/* * Copyright 2011 Aleksas Pantechovskis, * Copyright 2011 Siarzhuk Zharski, * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; const char* kUsageMessage = "# setmime:\n" "# usage: setmime ((-dump | -dumpSniffRule | -dumpIcon | -dumpAll) " "[ ] )\n" "# | (-remove )\n" "# | ( (-set | -force | -add) \n" "# [ -short ] [ -long ]\n" "# [ -preferredApp ]\n" "# [ -preferredAppSig ]\n" "# [ -sniffRule ]\n" "# [ -extension ]\n" "# [ -attribute \n" "# [ -attrName ] [ -attrType ]\n" "# [ -attrWidth ][ -attrAlignment ]\n" "# [ -attrViewable ][ -attrEditable ]\n" "# [ -attrExtra ] ]\n" "# [ -miniIcon <256 hex bytes> ]\n" "# [ -largeIcon <1024 hex bytes> ]\n" "# [ -vectorIcon ] ... )\n" "# | (-checkSniffRule \n" "# | -includeApps)\n"; const char* kHelpMessage = "# -dump prints a specified metamime\n" "# -remove removes specified metamime\n" "# -add adds specified metamime and specified metamime attributes\n" "# that have not yet been defined\n" "# -set adds specified metamime and specified metamime attributes, \n" "# overwrites the existing values of specified metamime attributes\n" "# -force adds specified metamime and specified metamime attributes\n" "# after first erasing all the existing attributes\n" "# -dumpSniffRule prints just the MIME sniffer rule of a " "specified metamime\n" "# -dumpIcon prints just the icon information of a specified metamime\n" "# -dumpAll prints all the information, including icons of a " "specified metamime\n" "# -checkSniffRule parses a MIME sniffer rule and reports any errors\n" "# -includeApps will include applications\n"; const char* kNeedArgMessage = "you have to specify any of " "-dump[All|Icon|SnifferRule], -add, -set, " "-force or -remove"; const char* kWrongModeMessage = "can only specify one of -dump, -dumpAll, " "-dumpIcon, -dumpSnifferRule, -remove, " "-add, -set, -force or -checkSnifferRule"; const char* kHelpReq = "--help"; const char* kDump = "-dump"; const char* kDumpSniffRule = "-dumpSniffRule"; const char* kDumpIcon = "-dumpIcon"; const char* kDumpAll = "-dumpAll"; const char* kAdd = "-add"; const char* kSet = "-set"; const char* kForce = "-force"; const char* kRemove = "-remove"; const char* kCheckSniffRule = "-checkSniffRule"; const char* kShort = "-short"; const char* kLong = "-long"; const char* kPreferredApp = "-preferredApp"; const char* kPreferredAppSig = "-preferredAppSig"; const char* kSniffRule = "-sniffRule"; const char* kMiniIcon = "-miniIcon"; const char* kLargeIcon = "-largeIcon"; const char* kVectorIcon = "-vectorIcon"; const char* kIncludeApps = "-includeApps"; const char* kExtension = "-extension"; const char* kAttribute = "-attribute"; const char* kAttrName = "-attrName"; const char* kAttrType = "-attrType"; const char* kAttrWidth = "-attrWidth"; const char* kAttrAlignment = "-attrAlignment"; const char* kAttrViewable = "-attrViewable"; const char* kAttrEditable = "-attrEditable"; const char* kAttrExtra = "-attrExtra"; const uint32 hash(const char* str) { uint32 h = 0; uint32 g = 0; for (const char* p = str; *p; p++) { h = (h << 4) + (*p & 0xFF); g = h & 0xF0000000; if (g != 0) { h ^= g >> 24; h ^= g; } } return h; } // the list of all acceptable command-line options struct CmdOption { enum Type { kMode, kOption, kAttrRoot, kAttrib, kHelp }; const char* fName; Type fType; bool fNeedArg; bool fNonExclusive; } gCmdOptions[] = { { kHelpReq, CmdOption::kHelp }, { kDump, CmdOption::kMode }, { kDumpSniffRule, CmdOption::kMode }, { kDumpIcon, CmdOption::kMode }, { kDumpAll, CmdOption::kMode }, { kAdd, CmdOption::kMode }, { kSet, CmdOption::kMode }, { kForce, CmdOption::kMode }, { kRemove, CmdOption::kMode }, { kCheckSniffRule, CmdOption::kMode, true }, { kShort, CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kLong, CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kPreferredApp, CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kPreferredAppSig, CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kSniffRule, CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kMiniIcon , CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kLargeIcon, CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kVectorIcon, CmdOption::kOption, true }, { kIncludeApps, CmdOption::kOption, false }, { kExtension, CmdOption::kOption, true, true }, { kAttribute, CmdOption::kAttrRoot, true, true }, { kAttrName, CmdOption::kAttrib, true }, { kAttrType, CmdOption::kAttrib, true }, { kAttrWidth, CmdOption::kAttrib, true }, { kAttrAlignment, CmdOption::kAttrib, true }, { kAttrViewable, CmdOption::kAttrib, true }, { kAttrEditable, CmdOption::kAttrib, true }, { kAttrExtra, CmdOption::kAttrib, true } }; // the 'hash -> value' map of arguments provided by user typedef multimap TUserArgs; typedef multimap::iterator TUserArgsI; // user provided attributes are grouped separately in vector typedef vector TUserAttrs; typedef vector::iterator TUserAttrsI; const uint32 kOpModeUndefined = 0; // #pragma mark - class Error : public std::exception { BString fWhat; public: Error(const char* what, ...); virtual ~Error() throw() {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return fWhat.String(); } }; Error::Error(const char* what, ...) { const int size = 1024; va_list args; va_start(args, what); vsnprintf(fWhat.LockBuffer(size), size, what, args); fWhat.UnlockBuffer(); va_end(args); } // #pragma mark - // encapsulate the single attribute params // struct MimeAttribute { status_t fStatus; BString fName; BString fPublicName; int32 fType; bool fViewable; bool fEditable; bool fExtra; int32 fWidth; int32 fAlignment; MimeAttribute(BMessage& msg, int32 index); MimeAttribute(TUserArgs& args); status_t InitCheck() { return fStatus; } void Dump(); void SyncWith(TUserArgs& args) throw(Error); void StoreInto(BMessage* target); const char* UserArgValue(TUserArgs& map, const char* name); bool IsPrintableChar(char c) { return c >= ' ' && c < 127 && c != '\'' && c != '\\'; } }; MimeAttribute::MimeAttribute(BMessage& msg, int32 index) : fStatus(B_NO_INIT), fType('CSTR'), fViewable(true), fEditable(false), fExtra(false), fWidth(0), fAlignment(0) { BString rawPublicName; struct attrEntry { const char* name; type_code type; bool required; void* data; } attrEntries[] = { { "attr:name", B_STRING_TYPE, true, &fName }, { "attr:public_name", B_STRING_TYPE, true, &rawPublicName }, { "attr:type", B_INT32_TYPE, true, &fType }, { "attr:viewable", B_BOOL_TYPE, false, &fViewable }, { "attr:editable", B_BOOL_TYPE, false, &fEditable }, { "attr:extra", B_BOOL_TYPE, false, &fExtra }, { "attr:width", B_INT32_TYPE, false, &fWidth }, { "attr:alignment", B_INT32_TYPE, false, &fAlignment } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(attrEntries) / sizeof(attrEntries[0]); i++) { switch (attrEntries[i].type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: fStatus = msg.FindString(attrEntries[i].name, index, (BString*)attrEntries[i].data); break; case B_BOOL_TYPE: fStatus = msg.FindBool(attrEntries[i].name, index, (bool*)attrEntries[i].data); break; case B_INT32_TYPE: fStatus = msg.FindInt32(attrEntries[i].name, index, (int32*)attrEntries[i].data); break; } if (attrEntries[i].required && fStatus != B_OK) return; } fPublicName.CharacterEscape(rawPublicName, "\'", '\\'); fStatus = B_OK; } MimeAttribute::MimeAttribute(TUserArgs& args) { SyncWith(args); fStatus = B_OK; } void MimeAttribute::SyncWith(TUserArgs& args) throw(Error) { const char* value = UserArgValue(args, kAttribute); if (value != NULL) fName.SetTo(value, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH); value = UserArgValue(args, kAttrName); if (value != NULL) fPublicName.SetTo(value, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH); value = UserArgValue(args, kAttrType); if (value != NULL) { fType = 0; if (strlen(value) > 2 && value[0] == '0' && value[1] == 'x') { stringstream ss; ss << setbase(16) << value + 2; ss >> fType; } else if (strlen(value) == 4) { for (int i = 0; i < 4 && value[i] != '\0'; i++) { fType <<= 8; fType |= (value[i] != '\0' ? value[i] : ' '); } } else throw Error("Invalid data for %s", kAttrType); fType = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(fType); } value = UserArgValue(args, kAttrWidth); if (value != NULL) fWidth = atoi(value); value = UserArgValue(args, kAttrAlignment); if (value != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(value, "right") == 0) { fAlignment = B_ALIGN_RIGHT; } else if (strcasecmp(value, "left") == 0) { fAlignment = B_ALIGN_LEFT; } else if (strcasecmp(value, "center") == 0) { fAlignment = B_ALIGN_CENTER; } else fAlignment = atoi(value); } value = UserArgValue(args, kAttrViewable); if (value != NULL) fViewable = atoi(value) != 0; value = UserArgValue(args, kAttrEditable); if (value != NULL) fEditable = atoi(value) != 0; value = UserArgValue(args, kAttrExtra); if (value != NULL) fExtra = atoi(value) != 0; } void MimeAttribute::Dump() { uint32 type = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(fType); const char* alignment = fAlignment == B_ALIGN_RIGHT ? "right" : (fAlignment == B_ALIGN_LEFT ? "left" : "center"); cout << " \\" << endl << "\t" << kAttribute << " \"" << fName << "\" " << kAttrName << " \"" << fPublicName << "\""; char c1 = (char)((type >> 24) & 0xFF); char c2 = (char)((type >> 16) & 0xFF); char c3 = (char)((type >> 8) & 0xFF); char c4 = (char)(type & 0xFF); ios::fmtflags flags = cout.flags(); cout << " \\" << endl << "\t\t" << kAttrType; if (IsPrintableChar(c1) && IsPrintableChar(c2) && IsPrintableChar(c3) && IsPrintableChar(c4)) cout << " '" << c1 << c2 << c3 << c4 << "' "; else cout << "0x" << hex << type; cout << " " << kAttrWidth << " " << fWidth << " " << kAttrAlignment << " " << alignment; cout << " \\" << endl << "\t\t" << kAttrViewable << " " << fViewable << " " << kAttrEditable << " " << fEditable << " " << kAttrExtra << " " << fExtra; cout.flags(flags); } void MimeAttribute::StoreInto(BMessage* target) { struct attrEntry { const char* name; type_code type; const void* data; } attrEntries[] = { { "attr:name", B_STRING_TYPE, fName.String() }, { "attr:public_name", B_STRING_TYPE, fPublicName.String() }, { "attr:type", B_INT32_TYPE, &fType }, { "attr:viewable", B_BOOL_TYPE, &fViewable }, { "attr:editable", B_BOOL_TYPE, &fEditable }, { "attr:extra", B_BOOL_TYPE, &fExtra }, { "attr:width", B_INT32_TYPE, &fWidth }, { "attr:alignment", B_INT32_TYPE, &fAlignment } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(attrEntries) / sizeof(attrEntries[0]); i++) { switch (attrEntries[i].type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: fStatus = target->AddString(attrEntries[i].name, (const char*)attrEntries[i].data); break; case B_BOOL_TYPE: fStatus = target->AddBool(attrEntries[i].name, (bool*)attrEntries[i].data); break; case B_INT32_TYPE: fStatus = target->AddInt32(attrEntries[i].name, *(int32*)attrEntries[i].data); break; } if (fStatus != B_OK) return; } } const char* MimeAttribute::UserArgValue(TUserArgs& map, const char* name) { TUserArgsI i = map.find(hash(name)); if (i == map.end()) return NULL; return i->second != NULL ? i->second : ""; } // #pragma mark - // the work-horse of the app - the class encapsulates extended info readed // from the mime type and do all edit and dump operations // class MimeType : public BMimeType { public: MimeType(char** argv) throw (Error); ~MimeType(); void Process() throw (Error); private: status_t _InitCheck(); void _SetTo(const char* mimetype) throw (Error); void _PurgeProperties(); void _Init(char** argv) throw (Error); void _DumpIcon(uint8 *iconData, size_t iconSize); void _Dump(const char* mimetype) throw (Error); void _DoEdit() throw (Error); void _SetIcon(const char* iconData, int32 iconSize); const char* _UserArgValue(const char* name); status_t fStatus; const char* fToolName; // configurable MimeType properties BString fShort; BString fLong; BString fPrefApp; BString fPrefAppSig; BString fSniffRule; BBitmap* fSmallIcon; BBitmap* fBigIcon; uint8* fVectorIcon; size_t fVectorIconSize; map fExtensions; map fAttributes; // user provided arguments TUserArgs fUserArguments; TUserAttrs fUserAttributes; // operation mode switches and flags uint32 fOpMode; bool fDumpNormal; bool fDumpRule; bool fDumpIcon; bool fDumpAll; bool fDoAdd; bool fDoSet; bool fDoForce; bool fDoRemove; bool fCheckSniffRule; }; MimeType::MimeType(char** argv) throw (Error) : fStatus(B_NO_INIT), fToolName(argv[0]), fSmallIcon(NULL), fBigIcon(NULL), fVectorIcon(NULL), fVectorIconSize(0), fOpMode(kOpModeUndefined), fDumpNormal(false), fDumpRule(false), fDumpIcon(false), fDumpAll(false), fDoAdd(false), fDoSet(false), fDoForce(false), fDoRemove(false), fCheckSniffRule(false) { fToolName = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); fToolName = fToolName == NULL ? argv[0] : fToolName + 1; _Init(++argv); } MimeType::~MimeType() { delete fSmallIcon; delete fBigIcon; free(fVectorIcon); } void MimeType::_Init(char** argv) throw (Error) { // fill the helper map of options - for quick lookup of arguments map cmdOptionsMap; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(gCmdOptions) / sizeof(gCmdOptions[0]); i++) cmdOptionsMap.insert(pair( hash(gCmdOptions[i].fName), &gCmdOptions[i])); // parse the command line arguments for (char** arg = argv; *arg; arg++) { // non-option arguments are assumed as signature if (**arg != '-') { if (Type() != NULL) throw Error("mime signature already specified: '%s'", Type()); SetTo(*arg); continue; } // check op.modes, options and attribs uint32 key = hash(*arg); map::iterator I = cmdOptionsMap.find(key); if (I == cmdOptionsMap.end()) throw Error("unknown option '%s'", *arg); switch (I->second->fType) { case CmdOption::kHelp: cerr << kUsageMessage; throw Error(kHelpMessage); case CmdOption::kMode: // op.modes are exclusive - no simultaneous possible if (fOpMode != kOpModeUndefined) throw Error(kWrongModeMessage); fOpMode = key; if (hash(I->second->fName) != hash(kCheckSniffRule)) break; // else -> fallthrough, CheckRule works both as mode and Option case CmdOption::kOption: { const char* name = *arg; const char* param = NULL; if (I->second->fNeedArg) { if (!