/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * * Author: * Ɓukasz 'Sil2100' Zemczak */ #include "PackageItem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "zlib.h" // Macro reserved for later localization #define T(x) x enum { P_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 }; static const uint32 kDefaultMode = 0777; static const uint8 padding[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; enum { P_DATA = 0, P_ATTRIBUTE }; status_t inflate_data(uint8 *in, uint32 in_size, uint8 *out, uint32 out_size) { z_stream stream; stream.zalloc = Z_NULL; stream.zfree = Z_NULL; stream.opaque = Z_NULL; stream.avail_in = in_size; stream.next_in = in; status_t ret; ret = inflateInit(&stream); if (ret != Z_OK) return B_ERROR; stream.avail_out = out_size; stream.next_out = out; ret = inflate(&stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) { parser_debug("Left: %d\n", stream.avail_out); return B_ERROR; // Uncompressed file size in package info corrupted } (void)inflateEnd(&stream); return B_OK; } static inline int inflate_file_to_file(BFile *in, uint64 in_size, BFile *out, uint64 out_size) { z_stream stream; stream.zalloc = Z_NULL; stream.zfree = Z_NULL; stream.opaque = Z_NULL; stream.avail_in = 0; stream.next_in = Z_NULL; status_t ret; uint8 buffer_out[P_CHUNK_SIZE], buffer_in[P_CHUNK_SIZE]; uint64 bytes_read = 0, read = P_CHUNK_SIZE, write = 0; ret = inflateInit(&stream); if (ret != Z_OK) return B_ERROR; do { bytes_read += P_CHUNK_SIZE; if (bytes_read > in_size) { read = in_size - (bytes_read - P_CHUNK_SIZE); bytes_read = in_size; } stream.avail_in = in->Read(buffer_in, read); if (stream.avail_in != read) { (void)inflateEnd(&stream); return B_ERROR; } stream.next_in = buffer_in; do { stream.avail_out = P_CHUNK_SIZE; stream.next_out = buffer_out; ret = inflate(&stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END && ret != Z_BUF_ERROR) { (void)inflateEnd(&stream); return B_ERROR; } write = P_CHUNK_SIZE - stream.avail_out; if (static_cast(out->Write(buffer_out, write)) != write) { (void)inflateEnd(&stream); return B_ERROR; } } while (stream.avail_out == 0); } while (bytes_read != in_size); (void)inflateEnd(&stream); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - PkgDirectory::PkgDirectory(BFile *parent, BString path, uint8 type, uint32 ctime, uint32 mtime, uint64 offset, uint64 size) : fPath(path), fOffset(offset), fSize(size), fPathType(type), fCreationTime(ctime), fModificationTime(mtime), fPackage(parent) { } void PkgDirectory::SetTo(BFile *parent, BString path, uint8 type, uint32 ctime, uint32 mtime, uint64 offset, uint64 size) { fPackage = parent; fPath = path; fOffset = offset; fSize = size; fPathType = type; fCreationTime = ctime; fModificationTime = mtime; } PkgDirectory::~PkgDirectory() { } status_t PkgDirectory::WriteToPath(const char *path, BPath *final) { BPath destination; status_t ret; parser_debug("Directory: %s WriteToPath() called!\n", fPath.String()); ret = _InitPath(path, &destination); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; // Since Haiku is single-user right now, we give the newly // created directory default permissions ret = create_directory(destination.Path(), kDefaultMode); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; BDirectory dir(destination.Path()); parser_debug("Directory created!