/* * Copyright 2001-2007, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Ingo Weinhold (bonefish@users.sf.net) */ #include #include #include #include "TokenSpace.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // debugging //#define DBG(x) x #define DBG(x) #define OUT printf using BPrivate::gDefaultTokens; using BPrivate::gLooperList; using BPrivate::BLooperList; enum { NOT_IMPLEMENTED = B_ERROR, }; /*! \brief Creates an unitialized BMessenger. */ BMessenger::BMessenger() : fPort(-1), fHandlerToken(B_NULL_TOKEN), fTeam(-1) { } /*! \brief Creates a BMessenger and initializes it to target the already running application identified by its signature and/or team ID. When only a signature is given, and multiple instances of the application are running it is undeterminate which one is chosen as the target. In case only a team ID is passed, the target application is identified uniquely. If both are supplied, the application identified by the team ID must have a matching signature, otherwise the initilization fails. \param signature The target application's signature. May be \c NULL. \param team The target application's team ID. May be < 0. \param result An optional pointer to a pre-allocated status_t into which the result of the initialization is written. */ BMessenger::BMessenger(const char *signature, team_id team, status_t *result) : fPort(-1), fHandlerToken(B_NULL_TOKEN), fTeam(-1) { _InitData(signature, team, result); } /*! \brief Creates a BMessenger and initializes it to target the local BHandler and/or BLooper. When a \c NULL handler is supplied, the preferred handler in the given looper is targeted. If no looper is supplied the looper the given handler belongs to is used -- that means in particular, that the handler must already belong to a looper. If both are supplied the handler must actually belong to looper. \param handler The target handler. May be \c NULL. \param looper The target looper. May be \c NULL. \param result An optional pointer to a pre-allocated status_t into which the result of the initialization is written. */ BMessenger::BMessenger(const BHandler* handler, const BLooper* looper, status_t* _result) : fPort(-1), fHandlerToken(B_NULL_TOKEN), fTeam(-1) { status_t error = (handler || looper ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE); if (error == B_OK) { if (handler) { // BHandler is given, check/retrieve the looper. if (looper) { if (handler->Looper() != looper) error = B_MISMATCHED_VALUES; } else { looper = handler->Looper(); if (looper == NULL) error = B_MISMATCHED_VALUES; } } // set port, token,... if (error == B_OK) { AutoLocker locker(gLooperList); if (locker.IsLocked() && gLooperList.IsLooperValid(looper)) { fPort = looper->fMsgPort; fHandlerToken = (handler ? _get_object_token_(handler) : B_PREFERRED_TOKEN); fTeam = looper->Team(); } else error = B_BAD_VALUE; } } if (_result) *_result = error; } /*! \brief Creates a BMessenger and initializes it to have the same target as the supplied messemger. \param from The messenger to be copied. */ BMessenger::BMessenger(const BMessenger& from) : fPort(from.fPort), fHandlerToken(from.fHandlerToken), fTeam(from.fTeam) { } /*! \brief Frees all resources associated with this object. */ BMessenger::~BMessenger() { } // #pragma mark - Target /*! \brief Returns whether or not the messenger's target lives within the team of the caller. \return \c true, if the object is properly initialized and its target lives within the caller's team, \c false otherwise. */ bool BMessenger::IsTargetLocal() const { return BPrivate::current_team() == fTeam; } /*! \brief Returns the handler and looper targeted by the messenger, if the target is local. The handler is returned directly, the looper by reference. If both are \c NULL, the object is either not properly initialized, the target objects have been deleted or the target is remote. If only the returned handler is \c NULL, either the looper's preferred handler is targeted or the handler has been deleted. \param looper A pointer to a pre-allocated BLooper pointer into which the pointer to the targeted looper is written. \return The BHandler targeted by the messenger. */ BHandler * BMessenger::Target(BLooper** _looper) const { BHandler *handler = NULL; if (IsTargetLocal() && (fHandlerToken > B_NULL_TOKEN || fHandlerToken == B_PREFERRED_TOKEN)) { gDefaultTokens.GetToken(fHandlerToken, B_HANDLER_TOKEN, (void**)&handler); if (_looper) *_looper = BPrivate::gLooperList.LooperForPort(fPort); } else if (_looper) *_looper = NULL; return handler; } /*! \brief Locks the BLooper targeted by the messenger, if the target is local. This method is a shorthand for retrieving the targeted looper via Target() and calling BLooper::Lock() on the looper afterwards. \see BLooper::Lock() for details. \return \c true, if the looper could be locked sucessfully, \c false, if the messenger is not properly initialized, the target is remote, or the targeted looper is invalid. */ bool BMessenger::LockTarget() const { BLooper *looper = NULL; Target(&looper); return looper && looper->Lock(); } /*! \brief Locks the BLooper targeted by the messenger, if the target is local. This method is a shorthand for retrieving the targeted looper via Target() and calling BLooper::LockWithTimeout() on the looper afterwards. \see BLooper::LockWithTimeout() for details. \return - \c B_OK, if the looper could be locked sucessfully, - \c