/* ProcessController © 2000, Georges-Edouard Berenger, All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2004 beunited.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "MemoryBarMenuItem.h" #include "Colors.h" #include "MemoryBarMenu.h" #include "ProcessController.h" #include #include #include MemoryBarMenuItem::MemoryBarMenuItem(const char *label, team_id team, BBitmap* icon, bool deleteIcon, BMessage* message) : BMenuItem(label, message), fTeamID(team), fIcon(icon), fDeleteIcon(deleteIcon) { Init(); } MemoryBarMenuItem::~MemoryBarMenuItem() { if (fDeleteIcon) delete fIcon; } void MemoryBarMenuItem::Init() { fWriteMemory = -1; fAllMemory = -1; fGrenze1 = -1; fGrenze2 = -1; fLastCommitted = -1; fLastWrite = -1; fLastAll = -1; } void MemoryBarMenuItem::DrawContent() { DrawIcon(); if (fWriteMemory < 0) BarUpdate(); else DrawBar(true); BPoint loc = ContentLocation(); loc.x += 20; Menu()->MovePenTo(loc); BMenuItem::DrawContent(); } void MemoryBarMenuItem::DrawIcon() { // TODO: exact code duplication with TeamBarMenuItem::DrawIcon() if (!fIcon) return; BPoint loc = ContentLocation(); BRect frame = Frame(); loc.y = frame.top + (frame.bottom - frame.top - 15) / 2; BMenu* menu = Menu(); if (fIcon->ColorSpace() == B_RGBA32) { menu->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); menu->SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); } else menu->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); menu->DrawBitmap(fIcon, loc); menu->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_COPY); } void MemoryBarMenuItem::DrawBar(bool force) { // only draw anything if something has changed if (!force && fWriteMemory == fLastWrite && fAllMemory == fLastAll && fCommittedMemory == fLastCommitted) return; bool selected = IsSelected(); BRect frame = Frame(); BMenu* menu = Menu(); // draw the bar itself BRect rect(frame.right - kMargin - kBarWidth, frame.top + 5, frame.right - kMargin, frame.top + 13); if (fWriteMemory < 0) return; if (fGrenze1 < 0) force = true; if (force) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(gFrameColorSelected); else menu->SetHighColor(gFrameColor); menu->StrokeRect(rect); } rect.InsetBy(1, 1); BRect r = rect; double grenze1 = rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) * float(fWriteMemory) / fCommittedMemory; double grenze2 = rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) * float(fAllMemory) / fCommittedMemory; if (grenze1 > rect.right) grenze1 = rect.right; if (grenze2 > rect.right) grenze2 = rect.right; r.right = grenze1; if (!force) r.left = fGrenze1; if (r.left < r.right) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(gKernelColorSelected); else menu->SetHighColor(gKernelColor); menu->FillRect(r); } r.left = grenze1; r.right = grenze2; if (!force) { if (fGrenze2 > r.left && r.left >= fGrenze1) r.left = fGrenze2; if (fGrenze1 < r.right && r.right <= fGrenze2) r.right = fGrenze1; } if (r.left < r.right) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(gUserColorSelected); else menu->SetHighColor(gUserColor); menu->FillRect(r); } r.left = grenze2; r.right = rect.right; if (!force) r.right = fGrenze2; if (r.left < r.right) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(gWhiteSelected); else menu->SetHighColor(kWhite); menu->FillRect(r); } menu->SetHighColor(kBlack); fGrenze1 = grenze1; fGrenze2 = grenze2; fLastCommitted = fCommittedMemory; // Draw the values if necessary; if only fCommitedMemory changes, only // the bar might have to be updated if (!force && fWriteMemory == fLastWrite && fAllMemory == fLastAll) return; if (selected) menu->SetLowColor(gMenuBackColorSelected); else menu->SetLowColor(gMenuBackColor); BRect textRect(rect.left - kMargin - gMemoryTextWidth, frame.top, rect.left - kMargin, frame.bottom); menu->FillRect(textRect, B_SOLID_LOW); fLastWrite = fWriteMemory; fLastAll = fAllMemory; menu->SetHighColor(kBlack); char infos[128]; string_for_size(fWriteMemory * 1024.0, infos, sizeof(infos)); BPoint loc(rect.left - kMargin - gMemoryTextWidth / 2 - menu->StringWidth(infos), rect.bottom + 1); menu->DrawString(infos, loc); string_for_size(fAllMemory * 1024.0, infos, sizeof(infos)); loc.x = rect.left - kMargin - menu->StringWidth(infos); menu->DrawString(infos, loc); } void MemoryBarMenuItem::GetContentSize(float* _width, float* _height) { BMenuItem::GetContentSize(_width, _height); if (*_height < 16) *_height = 16; *_width += 30 + kBarWidth + kMargin + gMemoryTextWidth; } int MemoryBarMenuItem::UpdateSituation(int64 committedMemory) { fCommittedMemory = committedMemory; BarUpdate(); return fWriteMemory; } void MemoryBarMenuItem::BarUpdate() { area_info areaInfo; ssize_t cookie = 0; int64 lram_size = 0; int64 lwram_size = 0; bool exists = false; while (get_next_area_info(fTeamID, &cookie, &areaInfo) == B_OK) { exists = true; lram_size += areaInfo.ram_size; // TODO: this won't work this way anymore under Haiku! // int zone = (int (areaInfo.address) & 0xf0000000) >> 24; if ((areaInfo.protection & B_WRITE_AREA) != 0) lwram_size += areaInfo.ram_size; // && (zone & 0xf0) != 0xA0 // Exclude media buffers // && (fTeamID != gAppServerTeamID || zone != 0x90)) // Exclude app_server side of bitmaps } if (!exists) { team_info info; exists = get_team_info(fTeamID, &info) == B_OK; } if (exists) { fWriteMemory = lwram_size / 1024; fAllMemory = lram_size / 1024; DrawBar(false); } else fWriteMemory = -1; } void MemoryBarMenuItem::Reset(char* name, team_id team, BBitmap* icon, bool deleteIcon) { SetLabel(name); fTeamID = team; if (fDeleteIcon) delete fIcon; fDeleteIcon = deleteIcon; fIcon = icon; Init(); }