/* * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Copyright 2011-2014, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "DebugInfoEntries.h" #include #include "AttributeValue.h" #include "Dwarf.h" #include "SourceLanguageInfo.h" // #pragma mark - DIECompileUnitBase DIECompileUnitBase::DIECompileUnitBase() : fName(NULL), fCompilationDir(NULL), fLowPC(0), fHighPC(0), fStatementListOffset(-1), fMacroInfoOffset(-1), fAddressRangesOffset(-1), fBaseTypesUnit(NULL), fLanguage(0), fIdentifierCase(0), fUseUTF8(true), fContainsMainSubprogram(false) { } DIECompileUnitBase::~DIECompileUnitBase() { } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::InitAfterAttributes(DebugInfoEntryInitInfo& info) { switch (fLanguage) { case 0: info.languageInfo = &kUnknownLanguageInfo; return B_OK; case DW_LANG_C89: info.languageInfo = &kC89LanguageInfo; return B_OK; case DW_LANG_C: info.languageInfo = &kCLanguageInfo; return B_OK; case DW_LANG_C_plus_plus: info.languageInfo = &kCPlusPlusLanguageInfo; return B_OK; case DW_LANG_C99: info.languageInfo = &kC99LanguageInfo; return B_OK; default: info.languageInfo = &kUnsupportedLanguageInfo; return B_OK; } } const char* DIECompileUnitBase::Name() const { return fName; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { if (child->IsType()) fTypes.Add(child); else fOtherChildren.Add(child); return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_comp_dir(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fCompilationDir = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_low_pc(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fLowPC = value.address; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_high_pc(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fHighPC = value.address; if (fLowPC != 0 && fHighPC < fLowPC) fHighPC += fLowPC; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_producer(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { // not interesting return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_stmt_list(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fStatementListOffset = value.pointer; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_macro_info(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fMacroInfoOffset = value.pointer; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_base_types(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fBaseTypesUnit = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fBaseTypesUnit != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_language(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fLanguage = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_identifier_case(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fIdentifierCase = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_use_UTF8(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fUseUTF8 = value.flag; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_ranges(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAddressRangesOffset = value.pointer; return B_OK; } status_t DIECompileUnitBase::AddAttribute_main_subprogram(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fContainsMainSubprogram = true; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEType DIEType::DIEType() : fName(NULL) { fAllocated.SetTo((uint64)0); fAssociated.SetTo((uint64)0); } bool DIEType::IsType() const { return true; } const char* DIEType::Name() const { return fName; } bool DIEType::IsDeclaration() const { return false; } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIEType::ByteSize() const { return NULL; } status_t DIEType::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIEType::AddAttribute_allocated(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fAllocated, value); } status_t DIEType::AddAttribute_associated(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fAssociated, value); } // #pragma mark - DIEModifiedType DIEModifiedType::DIEModifiedType() : fType(NULL) { } status_t DIEModifiedType::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEAddressingType DIEAddressingType::DIEAddressingType() : fAddressClass(0) { } status_t DIEAddressingType::AddAttribute_address_class(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { // TODO: How is the address class handled? fAddressClass = value.constant; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEDeclaredType DIEDeclaredType::DIEDeclaredType() : fDescription(NULL), fAbstractOrigin(NULL), fSignatureType(NULL), fAccessibility(0), fDeclaration(false) { } const char* DIEDeclaredType::Description() const { return fDescription; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEDeclaredType::AbstractOrigin() const { return fAbstractOrigin; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEDeclaredType::SignatureType() const { return fSignatureType; } bool DIEDeclaredType::IsDeclaration() const { return fDeclaration; } status_t DIEDeclaredType::AddAttribute_accessibility(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAccessibility = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIEDeclaredType::AddAttribute_declaration(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclaration = value.flag; return B_OK; } status_t DIEDeclaredType::AddAttribute_description(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDescription = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIEDeclaredType::AddAttribute_abstract_origin(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAbstractOrigin = value.reference; return B_OK; } status_t DIEDeclaredType::AddAttribute_signature(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fSignatureType = value.reference; return B_OK; } DeclarationLocation* DIEDeclaredType::GetDeclarationLocation() { return &fDeclarationLocation; } // #pragma