/* * Copyright 2011, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Clemens Zeidler */ #include "MusicCollectionWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "ALMLayout.h" #include "ALMLayoutBuilder.h" static int StringItemComp(const BListItem* first, const BListItem* second) { BStringItem* firstItem = (BStringItem*)first; BStringItem* secondItem = (BStringItem*)second; return BPrivate::NaturalCompare(firstItem->Text(), secondItem->Text()); } template class ListViewListener : public EntryViewInterface { public: ListViewListener(BOutlineListView* list, BStringView* countView) : fListView(list), fCountView(countView), fItemCount(0) { } void SetQueryString(const char* string) { fQueryString = string; } void EntryCreated(WatchedFile* file) { //ListItem* item1 = new ListItem(file->entry.name, file); //fListView->AddItem(item1); fItemCount++; BString count("Count: "); count << fItemCount; fCountView->SetText(count); const ssize_t bufferSize = 256; char buffer[bufferSize]; BNode node(&file->entry); ssize_t readBytes; readBytes = node.ReadAttr("Audio:Artist", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, bufferSize); if (readBytes < 0) readBytes = 0; if (readBytes >= bufferSize) readBytes = bufferSize - 1; buffer[readBytes] = '\0'; BString artist = (strcmp(buffer, "") == 0) ? "Unknown" : buffer; ListItem* artistItem = _AddSuperItem(artist, fArtistList, NULL); readBytes = node.ReadAttr("Audio:Album", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, bufferSize); if (readBytes < 0) readBytes = 0; buffer[readBytes] = '\0'; BString album = (strcmp(buffer, "") == 0) ? "Unknown" : buffer; ListItem* albumItem = _AddSuperItem(album, fAlbumList, artistItem); readBytes = node.ReadAttr("Media:Title", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, buffer, bufferSize); if (readBytes < 0) readBytes = 0; buffer[readBytes] = '\0'; BString title= (strcmp(buffer, "") == 0) ? file->entry.name : buffer; ListItem* item = new ListItem(title, file); file->cookie = item; fListView->AddUnder(item, albumItem); fListView->SortItemsUnder(albumItem, true, StringItemComp); if (fQueryString == "") return; if (title.IFindFirst(fQueryString) >= 0) { fListView->Expand(artistItem); fListView->Expand(albumItem); } else if (album.IFindFirst(fQueryString) >= 0) { fListView->Expand(artistItem); } }; void EntryRemoved(WatchedFile* file) { ListItem* item = (ListItem*)file->cookie; ListItem* album = (ListItem*)fListView->Superitem(item); fListView->RemoveItem(item); if (album != NULL && fListView->CountItemsUnder(album, true) == 0) { ListItem* artist = (ListItem*)fListView->Superitem(album); fListView->RemoveItem(album); if (artist != NULL && fListView->CountItemsUnder(artist, true) == 0) fListView->RemoveItem(artist); } }; void EntryMoved(WatchedFile* file) { AttrChanged(file); }; void AttrChanged(WatchedFile* file) { EntryRemoved(file); EntryCreated(file); } void EntriesCleared() { for (int32 i = 0; i < fListView->FullListCountItems(); i++) delete fListView->FullListItemAt(i); fListView->MakeEmpty(); fArtistList.MakeEmpty(); fAlbumList.MakeEmpty(); printf("prev count %i\n", (int)fItemCount); fItemCount = 0; fCountView->SetText("Count: 0"); } private: ListItem* _AddSuperItem(const char* name, BObjectList& list, ListItem* under) { ListItem* item = _FindStringItem(list, name, under); if (item != NULL) return item; item = new ListItem(name); fListView->AddUnder(item, under); fListView->SortItemsUnder(under, true, StringItemComp); list.AddItem(item); fListView->Collapse(item); return item; } ListItem* _FindStringItem(BObjectList& list, const char* text, ListItem* parent) { for (int32 i = 0; i < list.CountItems(); i++) { ListItem* item = list.ItemAt(i); ListItem* superItem = (ListItem*)fListView->Superitem(item); if (parent != NULL && parent != superItem) continue; if (strcmp(item->Text(), text) == 0) return item; } return NULL; } BOutlineListView* fListView; BStringView* fCountView; BObjectList