*++arg) throw Error("argument required for '%s'", name); param = *arg; } TUserArgsI A = fUserArguments.find(key); if (A != fUserArguments.end() && !I->second->fNonExclusive) throw Error("option '%s' already specified", name); fUserArguments.insert( pair(key, param)); } break; case CmdOption::kAttrRoot: if (!*++arg) throw Error("attribute name should be specified"); fUserAttributes.resize(fUserAttributes.size() + 1); fUserAttributes.back().insert( pair(key, *arg)); break; case CmdOption::kAttrib: { const char* name = *arg; if (fUserAttributes.size() <= 0) throw Error("'%s' allowed only after the '%s' ", name, kAttribute); if (!*++arg) throw Error("'%s', argument should be specified", name); TUserArgsI A = fUserAttributes.back().find(key); if (A != fUserAttributes.back().end()) throw Error("'%s' for attribute '%s' already specified", name, A->second); fUserAttributes.back().insert( pair(key, *arg)); } break; default: throw Error("internal error. wrong mode: %d", I->second->fType); } } // check some mutual exclusive conditions if (fOpMode == kOpModeUndefined) throw Error(kNeedArgMessage); if (Type() != NULL && InitCheck() != B_OK) throw Error("error instantiating mime for '%s': %s", Type(), strerror(InitCheck())); fDoAdd = fOpMode == hash(kAdd); fDoSet = fOpMode == hash(kSet); fDoForce = fOpMode == hash(kForce); fDoRemove = fOpMode == hash(kRemove); fDumpNormal = fOpMode == hash(kDump); fDumpRule = fOpMode == hash(kDumpSniffRule); fDumpIcon = fOpMode == hash(kDumpIcon); fDumpAll = fOpMode == hash(kDumpAll); fCheckSniffRule = fOpMode == hash(kCheckSniffRule); if (fDoAdd || fDoSet || fDoForce || fDoRemove) { if (Type() == NULL) throw Error("signature should be specified"); if (!IsValid()) throw Error("mime for '%s' is not valid", Type()); } else if (fDumpNormal || fDumpRule || fDumpIcon || fDumpAll) { if (Type() != NULL) { if (!IsValid()) throw Error("mime for '%s' is not valid", Type()); if (!IsInstalled()) throw Error("mime for '%s' is not installed", Type()); } } // finally force to load mime-specific fileds _SetTo(Type()); } status_t MimeType::_InitCheck() { return fStatus != B_OK ? fStatus : BMimeType::InitCheck(); } void MimeType::_PurgeProperties() { fShort.Truncate(0); fLong.Truncate(0); fPrefApp.Truncate(0); fPrefAppSig.Truncate(0); fSniffRule.Truncate(0); delete fSmallIcon; fSmallIcon = NULL; delete fBigIcon; fBigIcon = NULL; fVectorIcon = NULL; free(fVectorIcon); fExtensions.clear(); fAttributes.clear(); } void MimeType::_DumpIcon(uint8 *iconData, size_t iconSize) { // bitmap icons ASCII art :) int lineLimit = iconSize == B_MINI_ICON * B_MINI_ICON ? B_MINI_ICON : B_LARGE_ICON; ios::fmtflags flags = cout.flags(); for (size_t i = 0; i < iconSize; i++) { if (i % lineLimit == 0 && i != iconSize - 1) cout << "\\" << endl; cout << hex << setfill('0') << setw(2) << (uint16) iconData[i]; } cout.flags(flags); } void MimeType::_SetIcon(const char* iconData, int32 iconSize) { uint8* bits = NULL; BRect rect(0, 0, iconSize - 1, iconSize - 1); switch (iconSize) { case B_MINI_ICON: if (fSmallIcon == NULL) fSmallIcon = new BBitmap(rect, B_COLOR_8_BIT); bits = (uint8*) fSmallIcon->Bits(); break; case B_LARGE_ICON: if (fBigIcon == NULL) fBigIcon = new BBitmap(rect, B_COLOR_8_BIT); bits = (uint8*) fBigIcon->Bits(); break; default: if (iconSize >= 0) break; free(fVectorIcon); fVectorIconSize = -iconSize; bits = fVectorIcon = (uint8*) malloc(fVectorIconSize); break; } if (bits == NULL) throw Error("cannot create icon of size %d", iconSize); size_t dataSize = iconSize < 0 ? -iconSize / 2 : iconSize * iconSize; for (size_t i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { stringstream ss; uint16 val; ss << setbase(16) << iconData[i * 2] << iconData[i * 2 + 1]; ss >> val; bits[i] = uint8(val & 0xff); } if (iconSize < 0) SetIcon(fVectorIcon, dataSize); else SetIcon(iconSize == B_MINI_ICON ? fSmallIcon : fBigIcon, (icon_size) iconSize); } void MimeType::_SetTo(const char* mimetype) throw (Error) { if (mimetype == NULL) return; // iterate all types - nothing to load ATM if (BMimeType::SetTo(mimetype) != B_OK) throw Error("failed to set mimetype to '%s'", mimetype); _PurgeProperties(); char buffer[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH] = { 0 }; if (GetShortDescription(buffer) == B_OK) fShort.SetTo(buffer, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH); if (GetLongDescription(buffer) == B_OK) fLong.SetTo(buffer, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH); entry_ref ref; if (GetAppHint(&ref) == B_OK) { BPath path(&ref); fPrefApp.SetTo(path.Path(), B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH); } if (GetPreferredApp(buffer, B_OPEN) == B_OK) fPrefAppSig.SetTo(buffer, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH); BString rule; if (GetSnifferRule(&rule) == B_OK) fSniffRule.CharacterEscape(rule.String(), "\'", '\\'); BMessage exts; fExtensions.clear(); if (GetFileExtensions(&exts) == B_OK) { uint32 i = 0; const char* ext = NULL; while (exts.FindString("extensions", i++, &ext) == B_OK) fExtensions.insert(pair(hash(ext), ext)); } BMessage attrs; fAttributes.clear(); if (GetAttrInfo(&attrs) == B_OK) { for (int index = 0; ; index++) { MimeAttribute attr(attrs, index); if (attr.InitCheck() != B_OK) break; fAttributes.insert( pair(hash(attr.fName), attr)); } } fSmallIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 15, 15), B_COLOR_8_BIT); if (GetIcon(fSmallIcon, B_MINI_ICON) != B_OK) { delete fSmallIcon; fSmallIcon = NULL; } fBigIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 31, 31), B_COLOR_8_BIT); if (GetIcon(fBigIcon, B_LARGE_ICON) != B_OK) { delete fBigIcon; fBigIcon = NULL; } if (GetIcon(&fVectorIcon, &fVectorIconSize) != B_OK) fVectorIcon = NULL; } const char* MimeType::_UserArgValue(const char* name) { TUserArgsI i = fUserArguments.find(hash(name)); if (i == fUserArguments.end()) return NULL; return i->second != NULL ? i->second : ""; } void MimeType::_Dump(const char* mimetype) throw (Error) { // _Dump can be called as part of all types iteration - so set to required if (Type() == NULL || strcasecmp(Type(), mimetype) != 0) _SetTo(mimetype); // apps have themself as preferred app - use it to handle // -includeApps option - do not dump applications info if (!fPrefApp.IsEmpty() && fPrefApp.ICompare(mimetype) == 0 && _UserArgValue(kIncludeApps) == NULL) return; if (fDumpIcon && fSmallIcon == NULL && fBigIcon == NULL) return; if (fDumpRule && fSniffRule.IsEmpty()) return; cout << fToolName << " -set " << mimetype; if (fDumpNormal || fDumpAll) { if (!fShort.IsEmpty()) cout << " " << kShort << " \"" << fShort << "\""; if (!fLong.IsEmpty()) cout << " " << kLong << " \"" << fLong << "\""; if (!fPrefApp.IsEmpty()) cout << " " << kPreferredApp << " " << fPrefApp; if (!fPrefAppSig.IsEmpty()) cout << " " << kPreferredAppSig << " " << fPrefAppSig; } if (!fDumpIcon && !fSniffRule.IsEmpty()) cout << " " << kSniffRule << " '" << fSniffRule << "'"; if (fDumpNormal || fDumpAll) for (map::iterator i = fExtensions.begin(); i != fExtensions.end(); i++) cout << " " << kExtension << " " << i->second; if (fDumpAll) for (map::iterator i = fAttributes.begin(); i != fAttributes.end(); i++) i->second.Dump(); if (fDumpIcon || fDumpAll) { if (fSmallIcon != NULL && fSmallIcon->Bits() != NULL) { cout << " \\" << endl << "\t" << kMiniIcon << " "; _DumpIcon((uint8*) fSmallIcon->Bits(), fSmallIcon->BitsLength()); } if (fBigIcon != NULL && fBigIcon->Bits() != NULL) { cout << " \\" << endl << "\t" << kLargeIcon << " "; _DumpIcon((uint8*) fBigIcon->Bits(), fBigIcon->BitsLength()); } if (fVectorIcon != NULL && fVectorIcon != NULL) { cout << " \\" << endl << "\t" << kVectorIcon << " "; _DumpIcon((uint8*) fVectorIcon, fVectorIconSize); } } cout << endl; } void MimeType::_DoEdit() throw (Error) { if (fDoRemove || fDoForce) { status_t result = Delete(); if (result != B_OK) throw Error(strerror(result), result); if (fDoRemove) return; _PurgeProperties(); } if (!IsInstalled() && Install() != B_OK) throw Error("could not install mimetype '%s'", Type()); const char* value = _UserArgValue(kShort); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fShort.IsEmpty())) if (SetShortDescription(value) != B_OK) throw Error("cannot set %s to %s for '%s'", kShort, value, Type()); value = _UserArgValue(kLong); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fLong.IsEmpty())) if (SetLongDescription(value) != B_OK) throw Error("cannot set %s to %s for '%s'", kLong, value, Type()); value = _UserArgValue(kPreferredApp); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fPrefApp.IsEmpty())) { entry_ref appHint; if (get_ref_for_path(value, &appHint) != B_OK) throw Error("%s ref_entry for '%s' couldn't be found for '%s'", kPreferredApp, value, Type()); if (SetAppHint(&appHint) != B_OK) throw Error("cannot set %s to %s for '%s'", kPreferredApp, value, Type()); } value = _UserArgValue(kPreferredAppSig); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fPrefAppSig.IsEmpty())) if (SetPreferredApp(value) != B_OK) throw Error("cannot set %s to %s for '%s'", kPreferredAppSig, value, Type()); value = _UserArgValue(kSniffRule); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fSniffRule.IsEmpty())) if (SetSnifferRule(value) != B_OK) throw Error("cannot set %s to %s for '%s'", kSniffRule, value, Type()); value = _UserArgValue(kMiniIcon); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fSmallIcon == NULL)) { int32 iconSize = strlen(value); if (iconSize / 2 != B_MINI_ICON * B_MINI_ICON) throw Error("cannot set %s for '%s'. Hex data size %d is invalid", kMiniIcon, Type(), iconSize); _SetIcon(value, B_MINI_ICON); } value = _UserArgValue(kLargeIcon); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fBigIcon == NULL)) { int32 iconSize = strlen(value); if (iconSize / 2 != B_LARGE_ICON * B_LARGE_ICON) throw Error("cannot set %s for '%s'. Hex data size %d is invalid", kLargeIcon, Type(), iconSize); _SetIcon(value, B_LARGE_ICON); } value = _UserArgValue(kVectorIcon); if (value != NULL && (!fDoAdd || fVectorIcon == NULL)) { int32 iconSize = strlen(value); if ((iconSize % 2) != 0) throw Error("cannot set %s for '%s'. Hex data size %d is invalid", kVectorIcon, Type(), iconSize); // vector