/* * Copyright 2007 Haiku, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2004 Daniel Furrer * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kian Duffy * Copyright (C) 1998,99 Kazuho Okui and Takashi Murai. * * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ #include "TermWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Arguments.h" #include "Coding.h" #include "MenuUtil.h" #include "FindWindow.h" #include "PrefWindow.h" #include "PrefView.h" #include "PrefHandler.h" #include "SmartTabView.h" #include "TermConst.h" #include "TermScrollView.h" #include "TermView.h" const static int32 kMaxTabs = 6; const static int32 kTermViewOffset = 3; // messages constants const static uint32 kNewTab = 'NTab'; const static uint32 kCloseView = 'ClVw'; const static uint32 kIncreaseFontSize = 'InFs'; const static uint32 kDecreaseFontSize = 'DcFs'; const static uint32 kSetActiveTab = 'STab'; class CustomTermView : public TermView { public: CustomTermView(int32 rows, int32 columns, int32 argc, const char **argv, int32 historySize = 1000); virtual void NotifyQuit(int32 reason); virtual void SetTitle(const char *title); }; class TermViewContainerView : public BView { public: TermViewContainerView(TermView* termView) : BView(BRect(), "term view container", B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0), fTermView(termView) { termView->MoveTo(kTermViewOffset, kTermViewOffset); BRect frame(termView->Frame()); ResizeTo(frame.right + kTermViewOffset, frame.bottom + kTermViewOffset); AddChild(termView); } TermView* GetTermView() const { return fTermView; } virtual void GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height) { float width, height; fTermView->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); *_width = width + 2 * kTermViewOffset; *_height = height + 2 * kTermViewOffset; } private: TermView* fTermView; }; struct TermWindow::Session { int32 id; BString name; BString windowTitle; TermViewContainerView* containerView; Session(int32 id, TermViewContainerView* containerView) : id(id), containerView(containerView) { name = "Shell "; name << id; } }; class TermWindow::TabView : public SmartTabView { public: TabView(TermWindow* window, BRect frame, const char *name) : SmartTabView(frame, name), fWindow(window) { } virtual void Select(int32 tab) { SmartTabView::Select(tab); fWindow->SessionChanged(); } virtual void RemoveAndDeleteTab(int32 index) { fWindow->_RemoveTab(index); } private: TermWindow* fWindow; }; TermWindow::TermWindow(BRect frame, const char* title, Arguments *args) : BWindow(frame, title, B_DOCUMENT_WINDOW, B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE | B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE), fInitialTitle(title), fTabView(NULL), fMenubar(NULL), fFilemenu(NULL), fEditmenu(NULL), fEncodingmenu(NULL), fHelpmenu(NULL), fWindowSizeMenu(NULL), fPrintSettings(NULL), fPrefWindow(NULL), fFindPanel(NULL), fSavedFrame(0, 0, -1, -1), fFindString(""), fFindForwardMenuItem(NULL), fFindBackwardMenuItem(NULL), fFindSelection(false), fForwardSearch(false), fMatchCase(false), fMatchWord(false) { _InitWindow(); _AddTab(args); } TermWindow::~TermWindow() { if (fPrefWindow) fPrefWindow->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); if (fFindPanel && fFindPanel->Lock()) { fFindPanel->Quit(); fFindPanel = NULL; } PrefHandler::DeleteDefault(); for (int32 i = 0; Session* session = (Session*)fSessions.ItemAt(i); i++) delete session; } void TermWindow::SetSessionWindowTitle(TermView* termView, const char* title) { int32 index = _IndexOfTermView(termView); if (Session* session = (Session*)fSessions.ItemAt(index)) { session->windowTitle = title; BTab* tab = fTabView->TabAt(index); tab->SetLabel(session->windowTitle.String()); if (index == fTabView->Selection()) SetTitle(session->windowTitle.String()); } } void TermWindow::SessionChanged() { int32 index = fTabView->Selection(); if (Session* session = (Session*)fSessions.ItemAt(index)) SetTitle(session->windowTitle.String()); } void TermWindow::_InitWindow() { // make menu bar _SetupMenu(); AddShortcut('+', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kIncreaseFontSize)); AddShortcut('-', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(kDecreaseFontSize)); // shortcuts to switch tabs for (int32 i = 0; i < 9; i++) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(kSetActiveTab); message->AddInt32("index", i); AddShortcut('1' + i, B_COMMAND_KEY, message); } BRect textFrame = Bounds(); textFrame.top = fMenubar->Bounds().bottom + 1.0; fTabView = new TabView(this, textFrame, "tab view"); AddChild(fTabView); // Make the scroll view one pixel wider than the tab view container view, so // the scroll bar will look good. fTabView->SetInsets(0, 0, -1, 0); } void TermWindow::MenusBeginning() { // Syncronize Encode Menu Pop-up menu and Preference. BMenuItem *item = fEncodingmenu->FindItem(EncodingAsString(_ActiveTermView()->Encoding())); if (item != NULL) item->SetMarked(true); BWindow::MenusBeginning(); } void TermWindow::_SetupMenu() { PrefHandler menuText; LoadLocaleFile(&menuText); // Menu bar object. fMenubar = new BMenuBar(Bounds(), "mbar"); // Make File Menu. fFilemenu = new BMenu("Terminal"); fFilemenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Switch Terminals", new BMessage(MENU_SWITCH_TERM),'G')); fFilemenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("New Terminal" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(MENU_NEW_TERM), 'N')); fFilemenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("New Tab", new BMessage(kNewTab), 'T')); fFilemenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fFilemenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Page Setup" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(MENU_PAGE_SETUP))); fFilemenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Print", new BMessage(MENU_PRINT),'P')); fFilemenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fFilemenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("About Terminal" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED))); fFilemenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fFilemenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Quit", new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q')); fMenubar->AddItem(fFilemenu); // Make Edit Menu. fEditmenu = new BMenu ("Edit"); fEditmenu->AddItem (new BMenuItem ("Copy", new BMessage (B_COPY),'C')); fEditmenu->AddItem (new BMenuItem ("Paste", new BMessage (B_PASTE),'V')); fEditmenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fEditmenu->AddItem (new BMenuItem ("Select All", new BMessage (B_SELECT_ALL), 'A')); fEditmenu->AddItem (new BMenuItem ("Clear All", new BMessage (MENU_CLEAR_ALL), 'L')); fEditmenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fEditmenu->AddItem (new BMenuItem ("Find" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage (MENU_FIND_STRING),'F')); fFindBackwardMenuItem = new BMenuItem ("Find Backward", new BMessage (MENU_FIND_BACKWARD), '['); fEditmenu->AddItem(fFindBackwardMenuItem); fFindBackwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(false); fFindForwardMenuItem = new BMenuItem ("Find Forward", new BMessage (MENU_FIND_FORWARD), ']'); fEditmenu->AddItem (fFindForwardMenuItem); fFindForwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(false); fMenubar->AddItem (fEditmenu); // Make Help Menu. fHelpmenu = new BMenu("Settings"); fWindowSizeMenu = new BMenu("Window Size"); _BuildWindowSizeMenu(fWindowSizeMenu); fEncodingmenu = new BMenu("Text