/* * Copyright 2005, Jérôme Duval. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Inspired by SoundCapture from Be newsletter (Media Kit Basics: Consumers and Producers) */ #include #include #include #include "TrackSlider.h" #include "icon_button.h" TrackSlider::TrackSlider(BRect rect, const char *title, BMessage *msg, uint32 resizeFlags) : BControl(rect, "slider", NULL, msg, resizeFlags, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fLeftTime(0), fRightTime(1000000), fMainTime(0), fTotalTime(1000000), fLeftTracking(false), fRightTracking(false), fMainTracking(false), fBitmap(NULL), fBitmapView(NULL) { fFont.SetSize(8.0); fFont.SetFlags(B_DISABLE_ANTIALIASING); int32 numFamilies = count_font_families(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numFamilies; i++ ) { font_family family; uint32 flags; if ((get_font_family(i, &family, &flags) == B_OK) && (strcmp(family, "Baskerville") == 0)) { fFont.SetFamilyAndFace(family, B_REGULAR_FACE); break; } } } TrackSlider::~TrackSlider() { delete fBitmap; } void TrackSlider::AttachedToWindow() { BControl::AttachedToWindow(); SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); InitBitmap(); RenderBitmap(); } void TrackSlider::InitBitmap() { if (fBitmapView) { fBitmap->RemoveChild(fBitmapView); delete fBitmapView; } if (fBitmap) delete fBitmap; BRect rect = Bounds(); fBitmap = new BBitmap(rect, BScreen().ColorSpace(), true); fBitmapView = new SliderOffscreenView(rect.OffsetToSelf(B_ORIGIN), "bitmapView"); fBitmap->AddChild(fBitmapView); fBitmapView->fRight = Bounds().right - kLeftRightTrackSliderWidth; if (fTotalTime == 0) { fBitmapView->fLeftX = 14; fBitmapView->fRightX = fBitmapView->fRight; fBitmapView->fPositionX = 15; } else { fBitmapView->fLeftX = 14 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 15) * ((double)fLeftTime / fTotalTime); fBitmapView->fRightX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 16) * ((double)fRightTime / fTotalTime); fBitmapView->fPositionX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 14) * ((double)fMainTime / fTotalTime); } } #define SLIDER_BASE 10 void TrackSlider::RenderBitmap() { /* rendering */ if (fBitmap->Lock()) { fBitmapView->DrawX(); fBitmap->Unlock(); } } void TrackSlider::Draw(BRect updateRect) { DrawBitmapAsync(fBitmap, BPoint(0,0)); DrawCounter(fMainTime, fBitmapView->fPositionX, fMainTracking); if (fLeftTracking) DrawCounter(fLeftTime, fBitmapView->fLeftX, fLeftTracking); else if (fRightTracking) DrawCounter(fRightTime, fBitmapView->fRightX, fRightTracking); DrawMarker(fBitmapView->fPositionX); Sync(); } void TrackSlider::DrawCounter(bigtime_t timestamp, float position, bool isTracking) { // timecounter rgb_color gray = {128,128,128}; rgb_color blue = {0,0,140}; rgb_color blue2 = {146,146,214}; rgb_color white = {255,255,255}; char string[12]; TimeToString(timestamp, string); int32 halfwidth = ((int32)fFont.StringWidth(string)) / 2; float counterX = position; if (counterX < 39) counterX = 39; if (counterX > fBitmapView->fRight - 23) counterX = fBitmapView->fRight - 23; BeginLineArray(4); if (!isTracking) { AddLine(BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-3,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+3,SLIDER_BASE+1), gray); AddLine(BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+4,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+4,SLIDER_BASE-8), gray); AddLine(BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-4,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-4,SLIDER_BASE-9), white); AddLine(BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-3,SLIDER_BASE-9), BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+4,SLIDER_BASE-9), white); SetHighColor(216,216,216); } else { AddLine(BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-3,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+3,SLIDER_BASE+1), blue); AddLine(BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+4,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+4,SLIDER_BASE-9), blue2); AddLine(BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-4,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-4,SLIDER_BASE-9), blue2); AddLine(BPoint(counterX-halfwidth-3,SLIDER_BASE-9), BPoint(counterX+halfwidth+3,SLIDER_BASE-9), blue2); SetHighColor(48,48,241); } EndLineArray(); FillRect(BRect(counterX-halfwidth-3,SLIDER_BASE-8,counterX+halfwidth+3,SLIDER_BASE)); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); if (isTracking) SetHighColor(255,255,255); else SetHighColor(0,0,0); SetLowColor(ViewColor()); SetFont(&fFont); DrawString(string, BPoint(counterX-halfwidth, SLIDER_BASE-1)); } void TrackSlider::DrawMarker(float position) { rgb_color black = {0,0,0}; rgb_color rose = {255,152,152}; rgb_color red = {255,0,0}; rgb_color bordeau = {178,0,0}; rgb_color white = {255,255,255}; BeginLineArray(30); AddLine(BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+7), BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+3), black); AddLine(BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+3), BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+1), black); AddLine(BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+1), black); AddLine(BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+1), BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+3), black); AddLine(BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+3), BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+7), black); AddLine(BPoint(position-3,SLIDER_BASE+2), BPoint(position+3,SLIDER_BASE+2), rose); AddLine(BPoint(position-3,SLIDER_BASE+3), BPoint(position-1,SLIDER_BASE+5), rose); AddLine(BPoint(position-2,SLIDER_BASE+3), BPoint(position+2,SLIDER_BASE+3), red); AddLine(BPoint(position-1,SLIDER_BASE+4), BPoint(position+1,SLIDER_BASE+4), red); AddLine(BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+5), BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+5), red); AddLine(BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+6), BPoint(position+3,SLIDER_BASE+3), bordeau); AddLine(BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+12), BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+16), black); AddLine(BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+16), BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+17), black); AddLine(BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+17), BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+17), black); AddLine(BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+17), BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+16), black); AddLine(BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+16), BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+12), black); AddLine(BPoint(position-4,SLIDER_BASE+18), BPoint(position+4,SLIDER_BASE+18), white); AddLine(BPoint(position-3,SLIDER_BASE+16), BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+13), rose); AddLine(BPoint(position-2,SLIDER_BASE+16), BPoint(position+2,SLIDER_BASE+16), red); AddLine(BPoint(position-1,SLIDER_BASE+15), BPoint(position+1,SLIDER_BASE+15), red); AddLine(BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+14), BPoint(position,SLIDER_BASE+14), red); AddLine(BPoint(position+1,SLIDER_BASE+14), BPoint(position+3,SLIDER_BASE+16), bordeau); EndLineArray(); } void TrackSlider::MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 transit, const BMessage *message) { if (!IsTracking()) return; uint32 mouseButtons; BPoint where; GetMouse(&where, &mouseButtons, true); // button not pressed, exit if (! (mouseButtons & B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON)) { Invoke(); SetTracking(false); } UpdatePosition(point); } void TrackSlider::MouseDown(BPoint point) { if (!Bounds().InsetBySelf(2,2).Contains(point)) return; UpdatePosition(point); SetTracking(true); SetMouseEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY | B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); } void TrackSlider::MouseUp(BPoint point) { if (!IsTracking()) return; if (Bounds().InsetBySelf(2,2).Contains(point)) { UpdatePosition(point); } fLeftTracking = fRightTracking = fMainTracking = false; Invoke(); SetTracking(false); Draw(Bounds()); Flush(); } void TrackSlider::UpdatePosition(BPoint point) { BRect leftRect(fBitmapView->fLeftX-9, SLIDER_BASE+3, fBitmapView->fLeftX, SLIDER_BASE+16); BRect rightRect(fBitmapView->fRightX, SLIDER_BASE+3, fBitmapView->fRightX+9, SLIDER_BASE+16); if (!(fRightTracking || fMainTracking) && (fLeftTracking || ((point.x < fBitmapView->fPositionX-4) && leftRect.Contains(point)))) { if (!IsTracking()) fBitmapView->fLastX = point.x - fBitmapView->fLeftX; fBitmapView->fLeftX = MIN(MAX(point.x - fBitmapView->fLastX, 15), fBitmapView->fRight); fLeftTime = (bigtime_t)(MAX(MIN((fBitmapView->fLeftX - 15) / (fBitmapView->fRight - 14),1), 0) * fTotalTime); fLeftTracking = true; BMessage msg = *Message(); msg.AddInt64("left", fLeftTime); if (fBitmapView->fPositionX < fBitmapView->fLeftX) { fBitmapView->fPositionX = fBitmapView->fLeftX + 1; fMainTime = fLeftTime; msg.AddInt64("main", fMainTime); if (fBitmapView->fRightX < fBitmapView->fPositionX) { fBitmapView->fRightX = fBitmapView->fPositionX; fRightTime = fMainTime; msg.AddInt64("right", fRightTime); } } Invoke(&msg); RenderBitmap(); //printf("fLeftPos : %Ld\n", fLeftTime); } else if (!fMainTracking && (fRightTracking || ((point.x > fBitmapView->fPositionX+4) && rightRect.Contains(point)))) { if (!IsTracking()) fBitmapView->fLastX = point.x - fBitmapView->fRightX; fBitmapView->fRightX = MIN(MAX(point.x - fBitmapView->fLastX, 15), fBitmapView->fRight); fRightTime = (bigtime_t)(MAX(MIN((fBitmapView->fRightX - 15) / (fBitmapView->fRight - 14),1), 0) * fTotalTime); fRightTracking = true; BMessage msg = *Message(); msg.AddInt64("right", fRightTime); if (fBitmapView->fPositionX > fBitmapView->fRightX) { fBitmapView->fPositionX = fBitmapView->fRightX; fMainTime = fRightTime; msg.AddInt64("main", fMainTime); if (fBitmapView->fLeftX > fBitmapView->fPositionX) { fBitmapView->fLeftX = fBitmapView->fPositionX - 1; fLeftTime = fMainTime; msg.AddInt64("left", fLeftTime); } } Invoke(&msg); RenderBitmap(); //printf("fRightPos : %Ld\n", fRightTime); } else { fBitmapView->fPositionX = MIN(MAX(point.x, 15), fBitmapView->fRight); fMainTime = (bigtime_t)(MAX(MIN((fBitmapView->fPositionX - 15) / (fBitmapView->fRight - 14),1), 0) * fTotalTime); fMainTracking = true; BMessage msg = *Message(); msg.AddInt64("main", fMainTime); if (fBitmapView->fRightX < fBitmapView->fPositionX) { fBitmapView->fRightX = fBitmapView->fPositionX; fRightTime = fMainTime; msg.AddInt64("right", fRightTime); RenderBitmap(); } else if (fBitmapView->fLeftX > fBitmapView->fPositionX) { fBitmapView->fLeftX = fBitmapView->fPositionX - 1; fLeftTime = fMainTime; msg.AddInt64("left", fLeftTime); RenderBitmap(); } Invoke(&msg); //printf("fPosition : %Ld\n", fMainTime); } Draw(Bounds()); Flush(); } void TrackSlider::TimeToString(bigtime_t timestamp, char *string) { uint32 hours = timestamp / 