/* * Copyright 2005-2011, Haiku Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Michael Lotz */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tracing_config.h" // kernel tracing configuration //#define VERBOSE_DEBUG_OUTPUT #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG_OUTPUT #define DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER \ debug_printf("msg thread: %ld; this: %p; header: %p; fields: %p;" \ " data: %p; what: 0x%08lx '%.4s'; line: %d; func: %s\n", \ find_thread(NULL), this, fHeader, fFields, fData, what, (char *)&what, \ __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); #define DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER2 \ debug_printf("msg thread: %ld; line: %d: func: %s\n", find_thread(NULL), \ __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); #else #define DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER /* nothing */ #define DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER2 /* nothing */ #endif #if BMESSAGE_TRACING # define KTRACE(format...) ktrace_printf(format) #else # define KTRACE(format...) #endif const char *B_SPECIFIER_ENTRY = "specifiers"; const char *B_PROPERTY_ENTRY = "property"; const char *B_PROPERTY_NAME_ENTRY = "name"; extern "C" { // private os function to set the owning team of an area status_t _kern_transfer_area(area_id area, void **_address, uint32 addressSpec, team_id target); } BBlockCache *BMessage::sMsgCache = NULL; template static void print_to_stream_type(uint8 *pointer) { Type *item = (Type *)pointer; item->PrintToStream(); } template static void print_type(const char *format, uint8 *pointer) { Type *item = (Type *)pointer; printf(format, *item, *item); } // #pragma mark - BMessage::BMessage() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; _InitCommon(true); } BMessage::BMessage(BMessage *other) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; _InitCommon(false); *this = *other; } BMessage::BMessage(uint32 _what) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; _InitCommon(true); fHeader->what = what = _what; } BMessage::BMessage(const BMessage &other) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; _InitCommon(false); *this = other; } BMessage::~BMessage() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; _Clear(); } BMessage & BMessage::operator=(const BMessage &other) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (this == &other) return *this; _Clear(); fHeader = (message_header *)malloc(sizeof(message_header)); if (fHeader == NULL) return *this; memcpy(fHeader, other.fHeader, sizeof(message_header)); // Clear some header flags inherited from the original message that don't // apply to the clone. fHeader->flags &= ~(MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY_REQUIRED | MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY_DONE | MESSAGE_FLAG_IS_REPLY | MESSAGE_FLAG_WAS_DELIVERED | MESSAGE_FLAG_PASS_BY_AREA); // Note, that BeOS R5 seems to keep the reply info. if (fHeader->field_count > 0) { size_t fieldsSize = fHeader->field_count * sizeof(field_header); fFields = (field_header *)malloc(fieldsSize); if (fFields == NULL) { fHeader->field_count = 0; fHeader->data_size = 0; } else memcpy(fFields, other.fFields, fieldsSize); } if (fHeader->data_size > 0) { fData = (uint8 *)malloc(fHeader->data_size); if (fData == NULL) { fHeader->field_count = 0; free(fFields); fFields = NULL; } else memcpy(fData, other.fData, fHeader->data_size); } fHeader->what = what = other.what; fHeader->message_area = -1; fFieldsAvailable = 0; fDataAvailable = 0; return *this; } void * BMessage::operator new(size_t size) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER2; if (!sMsgCache) sMsgCache = new BBlockCache(10, sizeof(BMessage), B_OBJECT_CACHE); void *pointer = sMsgCache->Get(size); return pointer; } void * BMessage::operator new(size_t, void *pointer) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER2; return pointer; } void BMessage::operator delete(void *pointer, size_t size) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER2; sMsgCache->Save(pointer, size); } bool BMessage::HasSameData(const BMessage &other, bool ignoreFieldOrder, bool deep) const { if (this == &other) return true; if (fHeader->field_count != other.fHeader->field_count) return false; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->field_count; i++) { field_header *field = &fFields[i]; field_header *otherField = NULL; const char *name = (const char *)fData + field->offset; if (ignoreFieldOrder) { if (other._FindField(name, B_ANY_TYPE, &otherField) != B_OK) return false; } else { otherField = &other.fFields[i]; if (otherField->name_length != field->name_length) return false; const char *otherName = (const char *)other.fData + otherField->offset; if (strncmp(name, otherName, field->name_length) != 0) return false; } if (otherField->type != field->type || otherField->count != field->count) return false; uint8 *data = fData + field->offset + field->name_length; uint8 *otherData = other.fData + otherField->offset + otherField->name_length; bool needsMemCompare = true; if (deep && field->type == B_MESSAGE_TYPE) { BMessage message, otherMessage; if (message.Unflatten((const char *)data) == B_OK && otherMessage.Unflatten((const char *)otherData) == B_OK) { if (!message.HasSameData(ignoreFieldOrder, deep)) return false; needsMemCompare = false; } } if (needsMemCompare) { if (otherField->data_size != field->data_size) return false; if (memcmp(data, otherData, field->data_size) != 0) return false; } } return true; } status_t BMessage::_InitCommon(bool initHeader) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; what = 0; fHeader = NULL; fFields = NULL; fData = NULL; fFieldsAvailable = 0; fDataAvailable = 0; fOriginal = NULL; fQueueLink = NULL; if (initHeader) return _InitHeader(); fHeader = NULL; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::_InitHeader() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (fHeader == NULL) { fHeader = (message_header *)malloc(sizeof(message_header)); if (fHeader == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; } memset(fHeader, 0, sizeof(message_header) - sizeof(fHeader->hash_table)); fHeader->format = MESSAGE_FORMAT_HAIKU; fHeader->flags = MESSAGE_FLAG_VALID; fHeader->what = what; fHeader->current_specifier = -1; fHeader->message_area = -1; fHeader->target = B_NULL_TOKEN; fHeader->reply_target = B_NULL_TOKEN; fHeader->reply_port = -1; fHeader->reply_team = -1; // initializing the hash table to -1 because 0 is a valid index fHeader->hash_table_size = MESSAGE_BODY_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; memset(&fHeader->hash_table, 255, sizeof(fHeader->hash_table)); return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::_Clear() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (fHeader != NULL) { free(fHeader); fHeader = NULL; } free(fFields); fFields = NULL; free(fData); fData = NULL; fFieldsAvailable = 0; fDataAvailable = 0; delete fOriginal; fOriginal = NULL; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::GetInfo(type_code typeRequested, int32 index, char **nameFound, type_code *typeFound, int32 *countFound) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (index < 0 || (uint32)index >= fHeader->field_count) return B_BAD_INDEX; if (typeRequested == B_ANY_TYPE) { if (nameFound) *nameFound = (char *)fData + fFields[index].offset; if (typeFound) *typeFound = fFields[index].type; if (countFound) *countFound = fFields[index].count; return B_OK; } int32 counter = -1; field_header *field = fFields; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->field_count; i++, field++) { if (field->type == typeRequested) counter++; if (counter == index) { if (nameFound) *nameFound = (char *)fData + field->offset; if (typeFound) *typeFound = field->type; if (countFound) *countFound = field->count; return B_OK; } } if (counter == -1) return B_BAD_TYPE; return B_BAD_INDEX; } status_t BMessage::GetInfo(const char *name, type_code *typeFound, int32 *countFound) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (countFound) *countFound = 0; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, B_ANY_TYPE, &field); if (result < B_OK || field == NULL) return result; if (typeFound) *typeFound = field->type; if (countFound) *countFound = field->count; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::GetInfo(const char *name, type_code *typeFound, bool *fixedSize) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, B_ANY_TYPE, &field); if (result < B_OK || field == NULL) return result; if (typeFound) *typeFound = field->type; if (fixedSize) *fixedSize = (field->flags & FIELD_FLAG_FIXED_SIZE) != 0; return B_OK; } int32 BMessage::CountNames(type_code type) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (type == B_ANY_TYPE) return fHeader->field_count; int32 count = 0; field_header *field = fFields; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->field_count; i++, field++) { if (field->type == type) count++; } return count; } bool BMessage::IsEmpty() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; return fHeader->field_count == 0; } bool BMessage::IsSystem() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; char a = char(what >> 24); char b = char(what >> 16); char c = char(what >> 8); char d = char(what); // The BeBook says: // ... we've adopted a strict convention for assigning values to all // Be-defined constants. The value assigned will always be formed by // combining four characters into a multicharacter constant, with the // characters limited to uppercase letters and the underbar // Between that and what's in AppDefs.h, this algo seems like a safe bet: if (a == '_' && isupper(b) && isupper(c) && isupper(d)) return true; return false; } bool BMessage::IsReply() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; return (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_IS_REPLY) != 0; } void BMessage::PrintToStream() const { _PrintToStream(""); printf("}\n"); } void BMessage::_PrintToStream(const char* indent) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; int32 value = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(what); printf("BMessage("); if (isprint(*(char *)&value)) printf("'%.4s'", (char *)&value); else printf("0x%" B_PRIx32, what); printf(") {\n"); if (fHeader == NULL || fFields == NULL || fData == NULL) return; field_header *field = fFields; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->field_count; i++, field++) { value = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(field->type); ssize_t size = 0; if ((field->flags & FIELD_FLAG_FIXED_SIZE) != 0 && field->count > 0) size = field->data_size / field->count; uint8 *pointer = fData + field->offset + field->name_length; for (uint32 j = 0; j < field->count; j++) { if (field->count == 1) { printf("%s %s = ", indent, (char *)(fData + field->offset)); } else { printf("%s %s[%" B_PRIu32 "] = ", indent, (char *)(fData + field->offset), j); } switch (field->type) { case B_RECT_TYPE: print_to_stream_type(pointer); break; case B_POINT_TYPE: print_to_stream_type(pointer); break; case B_STRING_TYPE: { size = *(uint32 *)pointer; pointer += sizeof(uint32); printf("string(\"%s\", %ld bytes)\n", (char *)pointer, (long)size); break; } case B_INT8_TYPE: print_type("int8(0x%hx or %d or '%.1s')\n", pointer); break; case B_UINT8_TYPE: print_type("uint8(0x%hx or %u or '%.1s')\n", pointer); break; case B_INT16_TYPE: print_type("int16(0x%x or %d)\n", pointer); break; case B_UINT16_TYPE: print_type("uint16(0x%x or %u\n", pointer); break; case B_INT32_TYPE: print_type("int32(0x%lx or %ld)\n", pointer); break; case B_UINT32_TYPE: print_type("uint32(0x%lx or %lu\n", pointer); break; case B_INT64_TYPE: print_type("int64(0x%Lx or %Ld)\n", pointer); break; case B_UINT64_TYPE: print_type("uint64(0x%Lx or %Ld\n", pointer); break; case B_BOOL_TYPE: printf("bool(%s)\n", *((bool *)pointer) != 0 ? "true" : "false"); break; case B_FLOAT_TYPE: print_type("float(%.4f)\n", pointer); break; case