/* * Copyright 2009-2017, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Clemens Zeidler, haiku@Clemens-Zeidler.de * Kacper Kasper, kacperkasper@gmail.com */ #include "ExtendedInfoWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "PowerStatus" const size_t kLinesCount = 16; // #pragma mark - BatteryInfoView::BatteryInfoView() : BView("battery info view", B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS) { SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL, B_USE_ITEM_SPACING)); for (size_t i = 0; i < kLinesCount; i++) { BStringView* view = new BStringView("info", ""); AddChild(view); fStringList.AddItem(view); } fStringList.ItemAt(0)->SetFont(be_bold_font); AddChild(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue()); } BatteryInfoView::~BatteryInfoView() { for (int32 i = 0; i < fStringList.CountItems(); i++) delete fStringList.ItemAt(i); } void BatteryInfoView::Update(battery_info& info, acpi_extended_battery_info& extInfo) { fBatteryInfo = info; fBatteryExtendedInfo = extInfo; for (size_t i = 0; i < kLinesCount; i++) { fStringList.ItemAt(i)->SetText(_GetTextForLine(i)); } } void BatteryInfoView::AttachedToWindow() { Window()->CenterOnScreen(); } BString BatteryInfoView::_GetTextForLine(size_t line) { BString powerUnit; BString rateUnit; switch (fBatteryExtendedInfo.power_unit) { case 0: powerUnit = B_TRANSLATE(" mWh"); rateUnit = B_TRANSLATE(" mW"); break; case 1: powerUnit = B_TRANSLATE(" mAh"); rateUnit = B_TRANSLATE(" mA"); break; } BString string; switch (line) { case 0: { if ((fBatteryInfo.state & BATTERY_CHARGING) != 0) string = B_TRANSLATE("Battery charging"); else if ((fBatteryInfo.state & BATTERY_DISCHARGING) != 0) string = B_TRANSLATE("Battery discharging"); else if ((fBatteryInfo.state & BATTERY_CRITICAL_STATE) != 0 && fBatteryExtendedInfo.model_number[0] == '\0' && fBatteryExtendedInfo.serial_number[0] == '\0' && fBatteryExtendedInfo.type[0] == '\0' && fBatteryExtendedInfo.oem_info[0] == '\0') string = B_TRANSLATE("Empty battery slot"); else if ((fBatteryInfo.state & BATTERY_CRITICAL_STATE) != 0) string = B_TRANSLATE("Damaged battery"); else string = B_TRANSLATE("Battery unused"); break; } case 1: string = B_TRANSLATE("Capacity: "); string << fBatteryInfo.capacity; string << powerUnit; break; case 2: string = B_TRANSLATE("Last full charge: "); string << fBatteryInfo.full_capacity; string << powerUnit; break; case 3: string = B_TRANSLATE("Current rate: "); string << fBatteryInfo.current_rate; string << rateUnit; break; // case 4 missed intentionally case 5: string = B_TRANSLATE("Design capacity: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.design_capacity; string << powerUnit; break; case 6: string = B_TRANSLATE("Technology: "); if (fBatteryExtendedInfo.technology == 0) string << B_TRANSLATE("non-rechargeable"); else if (fBatteryExtendedInfo.technology == 1) string << B_TRANSLATE("rechargeable"); else string << "?"; break; case 7: string = B_TRANSLATE("Design voltage: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.design_voltage; string << B_TRANSLATE(" mV"); break; case 8: string = B_TRANSLATE("Design capacity warning: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.design_capacity_warning; string << powerUnit; break; case 9: string = B_TRANSLATE("Design capacity low warning: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.design_capacity_low; string << powerUnit; break; case 10: string = B_TRANSLATE("Capacity granularity 1: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.capacity_granularity_1; string << powerUnit; break; case 11: string = B_TRANSLATE("Capacity granularity 2: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.capacity_granularity_2; string << powerUnit; break; case 12: string = B_TRANSLATE("Model number: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.model_number; break; case 13: string = B_TRANSLATE("Serial number: "); string << fBatteryExtendedInfo.serial_number; break; case 14: string = B_TRANSLATE("Type: "); string += fBatteryExtendedInfo.type; break; case 15: string = B_TRANSLATE("OEM info: "); string += fBatteryExtendedInfo.oem_info; break; default: string = ""; break; } return string; } // #pragma mark - ExtPowerStatusView::ExtPowerStatusView(PowerStatusDriverInterface* interface, BRect frame, int32 resizingMode, int batteryID, ExtendedInfoWindow* window) : PowerStatusView(interface, frame, resizingMode, batteryID), fExtendedInfoWindow(window), fBatteryInfoView(window->GetExtendedBatteryInfoView()), fSelected(false) { } void ExtPowerStatusView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (fSelected) { rgb_color lowColor = LowColor(); SetLowColor(102, 152, 203); FillRect(updateRect, B_SOLID_LOW); SetLowColor(lowColor); } PowerStatusView::Draw(updateRect); } void ExtPowerStatusView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { if (!fSelected) { fSelected = true; Update(true); if (ExtendedInfoWindow* window = dynamic_cast(Window())) window->BatterySelected(this); } } void ExtPowerStatusView::Select(bool select) { fSelected = select; Update(true); } bool ExtPowerStatusView::IsCritical() { return (fBatteryInfo.state & BATTERY_CRITICAL_STATE) != 0; } void ExtPowerStatusView::Update(bool force) { PowerStatusView::Update(force); if (!fSelected) return; acpi_extended_battery_info extInfo; fDriverInterface->GetExtendedBatteryInfo(fBatteryID, &extInfo); fBatteryInfoView->Update(fBatteryInfo, extInfo); fBatteryInfoView->Invalidate(); } // #pragma mark - ExtendedInfoWindow::ExtendedInfoWindow(PowerStatusDriverInterface* interface) : BWindow(BRect(100, 150, 500, 500), B_TRANSLATE("Extended battery info"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_AVOID_FRONT | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS), fDriverInterface(interface), fSelectedView(NULL) { fDriverInterface->AcquireReference(); BView *view = new BView(Bounds(), "view", B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0); view->SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); AddChild(view); BGroupLayout* mainLayout = new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL); mainLayout->SetSpacing(10); mainLayout->SetInsets(10, 10, 10, 10); view->SetLayout(mainLayout); BRect rect = Bounds(); rect.InsetBy(5, 5); BBox *infoBox = new BBox(rect, B_TRANSLATE("Power status box")); infoBox->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Battery info")); BGroupLayout* infoLayout = new BGroupLayout(B_HORIZONTAL); infoLayout->SetInsets(10, infoBox->TopBorderOffset() * 2 + 10, 10, 10); infoLayout->SetSpacing(10); infoBox->SetLayout(infoLayout); mainLayout->AddView(infoBox); BGroupView* batteryView = new BGroupView(B_VERTICAL); batteryView->GroupLayout()->SetSpacing(10); infoLayout->AddView(batteryView); // create before the battery views fBatteryInfoView = new BatteryInfoView(); BGroupLayout* batteryLayout = batteryView->GroupLayout(); BRect batteryRect(0, 0, 50, 30); for (int i = 0; i < interface->GetBatteryCount(); i++) { ExtPowerStatusView* view = new ExtPowerStatusView(interface, batteryRect, B_FOLLOW_NONE, i, this); view->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(70, 80)); view->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(70, 80)); batteryLayout->AddView(view); fBatteryViewList.AddItem(view); fDriverInterface->StartWatching(view); if (!view->IsCritical()) fSelectedView = view; } batteryLayout->AddItem(BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue()); infoLayout->AddView(fBatteryInfoView); if (!fSelectedView && fBatteryViewList.CountItems() > 0) fSelectedView = fBatteryViewList.ItemAt(0); fSelectedView->Select(); BSize size = mainLayout->PreferredSize(); ResizeTo(size.width, size.height); } ExtendedInfoWindow::~ExtendedInfoWindow() { for (int i = 0; i < fBatteryViewList.CountItems(); i++) fDriverInterface->StopWatching(fBatteryViewList.ItemAt(i)); fDriverInterface->ReleaseReference(); } BatteryInfoView* ExtendedInfoWindow::GetExtendedBatteryInfoView() { return fBatteryInfoView; } void ExtendedInfoWindow::BatterySelected(ExtPowerStatusView* view) { if (fSelectedView) { fSelectedView->Select(false); fSelectedView->Invalidate(); } fSelectedView = view; }