTab(index, true); } int32 BTabView::Selection() const { return fSelection; } void BTabView::WindowActivated(bool active) { BView::WindowActivated(active); if (IsFocus()) Invalidate(); } void BTabView::MakeFocus(bool focus) { BView::MakeFocus(focus); SetFocusTab(Selection(), focus); } void BTabView::SetFocusTab(int32 tab, bool focus) { if (tab >= CountTabs()) tab = 0; if (tab < 0) tab = CountTabs() - 1; if (focus) { if (tab == fFocus) return; if (fFocus != -1){ if (TabAt (fFocus) != NULL) TabAt(fFocus)->MakeFocus(false); Invalidate(TabFrame(fFocus)); } if (TabAt(tab) != NULL){ TabAt(tab)->MakeFocus(true); Invalidate(TabFrame(tab)); fFocus = tab; } } else if (fFocus != -1) { TabAt(fFocus)->MakeFocus(false); Invalidate(TabFrame(fFocus)); fFocus = -1; } } int32 BTabView::FocusTab() const { return fFocus; } void BTabView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (be_control_look != NULL) { DrawBox(TabFrame(fSelection)); DrawTabs(); } else DrawBox(DrawTabs()); if (IsFocus() && fFocus != -1) TabAt(fFocus)->DrawFocusMark(this, TabFrame(fFocus)); } BRect BTabView::DrawTabs() { float left = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < CountTabs(); i++) { BRect tabFrame = TabFrame(i); TabAt(i)->DrawTab(this, tabFrame, i == fSelection ? B_TAB_FRONT : (i == 0) ? B_TAB_FIRST : B_TAB_ANY, i + 1 != fSelection); left = tabFrame.right; } if (be_control_look != NULL) { BRect frame(Bounds()); if (fBorderStyle == B_PLAIN_BORDER) frame.right += 1; else if (fBorderStyle == B_NO_BORDER) frame.right += 2; if (left < frame.right) { frame.left = left; frame.bottom = fTabHeight; rgb_color base = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER | BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER | BControlLook::B_RIGHT_BORDER; if (left == 0) borders |= BControlLook::B_LEFT_BORDER; be_control_look->DrawInactiveTab(this, frame, frame, base, 0, borders); } if (fBorderStyle == B_NO_BORDER) { // Draw a small inactive area before first tab. frame = Bounds(); frame.right = 0.0f; // one pixel wide frame.bottom = fTabHeight; rgb_color base = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER | BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER; be_control_look->DrawInactiveTab(this, frame, frame, base, 0, borders); } } if (fSelection < CountTabs()) return TabFrame(fSelection); return BRect(); } void BTabView::DrawBox(BRect selTabRect) { if (be_control_look != NULL) { BRect rect(Bounds()); rect.top = selTabRect.bottom; if (fBorderStyle != B_FANCY_BORDER) rect.top += 1.0f; rgb_color base = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); if (fBorderStyle == B_FANCY_BORDER) be_control_look->DrawGroupFrame(this, rect, rect, base); else { uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER; if (fBorderStyle == B_PLAIN_BORDER) borders = BControlLook::B_ALL_BORDERS; be_control_look->DrawBorder(this, rect, rect, base, B_PLAIN_BORDER, 0, borders); } return; } BRect rect = Bounds(); BRect lastTabRect = TabFrame(CountTabs() - 1); rgb_color noTint = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); rgb_color lightenMax = tint_color(noTint, B_LIGHTEN_MAX_TINT); rgb_color darken1 = tint_color(noTint, B_DARKEN_1_TINT); rgb_color darken2 = tint_color(noTint, B_DARKEN_2_TINT); rgb_color darken4 = tint_color(noTint, B_DARKEN_4_TINT); BeginLineArray(12); int32 offset = (int32)ceilf(selTabRect.Height() / 2.0); // outer lines AddLine(BPoint(rect.left, rect.bottom - 1), BPoint(rect.left, selTabRect.bottom), darken2); if (selTabRect.left >= rect.left + 1) AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 1, selTabRect.bottom), BPoint(selTabRect.left, selTabRect.bottom), darken2); if (lastTabRect.right + offset + 1 <= rect.right - 