/* * Copyright 2007-2008 Oliver Ruiz Dorantes, oliver.ruiz.dorantes_at_gmail.com * * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KitSupport.h" namespace Bluetooth { RemoteDevicesList DiscoveryAgent::RetrieveDevices(int option) { /* No inquiry process initiated */ if (fLastUsedListener == NULL) return NULL; return fLastUsedListener->GetRemoteDevicesList(); } status_t DiscoveryAgent::StartInquiry(int accessCode, DiscoveryListener* listener) { return StartInquiry(accessCode, listener, BT_DEFAULT_INQUIRY_TIME); } status_t DiscoveryAgent::StartInquiry(uint32 accessCode, DiscoveryListener* listener, bigtime_t secs) { BMessenger* btsm = NULL; size_t size; if ((btsm = _RetrieveBluetoothMessenger()) == NULL) return B_ERROR; if (secs < 1 || secs > 61 ) return B_TIMED_OUT; void* startInquiryCommand = NULL; // keep the listener whats the current listener for our inquiry state fLastUsedListener = listener; // Inform the listener who is gonna be its owner LocalDevice // and its discovered devices listener->SetLocalDeviceOwner(fLocalDevice); /* Issue inquiry command */ BMessage request(BT_MSG_HANDLE_SIMPLE_REQUEST); BMessage reply; request.AddInt32("hci_id", fLocalDevice->GetID()); startInquiryCommand = buildInquiry(accessCode, secs, BT_MAX_RESPONSES, &size); // For stating the inquiry request.AddData("raw command", B_ANY_TYPE, startInquiryCommand, size); request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CMD_STATUS); request.AddInt16("opcodeExpected", PACK_OPCODE(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_INQUIRY)); // For getting each discovered message request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT); // For finishing each discovered message request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE); if (btsm->SendMessage(&request, listener) == B_OK) { return B_OK; } return B_ERROR; } status_t DiscoveryAgent::CancelInquiry(DiscoveryListener* listener) { BMessenger* btsm = NULL; if ((btsm = _RetrieveBluetoothMessenger()) == NULL) return B_ERROR; void* cancelInquiryCommand = NULL; int8 bt_status = BT_ERROR; /* Issue inquiry command */ BMessage request(BT_MSG_HANDLE_SIMPLE_REQUEST); BMessage reply; request.AddInt32("hci_id", fLocalDevice->GetID()); // TODO: Add the raw command to the BMessage + expected event(s) if (btsm->SendMessage(&request, listener) == B_OK) { if (reply.FindInt8("status", &bt_status ) == B_OK ) { return bt_status; } } return B_ERROR; } void DiscoveryAgent::SetLocalDeviceOwner(LocalDevice* ld) { fLocalDevice = ld; } DiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryAgent() { fLocalDevice = NULL; } }