/* * Copyright 2010, Haiku Inc. * Copyright 2006, Ingo Weinhold . * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ViewLayoutItem.h" using std::nothrow; using std::swap; namespace { // flags for our state const uint32 B_LAYOUT_INVALID = 0x80000000UL; // needs layout const uint32 B_LAYOUT_CACHE_INVALID = 0x40000000UL; // needs recalculation const uint32 B_LAYOUT_REQUIRED = 0x20000000UL; // needs layout const uint32 B_LAYOUT_IN_PROGRESS = 0x10000000UL; const uint32 B_LAYOUT_ALL_CLEAR = 0UL; // handy masks to check various states const uint32 B_LAYOUT_INVALIDATION_ILLEGAL = B_LAYOUT_CACHE_INVALID | B_LAYOUT_IN_PROGRESS; const uint32 B_LAYOUT_NECESSARY = B_LAYOUT_INVALID | B_LAYOUT_REQUIRED | B_LAYOUT_CACHE_INVALID; const uint32 B_RELAYOUT_NOT_OK = B_LAYOUT_INVALID | B_LAYOUT_IN_PROGRESS; const char* const kLayoutItemField = "BLayout:items"; } BLayout::BLayout() : fState(B_LAYOUT_ALL_CLEAR), fAncestorsVisible(true), fInvalidationDisabled(0), fContext(NULL), fOwner(NULL), fTarget(NULL), fItems(20) { } BLayout::BLayout(BMessage* from) : BLayoutItem(BUnarchiver::PrepareArchive(from)), fState(B_LAYOUT_ALL_CLEAR), fAncestorsVisible(true), fInvalidationDisabled(0), fContext(NULL), fOwner(NULL), fTarget(NULL), fItems(20) { BUnarchiver unarchiver(from); int32 i = 0; while (unarchiver.EnsureUnarchived(kLayoutItemField, i++) == B_OK) ; } BLayout::~BLayout() { // in case we have a view, but have been added to a layout as a BLayoutItem // we will get deleted before our view, so we should tell it that we're // going, so that we aren't double-freed. if (fOwner && this == fOwner->GetLayout()) fOwner->_LayoutLeft(this); // removes and deletes all items if (fTarget) SetTarget(NULL); } BView* BLayout::Owner() const { return fOwner; } BView* BLayout::TargetView() const { return fTarget; } BView* BLayout::View() { return fOwner; } BLayoutItem* BLayout::AddView(BView* child) { return AddView(-1, child); } BLayoutItem* BLayout::AddView(int32 index, BView* child) { BLayoutItem* item = child->GetLayout(); if (!item) item = new(nothrow) BViewLayoutItem(child); if (item && AddItem(index, item)) return item; if (!child->GetLayout()) delete item; return NULL; } bool BLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem* item) { return AddItem(-1, item); } bool BLayout::AddItem(int32 index, BLayoutItem* item) { if (!fTarget || !item || fItems.HasItem(item)) return false; // if the item refers to a BView, we make sure it is added to the parent // view bool addedView = false; BView* view = item->View(); if (view && view->fParent != fTarget && !(addedView = fTarget->_AddChild(view, NULL))) return false; // validate the index if (index < 0 || index > fItems.CountItems()) index = fItems.CountItems(); if (fItems.AddItem(item, index) && ItemAdded(item, index)) { item->SetLayout(this); if (!fAncestorsVisible) item->AncestorVisibilityChanged(fAncestorsVisible); InvalidateLayout(); return true; } else { // this check is necessary so that if an addition somewhere other // than the end of the list fails, we don't remove the wrong item if (fItems.ItemAt(index) == item) fItems.RemoveItem(index); if (addedView) view->_RemoveSelf(); return false; } } bool BLayout::RemoveView(BView* child) { bool removed = false; // a view can have any number of layout items - we need to remove them all for (int32 i = fItems.CountItems(); i-- > 0;) { BLayoutItem* item = ItemAt(i); if (item->View() != child) continue; RemoveItem(i); removed = true; delete item; } return removed; } bool BLayout::RemoveItem(BLayoutItem* item) { int32 index = IndexOfItem(item); return (index >= 0 ? RemoveItem(index) : false); } BLayoutItem* BLayout::RemoveItem(int32 index) { if (index < 0 || index >= fItems.CountItems()) return NULL; BLayoutItem* item = (BLayoutItem*)fItems.RemoveItem(index); // if the item refers to