mark - DIEDerivedType DIEDerivedType::DIEDerivedType() : fType(NULL) { } status_t DIEDerivedType::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIECompoundType DIECompoundType::DIECompoundType() : fSpecification(NULL) { } bool DIECompoundType::IsNamespace() const { return true; } DebugInfoEntry* DIECompoundType::Specification() const { return fSpecification; } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIECompoundType::ByteSize() const { return &fByteSize; } status_t DIECompoundType::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { if (child->Tag() == DW_TAG_member) { // TODO: Not for interfaces! fDataMembers.Add(child); return B_OK; } return DIEDeclaredType::AddChild(child); } status_t DIECompoundType::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } status_t DIECompoundType::AddAttribute_specification(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fSpecification = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fSpecification != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEClassBaseType DIEClassBaseType::DIEClassBaseType() { } status_t DIEClassBaseType::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { switch (child->Tag()) { case DW_TAG_inheritance: fBaseTypes.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_friend: fFriends.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_access_declaration: fAccessDeclarations.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_subprogram: fMemberFunctions.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_template_type_parameter: case DW_TAG_template_value_parameter: fTemplateParameters.Add(child); return B_OK; // TODO: Variants! default: { if (child->IsType()) { fInnerTypes.Add(child); return B_OK; } return DIECompoundType::AddChild(child); } } } // #pragma mark - DIENamedBase DIENamedBase::DIENamedBase() : fName(NULL), fDescription(NULL) { } const char* DIENamedBase::Name() const { return fName; } const char* DIENamedBase::Description() const { return fDescription; } status_t DIENamedBase::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIENamedBase::AddAttribute_description(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDescription = value.string; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEDeclaredBase DIEDeclaredBase::DIEDeclaredBase() { } DeclarationLocation* DIEDeclaredBase::GetDeclarationLocation() { return &fDeclarationLocation; } // #pragma mark - DIEDeclaredNamedBase DIEDeclaredNamedBase::DIEDeclaredNamedBase() : fName(NULL), fDescription(NULL), fAccessibility(0), fVisibility(0), fDeclaration(false) { } const char* DIEDeclaredNamedBase::Name() const { return fName; } const char* DIEDeclaredNamedBase::Description() const { return fDescription; } bool DIEDeclaredNamedBase::IsDeclaration() const { return fDeclaration; } status_t DIEDeclaredNamedBase::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIEDeclaredNamedBase::AddAttribute_description(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDescription = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIEDeclaredNamedBase::AddAttribute_accessibility(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAccessibility = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIEDeclaredNamedBase::AddAttribute_declaration(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclaration = value.flag; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEArrayIndexType DIEArrayIndexType::DIEArrayIndexType() { } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIEArrayIndexType::ByteSize() const { return &fByteSize; } status_t DIEArrayIndexType::AddAttribute_bit_stride(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBitStride, value); } status_t DIEArrayIndexType::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } status_t DIEArrayIndexType::AddAttribute_byte_stride(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteStride, value); } // #pragma mark - DIEArrayType DIEArrayType::DIEArrayType() : fSpecification(NULL), fOrdering(DW_ORD_row_major) { } uint16 DIEArrayType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_array_type; } status_t DIEArrayType::InitAfterHierarchy(DebugInfoEntryInitInfo& info) { fOrdering = info.languageInfo->arrayOrdering; return B_OK; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEArrayType::Specification() const { return fSpecification; } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIEArrayType::ByteSize() const { return &fByteSize; } status_t DIEArrayType::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { // a dimension child must be of subrange or enumeration type uint16 tag = child->Tag(); if (tag == DW_TAG_subrange_type || tag == DW_TAG_enumeration_type) { fDimensions.Add(child); return B_OK; } return DIEDerivedType::AddChild(child); } status_t DIEArrayType::AddAttribute_ordering(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fOrdering = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIEArrayType::AddAttribute_bit_stride(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBitStride, value); } status_t DIEArrayType::AddAttribute_stride_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBitStride, value); } status_t DIEArrayType::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } status_t DIEArrayType::AddAttribute_specification(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fSpecification = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fSpecification != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEClassType DIEClassType::DIEClassType() { } uint16 DIEClassType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_class_type; } // #pragma mark - DIEEntryPoint DIEEntryPoint::DIEEntryPoint() { } uint16 DIEEntryPoint::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_entry_point; } // #pragma mark - DIEEnumerationType DIEEnumerationType::DIEEnumerationType() : fSpecification(NULL) { } uint16 DIEEnumerationType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_enumeration_type; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEEnumerationType::Specification() const { return fSpecification; } status_t DIEEnumerationType::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { if (child->Tag() == DW_TAG_enumerator) { fEnumerators.Add(child); return B_OK; } return DIEDerivedType::AddChild(child); } status_t DIEEnumerationType::AddAttribute_specification(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fSpecification = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fSpecification != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEFormalParameter DIEFormalParameter::DIEFormalParameter() : fAbstractOrigin(NULL), fType(NULL), fArtificial(false) { } uint16 DIEFormalParameter::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_formal_parameter; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEFormalParameter::AbstractOrigin() const { return fAbstractOrigin; } LocationDescription* DIEFormalParameter::GetLocationDescription() { return &fLocationDescription; } status_t DIEFormalParameter::AddAttribute_abstract_origin(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAbstractOrigin = value.reference; return B_OK; } status_t DIEFormalParameter::AddAttribute_artificial(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fArtificial = value.flag; return B_OK; } status_t DIEFormalParameter::AddAttribute_const_value(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetConstantAttributeValue(fValue, value); } status_t DIEFormalParameter::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEImportedDeclaration DIEImportedDeclaration::DIEImportedDeclaration() { } uint16 DIEImportedDeclaration::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_imported_declaration; } // #pragma mark - DIELabel DIELabel::DIELabel() { } uint16 DIELabel::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_label; } // #pragma mark - DIELexicalBlock DIELexicalBlock::DIELexicalBlock() : fLowPC(0), fHighPC(0), fAddressRangesOffset(-1), fAbstractOrigin(NULL) { } uint16 DIELexicalBlock::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_lexical_block; } DebugInfoEntry* DIELexicalBlock::AbstractOrigin() const { return fAbstractOrigin; } status_t DIELexicalBlock::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { switch (child->Tag()) { case DW_TAG_variable: fVariables.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_lexical_block: fBlocks.Add(child); return B_OK; default: return DIENamedBase::AddChild(child); } } status_t DIELexicalBlock::AddAttribute_low_pc(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fLowPC = value.address; return B_OK; } status_t DIELexicalBlock::AddAttribute_high_pc(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fHighPC = value.address; if (fLowPC != 0 && fHighPC < fLowPC) fHighPC += fLowPC; return B_OK; } status_t DIELexicalBlock::AddAttribute_ranges(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAddressRangesOffset = value.pointer; return B_OK; } status_t DIELexicalBlock::AddAttribute_abstract_origin(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAbstractOrigin = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fAbstractOrigin != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEMember DIEMember::DIEMember() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIEMember::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_member; } status_t DIEMember::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIEMember::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } status_t DIEMember::AddAttribute_bit_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBitSize, value); } status_t DIEMember::AddAttribute_data_member_location(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetMemberLocation(fLocation, value); } status_t DIEMember::AddAttribute_bit_offset(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBitOffset, value); } status_t DIEMember::AddAttribute_data_bit_offset(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fDataBitOffset, value); } // #pragma mark - DIEPointerType DIEPointerType::DIEPointerType() : fSpecification(NULL) { } uint16 DIEPointerType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_pointer_type; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEPointerType::Specification() const { return fSpecification; } status_t DIEPointerType::AddAttribute_specification(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fSpecification = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fSpecification != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEReferenceType DIEReferenceType::DIEReferenceType() { } uint16 DIEReferenceType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_reference_type; } // #pragma mark - DIECompileUnit DIECompileUnit::DIECompileUnit() { } uint16 DIECompileUnit::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_compile_unit; } // #pragma mark - DIEStringType DIEStringType::DIEStringType() { } uint16 DIEStringType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_string_type; } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIEStringType::ByteSize() const { return &fByteSize; } status_t DIEStringType::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } // #pragma mark - DIEStructureType DIEStructureType::DIEStructureType() { } uint16 DIEStructureType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_structure_type; } // #pragma mark - DIESubroutineType DIESubroutineType::DIESubroutineType() : fReturnType(NULL), fAddressClass(0), fPrototyped(false) { } uint16 DIESubroutineType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_subroutine_type; } status_t DIESubroutineType::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { switch (child->Tag()) { case DW_TAG_formal_parameter: case DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters: fParameters.Add(child); return B_OK; default: return DIEDeclaredType::AddChild(child); } } status_t DIESubroutineType::AddAttribute_address_class(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { // TODO: How is the address class handled? fAddressClass = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubroutineType::AddAttribute_prototyped(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fPrototyped = value.flag; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubroutineType::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fReturnType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fReturnType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIETypedef DIETypedef::DIETypedef() { } uint16 DIETypedef::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_typedef; } // #pragma mark - DIEUnionType DIEUnionType::DIEUnionType() { } uint16 DIEUnionType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_union_type; } // #pragma mark - DIEUnspecifiedParameters DIEUnspecifiedParameters::DIEUnspecifiedParameters() { } uint16 DIEUnspecifiedParameters::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters; } // #pragma mark - DIEVariant DIEVariant::DIEVariant() { } uint16 DIEVariant::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_variant; } // #pragma mark - DIECommonBlock DIECommonBlock::DIECommonBlock() { } uint16 DIECommonBlock::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_common_block; } LocationDescription* DIECommonBlock::GetLocationDescription() { return &fLocationDescription; } // #pragma mark - DIECommonInclusion DIECommonInclusion::DIECommonInclusion() { } uint16 DIECommonInclusion::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_common_inclusion; } // #pragma mark - DIEInheritance DIEInheritance::DIEInheritance() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIEInheritance::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_inheritance; } status_t DIEInheritance::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIEInheritance::AddAttribute_data_member_location(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetMemberLocation(fLocation, value); } // #pragma mark - DIEInlinedSubroutine DIEInlinedSubroutine::DIEInlinedSubroutine() { } uint16 DIEInlinedSubroutine::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine; } // #pragma mark - DIEModule DIEModule::DIEModule() { } uint16 DIEModule::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_module; } // #pragma mark - DIEPointerToMemberType DIEPointerToMemberType::DIEPointerToMemberType() : fContainingType(NULL), fAddressClass(0) { } uint16 DIEPointerToMemberType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type; } status_t DIEPointerToMemberType::AddAttribute_address_class(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { // TODO: How is the address class handled? fAddressClass = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIEPointerToMemberType::AddAttribute_containing_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { DebugInfoEntry* type = value.reference; DIEModifiedType* modifiedType; while ((modifiedType = dynamic_cast(type)) != NULL) type = modifiedType->GetType(); fContainingType = dynamic_cast(type); return fContainingType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIEPointerToMemberType::AddAttribute_use_location(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { if (value.attributeClass == ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCLISTPTR) { fUseLocation.SetToLocationList(value.pointer); return B_OK; } if (value.attributeClass == ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_BLOCK) { fUseLocation.SetToExpression(value.block.data, value.block.length); return B_OK; } return B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIESetType DIESetType::DIESetType() { } uint16 DIESetType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_set_type; } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIESetType::ByteSize() const { return &fByteSize; } status_t DIESetType::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } // #pragma mark - DIESubrangeType DIESubrangeType::DIESubrangeType() : fThreadsScaled(false) { } uint16 DIESubrangeType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_subrange_type; } status_t DIESubrangeType::AddAttribute_count(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fCount, value); } status_t DIESubrangeType::AddAttribute_lower_bound(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fLowerBound, value); } status_t DIESubrangeType::AddAttribute_upper_bound(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fUpperBound, value); } status_t DIESubrangeType::AddAttribute_threads_scaled(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fThreadsScaled = value.flag; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEWithStatement DIEWithStatement::DIEWithStatement() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIEWithStatement::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_with_stmt; } LocationDescription* DIEWithStatement::GetLocationDescription() { return &fLocationDescription; } status_t DIEWithStatement::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEAccessDeclaration DIEAccessDeclaration::DIEAccessDeclaration() { } uint16 DIEAccessDeclaration::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_access_declaration; } // #pragma mark - DIEBaseType DIEBaseType::DIEBaseType() : fEncoding(0), fEndianity(0) { } uint16 