/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Matthijs Hollemans * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "GrepWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ChangesIterator.h" #include "GlobalDefs.h" #include "Grepper.h" #include "InitialIterator.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "GrepWindow" using std::nothrow; static const bigtime_t kChangesPulseInterval = 150000; #define TRACE_NODE_MONITORING #ifdef TRACE_NODE_MONITORING # define TRACE_NM(x...) printf(x) #else # define TRACE_NM(x...) #endif //#define TRACE_FUNCTIONS #ifdef TRACE_FUNCTIONS class FunctionTracer { public: FunctionTracer(const char* functionName) : fName(functionName) { printf("%s - enter\n", fName.String()); } ~FunctionTracer() { printf("%s - exit\n", fName.String()); } private: BString fName; }; # define CALLED() FunctionTracer functionTracer(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) #else # define CALLED() #endif // TRACE_FUNCTIONS GrepWindow::GrepWindow(BMessage* message) : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, 525, 430), NULL, B_DOCUMENT_WINDOW, B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS), fSearchText(NULL), fSearchResults(NULL), fMenuBar(NULL), fFileMenu(NULL), fNew(NULL), fOpen(NULL), fClose(NULL), fQuit(NULL), fActionMenu(NULL), fSelectAll(NULL), fSearch(NULL), fTrimSelection(NULL), fCopyText(NULL), fSelectInTracker(NULL), fOpenSelection(NULL), fPreferencesMenu(NULL), fRecurseLinks(NULL), fRecurseDirs(NULL), fSkipDotDirs(NULL), fCaseSensitive(NULL), fEscapeText(NULL), fTextOnly(NULL), fInvokePe(NULL), fHistoryMenu(NULL), fEncodingMenu(NULL), fUTF8(NULL), fShiftJIS(NULL), fEUC(NULL), fJIS(NULL), fShowLinesCheckbox(NULL), fButton(NULL), fGrepper(NULL), fOldPattern(""), fModel(new (nothrow) Model()), fLastNodeMonitorEvent(system_time()), fChangesIterator(NULL), fChangesPulse(NULL), fFilePanel(NULL) { if (fModel == NULL) return; entry_ref directory; _InitRefsReceived(&directory, message); fModel->fDirectory = directory; fModel->fSelectedFiles = *message; _SetWindowTitle(); _CreateMenus(); _CreateViews(); _LayoutViews(); _LoadPrefs(); _TileIfMultipleWindows(); fSearchBoxWidth = fSearchText->Bounds().Width(); Show(); } GrepWindow::~GrepWindow() { delete fGrepper; delete fModel; } void GrepWindow::FrameResized(float width, float height) { BWindow::FrameResized(width, height); fModel->fFrame = Frame(); _SavePrefs(); } void GrepWindow::FrameMoved(BPoint origin) { BWindow::FrameMoved(origin); fModel->fFrame = Frame(); _SavePrefs(); } void GrepWindow::MenusBeginning() { fModel->FillHistoryMenu(fHistoryMenu); BWindow::MenusBeginning(); } void GrepWindow::MenusEnded() { for (int32 t = fHistoryMenu->CountItems(); t > 0; --t) delete fHistoryMenu->RemoveItem(t - 1); BWindow::MenusEnded(); } void GrepWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case MSG_NEW_WINDOW: _OnNewWindow(); break; case B_SIMPLE_DATA: _OnFileDrop(message); break; case MSG_OPEN_PANEL: _OnOpenPanel(); break; case MSG_REFS_RECEIVED: _OnRefsReceived(message); break; case B_CANCEL: _OnOpenPanelCancel(); break; case MSG_RECURSE_LINKS: _OnRecurseLinks(); break; case MSG_RECURSE_DIRS: _OnRecurseDirs(); break; case MSG_SKIP_DOT_DIRS: _OnSkipDotDirs(); break; case MSG_CASE_SENSITIVE: _OnCaseSensitive(); break; case MSG_ESCAPE_TEXT: _OnEscapeText(); break; case MSG_TEXT_ONLY: _OnTextOnly(); break; case MSG_INVOKE_PE: _OnInvokePe(); break; case MSG_SEARCH_TEXT: _OnSearchText(); break; case MSG_SELECT_HISTORY: _OnHistoryItem(message); break; case MSG_START_CANCEL: _OnStartCancel(); break; case MSG_SEARCH_FINISHED: _OnSearchFinished(); break; case MSG_START_NODE_MONITORING: _StartNodeMonitoring(); break; case B_PATH_MONITOR: _OnNodeMonitorEvent(message); break; case MSG_NODE_MONITOR_PULSE: _OnNodeMonitorPulse(); break; case MSG_REPORT_FILE_NAME: _OnReportFileName(message); break; case MSG_REPORT_RESULT: _OnReportResult(message); break; case MSG_REPORT_ERROR: _OnReportError(message); break; case MSG_SELECT_ALL: _OnSelectAll(message); break; case MSG_TRIM_SELECTION: _OnTrimSelection(); break; case MSG_COPY_TEXT: _OnCopyText(); break; case MSG_SELECT_IN_TRACKER: _OnSelectInTracker(); break; case MSG_CHECKBOX_SHOW_LINES: _OnCheckboxShowLines(); break; case MSG_OPEN_SELECTION: // fall through case MSG_INVOKE_ITEM: _OnInvokeItem(); break; case MSG_QUIT_NOW: _OnQuitNow(); break; case 'utf8': fModel->fEncoding = 0; break; case B_SJIS_CONVERSION: fModel->fEncoding = B_SJIS_CONVERSION; break; case B_EUC_CONVERSION: fModel->fEncoding = B_EUC_CONVERSION; break; case B_JIS_CONVERSION: fModel->fEncoding = B_JIS_CONVERSION; break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void GrepWindow::Quit() { CALLED(); _StopNodeMonitoring(); _SavePrefs(); // TODO: stippi: Looks like this could be done // by maintaining a counter in GrepApp with the number of open // grep windows... and just quit when it goes zero if (be_app->Lock()) { be_app->PostMessage(MSG_TRY_QUIT); be_app->Unlock(); BWindow::Quit(); } } // #pragma mark - void GrepWindow::_InitRefsReceived(entry_ref* directory, BMessage* message) { // HACK-HACK-HACK: // If the user selected a single folder and invoked TextSearch on it, // but recurse directories is switched off, TextSearch would do nothing. // In that special case, we'd like it to recurse into that folder (but // not go any deeper after that). type_code code; int32 count; message->GetInfo("refs", &code, &count); if (count == 0) { if (message->FindRef("dir_ref", 0, directory) == B_OK) message->MakeEmpty(); } if (count == 1) { entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("refs", 0, &ref) == B_OK) { BEntry entry(&ref, true); if (entry.IsDirectory()) { // ok, special case, we use this folder as base directory // and pretend nothing had been selected: *directory = ref; message->MakeEmpty(); } } } } void GrepWindow::_SetWindowTitle() { BEntry entry(&fModel->fDirectory, true); BString title; if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { BPath path; if (entry.GetPath(&path) == B_OK) { if (fOldPattern.Length()) { title = B_TRANSLATE("%appname% : %path% : %searchtext%"); title.ReplaceAll("%searchtext%", fOldPattern.String()); } else title = B_TRANSLATE("%appname% : %path%"); title.ReplaceAll("%appname%", B_TRANSLATE(APP_NAME)); title.ReplaceAll("%path%", path.Path()); } } if (!title.Length()) title = B_TRANSLATE(APP_NAME); SetTitle(title.String()); } void GrepWindow::_CreateMenus() { fMenuBar = new BMenuBar("menubar"); fFileMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("File")); fActionMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Actions")); fPreferencesMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Settings")); fHistoryMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("History")); fEncodingMenu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Encoding")); fNew = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("New window"), new BMessage(MSG_NEW_WINDOW), 'N'); fOpen = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Set target" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(MSG_OPEN_PANEL), 'F'); fClose = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Close"), new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'W'); fQuit = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Quit"), new BMessage(MSG_QUIT_NOW), 'Q'); fSearch = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Search"), new BMessage(MSG_START_CANCEL), 'S'); fSelectAll = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Select all"), new BMessage(MSG_SELECT_ALL), 'A'); fTrimSelection = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Trim to selection"), new BMessage(MSG_TRIM_SELECTION), 'T'); fOpenSelection = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Open selection"), new BMessage(MSG_OPEN_SELECTION), 'O'); fSelectInTracker = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Show files in Tracker"), new BMessage(MSG_SELECT_IN_TRACKER), 'K'); fCopyText = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Copy text to clipboard"), new BMessage(MSG_COPY_TEXT), 'B'); fRecurseLinks = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Follow symbolic links"), new BMessage(MSG_RECURSE_LINKS)); fRecurseDirs = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Look in sub-folders"), new BMessage(MSG_RECURSE_DIRS)); fSkipDotDirs = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Skip folders starting with a dot"), new BMessage(MSG_SKIP_DOT_DIRS)); fCaseSensitive = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Case-sensitive"), new BMessage(MSG_CASE_SENSITIVE)); fEscapeText = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Escape search text"), new BMessage(MSG_ESCAPE_TEXT)); fTextOnly = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Text files only"), new BMessage(MSG_TEXT_ONLY)); fInvokePe = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Open files in Pe"), new BMessage(MSG_INVOKE_PE)); fUTF8 = new BMenuItem("UTF8", new BMessage('utf8')); fShiftJIS = new BMenuItem("ShiftJIS", new BMessage(B_SJIS_CONVERSION)); fEUC = new BMenuItem("EUC", new BMessage(B_EUC_CONVERSION)); fJIS = new BMenuItem("JIS", new BMessage(B_JIS_CONVERSION)); fFileMenu->AddItem(fNew); fFileMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fFileMenu->AddItem(fOpen); fFileMenu->AddItem(fClose); fFileMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fFileMenu->AddItem(fQuit); fActionMenu->AddItem(fSearch); fActionMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fActionMenu->AddItem(fSelectAll); fActionMenu->AddItem(fTrimSelection); fActionMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fActionMenu->AddItem(fOpenSelection); fActionMenu->AddItem(fSelectInTracker); fActionMenu->AddItem(fCopyText); fPreferencesMenu->AddItem(fRecurseLinks); fPreferencesMenu->AddItem(fRecurseDirs); fPreferencesMenu->AddItem(fSkipDotDirs); fPreferencesMenu->AddItem(fCaseSensitive); fPreferencesMenu->AddItem(fEscapeText); fPreferencesMenu->AddItem(fTextOnly); fPreferencesMenu->AddItem(fInvokePe); fEncodingMenu->AddItem(fUTF8); fEncodingMenu->AddItem(fShiftJIS); fEncodingMenu->AddItem(fEUC); fEncodingMenu->AddItem(fJIS); // fEncodingMenu->SetLabelFromMarked(true); // Do we really want this ? fEncodingMenu->SetRadioMode(true); fEncodingMenu->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked(true); fMenuBar->AddItem(fFileMenu); fMenuBar->AddItem(fActionMenu); fMenuBar->AddItem(fPreferencesMenu); fMenuBar->AddItem(fHistoryMenu); fMenuBar->AddItem(fEncodingMenu); fSearch->SetEnabled(false); } void GrepWindow::_CreateViews() { // The search pattern entry field does not send a message when // is pressed, because the "Search/Cancel" button already // does this and we don't want to send the same message twice. fSearchText = new BTextControl( "SearchText", NULL, NULL, NULL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE | B_NAVIGABLE); fSearchText->TextView()->SetMaxBytes(1000); fSearchText->SetModificationMessage(new BMessage(MSG_SEARCH_TEXT)); fButton = new BButton( "Button", B_TRANSLATE("Search"), new BMessage(MSG_START_CANCEL)); fButton->MakeDefault(true); fButton->SetEnabled(false); fShowLinesCheckbox = new BCheckBox( "ShowLines", B_TRANSLATE("Show lines"), new BMessage(MSG_CHECKBOX_SHOW_LINES)); fShowLinesCheckbox->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); fSearchResults = new GrepListView(); fSearchResults->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(MSG_INVOKE_ITEM)); } void GrepWindow::_LayoutViews() { BScrollView* scroller = new BScrollView( "ScrollSearchResults", fSearchResults, B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE, true, true); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL, B_USE_HALF_ITEM_SPACING) .SetInsets(0, 0, -1, -1) .Add(fMenuBar) .AddGrid(B_USE_HALF_ITEM_SPACING) .SetInsets(B_USE_ITEM_INSETS, B_USE_HALF_ITEM_INSETS, B_USE_ITEM_INSETS, 0) .Add(fSearchText, 0, 0, 3) .Add(fShowLinesCheckbox, 0, 1) .Add(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue(), 1, 1) .Add(fButton, 2, 1) .End() .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL, 0) .SetInsets(-1, 0, -1, -1) .Add(scroller) .End() .End(); fSearchText->MakeFocus(true); SetKeyMenuBar(fMenuBar); } void GrepWindow::_TileIfMultipleWindows() { if (be_app->Lock()) { int32 windowCount = be_app->CountWindows(); be_app->Unlock(); if (windowCount > 1) MoveBy(20, 20); } BScreen screen(this); BRect screenFrame = screen.Frame(); BRect windowFrame = Frame(); if (windowFrame.left > screenFrame.right || windowFrame.top > screenFrame.bottom || windowFrame.right < screenFrame.left || windowFrame.bottom < screenFrame.top) MoveTo(50, 50); } // #pragma mark - void GrepWindow::_LoadPrefs() { Lock(); fModel->LoadPrefs(); fRecurseDirs->SetMarked(fModel->fRecurseDirs); fRecurseLinks->SetMarked(fModel->fRecurseLinks); fSkipDotDirs->SetMarked(fModel->fSkipDotDirs); fCaseSensitive->SetMarked(fModel->fCaseSensitive); fEscapeText->SetMarked(fModel->fEscapeText); fTextOnly->SetMarked(fModel->fTextOnly); fInvokePe->SetMarked(fModel->fInvokePe); switch (fModel->fEncoding) { case 0: fUTF8->SetMarked(true); break; case B_SJIS_CONVERSION: fShiftJIS->SetMarked(true); break; case B_EUC_CONVERSION: fEUC->SetMarked(true); break; case B_JIS_CONVERSION: fJIS->SetMarked(true); break; default: printf("Woops. Bad fModel->fEncoding value.\n"); break; } MoveTo(fModel->fFrame.left, fModel->fFrame.top); ResizeTo(fModel->fFrame.Width(), fModel->fFrame.Height()); Unlock(); } void GrepWindow::_SavePrefs() { fModel->SavePrefs(); } void GrepWindow::_StartNodeMonitoring() { CALLED(); _StopNodeMonitoring(); BMessenger messenger(this); uint32 fileFlags = B_WATCH_NAME | B_WATCH_STAT | B_WATCH_ATTR; // watch the top level folder only, rest should be done through filtering // the node monitor notifications BPath path(&fModel->fDirectory); if (path.InitCheck() == B_OK) { TRACE_NM("start monitoring root folder: %s\n", path.Path()); BPrivate::BPathMonitor::StartWatching(path.Path(), fileFlags | B_WATCH_RECURSIVELY | B_WATCH_FILES_ONLY, messenger); } if (fChangesPulse == NULL) { BMessage message(MSG_NODE_MONITOR_PULSE); fChangesPulse = new BMessageRunner(BMessenger(this), &message, kChangesPulseInterval); } } void GrepWindow::_StopNodeMonitoring() { if (fChangesPulse == NULL) return; CALLED(); BPrivate::BPathMonitor::StopWatching(BMessenger(this)); delete fChangesIterator; fChangesIterator = NULL; delete fChangesPulse; fChangesPulse = NULL; } // #pragma mark - events void GrepWindow::_OnStartCancel() { CALLED(); _StopNodeMonitoring(); if (fModel->fState == STATE_IDLE) { fSearchResults->MakeEmpty(); if (fSearchText->TextView()->TextLength() == 0) return; fModel->fState = STATE_SEARCH; fModel->AddToHistory(fSearchText->Text()); // From now on, we don't want to be notified when the // search pattern changes, because the control will be // displaying the names of the files we are grepping. fSearchText->SetModificationMessage(NULL); fFileMenu->SetEnabled(false); fActionMenu->SetEnabled(false); fPreferencesMenu->SetEnabled(false); fHistoryMenu->SetEnabled(false); fEncodingMenu->SetEnabled(false); fSearchText->SetEnabled(false); fButton->MakeFocus(true); fButton->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Cancel")); fSearch->SetEnabled(false); // We need to remember the search pattern, because during // the grepping, the text control's text will be replaced // by the name of the file that's currently being grepped. // When the grepping finishes, we need to restore the old // search pattern. fOldPattern = fSearchText->Text(); _SetWindowTitle(); FileIterator* iterator = new (nothrow) InitialIterator(fModel); fGrepper = new (nothrow) Grepper(fOldPattern.String(), fModel, this, iterator); if (fGrepper != NULL && fGrepper->IsValid()) fGrepper->Start(); else { // roll back in case of problems if (fGrepper == NULL) delete iterator; else { // Grepper owns iterator delete fGrepper; fGrepper = NULL; } fModel->fState = STATE_IDLE; // TODO: better notification to user fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); } } else if (fModel->fState == STATE_SEARCH) { fModel->fState = STATE_CANCEL; fGrepper->Cancel(); } } void GrepWindow::_OnSearchFinished() { fModel->fState = STATE_IDLE; delete fGrepper; fGrepper = NULL; fFileMenu->SetEnabled(true); fActionMenu->SetEnabled(true); fPreferencesMenu->SetEnabled(true); fHistoryMenu->SetEnabled(true); fEncodingMenu->SetEnabled(true); fButton->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Search")); fButton->SetEnabled(true); fSearch->SetEnabled(true); fSearchText->SetEnabled(true); fSearchText->MakeFocus(true); fSearchText->SetText(fOldPattern.String()); fSearchText->TextView()->SelectAll(); fSearchText->SetModificationMessage(new BMessage(MSG_SEARCH_TEXT)); PostMessage(MSG_START_NODE_MONITORING); } void GrepWindow::_OnNodeMonitorEvent(BMessage* message) { int32 opCode; if (message->FindInt32("opcode", &opCode) != B_OK) return; if (fChangesIterator == NULL) { fChangesIterator = new (nothrow) ChangesIterator(fModel); if (fChangesIterator == NULL || !fChangesIterator->IsValid()) { delete fChangesIterator; fChangesIterator = NULL; } } switch (opCode) { case B_ENTRY_CREATED: case B_ENTRY_REMOVED: { TRACE_NM("%s\n", opCode == B_ENTRY_CREATED ? "B_ENTRY_CREATED" : "B_ENTRY_REMOVED"); BString path; if (message->FindString("path", &path) == B_OK) { if (opCode == B_ENTRY_CREATED) fChangesIterator->EntryAdded(path.String()); else { // in order to remove temporary files fChangesIterator->EntryRemoved(path.String()); // remove from the list view already BEntry entry(path.String()); entry_ref ref; if (entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK) fSearchResults->RemoveResults(ref, true); } } else { #ifdef TRACE_NODE_MONITORING printf("incompatible message:\n"); message->PrintToStream(); #endif } TRACE_NM("path: %s\n", path.String()); break; } case B_ENTRY_MOVED: { TRACE_NM("B_ENTRY_MOVED\n"); BString path; if (message->FindString("path", &path) != B_OK) { #ifdef TRACE_NODE_MONITORING printf("incompatible message:\n"); message->PrintToStream(); #endif break; } bool added; if (message->FindBool("added", &added) != B_OK) added = false; bool removed; if (message->FindBool("removed", &removed) != B_OK) removed = false; if (added) { // new files } else if (removed) { // remove files } else { // files changed location, but are still within the search // path! BEntry entry(path.String()); entry_ref ref; if (entry.GetRef(&ref) == B_OK) { int32 index; ResultItem* item = fSearchResults->FindItem(ref, &index); item->SetText(path.String()); // take care of invalidation, the index is currently // the full list index, but needs to be the visible // items index for this index = fSearchResults->IndexOf(item); fSearchResults->InvalidateItem(index); } } break; } case B_STAT_CHANGED: case B_ATTR_CHANGED: { TRACE_NM("%s\n", opCode == B_STAT_CHANGED ? "B_STAT_CHANGED" : "B_ATTR_CHANGED"); // For directly watched files, the path will include the // name. When the event occurs for a file in a watched directory, // the message will have an extra name field for the respective // file. BString path; if (message->FindString("path", &path) == B_OK) { fChangesIterator->EntryChanged(path.String()); } else { #ifdef TRACE_NODE_MONITORING printf("incompatible message:\n"); message->PrintToStream(); #endif } TRACE_NM("path: %s\n", path.String()); // message->PrintToStream(); break; } default: TRACE_NM("unkown op code\n"); break; } fLastNodeMonitorEvent = system_time(); } void GrepWindow::_OnNodeMonitorPulse() { if (fChangesIterator == NULL || fChangesIterator->IsEmpty()) return; if (system_time() - fLastNodeMonitorEvent < kChangesPulseInterval) { // wait for things to settle down before running the search for changes return; } if (fModel->fState != STATE_IDLE) { // An update or search is still in progress. New node monitor messages // may arrive while an update is still running. They should not arrive // during a regular search, but we want to be prepared for that anyways // and check != STATE_IDLE. return; } fOldPattern = fSearchText->Text(); #ifdef TRACE_NODE_MONITORING fChangesIterator->PrintToStream(); #endif fGrepper = new (nothrow) Grepper(fOldPattern.String(), fModel, this, fChangesIterator); if (fGrepper != NULL && fGrepper->IsValid()) { fGrepper->Start(); fChangesIterator = NULL; fModel->fState = STATE_UPDATE; } else { // roll back in case of problems if (fGrepper == NULL) delete fChangesIterator; else { // Grepper owns iterator delete fGrepper; fGrepper = NULL; } fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); } } void GrepWindow::_OnReportFileName(BMessage* message) { if (fModel->fState != STATE_UPDATE) { BString name = message->FindString("filename"); fSearchText->TruncateString(&name, B_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE, fSearchBoxWidth - 10); fSearchText->SetText(name); } } void GrepWindow::_OnReportResult(BMessage* message) { CALLED(); entry_ref ref; if (message->FindRef("ref", &ref) != B_OK) return; type_code type; int32 count; message->GetInfo("text", &type, &count); BStringItem* item = NULL; if (fModel->fState == STATE_UPDATE) { // During updates because of node monitor events, negatives are // also reported (count == 0). item = fSearchResults->RemoveResults(ref, count == 0); } if (count == 0) return; if (item == NULL) { item = new ResultItem(ref); fSearchResults->AddItem(item); item->SetExpanded(fShowLinesCheckbox->Value() == 1); } const char* buf; while (message->FindString("text", --count, &buf) == B_OK) { uchar* temp = (uchar*)strdup(buf); uchar* ptr = temp; while (true) { // replace all non-printable characters by spaces uchar c = *ptr; if (c == '\0') break; if (!(c & 0x80) && iscntrl(c)) *ptr = ' '; ++ptr; } fSearchResults->AddUnder(new BStringItem((const char*)temp), item); free(temp); } } void GrepWindow::_OnReportError(BMessage* message) { const char* buf; if (message->FindString("error", &buf) == B_OK) fSearchResults->AddItem(new BStringItem(buf)); } void GrepWindow::_OnRecurseLinks() { fModel->fRecurseLinks = !fModel->fRecurseLinks; fRecurseLinks->SetMarked(fModel->fRecurseLinks); _ModelChanged(); } void GrepWindow::_OnRecurseDirs() { fModel->fRecurseDirs = !fModel->fRecurseDirs; fRecurseDirs->SetMarked(fModel->fRecurseDirs); _ModelChanged(); } void GrepWindow::_OnSkipDotDirs() { fModel->fSkipDotDirs = !fModel->fSkipDotDirs; fSkipDotDirs->SetMarked(fModel->fSkipDotDirs); _ModelChanged(); } void GrepWindow::_OnEscapeText() { fModel->fEscapeText = !fModel->fEscapeText; fEscapeText->SetMarked(fModel->fEscapeText); _ModelChanged(); } void GrepWindow::_OnCaseSensitive() { fModel->fCaseSensitive = !fModel->fCaseSensitive; fCaseSensitive->SetMarked(fModel->fCaseSensitive); _ModelChanged(); } void GrepWindow::_OnTextOnly() { fModel->fTextOnly = !fModel->fTextOnly; fTextOnly->SetMarked(fModel->fTextOnly); _ModelChanged(); } void GrepWindow::_OnInvokePe() { fModel->fInvokePe = !fModel->fInvokePe; fInvokePe->SetMarked(fModel->fInvokePe); _SavePrefs(); } void GrepWindow::_OnCheckboxShowLines() { // Selection in BOutlineListView in multiple selection mode // gets weird when collapsing. I've tried all sorts of things. // It seems impossible to make it behave just right. // Going from collapsed to expande mode, the superitems // keep their selection, the subitems don't (yet) have // a selection. This works as expected, AFAIK. // Going from expanded to collapsed mode, I would like // for a