\n"); if (fCreationTime) dir.SetCreationTime(static_cast(fCreationTime)); if (fModificationTime) dir.SetModificationTime(static_cast(fModificationTime)); // Since directories can only have attributes in the offset section, // we can check here whether it is necessary to continue if (fOffset) { ret = _HandleAttributes(&destination, &dir, "FoDa"); } if (final) { *final = destination; } return ret; } int32 PkgDirectory::_ItemExists(const char *name) { BString alertString = T("The file named"); alertString << " \'" << name << "\' "; alertString << T("already exists in the given path. Should I replace " "the existing file with the one from this package?"); BAlert *alert = new BAlert(T("file_exists"), alertString.String(), T("Yes"), T("No"), T("Abort")); return alert->Go(); } status_t PkgDirectory::_InitPath(const char *path, BPath *destination) { status_t ret = B_OK; if (fPathType == P_INSTALL_PATH) { if (!path) return B_ERROR; ret = destination->SetTo(path, fPath.String()); } else if (fPathType == P_SYSTEM_PATH) ret = destination->SetTo(fPath.String()); else { if (!path) return B_ERROR; BVolume volume(dev_for_path(path)); ret = volume.InitCheck(); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; BDirectory temp; ret = volume.GetRootDirectory(&temp); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; BPath mountPoint(&temp, NULL); ret = destination->SetTo(mountPoint.Path(), fPath.String()); } return ret; } status_t PkgDirectory::_HandleAttributes(BPath *destination, BNode *node, const char *header) { status_t ret = B_OK; BVolume volume(dev_for_path(destination->Path())); if (volume.KnowsAttr()) { parser_debug("We have an offset\n"); if (!fPackage) return B_ERROR; ret = fPackage->InitCheck(); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; // We need to parse the data section now fPackage->Seek(fOffset, SEEK_SET); uint8 buffer[7]; if (fPackage->Read(buffer, 7) != 7 || memcmp(buffer, header, 5)) return B_ERROR; parser_debug("Header validated!\n"); char *attrName = 0; uint32 nameSize = 0; uint8 *attrData = new uint8[P_CHUNK_SIZE]; uint64 dataSize = P_CHUNK_SIZE; uint8 *temp = new uint8[P_CHUNK_SIZE]; uint64 tempSize = P_CHUNK_SIZE; uint64 attrCSize = 0, attrOSize = 0; uint32 attrType = 0; // type_code type bool attrStarted = false, done = false; while (fPackage->Read(buffer, 7) == 7) { if (!memcmp(buffer, "FBeA", 5)) continue; ret = _ParseAttribute(buffer, node, &attrName, &nameSize, &attrType, &attrData, &dataSize, &temp, &tempSize, &attrCSize, &attrOSize, &attrStarted, &done); if (ret != B_OK || done) break; } delete[] attrData; delete[] temp; } return ret; } inline status_t PkgDirectory::_ParseAttribute(uint8 *buffer, BNode *node, char **attrName, uint32 *nameSize, uint32 *attrType, uint8 **attrData, uint64 *dataSize, uint8 **temp, uint64 *tempSize, uint64 *attrCSize, uint64 *attrOSize, bool *attrStarted, bool *done) { status_t ret = B_OK; uint32 length; if (!memcmp(buffer, "BeAI", 5)) { parser_debug(" Attribute started.\n"); if (*attrName) *attrName[0] = 0; *attrCSize = 0; *attrOSize = 0; *attrStarted = true; } else if (!memcmp(buffer, "BeAN", 5)) { if (!*attrStarted) { ret = B_ERROR; return ret; } parser_debug(" BeAN.\n"); fPackage->Read(&length, 4); swap_data(B_UINT32_TYPE, &length, sizeof(uint32), B_SWAP_BENDIAN_TO_HOST); if (*nameSize < (length + 1)) { delete *attrName; *nameSize = length + 1; *attrName = new char[*nameSize]; } fPackage->Read(*attrName, length); (*attrName)[length] = 0; parser_debug(" (%d) = %s\n", length, *attrName); } else if (!memcmp(buffer, "BeAT", 5)) { if (!*attrStarted) { ret = B_ERROR; return ret; } parser_debug(" BeAT.\n"); fPackage->Read(attrType, 4); swap_data(B_UINT32_TYPE, attrType, sizeof(*attrType), B_SWAP_BENDIAN_TO_HOST); } else if (!memcmp(buffer, "BeAD", 5)) { if (!*attrStarted) { ret = B_ERROR; return ret; } parser_debug(" BeAD.