/* * Copyright 2008, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "BasicTerminalBuffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "CodeConv.h" #include "TermConst.h" #include "TerminalCharClassifier.h" #include "TerminalLine.h" static const UTF8Char kSpaceChar(' '); #define ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(width) \ ((TerminalLine*)alloca(sizeof(TerminalLine) \ + sizeof(TerminalCell) * ((width) - 1))) static inline int32 restrict_value(int32 value, int32 min, int32 max) { return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value); } // #pragma mark - private inline methods inline int32 BasicTerminalBuffer::_LineIndex(int32 index) const { return (index + fScreenOffset) % fHeight; } inline TerminalLine* BasicTerminalBuffer::_LineAt(int32 index) const { return fScreen[_LineIndex(index)]; } inline TerminalLine* BasicTerminalBuffer::_HistoryLineAt(int32 index, TerminalLine* lineBuffer) const { if (index >= fHeight) return NULL; if (index < 0 && fHistory != NULL) return fHistory->GetTerminalLineAt(-index - 1, lineBuffer); return _LineAt(index + fHeight); } inline void BasicTerminalBuffer::_Invalidate(int32 top, int32 bottom) { //debug_printf("%p->BasicTerminalBuffer::_Invalidate(%ld, %ld)\n", this, top, bottom); fDirtyInfo.ExtendDirtyRegion(top, bottom); if (!fDirtyInfo.messageSent) { NotifyListener(); fDirtyInfo.messageSent = true; } } inline void BasicTerminalBuffer::_CursorChanged() { if (!fDirtyInfo.messageSent) { NotifyListener(); fDirtyInfo.messageSent = true; } } // #pragma mark - public methods BasicTerminalBuffer::BasicTerminalBuffer() : fScreen(NULL), fHistory(NULL) { } BasicTerminalBuffer::~BasicTerminalBuffer() { delete fHistory; _FreeLines(fScreen, fHeight); } status_t BasicTerminalBuffer::Init(int32 width, int32 height, int32 historySize) { fWidth = width; fHeight = height; fScrollTop = 0; fScrollBottom = fHeight - 1; fCursor.x = 0; fCursor.y = 0; fSoftWrappedCursor = false; fScreenOffset = 0; fOverwriteMode = true; fAlternateScreenActive = false; fScreen = _AllocateLines(width, height); if (fScreen == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; if (historySize > 0) { fHistory = new(std::nothrow) HistoryBuffer; if (fHistory == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; status_t error = fHistory->Init(width, historySize); if (error != B_OK) return error; } for (int32 i = 0; i < fHeight; i++) fScreen[i]->Clear(); fDirtyInfo.Reset(); return B_OK; } status_t BasicTerminalBuffer::ResizeTo(int32 width, int32 height) { return ResizeTo(width, height, fHistory != NULL ? fHistory->Capacity() : 0); } status_t BasicTerminalBuffer::ResizeTo(int32 width, int32 height, int32 historyCapacity) { if (height < MIN_ROWS || height > MAX_ROWS || width < MIN_COLS || width > MAX_COLS) { return B_BAD_VALUE; } if (width == fWidth && height == fHeight) return SetHistoryCapacity(historyCapacity); if (fAlternateScreenActive) return _ResizeSimple(width, height, historyCapacity); return _ResizeRewrap(width, height, historyCapacity); } status_t BasicTerminalBuffer::SetHistoryCapacity(int32 historyCapacity) { return _ResizeHistory(fWidth, historyCapacity); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::Clear(bool resetCursor) { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; fScreenOffset = 0; _ClearLines(0, fHeight - 1); if (resetCursor) fCursor.SetTo(0, 0); if (fHistory != NULL) fHistory->Clear(); fDirtyInfo.linesScrolled = 0; _Invalidate(0, fHeight - 1); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::SynchronizeWith(const BasicTerminalBuffer* other, int32 offset, int32 dirtyTop, int32 dirtyBottom) { //debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::SynchronizeWith(%p, %ld, %ld - %ld)\n", //other, offset, dirtyTop, dirtyBottom); // intersect the visible region with the dirty region int32 first = 0; int32 last = fHeight - 1; dirtyTop -= offset; dirtyBottom -= offset; if (first > dirtyBottom || dirtyTop > last) return; if (first < dirtyTop) first = dirtyTop; if (last > dirtyBottom) last = dirtyBottom; // update the dirty lines //debug_printf(" updating: %ld - %ld\n", first, last); for (int32 i = first; i <= last; i++) { TerminalLine* destLine = _LineAt(i); TerminalLine* sourceLine = other->_HistoryLineAt(i + offset, destLine); if (sourceLine != NULL) { if (sourceLine != destLine) { destLine->length = sourceLine->length; destLine->softBreak = sourceLine->softBreak; if (destLine->length > 0) { memcpy(destLine->cells, sourceLine->cells, destLine->length * sizeof(TerminalCell)); } } else { // The source line was a history line and has been copied // directly into destLine. } } else destLine->Clear(); } } bool BasicTerminalBuffer::IsFullWidthChar(int32 row, int32 column) const { TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(row, lineBuffer); return line != NULL && column > 0 && column < line->length && (line->cells[column - 1].attributes & A_WIDTH) != 0; } int BasicTerminalBuffer::GetChar(int32 row, int32 column, UTF8Char& character, uint16& attributes) const { TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(row, lineBuffer); if (line == NULL) return NO_CHAR; if (column < 0 || column >= line->length) return NO_CHAR; if (column > 0 && (line->cells[column - 1].attributes & A_WIDTH) != 0) return IN_STRING; TerminalCell& cell = line->cells[column]; character = cell.character; attributes = cell.attributes; return A_CHAR; } int32 BasicTerminalBuffer::GetString(int32 row, int32 firstColumn, int32 lastColumn, char* buffer, uint16& attributes) const { TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(row, lineBuffer); if (line == NULL) return 0; if (lastColumn >= line->length) lastColumn = line->length - 1; int32 column = firstColumn; if (column <= lastColumn) attributes = line->cells[column].attributes; for (; column <= lastColumn; column++) { TerminalCell& cell = line->cells[column]; if (cell.attributes != attributes) break; int32 bytes = cell.character.ByteCount(); for (int32 i = 0; i < bytes; i++) *buffer++ = cell.character.bytes[i]; } *buffer = '\0'; return column - firstColumn; } void BasicTerminalBuffer::GetStringFromRegion(BString& string, const TermPos& start, const TermPos& end) const { //debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::GetStringFromRegion((%ld, %ld), (%ld, %ld))\n", //start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y); if (start >= end) return; TermPos pos(start); if (IsFullWidthChar(pos.y, pos.x)) pos.x--; // get all but the last line while (pos.y < end.y) { TerminalLine* line = _GetPartialLineString(string, pos.y, pos.x, fWidth); if (line != NULL && !line->softBreak) string.Append('\n', 1); pos.x = 0; pos.y++; } // get the last line, if not empty if (end.x > 0) _GetPartialLineString(string, end.y, pos.x, end.x); } bool BasicTerminalBuffer::FindWord(const TermPos& pos, TerminalCharClassifier* classifier, bool findNonWords, TermPos& _start, TermPos& _end) const { int32 x = pos.x; int32 y = pos.y; TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(y, lineBuffer); if (line == NULL || x < 0 || x >= fWidth) return false; if (x >= line->length) { // beyond the end of the line -- select all space if (!findNonWords) return false; _start.SetTo(line->length, y); _end.SetTo(fWidth, y); return true; } if (x > 0 && IS_WIDTH(line->cells[x - 1].attributes)) x--; // get the char type at the given position int type = classifier->Classify(line->cells[x].character.bytes); // check whether we are supposed to find words only if (type != CHAR_TYPE_WORD_CHAR && !findNonWords) return false; // find the beginning TermPos start(x, y); TermPos end(x + (IS_WIDTH(line->cells[x].attributes) ? 2 : 1), y); while (true) { if (--x < 0) { // Hit the beginning of the line -- continue at the end of the // previous line, if it soft-breaks. y--; if ((line = _HistoryLineAt(y, lineBuffer)) == NULL || !line->softBreak || line->length == 0) { break; } x = line->length - 1; } if (x > 0 && IS_WIDTH(line->cells[x - 1].attributes)) x--; if (classifier->Classify(line->cells[x].character.bytes) != type) break; start.SetTo(x, y); } // find the end x = end.x; y = end.y; line = _HistoryLineAt(y, lineBuffer); while (true) { if (x >= line->length) { // Hit the end of the line -- if it soft-breaks continue with the // next line. if (!line->softBreak) break; y++; x = 0; if ((line = _HistoryLineAt(y, lineBuffer)) == NULL) break; } if (classifier->Classify(line->cells[x].character.bytes) != type) break; x += IS_WIDTH(line->cells[x].attributes) ? 