Encoding"); fEncodingmenu->SetRadioMode(true); MakeEncodingMenu(fEncodingmenu, true); fHelpmenu->AddItem(fWindowSizeMenu); fHelpmenu->AddItem(fEncodingmenu); fHelpmenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fHelpmenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Preferences" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(MENU_PREF_OPEN))); fHelpmenu->AddSeparatorItem(); fHelpmenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Save as default", new BMessage(SAVE_AS_DEFAULT))); fMenubar->AddItem(fHelpmenu); AddChild(fMenubar); } void TermWindow::_GetPreferredFont(BFont &font) { const char *family = PrefHandler::Default()->getString(PREF_HALF_FONT_FAMILY); font.SetFamilyAndStyle(family, NULL); float size = PrefHandler::Default()->getFloat(PREF_HALF_FONT_SIZE); if (size < 6.0f) size = 6.0f; font.SetSize(size); font.SetSpacing(B_FIXED_SPACING); } void TermWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { int32 encodingId; bool findresult; switch (message->what) { case B_COPY: _ActiveTermView()->Copy(be_clipboard); break; case B_PASTE: _ActiveTermView()->Paste(be_clipboard); break; case B_SELECT_ALL: _ActiveTermView()->SelectAll(); break; case B_ABOUT_REQUESTED: be_app->PostMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED); break; case MENU_CLEAR_ALL: _ActiveTermView()->Clear(); break; case MENU_SWITCH_TERM: be_app->PostMessage(MENU_SWITCH_TERM); break; case MENU_NEW_TERM: { app_info info; be_app->GetAppInfo(&info); // try launching two different ways to work around possible problems if (be_roster->Launch(&info.ref) != B_OK) be_roster->Launch(TERM_SIGNATURE); break; } case MENU_PREF_OPEN: if (!fPrefWindow) fPrefWindow = new PrefWindow(this); else fPrefWindow->Activate(); break; case MSG_PREF_CLOSED: fPrefWindow = NULL; break; case MENU_FIND_STRING: if (!fFindPanel) { BRect r = Frame(); r.left += 20; r.top += 20; r.right = r.left + 260; r.bottom = r.top + 190; fFindPanel = new FindWindow(r, this, fFindString, fFindSelection, fMatchWord, fMatchCase, fForwardSearch); } else fFindPanel->Activate(); break; case MSG_FIND: fFindPanel->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); message->FindBool("findselection", &fFindSelection); if (!fFindSelection) message->FindString("findstring", &fFindString); else _ActiveTermView()->GetSelection(fFindString); if (fFindString.Length() == 0) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("find failed", "No search string.", "Okay", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->Go(); fFindBackwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(false); fFindForwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(false); break; } message->FindBool("forwardsearch", &fForwardSearch); message->FindBool("matchcase", &fMatchCase); message->FindBool("matchword", &fMatchWord); findresult = _ActiveTermView()->Find(fFindString, fForwardSearch, fMatchCase, fMatchWord); if (!findresult) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("find failed", "Not Found.", "Okay", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->Go(); fFindBackwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(false); fFindForwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(false); break; } // Enable the menu items Find Forward and Find Backward fFindBackwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(true); fFindForwardMenuItem->SetEnabled(true); break; case MENU_FIND_FORWARD: findresult = _ActiveTermView()->Find(fFindString, true, fMatchCase, fMatchWord); if (!findresult) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("find failed", "Not Found.", "Okay", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->Go(); } break; case MENU_FIND_BACKWARD: findresult = _ActiveTermView()->Find(fFindString, false, fMatchCase, fMatchWord); if (!findresult) { BAlert *alert = new BAlert("find failed", "Not Found.", "Okay", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->Go(); } break; case MSG_FIND_CLOSED: fFindPanel = NULL; break; case MENU_ENCODING: if (message->FindInt32("op", &encodingId) == B_OK) _ActiveTermView()->SetEncoding(encodingId); break; case