3600000000LL; timestamp -= hours * 3600000000LL; uint32 minutes = timestamp / 60000000LL; timestamp -= minutes * 60000000LL; uint32 seconds = timestamp / 1000000LL; timestamp -= seconds * 1000000LL; uint32 centiseconds = timestamp / 10000LL; sprintf(string, "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", hours, minutes, seconds, centiseconds); } void TrackSlider::SetMainTime(bigtime_t timestamp, bool reset) { fMainTime = timestamp; fBitmapView->fPositionX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 14) * ((double)fMainTime / fTotalTime); if (reset) { fRightTime = fTotalTime; fLeftTime = 0; fBitmapView->fLeftX = 14 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 15) * ((double)fLeftTime / fTotalTime); fBitmapView->fRightX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 16) * ((double)fRightTime / fTotalTime); } Invalidate(); } void TrackSlider::SetTotalTime(bigtime_t timestamp, bool reset) { fTotalTime = timestamp; if (reset) { fMainTime = 0; fRightTime = fTotalTime; fLeftTime = 0; } fBitmapView->fPositionX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 14) * ((double)fMainTime / fTotalTime); fBitmapView->fLeftX = 14 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 15) * ((double)fLeftTime / fTotalTime); fBitmapView->fRightX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 16) * ((double)fRightTime / fTotalTime); Invalidate(); } void TrackSlider::ResetMainTime() { fMainTime = fLeftTime; fBitmapView->fPositionX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 14) * ((double)fMainTime / fTotalTime); Invalidate(); } void TrackSlider::FrameResized(float width, float height) { fBitmapView->fRight = Bounds().right - kLeftRightTrackSliderWidth; fBitmapView->fPositionX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 14) * ((double)fMainTime / fTotalTime); InitBitmap(); fBitmapView->fLeftX = 14 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 15) * ((double)fLeftTime / fTotalTime); fBitmapView->fRightX = 15 + (fBitmapView->fRight - 16) * ((double)fRightTime / fTotalTime); RenderBitmap(); Invalidate(); } SliderOffscreenView::SliderOffscreenView(BRect frame, char *name) : BView(frame, name, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW), leftBitmap(BRect(BPoint(0,0), kLeftRightTrackSliderSize), B_CMAP8), rightBitmap(BRect(BPoint(0,0), kLeftRightTrackSliderSize), B_CMAP8), leftThumbBitmap(BRect(0, 0, kLeftRightThumbWidth - 1, kLeftRightThumbHeight - 1), B_CMAP8), rightThumbBitmap(BRect(0, 0, kLeftRightThumbWidth - 1, kLeftRightThumbHeight - 1), B_CMAP8) { leftBitmap.SetBits(kLeftTrackSliderBits, kLeftRightTrackSliderWidth * kLeftRightTrackSliderHeight, 0, B_CMAP8); rightBitmap.SetBits(kRightTrackSliderBits, kLeftRightTrackSliderWidth * kLeftRightTrackSliderHeight, 0, B_CMAP8); leftThumbBitmap.SetBits(kLeftThumbBits, kLeftRightThumbWidth * kLeftRightThumbHeight, 0, B_CMAP8); rightThumbBitmap.SetBits(kRightThumbBits, kLeftRightThumbWidth * kLeftRightThumbHeight, 0, B_CMAP8); } SliderOffscreenView::~SliderOffscreenView() { } void SliderOffscreenView::DrawX() { SetHighColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); FillRect(Bounds()); SetHighColor(189, 186, 189); StrokeLine(BPoint(11, SLIDER_BASE + 1), BPoint(fRight, SLIDER_BASE + 1)); SetHighColor(0, 0, 0); StrokeLine(BPoint(11, SLIDER_BASE + 2), BPoint(fRight, SLIDER_BASE + 2)); SetHighColor(255, 255, 255); StrokeLine(BPoint(11, SLIDER_BASE + 17), BPoint(fRight, SLIDER_BASE + 17)); SetHighColor(231, 227, 231); StrokeLine(BPoint(11, SLIDER_BASE + 18), BPoint(fRight, SLIDER_BASE + 18)); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); SetLowColor(HighColor()); BPoint leftPoint(5, SLIDER_BASE + 