SubDir HAIKU_TOP src data keymaps ; SetSubDirSupportedPlatformsBeOSCompatible ; NotFile keymap_files ; Depends files : keymap_files ; rule MkKeymapComp { local binary = $(1) ; local source = $(2) ; SEARCH on $(source) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ; MakeLocateArch $(binary) ; LocalDepends keymap_files : $(binary) ; Depends $(binary) : $(source) keymap ; MkKeymapComp1 $(binary) : keymap $(source) ; LocalClean clean : $(binary) ; } actions MkKeymapComp1 { $(HOST_ADD_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY_LIB_DIR) $(2[1]) -o "$(1)" -c "$(2[2-])" ; } local keymapFiles = [ GLOB $(SUBDIR) : *.keymap ] ; # generate the binary file for the keymap files local keymapFile ; for keymapFile in [ FGristFiles $(keymapFiles:D=) ] { local binary = $(keymapFile:BG=keymap) ; MkKeymapComp $(binary) : $(keymapFile) ; }