/* * Copyright 2003-2009, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Michael Pfeiffer, laplace@haiku-os.org */ #include "PrintOptionsWindow.h" #include // for sprintf #include // for atof #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ShowImageConstants.h" #undef B_TRANSLATE_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATE_CONTEXT "PrintOptionsWindow" PrintOptions::PrintOptions() : fOption(kFitToPage), fZoomFactor(1.0), fDPI(72.0), fWidth(1024 / 72.0), fHeight(768 / 72.0) { } void PrintOptions::SetBounds(BRect rect) { fBounds = rect; } void PrintOptions::SetZoomFactor(float f) { fZoomFactor = f; fDPI = 72.0 / fZoomFactor; } void PrintOptions::SetDPI(float dpi) { fDPI = dpi; fZoomFactor = 72.0 / dpi; } void PrintOptions::SetWidth(float w) { fWidth = w; fHeight = (fBounds.Height() + 1) * w / (fBounds.Width() + 1); } void PrintOptions::SetHeight(float h) { fWidth = (fBounds.Width()+1) * h / (fBounds.Height()+1); fHeight = h; } PrintOptionsWindow::PrintOptionsWindow(BPoint at, PrintOptions* options, BWindow* listener) : BWindow(BRect(at.x, at.y, at.x + 300, at.y + 200), B_TRANSLATE("Print options"), B_TITLED_WINDOW_LOOK, B_MODAL_SUBSET_WINDOW_FEEL, B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS), fPrintOptions(options), fCurrentOptions(*options), fListener(listener), fStatus(B_ERROR) { AddToSubset(listener); Setup(); Show(); } PrintOptionsWindow::~PrintOptionsWindow() { BMessage msg(MSG_PRINT); msg.AddInt32("status", fStatus); fListener.SendMessage(&msg); } BRadioButton* PrintOptionsWindow::AddRadioButton(const char* name, const char* label, uint32 what, bool selected) { BRadioButton* button; button = new BRadioButton(name, label, new BMessage(what)); button->SetValue(selected ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); return button; } BTextControl* PrintOptionsWindow::AddTextControl(const char* name, const char* label, float value, uint32 what) { BTextControl* text; text = new BTextControl(name, label, "", new BMessage(what)); text->SetModificationMessage(new BMessage(what)); SetValue(text, value); return text; } void PrintOptionsWindow::Setup() { BString value; enum PrintOptions::Option op = fCurrentOptions.Option(); BRadioButton* rbFit; BRadioButton* rbZoom; BRadioButton* rbDpi; BRadioButton* rbResize; BBox* line; BButton* button; rbFit = AddRadioButton("fit_to_page", B_TRANSLATE("Fit image to page"), kMsgFitToPageSelected, op == PrintOptions::kFitToPage); rbZoom = AddRadioButton("zoom_factor", B_TRANSLATE("Zoom factor in %:"), kMsgZoomFactorSelected, op == PrintOptions::kZoomFactor); fZoomFactor = AddTextControl("zoom_factor_text", "", fCurrentOptions.ZoomFactor() * 100, kMsgZoomFactorChanged); rbDpi = AddRadioButton("dpi", B_TRANSLATE("DPI:"), kMsgDPISelected, op == PrintOptions::kDPI); fDPI = AddTextControl("dpi_text", "", fCurrentOptions.DPI(), kMsgDPIChanged); rbResize = AddRadioButton("width_and_height", B_TRANSLATE("Resize to (in 1/72 inches):"), kMsgWidthAndHeightSelected, op == PrintOptions::kWidth || op == PrintOptions::kHeight); fWidth = AddTextControl("width", B_TRANSLATE("Width:"), fCurrentOptions.Width(), kMsgWidthChanged); fHeight = AddTextControl("height", B_TRANSLATE("Height: "), fCurrentOptions.Height(), kMsgHeightChanged); line = new BBox(B_EMPTY_STRING, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS, B_FANCY_BORDER); line->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, 1)); button = new BButton("job setup", B_TRANSLATE("Job setup"), new BMessage(kMsgJobSetup)); SetDefaultButton(button); const float spacing = be_control_look->DefaultItemSpacing(); SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_HORIZONTAL)); AddChild(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_VERTICAL, 0) .Add(BGridLayoutBuilder() .Add(rbFit, 0, 0) .Add(rbZoom, 0, 1) .Add(fZoomFactor, 1, 1) .Add(rbDpi, 0, 2) .Add(fDPI, 1, 2) .Add(rbResize, 0, 3) ) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, spacing) .Add(fWidth) .Add(fHeight) .AddGlue() .SetInsets(22, 0, 0, 0) .End() .Add(line) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, 0) .Add(button) .End() .SetInsets(spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing) ); } enum PrintOptions::Option PrintOptionsWindow::MsgToOption(uint32 what) { switch (what) { case kMsgFitToPageSelected: return PrintOptions::kFitToPage; case kMsgZoomFactorSelected: return PrintOptions::kZoomFactor; case kMsgDPISelected: return PrintOptions::kDPI; case kMsgWidthAndHeightSelected: return PrintOptions::kWidth; } return PrintOptions::kFitToPage; } bool PrintOptionsWindow::GetValue(BTextControl* text, float* value) { *value = atof(text->Text()); return true; } void PrintOptionsWindow::SetValue(BTextControl* text, float value) { BMessage* msg; char s[80]; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%0.0f", value); // prevent sending a notification when text is set msg = new BMessage(*text->ModificationMessage()); text->SetModificationMessage(NULL); text->SetText(s); text->SetModificationMessage(msg); } void PrintOptionsWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { float value; switch (msg->what) { case kMsgFitToPageSelected: case kMsgZoomFactorSelected: case kMsgDPISelected: case kMsgWidthAndHeightSelected: fCurrentOptions.SetOption(MsgToOption(msg->what)); break; case kMsgZoomFactorChanged: if (GetValue(fZoomFactor, &value) && fCurrentOptions.ZoomFactor() != value) { fCurrentOptions.SetZoomFactor(value / 100); SetValue(fDPI, fCurrentOptions.DPI()); } break; case kMsgDPIChanged: if (GetValue(fDPI, &value) && fCurrentOptions.DPI() != value) { fCurrentOptions.SetDPI(value); SetValue(fZoomFactor, 100 * fCurrentOptions.ZoomFactor()); } break; case kMsgWidthChanged: if (GetValue(fWidth, &value) && fCurrentOptions.Width() != value) { fCurrentOptions.SetWidth(value); SetValue(fHeight, fCurrentOptions.Height()); } break; case kMsgHeightChanged: if (GetValue(fHeight, &value) && fCurrentOptions.Height() != value) { fCurrentOptions.SetHeight(value); SetValue(fWidth, fCurrentOptions.Width()); } break; case kMsgJobSetup: *fPrintOptions = fCurrentOptions; fStatus = B_OK; PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } }