/* * Copyright 2005-2009, Haiku Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include static property_info sPropertyInfo[] = { { "ChannelCount", { B_GET_PROPERTY, B_SET_PROPERTY, 0 }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER, 0 }, NULL, 0, { B_INT32_TYPE } }, { "CurrentChannel", { B_GET_PROPERTY, B_SET_PROPERTY, 0 }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER, 0 }, NULL, 0, { B_INT32_TYPE } }, { "MaxLimitLabel", { B_GET_PROPERTY, B_SET_PROPERTY, 0 }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER, 0 }, NULL, 0, { B_STRING_TYPE } }, { "MinLimitLabel", { B_GET_PROPERTY, B_SET_PROPERTY, 0 }, { B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER, 0 }, NULL, 0, { B_STRING_TYPE } }, { 0 } }; BChannelControl::BChannelControl(BRect frame, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *model, int32 channel_count, uint32 resizeMode, uint32 flags) : BControl(frame, name, label, model, resizeMode, flags), fChannelCount(channel_count), fCurrentChannel(0), fChannelMin(NULL), fChannelMax(NULL), fChannelValues(NULL), fMultiLabels(NULL), fModificationMsg(NULL) { fChannelMin = new int32[channel_count]; memset(fChannelMin, 0, sizeof(int32) * channel_count); fChannelMax = new int32[channel_count]; for (int32 i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) fChannelMax[i] = 100; fChannelValues = new int32[channel_count]; memset(fChannelValues, 0, sizeof(int32) * channel_count); } BChannelControl::BChannelControl(const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *model, int32 channel_count, uint32 flags) : BControl(name, label, model, flags), fChannelCount(channel_count), fCurrentChannel(0), fChannelMin(NULL), fChannelMax(NULL), fChannelValues(NULL), fMultiLabels(NULL), fModificationMsg(NULL) { fChannelMin = new int32[channel_count]; memset(fChannelMin, 0, sizeof(int32) * channel_count); fChannelMax = new int32[channel_count]; for (int32 i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) fChannelMax[i] = 100; fChannelValues = new int32[channel_count]; memset(fChannelValues, 0, sizeof(int32) * channel_count); } BChannelControl::BChannelControl(BMessage *archive) : BControl(archive), fChannelCount(0), fCurrentChannel(0), fChannelMin(NULL), fChannelMax(NULL), fChannelValues(NULL), fMultiLabels(NULL), fModificationMsg(NULL) { archive->FindInt32("be:_m_channel_count", &fChannelCount); archive->FindInt32("be:_m_value_channel", &fCurrentChannel); if (fChannelCount > 0) { fChannelMin = new int32[fChannelCount]; memset(fChannelMin, 0, sizeof(int32) * fChannelCount); fChannelMax = new int32[fChannelCount]; for (int32 i = 0; i < fChannelCount; i++) fChannelMax[i] = 100; fChannelValues = new int32[fChannelCount]; memset(fChannelValues, 0, sizeof(int32) * fChannelCount); for (int32 c = 0; c < fChannelCount; c++) { archive->FindInt32("be:_m_channel_min", c, &fChannelMin[c]); archive->FindInt32("be:_m_channel_max", c, &fChannelMax[c]); archive->FindInt32("be:_m_channel_val", c, &fChannelValues[c]); } } const char *label = NULL; if (archive->FindString("be:_m_min_label", &label) == B_OK) fMinLabel = label; if (archive->FindString("be:_m_max_label", &label) == B_OK) fMaxLabel = label; BMessage *modificationMessage = new BMessage; if (archive->FindMessage("_mod_msg", modificationMessage) == B_OK) fModificationMsg = modificationMessage; else delete modificationMessage; } BChannelControl::~BChannelControl() { delete[] fChannelMin; delete[] fChannelMax; delete[] fChannelValues; delete fModificationMsg; } status_t BChannelControl::Archive(BMessage *message, bool deep) const { status_t status = BControl::Archive(message, deep); if (status == B_OK) status = message->AddInt32("be:_m_channel_count", fChannelCount); if (status == B_OK) status = message->AddInt32("be:_m_value_channel", fCurrentChannel); if (status == B_OK) status = message->AddString("be:_m_min_label", fMinLabel.String()); if (status == B_OK) status = message->AddString("be:_m_max_label", fMaxLabel.String()); if (status == B_OK && fChannelValues != NULL && fChannelMax != NULL && fChannelMin != NULL) { for (int32 i = 0; i < fChannelCount; i++) { status = message->AddInt32("be:_m_channel_min", fChannelMin[i]); if (status < B_OK) break; status = message->AddInt32("be:_m_channel_max", fChannelMax[i]); if (status < B_OK) break; status = message->AddInt32("be:_m_channel_val", fChannelValues[i]); if (status < B_OK) break; } } return status; } void BChannelControl::FrameResized(float width, float height) { BView::FrameResized(width, height); } void BChannelControl::SetFont(const BFont *font, uint32 mask) { BView::SetFont(font, mask); } void BChannelControl::AttachedToWindow() { BControl::AttachedToWindow(); } void