/* * Copyright 2001-2010, pinc Software. All Rights Reserved. * Released under the terms of the MIT license. */ //! BFS structure dump and helper functions #include "BPlusTree.h" #include "Inode.h" #include "dump.h" #include #include #include #include #define Print printf char * get_tupel(uint32 id) { static unsigned char tupel[5]; tupel[0] = 0xff & (id >> 24); tupel[1] = 0xff & (id >> 16); tupel[2] = 0xff & (id >> 8); tupel[3] = 0xff & (id); tupel[4] = 0; for (int16 i = 0;i < 4;i++) if (tupel[i] < ' ' || tupel[i] > 128) tupel[i] = '.'; return (char *)tupel; } void dump_block_run(const char *prefix, const block_run &run, const char *postfix) { Print("%s(%" B_PRId32 ", %d, %d)%s\n", prefix, run.allocation_group, run.start, run.length, postfix); } void dump_super_block(const disk_super_block *superBlock) { Print("disk_super_block:\n"); Print(" name = %s\n", superBlock->name); Print(" magic1 = %#08" B_PRIx32 " (%s) %s\n", superBlock->magic1, get_tupel(superBlock->magic1), superBlock->magic1 == SUPER_BLOCK_MAGIC1 ? "valid" : "INVALID"); Print(" fs_byte_order = %#08" B_PRIx32 " (%s, %s endian)\n", superBlock->fs_byte_order, get_tupel(superBlock->fs_byte_order), superBlock->fs_byte_order == SUPER_BLOCK_FS_LENDIAN ? "little" : "big"); Print(" block_size = %" B_PRIu32 "\n", superBlock->block_size); Print(" block_shift = %" B_PRIu32 "\n", superBlock->block_shift); Print(" num_blocks = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", superBlock->num_blocks); Print(" used_blocks = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", superBlock->used_blocks); Print(" inode_size = %" B_PRId32 "\n", superBlock->inode_size); Print(" magic2 = %#08" B_PRIx32 " (%s) %s\n", superBlock->magic2, get_tupel(superBlock->magic2), superBlock->magic2 == (int)SUPER_BLOCK_MAGIC2 ? "valid" : "INVALID"); Print(" blocks_per_ag = %" B_PRId32 "\n", superBlock->blocks_per_ag); Print(" ag_shift = %" B_PRId32 "\n", superBlock->ag_shift); Print(" num_ags = %" B_PRId32 "\n", superBlock->num_ags); Print(" flags = %#08" B_PRIx32 " (%s)\n", superBlock->flags, get_tupel(superBlock->flags)); dump_block_run(" log_blocks = ", superBlock->log_blocks); Print(" log_start = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", superBlock->log_start); Print(" log_end = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", superBlock->log_end); Print(" magic3 = %#08" B_PRIx32 " (%s) %s\n", superBlock->magic3, get_tupel(superBlock->magic3), superBlock->magic3 == SUPER_BLOCK_MAGIC3 ? "valid" : "INVALID"); dump_block_run(" root_dir = ", superBlock->root_dir); dump_block_run(" indices = ", superBlock->indices); } void dump_data_stream(const bfs_inode *inode, const data_stream *stream, bool showOffsets) { Print("data_stream:\n"); off_t offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECT_BLOCKS; i++) { if (!stream->direct[i].IsZero()) { Print(" direct[%02d] = ", i); char buffer[256]; if (showOffsets) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " %16" B_PRIdOFF, offset); else buffer[0] = '\0'; dump_block_run("", stream->direct[i], buffer); offset += stream->direct[i].length * inode->inode_size; } } Print(" max_direct_range = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", stream->max_direct_range); if (!stream->indirect.IsZero()) dump_block_run(" indirect = ", stream->indirect); Print(" max_indirect_range = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", stream->max_indirect_range); if (!stream->double_indirect.IsZero()) { dump_block_run(" double_indirect = ", stream->double_indirect); } Print(" max_double_indirect_range = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", stream->max_double_indirect_range); Print(" size = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", stream->size); } void dump_inode(const Inode *nameNode, const bfs_inode *inode, bool showOffsets) { if (nameNode != NULL) Print("inode \"%s\":\n", nameNode->Name()); else Print("inode:\n"); Print(" magic1 = %08" B_PRIx32 " (%s) %s\n",inode->magic1, get_tupel(inode->magic1), (inode->magic1 == INODE_MAGIC1 ? "valid" : "INVALID")); dump_block_run( " inode_num = ",inode->inode_num); Print(" uid = %" B_PRIu32 "\n",inode->uid); Print(" gid = %" B_PRIu32 "\n",inode->gid); Print(" mode = %10" B_PRIo32 " (octal)\n",inode->mode); Print(" flags = %08" B_PRIx32 "\n",inode->flags); time_t time; time = (time_t)(inode->create_time >> 16); Print(" create_time = %s",ctime(&time)); time = (time_t)(inode->last_modified_time >> 16); Print(" last_modified_time = %s",ctime(&time)); dump_block_run( " parent = ",inode->parent); dump_block_run( " attributes = ",inode->attributes); Print(" type = %" B_PRIu32 "\n",inode->type); Print(" inode_size = %" B_PRId32 "\n",inode->inode_size); Print(" etc = %#08" B_PRIx32 "\n",inode->etc); Print(" short_symlink = %s\n", S_ISLNK(inode->mode) && (inode->flags & INODE_LONG_SYMLINK) == 0 ? inode->short_symlink : "-"); dump_data_stream(inode, &inode->data, showOffsets); Print(" --\n"); #if 0 Print(" --\n pad[0] = %08lx\n", inode->pad[0]); Print(" pad[1] = %08lx\n", inode->pad[1]); Print(" pad[2] = %08lx\n", inode->pad[2]); Print(" pad[3] = %08lx\n", inode->pad[3]); #endif } void dump_small_data(Inode *inode) { if (inode == NULL || inode->InodeBuffer() == NULL) return; small_data *item = NULL; printf("small data section (max. %ld bytes):\n", inode->InodeBuffer()->inode_size - sizeof(struct bfs_inode)); while (inode->GetNextSmallData(&item) == B_OK) { printf("%#08" B_PRIx32 " (%s), name = \"%s\", ", item->type, get_tupel(item->type), item->Name()); if (item->type == FILE_NAME_TYPE || item->type == B_STRING_TYPE || item->type == B_MIME_STRING_TYPE) printf("data = \"%s\", ", item->Data()); printf("%u bytes\n", item->data_size); } } void dump_bplustree_header(const bplustree_header* header) { printf("bplustree_header:\n"); printf(" magic = %#08" B_PRIx32 " (%s) %s\n", header->magic, get_tupel(header->magic), header->magic == BPLUSTREE_MAGIC ? "valid" : "INVALID"); printf(" node_size = %" B_PRIu32 "\n", header->node_size); printf(" max_number_of_levels = %" B_PRIu32 "\n", header->max_number_of_levels); printf(" data_type = %" B_PRIu32 "\n", header->data_type); printf(" root_node_pointer = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", header->root_node_pointer); printf(" free_node_pointer = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", header->free_node_pointer); printf(" maximum_size = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", header->maximum_size); } void dump_bplustree_node(const bplustree_node* node, const bplustree_header* header, Disk* disk) { Print("bplustree_node (%s node):\n", node->overflow_link == BPLUSTREE_NULL ? "leaf" : "index"); Print(" left_link = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", node->left_link); Print(" right_link = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", node->right_link); Print(" overflow_link = %" B_PRIdOFF "\n", node->overflow_link); Print(" all_key_count = %u\n", node->all_key_count); Print(" all_key_length = %u\n", node->all_key_length); if (header == NULL) return; if (node->all_key_count > node->all_key_length || uint32(node->all_key_count * 10) > (uint32)header->node_size) { Print("\n"); dump_block((char *)node, header->node_size, sizeof(off_t)); return; } Print("\n"); for (int32 i = 0;i < node->all_key_count;i++) { uint16 length; char* key = (char *)node->KeyAt(i, &length); if (length > BPLUSTREE_MAX_KEY_LENGTH) { Print(" %2" B_PRId32 ". Invalid length (%u)!!\n", i, length); dump_block((char *)node, header->node_size, sizeof(off_t)); break; } char buffer[256]; memcpy(buffer, key, length); buffer[length] = '\0'; off_t *value = node->Values() + i; if ((addr_t)value < (addr_t)node || (addr_t)value > (addr_t)node + header->node_size) { Print(" %2" B_PRId32 ". Invalid Offset!!\n", i); } else { Print(" %2" B_PRId32 ". ",i); if (header->data_type == BPLUSTREE_STRING_TYPE) Print("\"%s\"",buffer); else if (header->data_type == BPLUSTREE_INT32_TYPE) { Print("int32 = %" B_PRId32 " (0x%" B_PRIx32 ")", *(int32 *)&buffer, *(int32 *)&buffer); } else if (header->data_type == BPLUSTREE_UINT32_TYPE) { Print("uint32 = %" B_PRIu32 " (0x%" B_PRIx32 ")", *(uint32 *)&buffer, *(uint32 *)&buffer); } else if (header->data_type == BPLUSTREE_INT64_TYPE) { Print("int64 = %" B_PRId64 " (0x%" B_PRIx64 ")", *(int64 *)&buffer, *(int64 *)&buffer); } else Print("???"); off_t offset = *value & 0x3fffffffffffffffLL; Print(" (%d bytes) -> %" B_PRIdOFF,length,offset); if (disk != NULL) { block_run run = disk->ToBlockRun(offset); Print(" (%" B_PRId32 ", %d)", run.allocation_group, run.start); } if (bplustree_node::LinkType(*value) == BPLUSTREE_DUPLICATE_FRAGMENT) { Print(" (duplicate fragment %" B_PRIdOFF ")\n", *value & 0x3ff); } else if (bplustree_node::LinkType(*value) == BPLUSTREE_DUPLICATE_NODE) { Print(" (duplicate node)\n"); } else Print("\n"); } } } void dump_block(const char *buffer, uint32 size, int8 valueSize) { const uint32 kBlockSize = 16; for (uint32 i = 0; i < size;) { uint32 start = i; for (; i < start + kBlockSize; i++) { if (!(i % 4)) Print(" "); if (i >= size) Print(" "); else Print("%02x", *(unsigned char *)(buffer + i)); } Print(" "); for (i = start; i < start + kBlockSize; i++) { if (i < size) { char c = *(buffer + i); if (c < 30) Print("."); else Print("%c",c); } else break; } if (valueSize > 0) { Print(" ("); for (uint32 offset = start; offset < start + kBlockSize; offset += valueSize) { if (valueSize == sizeof(off_t)) Print("%s%" B_PRIdOFF, offset == start ? "" : ", ", *(off_t *)(buffer + offset)); } Print(")"); } Print("\n"); } }