1) AddLine(BPoint(lastTabRect.right + offset + 1, selTabRect.bottom), BPoint(rect.right - 1, selTabRect.bottom), darken2); AddLine(BPoint(rect.right, selTabRect.bottom + 2), BPoint(rect.right, rect.bottom), darken2); AddLine(BPoint(rect.right - 1, rect.bottom), BPoint(rect.left + 2, rect.bottom), darken2); // inner lines rect.InsetBy(1, 1); selTabRect.bottom += 1; AddLine(BPoint(rect.left, rect.bottom - 2), BPoint(rect.left, selTabRect.bottom), lightenMax); if (selTabRect.left >= rect.left + 1) AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 1, selTabRect.bottom), BPoint(selTabRect.left, selTabRect.bottom), lightenMax); if (selTabRect.right + offset + 1 <= rect.right - 2) AddLine(BPoint(selTabRect.right + offset + 1, selTabRect.bottom), BPoint(rect.right - 2, selTabRect.bottom), lightenMax); AddLine(BPoint(rect.right, selTabRect.bottom), BPoint(rect.right, rect.bottom), darken4); AddLine(BPoint(rect.right - 1, rect.bottom), BPoint(rect.left, rect.bottom), darken4); // soft inner bevel at right/bottom rect.right--; rect.bottom--; AddLine(BPoint(rect.right, selTabRect.bottom + 1), BPoint(rect.right, rect.bottom), darken1); AddLine(BPoint(rect.right - 1, rect.bottom), BPoint(rect.left + 1, rect.bottom), darken1); EndLineArray(); } BRect BTabView::TabFrame(int32 index) const { if (index >= CountTabs() || index < 0) return BRect(); if (be_control_look != NULL) { float width = 100.0f; float height = fTabHeight; float borderOffset = 0.0f; // Do not use 2.0f for B_NO_BORDER, that will look yet different // again (handled in DrawTabs()). if (fBorderStyle == B_PLAIN_BORDER) borderOffset = 1.0f; switch (fTabWidthSetting) { case B_WIDTH_FROM_LABEL: { float x = 0.0f; for (int32 i = 0; i < index; i++){ x += StringWidth(TabAt(i)->Label()) + 20.0f; } return BRect(x - borderOffset, 0.0f, x + StringWidth(TabAt(index)->Label()) + 20.0f - borderOffset, height); } case B_WIDTH_FROM_WIDEST: width = 0.0; for (int32 i = 0; i < CountTabs(); i++) { float tabWidth = StringWidth(TabAt(i)->Label()) + 20.0f; if (tabWidth > width) width = tabWidth; } // fall through case B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL: default: return BRect(index * width - borderOffset, 0.0f, index * width + width - borderOffset, height); } } // TODO: fix to remove "offset" in DrawTab and DrawLabel ... switch (fTabWidthSetting) { case B_WIDTH_FROM_LABEL: { float x = 6.0f; for (int32 i = 0; i < index; i++){ x += StringWidth(TabAt(i)->Label()) + 20.0f; } return BRect(x - fTabOffset, 0.0f, x - fTabOffset + StringWidth(TabAt(index)->Label()) + 20.0f, fTabHeight); } case B_WIDTH_FROM_WIDEST: { float width = 0.0f; for (int32 i = 0; i < CountTabs(); i++) { float tabWidth = StringWidth(TabAt(i)->Label()) + 20.0f; if (tabWidth > width) width = tabWidth; } return BRect((6.0f + index * width) - fTabOffset, 0.0f, (6.0f + index * width + width) - fTabOffset, fTabHeight); } case B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL: default: return BRect((6.0f + index * 100.0f) - fTabOffset, 0.0f, (6.0f + index * 100.0f + 100.0f) - fTabOffset, fTabHeight); } } void BTabView::SetFlags(uint32 flags) { BView::SetFlags(flags); } void BTabView::SetResizingMode(uint32 mode) { BView::SetResizingMode(mode); } // #pragma mark - void BTabView::ResizeToPreferred() { BView::ResizeToPreferred(); } void BTabView::GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height) { BView::GetPreferredSize(_width, _height); } BSize BTabView::MinSize() { BSize size; if (GetLayout()) size = GetLayout()->MinSize(); else { size = _TabsMinSize(); BSize containerSize = fContainerView->MinSize(); containerSize.width += 2 * _BorderWidth(); containerSize.height += 2 * _BorderWidth(); if (containerSize.width > size.width) size.width = containerSize.width; size.height += containerSize.height; } return BLayoutUtils::ComposeSize(ExplicitMinSize(), size); } BSize BTabView::MaxSize() { BSize size; if (GetLayout()) size = GetLayout()->MaxSize(); else { size = _TabsMinSize(); BSize containerSize = fContainerView->MaxSize(); containerSize.width += 2 * _BorderWidth(); containerSize.height += 2 * _BorderWidth(); if (containerSize.width > size.width) size.width = containerSize.width; size.height += containerSize.height; } return BLayoutUtils::ComposeSize(ExplicitMaxSize(), size); } BSize BTabView::PreferredSize() { BSize size; if (GetLayout()) size = GetLayout()->PreferredSize(); else { size = _TabsMinSize(); BSize containerSize = fContainerView->PreferredSize(); containerSize.width += 2 * _BorderWidth(); containerSize.height += 2 * _BorderWidth(); if (containerSize.width > size.width) size.width = containerSize.width; size.height += containerSize.height; } return BLayoutUtils::ComposeSize(ExplicitPreferredSize(), size); } void BTabView::FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition) { BView::FrameMoved(newPosition); } void BTabView::FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight) { BView::FrameResized(newWidth, newHeight); } // #pragma mark - BHandler* BTabView::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index, BMessage* specifier, int32 what, const char* property) { BPropertyInfo propInfo(sPropertyList); if (propInfo.FindMatch(message, 0, specifier, what, property) >= B_OK) return this; return BView::ResolveSpecifier(message, index, specifier, what, property); } status_t BTabView::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* message) { message->AddString("suites", "suite/vnd.Be-tab-view"); BPropertyInfo propInfo(sPropertyList); message->AddFlat("messages", &propInfo); return BView::GetSupportedSuites(message); } // #pragma mark - void BTabView::AddTab(BView* target, BTab* tab) { if (tab == NULL) tab = new BTab(target); else tab->SetView(target); if (fContainerView->GetLayout()) fContainerView->GetLayout()->AddView(CountTabs(), target); fTabList->AddItem(tab); // When we haven't had a any tabs before, but are already attached to the // window, select this one. if (CountTabs() == 1 && Window() != NULL) Select(0); } BTab* BTabView::RemoveTab(int32 index) { if (index < 0 || index >= CountTabs()) return NULL; BTab* tab = (BTab*)fTabList->RemoveItem(index); if (tab == NULL) return NULL; tab->Deselect(); if (fContainerView->GetLayout()) fContainerView->GetLayout()->RemoveItem(index); if (CountTabs() == 0) fFocus = -1; else if (index <= fSelection) Select(fSelection - 1); if (fFocus == CountTabs() - 1 || CountTabs() == 0) SetFocusTab(fFocus, false); else SetFocusTab(fFocus, true); return tab; } BTab* BTabView::TabAt(int32 index) const { return (BTab*)fTabList->ItemAt(index); } void BTabView::SetTabWidth(button_width width) { fTabWidthSetting = width; Invalidate(); } button_width BTabView::TabWidth() const { return fTabWidthSetting; } void BTabView::SetTabHeight(float height) { if (fTabHeight == height) return; fTabHeight = height; _LayoutContainerView(GetLayout() != NULL); Invalidate(); } float BTabView::TabHeight() const { return fTabHeight; } void BTabView::SetBorder(border_style border) { if (fBorderStyle == border) return; fBorderStyle = border; _LayoutContainerView((Flags() & B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT) != 0); } border_style BTabView::Border() const { return fBorderStyle; } BView* BTabView::ContainerView() const { return fContainerView; } int32 BTabView::CountTabs() const { return fTabList->CountItems(); } BView* BTabView::ViewForTab(int32 tabIndex) const { BTab* tab = TabAt(tabIndex); if (tab) return tab->View(); return NULL; } void BTabView::_InitObject(bool layouted, button_width width) { if (!be_control_look) SetFont(be_bold_font); fTabList = new BList; fTabWidthSetting = width; fSelection = -1; fFocus = -1; fTabOffset = 0.0f; fBorderStyle = B_FANCY_BORDER; rgb_color color = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetViewColor(color); SetLowColor(color); font_height fh; GetFontHeight(&fh); fTabHeight = fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading + 8.0f; fContainerView = NULL; _InitContainerView(layouted); } void BTabView::_InitContainerView(bool layouted) { bool needsLayout = false; bool createdContainer = false; if (layouted) { if (!GetLayout()) { SetLayout(new(nothrow) BGroupLayout(B_HORIZONTAL)); needsLayout = true; } if (!fContainerView) { fContainerView = new BView("view container", B_WILL_DRAW); fContainerView->SetLayout(new(std::nothrow) BCardLayout()); createdContainer = true; } } else if (!fContainerView) { fContainerView = new BView(Bounds(), "view container", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); createdContainer = true; } if (needsLayout || createdContainer) _LayoutContainerView(layouted); if (createdContainer) { fContainerView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); fContainerView->SetLowColor(fContainerView->ViewColor()); AddChild(fContainerView); } } BSize BTabView::_TabsMinSize() const { BSize size(0.0f, TabHeight()); int32 count = min_c(2, CountTabs()); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BRect frame = TabFrame(i); size.width += frame.Width(); } if (count < CountTabs()) { // TODO: Add size for yet to be implemented buttons that allow // "scrolling" the displayed tabs left/right. } return size; } float BTabView::_BorderWidth() const { switch (fBorderStyle) { default: case B_FANCY_BORDER: return 3.0f; case B_PLAIN_BORDER: return 1.0f; case B_NO_BORDER: return 0.0f; } } void BTabView::_LayoutContainerView(bool layouted) { float borderWidth = _BorderWidth(); if (layouted) { float topBorderOffset; switch (fBorderStyle) { default: case B_FANCY_BORDER: topBorderOffset = 1.0f; break; case B_PLAIN_BORDER: topBorderOffset = 0.0f; break; case B_NO_BORDER: topBorderOffset = -1.0f; break; } BGroupLayout* layout = dynamic_cast(GetLayout()); if (layout) { layout->SetInsets(borderWidth, borderWidth + TabHeight() - topBorderOffset, borderWidth, borderWidth); } } else { BRect bounds = Bounds(); bounds.top += TabHeight(); bounds.InsetBy(borderWidth, borderWidth); fContainerView->MoveTo(bounds.left, bounds.top); fContainerView->ResizeTo(bounds.Width(), bounds.Height()); } } // #pragma mark - FBC and forbidden void BTabView::_ReservedTabView2() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView3() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView4() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView5() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView6() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView7() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView8() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView9() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView10() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView11() {} void BTabView::_ReservedTabView12() {} BTabView::BTabView(const BTabView& tabView) : BView(tabView) { // this is private and not functional, but exported } BTabView& BTabView::operator=(const BTabView&) { // this is private and not functional, but exported return *this; } // #pragma mark - binary compatibility extern "C" void B_IF_GCC_2(_ReservedTabView1__8BTabView, _ZN8BTabView17_ReservedTabView1Ev)( BTabView* tabView, border_style border) { tabView->BTabView::SetBorder(border); }