// df - for Haiku // // authors, in order of contribution: // jonas.sundstrom@kirilla.com // axeld@pinc-software.de // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void PrintFlag(uint32 deviceFlags, uint32 testFlag, char yes, char no) { printf("%c", deviceFlags & testFlag ? yes : no); } void PrintMountPoint(dev_t device, bool verbose) { char mount[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; mount[0] = '\0'; BVolume volume(device); BDirectory root; if (volume.GetRootDirectory(&root) == B_OK) { BPath path(&root, NULL); if (path.InitCheck() == B_OK) strlcpy(mount, path.Path(), sizeof(mount)); else strlcpy(mount, "?", sizeof(mount)); } if (verbose) printf(" Mounted at: %s\n", mount); else { printf("%-17s ", mount); if (strlen(mount) > 17) printf("\n%17s ", ""); } } void PrintType(const char *fileSystem) { char type[16]; strlcpy(type, fileSystem, sizeof(type)); printf("%-9s", type); } const char * ByteString(int64 numBlocks, int64 blockSize) { double blocks = 1. * numBlocks * blockSize; static char string[64]; if (blocks < 1024) sprintf(string, "%" B_PRId64, numBlocks * blockSize); else { const char *units[] = {"KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB", NULL}; int32 i = -1; do { blocks /= 1024.0; i++; } while (blocks >= 1024 && units[i + 1]); sprintf(string, "%.1f %s", blocks, units[i]); } return string; } void PrintBlocks(int64 blocks, int64 blockSize, bool showBlocks) { char temp[1024]; if (showBlocks) sprintf(temp, "%" B_PRId64, blocks * (blockSize / 1024)); else strcpy(temp, ByteString(blocks, blockSize)); printf("%10s", temp); } void PrintVerbose(dev_t device) { fs_info info; if (fs_stat_dev(device, &info) != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not stat fs: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } printf(" Device No.: %" B_PRIdDEV "\n", info.dev); PrintMountPoint(info.dev, true); printf(" Volume Name: \"%s\"\n", info.volume_name); printf(" File System: %s\n", info.fsh_name); printf(" Device: %s\n", info.device_name); printf(" Flags: "); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_HAS_QUERY, 'Q', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_HAS_ATTR, 'A', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_HAS_MIME, 'M', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_SHARED, 'S', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_PERSISTENT, 'P', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_REMOVABLE, 'R', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_READONLY, '-', 'W'); printf("\n I/O Size: %10s (%" B_PRIdOFF " byte)\n", ByteString(info.io_size, 1), info.io_size); printf(" Block Size: %10s (%" B_PRIdOFF " byte)\n", ByteString(info.block_size, 1), info.block_size); printf(" Total Blocks: %10s (%" B_PRIdOFF " blocks)\n", ByteString(info.total_blocks, info.block_size), info.total_blocks); printf(" Free Blocks: %10s (%" B_PRIdOFF " blocks)\n", ByteString(info.free_blocks, info.block_size), info.free_blocks); printf(" Total Nodes: %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", info.total_nodes); printf(" Free Nodes: %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", info.free_nodes); printf(" Root Inode: %" B_PRIdINO "\n", info.root); } void PrintCompact(dev_t device, bool showBlocks, bool all) { fs_info info; if (fs_stat_dev(device, &info) != B_OK) return; if (!all && (info.flags & B_FS_IS_PERSISTENT) == 0) return; PrintType(info.fsh_name); PrintBlocks(info.total_blocks, info.block_size, showBlocks); PrintBlocks(info.free_blocks, info.block_size, showBlocks); printf(" "); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_HAS_QUERY, 'Q', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_HAS_ATTR, 'A', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_HAS_MIME, 'M', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_SHARED, 'S', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_PERSISTENT, 'P', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_REMOVABLE, 'R', '-'); PrintFlag(info.flags, B_FS_IS_READONLY, '-', 'W'); printf(" %24s ", info.device_name); PrintMountPoint(info.dev, false); printf("\n"); } void ShowUsage(const char *programName) { printf("usage: %s [--help | --blocks, -b | -all, -a] []\n" " -a, --all\tinclude all file systems, also those not visible from Tracker\n" " -b, --blocks\tshow device size in blocks of 1024 bytes\n" "If is used, detailed info for that device only will be listed.\n" "Flags:\n" " Q: has query\n" " A: has attribute\n" " M: has mime\n" " S: is shared\n" " P: is persistent (visible in Tracker)\n" " R: is removable\n" " W: is writable\n", programName); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *programName = argv[0]; if (strrchr(programName, '/')) programName = strrchr(programName, '/') + 1; bool showBlocks = false; bool all = false; dev_t device = -1; while (*++argv) { char *arg = *argv; if (*arg == '-') { while (*++arg && isalpha(*arg)) { switch (arg[0]) { case 'a': all = true; break; case 'b': showBlocks = true; break; case 'h': // human readable units in Unix df break; default: ShowUsage(programName); } } if (arg[0] == '-') { arg++; if (!strcmp(arg, "all")) all = true; else if (!strcmp(arg, "blocks")) showBlocks = true; else ShowUsage(programName); } } else break; } // Do we already have a device? Then let's print out detailed info about that if (argv[0] != NULL) { PrintVerbose(dev_for_path(argv[0])); return 0; } // If not, then just iterate over all devices and give a compact summary printf(" Type Total Free Flags Device Mounted on\n" "--------- --------- --------- ------- ------------------------ -----------------\n"); int32 cookie = 0; while ((device = next_dev(&cookie)) >= B_OK) { PrintCompact(device, showBlocks, all); } return 0; }