B_DOUBLE_TYPE: print_type("double(%.8f)\n", pointer); break; case B_REF_TYPE: { size = *(uint32 *)pointer; pointer += sizeof(uint32); entry_ref ref; BPrivate::entry_ref_unflatten(&ref, (char *)pointer, size); printf("entry_ref(device=%d, directory=%lld" ", name=\"%s\", ", (int)ref.device, (long long)ref.directory, ref.name); BPath path(&ref); printf("path=\"%s\")\n", path.Path()); break; } case B_MESSAGE_TYPE: { char buffer[1024]; sprintf(buffer, "%s ", indent); BMessage message; size = *(uint32 *)pointer; pointer += sizeof(uint32); status_t result = message.Unflatten((const char *)pointer); if (result != B_OK) { printf("failed unflatten: %s\n", strerror(result)); break; } message._PrintToStream(buffer); printf("%s }\n", indent); break; } default: { printf("(type = '%.4s')(size = %ld)\n", (char *)&value, (long)size); break; } } pointer += size; } } } status_t BMessage::Rename(const char *oldEntry, const char *newEntry) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (oldEntry == NULL || newEntry == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; uint32 hash = _HashName(oldEntry) % fHeader->hash_table_size; int32 *nextField = &fHeader->hash_table[hash]; while (*nextField >= 0) { field_header *field = &fFields[*nextField]; if (strncmp((const char *)(fData + field->offset), oldEntry, field->name_length) == 0) { // nextField points to the field for oldEntry, save it and unlink int32 index = *nextField; *nextField = field->next_field; field->next_field = -1; hash = _HashName(newEntry) % fHeader->hash_table_size; nextField = &fHeader->hash_table[hash]; while (*nextField >= 0) nextField = &fFields[*nextField].next_field; *nextField = index; int32 newLength = strlen(newEntry) + 1; status_t result = _ResizeData(field->offset + 1, newLength - field->name_length); if (result < B_OK) return result; memcpy(fData + field->offset, newEntry, newLength); field->name_length = newLength; return B_OK; } nextField = &field->next_field; } return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } bool BMessage::WasDelivered() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; return (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_WAS_DELIVERED) != 0; } bool BMessage::IsSourceWaiting() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; return (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY_REQUIRED) != 0 && (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY_DONE) == 0; } BMessenger BMessage::ReturnAddress() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if ((fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_WAS_DELIVERED) != 0) { BMessenger messenger; BMessenger::Private(messenger).SetTo(fHeader->reply_team, fHeader->reply_port, fHeader->reply_target); return messenger; } return BMessenger(); } const BMessage * BMessage::Previous() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; /* ToDo: test if the "_previous_" field is used in R5 */ if (fOriginal == NULL) { fOriginal = new BMessage(); if (FindMessage("_previous_", fOriginal) != B_OK) { delete fOriginal; fOriginal = NULL; } } return fOriginal; } bool BMessage::WasDropped() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; return (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_WAS_DROPPED) != 0; } BPoint BMessage::DropPoint(BPoint *offset) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (offset) *offset = FindPoint("_drop_offset_"); return FindPoint("_drop_point_"); } ssize_t BMessage::FlattenedSize() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; return sizeof(message_header) + fHeader->field_count * sizeof(field_header) + fHeader->data_size; } status_t BMessage::Flatten(char *buffer, ssize_t size) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (buffer == NULL || size < 0) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (fHeader == NULL) return B_NO_INIT; /* we have to sync the what code as it is a public member */ fHeader->what = what; memcpy(buffer, fHeader, min_c(sizeof(message_header), (size_t)size)); buffer += sizeof(message_header); size -= sizeof(message_header); size_t fieldsSize = fHeader->field_count * sizeof(field_header); memcpy(buffer, fFields, min_c(fieldsSize, (size_t)size)); buffer += fieldsSize; size -= fieldsSize; memcpy(buffer, fData, min_c(fHeader->data_size, (size_t)size)); if ((size_t)size < fHeader->data_size) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::Flatten(BDataIO *stream, ssize_t *size) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (stream == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (fHeader == NULL) return B_NO_INIT; /* we have to sync the what code as it is a public member */ fHeader->what = what; ssize_t result1 = stream->Write(fHeader, sizeof(message_header)); if (result1 != sizeof(message_header)) return result1 < 0 ? result1 : B_ERROR; ssize_t result2 = 0; if (fHeader->field_count > 0) { ssize_t fieldsSize = fHeader->field_count * sizeof(field_header); result2 = stream->Write(fFields, fieldsSize); if (result2 != fieldsSize) return result2 < 0 ? result2 : B_ERROR; } ssize_t result3 = 0; if (fHeader->data_size > 0) { result3 = stream->Write(fData, fHeader->data_size); if (result3 != (ssize_t)fHeader->data_size) return result3 < 0 ? result3 : B_ERROR; } if (size) *size = result1 + result2 + result3; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::_ValidateMessage() { if (fHeader->field_count == 0) return B_OK; if (fFields == NULL) return B_NO_INIT; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->field_count; i++) { field_header *field = &fFields[i]; if ((field->next_field >= 0 && (uint32)field->next_field > fHeader->field_count) || (field->offset + field->name_length + field->data_size > fHeader->data_size)) { // the message is corrupt MakeEmpty(); return B_BAD_VALUE; } } return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::Unflatten(const char *flatBuffer) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (flatBuffer == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; uint32 