/* * Copyright 2001-2015, Haiku. * Copyright (c) 2003-4 Kian Duffy * Copyright (C) 1998,99 Kazuho Okui and Takashi Murai. * * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Kian Duffy, myob@users.sourceforge.net * Simon South, simon@simonsouth.net * Siarzhuk Zharski, zharik@gmx.li */ #ifndef TERMCONST_H_INCLUDED #define TERMCONST_H_INCLUDED // Application signature (Must same in Terminal.rdef) #define TERM_SIGNATURE "application/x-vnd.Haiku-Terminal" #define PREFFILE_MIMETYPE "text/x-terminal-pref" // Signature of R5's Terminal. Needed for proper drop-in window count support #define R5_TERM_SIGNATURE "application/x-vnd.Be-SHEL" // Name of the clipboard used for mouse copy'n'paste. #define MOUSE_CLIPBOARD_NAME TERM_SIGNATURE "/mouse" // Message constants for menu items #include // define to get Ctrl-Cmd-S / Ctrl-Cmd-C shortcuts // to get the debug buffers snapshots and control // sequences capture logging #define USE_DEBUG_SNAPSHOTS #ifdef USE_DEBUG_SNAPSHOTS const uint32 SHORTCUT_DEBUG_SNAPSHOTS = 'sdbs'; const uint32 SHORTCUT_DEBUG_CAPTURE = 'srdc'; #endif // Menu Message static const uint32 MENU_SWITCH_TERM = 'MSWT'; static const uint32 MENU_NEW_TERM = 'MNTE'; static const uint32 MENU_PREF_OPEN = 'MPre'; static const uint32 MENU_CLEAR_ALL = 'MCAl'; static const uint32 MENU_HELP = 'Mhlp'; static const uint32 MENU_COMMAND_HELP = 'Mchp'; static const uint32 MENU_SHOW_GPL = 'Mgpl'; static const uint32 MENU_ENCODING = 'Menc'; static const uint32 MENU_PAGE_SETUP = 'Mpst'; static const uint32 MENU_PRINT = 'Mpnt'; static const uint32 MENU_FIND_STRING = 'Mfpr'; static const uint32 MENU_FIND_NEXT = 'Mfnx'; static const uint32 MENU_FIND_PREVIOUS = 'Mfbw'; static const uint32 MENU_SHOW_COLOR = 'Mcol'; static const uint32 M_GET_DEVICE_NUM = 'Mgdn'; // Preference Message static const ulong PSET__COLS = 'pcol'; static const ulong PSET__ROWS = 'prow'; static const ulong PSET__HFONT = 'phfn'; static const ulong PSET__HFONT_SIZE = 'phfs'; static const ulong PSET_FORE_COLOR = 'pfcl'; static const ulong PSET_BACK_COLOR = 'pbcl'; static const ulong PSET__CODING = 'pcod'; // Terminal Size Messages static const uint32 EIGHTYTWENTYFIVE = 'etfv'; static const uint32 EIGHTYFORTY = 'efor'; static const uint32 ONETHREETWOTWENTYFIVE = 'hunv'; static const uint32 FULLSCREEN = 'fscr'; static const uint32 MSG_FONT_CHANGED = 'fntc'; static const uint32 MSG_SAVE_AS_DEFAULT = 'sadf'; static const uint32 MSG_CHECK_CHILDREN = 'ckch'; static const uint32 MSG_REMOVE_RESIZE_VIEW_IF_NEEDED = 'rmrv'; static const uint32 MSG_TERMINAL_BUFFER_CHANGED = 'bufc'; static const uint32 MSG_SET_TERMINAL_TITLE = 'sett'; static const uint32 MSG_SET_TERMINAL_COLORS = 'setc'; static const uint32 MSG_RESET_TERMINAL_COLORS = 'rstc'; static const uint32 MSG_QUIT_TERMNAL = 'qutt'; static const uint32 MSG_ENABLE_META_KEY = 'emtk'; static const uint32 MSG_REPORT_MOUSE_EVENT = 'mous'; static const uint32 MSG_SAVE_WINDOW_POSITION = 'swps'; static const uint32 MSG_MOVE_TAB_LEFT = 'mvtl'; static const uint32 MSG_MOVE_TAB_RIGHT = 'mvtr'; static const uint32 MSG_ACTIVATE_TERM = 'msat'; static const uint32 MSG_SET_CURSOR_STYLE = 'mscs'; static const uint32 MSG_GET_TERMINAL_COLOR = 'getc'; // Preference Read/Write Keys static const char* const PREF_THEME_NAME = "Theme name"; static const char* const PREF_HALF_FONT_FAMILY = "Half Font Family"; static const char* const PREF_HALF_FONT_STYLE = "Half Font Style"; static const char* const PREF_HALF_FONT_SIZE = "Half Font Size"; static const char* const PREF_TEXT_FORE_COLOR = "Text"; static const char* const PREF_TEXT_BACK_COLOR = "Background"; static const char* const PREF_CURSOR_FORE_COLOR = "Text under cursor"; static const char* const PREF_CURSOR_BACK_COLOR = "Cursor"; static const char* const PREF_SELECT_FORE_COLOR = "Selected text"; static const char* const PREF_SELECT_BACK_COLOR = "Selected background"; static const char* const PREF_IM_FORE_COLOR = "IM foreground color"; static const char* const PREF_IM_BACK_COLOR = "IM background color"; static const char* const PREF_IM_SELECT_COLOR = "IM selection color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_BLACK_COLOR = "ANSI black color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_RED_COLOR = "ANSI red color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_GREEN_COLOR = "ANSI green color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_YELLOW_COLOR = "ANSI yellow color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_BLUE_COLOR = "ANSI blue color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_MAGENTA_COLOR = "ANSI magenta color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_CYAN_COLOR = "ANSI cyan color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_WHITE_COLOR = "ANSI white color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_BLACK_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright black color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_RED_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright red color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_GREEN_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright green color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_YELLOW_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright yellow color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_BLUE_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright blue color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_MAGENTA_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright magenta color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_CYAN_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright cyan color"; static const char* const PREF_ANSI_WHITE_HCOLOR = "ANSI bright white color"; static const char* const PREF_HISTORY_SIZE = "History size"; static const char* const PREF_CURSOR_BLINKING = "Cursor blinking rate"; static const char* const PREF_IM_AWARE = "Input method aware"; static const char* const PREF_COLS = "Cols"; static const char* const PREF_ROWS = "Rows"; static const char* const PREF_TEXT_ENCODING = "Text encoding"; static const char* const PREF_BLINK_CURSOR = "Blinking cursor"; static const char* const PREF_ALLOW_BOLD = "Allow bold text"; static const char* const PREF_USE_OPTION_AS_META = "Use left Option as Meta key"; static const char* const PREF_WARN_ON_EXIT = "Warn on exit"; static const char* const PREF_CURSOR_STYLE = "Cursor style"; static const char* const PREF_EMULATE_BOLD = "Emulate bold"; static const char* const PREF_TAB_TITLE = "Tab title"; static const char* const PREF_WINDOW_TITLE = "Window title"; // shared strings extern const char* const kToolTipSetTabTitlePlaceholders; extern const char* const kToolTipSetWindowTitlePlaceholders; extern const char* const kToolTipCommonTitlePlaceholders; extern const char* const kShellEscapeCharacters; extern const char* const kDefaultAdditionalWordCharacters; extern const char* const kURLAdditionalWordCharacters; // Cursor style enum { BLOCK_CURSOR, UNDERLINE_CURSOR, IBEAM_CURSOR }; // Preference Folder and setting path static const int32 DEFAULT = -1; // Font Width enum { HALF_WIDTH = 1, FULL_WIDTH = 2 }; #define M_UTF8 -1 #define TAB_WIDTH 8 #define MIN_COLS 10 #define MAX_COLS 999 #define MIN_ROWS 10 #define MAX_ROWS 999 // Insert mode flag #define MODE_OVER 0 #define MODE_INSERT 1 // Define TermBuffer internal code #define NO_CHAR 0x00 #define A_CHAR 0x01 #define IN_STRING 0xFF // TermBuffer extended attribute #define A_WIDTH 0x8000 #define BOLD 0x4000 #define UNDERLINE 0x2000 #define INVERSE 0x1000 #define MOUSE 0x0800 #define FORESET 0x0400 #define BACKSET 0x0200 #define FONT 0x0100 #define RESERVE 0x0080 #define DUMPCR 0x0040 #define FORECOLOR 0xFF0000 #define BACKCOLOR 0xFF000000 #define CHAR_ATTRIBUTES 0xFFFF7700 #define FORECOLORED(x) ((x) << 16) #define BACKCOLORED(x) ((x) << 24) #endif // TERMCONST_H_INCLUDED