1); DrawBitmapAsync(&leftBitmap, BRect(BPoint(0, 0), kLeftRightTrackSliderSize - BPoint(5, 0)), BRect(leftPoint, leftPoint + kLeftRightTrackSliderSize - BPoint(5, 0))); BPoint rightPoint(fRight + 1, SLIDER_BASE + 1); DrawBitmapAsync(&rightBitmap, BRect(BPoint(5, 0), kLeftRightTrackSliderSize), BRect(rightPoint, rightPoint + kLeftRightTrackSliderSize-BPoint(5, 0))); SetHighColor(153, 153, 153); FillRect(BRect(11, SLIDER_BASE + 3, fLeftX - 9, SLIDER_BASE + 16)); FillRect(BRect(fRightX + 9, SLIDER_BASE + 3, fRight, SLIDER_BASE + 16)); if (fLeftX > 19) { StrokeLine(BPoint(fLeftX - 9, SLIDER_BASE + 3), BPoint(fLeftX - 6, SLIDER_BASE + 3)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fLeftX - 9, SLIDER_BASE + 4), BPoint(fLeftX - 7, SLIDER_BASE + 4)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fLeftX - 9, SLIDER_BASE + 5), BPoint(fLeftX - 8, SLIDER_BASE + 5)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fLeftX - 9, SLIDER_BASE + 16), BPoint(fLeftX - 6, SLIDER_BASE + 16)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fLeftX - 9, SLIDER_BASE + 15), BPoint(fLeftX - 7, SLIDER_BASE + 15)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fLeftX - 9, SLIDER_BASE + 14), BPoint(fLeftX - 8, SLIDER_BASE + 14)); } if (fRightX < fRight - 5) { StrokeLine(BPoint(fRightX + 5, SLIDER_BASE + 3), BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 3)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fRightX + 7, SLIDER_BASE + 4), BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 4)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 5), BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 6)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 13), BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 14)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fRightX + 5, SLIDER_BASE + 16), BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 16)); StrokeLine(BPoint(fRightX + 7, SLIDER_BASE + 15), BPoint(fRightX + 8, SLIDER_BASE + 15)); } SetHighColor(144, 186, 136); FillRect(BRect(fLeftX + 1, SLIDER_BASE + 3, fRightX, SLIDER_BASE + 4)); FillRect(BRect(fLeftX + 1, SLIDER_BASE + 5, fLeftX + 2, SLIDER_BASE + 16)); SetHighColor(171, 221, 161); FillRect(BRect(fLeftX + 3, SLIDER_BASE + 5, fRightX, SLIDER_BASE + 16)); int i = 17; int j = 18; SetHighColor(128, 128, 128); for (; i < fLeftX - 9; i += 6) { StrokeLine(BPoint(i, SLIDER_BASE + 7), BPoint(i, SLIDER_BASE + 13)); } SetHighColor(179, 179, 179); for (; j < fLeftX - 9; j += 6) { StrokeLine(BPoint(j, SLIDER_BASE + 7), BPoint(j, SLIDER_BASE + 13)); } while (i <= fLeftX) i += 6; while (j <= fLeftX) j += 6; SetHighColor(144, 186, 136); for (; i <= fRightX; i += 6) { StrokeLine(BPoint(i, SLIDER_BASE + 7), BPoint(i, SLIDER_BASE + 13)); } SetHighColor(189, 244, 178); for (; j <= fRightX; j += 6) { StrokeLine(BPoint(j, SLIDER_BASE + 7), BPoint(j, SLIDER_BASE + 13)); } while (i <= fRightX + 9) i += 6; while (j <= fRightX + 9) j += 6; SetHighColor(128, 128, 128); for (; i <= fRight + 1; i += 6) { StrokeLine(BPoint(i, SLIDER_BASE + 7), BPoint(i, SLIDER_BASE + 13)); } SetHighColor(179, 179, 179); for (; j <= fRight + 1; j += 6) { StrokeLine(BPoint(j, SLIDER_BASE + 7), BPoint(j, SLIDER_BASE + 13)); } SetLowColor(HighColor()); BPoint leftThumbPoint(fLeftX - 8, SLIDER_BASE + 3); DrawBitmapAsync(&leftThumbBitmap, BRect(BPoint(0, 0), kLeftRightThumbSize - BPoint(7, 0)), BRect(leftThumbPoint, leftThumbPoint + kLeftRightThumbSize - BPoint(7, 0))); BPoint rightThumbPoint(fRightX, SLIDER_BASE + 3); DrawBitmapAsync(&rightThumbBitmap, BRect(BPoint(6, 0), kLeftRightThumbSize), BRect(rightThumbPoint, rightThumbPoint + kLeftRightThumbSize-BPoint(6, 0))); Sync(); }