format = *(uint32 *)flatBuffer; if (format != MESSAGE_FORMAT_HAIKU) return BPrivate::MessageAdapter::Unflatten(format, this, flatBuffer); // native message unflattening _Clear(); fHeader = (message_header *)malloc(sizeof(message_header)); if (fHeader == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; memcpy(fHeader, flatBuffer, sizeof(message_header)); flatBuffer += sizeof(message_header); if (fHeader->format != MESSAGE_FORMAT_HAIKU || (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_VALID) == 0) { _InitHeader(); return B_BAD_VALUE; } what = fHeader->what; if ((fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_PASS_BY_AREA) != 0 && fHeader->message_area >= 0) { // status_t result = _Reference(); // if (result != B_OK) // return result; } else { fHeader->message_area = -1; if (fHeader->field_count > 0) { size_t fieldsSize = fHeader->field_count * sizeof(field_header); fFields = (field_header *)malloc(fieldsSize); if (fFields == NULL) { _InitHeader(); return B_NO_MEMORY; } memcpy(fFields, flatBuffer, fieldsSize); flatBuffer += fieldsSize; } if (fHeader->data_size > 0) { fData = (uint8 *)malloc(fHeader->data_size); if (fData == NULL) { free(fFields); fFields = NULL; _InitHeader(); return B_NO_MEMORY; } memcpy(fData, flatBuffer, fHeader->data_size); } } return _ValidateMessage(); } status_t BMessage::Unflatten(BDataIO *stream) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (stream == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; uint32 format = 0; stream->Read(&format, sizeof(uint32)); if (format != MESSAGE_FORMAT_HAIKU) return BPrivate::MessageAdapter::Unflatten(format, this, stream); // native message unflattening _Clear(); fHeader = (message_header *)malloc(sizeof(message_header)); if (fHeader == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; fHeader->format = format; uint8 *header = (uint8 *)fHeader; ssize_t result = stream->Read(header + sizeof(uint32), sizeof(message_header) - sizeof(uint32)); if (result != sizeof(message_header) - sizeof(uint32) || (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_VALID) == 0) { _InitHeader(); return result < 0 ? result : B_BAD_VALUE; } what = fHeader->what; fHeader->message_area = -1; if (fHeader->field_count > 0) { ssize_t fieldsSize = fHeader->field_count * sizeof(field_header); fFields = (field_header *)malloc(fieldsSize); if (fFields == NULL) { _InitHeader(); return B_NO_MEMORY; } result = stream->Read(fFields, fieldsSize); if (result != fieldsSize) return result < 0 ? result : B_BAD_VALUE; } if (fHeader->data_size > 0) { fData = (uint8 *)malloc(fHeader->data_size); if (fData == NULL) { free(fFields); fFields = NULL; _InitHeader(); return B_NO_MEMORY; } result = stream->Read(fData, fHeader->data_size); if (result != (ssize_t)fHeader->data_size) return result < 0 ? result : B_BAD_VALUE; } return _ValidateMessage(); } status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; BMessage message(B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER); status_t result = message.AddString(B_PROPERTY_ENTRY, property); if (result < B_OK) return result; return AddSpecifier(&message); } status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property, int32 index) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; BMessage message(B_INDEX_SPECIFIER); status_t result = message.AddString(B_PROPERTY_ENTRY, property); if (result < B_OK) return result; result = message.AddInt32("index", index); if (result < B_OK) return result; return AddSpecifier(&message); } status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property, int32 index, int32 range) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (range < 0) return B_BAD_VALUE; BMessage message(B_RANGE_SPECIFIER); status_t result = message.AddString(B_PROPERTY_ENTRY, property); if (result < B_OK) return result; result = message.AddInt32("index", index); if (result < B_OK) return result; result = message.AddInt32("range", range); if (result < B_OK) return result; return AddSpecifier(&message); } status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property, const char *name) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; BMessage message(B_NAME_SPECIFIER); status_t result = message.AddString(B_PROPERTY_ENTRY, property); if (result < B_OK) return result; result = message.AddString(B_PROPERTY_NAME_ENTRY, name); if (result < B_OK) return result; return AddSpecifier(&message); } status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const BMessage *specifier) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; status_t result = AddMessage(B_SPECIFIER_ENTRY, specifier); if (result < B_OK) return result; fHeader->current_specifier++; fHeader->flags |= MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_SPECIFIERS; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::SetCurrentSpecifier(int32 index) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (index < 0) return B_BAD_INDEX; type_code type; int32 count; status_t result = GetInfo(B_SPECIFIER_ENTRY, &type, &count); if (result < B_OK) return result; if (index > count) return B_BAD_INDEX; fHeader->current_specifier = index; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::GetCurrentSpecifier(int32 *index, BMessage *specifier, int32 *_what, const char **property) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (index != NULL) *index = fHeader->current_specifier; if (fHeader->current_specifier < 0 || (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_WAS_DELIVERED) == 0) return B_BAD_SCRIPT_SYNTAX; if (specifier) { if (FindMessage(B_SPECIFIER_ENTRY, fHeader->current_specifier, specifier) < B_OK) return B_BAD_SCRIPT_SYNTAX; if (_what != NULL) *_what = specifier->what; if (property) { if (specifier->FindString(B_PROPERTY_ENTRY, property) < B_OK) return B_BAD_SCRIPT_SYNTAX; } } return B_OK; } bool BMessage::HasSpecifiers() const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; return (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_SPECIFIERS) != 0; } status_t BMessage::PopSpecifier() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (fHeader->current_specifier < 0 || (fHeader->flags & MESSAGE_FLAG_WAS_DELIVERED) == 0) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (fHeader->current_specifier >= 0) fHeader->current_specifier--; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::_ResizeData(uint32 offset, int32 change) { if (change == 0) return B_OK; /* optimize for the most usual case: appending data */ if (offset < fHeader->data_size) { field_header *field = fFields; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->field_count; i++, field++) { if (field->offset >= offset) field->offset += change; } } if (change > 0) { if (fDataAvailable >= (uint32)change) { if (offset < fHeader->data_size) { memmove(fData + offset + change, fData + offset, fHeader->data_size - offset); } fDataAvailable -= change; fHeader->data_size += change; return B_OK; } size_t size = fHeader->data_size * 2; size = min_c(size, fHeader->data_size + MAX_DATA_PREALLOCATION); size = max_c(size, fHeader->data_size + change); uint8 *newData = (uint8 *)realloc(fData, size); if (size > 0 && newData == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; fData = newData; if (offset < fHeader->data_size) { memmove(fData + offset + change, fData + offset, fHeader->data_size - offset); } fHeader->data_size += change; fDataAvailable = size - fHeader->data_size; } else { ssize_t length = fHeader->data_size - offset + change; if (length > 0) memmove(fData + offset, fData + offset - change, length); // change is negative fHeader->data_size += change; fDataAvailable -= change; if (fDataAvailable > MAX_DATA_PREALLOCATION) { ssize_t available = MAX_DATA_PREALLOCATION / 2; ssize_t size = fHeader->data_size + available; uint8 *newData = (uint8 *)realloc(fData, size); if (size > 0 && newData == NULL) { // this is strange, but not really fatal return B_OK; } fData = newData; fDataAvailable = available; } } return B_OK; } uint32 BMessage::_HashName(const char *name) const { char ch; uint32 result = 0; while ((ch = *name++) != 0) { result = (result << 7) ^ (result >> 24); result ^= ch; } result ^= result << 12; return result; } status_t BMessage::_FindField(const char *name, type_code type, field_header **result) const { if (name == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; if (fHeader == NULL || fFields == NULL || fData == NULL) return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND; uint32 hash = _HashName(name) % fHeader->hash_table_size; int32 nextField = fHeader->hash_table[hash]; while (nextField >= 0) { field_header *field = &fFields[nextField]; if ((field->flags & FIELD_FLAG_VALID) == 0) break; if (strncmp((const char *)(fData + field->offset), name, field->name_length) == 0) { if (type != B_ANY_TYPE && field->type != type) return B_BAD_TYPE; *result = field; return B_OK; } nextField = field->next_field; } return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } status_t BMessage::_AddField(const char *name, type_code type, bool isFixedSize, field_header **result) { if (fHeader == NULL) return B_ERROR; if (fFieldsAvailable <= 0) { uint32 count = fHeader->field_count * 2 + 1; count = min_c(count, fHeader->field_count + MAX_FIELD_PREALLOCATION); field_header *newFields = (field_header *)realloc(fFields, count * sizeof(field_header)); if (count > 0 && newFields == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; fFields = newFields; fFieldsAvailable = count - fHeader->field_count; } uint32 hash = _HashName(name) % fHeader->hash_table_size; int32 *nextField = &fHeader->hash_table[hash]; while (*nextField >= 0) nextField = &fFields[*nextField].next_field; *nextField = fHeader->field_count; field_header *field = &fFields[fHeader->field_count]; field->type = type; field->count = 0; field->data_size = 0; field->next_field = -1; field->offset = fHeader->data_size; field->name_length = strlen(name) + 1; status_t status = _ResizeData(field->offset, field->name_length); if (status < B_OK) return status; memcpy(fData + field->offset, name, field->name_length); field->flags = FIELD_FLAG_VALID; if (isFixedSize) field->flags |= FIELD_FLAG_FIXED_SIZE; fFieldsAvailable--; fHeader->field_count++; *result = field; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::_RemoveField(field_header *field) { status_t result = _ResizeData(field->offset, -(field->data_size + field->name_length)); if (result < B_OK) return result; int32 index = ((uint8 *)field - (uint8 *)fFields) / sizeof(field_header); int32 nextField = field->next_field; if (nextField > index) nextField--; int32 *value = fHeader->hash_table; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->hash_table_size; i++, value++) { if (*value > index) *value -= 1; else if (*value == index) *value = nextField; } field_header *other = fFields; for (uint32 i = 0; i < fHeader->field_count; i++, other++) { if (other->next_field > index) other->next_field--; else if (other->next_field == index) other->next_field = nextField; } size_t size = (fHeader->field_count - index - 1) * sizeof(field_header); memmove(fFields + index, fFields + index + 1, size); fHeader->field_count--; fFieldsAvailable++; if (fFieldsAvailable > MAX_FIELD_PREALLOCATION) { ssize_t available = MAX_FIELD_PREALLOCATION / 2; size = (fHeader->field_count + available) * sizeof(field_header); field_header *newFields = (field_header *)realloc(fFields, size); if (size > 0 && newFields == NULL) { // this is strange, but not really fatal return B_OK; } fFields = newFields; fFieldsAvailable = available; } return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::AddData(const char *name, type_code type, const void *data, ssize_t numBytes, bool isFixedSize, int32 count) { // Note that the "count" argument is only a hint at how many items // the caller expects to add to this field. Since we do no item pre- // allocation, we ignore this argument. DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (numBytes <= 0 || data == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, type, &field); if (result == B_NAME_NOT_FOUND) result = _AddField(name, type, isFixedSize, &field); if (result < B_OK) return result; if (field == NULL) return B_ERROR; uint32 offset = field->offset + field->name_length + field->data_size; if ((field->flags & FIELD_FLAG_FIXED_SIZE) != 0) { if (field->count) { ssize_t size = field->data_size / field->count; if (size != numBytes) return B_BAD_VALUE; } result = _ResizeData(offset, numBytes); if (result < B_OK) { if (field->count == 0) _RemoveField(field); return result; } memcpy(fData + offset, data, numBytes); field->data_size += numBytes; } else { int32 change = numBytes + sizeof(uint32); result = _ResizeData(offset, change); if (result < B_OK) { if (field->count == 0) _RemoveField(field); return result; } uint32 size = (uint32)numBytes; memcpy(fData + offset, &size, sizeof(uint32)); memcpy(fData + offset + sizeof(uint32), data, size); field->data_size += change; } field->count++; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::RemoveData(const char *name, int32 index) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (index < 0) return B_BAD_INDEX; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, B_ANY_TYPE, &field); if (result < B_OK) return result; if (field == NULL) return B_ERROR; if ((uint32)index >= field->count) return B_BAD_INDEX; if (field->count == 1) return _RemoveField(field); uint32 offset = field->offset + field->name_length; if ((field->flags & FIELD_FLAG_FIXED_SIZE) != 0) { ssize_t size = field->data_size / field->count; result = _ResizeData(offset + index * size, -size); if (result < B_OK) return result; field->data_size -= size; } else { uint8 *pointer = fData + offset; for (int32 i = 0; i < index; i++) { offset += *(uint32 *)pointer + sizeof(uint32); pointer = fData + offset; } size_t currentSize = *(uint32 *)pointer + sizeof(uint32); result = _ResizeData(offset, -currentSize); if (result < B_OK) return result; field->data_size -= currentSize; } field->count--; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::RemoveName(const char *name) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, B_ANY_TYPE, &field); if (result < B_OK) return result; if (field == NULL) return B_ERROR; return _RemoveField(field); } status_t BMessage::MakeEmpty() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; _Clear(); _InitHeader(); return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::FindData(const char *name, type_code type, int32 index, const void **data, ssize_t *numBytes) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (data == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; *data = NULL; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, type, &field); if (result < B_OK) return result; if (field == NULL) return B_ERROR; if (index < 0 || (uint32)index >= field->count) return B_BAD_INDEX; if ((field->flags & FIELD_FLAG_FIXED_SIZE) != 0) { size_t bytes = field->data_size / field->count; *data = fData + field->offset + field->name_length + index * bytes; if (numBytes != NULL) *numBytes = bytes; } else { uint8 *pointer = fData + field->offset + field->name_length; for (int32 i = 0; i < index; i++) pointer += *(uint32 *)pointer + sizeof(uint32); *data = pointer + sizeof(uint32); if (numBytes != NULL) *numBytes = *(uint32 *)pointer; } return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::ReplaceData(const char *name, type_code type, int32 index, const void *data, ssize_t numBytes) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; if (numBytes <= 0 || data == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, type, &field); if (result < B_OK) return result; if (field == NULL) return B_ERROR; if (index < 0 || (uint32)index >= field->count) return B_BAD_INDEX; if ((field->flags & FIELD_FLAG_FIXED_SIZE) != 0) { ssize_t size = field->data_size / field->count; if (size != numBytes) return B_BAD_VALUE; memcpy(fData + field->offset + field->name_length + index * size, data, size); } else { uint32 offset = field->offset + field->name_length; uint8 *pointer = fData + offset; for (int32 i = 0; i < index; i++) { offset += *(uint32 *)pointer + sizeof(uint32); pointer = fData + offset; } size_t currentSize = *(uint32 *)pointer; int32 change = numBytes - currentSize; result = _ResizeData(offset, change); if (result < B_OK) return result; uint32 newSize = (uint32)numBytes; memcpy(fData + offset, &newSize, sizeof(uint32)); memcpy(fData + offset + sizeof(uint32), data, newSize); field->data_size += change; } return B_OK; } bool BMessage::HasData(const char *name, type_code type, int32 index) const { DEBUG_FUNCTION_ENTER; field_header *field = NULL; status_t result = _FindField(name, type, &field); if (result < B_OK) return false; if (field == NULL) return false; if (index < 0 || (uint32)index >= field->count) return false; return true; } void BMessage::_ReservedMessage1(void) {}; void BMessage::_ReservedMessage2(void) {}; void BMessage::_ReservedMessage3(void) {}; /* Relay functions from here on (Add... -> AddData, Find... -> FindData) */ #define DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(type, typeName, typeCode) \ status_t \ BMessage::Add##typeName(const char *name, type val) \ { \ return AddData(name, typeCode, &val, sizeof(type), true); \ } \ \ status_t \ BMessage::Find##typeName(const char *name, type *p) const \ { \ void *ptr = NULL; \ ssize_t bytes = 0; \ status_t error = B_OK; \ \ *p = type(); \ error = FindData(name, typeCode, 0, (const void **)&ptr, &bytes); \ \ if (error == B_OK) \ memcpy(p, ptr, sizeof(type)); \ \ return error; \ } \ \ status_t \ BMessage::Find##typeName(const char *name, int32 index, type *p) const \ { \ void *ptr = NULL; \ ssize_t bytes = 0; \ status_t error = B_OK; \ \ *p = type(); \ error = FindData(name, typeCode, index, (const void **)&ptr, &bytes); \ \ if (error == B_OK) \ memcpy(p, ptr, sizeof(type)); \ \ return error; \ } \ \ status_t \ BMessage::Replace##typeName(const char *name, type val) \ { \ return ReplaceData(name, typeCode, 0, &val, sizeof(type)); \ } \ \ status_t \ BMessage::Replace##typeName(const char *name, int32 index, type val) \ { \ return ReplaceData(name, typeCode, index, &val, sizeof(type)); \ } \ \ bool \ BMessage::Has##typeName(const char *name, int32 index) const \ { \ return HasData(name, typeCode, index); \ } DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(BPoint, Point, B_POINT_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(BRect, Rect, B_RECT_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(int8, Int8, B_INT8_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(uint8, UInt8, B_UINT8_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(int16, Int16, B_INT16_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(uint16, UInt16, B_UINT16_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(int32, Int32, B_INT32_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(uint32, UInt32, B_UINT32_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(int64, Int64, B_INT64_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(uint64, UInt64, B_UINT64_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(bool, Bool, B_BOOL_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(float, Float, B_FLOAT_TYPE); DEFINE_FUNCTIONS(double, Double, B_DOUBLE_TYPE); #undef DEFINE_FUNCTIONS #define DEFINE_HAS_FUNCTION(typeName, typeCode) \ bool \ BMessage::Has##typeName(const char *name, int32 index) const \ { \ return HasData(name, typeCode, index); \ } DEFINE_HAS_FUNCTION(String, B_STRING_TYPE); DEFINE_HAS_FUNCTION(Pointer, B_POINTER_TYPE); DEFINE_HAS_FUNCTION(Messenger, B_MESSENGER_TYPE); DEFINE_HAS_FUNCTION(Ref, B_REF_TYPE); DEFINE_HAS_FUNCTION(Message, B_MESSAGE_TYPE); #undef DEFINE_HAS_FUNCTION #define DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(type, typeName, initialize) \ type \ BMessage::Find##typeName(const char *name, int32 index) const \ { \ type val = initialize; \ Find##typeName(name, index, &val); \ return val; \ } DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(BRect, Rect, BRect()); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(BPoint, Point, BPoint()); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(const char *, String, NULL); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(int8, Int8, 0); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(int16, Int16, 0); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(int32, Int32, 0); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(int64, Int64, 0); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(bool, Bool, false); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(float, Float, 0); DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION(double, Double, 0); #undef DEFINE_LAZY_FIND_FUNCTION status_t BMessage::AddString(const char *name, const char *string) { return AddData(name, B_STRING_TYPE, string, string ? strlen(string) + 1 : 0, false); } status_t BMessage::AddString(const char *name, const BString &string) { return AddData(name, B_STRING_TYPE, string.String(), string.Length() + 1, false); } status_t BMessage::AddPointer(const char *name, const void *pointer) { return AddData(name, B_POINTER_TYPE, &pointer, sizeof(pointer), true); } status_t BMessage::AddMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger messenger) { return AddData(name, B_MESSENGER_TYPE, &messenger, sizeof(messenger), true); } status_t BMessage::AddRef(const char *name, const entry_ref *ref) { size_t size = sizeof(entry_ref) + B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH; char buffer[size]; status_t error = BPrivate::entry_ref_flatten(buffer, &size, ref); if (error >= B_OK) error = AddData(name, B_REF_TYPE, buffer, size, false); return error; } status_t BMessage::AddMessage(const char *name, const BMessage *message) { if (message == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; // TODO: This and the following functions waste time by allocating and // copying an extra buffer. Functions can be added that return a direct // pointer into the message. char stackBuffer[16384]; ssize_t size = message->FlattenedSize(); char* buffer; if (size > (ssize_t)sizeof(stackBuffer)) { buffer = (char *)malloc(size); if (buffer == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; } else buffer = stackBuffer; status_t error = message->Flatten(buffer, size); if (error >= B_OK) error = AddData(name, B_MESSAGE_TYPE, buffer, size, false); if (buffer != stackBuffer) free(buffer); return error; } status_t BMessage::AddFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object, int32 count) { if (object == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; char stackBuffer[16384]; ssize_t size = object->FlattenedSize(); char* buffer; if (size > (ssize_t)sizeof(stackBuffer)) { buffer = (char *)malloc(size); if (buffer == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; } else buffer = stackBuffer; status_t error = object->Flatten(buffer, size); if (error >= B_OK) error = AddData(name, object->TypeCode(), buffer, size, false); if (buffer != stackBuffer) free(buffer); return error; } status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, const char **string) const { return FindString(name, 0, string); } status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, int32 index, const char **string) const { ssize_t bytes; return FindData(name, B_STRING_TYPE, index, (const void **)string, &bytes); } status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, BString *string) const { return FindString(name, 0, string); } status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, int32 index, BString *string) const { if (string == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; const char *cstr; status_t error = FindString(name, index, &cstr); if (error < B_OK) return error; *string = cstr; return B_OK; } status_t BMessage::FindPointer(const char *name, void **pointer) const { return FindPointer(name, 0, pointer); } status_t BMessage::FindPointer(const char *name, int32 index, void **pointer) const { if (pointer == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; void **data = NULL; ssize_t size = 0; status_t error = FindData(name, B_POINTER_TYPE, index, (const void **)&data, &size); if (error == B_OK) *pointer = *data; else *pointer = NULL; return error; } status_t BMessage::FindMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger *messenger) const { return FindMessenger(name, 0, messenger); } status_t BMessage::FindMessenger(const char *name, int32 index, BMessenger *messenger) const { if (messenger == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; void *data = NULL; ssize_t size = 0; status_t error = FindData(name, B_MESSENGER_TYPE, index, (const void **)&data, &size); if (error == B_OK) memcpy(messenger, data, sizeof(BMessenger)); else *messenger = BMessenger(); return error; } status_t BMessage::FindRef(const char *name, entry_ref *ref) const { return FindRef(name, 0, ref); } status_t BMessage::FindRef(const char *name, int32 index, entry_ref *ref) const { if (ref == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; void *data = NULL; ssize_t size = 0; status_t error = FindData(name, B_REF_TYPE, index, (const void **)&data, &size); if (error == B_OK) error = BPrivate::entry_ref_unflatten(ref, (char *)data, size); else *ref = entry_ref(); return error; } status_t BMessage::FindMessage(const char *name, BMessage *message) const { return FindMessage(name, 0, message); } status_t BMessage::FindMessage(const char *name, int32 index, BMessage *message) const { if (message == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; void *data = NULL; ssize_t size = 0; status_t error = FindData(name, B_MESSAGE_TYPE, index, (const void **)&data, &size); if (error == B_OK) error = message->Unflatten((const char *)data); else *message = BMessage(); return error; } status_t BMessage::FindFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object) const { return FindFlat(name, 0, object); } status_t BMessage::FindFlat(const char *name, int32 index, BFlattenable *object) const { if (object == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; void *data = NULL; ssize_t numBytes = 0; status_t error = FindData(name, object->TypeCode(), index, (const void **)&data, &numBytes); if (error == B_OK) error = object->Unflatten(object->TypeCode(), data, numBytes); return error; } status_t BMessage::FindData(const char *name, type_code type, const void **data, ssize_t *numBytes) const { return FindData(name, type, 0, data, numBytes); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, const char *string) { if (string == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; return ReplaceData(name, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, string, strlen(string) + 1); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, int32 index, const char *string) { if (string == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; return ReplaceData(name, B_STRING_TYPE, index, string, strlen(string) + 1); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, const BString &string) { return ReplaceData(name, B_STRING_TYPE, 0, string.String(), string.Length() + 1); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, int32 index, const BString &string) { return ReplaceData(name, B_STRING_TYPE, index, string.String(), string.Length() + 1); } status_t BMessage::ReplacePointer(const char *name, const void *pointer) { return ReplaceData(name, B_POINTER_TYPE, 0, &pointer, sizeof(pointer)); } status_t BMessage::ReplacePointer(const char *name, int32 index, const void *pointer) { return ReplaceData(name, B_POINTER_TYPE, index, &pointer, sizeof(pointer)); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger messenger) { return ReplaceData(name, B_MESSENGER_TYPE, 0, &messenger, sizeof(BMessenger)); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessenger(const char *name, int32 index, BMessenger messenger) { return ReplaceData(name, B_MESSENGER_TYPE, index, &messenger, sizeof(BMessenger)); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceRef(const char *name, const entry_ref *ref) { return ReplaceRef(name, 0, ref); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceRef(const char *name, int32 index, const entry_ref *ref) { size_t size = sizeof(entry_ref) + B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH; char buffer[size]; status_t error = BPrivate::entry_ref_flatten(buffer, &size, ref); if (error >= B_OK) error = ReplaceData(name, B_REF_TYPE, index, &buffer, size); return error; } status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessage(const char *name, const BMessage *message) { return ReplaceMessage(name, 0, message); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessage(const char *name, int32 index, const BMessage *message) { if (message == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; ssize_t size = message->FlattenedSize(); char buffer[size]; status_t error = message->Flatten(buffer, size); if (error >= B_OK) error = ReplaceData(name, B_MESSAGE_TYPE, index, &buffer, size); return error; } status_t BMessage::ReplaceFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object) { return ReplaceFlat(name, 0, object); } status_t BMessage::ReplaceFlat(const char *name, int32 index, BFlattenable *object) { if (object == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; ssize_t size = object->FlattenedSize(); char buffer[size]; status_t error = object->Flatten(buffer, size); if (error >= B_OK) error = ReplaceData(name, object->TypeCode(), index, &buffer, size); return error; } status_t BMessage::ReplaceData(const char *name, type_code type, const void *data, ssize_t numBytes) { return ReplaceData(name, type, 0, data, numBytes); } bool BMessage::HasFlat(const char *name, const BFlattenable *object) const { return HasFlat(name, 0, object); } bool BMessage::HasFlat(const char *name, int32 index, const BFlattenable *object) const { return HasData(name, object->TypeCode(), index); }