/* * Copyright 2005, Jérôme Duval. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Inspired by SoundCapture from Be newsletter (Media Kit Basics: * Consumers and Producers) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RecorderWindow.h" #include "SoundConsumer.h" #include "FileUtils.h" #if ! NDEBUG #define FPRINTF(args) fprintf args #else #define FPRINTF(args) #endif #define DEATH FPRINTF #define CONNECT FPRINTF #define WINDOW FPRINTF #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "RecorderWindow" // default window positioning static const float MIN_WIDTH = 400.0f; static const float MIN_HEIGHT = 336.0f; static const float XPOS = 100.0f; static const float YPOS = 200.0f; #define FOURCC(a,b,c,d) ((((uint32)(d)) << 24) | (((uint32)(c)) << 16) \ | (((uint32)(b)) << 8) | ((uint32)(a))) struct riff_struct { uint32 riff_id; // 'RIFF' uint32 len; uint32 wave_id; // 'WAVE' }; struct chunk_struct { uint32 fourcc; uint32 len; }; struct format_struct { uint16 format_tag; uint16 channels; uint32 samples_per_sec; uint32 avg_bytes_per_sec; uint16 block_align; uint16 bits_per_sample; }; struct wave_struct { struct riff_struct riff; struct chunk_struct format_chunk; struct format_struct format; struct chunk_struct data_chunk; }; RecorderWindow::RecorderWindow() : BWindow(BRect(XPOS, YPOS, XPOS + MIN_WIDTH, YPOS + MIN_HEIGHT), B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("SoundRecorder"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_NOT_V_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE), fPlayer(NULL), fSoundList(NULL), fPlayFile(NULL), fPlayTrack(NULL), fPlayFrames(0), fLooping(false), fSavePanel(NULL), fInitCheck(B_OK) { fRoster = NULL; fRecordButton = NULL; fPlayButton = NULL; fStopButton = NULL; fSaveButton = NULL; fLoopButton = NULL; fInputField = NULL; fRecordNode = 0; fRecording = false; fTempCount = -1; fButtonState = btnPaused; CalcSizes(MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT); fInitCheck = InitWindow(); if (fInitCheck != B_OK) { if (fInitCheck == B_NAME_NOT_FOUND) ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot find default audio hardware"), fInitCheck); else ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot connect to media server"), fInitCheck); PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); } else Show(); } RecorderWindow::~RecorderWindow() { // The sound consumer and producer are Nodes; it has to be released and the Roster // will reap it when it's done. if (fRecordNode) fRecordNode->Release(); delete fPlayer; if (fPlayTrack && fPlayFile) fPlayFile->ReleaseTrack(fPlayTrack); if (fPlayFile) delete fPlayFile; fPlayTrack = NULL; fPlayFile = NULL; // Clean up items in list view. if (fSoundList) { fSoundList->DeselectAll(); for (int i = 0; i < fSoundList->CountItems(); i++) { WINDOW((stderr, "clean up item %d\n", i+1)); SoundListItem* item = dynamic_cast(fSoundList->ItemAt(i)); if (item) { if (item->IsTemp()) item->Entry().Remove(); // delete temp file delete item; } } fSoundList->MakeEmpty(); } // Clean up currently recording file, if any. fRecEntry.Remove(); fRecEntry.Unset(); delete fSavePanel; } status_t RecorderWindow::InitCheck() { return fInitCheck; } void RecorderWindow::CalcSizes(float min_width, float min_height) { // Set up size limits based on new screen size BScreen screen(this); BRect rect = screen.Frame(); float width = rect.Width() - 12; SetSizeLimits(min_width, width, min_height, rect.Height() - 24); // Don't zoom to cover all of screen; user can resize last bit if necessary. // This leaves other windows visible. if (width > 640) width = 640 + (width - 640) / 2; SetZoomLimits(width, rect.Height() - 24); } status_t RecorderWindow::InitWindow() { BPopUpMenu * popup = 0; status_t error; try { // Find temp directory for recorded sounds. BPath path; if (!(error = find_directory(B_COMMON_TEMP_DIRECTORY, &path))) error = fTempDir.SetTo(path.Path()); if (error < 0) goto bad_mojo; // Make sure the media roster is there (which means the server is there). fRoster = BMediaRoster::Roster(&error); if (!fRoster) goto bad_mojo; error = fRoster->GetAudioInput(&fAudioInputNode); if (error < B_OK) // there's no input? goto bad_mojo; error = fRoster->GetAudioMixer(&fAudioMixerNode); if (error < B_OK) // there's no mixer? goto bad_mojo; // Create our internal Node which records sound, and register it. fRecordNode = new SoundConsumer("Sound Recorder"); error = fRoster->RegisterNode(fRecordNode); if (error < B_OK) goto bad_mojo; // Create the window header with controls BRect r(Bounds()); r.bottom = r.top + 175; BBox *background = new BBox(r, "_background", B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP, B_NO_BORDER); AddChild(background); r = background->Bounds(); r.left = 0; r.right = r.left + 38; r.bottom = r.top + 104; fVUView = new VUView(r, B_FOLLOW_LEFT|B_FOLLOW_TOP); background->AddChild(fVUView); r = background->Bounds(); r.left = r.left + 40; r.bottom = r.top + 104; fScopeView = new ScopeView(r, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT|B_FOLLOW_TOP); background->AddChild(fScopeView); r = background->Bounds(); r.left = 2; r.right -= 26; r.top = 115; r.bottom = r.top + 30; fTrackSlider = new TrackSlider(r, "trackSlider", new BMessage(POSITION_CHANGED), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); background->AddChild(fTrackSlider); BRect buttonRect; // Button for rewinding buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kSkipButtonSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().LeftBottom() - BPoint(-7, 25)); fRewindButton = new TransportButton(buttonRect, B_TRANSLATE("Rewind"), kSkipBackBitmapBits, kPressedSkipBackBitmapBits, kDisabledSkipBackBitmapBits, new BMessage(REWIND)); background->AddChild(fRewindButton); // Button for stopping recording or playback buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kStopButtonSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().LeftBottom() - BPoint(-48, 25)); fStopButton = new TransportButton(buttonRect, B_TRANSLATE("Stop"), kStopButtonBitmapBits, kPressedStopButtonBitmapBits, kDisabledStopButtonBitmapBits, new BMessage(STOP)); background->AddChild(fStopButton); // Button for starting playback of selected sound BRect playRect(BPoint(0,0), kPlayButtonSize); playRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().LeftBottom() - BPoint(-82, 25)); fPlayButton = new PlayPauseButton(playRect, B_TRANSLATE("Play"), new BMessage(PLAY), new BMessage(PLAY_PERIOD), ' ', 0); background->AddChild(fPlayButton); // Button for forwarding buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kSkipButtonSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().LeftBottom() - BPoint(-133, 25)); fForwardButton = new TransportButton(buttonRect, B_TRANSLATE("Forward"), kSkipForwardBitmapBits, kPressedSkipForwardBitmapBits, kDisabledSkipForwardBitmapBits, new BMessage(FORWARD)); background->AddChild(fForwardButton); // Button to start recording (or waiting for sound) buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kRecordButtonSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().LeftBottom() - BPoint(-174, 25)); fRecordButton = new RecordButton(buttonRect, B_TRANSLATE("Record"), new BMessage(RECORD), new BMessage(RECORD_PERIOD)); background->AddChild(fRecordButton); // Button for saving selected sound buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kDiskButtonSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().LeftBottom() - BPoint(-250, 21)); fSaveButton = new TransportButton(buttonRect, B_TRANSLATE("Save"), kDiskButtonBitmapsBits, kPressedDiskButtonBitmapsBits, kDisabledDiskButtonBitmapsBits, new BMessage(SAVE)); fSaveButton->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); background->AddChild(fSaveButton); // Button Loop buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kArrowSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().RightBottom() - BPoint(23, 48)); fLoopButton = new DrawButton(buttonRect, B_TRANSLATE("Loop"), kLoopArrowBits, kArrowBits, new BMessage(LOOP)); fLoopButton->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); fLoopButton->SetTarget(this); background->AddChild(fLoopButton); buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kSpeakerIconBitmapSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().RightBottom() - BPoint(121, 17)); SpeakerView *speakerView = new SpeakerView(buttonRect, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); speakerView->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); background->AddChild(speakerView); buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), BPoint(84, 19)); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().RightBottom() - BPoint(107, 20)); fVolumeSlider = new VolumeSlider(buttonRect, "volumeSlider", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); fVolumeSlider->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); background->AddChild(fVolumeSlider); // Button to mask/see sounds list buttonRect = BRect(BPoint(0,0), kUpDownButtonSize); buttonRect.OffsetTo(background->Bounds().RightBottom() - BPoint(21, 25)); fUpDownButton = new UpDownButton(buttonRect, new BMessage(VIEW_LIST)); fUpDownButton->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); background->AddChild(fUpDownButton); r = Bounds(); r.top = background->Bounds().bottom + 1; fBottomBox = new BBox(r, "bottomBox", B_FOLLOW_ALL); fBottomBox->SetBorder(B_NO_BORDER); AddChild(fBottomBox); // The actual list of recorded sounds (initially empty) sits // below the header with the controls. r = fBottomBox->Bounds(); r.left += 190; r.InsetBy(10, 10); r.left -= 10; r.top += 4; r.