DIEBaseType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_base_type; } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIEBaseType::ByteSize() const { return &fByteSize; } status_t DIEBaseType::AddAttribute_encoding(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fEncoding = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIEBaseType::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } status_t DIEBaseType::AddAttribute_bit_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBitSize, value); } status_t DIEBaseType::AddAttribute_bit_offset(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBitOffset, value); } status_t DIEBaseType::AddAttribute_data_bit_offset(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fDataBitOffset, value); } status_t DIEBaseType::AddAttribute_endianity(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fEndianity = value.constant; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIECatchBlock DIECatchBlock::DIECatchBlock() { } uint16 DIECatchBlock::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_catch_block; } // #pragma mark - DIEConstType DIEConstType::DIEConstType() { } uint16 DIEConstType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_const_type; } // #pragma mark - DIEConstant DIEConstant::DIEConstant() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIEConstant::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_constant; } status_t DIEConstant::AddAttribute_const_value(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetConstantAttributeValue(fValue, value); } status_t DIEConstant::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEEnumerator DIEEnumerator::DIEEnumerator() { } uint16 DIEEnumerator::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_enumerator; } status_t DIEEnumerator::AddAttribute_const_value(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetConstantAttributeValue(fValue, value); } // #pragma mark - DIEFileType DIEFileType::DIEFileType() { } uint16 DIEFileType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_file_type; } const DynamicAttributeValue* DIEFileType::ByteSize() const { return &fByteSize; } status_t DIEFileType::AddAttribute_byte_size(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fByteSize, value); } // #pragma mark - DIEFriend DIEFriend::DIEFriend() { } uint16 DIEFriend::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_friend; } // #pragma mark - DIENameList DIENameList::DIENameList() { } uint16 DIENameList::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_namelist; } // #pragma mark - DIENameListItem DIENameListItem::DIENameListItem() { } uint16 DIENameListItem::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_namelist_item; } // #pragma mark - DIEPackedType DIEPackedType::DIEPackedType() { } uint16 DIEPackedType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_packed_type; } // #pragma mark - DIESubprogram DIESubprogram::DIESubprogram() : fLowPC(0), fHighPC(0), fAddressRangesOffset(-1), fSpecification(NULL), fAbstractOrigin(NULL), fReturnType(NULL), fAddressClass(0), fPrototyped(false), fInline(DW_INL_not_inlined), fMain(false), fArtificial(false), fCallingConvention(DW_CC_normal) { } DIESubprogram::~DIESubprogram() { } uint16 DIESubprogram::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_subprogram; } DebugInfoEntry* DIESubprogram::Specification() const { return fSpecification; } DebugInfoEntry* DIESubprogram::AbstractOrigin() const { return fAbstractOrigin; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { switch (child->Tag()) { case DW_TAG_formal_parameter: case DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters: fParameters.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_variable: fVariables.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_lexical_block: fBlocks.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_template_type_parameter: fTemplateTypeParameters.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_template_value_parameter: fTemplateValueParameters.Add(child); return B_OK; case DW_TAG_GNU_call_site: fCallSites.Add(child); return B_OK; default: return DIEDeclaredNamedBase::AddChild(child); } } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_low_pc(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fLowPC = value.address; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_high_pc(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fHighPC = value.address; if (fLowPC != 0 && fHighPC < fLowPC) fHighPC += fLowPC; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_ranges(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAddressRangesOffset = value.pointer; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_specification(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fSpecification = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fSpecification != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_address_class(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { // TODO: How is the address class handled? fAddressClass = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_prototyped(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fPrototyped = value.flag; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fReturnType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fReturnType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_inline(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { // TODO: How is the address class handled? fInline = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_abstract_origin(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAbstractOrigin = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fAbstractOrigin != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_frame_base(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { if (value.attributeClass == ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCLISTPTR) { fFrameBase.SetToLocationList(value.pointer); return B_OK; } if (value.attributeClass == ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_BLOCK) { fFrameBase.SetToExpression(value.block.data, value.block.length); return B_OK; } return B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_artificial(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fArtificial = value.flag; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_calling_convention(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fCallingConvention = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIESubprogram::AddAttribute_main_subprogram(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fMain = true; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIETemplateTypeParameter DIETemplateTypeParameter::DIETemplateTypeParameter() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIETemplateTypeParameter::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_template_type_parameter; } status_t DIETemplateTypeParameter::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIETemplateValueParameter DIETemplateValueParameter::DIETemplateValueParameter() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIETemplateValueParameter::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_template_value_parameter; } status_t DIETemplateValueParameter::AddAttribute_const_value(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetConstantAttributeValue(fValue, value); } status_t DIETemplateValueParameter::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEThrownType DIEThrownType::DIEThrownType() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIEThrownType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_thrown_type; } status_t DIEThrownType::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIETryBlock DIETryBlock::DIETryBlock() { } uint16 DIETryBlock::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_try_block; } // #pragma mark - DIEVariantPart DIEVariantPart::DIEVariantPart() : fType(NULL) { } uint16 DIEVariantPart::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_variant_part; } status_t DIEVariantPart::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } // #pragma mark - DIEVariable DIEVariable::DIEVariable() : fType(NULL), fSpecification(NULL), fAbstractOrigin(NULL), fStartScope(0) { } uint16 DIEVariable::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_variable; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEVariable::Specification() const { return fSpecification; } DebugInfoEntry* DIEVariable::AbstractOrigin() const { return fAbstractOrigin; } LocationDescription* DIEVariable::GetLocationDescription() { return &fLocationDescription; } status_t DIEVariable::AddAttribute_const_value(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetConstantAttributeValue(fValue, value); } status_t DIEVariable::AddAttribute_type(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fType = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fType != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIEVariable::AddAttribute_specification(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fSpecification = dynamic_cast(value.reference); // in the case of static variables declared within a compound type, // the specification may point to a member entry rather than // a variable entry if (fSpecification == NULL) fSpecification = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fSpecification != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIEVariable::AddAttribute_abstract_origin(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fAbstractOrigin = dynamic_cast(value.reference); return fAbstractOrigin != NULL ? B_OK : B_BAD_DATA; } status_t DIEVariable::AddAttribute_start_scope(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fStartScope = value.constant; return B_OK; } status_t DIEVariable::AddAttribute_external(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fIsExternal = value.flag; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEVolatileType DIEVolatileType::DIEVolatileType() { } uint16 DIEVolatileType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_volatile_type; } status_t DIEVolatileType::AddAttribute_decl_file(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetFile(value.constant); return B_OK; } status_t DIEVolatileType::AddAttribute_decl_line(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetLine(value.constant); return B_OK; } status_t DIEVolatileType::AddAttribute_decl_column(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetColumn(value.constant); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEDwarfProcedure DIEDwarfProcedure::DIEDwarfProcedure() { } uint16 DIEDwarfProcedure::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure; } LocationDescription* DIEDwarfProcedure::GetLocationDescription() { return &fLocationDescription; } // #pragma mark - DIERestrictType DIERestrictType::DIERestrictType() { } uint16 DIERestrictType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_restrict_type; } // #pragma mark - DIEInterfaceType DIEInterfaceType::DIEInterfaceType() { } uint16 DIEInterfaceType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_interface_type; } // #pragma mark - DIENamespace DIENamespace::DIENamespace() { } uint16 DIENamespace::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_namespace; } bool DIENamespace::IsNamespace() const { return true; } status_t DIENamespace::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { fChildren.Add(child); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEImportedModule DIEImportedModule::DIEImportedModule() { } uint16 DIEImportedModule::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_imported_module; } // #pragma