/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * * Authors: * Marc Flerackers (mflerackers@androme.be) */ //! Functions and class to manage input devices. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static BMessenger *sInputServer = NULL; BInputDevice * find_input_device(const char *name) { BMessage command(IS_FIND_DEVICES); BMessage reply; command.AddString("device", name); status_t err = _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); if (err != B_OK) return NULL; BInputDevice *dev = new (std::nothrow) BInputDevice; if (dev == NULL) return NULL; const char *device; int32 type; reply.FindString("device", &device); reply.FindInt32("type", &type); dev->_SetNameAndType(device, (input_device_type)type); return dev; } status_t get_input_devices(BList *list) { list->MakeEmpty(); BMessage command(IS_FIND_DEVICES); BMessage reply; status_t err = _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); if (err != B_OK) return err; const char *name; int32 type; int32 i = 0; while (reply.FindString("device", i, &name) == B_OK) { reply.FindInt32("type", i++, &type); BInputDevice *dev = new (std::nothrow) BInputDevice; if (dev != NULL) { dev->_SetNameAndType(name, (input_device_type)type); list->AddItem(dev); } } return err; } status_t watch_input_devices(BMessenger target, bool start) { BMessage command(IS_WATCH_DEVICES); BMessage reply; command.AddMessenger("target", target); command.AddBool("start", start); return _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); } BInputDevice::~BInputDevice() { free(fName); } const char * BInputDevice::Name() const { return fName; } input_device_type BInputDevice::Type() const { return fType; } bool BInputDevice::IsRunning() const { if (!fName) return false; BMessage command(IS_IS_DEVICE_RUNNING); BMessage reply; command.AddString("device", fName); return _control_input_server_(&command, &reply) == B_OK; } status_t BInputDevice::Start() { if (!fName) return B_ERROR; BMessage command(IS_START_DEVICE); BMessage reply; command.AddString("device", fName); return _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); } status_t BInputDevice::Stop() { if (!fName) return B_ERROR; BMessage command(IS_STOP_DEVICE); BMessage reply; command.AddString("device", fName); return _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); } status_t BInputDevice::Control(uint32 code, BMessage *message) { if (!fName) return B_ERROR; BMessage command(IS_CONTROL_DEVICES); BMessage reply; command.AddString("device", fName); command.AddInt32("code", code); command.AddMessage("message", message); message->MakeEmpty(); status_t err = _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); if (err == B_OK) reply.FindMessage("message", message); return err; } status_t BInputDevice::Start(input_device_type type) { BMessage command(IS_START_DEVICE); BMessage reply; command.AddInt32("type", type); return _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); } status_t BInputDevice::Stop(input_device_type type) { BMessage command(IS_STOP_DEVICE); BMessage reply; command.AddInt32("type", type); return _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); } status_t BInputDevice::Control(input_device_type type, uint32 code, BMessage *message) { BMessage command(IS_CONTROL_DEVICES); BMessage reply; command.AddInt32("type", type); command.AddInt32("code", code); command.AddMessage("message", message); message->MakeEmpty(); status_t err = _control_input_server_(&command, &reply); if (err == B_OK) reply.FindMessage("message", message); return err; } BInputDevice::BInputDevice() : fName(NULL), fType(B_UNDEFINED_DEVICE) { } void BInputDevice::_SetNameAndType(const char *name, input_device_type type) { if (fName) { free(fName); fName = NULL; } if (name) fName = strdup(name); fType = type; } status_t _control_input_server_(BMessage *command, BMessage *reply) { if (!sInputServer) { sInputServer = new (std::nothrow) BMessenger; if (!sInputServer) return B_NO_MEMORY; } if (!sInputServer->IsValid()) *sInputServer = BMessenger("application/x-vnd.Be-input_server", -1, NULL); status_t err = sInputServer->SendMessage(command, reply); if (err != B_OK) return err; if (reply->FindInt32("status", &err) != B_OK) return B_ERROR; return err; }