\n"); fPackage->Read(attrCSize, 8); swap_data(B_UINT64_TYPE, attrCSize, sizeof(*attrCSize), B_SWAP_BENDIAN_TO_HOST); fPackage->Read(attrOSize, 8); swap_data(B_UINT64_TYPE, attrOSize, sizeof(*attrOSize), B_SWAP_BENDIAN_TO_HOST); fPackage->Seek(4, SEEK_CUR); // TODO: Check what this means if (*tempSize < *attrCSize) { delete *temp; *tempSize = *attrCSize; *temp = new uint8[*tempSize]; } if (*dataSize < *attrOSize) { delete *attrData; *dataSize = *attrOSize; *attrData = new uint8[*dataSize]; } if (fPackage->Read(*temp, *attrCSize) != static_cast(*attrCSize)) { ret = B_ERROR; return ret; } parser_debug(" Data read successfuly. Inflating!\n"); ret = inflate_data(*temp, *tempSize, *attrData, *dataSize); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; } else if (!memcmp(buffer, padding, 7)) { if (!*attrStarted) { *done = true; return ret; } parser_debug(" Padding.\n"); ssize_t wrote = node->WriteAttr(*attrName, *attrType, 0, *attrData, *attrOSize); if(wrote != static_cast(*attrOSize)) { ret = B_ERROR; return ret; } *attrStarted = false; if (*attrName) *attrName[0] = 0; *attrCSize = 0; *attrOSize = 0; parser_debug(" > Attribute added.\n"); } else { ret = B_ERROR; } return ret; } inline status_t PkgDirectory::_ParseData(uint8 *buffer, BFile *file, uint64 originalSize, bool *done) { status_t ret = B_OK; if (!memcmp(buffer, "FiMF", 5)) { parser_debug(" Found file data.\n"); uint64 compressed, original; fPackage->Read(&compressed, 8); swap_data(B_UINT64_TYPE, &compressed, sizeof(uint64), B_SWAP_BENDIAN_TO_HOST); fPackage->Read(&original, 8); swap_data(B_UINT64_TYPE, &original, sizeof(uint64), B_SWAP_BENDIAN_TO_HOST); parser_debug(" Still good... (%llu : %llu)\n", original, originalSize); if (original != originalSize) { ret = B_ERROR; // File size missmatch return ret; } parser_debug(" Still good...\n"); if (fPackage->Read(buffer, 4) != 4) { ret = B_ERROR; return ret; } parser_debug(" Still good...\n"); ret = inflate_file_to_file(fPackage, compressed, file, original); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; parser_debug(" File data inflation complete!\n"); } else if (!memcmp(buffer, padding, 7)) { *done = true; return ret; } else { ret = B_ERROR; } return ret; } PkgFile::PkgFile(BFile *parent, BString path, uint8 type, uint32 ctime, uint32 mtime, uint64 offset, uint64 size, uint64 originalSize, uint32 platform, BString mime, BString signature, uint32 mode) : PkgItem(parent, path, type, ctime, mtime, offset, size), fOriginalSize(originalSize), fPlatform(platform), fMode(mode), fMimeType(mime), fSignature(signature) { } PkgFile::~PkgFile() { } status_t PkgFile::WriteToPath(const char *path, BPath *final) { BPath destination; status_t ret; parser_debug("File: %s WriteToPath() called!\n", fPath.String()); ret = _InitPath(path, &destination); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; BFile file(destination.Path(), B_WRITE_ONLY | B_CREATE_FILE | B_FAIL_IF_EXISTS); ret = file.InitCheck(); if (ret == B_FILE_EXISTS) { int32 selection = _ItemExists(destination.Leaf()); switch (selection) { case 0: ret = file.SetTo(destination.Path(), B_WRITE_ONLY | B_ERASE_FILE); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; break; case 1: return B_OK; default: return B_FILE_EXISTS; } } else if (ret == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { BPath directory; destination.GetParent(&directory); if (create_directory(directory.Path(), kDefaultMode) != B_OK) return B_ERROR; ret = file.SetTo(destination.Path(), B_WRITE_ONLY | B_CREATE_FILE); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; } else if (ret != B_OK) return ret; parser_debug(" File created!