selected subitem (line) to select its superitem, // (its file) and the subitem be unselected. // I've successfully tried code patches that apply the // selection pattern that I want, but with weird effects // on subsequent manual selection. // Lines stay selected while the user tries to select // some other line. It just gets weird. // It's as though listItem->Select() and Deselect() // put the items in some semi-selected state. // Or maybe I've got it all wrong. // So, here's the plain basic collapse/expand. // I think it's the least bad of what's possible on BeOS R5, // but perhaps someone comes along with a patch of magic. int32 numItems = fSearchResults->FullListCountItems(); for (int32 x = 0; x < numItems; ++x) { BListItem* listItem = fSearchResults->FullListItemAt(x); if (listItem->OutlineLevel() == 0) { if (fShowLinesCheckbox->Value() == 1) { if (!fSearchResults->IsExpanded(x)) fSearchResults->Expand(listItem); } else { if (fSearchResults->IsExpanded(x)) fSearchResults->Collapse(listItem); } } } fSearchResults->Invalidate(); _SavePrefs(); } void GrepWindow::_OnInvokeItem() { for (int32 selectionIndex = 0; ; selectionIndex++) { int32 itemIndex = fSearchResults->CurrentSelection(selectionIndex); BListItem* item = fSearchResults->ItemAt(itemIndex); if (item == NULL) break; int32 level = item->OutlineLevel(); int32 lineNum = -1; // Get the line number. // only this level has line numbers if (level == 1) { BStringItem* str = dynamic_cast(item); if (str != NULL) { lineNum = atol(str->Text()); // fortunately, atol knows when to stop the conversion } } // Get the top-most item and launch its entry_ref. while (level != 0) { item = fSearchResults->Superitem(item); if (item == NULL) break; level = item->OutlineLevel(); } ResultItem* entry = dynamic_cast(item); if (entry != NULL) { bool done = false; if (fModel->fInvokePe) done = _OpenInPe(entry->ref, lineNum); if (!done) be_roster->Launch(&entry->ref); } } } void GrepWindow::_OnSearchText() { CALLED(); bool enabled = fSearchText->TextView()->TextLength() != 0; fButton->SetEnabled(enabled); fSearch->SetEnabled(enabled); _StopNodeMonitoring(); } void GrepWindow::_OnHistoryItem(BMessage* message) { const char* buf; if (message->FindString("text", &buf) == B_OK) fSearchText->SetText(buf); } void GrepWindow::_OnTrimSelection() { if (fSearchResults->CurrentSelection() < 0) { BString text; text << B_TRANSLATE("Please select the files you wish to keep searching."); text << "\n"; text << B_TRANSLATE("The unselected files will be removed from the list."); text << "\n"; BAlert* alert = new BAlert(NULL, text.String(), B_TRANSLATE("OK"), NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(NULL); return; } BMessage message; BString path; for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { BStringItem* item = dynamic_cast( fSearchResults->ItemAt(index)); if (item == NULL) break; if (!item->IsSelected() || item->OutlineLevel() != 0) continue; if (path == item->Text()) continue; path = item->Text(); entry_ref ref; if (get_ref_for_path(path.String(), &ref) == B_OK) message.AddRef("refs", &ref); } fModel->fDirectory = entry_ref(); // invalidated on purpose fModel->fSelectedFiles.MakeEmpty(); fModel->fSelectedFiles = message; PostMessage(MSG_START_CANCEL); _SetWindowTitle(); } void GrepWindow::_OnCopyText() { bool onlyCopySelection = true; if (fSearchResults->CurrentSelection() < 0) onlyCopySelection = false; BString buffer; for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { BStringItem* item = dynamic_cast( fSearchResults->ItemAt(index)); if (item == NULL) break; if (onlyCopySelection) { if (item->IsSelected()) buffer << item->Text() << "\n"; } else buffer << item->Text() << "\n"; } status_t status = B_OK; BMessage* clip = NULL; if (be_clipboard->Lock()) { be_clipboard->Clear(); clip = be_clipboard->Data(); clip->AddData("text/plain", B_MIME_TYPE, buffer.String(), buffer.Length()); status = be_clipboard->Commit(); if (status != B_OK) { be_clipboard->Unlock(); return; } be_clipboard->Unlock(); } } void GrepWindow::_OnSelectInTracker() { if (fSearchResults->CurrentSelection() < 0) { BAlert* alert = new BAlert("Info", B_TRANSLATE("Please select the files you wish to have selected for you in " "Tracker."), B_TRANSLATE("OK"), NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(NULL); return; } BMessage message; BString filePath; BPath folderPath; BList folderList; BString lastFolderAddedToList; for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { BStringItem* item = dynamic_cast( fSearchResults->ItemAt(index)); if (item == NULL) break; // only open selected and top level (file) items if (!item->IsSelected() || item->OutlineLevel() > 0) continue; // check if this was previously opened if (filePath == item->Text()) continue; filePath = item->Text(); entry_ref file_ref; if (get_ref_for_path(filePath.String(), &file_ref) != B_OK) continue; message.AddRef("refs", &file_ref); // add parent folder to list of folders to open folderPath.SetTo(filePath.String()); if (folderPath.GetParent(&folderPath) == B_OK) { BPath* path = new BPath(folderPath); if (path->Path() != lastFolderAddedToList) { // catches some duplicates folderList.AddItem(path); lastFolderAddedToList = path->Path(); } else delete path; } } _RemoveFolderListDuplicates(&folderList); _OpenFoldersInTracker(&folderList); int32 aShortWhile = 100000; snooze(aShortWhile); if (!