/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Matthijs Hollemans * Copyright (c) 2008-2017, Haiku Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * * Authors: * Matthijs Holleman * Stephan Aßmus * Philippe Houdoin */ #include "Grepper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FileIterator.h" #include "Model.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "Grepper" const char* kEOFTag = "//EOF"; using std::nothrow; char* strdup_to_utf8(uint32 encode, const char* src, int32 length) { int32 srcLen = length; int32 dstLen = 2 * srcLen; // TODO: stippi: Why the duplicate copy? Why not just return // dst (and allocate with malloc() instead of new)? Is 2 * srcLen // enough space? Check return value of convert_to_utf8 and keep // converting if it didn't fit? char* dst = new (nothrow) char[dstLen + 1]; if (dst == NULL) return NULL; int32 cookie = 0; convert_to_utf8(encode, src, &srcLen, dst, &dstLen, &cookie); dst[dstLen] = '\0'; char* dup = strdup(dst); delete[] dst; if (srcLen != length) { fprintf(stderr, "strdup_to_utf8(%" B_PRId32 ", %" B_PRId32 ") dst allocate smalled(%" B_PRId32 ")\n", encode, length, dstLen); } return dup; } char* strdup_from_utf8(uint32 encode, const char* src, int32 length) { int32 srcLen = length; int32 dstLen = srcLen; char* dst = new (nothrow) char[dstLen + 1]; if (dst == NULL) return NULL; int32 cookie = 0; convert_from_utf8(encode, src, &srcLen, dst, &dstLen, &cookie); // TODO: See above. dst[dstLen] = '\0'; char* dup = strdup(dst); delete[] dst; if (srcLen != length) { fprintf(stderr, "strdup_from_utf8(%" B_PRId32 ", %" B_PRId32 ") dst allocate smalled(%" B_PRId32 ")\n", encode, length, dstLen); } return dup; } Grepper::Grepper(const char* pattern, const Model* model, const BHandler* target, FileIterator* iterator) : fPattern(NULL), fTarget(target), fRegularExpression(model->fRegularExpression), fCaseSensitive(model->fCaseSensitive), fEncoding(model->fEncoding), fIterator(iterator), fRunnerThreadId(-1), fXargsInput(-1), fMustQuit(false) { if (fEncoding > 0) { char* src = strdup_from_utf8(fEncoding, pattern, strlen(pattern)); _SetPattern(src); free(src); } else _SetPattern(pattern); } Grepper::~Grepper() { Cancel(); free(fPattern); delete fIterator; } bool Grepper::IsValid() const { if (fIterator == NULL || !fIterator->IsValid()) return false; return fPattern != NULL; } void Grepper::Start() { Cancel(); fMustQuit = false; fRunnerThreadId = spawn_thread( _SpawnRunnerThread, "Grep runner", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, this); resume_thread(fRunnerThreadId); } void Grepper::Cancel() { if (fRunnerThreadId < 0) return; fMustQuit = true; int32 exitValue; wait_for_thread(fRunnerThreadId, &exitValue); fRunnerThreadId = -1; } // #pragma mark - private int32 Grepper::_SpawnWriterThread(void* cookie) { Grepper* self = static_cast(cookie); return self->_WriterThread(); } int32 Grepper::_WriterThread() { BMessage message; char fileName[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH*2]; int count = 0; printf("paths_writer started.\n"); while (!fMustQuit && fIterator->GetNextName(fileName)) { message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_FILE_NAME; message.AddString("filename", fileName); BEntry entry(fileName); entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); if (!entry.Exists()) { if (fIterator->NotifyNegatives()) { message.what = MSG_REPORT_RESULT; message.AddRef("ref", &ref); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); } continue; } if (!_EscapeSpecialChars(fileName, sizeof(fileName))) { char tempString[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH + 32]; sprintf(tempString, B_TRANSLATE("%s: Not enough room to escape " "the filename."), fileName); message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_ERROR; message.AddString("error", tempString); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); continue; } // file exists, send it to xargs write(fXargsInput, fileName, strlen(fileName)); write(fXargsInput, "\n", 1); // printf(">>>>>> %s\n", fileName); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); count++; } write(fXargsInput, kEOFTag, strlen(kEOFTag)); write(fXargsInput, "\n", 1); close(fXargsInput); printf("paths_writer stopped (%d paths).\n", count); return 0; } int32 Grepper::_SpawnRunnerThread(void* cookie) { Grepper* self = static_cast(cookie); return self->_RunnerThread(); } int32 Grepper::_RunnerThread() { BMessage message; char fileName[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; const char* argv[32]; int argc = 0; argv[argc++] = "xargs"; // can't use yet the --null mode due to pipe issue // the xargs stdin input pipe closure is not detected // by xargs. Instead, we use eof-string mode // argv[argc++] = "--null"; argv[argc++] = "-E"; argv[argc++] = kEOFTag; // Enable parallel mode // Retrieve cpu count for to parallel xargs via -P argument char cpuCount[8]; system_info sys_info; get_system_info(&sys_info); snprintf(cpuCount, sizeof(cpuCount), "%" B_PRIu32, sys_info.cpu_count); argv[argc++] = "-P"; argv[argc++] = cpuCount; // grep command driven by xargs dispatcher argv[argc++] = "grep"; argv[argc++] = "-n"; // need matching line(s) number(s) argv[argc++] = "-H"; // need filename prefix if (! fCaseSensitive) argv[argc++] = "-i"; if (! fRegularExpression) argv[argc++] = "-F"; // no a regexp: force fixed string, argv[argc++] = fPattern; argv[argc] = NULL; // prepare xargs to run with stdin, stdout and stderr pipes int oldStdIn, oldStdOut, oldStdErr; oldStdIn = dup(STDIN_FILENO); oldStdOut = dup(STDOUT_FILENO); oldStdErr = dup(STDERR_FILENO); int fds[2]; if (pipe(fds) != 