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; r.bottom -= 25; fSoundList = new SoundListView(r, B_TRANSLATE("Sound List"), B_FOLLOW_ALL); fSoundList->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(SOUND_SELECTED)); fSoundList->SetViewColor(216, 216, 216); BScrollView *scroller = new BScrollView("scroller", fSoundList, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0, false, true, B_FANCY_BORDER); fBottomBox->AddChild(scroller); r = fBottomBox->Bounds(); r.right = r.left + 190; r.bottom -= 25; r.InsetBy(10, 8); r.top -= 1; fFileInfoBox = new BBox(r, "fileinfo", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); fFileInfoBox->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("File info")); r = fFileInfoBox->Bounds(); r.left = 8; r.top = 13; r.bottom = r.top + 15; r.right -= 10; fFilename = new BStringView(r, "filename", B_TRANSLATE("File name:")); fFileInfoBox->AddChild(fFilename); r.top += 13; r.bottom = r.top + 15; fFormat = new BStringView(r, "format", B_TRANSLATE("Format:")); fFileInfoBox->AddChild(fFormat); r.top += 13; r.bottom = r.top + 15; fCompression = new BStringView(r, "compression", B_TRANSLATE("Compression:")); fFileInfoBox->AddChild(fCompression); r.top += 13; r.bottom = r.top + 15; fChannels = new BStringView(r, "channels", B_TRANSLATE("Channels:")); fFileInfoBox->AddChild(fChannels); r.top += 13; r.bottom = r.top + 15; fSampleSize = new BStringView(r, "samplesize", B_TRANSLATE("Sample size:")); fFileInfoBox->AddChild(fSampleSize); r.top += 13; r.bottom = r.top + 15; fSampleRate = new BStringView(r, "samplerate", B_TRANSLATE("Sample rate:")); fFileInfoBox->AddChild(fSampleRate); r.top += 13; r.bottom = r.top + 15; fDuration = new BStringView(r, "duration", B_TRANSLATE("Duration:")); fFileInfoBox->AddChild(fDuration); // Input selection lists all available physical inputs that produce // buffers with B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO format data. popup = new BPopUpMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Input")); const int maxInputCount = 64; dormant_node_info dni[maxInputCount]; int32 real_count = maxInputCount; media_format output_format; output_format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; output_format.u.raw_audio = media_raw_audio_format::wildcard; error = fRoster->GetDormantNodes(dni, &real_count, 0, &output_format, 0, B_BUFFER_PRODUCER | B_PHYSICAL_INPUT); if (real_count > maxInputCount) { WINDOW((stderr, "dropped %ld inputs\n", real_count - maxInputCount)); real_count = maxInputCount; } char selected_name[B_MEDIA_NAME_LENGTH] = "Default input"; BMessage * msg; BMenuItem * item; for (int i = 0; i < real_count; i++) { msg = new BMessage(INPUT_SELECTED); msg->AddData("node", B_RAW_TYPE, &dni[i], sizeof(dni[i])); item = new BMenuItem(dni[i].name, msg); popup->AddItem(item); media_node_id ni[12]; int32 ni_count = 12; error = fRoster->GetInstancesFor(dni[i].addon, dni[i].flavor_id, ni, &ni_count); if (error == B_OK) { for (int j = 0; j < ni_count; j++) { if (ni[j] == fAudioInputNode.node) { strcpy(selected_name, dni[i].name); break; } } } } // Create the actual widget BRect frame(fBottomBox->Bounds()); r = frame; r.left = 42; r.right = (r.left + r.right) / 2; r.InsetBy(10,10); r.top = r.bottom - 18; fInputField = new BMenuField(r, "Input", B_TRANSLATE("Input:"), popup); fInputField->SetDivider(fInputField->StringWidth(B_TRANSLATE("Input:")) + 4.0f); fBottomBox->AddChild(fInputField); fBottomBox->AddChild(fFileInfoBox); fBottomBox->Hide(); CalcSizes(Frame().Width(), MIN_HEIGHT-161); ResizeTo(Frame().Width(), MIN_HEIGHT-161); popup->Superitem()->SetLabel(selected_name); // Make sure the save panel is happy. fSavePanel = new BFilePanel(B_SAVE_PANEL); fSavePanel->SetTarget(this); } catch (...) { goto bad_mojo; } UpdateButtons(); return B_OK; // Error handling. bad_mojo: if (error >= 0) error = B_ERROR; if (fRecordNode) fRecordNode->Release(); delete fPlayer; if (!fInputField) delete popup; return error; } bool RecorderWindow::QuitRequested() // this means Close pressed { StopRecording(); StopPlaying(); be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } void RecorderWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage * message) { // Your average generic message dispatching switch() statement. switch (message->what) { case INPUT_SELECTED: Input(message); break; case SOUND_SELECTED: Selected(message); break; case STOP_PLAYING: StopPlaying(); break; case STOP_RECORDING: StopRecording(); break; case PLAY_PERIOD: if (fPlayer) { if (fPlayer->HasData()) fPlayButton->SetPlaying(); else fPlayButton->SetPaused(); } break; case RECORD_PERIOD: fRecordButton->SetRecording(); break; case RECORD: Record(message); break; case STOP: Stop(message); break; case