2 : 1; end.SetTo(x, y); } _start = start; _end = end; return true; } int32 BasicTerminalBuffer::LineLength(int32 index) const { TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(index, lineBuffer); return line != NULL ? line->length : 0; } bool BasicTerminalBuffer::Find(const char* _pattern, const TermPos& start, bool forward, bool caseSensitive, bool matchWord, TermPos& _matchStart, TermPos& _matchEnd) const { //debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::Find(\"%s\", (%ld, %ld), forward: %d, case: %d, " //"word: %d)\n", _pattern, start.x, start.y, forward, caseSensitive, matchWord); // normalize pos, so that _NextChar() and _PreviousChar() are happy TermPos pos(start); TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(pos.y, lineBuffer); if (line != NULL) { if (forward) { while (line != NULL && pos.x >= line->length && line->softBreak) { pos.x = 0; pos.y++; line = _HistoryLineAt(pos.y, lineBuffer); } } else { if (pos.x > line->length) pos.x = line->length; } } int32 patternByteLen = strlen(_pattern); // convert pattern to UTF8Char array UTF8Char pattern[patternByteLen]; int32 patternLen = 0; while (*_pattern != '\0') { int32 charLen = UTF8Char::ByteCount(*_pattern); if (charLen > 0) { pattern[patternLen].SetTo(_pattern, charLen); // if not case sensitive, convert to lower case if (!caseSensitive && charLen == 1) pattern[patternLen] = pattern[patternLen].ToLower(); patternLen++; _pattern += charLen; } else _pattern++; } //debug_printf(" pattern byte len: %ld, pattern len: %ld\n", patternByteLen, patternLen); if (patternLen == 0) return false; // reverse pattern, if searching backward if (!forward) { for (int32 i = 0; i < patternLen / 2; i++) std::swap(pattern[i], pattern[patternLen - i - 1]); } // search loop int32 matchIndex = 0; TermPos matchStart; while (true) { //debug_printf(" (%ld, %ld): matchIndex: %ld\n", pos.x, pos.y, matchIndex); TermPos previousPos(pos); UTF8Char c; if (!(forward ? _NextChar(pos, c) : _PreviousChar(pos, c))) return false; if (caseSensitive ? (c == pattern[matchIndex]) : (c.ToLower() == pattern[matchIndex])) { if (matchIndex == 0) matchStart = previousPos; matchIndex++; if (matchIndex == patternLen) { //debug_printf(" match!\n"); // compute the match range TermPos matchEnd(pos); if (!forward) std::swap(matchStart, matchEnd); // check word match if (matchWord) { TermPos tempPos(matchStart); if (_PreviousChar(tempPos, c) && !c.IsSpace() || _NextChar(tempPos = matchEnd, c) && !c.IsSpace()) { //debug_printf(" but no word match!\n"); continue; } } _matchStart = matchStart; _matchEnd = matchEnd; //debug_printf(" -> (%ld, %ld) - (%ld, %ld)\n", matchStart.x, matchStart.y, //matchEnd.x, matchEnd.y); return true; } } else if (matchIndex > 0) { // continue after the position where we started matching pos = matchStart; if (forward) _NextChar(pos, c); else _PreviousChar(pos, c); matchIndex = 0; } } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::InsertChar(UTF8Char c, uint32 width, uint32 attributes) { //debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::InsertChar('%.