icon size is negative intended _SetIcon(value, -iconSize); } // handle extensions update pair exts = fUserArguments.equal_range(hash(kExtension)); for (TUserArgsI i = exts.first; i != exts.second; i++) { uint32 key = hash(i->second); if (fExtensions.find(key) == fExtensions.end()) fExtensions.insert(pair(key, i->second)); } if (exts.first != exts.second) { BMessage msg; for (map::iterator i = fExtensions.begin(); i != fExtensions.end(); i++) if (msg.AddString("extensions", i->second.String()) != B_OK) throw Error("extension '%s' couldn't be added", i->second.String()); if (SetFileExtensions(&msg) != B_OK) throw Error("set file extensions failed"); } // take care about attribute trees for (TUserAttrsI userAttr = fUserAttributes.begin(); userAttr != fUserAttributes.end(); userAttr++ ) { // search for -attribute "name" in args map TUserArgsI attrArgs = userAttr->find(hash(kAttribute)); if (attrArgs == userAttr->end()) throw Error("internal error: %s arg not found", kAttribute); // check if we already have this attribute cached map::iterator attr = fAttributes.find(hash(attrArgs->second)); if (attr == fAttributes.end()) { // add new one MimeAttribute mimeAttr(*userAttr); fAttributes.insert( pair(hash(mimeAttr.fName), mimeAttr)); } else if (!fDoAdd) attr->second.SyncWith(*userAttr); } if (fAttributes.size() > 0) { BMessage msg; for (map::iterator i = fAttributes.begin(); i != fAttributes.end(); i++) { i->second.StoreInto(&msg); if (i->second.InitCheck() != B_OK) throw Error("storing attributes in message failed"); } if (SetAttrInfo(&msg) != B_OK) throw Error("set mimetype attributes failed"); } } void MimeType::Process() throw (Error) { if (fCheckSniffRule) { TUserArgsI I = fUserArguments.find(fOpMode); if (I == fUserArguments.end()) throw Error("Sniffer rule is empty"); BString error; status_t result = BMimeType::CheckSnifferRule(I->second, &error); if (result == B_OK) cerr << I->second << endl << "Sniffer rule is correct" << endl; else cerr << error.String() << endl; return; } if (fDoAdd || fDoSet || fDoForce || fDoRemove) { _DoEdit(); return; } if (fDumpNormal || fDumpRule || fDumpIcon || fDumpAll) { if (Type() != NULL) { _Dump(Type()); return; } BMessage superTypes; int32 superCount = 0; type_code type = B_INT32_TYPE; if (BMimeType::GetInstalledSupertypes(&superTypes) != B_OK || superTypes.GetInfo("super_types", &type, &superCount) != B_OK) throw Error("super types enumeration failed"); for (int32 si = 0; si < superCount; si++) { const char* superName = NULL; if (superTypes.FindString("super_types", si, &superName) != B_OK) throw Error("name for supertype #%d not found", si); BMessage types; if (BMimeType::GetInstalledTypes(superName, &types) != B_OK) throw Error("mimetypes of supertype '%s' not found", superName); int32 count = 0; if (types.GetInfo("types", &type, &count) != B_OK) continue; // no sub-types? for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const char* name = NULL; if (types.FindString("types", i, &name) != B_OK) throw Error("name for type %s/#%d not found", superName, i); _Dump(name); } } } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // AppServer link is required to work with bitmaps BApplication app("application/x-vnd.haiku.setmime"); try { if (argc < 2) throw Error(kNeedArgMessage); MimeType mimetype(argv); mimetype.Process(); } catch(exception& exc) { cerr << argv[0] << " : " << exc.what() << endl; cerr << kUsageMessage; return B_ERROR; } return B_OK; }