PLAY: Play(message); break; case SAVE: Save(message); break; case B_SAVE_REQUESTED: DoSave(message); break; case VIEW_LIST: if (fUpDownButton->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON) { fBottomBox->Show(); CalcSizes(Frame().Width(), MIN_HEIGHT); ResizeTo(Frame().Width(), MIN_HEIGHT); } else { fBottomBox->Hide(); CalcSizes(Frame().Width(), MIN_HEIGHT-161); ResizeTo(Frame().Width(), MIN_HEIGHT-161); } break; case UPDATE_TRACKSLIDER: { bigtime_t timestamp = fPlayTrack->CurrentTime(); fTrackSlider->SetMainTime(timestamp, false); fScopeView->SetMainTime(timestamp); } break; case POSITION_CHANGED: { bigtime_t right, left, main; if (message->FindInt64("main", &main) == B_OK) { if (fPlayTrack) { fPlayTrack->SeekToTime(fTrackSlider->MainTime()); fPlayFrame = fPlayTrack->CurrentFrame(); } fScopeView->SetMainTime(main); } if (message->FindInt64("right", &right) == B_OK) { if (fPlayTrack) { fPlayLimit = MIN(fPlayFrames, (off_t)(right * fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate / 1000000LL)); } fScopeView->SetRightTime(right); } if (message->FindInt64("left", &left) == B_OK) fScopeView->SetLeftTime(left); break; } case LOOP: fLooping = fLoopButton->ButtonState(); break; case B_SIMPLE_DATA: case B_REFS_RECEIVED: { RefsReceived(message); break; } case B_COPY_TARGET: CopyTarget(message); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void RecorderWindow::Record(BMessage * message) { // User pressed Record button fRecording = true; if (fButtonState != btnPaused) { StopRecording(); return; // user is too fast on the mouse } SetButtonState(btnRecording); fRecordButton->SetRecording(); char name[256]; // Create a file with a temporary name status_t err = NewTempName(name); if (err < B_OK) { ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot find an unused name to use for the " "new recording"), err); return; } // Find the file so we can refer to it later err = fTempDir.FindEntry(name, &fRecEntry); if (err < B_OK) { ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot find the temporary file created to " "hold the new recording"), err); return; } err = fRecFile.SetTo(&fTempDir, name, O_RDWR); if (err < B_OK) { ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot open the temporary file created to " "hold the new recording"), err); fRecEntry.Unset(); return; } // Reserve space on disk (creates fewer fragments) err = fRecFile.SetSize(4 * fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count * fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate * (fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.format & media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_SIZE_MASK)); if (err < B_OK) { ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot record a sound that long"), err); fRecEntry.Remove(); fRecEntry.Unset(); return; } fRecSize = 0; fRecFile.Seek(sizeof(struct wave_struct), SEEK_SET); // Hook up input err = MakeRecordConnection(fAudioInputNode); if (err < B_OK) { ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot connect to the selected sound input"), err); fRecEntry.Remove(); fRecEntry.Unset(); return; } // And get it going... bigtime_t then = fRecordNode->TimeSource()->Now() + 50000LL; fRoster->StartNode(fRecordNode->Node(), then); if (fAudioInputNode.kind & B_TIME_SOURCE) { fRoster->StartNode(fAudioInputNode, fRecordNode->TimeSource()->RealTimeFor(then, 0)); } else fRoster->StartNode(fAudioInputNode, then); } void RecorderWindow::Play(BMessage * message) { if (fPlayer) { // User pressed Play button and playing if (fPlayer->HasData()) fPlayButton->SetPaused(); else fPlayButton->SetPlaying(); fPlayer->SetHasData(!fPlayer->HasData()); return; } SetButtonState(btnPlaying); fPlayButton->SetPlaying(); if (!fPlayTrack) { ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot get the file to play"), B_ERROR); return; } fPlayLimit = MIN(fPlayFrames, (off_t)(fTrackSlider->RightTime() * fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate / 1000000LL)); fPlayTrack->SeekToTime(fTrackSlider->MainTime()); fPlayFrame = fPlayTrack->CurrentFrame(); // Create our internal Node which plays sound, and register it. fPlayer = new BSoundPlayer(fAudioMixerNode, &fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio, "Sound Player"); status_t err = fPlayer->InitCheck(); if (err < B_OK) return; fVolumeSlider->SetSoundPlayer(fPlayer); fPlayer->SetCallbacks(PlayFile, NotifyPlayFile, this); // And get it going... fPlayer->Start(); fPlayer->SetHasData(true); } void RecorderWindow::Stop(BMessage * message) { // User pressed Stop button. // Stop recorder. StopRecording(); // Stop player. StopPlaying(); } void RecorderWindow::Save(BMessage * message) { // User pressed Save button. // Find the item to save. int32 index = fSoundList->CurrentSelection(); SoundListItem* pItem = dynamic_cast(fSoundList->ItemAt(index)); if ((! pItem) || (pItem->Entry().InitCheck() != B_OK)) return; // Update the save panel and show it. char filename[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; pItem->Entry().GetName(filename); BMessage saveMsg(B_SAVE_REQUESTED); entry_ref ref; pItem->Entry().GetRef(&ref); if (saveMsg.AddPointer("sound list item", pItem) != B_OK) fprintf(stderr, "failed to add pItem\n"); fSavePanel->SetSaveText(filename); fSavePanel->SetMessage(&saveMsg); fSavePanel->Show(); } void RecorderWindow::DoSave(BMessage * message) { // User picked a place to put the file. // Find the location of the old (e.g. // temporary file), and the name of the // new file to save. entry_ref old_ref, new_dir_ref; const char* new_name; SoundListItem* pItem; if ((message->FindPointer("sound list item", (void**) &pItem) == B_OK) && (message->FindRef("directory", &new_dir_ref) == B_OK) && (message->FindString("name", &new_name) == B_OK)) { BEntry& oldEntry = pItem->Entry(); BFile oldFile(&oldEntry, B_READ_WRITE); if (oldFile.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; BDirectory newDir(&new_dir_ref); if (newDir.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; BFile newFile; newDir.CreateFile(new_name, &newFile); if (newFile.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; status_t err = CopyFile(newFile, oldFile); if (err == B_OK) { // clean up the sound list and item if (pItem->IsTemp()) oldEntry.Remove(); // blows away temp file! oldEntry.SetTo(&newDir, new_name); pItem->SetTemp(false); // don't blow the new entry away when we exit! fSoundList->Invalidate(); } } else { WINDOW((stderr, "Couldn't save file.\n")); } } void RecorderWindow::Input(BMessage * message) { // User selected input from pop-up const dormant_node_info * dni = 0; ssize_t size = 0; if (message->FindData("node", B_RAW_TYPE, (const void **)&dni, &size)) return; // bad input selection message media_node_id node_id; status_t error = fRoster->GetInstancesFor(dni->addon, dni->flavor_id, &node_id); if (error != B_OK) fRoster->InstantiateDormantNode(*dni, &fAudioInputNode); else fRoster->GetNodeFor(node_id, &fAudioInputNode); } void RecorderWindow::Selected(BMessage * message) { // User selected a sound in list view int32 selIdx = fSoundList->CurrentSelection(); SoundListItem* pItem = dynamic_cast(fSoundList->ItemAt(selIdx)); if (!pItem) return; status_t err = UpdatePlayFile(pItem, true); if (err != B_OK) { ErrorAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Cannot recognize this file as a media file"), err == B_MEDIA_NO_HANDLER ? B_OK : err); RemoveCurrentSoundItem(); } UpdateButtons(); } status_t RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection(const media_node & input) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection()\n")); // Find an available output for the given input node. int32 count = 0; status_t err = fRoster->GetFreeOutputsFor(input, &fAudioOutput, 1, &count, B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO); if (err < B_OK) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " couldn't get free outputs from audio input node\n")); return err; } if (count < 1) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " no free outputs from audio input node\n")); return B_BUSY; } // Find an available input for our own Node. Note that we go through the // MediaRoster; calling Media Kit methods directly on Nodes in our app is // not OK (because synchronization happens in the service thread, not in // the calling thread). // TODO: explain this err = fRoster->GetFreeInputsFor(fRecordNode->Node(), &fRecInput, 1, &count, B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO); if (err < B_OK) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " couldn't get free inputs for sound recorder\n")); return err; } if (count < 1) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " no free inputs for sound recorder\n")); return B_BUSY; } // Find out what the time source of the input is. // For most nodes, we just use the preferred time source (the DAC) for synchronization. // However, nodes that record from an input need to synchronize to the audio input node // instead for best results. // MakeTimeSourceFor gives us a "clone" of the time source node that we can manipulate // to our heart's content. When we're done with it, though, we need to call Release() // on the time source node, so that it keeps an accurate reference count and can delete // itself when it's no longer needed. // TODO: what about filters connected to audio input? media_node use_time_source; BTimeSource * tsobj = fRoster->MakeTimeSourceFor(input); if (! tsobj) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " couldn't clone time source from audio input node\n")); return B_MEDIA_BAD_NODE; } // Apply the time source in effect to our own Node. err = fRoster->SetTimeSourceFor(fRecordNode->Node().node, tsobj->Node().node); if (err < B_OK) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " couldn't set the sound recorder's time source\n")); tsobj->Release(); return err; } // Get a format, any format. fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio = fAudioOutput.format.u.raw_audio; fRecordFormat.