/* * Copyright 2006-2009, Ingo Weinhold . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "SplitLayout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OneElementLayouter.h" #include "SimpleLayouter.h" using std::nothrow; // archivng constants namespace { const char* const kItemCollapsibleField = "BSplitLayout:item:collapsible"; const char* const kItemWeightField = "BSplitLayout:item:weight"; const char* const kSpacingField = "BSplitLayout:spacing"; const char* const kSplitterSizeField = "BSplitLayout:splitterSize"; const char* const kIsVerticalField = "BSplitLayout:vertical"; const char* const kInsetsField = "BSplitLayout:insets"; } class BSplitLayout::ItemLayoutInfo { public: float weight; BRect layoutFrame; BSize min; BSize max; bool isVisible; bool isCollapsible; ItemLayoutInfo() : weight(1.0f), layoutFrame(0, 0, -1, -1), min(), max(), isVisible(true), isCollapsible(true) { } }; class BSplitLayout::ValueRange { public: int32 sumValue; // including spacing int32 previousMin; int32 previousMax; int32 previousSize; int32 nextMin; int32 nextMax; int32 nextSize; }; class BSplitLayout::SplitterItem : public BLayoutItem { public: SplitterItem(BSplitLayout* layout) : fLayout(layout), fFrame() { } virtual BSize MinSize() { if (fLayout->Orientation() == B_HORIZONTAL) return BSize(fLayout->SplitterSize() - 1, -1); else return BSize(-1, fLayout->SplitterSize() - 1); } virtual BSize MaxSize() { if (fLayout->Orientation() == B_HORIZONTAL) return BSize(fLayout->SplitterSize() - 1, B_SIZE_UNLIMITED); else return BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, fLayout->SplitterSize() - 1); } virtual BSize PreferredSize() { return MinSize(); } virtual BAlignment Alignment() { return BAlignment(B_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER); } virtual void SetExplicitMinSize(BSize size) { // not allowed } virtual void SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize size) { // not allowed } virtual void SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize size) { // not allowed } virtual void SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment alignment) { // not allowed } virtual bool IsVisible() { return true; } virtual void SetVisible(bool visible) { // not allowed } virtual BRect Frame() { return fFrame; } virtual void SetFrame(BRect frame) { fFrame = frame; } private: BSplitLayout* fLayout; BRect fFrame; }; // #pragma mark - BSplitLayout::BSplitLayout(enum orientation orientation, float spacing) : fOrientation(orientation), fLeftInset(0), fRightInset(0), fTopInset(0), fBottomInset(0), fSplitterSize(6), fSpacing(spacing), fSplitterItems(), fVisibleItems(), fMin(), fMax(), fPreferred(), fHorizontalLayouter(NULL), fVerticalLayouter(NULL), fHorizontalLayoutInfo(NULL), fVerticalLayoutInfo(NULL), fHeightForWidthItems(), fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouter(NULL), fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo(NULL), fLayoutValid(false), fCachedHeightForWidthWidth(-2), fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouterWidth(-2), fCachedMinHeightForWidth(-1), fCachedMaxHeightForWidth(-1), fCachedPreferredHeightForWidth(-1), fDraggingStartPoint(), fDraggingStartValue(0), fDraggingCurrentValue(0), fDraggingSplitterIndex(-1) { } BSplitLayout::BSplitLayout(BMessage* from) : BLayout(BUnarchiver::PrepareArchive(from)), fSplitterItems(), fVisibleItems(), fMin(), fMax(), fPreferred(), fHorizontalLayouter(NULL), fVerticalLayouter(NULL), fHorizontalLayoutInfo(NULL), fVerticalLayoutInfo(NULL), fHeightForWidthItems(), fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouter(NULL), fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo(NULL), fLayoutValid(false), fCachedHeightForWidthWidth(-2), fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouterWidth(-2), fCachedMinHeightForWidth(-1), fCachedMaxHeightForWidth(-1), fCachedPreferredHeightForWidth(-1), fDraggingStartPoint(), fDraggingStartValue(0), fDraggingCurrentValue(0), fDraggingSplitterIndex(-1) { BUnarchiver unarchiver(from); bool isVertical; status_t err = from->FindBool(kIsVerticalField, &isVertical); if (err != B_OK) { unarchiver.Finish(err); return; } fOrientation = (isVertical) ? B_VERTICAL : B_HORIZONTAL ; BRect insets; err = from->FindRect(kInsetsField, &insets); if (err != B_OK) { unarchiver.Finish(err); return; } SetInsets(insets.left, insets.top, insets.right, insets.bottom); err = from->FindFloat(kSplitterSizeField, &fSplitterSize); if (err == B_OK) err = from->FindFloat(kSpacingField, &fSpacing); unarchiver.Finish(err); } BSplitLayout::~BSplitLayout() { } void BSplitLayout::SetInsets(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { fLeftInset = left; fTopInset = top; fRightInset = right; fBottomInset = bottom; InvalidateLayout(); } void BSplitLayout::GetInsets(float* left, float* top, float* right, float* bottom) const { if (left) *left = fLeftInset; if (top) *top = fTopInset; if (right) *right = fRightInset; if (bottom) *bottom = fBottomInset; } float BSplitLayout::Spacing() const { return fSpacing; } void BSplitLayout::SetSpacing(float spacing) { if (spacing != fSpacing) { fSpacing = spacing; InvalidateLayout(); } } orientation BSplitLayout::Orientation() const { return fOrientation; } void BSplitLayout::SetOrientation(enum orientation orientation) { if (orientation != fOrientation) { fOrientation = orientation; InvalidateLayout(); } } float BSplitLayout::SplitterSize() const { return fSplitterSize; } void BSplitLayout::SetSplitterSize(float size) { if (size != fSplitterSize) { fSplitterSize = size; InvalidateLayout(); } } BLayoutItem* BSplitLayout::AddView(BView* child) { return BLayout::AddView(child); } BLayoutItem* BSplitLayout::AddView(int32 index, BView* child) { return BLayout::AddView(index, child); } BLayoutItem* BSplitLayout::AddView(BView* child, float weight) { return AddView(-1, child, weight); } BLayoutItem* BSplitLayout::AddView(int32 index, BView* child, float weight) { BLayoutItem* item = AddView(index, child); if (item) SetItemWeight(item, weight); return item; } bool BSplitLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem* item) { return BLayout::AddItem(item); } bool BSplitLayout::AddItem(int32 index, BLayoutItem* item) { return BLayout::AddItem(index, item); } bool BSplitLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem* item, float weight) { return AddItem(-1, item, weight); } bool BSplitLayout::AddItem(int32 index, BLayoutItem* item, float weight) { bool success = AddItem(index, item); if (success) SetItemWeight(item, weight); return success; } float BSplitLayout::ItemWeight(int32 index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= CountItems()) return 0; return ItemWeight(ItemAt(index)); } float BSplitLayout::ItemWeight(BLayoutItem* item) const { if (ItemLayoutInfo* info = _ItemLayoutInfo(item)) return info->weight; return 0; } void BSplitLayout::SetItemWeight(int32 index, float weight, bool invalidateLayout) { if (index < 0 || index >= CountItems()) return; BLayoutItem* item = ItemAt(index); SetItemWeight(item, weight); if (fHorizontalLayouter) { int32 visibleIndex = fVisibleItems.IndexOf(item); if (visibleIndex >= 0) { if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) fHorizontalLayouter->SetWeight(visibleIndex, weight); else fVerticalLayouter->SetWeight(visibleIndex, weight); } } if (invalidateLayout) InvalidateLayout(); } void BSplitLayout::SetItemWeight(BLayoutItem* item, float weight) { if (ItemLayoutInfo* info = _ItemLayoutInfo(item)) info->weight = weight; } void BSplitLayout::SetCollapsible(bool collapsible) { SetCollapsible(0, CountItems() - 1, collapsible); } void BSplitLayout::SetCollapsible(int32 index, bool collapsible) { SetCollapsible(index, index, collapsible); } void BSplitLayout::SetCollapsible(int32 first, int32 last, bool collapsible) { if (first < 0) first = 0; if (last < 0 || last > CountItems()) last = CountItems() - 1; for (int32 i = first; i <= last; i++) _ItemLayoutInfo(ItemAt(i))->isCollapsible = collapsible; } BSize BSplitLayout::MinSize() { _ValidateMinMax(); return _AddInsets(fMin); } BSize BSplitLayout::MaxSize() { _ValidateMinMax(); return _AddInsets(fMax); } BSize BSplitLayout::PreferredSize() { _ValidateMinMax(); return _AddInsets(fPreferred); } BAlignment BSplitLayout::Alignment() { return