mark - DIEUnspecifiedType DIEUnspecifiedType::DIEUnspecifiedType() { } uint16 DIEUnspecifiedType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_unspecified_type; } status_t DIEUnspecifiedType::AddAttribute_decl_file(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetFile(value.constant); return B_OK; } status_t DIEUnspecifiedType::AddAttribute_decl_line(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetLine(value.constant); return B_OK; } status_t DIEUnspecifiedType::AddAttribute_decl_column(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetColumn(value.constant); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIEPartialUnit DIEPartialUnit::DIEPartialUnit() { } uint16 DIEPartialUnit::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_partial_unit; } // #pragma mark - DIEImportedUnit DIEImportedUnit::DIEImportedUnit() { } uint16 DIEImportedUnit::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_imported_unit; } // #pragma mark - DIECondition DIECondition::DIECondition() { } uint16 DIECondition::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_condition; } // #pragma mark - DIESharedType DIESharedType::DIESharedType() { fBlockSize.SetTo(~(uint64)0); } uint16 DIESharedType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_shared_type; } status_t DIESharedType::AddAttribute_count(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { return SetDynamicAttributeValue(fBlockSize, value); } status_t DIESharedType::AddAttribute_decl_file(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetFile(value.constant); return B_OK; } status_t DIESharedType::AddAttribute_decl_line(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetLine(value.constant); return B_OK; } status_t DIESharedType::AddAttribute_decl_column(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fDeclarationLocation.SetColumn(value.constant); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIETypeUnit DIETypeUnit::DIETypeUnit() { } uint16 DIETypeUnit::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_type_unit; } // #pragma mark - DIERValueReferenceType DIERValueReferenceType::DIERValueReferenceType() { } uint16 DIERValueReferenceType::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type; } // #pragma mark - DIETemplateTemplateParameter DIETemplateTemplateParameter::DIETemplateTemplateParameter() : fName(NULL) { } uint16 DIETemplateTemplateParameter::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_GNU_template_template_param; } const char* DIETemplateTemplateParameter::Name() const { return fName; } status_t DIETemplateTemplateParameter::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - DIETemplateTypeParameterPack DIETemplateTypeParameterPack::DIETemplateTypeParameterPack() : fName(NULL) { } uint16 DIETemplateTypeParameterPack::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack; } const char* DIETemplateTypeParameterPack::Name() const { return fName; } status_t DIETemplateTypeParameterPack::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIETemplateTypeParameterPack::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { if (child->Tag() == DW_TAG_template_type_parameter) { fChildren.Add(child); return B_OK; } return DIEDeclaredBase::AddChild(child); } // #pragma mark - DIETemplateValueParameterPack DIETemplateValueParameterPack::DIETemplateValueParameterPack() : fName(NULL) { } uint16 DIETemplateValueParameterPack::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_GNU_formal_parameter_pack; } const char* DIETemplateValueParameterPack::Name() const { return fName; } status_t DIETemplateValueParameterPack::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIETemplateValueParameterPack::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { if (child->Tag() == DW_TAG_formal_parameter) { fChildren.Add(child); return B_OK; } return DIEDeclaredBase::AddChild(child); } // #pragma mark - DIECallSite DIECallSite::DIECallSite() : fName(NULL) { } uint16 DIECallSite::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_GNU_call_site; } const char* DIECallSite::Name() const { return fName; } status_t DIECallSite::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIECallSite::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { if (child->Tag() == DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter) { fChildren.Add(child); return B_OK; } return DIEDeclaredBase::AddChild(child); } // #pragma mark - DIECallSiteParameter DIECallSiteParameter::DIECallSiteParameter() : fName(NULL) { } uint16 DIECallSiteParameter::Tag() const { return DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter; } const char* DIECallSiteParameter::Name() const { return fName; } status_t DIECallSiteParameter::AddAttribute_name(uint16 attributeName, const AttributeValue& value) { fName = value.string; return B_OK; } status_t DIECallSiteParameter::AddChild(DebugInfoEntry* child) { return DIEDeclaredBase::AddChild(child); } // #pragma mark - DebugInfoEntryFactory DebugInfoEntryFactory::DebugInfoEntryFactory() { } status_t DebugInfoEntryFactory::CreateDebugInfoEntry(uint16 tag, DebugInfoEntry*& _entry) { DebugInfoEntry* entry = NULL; switch (tag) { case DW_TAG_array_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEArrayType; break; case DW_TAG_class_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEClassType; break; case DW_TAG_entry_point: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEEntryPoint; break; case DW_TAG_enumeration_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEEnumerationType; break; case DW_TAG_formal_parameter: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEFormalParameter; break; case DW_TAG_imported_declaration: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEImportedDeclaration; break; case