MSG_COLS_CHANGED: { int32 columns, rows; message->FindInt32("columns", &columns); message->FindInt32("rows", &rows); PrefHandler::Default()->setInt32(PREF_COLS, columns); PrefHandler::Default()->setInt32(PREF_ROWS, rows); _ActiveTermView()->SetTermSize(rows, columns, 0); _ResizeView(_ActiveTermView()); BPath path; if (PrefHandler::GetDefaultPath(path) == B_OK) PrefHandler::Default()->SaveAsText(path.Path(), PREFFILE_MIMETYPE); break; } case MSG_HALF_FONT_CHANGED: case MSG_FULL_FONT_CHANGED: case MSG_HALF_SIZE_CHANGED: case MSG_FULL_SIZE_CHANGED: { BFont font; _GetPreferredFont(font); _ActiveTermView()->SetTermFont(&font); _ResizeView(_ActiveTermView()); break; } case FULLSCREEN: if (!fSavedFrame.IsValid()) { // go fullscreen float mbHeight = fMenubar->Bounds().Height() + 1; fSavedFrame = Frame(); BScreen screen(this); _ActiveTermView()->ScrollBar()->Hide(); fMenubar->Hide(); fTabView->ResizeBy(0, mbHeight); fTabView->MoveBy(0, -mbHeight); fSavedLook = Look(); // done before ResizeTo to work around a Dano bug (not erasing the decor) SetLook(B_NO_BORDER_WINDOW_LOOK); ResizeTo(screen.Frame().Width()+1, screen.Frame().Height()+1); MoveTo(screen.Frame().left, screen.Frame().top); } else { // exit fullscreen float mbHeight = fMenubar->Bounds().Height() + 1; fMenubar->Show(); _ActiveTermView()->ScrollBar()->Show(); ResizeTo(fSavedFrame.Width(), fSavedFrame.Height()); MoveTo(fSavedFrame.left, fSavedFrame.top); fTabView->ResizeBy(0, -mbHeight); fTabView->MoveBy(0, mbHeight); SetLook(fSavedLook); fSavedFrame = BRect(0,0,-1,-1); } break; case MSG_FONT_CHANGED: PostMessage(MSG_HALF_FONT_CHANGED); break; case MSG_COLOR_CHANGED: { _SetTermColors(_ActiveTermViewContainerView()); _ActiveTermView()->Invalidate(); break; } case SAVE_AS_DEFAULT: { BPath path; if (PrefHandler::GetDefaultPath(path) == B_OK) PrefHandler::Default()->SaveAsText(path.Path(), PREFFILE_MIMETYPE); break; } case MENU_PAGE_SETUP: _DoPageSetup(); break; case MENU_PRINT: _DoPrint(); break; case MSG_CHECK_CHILDREN: _CheckChildren(); break; case MSG_PREVIOUS_TAB: case MSG_NEXT_TAB: { TermView* termView; if (message->FindPointer("termView", (void**)&termView) == B_OK) { int32 count = fSessions.CountItems(); int32 index = _IndexOfTermView(termView); if (count > 1 && index >= 0) { index += message->what == MSG_PREVIOUS_TAB ? -1 : 1; fTabView->Select((index + count) % count); } } break; } case kSetActiveTab: { int32 index; if (message->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK && index >= 0 && index < fSessions.CountItems()) { fTabView->Select(index); } break; } case kNewTab: if (fTabView->CountTabs() < kMaxTabs) _AddTab(NULL); break; case kCloseView: { TermView* termView; if (message->FindPointer("termView", (void**)&termView) == B_OK) { int32 index = _IndexOfTermView(termView); if (index >= 0) _RemoveTab(index); } break; } case kIncreaseFontSize: case kDecreaseFontSize: { message->PrintToStream(); TermView *view = _ActiveTermView(); BFont font; view->GetTermFont(&font); float size = font.Size(); if (message->what == kIncreaseFontSize) size += 1; else size -= 1; // limit the font size if (size < 6) size = 6; else if (size > 20) size = 20; font.SetSize(size); view->SetTermFont(&font); PrefHandler::Default()->setInt32(PREF_HALF_FONT_SIZE, (int32)size); _ResizeView(view); break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void TermWindow::WindowActivated(bool activated) { BWindow::WindowActivated(activated); } void TermWindow::_SetTermColors(TermViewContainerView *containerView) { PrefHandler* handler = PrefHandler::Default(); rgb_color background = handler->getRGB(PREF_TEXT_BACK_COLOR); containerView->SetViewColor(background); TermView *termView = containerView->GetTermView(); termView->SetTextColor(handler->getRGB(PREF_TEXT_FORE_COLOR), background); termView->SetSelectColor(handler->getRGB(PREF_SELECT_FORE_COLOR), handler->getRGB(PREF_SELECT_BACK_COLOR)); termView->SetCursorColor(handler->getRGB(PREF_CURSOR_FORE_COLOR), handler->getRGB(PREF_CURSOR_BACK_COLOR)); } status_t