BAlignment(B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT); } bool BSplitLayout::HasHeightForWidth() { _ValidateMinMax(); return !fHeightForWidthItems.IsEmpty(); } void BSplitLayout::GetHeightForWidth(float width, float* min, float* max, float* preferred) { if (!HasHeightForWidth()) return; float innerWidth = _SubtractInsets(BSize(width, 0)).width; _InternalGetHeightForWidth(innerWidth, false, min, max, preferred); _AddInsets(min, max, preferred); } void BSplitLayout::InvalidateLayout() { _InvalidateLayout(true); } void BSplitLayout::LayoutView() { _ValidateMinMax(); // layout the elements BSize size = _SubtractInsets(View()->Bounds().Size()); fHorizontalLayouter->Layout(fHorizontalLayoutInfo, size.width); Layouter* verticalLayouter; if (HasHeightForWidth()) { float minHeight, maxHeight, preferredHeight; _InternalGetHeightForWidth(size.width, true, &minHeight, &maxHeight, &preferredHeight); size.height = max_c(size.height, minHeight); verticalLayouter = fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouter; } else verticalLayouter = fVerticalLayouter; verticalLayouter->Layout(fVerticalLayoutInfo, size.height); float xOffset = fLeftInset; float yOffset = fTopInset; float splitterWidth = 0; // pixel counts, no distances float splitterHeight = 0; // float xSpacing = 0; float ySpacing = 0; if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) { splitterWidth = fSplitterSize; splitterHeight = size.height + 1; xSpacing = fSpacing; } else { splitterWidth = size.width + 1; splitterHeight = fSplitterSize; ySpacing = fSpacing; } int itemCount = CountItems(); for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { // layout the splitter if (i > 0) { SplitterItem* splitterItem = _SplitterItemAt(i - 1); _LayoutItem(splitterItem, BRect(xOffset, yOffset, xOffset + splitterWidth - 1, yOffset + splitterHeight - 1), true); if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) xOffset += splitterWidth + xSpacing; else yOffset += splitterHeight + ySpacing; } // layout the item BLayoutItem* item = ItemAt(i); int32 visibleIndex = fVisibleItems.IndexOf(item); if (visibleIndex < 0) { _LayoutItem(item, BRect(), false); continue; } // get the dimensions of the item float width = fHorizontalLayoutInfo->ElementSize(visibleIndex); float height = fVerticalLayoutInfo->ElementSize(visibleIndex); // place the component _LayoutItem(item, BRect(xOffset, yOffset, xOffset + width, yOffset + height), true); if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) xOffset += width + xSpacing + 1; else yOffset += height + ySpacing + 1; } fLayoutValid = true; } BRect BSplitLayout::SplitterItemFrame(int32 index) const { if (SplitterItem* item = _SplitterItemAt(index)) return item->Frame(); return BRect(); } bool BSplitLayout::IsAboveSplitter(const BPoint& point) const { return _SplitterItemAt(point) != NULL; } bool BSplitLayout::StartDraggingSplitter(BPoint point) { StopDraggingSplitter(); // Layout must be valid. Bail out, if it isn't. if (!fLayoutValid) return false; // Things shouldn't be draggable, if we have a >= max layout. BSize size = _SubtractInsets(View()->Frame().Size()); if ((fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL && size.width >= fMax.width) || (fOrientation == B_VERTICAL && size.height >= fMax.height)) { return false; } int32 index = -1; if (_SplitterItemAt(point, &index) != NULL) { fDraggingStartPoint = View()->ConvertToScreen(point); fDraggingStartValue = _SplitterValue(index); fDraggingCurrentValue = fDraggingStartValue; fDraggingSplitterIndex = index; return true; } return false; } bool BSplitLayout::DragSplitter(BPoint point) { if (fDraggingSplitterIndex < 0) return false; point = View()->ConvertToScreen(point); int32 valueDiff; if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) valueDiff = int32(point.x - fDraggingStartPoint.x); else valueDiff = int32(point.y - fDraggingStartPoint.y); return _SetSplitterValue(fDraggingSplitterIndex, fDraggingStartValue + valueDiff); } bool BSplitLayout::StopDraggingSplitter() { if (fDraggingSplitterIndex < 0) return false; // update the item weights _UpdateSplitterWeights(); fDraggingSplitterIndex = -1; return true; } int32 BSplitLayout::DraggedSplitter() const { return fDraggingSplitterIndex; } status_t BSplitLayout::Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep) const { BArchiver archiver(into); status_t err = BLayout::Archive(into, deep); if (err == B_OK) err = into->AddBool(kIsVerticalField, fOrientation == B_VERTICAL); if (err == B_OK) { BRect insets(fLeftInset, fTopInset, fRightInset, fBottomInset); err = into->AddRect(kInsetsField, insets); } if (err == B_OK) err = into->AddFloat(kSplitterSizeField, fSplitterSize); if (err == B_OK) err = into->AddFloat(kSpacingField, fSpacing); return archiver.Finish(err); } BArchivable* BSplitLayout::Instantiate(BMessage* from) { if (validate_instantiation(from, "BSplitLayout")) return new(std::nothrow) BSplitLayout(from); return NULL; } status_t BSplitLayout::ItemArchived(BMessage* into, BLayoutItem* item, int32 index) const { ItemLayoutInfo* info = _ItemLayoutInfo(item); status_t err = into->AddFloat(kItemWeightField, info->weight); if (err == B_OK) err = into->AddBool(kItemCollapsibleField, info->isCollapsible); return err; } status_t BSplitLayout::ItemUnarchived(const BMessage* from, BLayoutItem* item, int32 index) { ItemLayoutInfo* info = _ItemLayoutInfo(item); status_t err = from->FindFloat(kItemWeightField, index, &info->weight); if (err == B_OK) { bool* collapsible = &info->isCollapsible; err = from->FindBool(kItemCollapsibleField, index, collapsible); } return err; } bool BSplitLayout::ItemAdded(BLayoutItem* item, int32 atIndex) { ItemLayoutInfo* itemInfo = new(nothrow) ItemLayoutInfo(); if (!itemInfo) return false; if (CountItems() > 1) { SplitterItem* splitter = new(nothrow) SplitterItem(this); ItemLayoutInfo* splitterInfo = new(nothrow) ItemLayoutInfo(); if (!splitter || !splitterInfo || !fSplitterItems.AddItem(splitter)) { delete itemInfo; delete splitter; delete splitterInfo; return false; } splitter->SetLayoutData(splitterInfo); SetItemWeight(splitter, 0); } item->SetLayoutData(itemInfo); SetItemWeight(item, 1); return true; } void BSplitLayout::ItemRemoved(BLayoutItem* item, int32 atIndex) { if (fSplitterItems.CountItems() > 0) { SplitterItem* splitterItem = (SplitterItem*)fSplitterItems.RemoveItem( fSplitterItems.CountItems() - 1); delete _ItemLayoutInfo(splitterItem); delete splitterItem; } delete _ItemLayoutInfo(item); item->SetLayoutData(NULL); } void BSplitLayout::_InvalidateLayout(bool invalidateView) { if (invalidateView) BLayout::InvalidateLayout(); delete fHorizontalLayouter; delete fVerticalLayouter; delete fHorizontalLayoutInfo; delete fVerticalLayoutInfo; fHorizontalLayouter = NULL; fVerticalLayouter = NULL; fHorizontalLayoutInfo = NULL; fVerticalLayoutInfo = NULL; _InvalidateCachedHeightForWidth(); fLayoutValid = false; } void BSplitLayout::_InvalidateCachedHeightForWidth() { delete fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouter; delete fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo; fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouter = NULL; fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo = NULL; fCachedHeightForWidthWidth = -2; fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouterWidth = -2; } BSplitLayout::SplitterItem* BSplitLayout::_SplitterItemAt(const BPoint& point, int32* index) const { int32 splitterCount = fSplitterItems.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < splitterCount; i++) { SplitterItem* splitItem = _SplitterItemAt(i); BRect frame = splitItem->Frame(); if (frame.Contains(point)) { if (index != NULL) *index = i; return splitItem; } } return NULL; } BSplitLayout::SplitterItem* BSplitLayout::_SplitterItemAt(int32 index) const { return (SplitterItem*)fSplitterItems.ItemAt(index); } void BSplitLayout::_GetSplitterValueRange(int32 index, ValueRange& range) { ItemLayoutInfo* previousInfo = _ItemLayoutInfo(ItemAt(index)); ItemLayoutInfo* nextInfo = _ItemLayoutInfo(ItemAt(index + 1)); if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) { range.previousMin = (int32)previousInfo->min.width + 1; range.previousMax = (int32)previousInfo->max.width + 1; range.previousSize = previousInfo->layoutFrame.IntegerWidth() + 1; range.nextMin = (int32)nextInfo->min.width + 1; range.nextMax = (int32)nextInfo->max.width + 1; range.nextSize = nextInfo->layoutFrame.IntegerWidth() + 1; } else { range.previousMin = (int32)previousInfo->min.height + 1; range.previousMax = (int32)previousInfo->max.height + 1; range.previousSize = previousInfo->layoutFrame.IntegerHeight() + 1; range.nextMin = (int32)nextInfo->min.height + 1; range.nextMax = (int32)nextInfo->max.height + 1; range.nextSize = (int32)nextInfo->layoutFrame.IntegerHeight() + 1; } range.sumValue = range.previousSize + range.nextSize; if (previousInfo->isVisible) range.sumValue += (int32)fSpacing; if (nextInfo->isVisible) range.sumValue += (int32)fSpacing; } int32 BSplitLayout::_SplitterValue(int32 index) const { ItemLayoutInfo* info = _ItemLayoutInfo(ItemAt(index)); if (info && info->isVisible) { if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) return info->layoutFrame.IntegerWidth() + 1 + (int32)fSpacing; else return info->layoutFrame.IntegerHeight() + 1 + (int32)fSpacing; } else return 0; } void BSplitLayout::_LayoutItem(BLayoutItem* item, BRect frame, bool visible) { // update the layout frame ItemLayoutInfo* info = _ItemLayoutInfo(item); info->isVisible = visible; if (visible) info->layoutFrame = frame; else info->layoutFrame = BRect(0, 0, -1, -1); // update min/max info->min = item->MinSize(); info->max = item->MaxSize(); if (item->HasHeightForWidth()) { BSize size = _SubtractInsets(View()->Frame().Size()); float minHeight, maxHeight; item->GetHeightForWidth(size.width, &minHeight, &maxHeight, NULL); info->min.height = max_c(info->min.height, minHeight); info->max.height = min_c(info->max.height, maxHeight); } // layout the item if (visible) item->AlignInFrame(frame); } void BSplitLayout::_LayoutItem(BLayoutItem* item, ItemLayoutInfo* info) { // update the visibility of the item bool isVisible = item->IsVisible(); bool visibilityChanged = (info->isVisible != isVisible); if (visibilityChanged) item->SetVisible(info->isVisible); // nothing more to do, if the item is not visible if (!info->isVisible) return; item->AlignInFrame(info->layoutFrame); // if the item became visible, we need to update its internal layout if (visibilityChanged) { if (BView* itemView = item->View()) itemView->Layout(false); } } bool BSplitLayout::_SetSplitterValue(int32 index, int32 value) { // if both items are collapsed, nothing can be dragged BLayoutItem* previousItem = ItemAt(index); BLayoutItem* nextItem = ItemAt(index + 1); ItemLayoutInfo* previousInfo = _ItemLayoutInfo(previousItem); ItemLayoutInfo* nextInfo = _ItemLayoutInfo(nextItem); ItemLayoutInfo* splitterInfo = _ItemLayoutInfo(_SplitterItemAt(index)); bool previousVisible = previousInfo->isVisible; bool nextVisible = nextInfo->isVisible; if (!previousVisible && !nextVisible) return false; ValueRange range; _GetSplitterValueRange(index, range); value = max_c(min_c(value, range.sumValue), -(int32)fSpacing); int32 previousSize = value - (int32)fSpacing; int32 nextSize = range.sumValue - value - (int32)fSpacing; // Note: While this collapsed-check is mathmatically correct (i.e. we // collapse an item, if it would become smaller than half its minimum // size), we might want to change it, since for the user it looks like // collapsing happens earlier. The reason being that the only visual mark // the user has is the mouse cursor which indeed hasn't crossed the middle // of the item yet. bool previousCollapsed = (previousSize <= range.previousMin / 2) && previousInfo->isCollapsible; bool nextCollapsed = (nextSize <= range.nextMin / 2) && nextInfo->isCollapsible; if (previousCollapsed && nextCollapsed) { // we cannot collapse both items; we have to decide for one if (previousSize < nextSize) { // collapse previous nextCollapsed = false; nextSize = range.sumValue - (int32)fSpacing; } else { // collapse next previousCollapsed = false; previousSize = range.sumValue - (int32)fSpacing; } } if (previousCollapsed || nextCollapsed) { // one collapsed item -- check whether that violates the constraints // of the other one int32 availableSpace = range.sumValue - (int32)fSpacing; if (previousCollapsed) { if (availableSpace < range.nextMin || availableSpace > range.nextMax) { // we cannot collapse the previous item previousCollapsed = false; } } else { if (availableSpace < range.previousMin || availableSpace > range.previousMax) { // we cannot collapse the next item nextCollapsed = false; } } } if (!