B_BAD_VALUE, if the messenger is not properly initialized, the target is remote, or the targeted looper is invalid, - other error codes returned by BLooper::LockWithTimeout(). */ status_t BMessenger::LockTargetWithTimeout(bigtime_t timeout) const { BLooper *looper = NULL; Target(&looper); status_t error = looper ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE; if (error == B_OK) error = looper->LockWithTimeout(timeout); return error; } // #pragma mark - Message sending // SendMessage /*! \brief Delivers a BMessage synchronously to the messenger's target, without waiting for a reply. If the target's message port is full, the method waits indefinitely, until space becomes available in the port. After delivery the method returns immediately. It does not wait until the target processes the message or even sends a reply. \param command The what field of the message to deliver. \param replyTo The handler to which a reply to the message shall be sent. May be \c NULL. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_BAD_PORT_ID: The messenger is not properly initialized or its target doesn't exist anymore. */ status_t BMessenger::SendMessage(uint32 command, BHandler *replyTo) const { BMessage message(command); return SendMessage(&message, replyTo); } // SendMessage /*! \brief Delivers a BMessage synchronously to the messenger's target, without waiting for a reply. A copy of the supplied message is sent and the caller retains ownership of \a message. If the target's message port is full, the method waits until space becomes available in the port or the specified timeout occurs (whichever happens first). After delivery the method returns immediately. It does not wait until the target processes the message or even sends a reply. \param message The message to be sent. \param replyTo The handler to which a reply to the message shall be sent. May be \c NULL. \param timeout A timeout for the delivery of the message. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_BAD_PORT_ID: The messenger is not properly initialized or its target doesn't exist anymore. - \c B_WOULD_BLOCK: A delivery timeout of 0 was supplied and the target port was full when trying to deliver the message. - \c B_TIMED_OUT: The timeout expired while trying to deliver the message. */ status_t BMessenger::SendMessage(BMessage *message, BHandler *replyTo, bigtime_t timeout) const { DBG(OUT("BMessenger::SendMessage2(%.4s)\n", (char*)&message->what)); status_t error = (message ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE); if (error == B_OK) { BMessenger replyMessenger(replyTo); error = SendMessage(message, replyMessenger, timeout); } DBG(OUT("BMessenger::SendMessage2() done: %lx\n", error)); return error; } // SendMessage /*! \brief Delivers a BMessage synchronously to the messenger's target, without waiting for a reply. A copy of the supplied message is sent and the caller retains ownership of \a message. If the target's message port is full, the method waits until space becomes available in the port or the specified timeout occurs (whichever happens first). After delivery the method returns immediately. It does not wait until the target processes the message or even sends a reply. \param message The message to be sent. \param replyTo A messenger specifying the target for a reply to \a message. \param timeout A timeout for the delivery of the message. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_BAD_PORT_ID: The messenger is not properly initialized or its target doesn't exist anymore. - \c B_WOULD_BLOCK: A delivery timeout of 0 was supplied and the target port was full when trying to deliver the message. - \c B_TIMED_OUT: The timeout expired while trying to deliver the message. */ status_t BMessenger::SendMessage(BMessage *message, BMessenger replyTo, bigtime_t timeout) const { if (!message) return B_BAD_VALUE; return BMessage::Private(message).SendMessage(fPort, fTeam, fHandlerToken, timeout, false, replyTo); } // SendMessage /*! \brief Delivers a BMessage synchronously to the messenger's target and waits for a reply. The method does wait for a reply. The reply message is copied into \a reply. If the target doesn't send a reply, the \c what field of \a reply is set to \c B_NO_REPLY. \param command The what field of the message to deliver. \param reply A pointer to a pre-allocated BMessage into which the reply message will be copied. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_BAD_PORT_ID: The messenger is not properly initialized or its target doesn't exist anymore. - \c B_NO_MORE_PORTS: All reply ports are in use. */ status_t BMessenger::SendMessage(uint32 command, BMessage *reply) const { BMessage message(command); return SendMessage(&message, reply); } // SendMessage /*! \brief Delivers a BMessage synchronously to the messenger's target and waits for a reply. A copy of the supplied message is sent and the caller retains ownership of \a message. The method does wait for a reply. The reply message is copied into \a reply. If the target doesn't send a reply or if a reply timeout occurs, the \c what field of \a reply is set to \c B_NO_REPLY. \param message The message to be sent. \param reply A pointer to a pre-allocated BMessage into which the reply message will be copied. \param deliveryTimeout A timeout for the delivery of the message. \param replyTimeout A timeout for waiting for the reply. \return - \c B_OK: Everything went fine. - \c B_BAD_PORT_ID: The messenger is not properly initialized or its target doesn't exist anymore. - \c B_WOULD_BLOCK: A delivery timeout of 0 was supplied and the target port was full when trying to deliver the message. - \c B_TIMED_OUT: The timeout expired while trying to deliver the message. - \c B_NO_MORE_PORTS: All reply ports are in use. */ status_t BMessenger::SendMessage(BMessage *message, BMessage *reply, bigtime_t deliveryTimeout, bigtime_t replyTimeout) const { if (message == NULL || reply == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t error = BMessage::Private(message).SendMessage(fPort, fTeam, fHandlerToken, reply, deliveryTimeout, replyTimeout); // Map this error for now: if (error == B_BAD_TEAM_ID) error = B_BAD_PORT_ID; return error; } // #pragma mark - Operators and misc /*! \brief Makes this BMessenger a copy of the supplied one. \param from the messenger to be copied. \return A reference to this object. */ BMessenger & BMessenger::operator=(const BMessenger &from) { if (this != &from) { fPort = from.fPort; fHandlerToken = from.fHandlerToken; fTeam = from.fTeam; } return *this; } /*! \brief Returns whether this and the supplied messenger have the same target. \param other The other messenger. \return \c true, if the messengers have the same target or if both aren't properly initialzed, \c false otherwise. */ bool BMessenger::operator==(const BMessenger &other) const { // Note: The fTeam fields are not compared. return fPort == other.fPort && fHandlerToken == other.fHandlerToken; } /*! \brief Returns whether the messenger's target looper does still exist. It is not checked whether the target handler is also still existing. \return \c true, if the messenger's target looper does still exist, \c false otherwise. */ bool BMessenger::IsValid() const { port_info info; return fPort >= 0 && get_port_info(fPort, &info) == B_OK; } /*! \brief Returns the ID of the team the messenger's target lives in. \return The team of the messenger's target. */ team_id BMessenger::Team() const { return fTeam; } // #pragma mark - Private or reserved /*! \brief Sets the messenger's team, target looper port and handler token. To target the preferred handler, use B_PREFERRED_TOKEN as token. \param team The target's team. \param port The target looper port. \param token The target handler token. */ void BMessenger::_SetTo(team_id team, port_id port, int32 token) { fTeam = team; fPort = port; fHandlerToken = token; } /*! \brief Initializes the BMessenger object's data given the signature and/or team ID of a target. When only a signature is given, and multiple instances of the application are running it is undeterminate which one is chosen as the target. In case only a team ID is passed, the target application is identified uniquely. If both are supplied, the application identified by the team ID must have a matching signature, otherwise the initilization fails. \param signature The target application's signature. May be \c NULL. \param team The target application's team ID. May be < 0. \param result An optional pointer to a pre-allocated status_t into which the result of the initialization is written. */ void BMessenger::_InitData(const char* signature, team_id team, status_t* _result) { status_t error = B_OK; // get an app_info app_info info; if (team < 0) { // no team ID given if (signature) { error = be_roster->GetAppInfo(signature, &info); team = info.team; // B_ERROR means that no application with the given signature // is running. But we are supposed to return B_BAD_VALUE. if (error == B_ERROR) error = B_BAD_VALUE; } else error = B_BAD_TYPE; } else { // a team ID is given error = be_roster->GetRunningAppInfo(team, &info); // Compare the returned signature with the supplied one. if (error == B_OK && signature && strcasecmp(signature, info.signature)) error = B_MISMATCHED_VALUES; } // check whether the app flags say B_ARGV_ONLY if (error == B_OK && (info.flags & B_ARGV_ONLY)) { error = B_BAD_TYPE; // Set the team ID nevertheless -- that's what Be's implementation // does. Don't know, if that is a bug, but at least it doesn't harm. fTeam = team; } // init our members if (error == B_OK) { fTeam = team; fPort = info.port; fHandlerToken = B_PREFERRED_TOKEN; } // return the error if (_result) *_result = error; } /*! \brief Returns whether the first one of two BMessengers is less than the second one. This method defines an order on BMessengers based on their member variables \c fPort, \c fHandlerToken and \c fPreferredTarget. \param a The first messenger. \param b The second messenger. \return \c true, if \a a is less than \a b, \c false otherwise. */ bool operator<(const BMessenger &_a, const BMessenger &_b) { BMessenger::Private a(const_cast(_a)); BMessenger::Private b(const_cast(_b)); // significance: // 1. fPort // 2. fHandlerToken // 3. fPreferredTarget // fTeam is insignificant return (a.Port() < b.Port() || (a.Port() == b.Port() && (a.Token() < b.Token() || (a.Token() == b.Token() && !a.IsPreferredTarget() && b.IsPreferredTarget())))); } /*! \brief Returns whether two BMessengers have not the same target. \param a The first messenger. \param b The second messenger. \return \c false, if \a a and \a b have the same targets or are both not properly initialized, \c true otherwise. */ bool operator!=(const BMessenger &a, const BMessenger &b) { return !(a == b); }