TermWindow::_DoPageSetup() { BPrintJob job("PageSetup"); // display the page configure panel status_t status = job.ConfigPage(); // save a pointer to the settings fPrintSettings = job.Settings(); return status; } void TermWindow::_DoPrint() { if (!fPrintSettings || (_DoPageSetup() != B_OK)) { (new BAlert("Cancel", "Print cancelled.", "OK"))->Go(); return; } BPrintJob job("Print"); job.SetSettings(new BMessage(*fPrintSettings)); BRect pageRect = job.PrintableRect(); BRect curPageRect = pageRect; int pHeight = (int)pageRect.Height(); int pWidth = (int)pageRect.Width(); float w,h; _ActiveTermView()->GetFrameSize(&w, &h); int xPages = (int)ceil(w / pWidth); int yPages = (int)ceil(h / pHeight); job.BeginJob(); // loop through and draw each page, and write to spool for (int x = 0; x < xPages; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < yPages; y++) { curPageRect.OffsetTo(x * pWidth, y * pHeight); job.DrawView(_ActiveTermView(), curPageRect, B_ORIGIN); job.SpoolPage(); if (!job.CanContinue()){ // It is likely that the only way that the job was cancelled is // because the user hit 'Cancel' in the page setup window, in which // case, the user does *not* need to be told that it was cancelled. // He/she will simply expect that it was done. return; } } } job.CommitJob(); } void TermWindow::_AddTab(Arguments *args) { int argc = 0; const char *const *argv = NULL; if (args != NULL) args->GetShellArguments(argc, argv); try { // Note: I don't pass the Arguments class directly to the termview, // only to avoid adding it as a dependency: in other words, to keep // the TermView class as agnostic as possible about the surrounding world. CustomTermView *view = new CustomTermView( PrefHandler::Default()->getInt32(PREF_ROWS), PrefHandler::Default()->getInt32(PREF_COLS), argc, (const char **)argv, PrefHandler::Default()->getInt32(PREF_HISTORY_SIZE)); TermViewContainerView *containerView = new TermViewContainerView(view); BScrollView *scrollView = new TermScrollView("scrollView", containerView, view); Session* session = new Session(_NewSessionID(), containerView); session->windowTitle = fInitialTitle; fSessions.AddItem(session); BTab *tab = new BTab; // TODO: Use a better name. For example, do like MacOsX's Terminal // and update the title using the last executed command ? // Or like Gnome's Terminal and use the current path ? fTabView->AddTab(scrollView, tab); tab->SetLabel(session->name.String()); view->SetScrollBar(scrollView->ScrollBar(B_VERTICAL)); view->SetEncoding(EncodingID(PrefHandler::Default()->getString(PREF_TEXT_ENCODING))); BFont font; _GetPreferredFont(font); view->SetTermFont(&font); _SetTermColors(containerView); int width, height; view->GetFontSize(&width, &height); float minimumHeight = -1; if (fMenubar) minimumHeight += fMenubar->Bounds().Height() + 1; if (fTabView && fTabView->CountTabs() > 1) minimumHeight += fTabView->TabHeight() + 1; SetSizeLimits(MIN_COLS * width - 1, MAX_COLS * width - 1, minimumHeight + MIN_ROWS * height - 1, minimumHeight + MAX_ROWS * height - 1); // If it's the first time we're called, setup the window if (fTabView->CountTabs() == 1) { float viewWidth, viewHeight; containerView->GetPreferredSize(&viewWidth, &viewHeight); // Resize Window ResizeTo(viewWidth + B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, viewHeight + fMenubar->Bounds().Height() + 1); // NOTE: Width is one pixel too small, since the scroll view // is one pixel wider than its parent. } // TODO: No fTabView->Select(tab); ? fTabView->Select(fTabView->CountTabs() - 1); } catch (...) { // most probably out of memory. That's bad. // TODO: Should cleanup, I guess } } void TermWindow::_RemoveTab(int32 index) { if (fSessions.CountItems() > 1) { if (Session* session = (Session*)fSessions.RemoveItem(index)) { delete session; delete fTabView->RemoveTab(index); } } else PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); } TermViewContainerView* TermWindow::_ActiveTermViewContainerView() const { return _TermViewContainerViewAt(fTabView->Selection()); } TermViewContainerView* TermWindow::_TermViewContainerViewAt(int32 index) const { if (Session* session = (Session*)fSessions.ItemAt(index)) return session->containerView; return NULL; } TermView * TermWindow::_ActiveTermView() const { return _ActiveTermViewContainerView()->GetTermView(); } TermView* TermWindow::_TermViewAt(int32 index) const { TermViewContainerView* view = _TermViewContainerViewAt(index); return view != NULL ? view->GetTermView() : NULL; } int32 TermWindow::_IndexOfTermView(TermView* termView) const { if (!termView) return -1; // find the view int32 count = fTabView->CountTabs(); for (int32 i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (termView == _TermViewAt(i)) return i; } return -1; } void TermWindow::_CheckChildren() { int32 count = fSessions.CountItems(); for (int32 i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Session* session = (Session*)fSessions.ItemAt(i); session->containerView->GetTermView()->CheckShellGone(); } } void TermWindow::_ResizeView(TermView *view) { int fontWidth, fontHeight; view->GetFontSize(&fontWidth, &fontHeight); float minimumHeight = -1; if (fMenubar) minimumHeight += fMenubar->Bounds().Height() + 1; if (fTabView && fTabView->CountTabs() > 1) minimumHeight += fTabView->TabHeight() + 1; SetSizeLimits(MIN_COLS * fontWidth - 1, MAX_COLS * fontWidth - 1, minimumHeight + MIN_ROWS * fontHeight - 1, minimumHeight + MAX_ROWS * fontHeight - 1); float width, height; view->Parent()->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); width += B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; // NOTE: Width is one pixel too small, since the scroll view // is one pixel wider than its parent. height += fMenubar->Bounds().Height() + 1; ResizeTo(width, height); view->Invalidate(); } void TermWindow::_BuildWindowSizeMenu(BMenu *menu) { const int32 windowSizes[5][2] = { { 80, 24 }, { 80, 25 }, { 80, 40 }, { 132, 24 }, { 132, 25 } }; const int32 sizeNum = sizeof(windowSizes) / sizeof(windowSizes[0]); for (int32 i = 0; i < sizeNum; i++) { char label[32]; int32 columns = windowSizes[i][0]; int32 rows = windowSizes[i][1]; snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%ldx%ld", columns, rows); BMessage *message = new BMessage(MSG_COLS_CHANGED); message->AddInt32("columns", columns); message->AddInt32("rows", rows); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(label, message)); } menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Fullscreen", new BMessage(FULLSCREEN), B_ENTER)); } int32 TermWindow::_NewSessionID() { for (int32 id = 1; ; id++) { bool used = false; for (int32 i = 0; Session* session = (Session*)fSessions.ItemAt(i); i++) { if (id == session->id) { used = true; break; } } if (!used) return id; } } // #pragma mark - // CustomTermView CustomTermView::CustomTermView(int32 rows, int32 columns, int32 argc, const char **argv, int32 historySize) : TermView(rows, columns, argc, argv, historySize) { } void CustomTermView::NotifyQuit(int32 reason) { BWindow *window = Window(); if (window == NULL) window = be_app->WindowAt(0); // TODO: If we got this from a view in a tab not currently selected, // Window() will be NULL, as the view is detached. // So we send the message to the first application window // This isn't so cool, but for now, a Terminal app has only one // window. if (window != NULL) { BMessage message(kCloseView); message.AddPointer("termView", this); message.AddInt32("reason", reason); window->PostMessage(&message); } } void CustomTermView::SetTitle(const char *title) { dynamic_cast(Window())->SetSessionWindowTitle(this, title); }