/* * Copyright 2012-2017, Adrien Destugues, pulkomandy@pulkomandy.tk * Distributed under the terms of the MIT licence. */ #include "SerialWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SerialApp.h" #include "TermView.h" const int SerialWindow::kBaudrates[] = { 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 31250, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 }; // The values for these constants are not in the expected order, so we have to // rely on this lookup table if we want to keep the menu items sorted. const int SerialWindow::kBaudrateConstants[] = { B_50_BPS, B_75_BPS, B_110_BPS, B_134_BPS, B_150_BPS, B_200_BPS, B_300_BPS, B_600_BPS, B_1200_BPS, B_1800_BPS, B_2400_BPS, B_4800_BPS, B_9600_BPS, B_19200_BPS, B_31250_BPS, B_38400_BPS, B_57600_BPS, B_115200_BPS, B_230400_BPS }; const char* SerialWindow::kWindowTitle = "SerialConnect"; SerialWindow::SerialWindow() : BWindow(BRect(100, 100, 400, 400), SerialWindow::kWindowTitle, B_DOCUMENT_WINDOW, B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS) , fLogFilePanel(NULL) , fSendFilePanel(NULL) { BMenuBar* menuBar = new BMenuBar(Bounds(), "menuBar"); menuBar->ResizeToPreferred(); BRect r = Bounds(); r.top = menuBar->Bounds().bottom + 1; r.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; fTermView = new TermView(r); fTermView->ResizeToPreferred(); r = fTermView->Frame(); r.left = r.right + 1; r.right = r.left + B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; r.top -= 1; r.bottom -= B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT - 1; BScrollBar* scrollBar = new BScrollBar(r, "scrollbar", NULL, 0, 0, B_VERTICAL); scrollBar->SetTarget(fTermView); ResizeTo(r.right - 1, r.bottom + B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT - 1); r = fTermView->Frame(); r.top = r.bottom - 37; fStatusBar = new BStatusBar(r, "file transfer progress", NULL, NULL); fStatusBar->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM | B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT); fStatusBar->SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); fStatusBar->Hide(); AddChild(menuBar); AddChild(fTermView); AddChild(scrollBar); AddChild(fStatusBar); fConnectionMenu = new BMenu("Connection"); fFileMenu = new BMenu("File"); BMenu* settingsMenu = new BMenu("Settings"); fConnectionMenu->SetRadioMode(true); menuBar->AddItem(fConnectionMenu); menuBar->AddItem(fFileMenu); menuBar->AddItem(settingsMenu); // TODO edit menu - what's in it ? Usual copy/paste would be nice but we // need a way to select text in the window. //BMenu* editMenu = new BMenu("Edit"); //menuBar->AddItem(editMenu); BMenuItem* logFile = new BMenuItem("Log to file" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgLogfile)); fFileMenu->AddItem(logFile); // The "send" items are disabled initially. They are enabled only once we // are connected to a serial port. BMessage* sendMsg = new BMessage(kMsgSendFile); sendMsg->AddString("protocol", "xmodem"); BMenuItem* xmodemSend = new BMenuItem("XModem send" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, sendMsg); fFileMenu->AddItem(xmodemSend); xmodemSend->SetEnabled(false); BMenuItem* rawSend = new BMenuItem("Raw send" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kMsgSendFile)); fFileMenu->AddItem(rawSend); rawSend->SetEnabled(false); #if 0 // TODO implement this BMenuItem* xmodemReceive = new BMenuItem( "X/Y/Zmodem receive" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, NULL); fFileMenu->AddItem(xmodemReceive); xmodemReceive->SetEnabled(false); #endif // Configuring all this by menus may be a bit unhandy. Make a setting // window instead ? fBaudrateMenu = new BMenu("Baud rate"); fBaudrateMenu->SetRadioMode(true); settingsMenu->AddItem(fBaudrateMenu); fParityMenu = new BMenu("Parity"); fParityMenu->SetRadioMode(true); settingsMenu->AddItem(fParityMenu); fStopbitsMenu = new BMenu("Stop bits"); fStopbitsMenu->SetRadioMode(true); settingsMenu->AddItem(fStopbitsMenu); fFlowcontrolMenu = new BMenu("Flow control"); fFlowcontrolMenu->SetRadioMode(true); settingsMenu->AddItem(fFlowcontrolMenu); fDatabitsMenu = new BMenu("Data bits"); fDatabitsMenu->SetRadioMode(true); settingsMenu->AddItem(fDatabitsMenu); fLineTerminatorMenu = new BMenu("Line terminator"); fLineTerminatorMenu->SetRadioMode(true); settingsMenu->AddItem(fLineTerminatorMenu); BMessage* message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("parity", B_NO_PARITY); BMenuItem* parityNone = new BMenuItem("None", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("parity", B_ODD_PARITY); BMenuItem* parityOdd = new BMenuItem("Odd", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("parity", B_EVEN_PARITY); BMenuItem* parityEven = new BMenuItem("Even", message); fParityMenu->AddItem(parityNone); fParityMenu->AddItem(parityOdd); fParityMenu->AddItem(parityEven); fParityMenu->SetTargetForItems(be_app); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("databits", B_DATA_BITS_7); BMenuItem* data7 = new BMenuItem("7", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("databits", B_DATA_BITS_8); BMenuItem* data8 = new BMenuItem("8", message); fDatabitsMenu->AddItem(data7); fDatabitsMenu->AddItem(data8); fDatabitsMenu->SetTargetForItems(be_app); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("stopbits", B_STOP_BITS_1); BMenuItem* stop1 = new BMenuItem("1", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("stopbits", B_STOP_BITS_2); BMenuItem* stop2 = new BMenuItem("2", message); fStopbitsMenu->AddItem(stop1); fStopbitsMenu->AddItem(stop2); fStopbitsMenu->SetTargetForItems(be_app); // Loop backwards to add fastest rates at top of menu for (int i = sizeof(kBaudrates) / sizeof(kBaudrates[0]); --i >= 0;) { message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("baudrate", kBaudrateConstants[i]); char buffer[7]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", kBaudrates[i]); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(buffer, message); fBaudrateMenu->AddItem(item); } message = new BMessage(kMsgCustomBaudrate); BMenuItem* custom = new BMenuItem("custom" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, message); fBaudrateMenu->AddItem(custom); fBaudrateMenu->SetTargetForItems(be_app); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("flowcontrol", B_HARDWARE_CONTROL); BMenuItem* hardware = new BMenuItem("Hardware", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("flowcontrol", B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL); BMenuItem* software = new BMenuItem("Software", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("flowcontrol", B_HARDWARE_CONTROL | B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL); BMenuItem* both = new BMenuItem("Both", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddInt32("flowcontrol", 0); BMenuItem* noFlow = new BMenuItem("None", message); fFlowcontrolMenu->AddItem(hardware); fFlowcontrolMenu->AddItem(software); fFlowcontrolMenu->AddItem(both); fFlowcontrolMenu->AddItem(noFlow); fFlowcontrolMenu->SetTargetForItems(be_app); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddString("terminator", "\n"); BMenuItem* lf = new BMenuItem("LF (\\n)", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddString("terminator", "\r"); BMenuItem* cr = new BMenuItem("CR (\\r)", message); message = new BMessage(kMsgSettings); message->AddString("terminator", "\r\n"); BMenuItem* crlf = new BMenuItem("CR/LF (\\r\\n)", message); fLineTerminatorMenu->AddItem(lf); fLineTerminatorMenu->AddItem(cr); fLineTerminatorMenu->AddItem(crlf); CenterOnScreen(); } SerialWindow::~SerialWindow() { delete fLogFilePanel; delete fSendFilePanel; } void SerialWindow::MenusBeginning() { // remove all items from the menu fConnectionMenu->RemoveItems(0, fConnectionMenu->CountItems(), true); // fill it with the (updated) serial port list BSerialPort serialPort; int deviceCount = serialPort.CountDevices(); bool connected = false; for (int i = 0; i < deviceCount; i++) { char buffer[256]; serialPort.GetDeviceName(i, buffer, 256); BMessage* message = new BMessage(kMsgOpenPort); message->AddString("port name", buffer); BMenuItem* portItem = new BMenuItem(buffer, message); portItem->SetTarget(be_app); const BString& connectedPort = ((SerialApp*)be_app)->GetPort(); if (connectedPort == buffer) { connected = true; portItem->SetMarked(true); } fConnectionMenu->AddItem(portItem); } if (deviceCount > 0) { fConnectionMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); BMenuItem* disconnect = new BMenuItem("Disconnect", new BMessage(kMsgOpenPort), 'Z', B_OPTION_KEY); if (!connected) disconnect->SetEnabled(false); disconnect->SetTarget(be_app); fConnectionMenu->AddItem(disconnect); } else { BMenuItem* noDevices = new BMenuItem("", NULL); noDevices->SetEnabled(false); fConnectionMenu->AddItem(noDevices); } } void SerialWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kMsgOpenPort: { BString path; bool open = (message->FindString("port name", &path) == B_OK); int i = 1; // Skip "log to file", which woeks even when offline. BMenuItem* item; while((item = fFileMenu->ItemAt(i++))) { item->SetEnabled(open); } return; } case kMsgDataRead: { const char* bytes; ssize_t length; if (message->FindData("data", B_RAW_TYPE, (const void**)&bytes, &length) == B_OK) fTermView->PushBytes(bytes, length); return; } case kMsgLogfile: { // Let's lazy init the file panel if (fLogFilePanel == NULL) { fLogFilePanel = new BFilePanel(B_SAVE_PANEL, &be_app_messenger, NULL, B_FILE_NODE, false); fLogFilePanel->SetMessage(message); } fLogFilePanel->Show(); return; } case kMsgSendFile: { // Let's lazy init the file panel if (fSendFilePanel == NULL) { fSendFilePanel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &be_app_messenger, NULL, B_FILE_NODE, false); } fSendFilePanel->SetMessage(message); fSendFilePanel->Show(); return; } case kMsgSettings: { int32 baudrate; stop_bits stopBits; data_bits dataBits; parity_mode parity; uint32 flowcontrol; BString terminator; if (message->FindInt32("databits", (int32*)&dataBits) == B_OK) { for (int i = 0; i < fDatabitsMenu->CountItems(); i++) { BMenuItem* item = fDatabitsMenu->ItemAt(i); int32 code; item->Message()->FindInt32("databits", &code); if (code == dataBits) item->SetMarked(true); } } if (message->FindInt32("stopbits", (int32*)&stopBits) == B_OK) { for (int i = 0; i < fStopbitsMenu->CountItems(); i++) { BMenuItem* item = fStopbitsMenu->ItemAt(i); int32 code; item->Message()->FindInt32("stopbits", &code); if (code == stopBits) item->SetMarked(true); } } if (message->FindInt32("parity", (int32*)&parity) == B_OK) { for (int i = 0; i < fParityMenu->CountItems(); i++) { BMenuItem* item = fParityMenu->ItemAt(i); int32 code; item->Message()->FindInt32("parity", &code); if (code == parity) item->SetMarked(true); } } if (message->FindInt32("flowcontrol", (int32*)&flowcontrol) == B_OK) { for (int i = 0; i < fFlowcontrolMenu->CountItems(); i++) { BMenuItem* item = fFlowcontrolMenu->ItemAt(i); int32 code; item->Message()->FindInt32("flowcontrol", &code); if (code == (int32)flowcontrol) item->SetMarked(true); } } if (message->FindInt32("baudrate", &baudrate) == B_OK) { int i; BMenuItem* item = NULL; for (i = 0; i < fBaudrateMenu->CountItems(); i++) { item = fBaudrateMenu->ItemAt(i); int32 code = 0; item->Message()->FindInt32("baudrate", &code); if (baudrate == code) { item->SetMarked(true); break; } } if (i == fBaudrateMenu->CountItems() && item != NULL) { // Rate was not found, mark it as "custom". // Since that is the last item in the menu, we still point // to it. item->SetMarked(true); item->Message()->SetInt32("baudrate", baudrate); } } if (message->FindString("terminator", &terminator) == B_OK) { fTermView->SetLineTerminator(terminator); for (int i = 0; i < fLineTerminatorMenu->CountItems(); i++) { BMenuItem* item = fLineTerminatorMenu->ItemAt(i); BString code; item->Message()->FindString("terminator", &code); if (terminator == code) item->SetMarked(true); } } return; } case kMsgProgress: { // File transfer progress int32 pos = message->FindInt32("pos"); int32 size = message->FindInt32("size"); BString label = message->FindString("info"); if (pos >= size) { if (!fStatusBar->IsHidden()) { fStatusBar->Hide(); fTermView->ResizeBy(0, fStatusBar->Bounds().Height() - 1); } } else { BString text; text.SetToFormat("%" B_PRId32 "/%" B_PRId32, pos, size); fStatusBar->SetMaxValue(size); fStatusBar->SetTo(pos, label, text); if (fStatusBar->IsHidden()) { fStatusBar->Show(); fTermView->ResizeBy(0, -(fStatusBar->Bounds().Height() - 1)); } } return; } } BWindow::MessageReceived(message); }