/* ProcessController © 2000, Georges-Edouard Berenger, All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2004 beunited.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "KernelMemoryBarMenuItem.h" #include "Colors.h" #include "MemoryBarMenu.h" #include "ProcessController.h" #include #include #include #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "ProcessController" KernelMemoryBarMenuItem::KernelMemoryBarMenuItem(system_info& systemInfo) : BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("System resources & caches" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), NULL) { fLastSum = -1; fGrenze1 = -1; fGrenze2 = -1; fPhysicalMemory = (int64)systemInfo.max_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1024LL; fCommittedMemory = (int64)systemInfo.used_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1024LL; fCachedMemory = (int64)systemInfo.cached_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1024LL; } void KernelMemoryBarMenuItem::DrawContent() { DrawBar(true); Menu()->MovePenTo(ContentLocation()); BMenuItem::DrawContent(); } void KernelMemoryBarMenuItem::UpdateSituation(int64 committedMemory, int64 cachedMemory) { fCommittedMemory = committedMemory; fCachedMemory = cachedMemory; DrawBar(false); } void KernelMemoryBarMenuItem::DrawBar(bool force) { bool selected = IsSelected(); BRect frame = Frame(); BMenu* menu = Menu(); rgb_color highColor = menu->HighColor(); // draw the bar itself BRect cadre (frame.right - kMargin - kBarWidth, frame.top + 5, frame.right - kMargin, frame.top + 13); if (fLastSum < 0) force = true; if (force) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(gFrameColorSelected); else menu->SetHighColor(gFrameColor); menu->StrokeRect (cadre); } cadre.InsetBy(1, 1); BRect r = cadre; double grenze1 = cadre.left + (cadre.right - cadre.left) * fCachedMemory / fPhysicalMemory; double grenze2 = cadre.left + (cadre.right - cadre.left) * fCommittedMemory / fPhysicalMemory; if (grenze1 > cadre.right) grenze1 = cadre.right; if (grenze2 > cadre.right) grenze2 = cadre.right; r.right = grenze1; if (!force) r.left = fGrenze1; if (r.left < r.right) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(gKernelColorSelected); else menu->SetHighColor(gKernelColor); // menu->SetHighColor(gKernelColor); menu->FillRect (r); } r.left = grenze1; r.right = grenze2; if (!force) { if (fGrenze2 > r.left && r.left >= fGrenze1) r.left = fGrenze2; if (fGrenze1 < r.right && r.right <= fGrenze2) r.right = fGrenze1; } if (r.left < r.right) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(tint_color (kLavender, B_HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND_TINT)); else menu->SetHighColor(kLavender); // menu->SetHighColor(gUserColor); menu->FillRect (r); } r.left = grenze2; r.right = cadre.right; if (!force) r.right = fGrenze2; if (r.left < r.right) { if (selected) menu->SetHighColor(gWhiteSelected); else menu->SetHighColor(kWhite); menu->FillRect(r); } menu->SetHighColor(highColor); fGrenze1 = grenze1; fGrenze2 = grenze2; // draw the value double sum = fCachedMemory * FLT_MAX + fCommittedMemory; if (force || sum != fLastSum) { if (selected) { menu->SetLowColor(gMenuBackColorSelected); menu->SetHighColor(gMenuBackColorSelected); } else { menu->SetLowColor(gMenuBackColor); menu->SetHighColor(gMenuBackColor); } BRect trect(cadre.left - kMargin - gMemoryTextWidth, frame.top, cadre.left - kMargin, frame.bottom); menu->FillRect(trect); menu->SetHighColor(highColor); char infos[128]; string_for_size(fCachedMemory * 1024.0, infos, sizeof(infos)); BPoint loc(cadre.left, cadre.bottom + 1); loc.x -= kMargin + gMemoryTextWidth / 2 + menu->StringWidth(infos); menu->DrawString(infos, loc); string_for_size(fCommittedMemory * 1024.0, infos, sizeof(infos)); loc.x = cadre.left - kMargin - menu->StringWidth(infos); menu->DrawString(infos, loc); fLastSum = sum; } } void KernelMemoryBarMenuItem::GetContentSize(float* _width, float* _height) { BMenuItem::GetContentSize(_width, _height); if (*_height < 16) *_height = 16; *_width += 20 + kBarWidth + kMargin + gMemoryTextWidth; }