BChannelControl::DetachedFromWindow() { BControl::DetachedFromWindow(); } void BChannelControl::ResizeToPreferred() { BControl::ResizeToPreferred(); } void BChannelControl::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { BControl::MessageReceived(message); } BHandler * BChannelControl::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage *msg, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 form, const char *property) { BHandler *target = this; BPropertyInfo propertyInfo(sPropertyInfo); if (propertyInfo.FindMatch(msg, index, specifier, form, property) < B_OK) target = BControl::ResolveSpecifier(msg, index, specifier, form, property); return target; } status_t BChannelControl::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage *data) { if (data == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t err = data->AddString("suites", "suite/vnd.Be-channel-control"); BPropertyInfo propertyInfo(sPropertyInfo); if (err == B_OK) err = data->AddFlat("messages", &propertyInfo); if (err == B_OK) return BControl::GetSupportedSuites(data); return err; } void BChannelControl::SetModificationMessage(BMessage *message) { delete fModificationMsg; fModificationMsg = message; } BMessage * BChannelControl::ModificationMessage() const { return fModificationMsg; } status_t BChannelControl::Invoke(BMessage *msg) { bool notify = false; BMessage invokeMessage(InvokeKind(¬ify)); if (msg != NULL) invokeMessage = *msg; else if (Message() != NULL) invokeMessage = *Message(); invokeMessage.AddInt32("be:current_channel", fCurrentChannel); return BControl::Invoke(&invokeMessage); } status_t BChannelControl::InvokeChannel(BMessage *msg, int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const bool *inMask) { bool notify = false; BMessage invokeMessage(InvokeKind(¬ify)); if (msg != NULL) invokeMessage = *msg; else if (Message() != NULL) invokeMessage = *Message(); invokeMessage.AddInt32("be:current_channel", fCurrentChannel); if (channelCount < 0) channelCount = fChannelCount - fromChannel; for (int32 i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { invokeMessage.AddInt32("be:channel_value", fChannelValues[fromChannel + i]); invokeMessage.AddBool("be:channel_changed", inMask ? inMask[i] : true); } return BControl::Invoke(&invokeMessage); } status_t BChannelControl::InvokeNotifyChannel(BMessage *msg, uint32 kind, int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const bool *inMask) { BeginInvokeNotify(kind); status_t status = InvokeChannel(msg, fromChannel, channelCount, inMask); EndInvokeNotify(); return status; } void BChannelControl::SetValue(int32 value) { // Get real if (value > fChannelMax[fCurrentChannel]) value = fChannelMax[fCurrentChannel]; if (value < fChannelMin[fCurrentChannel]); value = fChannelMin[fCurrentChannel]; if (value != fChannelValues[fCurrentChannel]) { StuffValues(fCurrentChannel, 1, &value); BControl::SetValue(value); } } status_t BChannelControl::SetCurrentChannel(int32 channel) { if (channel < 0 || channel >= fChannelCount) return B_BAD_INDEX; if (channel != fCurrentChannel) { fCurrentChannel = channel; BControl::SetValue(fChannelValues[fCurrentChannel]); } return B_OK; } int32 BChannelControl::CurrentChannel() const { return fCurrentChannel; } int32 BChannelControl::CountChannels() const { return fChannelCount; } status_t BChannelControl::SetChannelCount(int32 channel_count) { if (channel_count < 0 || channel_count >= MaxChannelCount()) return B_BAD_VALUE; // TODO: Currently we only grow the buffer. Test what BeOS does if (channel_count > fChannelCount) { int32 *newMin = new int32[channel_count]; int32 *newMax = new int32[channel_count]; int32 *newVal = new int32[channel_count]; memcpy(newMin, fChannelMin, fChannelCount); memcpy(newMax, fChannelMax, fChannelCount); memcpy(newVal, fChannelValues, fChannelCount); delete[] fChannelMin; delete[] fChannelMax; delete[] fChannelValues; fChannelMin = newMin; fChannelMax = newMax; fChannelValues = newVal; } fChannelCount = channel_count; return B_OK; } int32 BChannelControl::ValueFor(int32 channel) const { int32 value = 0; if (GetValue(&value, channel, 1) <= 0) return -1; return value; } int32 BChannelControl::GetValue(int32 *outValues, int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount) const { int32 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) outValues[i] = fChannelValues[fromChannel + i]; return i; } status_t BChannelControl::SetValueFor(int32 channel, int32 value) { return SetValue(channel, 1, &value); } status_t BChannelControl::SetValue(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const int32 *inValues) { return StuffValues(fromChannel, channelCount, inValues); } status_t BChannelControl::SetAllValue(int32 values) { int32 *newValues = new int32[fChannelCount]; for (int32 i = 0; i < fChannelCount; i++) { int32 limitedValue = max_c(values, MinLimitList()[i]); limitedValue = min_c(limitedValue, MaxLimitList()[i]); newValues[i] = limitedValue; } delete[] fChannelValues; fChannelValues = newValues; BControl::SetValue(fChannelValues[fCurrentChannel]); return B_OK; } status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitsFor(int32 channel, int32 minimum, int32 maximum) { return SetLimitsFor(channel, 1, &minimum, &maximum); } status_t BChannelControl::GetLimitsFor(int32 channel, int32 *minimum, int32 *maximum) const { return GetLimitsFor(channel, 1, minimum, maximum); } status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const int32 *minimum, const int32 *maximum) { if (fromChannel + channelCount > CountChannels()) channelCount = CountChannels() - fromChannel; for (int i=0; i maximum[i]) return B_BAD_VALUE; fChannelMin[fromChannel + i] = minimum[i]; fChannelMax[fromChannel + i] = maximum[i]; if (fChannelValues[fromChannel + i] < minimum[i]) fChannelValues[fromChannel + i] = minimum[i]; else if (fChannelValues[fromChannel + i] > maximum[i]) fChannelValues[fromChannel + i] = maximum[i]; } return B_OK; } status_t BChannelControl::GetLimitsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, int32 *minimum, int32 *maximum) const { if (minimum == NULL || maximum == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (fChannelMin == NULL || fChannelMax == NULL) return B_ERROR; if (fromChannel + channelCount > CountChannels()) channelCount = CountChannels() - fromChannel; for (int i=0; i maximum) return B_BAD_VALUE; int32 numChannels = CountChannels(); for (int32 c = 0; c < numChannels; c++) { fChannelMin[c] = minimum; fChannelMax[c] = maximum; if (fChannelValues[c] < minimum) fChannelValues[c] = minimum; else if (fChannelValues[c] > maximum) fChannelValues[c] = maximum; } return B_OK; } status_t BChannelControl::GetLimits(int32 *outMinimum, int32 *outMaximum) const { if (outMinimum == NULL || outMaximum == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (fChannelMin == NULL || fChannelMax == NULL) return B_ERROR; int32 numChannels = CountChannels(); for (int32 c = 0; c < numChannels; c++) { outMinimum[c] = fChannelMin[c]; outMaximum[c] = fChannelMax[c]; } return B_OK; } status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitLabels(const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel) { if (minLabel != fMinLabel) fMinLabel = minLabel; if (maxLabel != fMaxLabel) fMaxLabel = maxLabel; Invalidate(); return B_OK; } const char * BChannelControl::MinLimitLabel() const { return fMinLabel.String(); } const char * BChannelControl::MaxLimitLabel() const { return fMaxLabel.String(); } status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitLabelsFor(int32 channel, const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel) { return B_ERROR; } status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitLabelsFor(int32 from_channel, int32 channel_count, const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel) { return B_ERROR; } const char * BChannelControl::MinLimitLabelFor(int32 channel) const { return NULL; } const char * BChannelControl::MaxLimitLabelFor(int32 channel) const { return NULL; } status_t BChannelControl::StuffValues(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const int32 *inValues) { if (inValues == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (fromChannel < 0 || fromChannel > fChannelCount || fromChannel + channelCount > fChannelCount) return B_BAD_INDEX; for (int32 i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { if (inValues[i] <= fChannelMax[fromChannel + i] && inValues[i] >= fChannelMin[fromChannel + i]) fChannelValues[fromChannel + i] = inValues[i]; } // If the current channel was updated, update also the control value if (fCurrentChannel >= fromChannel && fCurrentChannel <= fromChannel + channelCount) BControl::SetValue(fChannelValues[fCurrentChannel]); return B_OK; } void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_0(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_1(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_2(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_3(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_4(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_5(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_6(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_7(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_8(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_9(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_10(void *, ...) {} void BChannelControl::_Reserverd_ChannelControl_11(void *, ...) {}