/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Stephan Aßmus * * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "CredentialsStorage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BrowserApp.h" Credentials::Credentials() : fUsername(), fPassword() { } Credentials::Credentials(const BString& username, const BString& password) : fUsername(username), fPassword(password) { } Credentials::Credentials(const Credentials& other) { *this = other; } Credentials::Credentials(const BMessage* archive) { if (archive == NULL) return; archive->FindString("username", &fUsername); archive->FindString("password", &fPassword); } Credentials::~Credentials() { } status_t Credentials::Archive(BMessage* archive) const { if (archive == NULL) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t status = archive->AddString("username", fUsername); if (status == B_OK) status = archive->AddString("password", fPassword); return status; } Credentials& Credentials::operator=(const Credentials& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; fUsername = other.fUsername; fPassword = other.fPassword; return *this; } bool Credentials::operator==(const Credentials& other) const { if (this == &other) return true; return fUsername == other.fUsername && fPassword == other.fPassword; } bool Credentials::operator!=(const Credentials& other) const { return !(*this == other); } const BString& Credentials::Username() const { return fUsername; } const BString& Credentials::Password() const { return fPassword; } // #pragma mark - CredentialsStorage CredentialsStorage CredentialsStorage::sPersistentInstance(true); CredentialsStorage CredentialsStorage::sSessionInstance(false); CredentialsStorage::CredentialsStorage(bool persistent) : BLocker(persistent ? "persistent credential storage" : "credential storage"), fCredentialMap(), fSettingsLoaded(false), fPersistent(persistent) { } CredentialsStorage::~CredentialsStorage() { _SaveSettings(); } /*static*/ CredentialsStorage* CredentialsStorage::SessionInstance() { return &sSessionInstance; } /*static*/ CredentialsStorage* CredentialsStorage::PersistentInstance() { if (sPersistentInstance.Lock()) { sPersistentInstance._LoadSettings(); sPersistentInstance.Unlock(); } return &sPersistentInstance; } bool CredentialsStorage::Contains(const HashString& key) { BAutolock _(this); return fCredentialMap.ContainsKey(key); } status_t CredentialsStorage::PutCredentials(const HashString& key, const Credentials& credentials) { BAutolock _(this); return fCredentialMap.Put(key, credentials); } Credentials CredentialsStorage::GetCredentials(const HashString& key) { BAutolock _(this); return fCredentialMap.Get(key); } // #pragma mark - private void CredentialsStorage::_LoadSettings() { if (!fPersistent || fSettingsLoaded) return; fSettingsLoaded = true; BFile settingsFile; if (_OpenSettingsFile(settingsFile, B_READ_ONLY)) { BMessage settingsArchive; settingsArchive.Unflatten(&settingsFile); BMessage credentialsArchive; for (int32 i = 0; settingsArchive.FindMessage("credentials", i, &credentialsArchive) == B_OK; i++) { BString key; if (credentialsArchive.FindString("key", &key) == B_OK) { Credentials credentials(&credentialsArchive); fCredentialMap.Put(key.String(), credentials); } } } } void CredentialsStorage::_SaveSettings() const { BFile settingsFile; if (_OpenSettingsFile(settingsFile, B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE | B_WRITE_ONLY)) { BMessage settingsArchive; BMessage credentialsArchive; CredentialMap::Iterator iterator = fCredentialMap.GetIterator(); while (iterator.HasNext()) { const CredentialMap::Entry& entry = iterator.Next(); if (entry.value.Archive(&credentialsArchive) != B_OK || credentialsArchive.AddString("key", entry.key.GetString()) != B_OK) { break; } if (settingsArchive.AddMessage("credentials", &credentialsArchive) != B_OK) { break; } credentialsArchive.MakeEmpty(); } settingsArchive.Flatten(&settingsFile); } } bool CredentialsStorage::_OpenSettingsFile(BFile& file, uint32 mode) const { BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path) != B_OK || path.Append(kApplicationName) != B_OK || path.Append("CredentialsStorage") != B_OK) { return false; } return file.SetTo(path.Path(), mode) == B_OK; }