_AreAllFoldersOpenInTracker(&folderList)) { for (int32 x = 0; x < 5; x++) { aShortWhile += 100000; snooze(aShortWhile); _OpenFoldersInTracker(&folderList); } } if (!_AreAllFoldersOpenInTracker(&folderList)) { BString str1; str1 << B_TRANSLATE("%APP_NAME couldn't open one or more folders."); str1.ReplaceFirst("%APP_NAME",APP_NAME); BAlert* alert = new BAlert(NULL, str1.String(), B_TRANSLATE("OK"), NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(NULL); goto out; } _SelectFilesInTracker(&folderList, &message); out: // delete folderList contents int32 folderCount = folderList.CountItems(); for (int32 x = 0; x < folderCount; x++) delete static_cast(folderList.ItemAt(x)); } void GrepWindow::_OnQuitNow() { if (be_app->Lock()) { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); be_app->Unlock(); } } void GrepWindow::_OnFileDrop(BMessage* message) { if (fModel->fState != STATE_IDLE) return; entry_ref directory; _InitRefsReceived(&directory, message); fModel->fDirectory = directory; fModel->fSelectedFiles.MakeEmpty(); fModel->fSelectedFiles = *message; fSearchResults->MakeEmpty(); fOldPattern = ""; _SetWindowTitle(); } void GrepWindow::_OnRefsReceived(BMessage* message) { _OnFileDrop(message); fOldPattern = ""; // It seems a B_CANCEL always follows a B_REFS_RECEIVED // from a BFilePanel in Open mode. // // _OnOpenPanelCancel() is called on B_CANCEL. // That's where saving the current dir of the file panel occurs, for now, // and also the neccesary deletion of the file panel object. // A hidden file panel would otherwise jam the shutdown process. } void GrepWindow::_OnOpenPanel() { if (fFilePanel != NULL) return; entry_ref path; if (get_ref_for_path(fModel->fFilePanelPath.String(), &path) != B_OK) return; BMessenger messenger(this); BMessage message(MSG_REFS_RECEIVED); fFilePanel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &messenger, &path, B_FILE_NODE | B_DIRECTORY_NODE | B_SYMLINK_NODE, true, &message, NULL, true, true); fFilePanel->Show(); } void GrepWindow::_OnOpenPanelCancel() { entry_ref panelDirRef; fFilePanel->GetPanelDirectory(&panelDirRef); BPath path(&panelDirRef); fModel->fFilePanelPath = path.Path(); delete fFilePanel; fFilePanel = NULL; } void GrepWindow::_OnSelectAll(BMessage* message) { BMessenger messenger(fSearchResults); messenger.SendMessage(B_SELECT_ALL); } void GrepWindow::_OnNewWindow() { BMessage cloneRefs; // we don't want GrepWindow::InitRefsReceived() // to mess with the refs of the current window cloneRefs = fModel->fSelectedFiles; cloneRefs.AddRef("dir_ref", &(fModel->fDirectory)); new GrepWindow(&cloneRefs); } // #pragma mark - void GrepWindow::_ModelChanged() { CALLED(); _StopNodeMonitoring(); _SavePrefs(); } bool GrepWindow::_OpenInPe(const entry_ref &ref, int32 lineNum) { BMessage message('Cmdl'); message.AddRef("refs", &ref); if (lineNum != -1) message.AddInt32("line", lineNum); entry_ref pe; if (be_roster->FindApp(PE_SIGNATURE, &pe) != B_OK) return false; if (be_roster->IsRunning(&pe)) { BMessenger msngr(NULL, be_roster->TeamFor(&pe)); if (msngr.SendMessage(&message) != B_OK) return false; } else { if (be_roster->Launch(&pe, &message) != B_OK) return false; } return true; } void GrepWindow::_RemoveFolderListDuplicates(BList* folderList) { if (folderList == NULL) return; int32 folderCount = folderList->CountItems(); BString folderX; BString folderY; for (int32 x = 0; x < folderCount; x++) { BPath* path = static_cast(folderList->ItemAt(x)); folderX = path->Path(); for (int32 y = x + 1; y < folderCount; y++) { path = static_cast(folderList->ItemAt(y)); folderY = path->Path(); if (folderX == folderY) { delete static_cast(folderList->RemoveItem(y)); folderCount--; y--; } } } } status_t GrepWindow::_OpenFoldersInTracker(BList* folderList) { status_t status = B_OK; BMessage refsMsg(B_REFS_RECEIVED); int32 folderCount = folderList->CountItems(); for (int32 index = 0; index < folderCount; index++) { BPath* path = static_cast(folderList->ItemAt(index)); entry_ref folderRef; status = get_ref_for_path(path->Path(), &folderRef); if (status != B_OK) return status; status = refsMsg.AddRef("refs", &folderRef); if (status != B_OK) return status; } status = be_roster->Launch(TRACKER_SIGNATURE, &refsMsg); if (status != B_OK && status != B_ALREADY_RUNNING) return status; return B_OK; } bool GrepWindow::_AreAllFoldersOpenInTracker(BList* folderList) { // Compare the folders we want open in Tracker to // the actual Tracker windows currently open. // We build a list of open Tracker windows, and compare // it to the list of folders we want open in Tracker. // If all folders exists in the list of Tracker windows // return true status_t status = B_OK; BMessenger trackerMessenger(TRACKER_SIGNATURE); BMessage sendMessage; BMessage replyMessage; BList windowList; if (!trackerMessenger.IsValid()) return false; for (int32 count = 1; ; count++) { sendMessage.MakeEmpty(); replyMessage.MakeEmpty(); sendMessage.what = B_GET_PROPERTY; sendMessage.AddSpecifier("Path"); sendMessage.AddSpecifier("Poses"); sendMessage.AddSpecifier("Window", count); status = trackerMessenger.SendMessage(&sendMessage, &replyMessage); if (status != B_OK) return false; entry_ref* trackerRef = new (nothrow) entry_ref; status = replyMessage.FindRef("result", trackerRef); if (status != B_OK || !windowList.AddItem(trackerRef)) { delete trackerRef; break; } } int32 folderCount = folderList->CountItems(); int32 windowCount = windowList.CountItems(); int32 found = 0; BPath* folderPath; entry_ref* windowRef; BString folderString; BString windowString; bool result = false; if (folderCount > windowCount) { // at least one folder is not open in Tracker goto out; } // Loop over the two lists and see if all folders exist as window for (int32 x = 0; x < folderCount; x++) { for (int32 y = 0; y < windowCount; y++) { folderPath = static_cast(folderList->ItemAt(x)); windowRef = static_cast(windowList.ItemAt(y)); if (folderPath == NULL) break; if (windowRef == NULL) break; folderString = folderPath->Path(); BEntry entry; BPath path; if (entry.SetTo(windowRef) == B_OK && path.SetTo(&entry) == B_OK) { windowString = path.Path(); if (folderString == windowString) { found++; break; } } } } result = found == folderCount; out: // delete list of window entry_refs for (int32 x = 0; x < windowCount; x++) delete static_cast(windowList.ItemAt(x)); return result; } status_t GrepWindow::_SelectFilesInTracker(BList* folderList, BMessage* refsMessage) { // loops over Tracker windows, find each windowRef, // extract the refs that are children of windowRef, // add refs to selection-message status_t status = B_OK; BMessenger trackerMessenger(TRACKER_SIGNATURE); BMessage windowSendMessage; BMessage windowReplyMessage; BMessage selectionSendMessage; BMessage selectionReplyMessage; if (!trackerMessenger.IsValid()) return status; // loop over Tracker windows for (int32 windowCount = 1; ; windowCount++) { windowSendMessage.MakeEmpty(); windowReplyMessage.MakeEmpty(); windowSendMessage.what = B_GET_PROPERTY; windowSendMessage.AddSpecifier("Path"); windowSendMessage.AddSpecifier("Poses"); windowSendMessage.AddSpecifier("Window", windowCount); status = trackerMessenger.SendMessage(&windowSendMessage, &windowReplyMessage); if (status != B_OK) return status; entry_ref windowRef; status = windowReplyMessage.FindRef("result", &windowRef); if (status != B_OK) break; int32 folderCount = folderList->CountItems(); // loop over folders in folderList for (int32 x = 0; x < folderCount; x++) { BPath* folderPath = static_cast(folderList->ItemAt(x)); if (folderPath == NULL) break; BString folderString = folderPath->Path(); BEntry windowEntry; BPath windowPath; BString windowString; status = windowEntry.SetTo(&windowRef); if (status != B_OK) break; status = windowPath.SetTo(&windowEntry); if (status != B_OK) break; windowString = windowPath.Path(); // if match, loop over items in refsMessage // and add those that live in window/folder // to a selection message if (windowString == folderString) { selectionSendMessage.MakeEmpty(); selectionSendMessage.what = B_SET_PROPERTY; selectionReplyMessage.MakeEmpty(); // loop over refs and add to message entry_ref ref; for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) { status = refsMessage->FindRef("refs", index, &ref); if (status != B_OK) break; BDirectory directory(&windowRef); BEntry entry(&ref); if (directory.Contains(&entry)) selectionSendMessage.AddRef("data", &ref); } // finish selection message selectionSendMessage.AddSpecifier("Selection"); selectionSendMessage.AddSpecifier("Poses"); selectionSendMessage.AddSpecifier("Window", windowCount); trackerMessenger.SendMessage(&selectionSendMessage, &selectionReplyMessage); } } } return B_OK; }