/* IconMenuItem.cpp ProcessController (c) 2000, Georges-Edouard Berenger, All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2004 beunited.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "IconMenuItem.h" #include #include #include #include #include // -------------------------------------------------------------- IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(BBitmap* icon, const char* title, BMessage* msg, bool drawText, bool purge) :BMenuItem(title, msg), fIcon(icon), fDrawText(drawText), fPurge(purge) { if (!fIcon) DefaultIcon(NULL); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(BBitmap* icon, BMenu* menu, bool drawText, bool purge) :BMenuItem(menu), fIcon(icon), fDrawText(drawText), fPurge(purge) { if (!fIcon) DefaultIcon(NULL); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- IconMenuItem::IconMenuItem(const char* mime, const char* title, BMessage* msg, bool drawText) :BMenuItem(title, msg), fIcon(NULL), fDrawText(drawText) { DefaultIcon(mime); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- IconMenuItem::~IconMenuItem() { if (fPurge && fIcon) delete fIcon; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void IconMenuItem::DrawContent() { BPoint loc; DrawIcon(); if (fDrawText) { loc = ContentLocation(); loc.x += 20; Menu()->MovePenTo(loc); BMenuItem::DrawContent(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void IconMenuItem::Highlight(bool hilited) { BMenuItem::Highlight(hilited); DrawIcon(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void IconMenuItem::DrawIcon() { BPoint loc; loc = ContentLocation(); BRect frame = Frame(); loc.y = frame.top + (frame.bottom - frame.top - 15) / 2; Menu()->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); if (fIcon) Menu()->DrawBitmap(fIcon, loc); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void IconMenuItem::GetContentSize(float* width, float* height) { BMenuItem::GetContentSize(width, height); int limit = IconMenuItem::MinHeight(); if (*height < limit) *height = limit; if (fDrawText) *width += 20; else *width = 16; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void IconMenuItem::DefaultIcon(const char* mime) { BRect r(0, 0, 15, 15); fIcon = new BBitmap(r, B_COLOR_8_BIT); if (mime) { BMimeType mimeType(mime); if (mimeType.GetIcon(fIcon, B_MINI_ICON)!=B_OK) fDrawText = true; } else { app_info info; be_app->GetAppInfo(&info); if (BNodeInfo::GetTrackerIcon(&info.ref, fIcon, B_MINI_ICON)!=B_OK) fDrawText = true; } fPurge = true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- int IconMenuItem::MinHeight() { static int minheight = -1; if (minheight < 0) minheight = before_dano() ? 16 : 17; return minheight; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- bool before_dano() { static int old_version = -1; if (old_version < 0) { system_info sys_info; get_system_info(&sys_info); time_t kernelTime = parsedate(sys_info.kernel_build_date, time(NULL)); struct tm * date = gmtime(&kernelTime); old_version = (date->tm_year < 101 || date->tm_year == 101 && date->tm_mon < 10); } return old_version; }