\n"); // Set the file permissions, creation and modification times ret = file.SetPermissions(static_cast(fMode)); if (fCreationTime) ret |= file.SetCreationTime(static_cast(fCreationTime)); if (fModificationTime) ret |= file.SetModificationTime(static_cast(fModificationTime)); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; // Set the mimetype and application signature if present BNodeInfo info(&file); if (fMimeType.Length() > 0) { ret = info.SetType(fMimeType.String()); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; } if (fSignature.Length() > 0) { ret = info.SetPreferredApp(fSignature.String()); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; } if (fOffset) { parser_debug("We have an offset\n"); if (!fPackage) return B_ERROR; ret = fPackage->InitCheck(); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; // We need to parse the data section now fPackage->Seek(fOffset, SEEK_SET); uint8 buffer[7]; char *attrName = 0; uint32 nameSize = 0; uint8 *attrData = new uint8[P_CHUNK_SIZE]; uint64 dataSize = P_CHUNK_SIZE; uint8 *temp = new uint8[P_CHUNK_SIZE]; uint64 tempSize = P_CHUNK_SIZE; uint64 attrCSize = 0, attrOSize = 0; uint32 attrType = 0; // type_code type bool attrStarted = false, done = false; uint8 section = P_ATTRIBUTE; while (fPackage->Read(buffer, 7) == 7) { if (!memcmp(buffer, "FBeA", 5)) { parser_debug("-> Attribute\n"); section = P_ATTRIBUTE; continue; } else if (!memcmp(buffer, "FiDa", 5)) { parser_debug("-> File data\n"); section = P_DATA; continue; } switch (section) { case P_ATTRIBUTE: { ret = _ParseAttribute(buffer, &file, &attrName, &nameSize, &attrType, &attrData, &dataSize, &temp, &tempSize, &attrCSize, &attrOSize, &attrStarted, &done); break; } case P_DATA: { ret = _ParseData(buffer, &file, fOriginalSize, &done); break; } default: return B_ERROR; } if (ret != B_OK || done) break; } delete[] attrData; delete[] temp; } if (final) { *final = destination; } return ret; } PkgLink::PkgLink(BFile *parent, BString path, BString link, uint8 type, uint32 ctime, uint32 mtime, uint32 mode, uint64 offset, uint64 size) : PkgItem(parent, path, type, ctime, mtime, offset, size), fMode(mode), fLink(link) { } PkgLink::~PkgLink() { } status_t PkgLink::WriteToPath(const char *path, BPath *final) { BPath destination; status_t ret; parser_debug("Symlink: %s WriteToPath() called!\n", fPath.String()); ret = _InitPath(path, &destination); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; BString linkName(destination.Leaf()); parser_debug("%s:%s:%s\n", fPath.String(), destination.Path(), linkName.String()); BPath dirPath; ret = destination.GetParent(&dirPath); BDirectory dir(dirPath.Path()); ret = dir.InitCheck(); if (ret == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { if (create_directory(destination.Path(), kDefaultMode) != B_OK) return B_ERROR; } if (ret != B_OK) return ret; BSymLink symlink; ret = dir.CreateSymLink(linkName.String(), fLink.String(), &symlink); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; parser_debug(" Symlink created!\n"); ret = symlink.SetPermissions(static_cast(fMode)); if (fCreationTime) ret |= symlink.SetCreationTime(static_cast(fCreationTime)); if (fModificationTime) ret |= symlink.SetModificationTime(static_cast(fModificationTime)); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; if (fOffset) { // Simlinks also seem to have attributes - so parse them ret = _HandleAttributes(&destination, &dir, "LnDa"); } if (final) { *final = destination; } return ret; }