DW_TAG_label: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIELabel; break; case DW_TAG_lexical_block: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIELexicalBlock; break; case DW_TAG_member: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEMember; break; case DW_TAG_pointer_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEPointerType; break; case DW_TAG_reference_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEReferenceType; break; case DW_TAG_compile_unit: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIECompileUnit; break; case DW_TAG_string_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEStringType; break; case DW_TAG_structure_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEStructureType; break; case DW_TAG_subroutine_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIESubroutineType; break; case DW_TAG_typedef: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETypedef; break; case DW_TAG_union_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEUnionType; break; case DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEUnspecifiedParameters; break; case DW_TAG_variant: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEVariant; break; case DW_TAG_common_block: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIECommonBlock; break; case DW_TAG_common_inclusion: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIECommonInclusion; break; case DW_TAG_inheritance: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEInheritance; break; case DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEInlinedSubroutine; break; case DW_TAG_module: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEModule; break; case DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEPointerToMemberType; break; case DW_TAG_set_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIESetType; break; case DW_TAG_subrange_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIESubrangeType; break; case DW_TAG_with_stmt: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEWithStatement; break; case DW_TAG_access_declaration: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEAccessDeclaration; break; case DW_TAG_base_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEBaseType; break; case DW_TAG_catch_block: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIECatchBlock; break; case DW_TAG_const_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEConstType; break; case DW_TAG_constant: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEConstant; break; case DW_TAG_enumerator: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEEnumerator; break; case DW_TAG_file_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEFileType; break; case DW_TAG_friend: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEFriend; break; case DW_TAG_namelist: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIENameList; break; case DW_TAG_namelist_item: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIENameListItem; break; case DW_TAG_packed_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEPackedType; break; case DW_TAG_subprogram: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIESubprogram; break; case DW_TAG_template_type_parameter: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETemplateTypeParameter; break; case DW_TAG_template_value_parameter: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETemplateValueParameter; break; case DW_TAG_thrown_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEThrownType; break; case DW_TAG_try_block: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETryBlock; break; case DW_TAG_variant_part: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEVariantPart; break; case DW_TAG_variable: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEVariable; break; case DW_TAG_volatile_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEVolatileType; break; case DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEDwarfProcedure; break; case DW_TAG_restrict_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIERestrictType; break; case DW_TAG_interface_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEInterfaceType; break; case DW_TAG_namespace: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIENamespace; break; case DW_TAG_imported_module: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEImportedModule; break; case DW_TAG_unspecified_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEUnspecifiedType; break; case DW_TAG_partial_unit: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEPartialUnit; break; case DW_TAG_imported_unit: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIEImportedUnit; break; case DW_TAG_condition: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIECondition; break; case DW_TAG_shared_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIESharedType; break; case DW_TAG_type_unit: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETypeUnit; break; case DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIERValueReferenceType; break; case DW_TAG_GNU_template_template_param: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETemplateTemplateParameter; break; case DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETemplateTypeParameterPack; break; case DW_TAG_GNU_formal_parameter_pack: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIETemplateValueParameterPack; break; case DW_TAG_GNU_call_site: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIECallSite; break; case DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter: entry = new(std::nothrow) DIECallSiteParameter; break; default: return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; break; } _entry = entry; return B_OK; }