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; // Tell the consumer where we want data to go. err = fRecordNode->SetHooks(RecordFile, NotifyRecordFile, this); if (err < B_OK) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " couldn't set the sound recorder's hook functions\n")); tsobj->Release(); return err; } // Using the same structs for input and output is OK in // BMediaRoster::Connect(). err = fRoster->Connect(fAudioOutput.source, fRecInput.destination, &fRecordFormat, &fAudioOutput, &fRecInput); if (err < B_OK) { CONNECT((stderr, "RecorderWindow::MakeRecordConnection():" " failed to connect sound recorder to audio input node.\n")); tsobj->Release(); fRecordNode->SetHooks(0, 0, 0); return err; } // Start the time source if it's not running. if ((tsobj->Node() != input) && !tsobj->IsRunning()) fRoster->StartNode(tsobj->Node(), BTimeSource::RealTime()); tsobj->Release(); // we're done with this time source instance! return B_OK; } status_t RecorderWindow::BreakRecordConnection() { status_t err; // If we are the last connection, the Node will stop automatically since it // has nowhere to send data to. err = fRoster->StopNode(fRecInput.node, 0); err = fRoster->Disconnect(fAudioOutput.node.node, fAudioOutput.source, fRecInput.node.node, fRecInput.destination); fAudioOutput.source = media_source::null; fRecInput.destination = media_destination::null; return err; } status_t RecorderWindow::StopRecording() { if (!fRecording) return B_OK; fRecording = false; BreakRecordConnection(); fRecordNode->SetHooks(NULL,NULL,NULL); if (fRecSize > 0) { wave_struct header; header.riff.riff_id = FOURCC('R','I','F','F'); header.riff.len = fRecSize + sizeof(header) - 8; header.riff.wave_id = FOURCC('W','A','V','E'); header.format_chunk.fourcc = FOURCC('f','m','t',' '); header.format_chunk.len = sizeof(header.format); header.format.format_tag = 1; header.format.channels = fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count; header.format.samples_per_sec = (uint32)fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate; header.format.avg_bytes_per_sec = (uint32)(fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate * fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count * (fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf)); header.format.bits_per_sample = (fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf) * 8; header.format.block_align = (fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf) * fRecordFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count; header.data_chunk.fourcc = FOURCC('d','a','t','a'); header.data_chunk.len = fRecSize; fRecFile.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); fRecFile.Write(&header, sizeof(header)); fRecFile.SetSize(fRecSize + sizeof(header)); // We reserve space; make sure we cut off any excess at the end. AddSoundItem(fRecEntry, true); } else fRecEntry.Remove(); // We're done for this time. fRecEntry.Unset(); // Close the file. fRecFile.Unset(); // No more recording going on. fRecSize = 0; SetButtonState(btnPaused); fRecordButton->SetStopped(); return B_OK; } status_t RecorderWindow::StopPlaying() { if (fPlayer) { fPlayer->Stop(); fPlayer->SetCallbacks(0, 0, 0); fVolumeSlider->SetSoundPlayer(NULL); delete fPlayer; fPlayer = NULL; } SetButtonState(btnPaused); fPlayButton->SetStopped(); fTrackSlider->ResetMainTime(); fScopeView->SetMainTime(*fTrackSlider->MainTime()); return B_OK; } void RecorderWindow::SetButtonState(BtnState state) { fButtonState = state; UpdateButtons(); } void RecorderWindow::UpdateButtons() { bool hasSelection = (fSoundList->CurrentSelection() >= 0); fRecordButton->SetEnabled(fButtonState != btnPlaying); fPlayButton->SetEnabled((fButtonState != btnRecording) && hasSelection); fRewindButton->SetEnabled((fButtonState != btnRecording) && hasSelection); fForwardButton->SetEnabled((fButtonState != btnRecording) && hasSelection); fStopButton->SetEnabled(fButtonState != btnPaused); fSaveButton->SetEnabled(hasSelection && (fButtonState != btnRecording)); fInputField->SetEnabled(fButtonState != btnRecording); } #ifndef __HAIKU__ extern "C" status_t DecodedFormat__11BMediaTrackP12media_format( BMediaTrack *self, media_format *inout_format); #endif status_t RecorderWindow::UpdatePlayFile(SoundListItem* item, bool updateDisplay) { fScopeView->CancelRendering(); StopPlaying(); StopRecording(); if (fPlayTrack && fPlayFile) { fPlayFile->ReleaseTrack(fPlayTrack); fPlayTrack = NULL; } if (fPlayFile) { delete fPlayFile; fPlayFile = NULL; } status_t err; BEntry& entry = item->Entry(); entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); fPlayFile = new BMediaFile(&ref); //, B_MEDIA_FILE_UNBUFFERED); if ((err = fPlayFile->InitCheck()) < B_OK) { delete fPlayFile; fPlayFile = NULL; return err; } for (int ix=0; ix < fPlayFile->CountTracks(); ix++) { BMediaTrack * track = fPlayFile->TrackAt(ix); fPlayFormat.