*s' (%d), %#lx)\n", //(int)c.ByteCount(), c.bytes, c.bytes[0], attributes); // TODO: Check if this method can be removed completely //int width = CodeConv::UTF8GetFontWidth(c.bytes); if (width == FULL_WIDTH) attributes |= A_WIDTH; if (fSoftWrappedCursor || fCursor.x + width > fWidth) _SoftBreakLine(); else _PadLineToCursor(); fSoftWrappedCursor = false; if (!fOverwriteMode) _InsertGap(width); TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); line->cells[fCursor.x].character = c; line->cells[fCursor.x].attributes = attributes; if (line->length < fCursor.x + width) line->length = fCursor.x + width; _Invalidate(fCursor.y, fCursor.y); fCursor.x += width; // TODO: Deal correctly with full-width chars! We must take care not to // overwrite half of a full-width char. This holds also for other methods. if (fCursor.x == fWidth) { fCursor.x -= width; fSoftWrappedCursor = true; } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::InsertCR() { _LineAt(fCursor.y)->softBreak = false; fSoftWrappedCursor = false; fCursor.x = 0; _CursorChanged(); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::InsertLF() { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; // If we're at the end of the scroll region, scroll. Otherwise just advance // the cursor. if (fCursor.y == fScrollBottom) { _Scroll(fScrollTop, fScrollBottom, 1); } else { if (fCursor.y < fHeight - 1) fCursor.y++; _CursorChanged(); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::InsertLines(int32 numLines) { if (fCursor.y >= fScrollTop && fCursor.y < fScrollBottom) { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; _Scroll(fCursor.y, fScrollBottom, -numLines); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::SetInsertMode(int flag) { fOverwriteMode = flag == MODE_OVER; } void BasicTerminalBuffer::InsertSpace(int32 num) { // TODO: Deal with full-width chars! if (fCursor.x + num > fWidth) num = fWidth - fCursor.x; if (num > 0) { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; _PadLineToCursor(); _InsertGap(num); TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); for (int32 i = fCursor.x; i < fCursor.x + num; i++) { line->cells[i].character = kSpaceChar; line->cells[i].attributes = 0; } _Invalidate(fCursor.y, fCursor.y); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::EraseChars(int32 numChars) { TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); if (fCursor.y >= line->length) return; fSoftWrappedCursor = false; int32 first = fCursor.x; int32 end = min_c(fCursor.x + numChars, line->length); if (first > 0 && IS_WIDTH(line->cells[first - 1].attributes)) first--; if (end > 0 && IS_WIDTH(line->cells[end - 1].attributes)) end++; for (int32 i = first; i < end; i++) { line->cells[i].character = kSpaceChar; line->cells[i].attributes = 0; } _Invalidate(fCursor.y, fCursor.y); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::EraseAbove() { // Clear the preceding lines. if (fCursor.y > 0) _ClearLines(0, fCursor.y - 1); fSoftWrappedCursor = false; // Delete the chars on the cursor line before (and including) the cursor. TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); if (fCursor.x < line->length) { int32 to = fCursor.x; if (IS_WIDTH(line->cells[fCursor.x].attributes)) to++; for (int32 i = 0; i <= to; i++) { line->cells[i].attributes = 0; line->cells[i].character = kSpaceChar; } } else line->Clear(); _Invalidate(fCursor.y, fCursor.y); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::EraseBelow() { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; // Clear the following lines. if (fCursor.y < fHeight - 1) _ClearLines(fCursor.y + 1, fHeight - 1); // Delete the chars on the cursor line after (and including) the cursor. DeleteColumns(); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::DeleteChars(int32 numChars) { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); if (fCursor.x < line->length) { if (fCursor.x + numChars < line->length) { int32 left = line->length - fCursor.x - numChars; memmove(line->cells + fCursor.x, line->cells + fCursor.x + numChars, left * sizeof(TerminalCell)); line->length = fCursor.x + left; } else { // remove all remaining chars line->length = fCursor.x; } _Invalidate(fCursor.y, fCursor.y); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::DeleteColumns() { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); if (fCursor.x < line->length) { line->length = fCursor.x; _Invalidate(fCursor.y, fCursor.y); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::DeleteLines(int32 numLines) { if (fCursor.y >= fScrollTop && fCursor.y <= fScrollBottom) { fSoftWrappedCursor = false; _Scroll(fCursor.y, fScrollBottom, numLines); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::SetCursor(int32 x, int32 y) { //debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::SetCursor(%d, %d)\n", x, y); fSoftWrappedCursor = false; x = restrict_value(x, 0, fWidth - 1); y = restrict_value(y, 0, fHeight - 1); if (x != fCursor.x || y != fCursor.y) { fCursor.x = x; fCursor.y = y; _CursorChanged(); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::SaveCursor() { fSavedCursor = fCursor; } void BasicTerminalBuffer::RestoreCursor() { SetCursor(fSavedCursor.x, fSavedCursor.y); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::SetScrollRegion(int32 top, int32 bottom) { fScrollTop = restrict_value(top, 0, fHeight - 1); fScrollBottom = restrict_value(bottom, fScrollTop, fHeight - 1); // also sets the cursor position SetCursor(0, 0); } void BasicTerminalBuffer::NotifyListener() { // Implemented by derived classes. } // #pragma mark - private methods void BasicTerminalBuffer::_InvalidateAll() { fDirtyInfo.invalidateAll = true; if (!fDirtyInfo.messageSent) { NotifyListener(); fDirtyInfo.messageSent = true; } } /* static */ TerminalLine** BasicTerminalBuffer::_AllocateLines(int32 width, int32 count) { TerminalLine** lines = (TerminalLine**)malloc(sizeof(TerminalLine*) * count); if (lines == NULL) return NULL; for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { lines[i] = (TerminalLine*)malloc(sizeof(TerminalLine) + sizeof(TerminalCell) * (width - 1)); if (lines[i] == NULL) { _FreeLines(lines, i); return NULL; } } return lines; } /* static */ void BasicTerminalBuffer::_FreeLines(TerminalLine** lines, int32 count) { if (lines != NULL) { for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) free(lines[i]); free(lines); } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::_ClearLines(int32 first, int32 last) { int32 firstCleared = -1; int32 lastCleared = -1; for (int32 i = first; i <= last; i++) { TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(i); if (line->length > 0) { if (firstCleared == -1) firstCleared = i; lastCleared = i; } line->Clear(); } if (firstCleared >= 0) _Invalidate(firstCleared, lastCleared); } status_t BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeHistory(int32 width, int32 historyCapacity) { if (width == fWidth && historyCapacity == HistoryCapacity()) return B_OK; if (historyCapacity <= 0) { // new history capacity is 0 -- delete the old history object delete fHistory; fHistory = NULL; return B_OK; } HistoryBuffer* history = new(std::nothrow) HistoryBuffer; if (history == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; status_t error = history->Init(width, historyCapacity); if (error != B_OK) { delete history; return error; } // Transfer the lines from the old history to the new one. if (fHistory != NULL) { int32 historySize = min_c(HistorySize(), historyCapacity); TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); for (int32 i = historySize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TerminalLine* line = fHistory->GetTerminalLineAt(i, lineBuffer); if (line->length > width) _TruncateLine(line, width); history->AddLine(line); } } delete fHistory; fHistory = history; return B_OK; } status_t BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeSimple(int32 width, int32 height, int32 historyCapacity) { //debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeSimple(): (%ld, %ld) -> " //"(%ld, %ld)\n", fWidth, fHeight, width, height); if (width == fWidth && height == fHeight) return B_OK; if (width != fWidth || historyCapacity != HistoryCapacity()) { status_t error = _ResizeHistory(width, historyCapacity); if (error != B_OK) return error; } TerminalLine** lines = _AllocateLines(width, height); if (lines == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; // NOTE: If width or history capacity changed, the object will be in // an invalid state, since the history will already use the new values. int32 endLine = min_c(fHeight, height); int32 firstLine = 0; if (height < fHeight) { if (endLine <= fCursor.y) { endLine = fCursor.y + 1; firstLine = endLine - height; } // push the first lines to the history if (fHistory != NULL) { for (int32 i = 0; i < firstLine; i++) { TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(i); if (width < fWidth) _TruncateLine(line, width); fHistory->AddLine(line); } } } // copy the lines we keep for (int32 i = firstLine; i < endLine; i++) { TerminalLine* sourceLine = _LineAt(i); TerminalLine* destLine = lines[i - firstLine]; if (width < fWidth) _TruncateLine(sourceLine, width); memcpy(destLine, sourceLine, (int32)sizeof(TerminalLine) + (sourceLine->length - 1) * (int32)sizeof(TerminalCell)); } // clear the remaining lines for (int32 i = endLine - firstLine; i < height; i++) lines[i]->Clear(); _FreeLines(fScreen, fHeight); fScreen = lines; fWidth = width; fHeight = height; fScrollTop = 0; fScrollBottom = fHeight - 1; fScreenOffset = 0; if (fCursor.x > width) fCursor.x = width; fCursor.y -= firstLine; fSoftWrappedCursor = false; return B_OK; } status_t BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeRewrap(int32 width, int32 height, int32 historyCapacity) { //debug_printf("BasicTerminalBuffer::_ResizeRewrap(): (%ld, %ld, history: %ld) -> " //"(%ld, %ld, history: %ld)\n", fWidth, fHeight, HistoryCapacity(), width, height, //historyCapacity); // The width stays the same. _ResizeSimple() does exactly what we need. if (width == fWidth) return _ResizeSimple(width, height, historyCapacity); // The width changes. We have to allocate a new line array, a new history // and re-wrap all lines. TerminalLine** screen = _AllocateLines(width, height); if (screen == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; HistoryBuffer* history = NULL; if (historyCapacity > 0) { history = new(std::nothrow) HistoryBuffer; if (history == NULL) { _FreeLines(screen, height); return B_NO_MEMORY; } status_t error = history->Init(width, historyCapacity); if (error != B_OK) { _FreeLines(screen, height); delete history; return error; } } int32 historySize = HistorySize(); int32 totalLines = historySize + fHeight; // re-wrap TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TermPos cursor; int32 destIndex = 0; int32 sourceIndex = 0; int32 sourceX = 0; int32 destTotalLines = 0; int32 destScreenOffset = 0; int32 maxDestTotalLines = INT_MAX; bool newDestLine = true; bool cursorSeen = false; TerminalLine* sourceLine = _HistoryLineAt(-historySize, lineBuffer); while (sourceIndex < totalLines) { TerminalLine* destLine = screen[destIndex]; if (newDestLine) { // Clear a new dest line before using it. If we're about to // overwrite an previously written line, we push it to the // history first, though. if (history != NULL && destTotalLines >= height) history->AddLine(screen[destIndex]); destLine->Clear(); newDestLine = false; } int32 sourceLeft = sourceLine->length - sourceX; int32 destLeft = width - destLine->length; //debug_printf(" source: %ld, left: %ld, dest: %ld, left: %ld\n", //sourceIndex, sourceLeft, destIndex, destLeft); if (sourceIndex == historySize && sourceX == 0) { destScreenOffset = destTotalLines; if (destLeft == 0 && sourceLeft > 0) destScreenOffset++; maxDestTotalLines = destScreenOffset + height; //debug_printf(" destScreenOffset: %ld\n", destScreenOffset); } int32 toCopy = min_c(sourceLeft, destLeft); // If the last cell to copy is the first cell of a // full-width char, don't copy it yet. if (toCopy > 0 && IS_WIDTH( sourceLine->cells[sourceX + toCopy - 1].attributes)) { //debug_printf(" -> last char is full-width -- don't copy it\n"); toCopy--; } // translate the cursor position if (fCursor.y + historySize == sourceIndex && fCursor.x >= sourceX && (fCursor.x < sourceX + toCopy || destLeft >= sourceLeft && sourceX + sourceLeft <= fCursor.x)) { cursor.x = destLine->length + fCursor.x - sourceX; cursor.y = destTotalLines; if (cursor.x >= width) { // The cursor was in free space after the official end // of line. cursor.x = width - 1; } //debug_printf(" cursor: (%ld, %ld)\n", cursor.x, cursor.y); cursorSeen = true; } if (toCopy > 0) { memcpy(destLine->cells + destLine->length, sourceLine->cells + sourceX, toCopy * sizeof(TerminalCell)); destLine->length += toCopy; } bool nextDestLine = false; if (toCopy == sourceLeft) { if (!sourceLine->softBreak) nextDestLine = true; sourceIndex++; sourceX = 0; sourceLine = _HistoryLineAt(sourceIndex - historySize, lineBuffer); } else { destLine->softBreak = true; nextDestLine = true; sourceX += toCopy; } if (nextDestLine) { destIndex = (destIndex + 1) % height; destTotalLines++; newDestLine = true; if (cursorSeen && destTotalLines >= maxDestTotalLines) break; } } // If the last source line had a soft break, the last dest line // won't have been counted yet. if (!newDestLine) { destIndex = (destIndex + 1) % height; destTotalLines++; } //debug_printf(" total lines: %ld -> %ld\n", totalLines, destTotalLines); if (destTotalLines - destScreenOffset > height) destScreenOffset = destTotalLines - height; cursor.y -= destScreenOffset; // When there are less lines (starting with the screen offset) than // there's room in the screen, clear the remaining screen lines. for (int32 i = destTotalLines; i < destScreenOffset + height; i++) { // Move the line we're going to clear to the history, if that's a // line we've written earlier. TerminalLine* line = screen[i % height]; if (history != NULL && i >= height) history->AddLine(line); line->Clear(); } // Update the values _FreeLines(fScreen, fHeight); delete fHistory; fScreen = screen; fHistory = history; //debug_printf(" cursor: (%ld, %ld) -> (%ld, %ld)\n", fCursor.x, fCursor.y, //cursor.x, cursor.y); fCursor.x = cursor.x; fCursor.y = cursor.y; fSoftWrappedCursor = false; //debug_printf(" screen offset: %ld -> %ld\n", fScreenOffset, destScreenOffset % height); fScreenOffset = destScreenOffset % height; //debug_printf(" height %ld -> %ld\n", fHeight, height); //debug_printf(" width %ld -> %ld\n", fWidth, width); fHeight = height; fWidth = width; fScrollTop = 0; fScrollBottom = fHeight - 1; return B_OK; } void BasicTerminalBuffer::_Scroll(int32 top, int32 bottom, int32 numLines) { if (numLines == 0) return; if (numLines > 0) { // scroll text up if (top == 0) { // The lines scrolled out of the screen range are transferred to // the history. // add the lines to the history if (fHistory != NULL) { int32 toHistory = min_c(numLines, bottom - top + 1); for (int32 i = 0; i < toHistory; i++) fHistory->AddLine(_LineAt(i)); if (toHistory < numLines) fHistory->AddEmptyLines(numLines - toHistory); } if (numLines >= bottom - top + 1) { // all lines are scrolled out of range -- just clear them _ClearLines(top, bottom); } else if (bottom == fHeight - 1) { // full screen scroll -- update the screen offset and clear new // lines fScreenOffset = (fScreenOffset + numLines) % fHeight; for (int32 i = bottom - numLines + 1; i <= bottom; i++) _LineAt(i)->Clear(); } else { // Partial screen scroll. We move the screen offset anyway, but // have to move the unscrolled lines to their new location. // TODO: It may be more efficient to actually move the scrolled // lines only (might depend on the number of scrolled/unscrolled // lines). for (int32 i = bottom + 1; i < fHeight; i++) { std::swap(fScreen[_LineIndex(i)], fScreen[_LineIndex(i + numLines)]); } // update the screen offset and clear the new lines fScreenOffset = (fScreenOffset + numLines) % fHeight; for (int32 i = bottom - numLines + 1; i <= bottom; i++) _LineAt(i)->Clear(); } // scroll/extend dirty range if (fDirtyInfo.dirtyTop != INT_MAX) { // If the top or bottom of the dirty region are above the // bottom of the scroll region, we have to scroll them up. if (fDirtyInfo.dirtyTop <= bottom) { fDirtyInfo.dirtyTop -= numLines; if (fDirtyInfo.dirtyBottom <= bottom) fDirtyInfo.dirtyBottom -= numLines; } // numLines above the bottom become dirty _Invalidate(bottom - numLines + 1, bottom); } fDirtyInfo.linesScrolled += numLines; // invalidate new empty lines _Invalidate(bottom + 1 - numLines, bottom); // In case only part of the screen was scrolled, we invalidate also // the lines below the scroll region. Those remain unchanged, but // we can't convey that they have not been scrolled via // TerminalBufferDirtyInfo. So we need to force the view to sync // them again. if (bottom < fHeight - 1) _Invalidate(bottom + 1, fHeight - 1); } else if (numLines >= bottom - top + 1) { // all lines are completely scrolled out of range -- just clear // them _ClearLines(top, bottom); } else { // partial scroll -- clear the lines scrolled out of range and move // the other ones for (int32 i = top + numLines; i <= bottom; i++) { int32 lineToDrop = _LineIndex(i - numLines); int32 lineToKeep = _LineIndex(i); fScreen[lineToDrop]->Clear(); std::swap(fScreen[lineToDrop], fScreen[lineToKeep]); } _Invalidate(top, bottom); } } else { // scroll text down numLines = -numLines; if (numLines >= bottom - top + 1) { // all lines are completely scrolled out of range -- just clear // them _ClearLines(top, bottom); } else { // partial scroll -- clear the lines scrolled out of range and move // the other ones // TODO: When scrolling the whole screen, we could just update fScreenOffset and // clear the respective lines. for (int32 i = bottom - numLines; i >= top; i--) { int32 lineToKeep = _LineIndex(i); int32 lineToDrop = _LineIndex(i + numLines); fScreen[lineToDrop]->Clear(); std::swap(fScreen[lineToDrop], fScreen[lineToKeep]); } _Invalidate(top, bottom); } } } void BasicTerminalBuffer::_SoftBreakLine() { TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); line->softBreak = true; fCursor.x = 0; if (fCursor.y == fScrollBottom) _Scroll(fScrollTop, fScrollBottom, 1); else fCursor.y++; } void BasicTerminalBuffer::_PadLineToCursor() { TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); if (line->length < fCursor.x) { for (int32 i = line->length; i < fCursor.x; i++) { line->cells[i].character = kSpaceChar; line->cells[i].attributes = 0; // TODO: Other attributes? } } } /*static*/ void BasicTerminalBuffer::_TruncateLine(TerminalLine* line, int32 length) { if (line->length <= length) return; if (length > 0 && IS_WIDTH(line->cells[length - 1].attributes)) length--; line->length = length; } void BasicTerminalBuffer::_InsertGap(int32 width) { // ASSERT(fCursor.x + width <= fWidth) TerminalLine* line = _LineAt(fCursor.y); int32 toMove = min_c(line->length - fCursor.x, fWidth - fCursor.x - width); if (toMove > 0) { memmove(line->cells + fCursor.x + width, line->cells + fCursor.x, toMove * sizeof(TerminalCell)); } line->length += width; } /*! \a endColumn is not inclusive. */ TerminalLine* BasicTerminalBuffer::_GetPartialLineString(BString& string, int32 row, int32 startColumn, int32 endColumn) const { TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(row, lineBuffer); if (line == NULL) return NULL; if (endColumn > line->length) endColumn = line->length; for (int32 x = startColumn; x < endColumn; x++) { const TerminalCell& cell = line->cells[x]; string.Append(cell.character.bytes, cell.character.ByteCount()); if (IS_WIDTH(cell.attributes)) x++; } return line; } /*! Decrement \a pos and return the char at that location. */ bool BasicTerminalBuffer::_PreviousChar(TermPos& pos, UTF8Char& c) const { pos.x--; TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(pos.y, lineBuffer); while (true) { if (pos.x < 0) { pos.y--; line = _HistoryLineAt(pos.y, lineBuffer); if (line == NULL) return false; pos.x = line->length; if (line->softBreak) { pos.x--; } else { c = '\n'; return true; } } else { c = line->cells[pos.x].character; return true; } } } /*! Return the char at \a pos and increment it. */ bool BasicTerminalBuffer::_NextChar(TermPos& pos, UTF8Char& c) const { TerminalLine* lineBuffer = ALLOC_LINE_ON_STACK(fWidth); TerminalLine* line = _HistoryLineAt(pos.y, lineBuffer); if (line == NULL) return false; if (pos.x >= line->length) { c = '\n'; pos.x = 0; pos.y++; return true; } c = line->cells[pos.x].character; pos.x++; while (line != NULL && pos.x >= line->length && line->softBreak) { pos.x = 0; pos.y++; line = _HistoryLineAt(pos.y, lineBuffer); } return true; }