/* * Copyright 2005, Jérôme Duval. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Inspired by SoundCapture from Be newsletter (Media Kit Basics: Consumers and Producers) */ #include "UpDownButton.h" #include "icon_button.h" UpDownButton::UpDownButton(BRect rect, BMessage *msg, uint32 resizeFlags) : BControl(rect, "button", NULL, msg, resizeFlags, B_WILL_DRAW), fLastValue(B_CONTROL_ON) { BRect rect = BRect(0, 0, kUpDownButtonWidth - 1, kUpDownButtonHeight - 1); fBitmapUp = new BBitmap(rect, B_CMAP8); fBitmapUp->SetBits(kButtonUpBits, kUpDownButtonWidth * kUpDownButtonHeight, 0, B_CMAP8); fBitmapDown = new BBitmap(rect, B_CMAP8); fBitmapDown->SetBits(kButtonDownBits, kUpDownButtonWidth * kUpDownButtonHeight, 0, B_CMAP8); fBitmapMiddle = new BBitmap(rect, B_CMAP8); fBitmapMiddle->SetBits(kButtonMiddleBits, kUpDownButtonWidth * kUpDownButtonHeight, 0, B_CMAP8); } UpDownButton::~UpDownButton() { delete fBitmapUp; delete fBitmapDown; delete fBitmapMiddle; } void UpDownButton::Draw(BRect updateRect) { SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); if(IsTracking()) { if((Bounds().top + Bounds().Height()/2) > (fTrackingY + 3)) DrawBitmap(fBitmapUp); else if((Bounds().top + Bounds().Height()/2) < (fTrackingY - 3)) DrawBitmap(fBitmapDown); else DrawBitmap(fBitmapMiddle); } else { if(Value()==B_CONTROL_OFF) DrawBitmap(fBitmapUp); else DrawBitmap(fBitmapDown); } SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); } void UpDownButton::MouseDown(BPoint point) { if(!IsEnabled()) return; fLastValue = Value(); fTrackingY = (Bounds().top + Bounds().Height()/2); SetTracking(true); SetMouseEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); SetValue(Value() == B_CONTROL_ON ? B_CONTROL_OFF : B_CONTROL_ON); } void UpDownButton::MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 transit, const BMessage *message) { if (!IsTracking()) return; fTrackingY = point.y; Draw(Bounds()); Flush(); } void UpDownButton::MouseUp(BPoint point) { if (!IsTracking()) return; if((Bounds().top + Bounds().Height()/2) > (fTrackingY + 3)) SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); else if((Bounds().top + Bounds().Height()/2) < (fTrackingY - 3)) SetValue(B_CONTROL_OFF); if(Value()!=fLastValue) Invoke(); SetTracking(false); Draw(Bounds()); Flush(); fLastValue = Value(); }