a BView, we make sure, it is removed from the // parent view BView* view = item->View(); if (view && view->fParent == fTarget) view->_RemoveSelf(); ItemRemoved(item, index); item->SetLayout(NULL); InvalidateLayout(); return item; } BLayoutItem* BLayout::ItemAt(int32 index) const { return (BLayoutItem*)fItems.ItemAt(index); } int32 BLayout::CountItems() const { return fItems.CountItems(); } int32 BLayout::IndexOfItem(const BLayoutItem* item) const { return fItems.IndexOf(item); } int32 BLayout::IndexOfView(BView* child) const { if (child == NULL) return -1; int itemCount = fItems.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { BLayoutItem* item = (BLayoutItem*)fItems.ItemAt(i); if (item->View() == child && (dynamic_cast(item) || dynamic_cast(item))) return i; } return -1; } bool BLayout::AncestorsVisible() { return fAncestorsVisible; } void BLayout::InvalidateLayout(bool children) { // printf("BLayout(%p)::InvalidateLayout(%i) : state %x, disabled %li\n", // this, children, (unsigned int)fState, fInvalidationDisabled); if (!InvalidationLegal()) return; fState |= B_LAYOUT_NECESSARY; if (children) { for (int32 i = CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) ItemAt(i)->InvalidateLayout(children); } if (fOwner && BView::Private(fOwner).MinMaxValid()) fOwner->InvalidateLayout(children); if (BLayout* nestedIn = Layout()) { if (nestedIn->InvalidationLegal()) nestedIn->InvalidateLayout(); } else if (fOwner) { // If we weren't added as a BLayoutItem, we still have to invalidate // whatever layout our owner is in. BView* ownerParent = fOwner->fParent; if (ownerParent) { BLayout* layout = ownerParent->GetLayout(); if (layout && layout->fNestedLayouts.CountItems() > 0) layout->InvalidateLayoutsForView(fOwner); else if (BView::Private(ownerParent).MinMaxValid()) ownerParent->InvalidateLayout(false); } } } void BLayout::RequireLayout() { fState |= B_LAYOUT_REQUIRED; } bool BLayout::IsValid() { return (fState & B_LAYOUT_INVALID) == 0; } void BLayout::DisableLayoutInvalidation() { fInvalidationDisabled++; } void BLayout::EnableLayoutInvalidation() { if (fInvalidationDisabled > 0) fInvalidationDisabled--; } void BLayout::LayoutItems(bool force) { if ((fState & B_LAYOUT_NECESSARY) == 0 && !force) return; if (Layout() && (Layout()->fState & B_LAYOUT_IN_PROGRESS) != 0) return; // wait for parent layout to lay us out. if (fTarget && fTarget->LayoutContext()) return; BLayoutContext context; _LayoutWithinContext(force, &context); } void BLayout::Relayout(bool immediate) { if ((fState & B_RELAYOUT_NOT_OK) == 0 || immediate) { fState |= B_LAYOUT_REQUIRED; LayoutItems(false); } } void BLayout::_LayoutWithinContext(bool force, BLayoutContext* context) { // printf("BLayout(%p)::_LayoutWithinContext(%i, %p), state %x, fContext %p\n", // this, force, context, (unsigned int)fState, fContext); if ((fState & B_LAYOUT_NECESSARY) == 0 && !force) return; BLayoutContext* oldContext = fContext; fContext = context; if (fOwner && BView::Private(fOwner).WillLayout()) { // in this case, let our owner decide whether or not to have us // do our layout, if they do, we won't end up here again. fOwner->_Layout(force, context); } else { fState |= B_LAYOUT_IN_PROGRESS; DerivedLayoutItems(); // we must ensure that all items are laid out, layouts with a view will // have their layout process triggered by their view, but nested // view-less layouts must have their layout triggered here (if it hasn't // already been triggered). int32 nestedLayoutCount = fNestedLayouts.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < nestedLayoutCount; i++) { BLayout* layout = (BLayout*)fNestedLayouts.ItemAt(i); if ((layout->fState & B_LAYOUT_NECESSARY) != 0) layout->_LayoutWithinContext(force, context); } fState = B_LAYOUT_ALL_CLEAR; } fContext = oldContext; } BRect BLayout::LayoutArea() { BRect area(Frame()); if (fOwner) area.OffsetTo(B_ORIGIN); return area; } status_t BLayout::Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep) const { BArchiver archiver(into); status_t err = BLayoutItem::Archive(into, deep); if (deep) { int32 count = CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count && err == B_OK; i++) { BLayoutItem* item = ItemAt(i); err = archiver.AddArchivable(kLayoutItemField, item, deep); if (err == B_OK) { err = ItemArchived(into, item, i); if (err != B_OK) syslog(LOG_ERR, "ItemArchived() failed at index: %d.", i); } } } return archiver.Finish(err); } status_t BLayout::AllUnarchived(const BMessage* from) { BUnarchiver unarchiver(from); status_t err = BLayoutItem::AllUnarchived(from); if (err != B_OK) return err; int32 itemCount; unarchiver.ArchiveMessage()->GetInfo(kLayoutItemField, NULL, &itemCount); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount && err == B_OK; i++) { BLayoutItem* item; err = unarchiver.FindObject(kLayoutItemField, i, BUnarchiver::B_DONT_ASSUME_OWNERSHIP, item); if (err != B_OK) return err; if (!fItems.AddItem(item, i) || !ItemAdded(item, i)) { fItems.RemoveItem(i); return B_ERROR; } err = ItemUnarchived(from, item, i); if (err != B_OK) { fItems.RemoveItem(i); ItemRemoved(item, i); return err; } item->SetLayout(this); unarchiver.AssumeOwnership(item); } InvalidateLayout(); return err; } status_t BLayout::ItemArchived(BMessage* into, BLayoutItem* item, int32 index) const { return B_OK; } status_t BLayout::ItemUnarchived(const BMessage* from, BLayoutItem* item, int32 index) { return B_OK; } bool BLayout::ItemAdded(BLayoutItem* item, int32 atIndex) { return true; } void BLayout::ItemRemoved(BLayoutItem* item, int32 fromIndex) { } void BLayout::OwnerChanged(BView* was) { } void BLayout::AttachedToLayout() { if (!fOwner) { Layout()->fNestedLayouts.AddItem(this); SetTarget(Layout()->TargetView()); } } void BLayout::DetachedFromLayout(BLayout* from) { if (!fOwner) { from->fNestedLayouts.RemoveItem(this); SetTarget(NULL); } } void BLayout::AncestorVisibilityChanged(bool shown) { if (fAncestorsVisible == shown) return; fAncestorsVisible = shown; VisibilityChanged(shown); } void BLayout::VisibilityChanged(bool show) { if (fOwner) return; for (int32 i = CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) ItemAt(i)->AncestorVisibilityChanged(show); } void BLayout::ResetLayoutInvalidation() { fState &= ~B_LAYOUT_CACHE_INVALID; } BLayoutContext* BLayout::LayoutContext() { return fContext; } bool BLayout::RemoveViewRecursive(BView* view) { bool removed = RemoveView(view); for (int32 i = fNestedLayouts.CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BLayout* nested = (BLayout*)fNestedLayouts.ItemAt(i); removed |= nested->RemoveViewRecursive(view); } return removed; } bool BLayout::InvalidateLayoutsForView(BView* view) { bool found = false; for (int32 i = fNestedLayouts.CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BLayout* layout = (BLayout*)fNestedLayouts.ItemAt(i); found |= layout->InvalidateLayoutsForView(view); } if (found) return found; if (!InvalidationLegal()) return false; for (int32 i = CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ItemAt(i)->View() == view) { InvalidateLayout(); return true; } } return found; } bool BLayout::InvalidationLegal() { return fInvalidationDisabled <= 0 && (fState & B_LAYOUT_INVALIDATION_ILLEGAL) == 0; } void BLayout::SetOwner(BView* owner) { if (fOwner == owner) return; SetTarget(owner); swap(fOwner, owner); OwnerChanged(owner); // call hook } void BLayout::SetTarget(BView* target) { if (fTarget != target) { fTarget = NULL; // only remove items, not views // remove and delete all items for (int32 i = CountItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) delete RemoveItem(i); fTarget = target; InvalidateLayout(); } }