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; #ifdef __HAIKU__ if ((track->DecodedFormat(&fPlayFormat) == B_OK) #else if ((DecodedFormat__11BMediaTrackP12media_format(track, &fPlayFormat) == B_OK) #endif && (fPlayFormat.type == B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO)) { fPlayTrack = track; break; } if (track) fPlayFile->ReleaseTrack(track); } if (!fPlayTrack) { delete fPlayFile; fPlayFile = NULL; return B_STREAM_NOT_FOUND; } if (!updateDisplay) return B_OK; BString filename = B_TRANSLATE("File name: "); filename << ref.name; fFilename->SetText(filename.String()); BString format = B_TRANSLATE("Format: "); media_file_format file_format; if (fPlayFile->GetFileFormatInfo(&file_format) == B_OK) format << file_format.short_name; BString compression = B_TRANSLATE("Compression: "); media_codec_info codec_info; if (fPlayTrack->GetCodecInfo(&codec_info) == B_OK) { if (strcmp(codec_info.short_name, "raw")==0) compression << B_TRANSLATE("None"); else compression << codec_info.short_name; } BString channels = B_TRANSLATE("Channels: "); channels << fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count; BString samplesize = B_TRANSLATE("Sample size: "); samplesize << 8 * (fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf) << B_TRANSLATE(" bits"); BString samplerate = B_TRANSLATE("Sample rate: "); samplerate << (int)fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate; BString durationString = B_TRANSLATE("Duration: "); bigtime_t duration = fPlayTrack->Duration(); durationString << (float)(duration / 1000000.0) << B_TRANSLATE(" seconds"); fFormat->SetText(format.String()); fCompression->SetText(compression.String()); fChannels->SetText(channels.String()); fSampleSize->SetText(samplesize.String()); fSampleRate->SetText(samplerate.String()); fDuration->SetText(durationString.String()); fTrackSlider->SetTotalTime(duration, true); fScopeView->SetTotalTime(duration, true); fScopeView->RenderTrack(fPlayTrack, fPlayFormat); fPlayFrames = fPlayTrack->CountFrames(); return B_OK; } void RecorderWindow::ErrorAlert(const char * action, status_t err) { char msg[300]; if (err != B_OK) sprintf(msg, "%s: %s. [%lx]", action, strerror(err), (int32) err); else sprintf(msg, "%s.", action); (new BAlert("", msg, B_TRANSLATE("Stop")))->Go(); } status_t RecorderWindow::NewTempName(char * name) { int init_count = fTempCount; again: if (fTempCount-init_count > 25) { return B_ERROR; } else { fTempCount++; if (fTempCount==0) sprintf(name, "Audio Clip"); else sprintf(name, "Audio Clip %d", fTempCount); BPath path; status_t err; BEntry tempEnt; if ((err = fTempDir.GetEntry(&tempEnt)) < B_OK) { return err; } if ((err = tempEnt.GetPath(&path)) < B_OK) { return err; } path.Append(name); int fd; // Use O_EXCL so we know we created the file (sync with other instances) if ((fd = open(path.Path(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666)) < 0) { goto again; } close(fd); } return B_OK; } void RecorderWindow::AddSoundItem(const BEntry& entry, bool temp) { // Create list item to display. SoundListItem * listItem = new SoundListItem(entry, temp); fSoundList->AddItem(listItem); fSoundList->Invalidate(); fSoundList->Select(fSoundList->IndexOf(listItem)); } void RecorderWindow::RemoveCurrentSoundItem() { int32 index = fSoundList->CurrentSelection(); BListItem *item = fSoundList->RemoveItem(index); delete item; if (index >= fSoundList->CountItems()) index = fSoundList->CountItems() - 1; fSoundList->Select(index); } void RecorderWindow::RecordFile(void* cookie, bigtime_t timestamp, void* data, size_t size, const media_raw_audio_format &format) { // Callback called from the SoundConsumer when receiving buffers. RecorderWindow * window = (RecorderWindow *)cookie; if (window->fRecording) { // Write the data to file (we don't buffer or guard file access // or anything) window->fRecFile.WriteAt(window->fRecSize, data, size); window->fVUView->ComputeLevels(data, size, format.format); window->fRecSize += size; } } void RecorderWindow::NotifyRecordFile(void * cookie, int32 code, ...) { if ((code == B_WILL_STOP) || (code == B_NODE_DIES)) { RecorderWindow * window = (RecorderWindow *)cookie; // Tell the window we've stopped, if it doesn't // already