fArtistList; BObjectList fAlbumList; BString fQueryString; int32 fItemCount; }; const uint32 kMsgQueryInput = '&qin'; const uint32 kMsgItemInvoked = '&iin'; MusicCollectionWindow::MusicCollectionWindow(BRect frame, const char* title) : BWindow(frame, title, B_DOCUMENT_WINDOW, B_AVOID_FRONT) { fQueryField = new BTextControl("Search: ", "", NULL); fQueryField->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT)); fQueryField->SetModificationMessage(new BMessage(kMsgQueryInput)); fCountView = new BStringView("Count View", "Count:"); fFileListView = new MusicFileListView("File List View"); fFileListView->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(kMsgItemInvoked)); BScrollView* scrollView = new BScrollView("list scroll", fFileListView, 0, true, true, B_PLAIN_BORDER); BALMLayout* layout = new BALMLayout(B_USE_ITEM_SPACING, B_USE_ITEM_SPACING); BALM::BALMLayoutBuilder(this, layout) .SetInsets(B_USE_WINDOW_INSETS) .Add(fQueryField, layout->Left(), layout->Top()) .StartingAt(fQueryField) .AddToRight(fCountView, layout->Right()) .AddBelow(scrollView, layout->Bottom(), layout->Left(), layout->Right()); Area* area = layout->AreaFor(scrollView); area->SetLeftInset(0); area->SetRightInset(0); area->SetBottomInset(0); BSize min = layout->MinSize(); BSize max = layout->MaxSize(); SetSizeLimits(min.Width(), max.Width(), min.Height(), max.Height()); fEntryViewInterface = new ListViewListener(fFileListView, fCountView); fQueryHandler = new QueryHandler(fEntryViewInterface); AddHandler(fQueryHandler); fQueryReader = new QueryReader(fQueryHandler); fQueryHandler->SetReadThread(fQueryReader); // start initial query PostMessage(kMsgQueryInput); } MusicCollectionWindow::~MusicCollectionWindow() { delete fQueryReader; delete fQueryHandler; delete fEntryViewInterface; } bool MusicCollectionWindow::QuitRequested() { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } void MusicCollectionWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kMsgQueryInput: _StartNewQuery(); break; case kMsgItemInvoked: fFileListView->Launch(message); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); } } void CaseInsensitiveString(BString &instring, BString &outstring) { outstring = ""; int i = 0; while (instring[i]) { if (instring[i] >= 65 && instring[i] <= 90) // capital letters { int ch = instring[i] + 32; outstring += "["; outstring += ch; outstring += instring[i]; outstring += "]"; } else if (instring[i] >= 97 && instring[i] <= 122) { int ch = instring[i]-32; outstring += "["; outstring += instring[i]; outstring += ch; outstring += "]"; } else outstring += instring[i]; i++; } } void MusicCollectionWindow::_StartNewQuery() { fQueryReader->Reset(); fQueryHandler->Reset(); BString orgString = fQueryField->Text(); ((ListViewListener*)fEntryViewInterface)->SetQueryString( orgString); BVolume volume; //BVolumeRoster().GetBootVolume(&volume); BVolumeRoster roster; while (roster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) { if (!volume.KnowsQuery()) continue; BQuery* query = _CreateQuery(orgString); query->SetVolume(&volume); fQueryReader->AddQuery(query); } fQueryReader->Run(); } BQuery* MusicCollectionWindow::_CreateQuery(BString& orgString) { BQuery* query = new BQuery; BString queryString; CaseInsensitiveString(orgString, queryString); query->PushAttr("Media:Title"); query->PushString(queryString); query->PushOp(B_CONTAINS); query->PushAttr("Audio:Album"); query->PushString(queryString); query->PushOp(B_CONTAINS); query->PushOp(B_OR); query->PushAttr("Audio:Artist"); query->PushString(queryString); query->PushOp(B_CONTAINS); query->PushOp(B_OR); if (queryString == "") { query->PushAttr("BEOS:TYPE"); query->PushString("audio/"); query->PushOp(B_BEGINS_WITH); query->PushOp(B_OR); } query->PushAttr("BEOS:TYPE"); query->PushString("audio/"); query->PushOp(B_BEGINS_WITH); query->PushAttr("name"); query->PushString(queryString); query->PushOp(B_CONTAINS); query->PushOp(B_AND); query->PushOp(B_OR); return query; }