0) { message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_ERROR; message.AddString("error", B_TRANSLATE("Failed to open input pipe!")); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); return 0; } dup2(fds[0], STDIN_FILENO); close(fds[0]); fXargsInput = fds[1]; // write to in, appears on command's stdin if (pipe(fds) != 0) { close(fXargsInput); message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_ERROR; message.AddString("error", B_TRANSLATE("Failed to open output pipe!")); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); return 0; } dup2(fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(fds[1]); int out = fds[0]; // read from out, taken from command's stdout if (pipe(fds) != 0) { close(fXargsInput); close(out); message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_ERROR; message.AddString("error", B_TRANSLATE("Failed to open errors pipe!")); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); return 0; } dup2(fds[1], STDERR_FILENO); close(fds[1]); int err = fds[0]; // read from err, taken from command's stderr // "load" xargs tool thread_id xargsThread = load_image(argc, argv, const_cast(environ)); // xargsThread is suspended after loading // restore our previous stdin, stdout and stderr close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(oldStdIn); close(oldStdIn); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(oldStdOut); close(oldStdOut); close(STDERR_FILENO); dup(oldStdErr); close(oldStdErr); if (xargsThread < B_OK) { close(fXargsInput); close(out); close(err); message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_ERROR; message.AddString("error", B_TRANSLATE("Failed to start xargs program!")); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); return 0; } // Listen on xargs's stdout and stderr via select() printf("Running: "); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf("%s ", argv[i]); } printf("\n"); int fdl[2] = { out, err }; int maxfd = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (maxfd < fdl[i]) maxfd = fdl[i]; } fd_set readSet; struct timeval timeout = { 0, 100000 }; char line[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH * 2]; FILE* output = fdopen(out, "r"); FILE* errors = fdopen(err, "r"); char currentFileName[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; currentFileName[0] = '\0'; bool canReadOutput, canReadErrors; canReadOutput = canReadErrors = true; thread_id writerThread = spawn_thread(_SpawnWriterThread, "Grep writer", B_LOW_PRIORITY, this); set_thread_priority(xargsThread, B_LOW_PRIORITY); // we're ready, let's go! resume_thread(xargsThread); resume_thread(writerThread); while (!fMustQuit && (canReadOutput || canReadErrors)) { FD_ZERO(&readSet); if (canReadOutput) { FD_SET(out, &readSet); } if (canReadErrors) { FD_SET(err, &readSet); } int result = select(maxfd + 1, &readSet, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (result == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (result == 0) { // timeout, but meanwhile fMustQuit was changed maybe... continue; } if (result < 0) { perror("select():"); message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_ERROR; message.AddString("error", strerror(errno)); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); break; } if (canReadOutput && FD_ISSET(out, &readSet)) { if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), output) != NULL) { // parse grep output int lineNumber = -1; int textPos = -1; sscanf(line, "%[^\n:]:%d:%n", fileName, &lineNumber, &textPos); // printf("sscanf(\"%s\") -> %s %d %d\n", line, fileName, // lineNumber, textPos); if (textPos > 0) { if (strcmp(fileName, currentFileName) != 0) { fTarget.SendMessage(&message); strncpy(currentFileName, fileName, sizeof(currentFileName)); message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_RESULT; message.AddString("filename", fileName); BEntry entry(fileName); entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); message.AddRef("ref", &ref); } char* text = &line[strlen(fileName)+1]; // printf("[%s] %s", fileName, text); if (fEncoding > 0) { char* tempdup = strdup_to_utf8(fEncoding, text, strlen(text)); message.AddString("text", tempdup); free(tempdup); } else { message.AddString("text", text); } message.AddInt32("line", lineNumber); } } else { canReadOutput = false; } } if (canReadErrors && FD_ISSET(err, &readSet)) { if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), errors) != NULL) { // printf("ERROR: %s", line); if (message.HasString("text")) fTarget.SendMessage(&message); currentFileName[0] = '\0'; message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_REPORT_ERROR; message.AddString("error", line); fTarget.SendMessage(&message); } else { canReadErrors = false; } } } // send last pending message, if any if (message.HasString("text")) fTarget.SendMessage(&message); printf("Done.\n"); fclose(output); fclose(errors); close(out); close(err); fMustQuit = true; int32 exitValue; wait_for_thread(xargsThread, &exitValue); wait_for_thread(writerThread, &exitValue); message.MakeEmpty(); message.what = MSG_SEARCH_FINISHED; fTarget.SendMessage(&message); return 0; } void Grepper::_SetPattern(const char* src) { if (src == NULL) return; fPattern = strdup(src); } bool Grepper::_EscapeSpecialChars(char* buffer, ssize_t bufferSize) { char* copy = strdup(buffer); char* start = buffer; uint32 len = strlen(copy); bool result = true; for (uint32 count = 0; count < len; ++count) { if (copy[count] == '\'' || copy[count] == '\\' || copy[count] == ' ' || copy[count] == '\n' || copy[count] == '"') *buffer++ = '\\'; if (buffer - start == bufferSize - 1) { result = false; break; } *buffer++ = copy[count]; } *buffer = '\0'; free(copy); return result; }