know. window->PostMessage(STOP_RECORDING); } } void RecorderWindow::PlayFile(void * cookie, void * data, size_t size, const media_raw_audio_format & format) { // Callback called from the SoundProducer when producing buffers. RecorderWindow * window = (RecorderWindow *)cookie; int32 frame_size = (window->fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf) * window->fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count; if ((window->fPlayFrame < window->fPlayLimit) || window->fLooping) { if (window->fPlayFrame >= window->fPlayLimit) { bigtime_t left = window->fTrackSlider->LeftTime(); window->fPlayTrack->SeekToTime(&left); window->fPlayFrame = window->fPlayTrack->CurrentFrame(); } int64 frames = 0; window->fPlayTrack->ReadFrames(data, &frames); window->fVUView->ComputeLevels(data, size / frame_size, format.format); window->fPlayFrame += size/frame_size; window->PostMessage(UPDATE_TRACKSLIDER); } else { // we're done! window->PostMessage(STOP_PLAYING); } } void RecorderWindow::NotifyPlayFile(void * cookie, BSoundPlayer::sound_player_notification code, ...) { if ((code == BSoundPlayer::B_STOPPED) || (code == BSoundPlayer::B_SOUND_DONE)) { RecorderWindow * window = (RecorderWindow *)cookie; // tell the window we've stopped, if it doesn't // already know. window->PostMessage(STOP_PLAYING); } } void RecorderWindow::RefsReceived(BMessage *msg) { entry_ref ref; int32 i = 0; int32 countGood = 0; int32 countBad = 0; while (msg->FindRef("refs", i++, &ref) == B_OK) { BEntry entry(&ref, true); BPath path(&entry); BNode node(&entry); if (node.IsFile()) { SoundListItem * listItem = new SoundListItem(entry, false); if (UpdatePlayFile(listItem) == B_OK) { fSoundList->AddItem(listItem); countGood++; continue; } delete listItem; } else if(node.IsDirectory()) { } countBad++; } if (countBad > 0 && countGood == 0) { (new BAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Nothing to play"), B_TRANSLATE("None of the " "files appear to be audio files"), B_TRANSLATE("OK"), NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT))->Go(); } else if (countGood > 0) { if (countBad > 0) (new BAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Invalid audio files"), B_TRANSLATE("Some " "of the files don't appear to be audio files"), B_TRANSLATE("OK"), NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT))->Go(); fSoundList->Select(fSoundList->CountItems() - 1); } } void RecorderWindow::CopyTarget(BMessage *msg) { const char *type = NULL; if (msg->FindString("be:types", &type) == B_OK) { if (!strcasecmp(type, B_FILE_MIME_TYPE)) { const char *name; entry_ref dir; if (msg->FindString("be:filetypes") == B_OK && msg->FindString("name", &name) == B_OK && msg->FindRef("directory", &dir) == B_OK) { BDirectory directory(&dir); BFile file(&directory, name, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC); // seek time bigtime_t start = fTrackSlider->LeftTime(); // write data bigtime_t diffTime = fTrackSlider->RightTime() - fTrackSlider->LeftTime(); int64 framesToWrite = (int64) (diffTime * fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate / 1000000LL); int32 frameSize = (fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf) * fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count; wave_struct header; header.riff.riff_id = FOURCC('R','I','F','F'); header.riff.len = (frameSize * framesToWrite) + sizeof(header) - 8; header.riff.wave_id = FOURCC('W','A','V','E'); header.format_chunk.fourcc = FOURCC('f','m','t',' '); header.format_chunk.len = sizeof(header.format); header.format.format_tag = 1; header.format.channels = fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count; header.format.samples_per_sec = (uint32)fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate; header.format.avg_bytes_per_sec = (uint32)(fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate * fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count * (fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf)); header.format.bits_per_sample = (fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf) * 8; header.format.block_align = frameSize; header.data_chunk.fourcc = FOURCC('d','a','t','a'); header.data_chunk.len = frameSize * framesToWrite; file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); file.Write(&header, sizeof(header)); char *data = (char *)malloc(fPlayFormat.u.raw_audio.buffer_size); fPlayTrack->SeekToTime(&start); fPlayFrame = fPlayTrack->CurrentFrame(); while (framesToWrite > 0) { int64 frames = 0; status_t err = fPlayTrack->ReadFrames(data, &frames); if (frames <= 0 || err != B_OK) { if (err != B_OK) fprintf(stderr, "CopyTarget: ReadFrames failed\n"); break; } file.Write(data, frames * frameSize); framesToWrite -= frames; } file.Sync(); free(data); BNodeInfo nodeInfo(&file); // set type } } else { } } }