(previousCollapsed || nextCollapsed)) { // no collapsed item -- check whether there is a close solution previousSize = value - (int32)fSpacing; nextSize = range.sumValue - value - (int32)fSpacing; if (range.previousMin + range.nextMin + 2 * fSpacing > range.sumValue) { // we don't have enough space to uncollapse both items int32 availableSpace = range.sumValue - (int32)fSpacing; if (previousSize < nextSize && availableSpace >= range.nextMin && availableSpace <= range.nextMax && previousInfo->isCollapsible) { previousCollapsed = true; } else if (availableSpace >= range.previousMin && availableSpace <= range.previousMax && nextInfo->isCollapsible) { nextCollapsed = true; } else if (availableSpace >= range.nextMin && availableSpace <= range.nextMax && previousInfo->isCollapsible) { previousCollapsed = true; } else { if (previousSize < nextSize && previousInfo->isCollapsible) { previousCollapsed = true; } else if (nextInfo->isCollapsible) { nextCollapsed = true; } else { // Neither item is collapsible although there's not enough // space: Give them both their minimum size. previousSize = range.previousMin; nextSize = range.nextMin; } } } else { // there is enough space for both items // make sure the min constraints are satisfied if (previousSize < range.previousMin) { previousSize = range.previousMin; nextSize = range.sumValue - previousSize - 2 * (int32)fSpacing; } else if (nextSize < range.nextMin) { nextSize = range.nextMin; previousSize = range.sumValue - nextSize - 2 * (int32)fSpacing; } // if we can, also satisfy the max constraints if (range.previousMax + range.nextMax + 2 * (int32)fSpacing >= range.sumValue) { if (previousSize > range.previousMax) { previousSize = range.previousMax; nextSize = range.sumValue - previousSize - 2 * (int32)fSpacing; } else if (nextSize > range.nextMax) { nextSize = range.nextMax; previousSize = range.sumValue - nextSize - 2 * (int32)fSpacing; } } } } // compute the size for one collapsed item; for none collapsed item we // already have correct values if (previousCollapsed || nextCollapsed) { int32 availableSpace = range.sumValue - (int32)fSpacing; if (previousCollapsed) { previousSize = 0; nextSize = availableSpace; } else { previousSize = availableSpace; nextSize = 0; } } int32 newValue = previousSize + (previousCollapsed ? 0 : (int32)fSpacing); if (newValue == fDraggingCurrentValue) { // nothing changed return false; } // something changed: we need to recompute the layout int32 baseOffset = -fDraggingCurrentValue; // offset to the current splitter position int32 splitterOffset = baseOffset + newValue; int32 nextOffset = splitterOffset + (int32)fSplitterSize + (int32)fSpacing; BRect splitterFrame(splitterInfo->layoutFrame); if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) { // horizontal layout // previous item float left = splitterFrame.left + baseOffset; previousInfo->layoutFrame.Set( left, splitterFrame.top, left + previousSize - 1, splitterFrame.bottom); // next item left = splitterFrame.left + nextOffset; nextInfo->layoutFrame.Set( left, splitterFrame.top, left + nextSize - 1, splitterFrame.bottom); // splitter splitterInfo->layoutFrame.left += splitterOffset; splitterInfo->layoutFrame.right += splitterOffset; } else { // vertical layout // previous item float top = splitterFrame.top + baseOffset; previousInfo->layoutFrame.Set( splitterFrame.left, top, splitterFrame.right, top + previousSize - 1); // next item top = splitterFrame.top + nextOffset; nextInfo->layoutFrame.Set( splitterFrame.left, top, splitterFrame.right, top + nextSize - 1); // splitter splitterInfo->layoutFrame.top += splitterOffset; splitterInfo->layoutFrame.bottom += splitterOffset; } previousInfo->isVisible = !previousCollapsed; nextInfo->isVisible = !nextCollapsed; bool heightForWidth = (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL && HasHeightForWidth()); // If the item visibility is to be changed, we need to update the splitter // values now, since the visibility change will cause an invalidation. if (previousVisible != previousInfo->isVisible || nextVisible != nextInfo->isVisible || heightForWidth) { _UpdateSplitterWeights(); } // If we have height for width items, we need to invalidate the previous // and the next item. Actually we would only need to invalidate height for // width items, but since non height for width items might be aligned with // height for width items, we need to trigger a layout that creates a // context that spans all aligned items. // We invalidate already here, so that changing the items' size won't cause // an immediate relayout. if (heightForWidth) { previousItem->InvalidateLayout(); nextItem->InvalidateLayout(); } // do the layout _LayoutItem(previousItem, previousInfo); _LayoutItem(_SplitterItemAt(index), splitterInfo); _LayoutItem(nextItem, nextInfo); fDraggingCurrentValue = newValue; return true; } BSplitLayout::ItemLayoutInfo* BSplitLayout::_ItemLayoutInfo(BLayoutItem* item) const { return (ItemLayoutInfo*)item->LayoutData(); } void BSplitLayout::_UpdateSplitterWeights() { int32 count = CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { float weight; if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) weight = _ItemLayoutInfo(ItemAt(i))->layoutFrame.Width() + 1; else weight = _ItemLayoutInfo(ItemAt(i))->layoutFrame.Height() + 1; SetItemWeight(i, weight, false); } // Just updating the splitter weights is fine in principle. The next // LayoutView() will use the correct values. But, if our orientation is // vertical, the cached height for width info needs to be flushed, or the // obsolete cached values will be used. if (fOrientation == B_VERTICAL) _InvalidateCachedHeightForWidth(); } void BSplitLayout::_ValidateMinMax() { if (fHorizontalLayouter != NULL) return; fLayoutValid = false; fVisibleItems.MakeEmpty(); fHeightForWidthItems.MakeEmpty(); _InvalidateCachedHeightForWidth(); // filter the visible items int32 itemCount = CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { BLayoutItem* item = ItemAt(i); if (item->IsVisible()) fVisibleItems.AddItem(item); // Add "height for width" items even, if they aren't visible. Otherwise // we may get our parent into trouble, since we could change from // "height for width" to "not height for width". if (item->HasHeightForWidth()) fHeightForWidthItems.AddItem(item); } itemCount = fVisibleItems.CountItems(); // create the layouters Layouter* itemLayouter = new SimpleLayouter(itemCount, 0); if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) { fHorizontalLayouter = itemLayouter; fVerticalLayouter = new OneElementLayouter(); } else { fHorizontalLayouter = new OneElementLayouter(); fVerticalLayouter = itemLayouter; } // tell the layouters about our constraints if (itemCount > 0) { for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { BLayoutItem* item = (BLayoutItem*)fVisibleItems.ItemAt(i); BSize min = item->MinSize(); BSize max = item->MaxSize(); BSize preferred = item->PreferredSize(); fHorizontalLayouter->AddConstraints(i, 1, min.width, max.width, preferred.width); fVerticalLayouter->AddConstraints(i, 1, min.height, max.height, preferred.height); float weight = ItemWeight(item); fHorizontalLayouter->SetWeight(i, weight); fVerticalLayouter->SetWeight(i, weight); } } fMin.width = fHorizontalLayouter->MinSize(); fMin.height = fVerticalLayouter->MinSize(); fMax.width = fHorizontalLayouter->MaxSize(); fMax.height = fVerticalLayouter->MaxSize(); fPreferred.width = fHorizontalLayouter->PreferredSize(); fPreferred.height = fVerticalLayouter->PreferredSize(); fHorizontalLayoutInfo = fHorizontalLayouter->CreateLayoutInfo(); if (fHeightForWidthItems.IsEmpty()) fVerticalLayoutInfo = fVerticalLayouter->CreateLayoutInfo(); if (BView* view = View()) view->ResetLayoutInvalidation(); } void BSplitLayout::_InternalGetHeightForWidth(float width, bool realLayout, float* minHeight, float* maxHeight, float* preferredHeight) { if ((realLayout && fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouterWidth != width) || (!realLayout && fCachedHeightForWidthWidth != width)) { // The general strategy is to clone the vertical layouter, which only // knows the general min/max constraints, do a horizontal layout for the // given width, and add the children's height for width constraints to // the cloned vertical layouter. If this method is invoked internally, // we keep the cloned vertical layouter, for it will be used for doing // the layout. Otherwise we just drop it after we've got the height for // width info. // clone the vertical layouter and get the horizontal layout info to be used LayoutInfo* horizontalLayoutInfo = NULL; Layouter* verticalLayouter = fVerticalLayouter->CloneLayouter(); if (realLayout) { horizontalLayoutInfo = fHorizontalLayoutInfo; delete fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouter; fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouter = verticalLayouter; delete fVerticalLayoutInfo; fVerticalLayoutInfo = verticalLayouter->CreateLayoutInfo(); fHeightForWidthVerticalLayouterWidth = width; } else { if (fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo == NULL) { delete fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo; fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo = fHorizontalLayouter->CreateLayoutInfo(); } horizontalLayoutInfo = fHeightForWidthHorizontalLayoutInfo; } // do the horizontal layout (already done when doing this for the real // layout) if (!realLayout) fHorizontalLayouter->Layout(horizontalLayoutInfo, width); // add the children's height for width constraints int32 count = fHeightForWidthItems.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { BLayoutItem* item = (BLayoutItem*)fHeightForWidthItems.ItemAt(i); int32 index = fVisibleItems.IndexOf(item); if (index >= 0) { float itemMinHeight, itemMaxHeight, itemPreferredHeight; item->GetHeightForWidth( horizontalLayoutInfo->ElementSize(index), &itemMinHeight, &itemMaxHeight, &itemPreferredHeight); verticalLayouter->AddConstraints(index, 1, itemMinHeight, itemMaxHeight, itemPreferredHeight); } } // get the height for width info fCachedHeightForWidthWidth = width; fCachedMinHeightForWidth = verticalLayouter->MinSize(); fCachedMaxHeightForWidth = verticalLayouter->MaxSize(); fCachedPreferredHeightForWidth = verticalLayouter->PreferredSize(); } if (minHeight) *minHeight = fCachedMinHeightForWidth; if (maxHeight) *maxHeight = fCachedMaxHeightForWidth; if (preferredHeight) *preferredHeight = fCachedPreferredHeightForWidth; } float BSplitLayout::_SplitterSpace() const { int32 splitters = fSplitterItems.CountItems(); float space = 0; if (splitters > 0) { space = (fVisibleItems.CountItems() + splitters - 1) * fSpacing + splitters * fSplitterSize; } return space; } BSize BSplitLayout::_AddInsets(BSize size) { size.width = BLayoutUtils::AddDistances(size.width, fLeftInset + fRightInset - 1); size.height = BLayoutUtils::AddDistances(size.height, fTopInset + fBottomInset - 1); float spacing = _SplitterSpace(); if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) size.width = BLayoutUtils::AddDistances(size.width, spacing - 1); else size.height = BLayoutUtils::AddDistances(size.height, spacing - 1); return size; } void BSplitLayout::_AddInsets(float* minHeight, float* maxHeight, float* preferredHeight) { float insets = fTopInset + fBottomInset - 1; if (fOrientation == B_VERTICAL) insets += _SplitterSpace(); if (minHeight) *minHeight = BLayoutUtils::AddDistances(*minHeight, insets); if (maxHeight) *maxHeight = BLayoutUtils::AddDistances(*maxHeight, insets); if (preferredHeight) *preferredHeight = BLayoutUtils::AddDistances(*preferredHeight, insets); } BSize BSplitLayout::_SubtractInsets(BSize size) { size.width = BLayoutUtils::SubtractDistances(size.width, fLeftInset + fRightInset - 1); size.height = BLayoutUtils::SubtractDistances(size.height, fTopInset + fBottomInset - 1); float spacing = _SplitterSpace(); if (fOrientation == B_HORIZONTAL) size.width = BLayoutUtils::SubtractDistances(size.width, spacing - 1); else size.height = BLayoutUtils::SubtractDistances(size.height, spacing - 1); return size; }